Sprinkle in Happy
Things I saw and Loved... Issue #15
Sprinkle in Happy
Weekly Thoughts... be kind stay kind be humble stay humble be grateful stay grateful be generous stay generous be compassionate stay compassionate be helpful stay helpful
Sprinkle in Happy
The week where I am...
breathing deeply yearning for travel welcoming new experiences continuously learning trying to be a better person each day
praying for peace -1-
rialto beach
Credit: @reneeroaming
italian dolomites pt. i
Credit: @reneeroaming
italian dolomites pt. ii
Credit: @reneeroaming
italian dolomites pt. iii
Credit: @reneeroaming
italian dolomites pt. iv
Credit: @reneeroaming
book love pt. i
Credit: Kindle
book love pt. ii
Credit: Pinterest
book love pt. iii
Credit: Instagram
"Someone said, 'Not everyone has access to me because I want peace more than attention' and I felt that."
Credit: Instagram
"More empathy, less judgement. More compassion, less criticism. More grace, less speculation. Because everyone is fighting inner battles you know nothing about. Be kind. Kindness is free."
Credit: Pinterest
"Women need other women in their lives who think they are a big deal. No competition, no backhanded comments, no jealousy, no hate, just 'I love you, I support you, and there is no one on Earth like you' kind of energy."
Credit: Instagram
"Playing too humble will have you overlooked, underpaid, and under booked. Talk your talk, own the room, and let the haters be uncomfortable."
Credit: Instagram