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Retirees News
This year, Springfield will be playing twenty matches in the Northern Virginia Retired Men’s League, including two matches each against each club in our Division. Some clubs are reporting changing demographics that make it difficult to field 24 players, let alone 28, so the number of matches has been reduced. Fortunately, the League Schedulers have found a way to ensure each club plays all the other clubs in their division.
Our Division will include Army Navy Fairfax, Country Club of Fairfax, and Mount Vernon. As in the past, the four division winners will go to the playoffs; however, a proposal to add quarter finals will be considered early this year.
To prepare for upcoming season, everyone is encouraged to get with their PGA Professional and fine tune their skills over the winter. Interested in joining the Retirees? Contact Bruce Nordstrom at bnorthstream@yahoo.com or 202.494.6558 for information.