Editorials 4-5 -
Perfectly Imperfect The Beautiful You
News 6 -
How Pressure Influences Our Choices
Opinion 7-9 -
Too Much Homework Why Phones Should be Allowed at Lunch Our Grading System Hurts More than it Helps
Mental Health 10-13 -
Depression is nothing to joke about Overcoming anxiety Body Positivity
Cover Spread: SpringViewIs... 14-19 Sports 20-21 -
Girls Basketball Wrestling
Culture 21-27 -
Rosanne Is Back Club Scene: The Running Club The Growing Problem of Vaping Review: Grace Vanderwaal People of Spring View BU DoU4U Pictures from Women's March Sacramento
Today youareyou! That is t ruer t han t rue! Thereisnoone alivewhoisyou-er t hanyou! -Dr. Seuss
Features 28-31 -
Tori Hayes: Providing All Students an Equal Education At Spring View Immigrants are Welcomed
Feature: LivingArt 32-39 Photos 40-41
Cover Picture contributed by Mr. Tobin George Subject: Rory Scott
EDITORIAL: PERFECTLY IMPERFECT Spring View is a wonderful kaleidoscope of different types of students. Students at Spring View need to embrace and celebrate our differences and work together as one school community. As students, we are a mixture of different looks, ideas, beliefs, and interests. But we all come together because of our common goals and values. If everybody had the same looks, same interests, same personality, we would be living in a dull and unadventurous world. We can all learn a great deal from one another if we make the effort to listen, show respect and stay open-minded. Learning about each other and our different cultures is a good thing. We don't want or need everyone to be the same. By sharing our different perspectives and beliefs, we can gain a fuller picture of the world and be better members of our community as a result. This issue is all about embracing our imperfections. At the Spring View Voice, we believe these imperfections make us real, honest and beautiful. Together we are perfectly imperfect.
By Soph ie Oh an yan
THEBEAUTIFUL YOU Just be yourself, let others see the real, imperfect, quirky, beautiful you. Without a little rain, nothing would grow. Learn to embrace the storms in your life and grow from them. Yourself is somebody special. Your face isn't a mask, don't cover it. Your body isn't a book, don't judge it. You are imperfect but that's what makes you beautiful.
By Leah Por t er f ield Ph ot o by Soph ie Oh an yan
Surpri si ngly, 45% of those we surveyed adm i tted changi ng thei r style because they looked di fferent from others. People are scared to be di fferent and that i s not ok ay.
Spri ng Vi ew students value thei r i ndi vi dual i denti ti es. Whi ch i s w hy i t i s so i m portant the school rem ai ns a place that i s safe and open to di fferences betw een students. How ever, after surveyi ng 100 students about how pressure affects them , w e found that Spri ng Vi ew students need to better support each other's di fferences.
T o o M uch H om ew o r k
SATIRE According to a recent report from the Sacramento Bee, the amount of homework that Spring View students receive is more than the typical pre-law major at Stanford University. The school is now spending over $5,000,000,000 weekly on paper and ink for printers and just this year Spring View became the leading buyer of paper, purchasing approximately 420 trillion sheets a day. What's more, the doors of the classrooms had to be made taller so that students could walk in with their mountains of homework and most students have stopped bringing backpacks to school and started bringing suitcases. Teachers say it's because the students aren't participating in class and therefore they need to assign homework. This is evidently not what the kids think. ?The whole class works hard every day and sometimes we get done with the originally assigned homework but the teacher never fails to find something else for us to do. One day the teacher was printing homework the whole day and had to replace the ink about 100 times,? according to Harvard Academy student Tom Riddle We got similar reactions from other students as well.
St o r y b y J ack Sch m at j en A r t w o r k b y A J Sch m at j en
?My house is rising on the piles of homework papers and the walls are expanding like a balloon ready to burst,? said Annabeth Chase of Princeton Academy
Smart phones are a central part of most students' lives which is why the school policy that bans phones during the school day even at lunch is unfair to students. Phones should be allowed at school during lunch because what else is everybody going to do at lunch when their friends are absent.
Most importantly students communicate through their phones more than adults. By banning phones at lunch the school is limiting students' ability to connect and share with each other.
Also allowing phones during lunch would let people play games and look stuff up for classes, which would lower student stress. Phones are allowed before school when breakfast is served at the food counter, so why shouldn't that freedom be expanded to lunch. While phones at lunch would give the lunch staff something else to watch out for, the overall positives for students outweigh the negatives.
By Sean Russell
Grades don't alwaysshow What akidmight act ually know Somekids aresmart Somekids arenot But gradesas t hey are Donot show how far Or hardakidt ries Andyet t het eacher denies Theeffort t hekidmade By givingalow grade St udent shat et hissyst emalot Becauseit doesn't show if welearnedor not Andit hurt s our est eems Andruinsour dreams Of aweekendt hat never ends PlayingFort nit ewit hour friends
By Alex Perez andAndrew Maxfield
The w ord depressi on has becom e so m i sused that teens often forget i ts true m eani ng i s seri ous and affects m i lli ons of Am eri cans dai ly. Depressi on i s a m ental health di sorder characteri zed by a persi stently depressed m ood or loss of i nterest i n acti vi ti es, causi ng i m pai rm ent i n dai ly li fe. ?Ki ds don't understand that there are gonna be sad days and bri ght days. It's easy to say I'm depressed rather than I'm havi ng a rough day, but i t's not alw ays used i n that w ay,? sai d the school counselor Farrah Hoek stra. It i s i m portant to recogni ze the m i suse of the term because usi ng the w ord 'depressed' i ncorrectly m i ght m i s-characteri ze how seri ous and debi li tati ng real depressi on can be for m any young teens. Mi susi ng i t can cause som e teens to not seek help, as they m i ght beli eve w hat they are deali ng
w i th i s not seri ous w hen i t i s a seri ous m atter. ?Many people throw i t around to easi ly i nstead of sayi ng I'm sad i t turns i nto I'm depressed. Real m edi cal depressi on i s m ore i m pai ri ng, they can't get out of bed for m onths. The i nternet [also] i s confusi ng depressi on for sadness,? sai d school psychologi st Andrea Opel. If you do feel sad and i t seem s to be affecti ng your li fe i n m ore seri ous w ays, please seek help. Start by talk i ng to your parents, a teacher, your school counselor or a fri end. Addi ti onal i nform ati on and help on a num ber of m ental health condi ti ons can be found at:
h t t ps:/ / w w w.cr isist ext lin e.or g/ or Text 741741 f r om an yw h er e in t h e USA t o t ext w it h a t r ain ed Cr isis Cou n selor .
OVERCOMING ANXIETY Informati on on Anxi ety from School Counselor Farrah Hoek stra 1.What does anxi ety feel li ke? Anxi ety i s a si tuati on w here you can feel overw helm ed and start to feel you body changi ng (palm s getti ng sw eaty, heart rate ri ses, feeli ng anxi ous about a si tuati on). There are all di fferent types of anxi ety som e of them are test anxi ety, academ i c anxi ety and soci al anxi ety. 2.What are the mai n symptoms of anxi ety? The m ai n sym ptom s of anxi ety can be li ke a sw eaty palm , feeli ng anxi ous, your breathi ng gets faster, you get di stracted and thi ngs li ke that. Raci ng thoughts, w orry and fear are other sym ptom s. 3. What happens when you have an anxi ety attack ? An anxi ety attack i s w here you can feel li ke the room i s closi ng i n on you and you not bei ng able to thi nk . Feeli ng w orri ed. Butterfli es i n your stom ach. You can becom e angry or i rri tated easi ly. 4. What are thi ngs you can do to help anxi ety and i s i t treatable? If you have an anxi ety attack you can learn som e thi ngs to help i ncludi ng copi ng strategi es so w hen you feel an anxi ety attack com i ng you can learn to control your breathi ng, have a posi ti ve di stracti on i nstead of thi nk i ng w hat you are anxi ous about, draw i ng, m i ndful colori ng, talk i ng w i th a trusted fri end or adult.
By Soph ie Oh an yan an d Nik ayla Du n can
Li vi ng wi th Anxi ety: A Student Perspecti ve 1. What i s i t li ke li vi ng wi th anxi ety? Li vi ng w i th thi s condi ti on i s very stressful at ti m es because you can have random anxi ety attack s and i t i s unexpected and you cant really control your em oti ons. 2. How has li vi ng wi th anxi ety shaped who you are today? Wi th thi s condi ti on I've talked to a lot of people, close fri ends and fam i ly, they've helped m e get through i t, so I feel as i f I'm a stronger person now because thi s condi ti on has helped m e becom e a stronger person. 3. What k i nds of thi ngs do you worry about? Defi ni tely school, speci fi cally not bei ng able to turn i n hom ew ork on ti m e or havi ng to go som ew here or som eplace and w orryi ng that I w on't be able to fi ni sh i t. Som eone prank calli ng you, you could get anxi ous because you never k now i f they could steal your i nform ati on. 4. How do you treat an anxi ety attack ? I m edi tate, I li sten to calm i ng m usi c, turn on a candle, and read a book or som ethi ng else, or I talk to m y fri ends that com fort m e.
***Answ ers for thi s secti on from an anonym ous student i n Cornell academ y.
BODYPOSITIVITY By Keira Poetsch and Gabriella Houston Body positivity is something most middle school students struggle with because this time in our lives is filled with lots of change. The constant feeling of judgment from peers constantly impacts kids. Since it is no secret that self-confidence for young people is difficult to maintain, we spoke with a few girls about the pressure they feel to fit into an ideal. Some of the girls said they have been told they have features deemed ?unattractive? either from a classmate or from what they read and see online and in social media about beauty and the ideal girl. As a student, it is necessary to reveal that you are not the only one dealing with these negative views and opinions. Additionally, we as young adults must insist that we move beyond judging each other solely by outward appearance and instead listen to each other 's feelings, values and dreams.
-?Why fit in when you were born to stand out.? -Dr. Seuss
-?Don't be Afraid of Being Different, be Afraid of being the Same as everyone else.? -Unknown
?Who they are, their personality, and the way they treat others. Physical beauty doesn't define someone.? Julia Reagin, Harvard
?What makes a person beautiful is what they think on the inside and it's not about what they wear or how their appearance looks. They shouldn't care about what people think about them.? Shawn Singh, Stanford:
Photo and quotes gathered by Paige Russell and Gianna Gallo
Section by Leah Porterfield, Ally Appel, Brinley Kelly and Madysen Sublett
Story by Liam Gooding and Gavin Mclendon
The 2018 Spring View Girls Basketball season was a success. As of this publishing, the 7th grade team is undefeated with 8 wins. The 8th grade team is 6-2. We caught up with Bahar Moradi (Yale) a small forward on the 7th grade team to ask her about the season and how the team is progressing as the season winds down. SVV: How do you think your season is going? BM: ?It is going really well. We have not lost.? SVV: Who were you most excited to play? BM: ?Granite Oaks.? SVV: What is your favorite part about the game? BM: ?Everything about the game is great this is a great sport.? SVV: What is your favorite play? BM: ?My favorite play is our out of bounds play. After speaking with Moradi, we also interviewed Kendall Deaver (Stanford), who is a forward (4) on the 8th-grade team. SVV: How do you think your season is going? KD: ?Pretty good, we've won most of our games.? SVV: Whats your favorite play? KD: ?Probably, our push.? SVV: Who do you want to give a shout out to on the team? KD: ?Kiki, for always being strong under the basket and for being a good friend.?
WRESTLING By: Francisco Bonilla
The Spring View wrestling team struggled in a rebuilding year winning only one team event. The win against Cooley Middle School ended with a final score of 57 to 36. First year wrestler, David Boyd (Harvard Academy) shared his thoughts on the season and why it was a memorable one despite the team struggles.
Wh y did you st ar t t o w r est le? I was influenced by my step dad and it seemed fun.
How h as w r est lin g h elped you as a per son ? It got me more fit I guess.
Wh at is t h e best t h in g abou t w r est lin g? The feeling you get before match.
How do you f eel abou t you r per f or m an ce t h is season ? I feel I got better throughout the season.
How do you f eel abou t t h e t eam per f or m an ce? We could have been better but we were still pretty good. We just need people to fill the spots.
Do you h ave an y goals f or n ext season ? Get better at shooting. (Shooting is a term for taking down an opponent)
Wh at advice w ou ld you give t o som eon e w h o is con sider in g t o w r est le? Make sure ready to put the work in.
Have you ever heard of the show Roseanne? If you haven't, Roseanne was a sitcom that aired from 1988 to 1997. The end of the show was the end of an era that was never fully replaced - until now! ABC is bring back Roseanne starting March 27. Why should you watch this show when it finally starts up again? Well, Roseanne was a breakout hit as it starred a working class family struggling (and often failing for audience laughter) to remain stable. While the laughs were often, Roseanne struck a strong chord with many viewers for highlighting through humor the problems many were facing. It was the relatable struggles that so many Americans identified with and it will be excited to see if the show can restart with the same sharp humor it used before.
By: Adam An dr e an d Zach er y Pollo
Many kids are enthusiastic when it comes to running during P.E. so why not devote some of your time after school to join the running club. Running club occurs after school from 3:10 to 5:00 pm on Wednesdays. For seventh graders who are interested in joining for next school year, speak with Ms. Hartley. Running club is a great way to stay fit, be happy and interact with friends.
Wh y do you lik e r u n n in g clu b? ¨ I (Cameron) like running club because you get to run and hang out with you friends. You get to go to cool places like the movies and Starbucks.¨ Do you su ggest r u n n in g clu b f or 7t h gr ader s f or n ext year ? ¨ If they like, or are interested in hanging out and running with people then they should.¨ Wh at is t h e r ou t in e / w h at do you do in r u n n in g clu b? ¨ We do a warm up, which is one lap around the blacktop. Every Wednesday we run four to five miles. Running club is only on Wednesdays.¨ Wh er e do you gu ys r u n ? ¨ Anywhere in the area.¨
THE GROWING PROBLEM OF VAPING AND WHY WE N EED TO By Ryan McAdam and Levi Tedford BE EDUCATED For students everyw here, vapi ng i s qui ck ly becom i ng a talked about i ssue am ong students. Vapi ng i s i ncreasi ngly vi si ble on soci al m edi a posts and accordi ng to a recent report by CBS New s, ?as m any as 36% of hi gh school seni ors? have tri ed vapi ng at least once. Unfortunately, m ost students are unaw are of the seri ous health ri sk s posed by vapi ng i ncludi ng, accordi ng to a ?Johns Hopk i ns study of 56 di fferent e-ci garettes, toxi c levels of m etal released i n the vaper that k i ds are breathi ng i n.?
?I don't know my name?
In addi ti on, a USC study found that k i ds w ho have vaped are si x ti m es m ore li kely to m ove on to actual ci garettes and other drugs. At a ti m e w hen Am eri cans are struggli ng w i th hi gh rates of drug abuse, students should k now that vapi ng can lead to m ore seri ous and potenti ally li fe-changi ng consequences. Despi te these seri ous effects w e have yet to learn about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.
Whi le the topi c i sn't an easy one to teach, the reali ti es of i gnori ng the problem are far w orse and w e encourage the staff to educate students about the seri ous effects.
For m ore i nform ati on on the arti cle and studi es please scan the QR Code
?I think that the song ?I Don't Know my Name? making a message about individuality and just finding yourself and not to be what someone wants you to be. - Keira Poetsch
?The song 'Clay' shows that nobody's perfect and this song shows that everyone has a special thing about them and you should not change yourself for another person.?
?Light the Sky?
?Beautiful Thing?
M u sic r eview by Br it t n ey Hau pt m an an d Hu n t er You n t
Peopl e of Spr i ng Vi ew By: Br an don Wh it n ey an d Zach ar y Wyat t
Yes because they are the only other main school near Rocklin and we take part in a lot of events with them. We are better than them because we always beat them and they suck.? Jake McKee, Stanford
Do you t h i nk w e h ave a Ri val r y w i t h Gr ani t e Oak s? I f so, w h y? Yes because they are always competing in sports with us and we are close to each other. We are better because we beat them in most sports.? Kylie Wibbler, Berkeley
Yes, because there is a lot of people at all the sporting events against them and it is always really hyped up. I think Granite Oaks is better because they are bigger, stronger, and more athletic. I think they are all on steroids? Aidan Holcomb, Stanford
Yes, because Granite Oaks students are snobs. We are better because we are more humble.? Roman Floyd, UCLA
Good because people can do more with each other if they have less in common.? LaRon Grant, UCLA
Good because it makes us who we are.? Bella Rizor, UCLA
Do you t h i nk t h at di f f er ences bet w een peopl e ar e good or bad and w h y? Good because it shows your race and It expresses yourself.? Gavin Rego, Stanford
Good we were all the same then we would have no differences in society.? Colin Richmond, Berkeley
BuDoU4U is an amazing organization created by three girls, Jada Golovich, Mia Golovich, and Ella Golovich. Their father, Micheal Golovich, who helped them put together the organization, sat down for an online interview with Spring View Voice reporter Zoey Clemons Ordaz. SVV: Wh at is t h e n am e of you r or gan izat ion an d is t h er e an y special m ean in g beh in d it ? Micheal: BU Nation. BU is focused on motivating, empowering and preparing one to believe in themselves and to be the best they can possibly be regardless of their circumstances.
The founders of BU DoU4U
Be You, Do You, For You!BU DoU4U SVV: Who started your organization? Micheal: My daughters... Mia, Jada & Ella. SVV: Wh en did you st ar t t h is or gan izat ion ? M ich eal: The BU Nation launched in 2017 and is dedicated to creating real and lasting changes in each individual. The BU DoU journey started with a positive and powerful discussion amongst a group of 12-year-old girls. The girls pondered ways to inspire people to be original, and to stay positive about one's own imperfections. SVV: Wh at is t h e goal an d pu r pose of you r or gan izat ion ? Micheal: The BU Nation is a 501Š3 Non-Profit organization that is on a mission to provide motivation, self-confidence and bring a positive influence to everyone we come in touch with. The one mission that absolutely counts in life is just being your natural self, and being the most authentic you, you can be! SVV: Wh o w ill ben ef it f r om you r or gan izat ion ? In addition to financially supporting organizations aligned with BU's mission, we extend our foundations impact by partnering with Parents Advocate 4 Youth Sports, Boys & Girls Club of America, DonorsChoose.org, Storm-Baseball Kids Club, Soldiers of Hope, and much more to come! SVV: How can people su ppor t t h e or gan izat ion ? Micheal: You can donate or purchase apparel to support the organization. When you purchase any of our apparel, remember to take a picture in it and send it to us for your BU Touchdown!
Scan the QR Code to learn more about BU Nation and how you can join the movement!
ByZoeyClemonsOrdaz& LindseyMcDaniel
Spring View is home to many different types of students. Some of these students have moved here from other cities, states, and even countries. Our different backgrounds make us diverse in beliefs and ideas and we wanted to ask some of these students what life was like as an immigrant. Unai Bassa who moved here from Barcelona, Spain when he was eleven, explained how it felt moving to Rocklin. ? It was really weird to come to the US because I had no friends and everything was new and different.?
For many immigrants, adjusting to a new life can be challenging. Dhriti Jagadish, who was born in Southern India and moved here when she was only 3 years old said ?There are a lot less people here because I lived in a city with a really big population. And it was really strange during preschool but I had a teacher that lived where I was from so it also really helped me.? Even though it was an adjustment moving to Rocklin, Jagadish is happy that she moved.
? I like living here better because there's a lot better education, for example, my cousins can only read books that are really small and basic, and I can read a lot bigger novels,? said Jagadish. Many immigrant students at Spring View are relatively new to the area, including Sodais Jami. ?I was eleven and now I am twelve, almost thirteen. I lived in Afghanistan.? Jami is happy at Spring View and feels supported by the new friends he has made. ? Yes absolutely, because I have very nice friends that care about me.?
Spring View's special needs students and their teachers are often under-appreciated because they have separate classes that many mainstreamed students do not see.
through their door. They work daily at a tough job that requires patience, kindness, and true care for every single student.
These classes cater to specific educational needs including, extra supervision, social or emotional support, or a variety of reading levels.
One of these amazing teachers is Mrs. Tori Hayes, who has been an educator for eighteen years, ten of those at Spring View.
Often, special needs students are labeled as different than other children, but they have interests and dreams like every other Spring View student. We have a wonderful group of staff at Spring View that care for every student who comes
Hayes is grateful for the support from the entire staff saying ?It's like a second family and the way that Spring View students and teachers treat kids with disabilities; they're very inclusive here.?
...ANEQUAL EDUCATION According to Hayes, her students are very aware of how often they're singled out and picked on and they hear words aimed at them daily. ?In a middle school setting you'll actually hear the R word...it means slow or backward...and the kids hate it.? People tend to group these students into a box as all the same when the truth couldn't be further from that. ?These students are extremely different we have all ranges of academic and behavioral levels, all ranges of social ability, all ranges of communication... every child is different?
Hayes believes that her students should be treated with the same amount of respect as everyone else and she doesn't mind the challenge of teaching such a diverse group of students. ?It is challenging teaching students with disabilities, finding that little window of opportunity with how they learn best. That's our biggest challenge. You'll have a student who just isn't getting it, and all of a sudden you'll find this little tiny thing they get it. I tell people when a door shuts I usually search desperately for a window and climb in?
Photos by Rory Scott
Photos by Addy Holloway
Artist: Mrs. Kendrick Subject: Alyssa Azevedo
Artist: Fiona Moore Subject: Elias Mullican
Artist: Qwynci Davis Subject: Roman Floyd
Artist: Mrs. Kendrick Subject: Qwynci Davis
Artist: Michael Spirlong Subject: Ethan Fernandez
Artist: Alina Tsisun Subject: Olivia Kleinschmidt
Artist: Laurel Subject: Gabby Zuber
PHOTOS Photo by: Payton Ottmann
Photo by: Logan Best
Photo by: Addy Holloway
Photo by: Leah Porterfield
Photo by: Sophie Ohanyan
Photo by: Polina Sokolova
Photo by: Polina Sokolova
UPCOMING M ar ch 16t h - End of 3rd Quarter M ar ch 26t h - 30t h - Spring Break
Apr il 2n d - No School: Staff Development Apr il 9t h - 13t h - Spirit Week Apr il 13t h - Spring Dance
M ay 10t h - Showcase Night
AIM High Eagles
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