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Swim with the Sea Lions this Summer!
Join us on Tuesday, April 11 from 6:00-8:00 PM in the Clubhouse to learn about SGCC’s junior swim team and swim lesson offerings. We’ll have vendors on site for suit fittings and so you can pick up gear like goggles, swim caps, etc. for your swimmer.
Our swim team is part of the Dominion Country Club League, and is open to member dependents ages 4-18 who are able to swim the length of the pool safely and consistently. No experience is necessary! We’re happy to teach your child the strokes. Please note, swimmers cannot participate in another league.
New to SGCC? Swim team is the best way for kids and parents alike to meet fellow members and make friends. We have all levels of swimmers from record-holders to those just there for the friendship and awesome dance parties.
Can’t make it on April 11? Email sgccsealions@gmail.com for more information.