5 minute read
72 Joanna Shennan
Solway House Studios, The Crichton. Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4TA T: 07443 562 129 E: w.spurway@btinternet.com W: williamspurway.wordpress.com william.spurway
When beginning a new body of work, I walk in and observe my chosen landscape, seeking to convey essences of place, particularly the changing seasons. As well as oil and mixed media painting, I make prints portraying the movement of water and reflected light.

What to expect: You will see a range of paintings and prints made here in my studio, works-in-progress, sketchbooks, objects gathered on walks and the tools of my trade. Jo Shennan and I will be running monoprint family workshops, creating images using natural forms, for children and young people aged 6 and over. No experience necessary. Drop in between 1 and 2pm daily.
£25 - £800 what3words: ///sourcing.backfired.ounce
Recommendation: Explore the historic Crichton grounds with a grade 2 listed rockery, arboretum and many special plants sent from Calcutta’s Botanical Gardens in the 1920s.
A set of postcards for each Friend.
Directions: From Dumfries take the B725 signposted to Glencaple. At the Gatehouse turn left into the Crichton campus and follow the Spring Fling signs to the car park.
Accessibility: There is parking directly outside. Entrance is via a wheelchair-friendly ramp, studio is completely level throughout.
Solway House Studios, The Crichton. Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4TA T: 07842 723 786 E: joannacshennan@gmail.com joannashennan
I enjoy working with natural form capturing its ever-changing colour, texture and pattern. Fabric, paper and plaster are my favoured materials at the moment and I am interested in the meeting of the different surfaces they offer when sat side by side.

What to expect: I look forward to welcoming visitors and discussing my work and ideas, sketchbooks, works-in-progress, two dimensional printed patchworks and artists books. My studio displays my inspiration as well as completed work. William Spurway and I will also offer children from 6+ the opportunity to make a monoprint with natural forms between 1 and 2pm daily.
£2.50 - £300 what3words: ///sourcing.backfired.ounce
Recommendation: Crichton Central, Crichton Grounds. This cafe is right next to our studio.
I will have complimentary postcards of my work available.
Directions: From Dumfries take the B725 signposted Glencaple turning left into the Crichton Campus at the Gatehouse. Then follow the Spring Fling signs to the car park and studio.
Accessibility: All studios are on the ground floor with ramp for wheelchair access. Toilet not wheelchair accessible.
Andrew Adair
Solway House Studios, The Crichton, Bankend Rd, Dumfries, DG1 4TA
T: 01387 262084 E: awadair@btinternet.com
W: axisweb.org/artists/andrewadair adair8821
I always try to maintain a playful approach, keen to explore the happy accident and veer off wherever it may lead; this, and the need to allow the material to be clearly manifest in the finished work is key to my process.
What to expect: A variety of work showing different techniques, hand built and wheel thrown, with various glaze finishes and the usual Guess the Weight of the Pot Competition.
Heather Armstrong
Linnfield, Collin, Dumfries, DG1 3SA
T: 07850 320 553 heatherarmstrongstudio
W: www.heatherarmstrongstudio.co.uk E: heather@linnfield.co.uk
I hand build sculptural ceramic vessels. Each piece starts with a sketchy plan but the path twists and turns as I pull together form and texture. Energy and colour are added by the transformative alchemy of smoke and fire on the ceramic surface.
What to expect: In my studio I will be working with clay and ceramic at various stages of my process. There will be bisque ware emerging from the kiln and smoke–fired ceramic arising from the ashes of my smoking barrel. Completed work will be on view.

£20 - £250 what3words: ///sourcing.backfired.ounce what3words: ///alive.awake.bells
Recommendation: Kirkonnell Flow Nature Reserve – an impressive example of an ancient raised bog.
Directions: From Dumfries take the B725 signposted Glencaple turning left into the Crichton Campus at the Gatehouse. Then follow the Spring Fling signs to the car park and studio.
Accessibility: There is a short flight of stairs from the entrance which has a stair lift. There are accessible toilets.
Recommendation: The Kedar Pantry Farm Shop; or Beyond the Burn, Mouswald.
10% discount for Friends of Spring Fling.
Directions: On the A709 from Dumfries turn right in the village of Torthorwald towards Mouswald. Follow road for 1.2km to studio at white house on left side of road.
Accessibility: Studio is on ground level, accessible from parking area. Doorway is wide enough for wheelchair access.
Marly Merle
Gracefield Arts Centre, 28 Edinburgh Road, Dumfries, DG1 1JQ
T: 07580 290 404 W: www.marlymerle.com marlymerle E: marlymerlebaker@gmail.com
I am a multidisciplinary artist based in Glasgow, working in wearable sculpture, printmaking, fashion and design. I am interested in exploring new worlds, cities and spaces to create physical artworks that provoke ideas around new and better places in which to exist.
What to expect: On-site photography and found objects inspire concepts and hands-on making. Interpreting the initial 3D process in two dimensions through digital processes leads back to tactile print processes, such as screen printing. Finally, I work back into 3D sculptural/installation form through fabric/wooden structures.
Abbie La Rooy
Gracefield Arts Centre, 28 Edinburgh Rd, Dumfries, DG1 1JQ
T: 07772 885 443 E: hello@abbielarooy.com abbielarooy W: abbielarooy.com
I am an emerging ceramic artist, currently exploring the “grotesque”. Working with both commercially and locally sourced clays, I employ traditional techniques – i.e., throwing, pulling, classical surface finishes – to create innovative, unexpected outcomes.

What to expect: An installation of new ceramic objects, located in Room 3, Gracefield Arts Centre. This work has been developed this year with the help of the Emerge mentoring scheme.

Recommendation: The Stove Network, 100 High St, Dumfries what3words: ///arise.taken.gifted what3words: ///arise.taken.gifted
DG1 2BJ.
Directions: Located round from Dumfries train station, head along Lovers Walk, turning left at lights. Gracefield is signposted up on the right.
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible throughout.
Recommendation: Loch Arthur Farm Shop and Café.
Directions: Head north-east out of Dumfries along Edinburgh Rd/A701, Gracefield Arts Centre is sign posted on the right.
Accessibility: Fully accessible for people with mobility issues.
Denise Zygadlo
Glenhead , Auldgirth, Dumfries, DG2 0TR
T: 07917 160 866 E: denisezygadlo@btinternet.com
W: www.denisezygadlo.co.uk Denise Zygadlo
The ground floor studio is large and light for making big drawings and canvas work, I use a balcony area for making smaller collages. Through detailed drawings and live photocopied images for transfer printing I explore treasured garments and the relationship between body and cloth.
What to expect: Current projects, prints, materials and work from previous exhibitions will be displayed. I will be delighted to explain my process and the various strands of my work; close drawing, collage and my use of the photocopier. Children and adults may like to add stories about their favourite clothing to the cloth tree.
£10 - £3,000 what3words: ///reprints.mammoth.equipping
Recommendation: John Mellis Honey is the best in UK! Find him 1.5 miles further down my road on the right, towards Keir.
10% discount on all sales to Friends of Spring Fling.
Directions: From A76 turn at Auldgirth towards Penpont/Dunscore. Climb 1 mile, take right fork to Penpont and climb a further 1 mile. Before brow of hill, my studio is on left.
Accessibility: I have a lower and upper studio and outbuildings. I do not have a ramp for the lower studio and there are steep stairs to my upper studio.