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No Play Zones: Changes to Our Local Rules
The status of the wildflower gardens by #3, #7, and between #11 and #12 teeing locations have been changed to No Play Zones (NPZ). Because the NPZs by #3 and #7 are part of Penalty Areas (PA), defined by red and/or yellow stakes with green tops, Rule 17 applies. Relief is mandatory and comes with a one stroke penalty. Your options under Rule 17.1d are stroke-and- distance, back-on-the-line, or lateral relief (lateral relief is an additional option only for Red Penalty Areas).
The two wildflower gardens between #11 and #12 teeing locations are NPZs part of the General Area and therefore relief is also mandatory but free (no penalty). If the location of the ball in either of these two wildflower gardens is known, then Rule 16.1b applies and the reference point for relief is the “nearest” (not nicest) point of complete relief in the General Area not nearer the hole. If the location of the ball is not known but virtually certain to be in either of these two wildflower gardens, then, under Rule 16.1e, use the estimated point where the ball last crossed the edge of the garden for the purpose of finding the nearest point of complete relief. These two gardens are defined by where the wildflower vegetation meets the mowed rough.
Remember, if your ball is not in an NPZ but close enough that the NPZ interferes with your stance or intended swing, you must find the nearest point of complete relief, not nearer the hole, without penalty.
The USGA recommends that when marking Penalty Areas, the lines and stakes should be placed where the ground begins to break down to “ensure that players will not be forced to stand with the ball significantly above or below their feet.” Therefore, you will see that a portion of the red line left of #3 fairway has been moved up closer to the top of the slope.
The same significant slope condition exists on a portion of the right side of the Red PA on #7. Here, it was decided the best solution was to leave the line where it is but allow for Model Local Rule B-2, opposite side relief. This means if your ball last crossed the red line on the right side of the Red PA on #7, you have the option of taking relief from a point equidistant from the hole on the red line on the fairway side of that PA.
With the addition of the new lower teeing location on #3, it was decided to add a dropping zone located to the right of the White/Red teeing location.
You can find our Local Rules sheet on the Golf Home Page of our website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our Rules Committee.
Many clubs do not have Rules Committees made up of members with Rules of Golf knowledge. SGCC was fortunate to have had Lew Blakey and Clyde Luther, two international giants in the Rules community, as members and thus started our member-driven Rules Committee. Clyde passed the Chair to Lynn Blasch in 2018. Lynn decided to step down this year. Lynn’s expertise and experience with the Rules has served SGCC extremely well and we owe him our gratitude for all his service. Thank you, Lynn.