This is not a stable industry. The royalty cheques are great passive income, once they start coming in. But you can’t predict which songs are going to be Something Stupid and which songs are going to drop off after six months. Maybe one of your tunes blows up and you’re set for life. More likely, you make a decent but volatile income that averages out over time to something approaching middle-class.
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They could have done anything, but the Votto still bangs shirt What’s more,I will buy this plot of 3 is probably the worst of all stories. 3 was stupid. 4 was just ridiculous. Between 3 and 4, I was bounced out of the whole story line, and I’ve not been back. Personally, I’d like to see them do a new movie where the survivors of 2 make it back to Earth and Ripley finds out 3 and 4 were just bad dreams. Then you tell the real story of how Earth copes with the Alie