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What is AVID?
What students are saying about AVID
AVID is a college readiness class for students in grades 7-11 at Westwood Middle School and Spring Lake Park High School. The AVID elective class opens the door to student’s college dreams, starting one period a day. In AVID, students practice organizational and study skills, learn to think critically, ask probing questions and receive academic help from peers and college tutors.
AVID prepares students to be college ready by enrolling them in the most appropriately rigorous courses, such as honors or Advanced Placement. AVID supports all students in achieving 12 college credits by the end of 12th grade (12x12).
AVID Anchors
The five main AVID anchors are known as WICOR, which incorporates teaching and learning methodologies in the following critical areas: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading.
• Students use formal writing to communicate
• Students build inquiry skills to be able to use higher-level thinking skills
• Students build questioning strategies to work through advanced classes
• Students become effective members of small and large groups
• Students use organizational tools in and outside of class
• Students learn to balance the demands of course work with outside activities
• Students use critical reading strategies to access and understand advanced text