2 minute read
Board Report

While meteorological summer rolls around later this month, here at SGCC summer started over Memorial Day weekend with the Pool opening and the Club’s annual picnic. It was great to see so many new faces roaming around the Patio and grounds. Our membership is strong and still growing. When you get to the Pool, you’ll notice that we have continued to expand our seating and lounging with more to come to accommodate our busy summer days.
June always has plenty to look forward to. Our swim team, the Sea Lions, started practices and we’ll be cheering our kids on at meets in a few weeks. If you are new to SGCC and have kids, I highly recommend getting them involved in the swim team. Many of the great friendships that my wife and I have made over the years started at the Pool. There are great opportunities to volunteer, too, and I, myself, am typically a fixture as a Lane 6 timer at our home meets.
Warmer evenings and longer days are here which means there is a lot more time to spend with friends on the Patio, enjoying the many events and Happy Hours of the summer months. One of my personal favorites, the 3-Day Member Guest Golf Tournament, is coming up at the end of the month and promises to be another stellar event. Looking a little further ahead, make sure to mark your calendars for the July 3rd picnic and fireworks display trust me, you don’t want to miss out on our most popular event of the summer.
Whether you play racquet sports or not, I encourage you to take a look at our beautiful new outdoor tennis courts, as our hard court renovation wrapped up in time for the season start. The Women’s B Team had the honor of christening the newly resurfaced tennis courts with some match play against another local club.
With the busy season underway and school wrapping up, we will have more people and more children around with the start of summer camps, days at the Pool, and family dinners on the Patio, so please be mindful of SGCC’s decorum and dress code policies that were outlined in my email last month. As a quick reminder, tee shirts, midriff-baring tops, cut offs, swimwear, and workout attire are not permitted in the Clubhouse or on the Patio. Please remind your guests to bring a change of clothes and take advantage of the locker rooms at the Pool and the Racquets & Fitness Center before coming up for dinner and drinks.
We also realize that summer is a great time to show off our Club to guests, so please be mindful of our guest policies. All guests must be registered/checked in. Pool guests must be registered at the Pool Desk, and all people using the tennis courts must check in with the Racquets Desk prior to beginning play. If you are interested in procuring a house pass for visiting family and friends, please email frontdesk@ sgccva.org.

On the business side, I once again want to give a warm welcome to our new General Manager, Steve Lawson. Steve has really hit the ground running and endured his first Board Meeting as well as several Committee meetings. He is constantly roaming the grounds and meeting our members, so please take the time to say hello. We will have a welcome party for Steve soon, so be on the lookout for details. The Club’s financial health continues to be strong and with the loan on the Clubhouse now fully paid off we will continue to work on some maintenance around the property, evaluate the spillway project, and begin to plan for new capital projects, including our Driving Range.
All in all, I would say we are in a very good place. Our membership is growing and enthusiastic, our golf course is in spectacular shape, our racquets and pool facilities look amazing, and our management team is setting a great course for the future of SGCC. Now let’s get out there and enjoy our Club…..I hope to see you at the Pool, on the course, or on the Patio!