MAY/JUN 2022
VOL 41/03
Special Solutions for Special Hazards Reliable® is your source to meet today’s challenges
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SCAN ME Cut Sheets / Submittal info available
MAY/JUN 2022 VOL 41/03
FEATURES 12 | AIR COMPRESSOR TECHNOLOGIES Dry and Preaction Sprinkler Systems
14 | A SURE BET ON EDUCATION AFSA41 Features 60 Technical and Managerial Seminars
18 | AS CLEAR AS SPRINKLER WATER Ambiguous Terms in NFPA Standards
22 | MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS Remembering Your “Why”
24 | AFSA: YOUR EDUCATION DESTINATION ITM, Hydraulic Calculations, Design, and Apprenticeship Programs Offered In-Person and Virtually
28 | VAPOR PHASE CORROSION INHIBITORS Dry and Preaction Fire Sprinkler Systems
32 | TRADE SHOW CELEBRATES TEN YEARS Sacramento Valley Chapter Brings Industry Together
34 | IT’S AN AFSA SWEEP AT NCC! Members Win Gold, Silver, and Bronze
37 | A GREAT DAY FOR GOLF Virginia Chapter Members Gather for a Great Cause
ON THE COVER: AFSA offers new training courses and workshops to meet all of your education needs! Also in this issue: air supplies.
6 8 10 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 54
SPRINKLER AGE, (ISSN 0896-2685) is published bi-
monthly for $33.95 per year by the American Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc., 12750 Merit Drive, Suite 350, Dallas, Texas 75251. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, Texas and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SPRINKLER AGE,
12750 Merit Drive, Suite 350, Dallas, Texas 75251.
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CHAIR’S MESSAGE artnership is one of the core values we have at FLSA/Summit, the company I work for, and I truly believe it’s an important part of our lives as well. Whether it’s in our personal life or professional life, we partner with others that make us all better. One of the organizations that AFSA partners with is the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI). Its purpose is to educate the members of our Congress on the needs and challenges of the nation’s fire and emergency services so that they provide the support that our first responders need. I was honored to attend its 2022 National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner & Symposium in Washington D.C. this year (see photo above). AFSA has partnered with CFSI for many years, and I’ve attended this event for many years as well. We have two people sitting on their National Advisory Council—John Denhardt, our vice president of engineering & technical services, and me. This partnership is solely with the fire and emergency service personnel across this country. The systems we install save their lives every day, and it’s important for them to know about us and see us every year. They return the favor whenever we need to fight bad legislation or promote good legislation. For me, this gathering is seeing my firefighting brothers and sisters, whom I haven’t seen since last year’s event. Folks like Maryland State Fire Marshal Brian Geraci, the 2020 recipient of our Fire Sprinkler Advocate of the Year Award; Ron Siarnicki, director of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and past fire chief of Prince Georges County, Maryland; and Chuck Walker, whom I first started running fire calls with in 1978. Our AFSA table was filled with plenty of supporters from AFSA. Another association we partner with is the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). We support its cause by volunteering our technical resources on 53 technical code-writing committees, with 120 seats on those committees covering 42 codes and standards. NFPA is given a free booth at our annual convention and exhibition while they return the favor to us at its annual conference and expo. This year, NFPA will hold its conference June 6-9 in Boston! It will be awesome to meet in person for the first time in three years with this tremendous group of professionals dedicated to protecting people across the globe! Other industry associations we partner with include but are not limited to the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC), the Canadian Fire Sprinkler Association (CFSA), the National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA), the Fire Protection Research Foundation, and other trade associations. The British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) has just reached out to AFSA President Bob Caputo to start discussions on the possibility of forming an AFSA chapter in London, England! We’ll keep you posted on that progress. We can sit here and focus on all the differences these various associations have, but the main, common theme is that we are all here to save lives from the ravages of fire. Each association specializes in something different, and together, we have all the bases covered. Whether it’s prevention, suppression, code development, research, or training—it takes all of these and more to protect our society like it deserves to be protected. Let’s continue to partner with these associations for the common good. Take care, continue to save lives, and God Bless. n
EDITORIAL: 214-349-5965
BOB CAPUTO, CFPS, Publisher, ext. 124
D’ARCY G. MONTALVO, Editor, ext. 115;
ADVERTISING: 214-349-5965
D’ARCY G. MONTALVO, Editor, ext. 115;
CIRCULATION: 214-349-5965
D’ARCY G. MONTALVO, Editor, ext. 115;
LINDA M. BIERNACKI, First Vice Chair, 318-841-0330 PAUL DELORIE, Second Vice Chair, 603-432-8221 ROD DIBONA, Treasurer, 605-348-2342 JEFF PHIFER, Secretary, 803-438-2994
TED WILLS, Immediate Past Chair, 610-754-7836 LYLE HALL, 858-513-4949
CHRIS JOHNSON, 727-581-9339
R. DONALD (DON) KAUFMAN, 505-884-2447 MICHAEL F. MEEHAN, 757-213-3660
E. PARKS MOORE, P.E., 251-473-6000 JAY STRICKLAND, 301-474-1136 WAYNE WEISZ, 209-334-9119
AFSA LEADERSHIP BOB CAPUTO, CFPS, President, ext. 124 LAVERNE DAVIS, Vice President, Finance & Administration, ext. 112 JOHN AUGUST DENHARDT, P.E., FSFPE, Vice President, Engineering & Technical Services, ext.121
MARLENE M. GARRETT, CMP, Vice President, Meeting & Education Services, ext. 118 BRUCE LECAIR, Senior Director, Membership & Chapter Support, ext. 139 LESLIE CLOUNTS, Director, Education Services, ext. 130 ROGER GRAGG, Director, Marketing & Information Technology, ext. 116
Sprinkler Age is devoted to the professional development of the fire sprinkler industry. Deadline is 1st of the month preceding publication. Published by American Fire Sprinkler Association, 12750 Merit Drive, Suite 350, Dallas, Texas 75251. Call (214) 349-5965, FAX (214) 343-8898, or email for information. Copyright © American Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc. All rights reserved. PRINTED IN USA. Unless expressly stated otherwise, all editorial and advertising material published is the opinion of the respective authors and/or companies involved and should not be construed as official action by or approved by Publisher or the Association. Sprinkler Age is a membership benefit, provided free of charge to AFSA members. For information on non-member and/or foreign subscription rates, call (214) 349-5965.
ABOUT AFSA MEMBERSHIP AFSA annual membership dues are a sliding scale for Contractors and Associates and a flat fee for Authorities Having Jurisdiction. (Members receive a free subscription to Sprinkler Age.) Write or call AFSA for membership information. See AFSA’s website at
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espite the challenges we’re living through—from economic recession, war in Ukraine, and the nightly news showing criminal atrocities—not to mention the pandemic or the availability of trained people to hire—we need to remain optimistic to succeed. Let’s learn from the past... It’s a littleknown fact that more millionaires were made during The Great Depression than in any other era in U.S. history. It is important to note that the Great Depression actually started a few years before the 1929 stock market crash and lasted until World War II brought the country out of the Depression. In the years before 1929, as more and more credit had been extended to businesses and individuals, the economy was tipping over the edge from available cash to way too much credit debt. When the amount of extended credit reached a critical mass and companies could no longer pay the credit bills, the companies crashed (the 1929 debacle.) When workers lost their jobs, they could not pay their credit debts, and the housing market and banking industries crashed. Those people who had cash on hand became very wealthy buying businesses, especially those providing war-related products. Cash is king in any business, but especially true in tough times. How can we be optimistic with all around us seeming to collapse? Morality seems to be slipping away, there are open borders and a political divide, and gas prices are crushing family budgets. The threat of expanding war in eastern Europe with rumors of chemical or nuclear weapons is frightening to hear. It’s a frightening time for sure. That said, multiple studies show that we humans are optimistic by nature. A 2009 study from the University of Kansas and Gallup presented at the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco found optimism to be universal and borderless. Data from the Gallup World Poll drove the findings, with adults in more than 140 countries providing a representative sample of 95 percent of the world’s population. The sample included more than 150,000 adults. Eighty-nine percent of individuals worldwide expected the next five years to be as good or better than their current life, and 95 percent of individuals expected their life in five years to be as good or better than their life was five years ago. The United States ranked number 10 on the list of optimistic countries. Demographic factors (age and household income) appear to have only modest effects on individual levels of optimism. In plain English, HAPPY UP! Nothing good lasts forever, and nothing bad does either. Focus on the job at hand and stop allowing the negative message(s) bombarding us from the media to drive our attitudes. Build a backlog of business with a reasonable margin to maintain longevity and look at your market trends instead of letting others with negative beliefs drive you toward lower-priced work that will not sustain your business plan(s).
Organizational culture is always driven from the top. Your teams will follow your lead and emulate your attitude. Be the example, so you look back with pride at how you and your team faced adversity and came through this phase with success and your goals and character intact. Your membership in the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is more important now than ever before. We are all in this together, and knowing that you’re not alone in these challenges is incredibly powerful. Humans are social beings by our nature, and your membership provides opportunities to socialize and converse with peers facing the same challenges. One thing that has always amazed me about our industry has always been the willingness to help our competitors. We are all stronger together. AFSA membership makes all of us better. If you attended last year’s convention in San Antonio, I’m sure you’ll agree that we all had a great time. Well, hop in and buckle up because this year’s convention is shaping up to be even better! The convention committee and AFSA staff are planning a convention to remember with a music theme throughout every event on the menu. Our opening night party will be held at “On the Record,” located in the MGM Park hotel next door to the Bellagio. A short tram ride between the two hotels will deliver you to one of the coolest venues any music lover has ever seen or heard. You can visit their website for a preview at We will be starting breakfast and seminars an hour later this year, knowing that nights in Las Vegas tend to go a bit longer than other places we visit. And with COVID restrictions hopefully in our rearview mirrors forever, we will be able to return seminars to a more normal level. Our closing night party will be poolside at the Bellagio, and we will follow the music theme by inviting everyone to come dressed up in costumes related to your favorite era (‘60s, ‘70s, or ‘80s), band, or genre of music. Ya, mon – it’ll be irie. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in October at AFSA41 in Las Vegas! Visit our website at for details and registration. n
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FLASHPOINT ne of the primary missions of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is to formulate health and safety standards. The term “standard” includes various technical words that prescribe rules, guidelines, best practices, specifications, test methods, design or installation procedures, and the like. The size, scope, and subject matter of standards vary widely, ranging from lengthy model building or electrical codes to narrowly scoped test methods or product specifications. In the sprinkler industry, NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 20, and NFPA 25 are the most often referenced standards we use, but there are plenty more, AFSA’s membership consists of contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, designers, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs). Each of these categories brings a unique perspective to our association. What unites them is the desire to protect life and property from the devastations of fire. Our members provide services or products which directly benefit this goal. AFSA currently serves on 53 NFPA technical committees. We have 34 staff and volunteers who serve our interests on 120 seats. Standards developed by NFPA are “voluntary consensus standards,” created through procedures accredited for their consensus decision-making, openness, balance of interests represented, and fairness by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Because of its credibility and reach, NFPA can attract thousands of volunteer experts to serve on its standards drafting committees. AFSA’s involvement in the NFPA standard-making process has produced measurable results for its membership. AFSA’s Board of Directors is actively aware and directly involved in our NFPA involvement. NFPA activity is a major emphasis for the Engineering & Technical Services Department. AFSA wants to be on the cutting edge of NFPA standards, and the only way to do this is to be active in the process. This takes resources, but the results are self-evident. I want to share how NFPA classifies technical committee members to ensure the technical committees are balanced and no one interest can control the process. The guidelines are for use by the NFPA Standards Council and the staff to assist in complying with the Regulations Governing the Development of NFPA Standards. The following classifications apply to committee members and represent their principal interest in the activity of the technical committee. • Manufacturer (M): A representative of a maker or marketer of a product, assembly, or system, or portion thereof, that is affected by the standard. • User (U): A representative of an entity that is subject to the provisions of the standard or that voluntarily uses the standard. • Installer/Maintainer (I/M): A representative of an entity that is in the business of installing or maintaining a product, assembly, or system affected by the standard. • Labor (L): A labor representative or employee concerned with safety in the workplace. • Applied Research/Testing Laboratory (R/T): A representative of an independent testing laboratory or independent applied research organization that promulgates and/or enforces standards.
• Enforcing Authority (E): A representative of an agency or an organization that promulgates and/or enforces standards. • Insurance (I): A representative of an insurance company, broker, agent, bureau, or inspection agency. • Consumer (C): A person who is or represents the ultimate purchaser of a product, system, or service affected by the standard but who is not included in (2). • Special Expert (SE): A person not representing (1) through (8) and who has special expertise in the scope of the standard or portion thereof. All the technical seats AFSA holds are classified as an Installer/ Maintainer category. While I fully understand this designation, our membership is much more diverse. In my humble opinion, we should be offered the chance to hold Manufacturer, Labor, and Enforcing Authority seats. This would allow AFSA to select individuals from our membership who provide a perspective from their interest categories. For example, AFSA’s apprenticeship series and training programs are first-rate and well attended. We teach apprentices, fitters, and technicians every day. This training also includes safety in the workplace. AFSA has asked NFPA’s Standards Council for additional representations under different classifications. We are awaiting their response, and I will let our membership know their reply. Our working relationship with NFPA is outstanding. For example, AFSA member Steve Leyton, Protection Design Group, is the NFPA 14 chair, and Bob Caputo, AFSA President, is the NFPA 24 and NFPA 291 chair. I also sit on the Board of Trustees for NFPA’s Fire Protection Research Foundation, AFSA supports the NFPA mission and staff in any way we can. We have worked on task groups, certification program development, conference presentations, and many other functions. We consider NFPA an industry partner and encourage all of our members to be active NFPA members. Being an NFPA member allows you to have access to the greater fire protection mission and enables you to take active participation in the NFPA standard development process. We can represent your interests, but sometimes we need your voice to accomplish what the AFSA membership desires. Being an NFPA member allows us to count on your voice in the NFPA process. The annual $175 cost could easily be paid back tenfold. AFSA will be well represented at the 2022 Annual NFPA conference in Boston. Please stop by our booth or talk to us during the event. We love to see our members! n
BO COFFMAN | GAST MANUFACTURING he role of an air compressor in a dry sprinkler system is vital. It’s at the heart of creating and maintaining system air pressure, often working with air pressure maintenance devices. Here, I’ll review some of the different air compressor technologies used in dry and preaction sprinkler systems. We’ll also go over key attributes to account for when selecting one. First, a compressor’s airflow capacity (or displacement) needs to be compliant with the 30-minute fill time required by section in NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, (60 minutes if the compressor serves a refrigerated space maintained below 5°F). From that point, there are choices, and I will discuss some of the differences. Many times, a site specification may call out a specific air compressor, but often equivalent alternatives will be mentioned as acceptable. The system air pressure range of most dry sprinkler systems can fall into a 10 psi to 50 psi range. With higher pressure dry valves, the 6:1 ratio rule has been around for a long time, commonly relating to approximately 40 to 50 psi for the air compressor. If, a dry valve has a 6:1 differential, you can hold back 6 psi of water pressure with only 1 psi of air pressure above the clapper. Mechanical (low-pressure) dry valves are increasingly common, and compressed air levels drop into the 18 to 20 psi range. As the sprinkler pipe architecture experiences pressure drop (no system is perfectly leakproof, and temperature changes affect pressure changes as well), the air compressor is depended upon to maintain and restore system air pressure. For the required air pressure range of dry sprinkler systems, reciprocating air compressors are commonly used. The importance of industrial-grade, reliable performance and long life become essential with a sprinkler system. Two types of reciprocating compressors are covered here: piston and rocking piston. Both types cover a size range that includes riser mounting and floormounted units with air tank storage.
PISTON COMPRESSORS Piston compressors have been used for decades on dry sprinkler systems. A piston head and rod are articulated in a cylinder. The piston rod turns on a motor shaft with bearings, eccentrically located on that shaft, so it moves back and forth in the cylinder. Piston heads using wrist pins and bearings travel up the
An example of a piston air compressor.
cylinder as air volume is decreased and pressure increases. (Boyle’s law of pressure and volume and Charles’ law that accounts for temperature change are at work here, for the interested reader.) Piston head seals, or rings, maintain that pressure difference as pressure increases. Rider, or stabilizer, rings are often found on piston heads to keep them straight inside the cylinder. These compressors need to be serviced over time. Some piston compressors require lubrication to operate, and others are rated for oil-less operation. Oil-less piston compressors obviously will not need lubricators or oil as part of regular service. For lubricated and oil-less piston compressors, common service parts include piston rings, stabilizer rings (which keep the piston head articulated straight inside the cylinder), air filters, and occasionally bearings. Air compressor reliability and service life are critical here. NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, allows leak rates that are much higher than the leak rate originally set by NFPA 13 for a new sprinkler system at acceptance. A 3 psi pressure drop over just two hours is allowable in NFPA 25, where only a 1.5 psi pressure drop in 24 hours is the maximum allowable in NFPA 13. Dry sprinkler systems with frequent pressure drops will result in the air compressor cycling on and off a lot. The run time of an air compressor in the life of a sprinkler system can reach thousands of hours. I strongly suggest using only industrial-grade air compressors. Sometimes, consumer-grade air compressors found in large or small retail home improvement and hardware stores are installed on dry sprinkler systems. The risk of sprinkler system failures or alarms can be much higher in these cases, as compressors in the
compressor size for a given sprinkler system size. Air compressor sizes and their airflow displacement will correlate to the 5.5 ft3/min (160 Liters/min) at 10 psi (0.7 bar) stated in If an air compressor’s displacement is less than this airflow at 10 psi, use of an air receiver or air maintenance device is not required. Thought of in reverse, if an air compressor’s airflow is greater than 5.5 ft3/min at 10 psi, you’ll know that supervising the sprinkler systems and dry valve’s required air pressure needs to be done with a listed air maintenance device. Air compressor manufacturers should always be able to provide a data sheet on a specific air compressor’s airflow and pressure capability. As the fire protection industry grows and the use of air systems is on the rise, I hope this overview of common air compressors technologies is helpful. n ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bo Coffman is a targeted growth manager at Gast Manufacturing Inc., a Unit of IDEX Corporation. He has worked at Gast for 29 years and, for much of that time, has contributed to the use of air compressors for dry sprinkler fire protection equipment. All Gast air compressors are designed and built in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Gast started in 1921, grateful to in business over 100 years, and is a proud ASFA member! Contact Coffman at or (941) 416-0252.
An example of a rocking piston compressor.
consumer category will often require service much sooner. Another caution for consumer-grade air compressors is that they also can be much louder, which brings us to the second type of reciprocating compressor, rocking piston.
ROCKING PISTON COMPRESSORS Rocking-piston compressors are similar in design to piston compressors, with a few key differences. Rocking piston compressors have a simplified rod design, can be quieter in operation to piston compressors, and industrial-grade rocking piston seals can last even longer than piston rings. They use the same eccentrically placed rod design to travel up and down the compressor cylinder, but there is not a piston head in a rocking piston compressor. A cup seal folds over the flat top of the piston rod and is designed to fit the cylinder for achieving compression ratios in the same pressure range as articulated piston compressors. The compressor rod then “rocks” inside the cylinder as it travels up and down, hence the name. Lastly, remember that good air filtration is always needed to ensure reliable compressor operation. While compressor seals last much longer, it’s recommended that replacement filters and filter elements are put on a service interval that the compressor manufacturer recommends. Close attention should be paid to that, as simple filter service can prolong the life of a compressor and ensure proper pressures and flows are achieved, avoiding alarm trips. Remember that all air compressors provide incoming air supply filtration. Maintaining air filtration is always needed to ensure reliable compressor operation. It’s recommended that replacement filters and filter elements are put on a service interval and the compressor manufacturer will recommend what that is. Close attention should be paid to that, as simple incoming air filter service can prolong the life of a compressor and ensure consistent performance. NFPA 13 chapter segments and are the opening sections of automatic air maintenance requirements. It is very useful to be familiar with this relative to appropriate air
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We’re so good at this, you won’t even know we’re there.
Custom printed cover plates, now from Reliable. Learn more at SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 13
Join AFSA at the Bellagio Las Vegas this October!
he biggest and brightest minds in the fire sprinkler industry are converging Las Vegas for AFSA41: Convention, Exhibition & Apprentice Competition, to be held October 16-19, 2022. Learn from the best and earn CEUs, CPDs, and Contact Hours with over 75 hours of training across 60 seminars with industry subject matter experts (SMEs). This year, seven technical and managerial tracks have been developed, tailored to meet your educational needs. Attendees can follow the seminars on any given track or mix and match. “In all the years of planning the AFSA convention, I have never seen this level of excitement this early in the year and especially coming off of last year’s highly successful anniversary celebration,” comments Marlene Garrett, CMP, AFSA’s vice president of meetings & education services. “Vegas just seems to be the perfect draw—no pun intended. I’m more than excited about the response we are getting!” Below is a brief description of the tracks and sample seminars planned for AFSA41. Many seminars cover multiple tracks so attendees can customize their learning experience. Returning this year is the popular “Ask the Experts” interactive seminar, featuring the industry’s top technical minds! Other seminar tracks include install/design; inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM); and free training for Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs).
INSTALL/DESIGN TRACK The Install/Design track will feature 15 seminars focusing on the installation of water-based fire protection systems. Seminar
topics include NFPA 14, FM data sheets, obstructions, fire pumps, seismic protection, NFPA 20, hydraulic calculations, and antifreeze. Commodity Classification in the 21st Century – Russ Leavitt, CFPS, SET; Telgian Holdings, Inc. Determining the hazard classification of a building has never been more complex than it is today. Construction materials, building uses, and contents are evolving at a rate never before seen. Chapter 4 of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, provides the descriptions for the various hazards, including low-piled storage, but it is up to the designer/contractor, engineer, or AHJ to make the classification. Using NFPA 13 and the latest industry information, this seminar walks the attendees through the process for determining the classification that will result in the needed protection while using the most cost-effective system type and configuration. The proper use of the Owner’s Certificate is examined for its role in the process including the protection from liability for the contractor. This seminar session benefits contractors, estimators, designers, and AHJs. 1.5 Hours | 0.15 CEUs | 1.5 CPDs
INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE (ITM) TRACK Learn the ins and outs of inspection, testing, and maintenance with AFSA’s ITM track. NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, will be a big focus of these 11 seminars, but other topics and standards will be covered such as updates to NFPA 72®, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code®, and NFPA 915, Standard for Remote Inspections.
Updates to NFPA 25, 2023 Edition – Kevin Hall, M.Eng, P.E., ET, CWBSP, PMSFPE; AFSA This seminar will discuss changes made to the 2023 edition of NFPA 25. The second draft of the standard has passed ballot and is scheduled to be adopted at the NFPA Technical Meeting in June. This seminar will discuss the proposed changes and the impact they may have on contractors. 1.0 Hours | 0.1 CEUs | 1.0 CPDs
Engaging your Leadership Team in Developing a Roadmap to Become Best in Class – Randy Stutzman, FMI Capital Advisors No good deal lasts forever. Because your markets, your customers, and even your products and services change, you need an ongoing plan that will help your company adapt and grow. Moreover, you must engage your leadership team to become a part of your plan. 1.0 Hour | 0.1 CEU | 1.0 CPD
Bring your sprinkler fitters for a day of learning with this specially designed track. With multiple seminars offered over several days, your fitters can attend one day or multiple! All seminars offered in this track will be submitted for CAL-FIRE Approval. Topics include sprinkler discharge obstructions, sprinkler types and characteristics, fire pump testing, standpipes, and ITM. Installation of System Components – Josh McDonald, MSET, CFPS, CWBSP, WBITM; AFSA This course will detail the requirements for system components and hardware per NFPA 13. The course will describe required components and the importance of proper installation. Specific topics will include sprinklers, piping, provisions for flushing, air vents, control valves, drainage, and fire department connections (FDCs). 1.0 Hour | 0.1 CEU | 1.0 CPD
AFSA’s Next Generation Initiative (NextGen) is pleased to sponsor several seminars during the course of AFSA41 covering topics such as building your brand, paths to progress, and contractual communications. These seminars are open to all industry members. NextGen has opened its arms to the entire fire protection community, welcoming those who have an interest in the next generation of fire protection professionals, regardless of age. For more information on AFSA’s NextGen, visit firesprinkler. org/nextgen or stop the AFSA booth at AFSA41 to speak with NextGen members.
AHJ TRACK AHJs are invited to attend AFSA41 on October 19 for a full day of industry immersion. In the morning, AFSA offers a free plan review seminar for registered AHJs. In the afternoon, AHJs are invited to tour the exhibition hall free-of-charge to cover plate series ads.pdf 2 11/22/2021 3:57:27 PM view the latest products and services for the fire sprinkler
“OTHER” TECHNICAL TRACK This catch-all track with 15 seminars will cover other technical topics of interest to those in the fire sprinkler industry: hydrant flow testing, water supply, NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations; corrosion; suppression; NFPA 770, Standard on Hybrid (Water and Inert Gas) Fire-Extinguishing Systems; and sprinkler monitoring. NFPA 4: The Debate Over the Inclusion of Passive Fire Protection Features in the Integrated Test – Terry Victor, SET, Johnson Controls Fire Protection The scope of the 2021 edition of NFPA 4, Standard for Integrated Fire Protection and Life Safety System Testing, was changed at the last minute during the NFPA 2020 Annual Technical Meeting through the NITMAM/CAM process. The technical committee changed the scope during the second draft by excluding passive fire protection systems from the integrated test. However, through a first-of-the-kind virtual online debate and vote, passive systems were added back to the scope. The technical committee is once again considering if this document should include the testing of passive systems for the 2024 edition. This seminar will explain the arguments on both sides of the issue, and offer a possible solution for the technical committee to consider. 1.0 Hour | 0.10 CEU | 1.0 CPD
We’re so good at this, you won’t even know we’re there.
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TRACK This track is intended for management staff and will be presented across 15 seminars including field supervisory training, claims, building and keeping a high-performance team, marketing, the NICET application process, and building a training program for your company.
Custom printed cover plates, now from Reliable. Learn more at SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 15
resort fees and complimentary internet in guest rooms. When making reservations, guests should request the Spa Tower, closest to the AFSA41 meeting space. Reservations may be made online during the convention registration process at Group rates are available for stays from October 13-21, 2022, but reservations must be made by September 9, 2022, to secure AFSA convention group rates. After September 9, room rates are based on availability.
The hotel rooms and suites at Bellagio Las Vegas offer the perfect blend of beauty and elegance.
industry and to watch the National Apprentice Competition. For more information, visit to download the convention brochure.
BELLAGIO HOSTS AFSA The Bellagio Las Vegas will be the headquarter hotel for AFSA41. This luxurious resort offers everything—fine dining, spectacular shows, a conservatory and botanical gardens, exquisite shops, lounges and entertainment, a state-of-the-art fitness center, the top-rated Shadow Creek golf course, a spa and salon, five outdoor pools, and even a wedding chapel! With views of the Las Vegas valley or the iconic fountains, stays at Bellagio Las Vegas are nothing short of unforgettable. AFSA’s group rate for is $284 per night plus tax and includes
AFSA is made aware of third-party vendors soliciting AFSA exhibitors and attendees posing as our housing vendor or attendee list distributor. These companies mislead you to think they are working on our behalf. Companies that use this tactic include Exhibitor Hotel Reservation Services (EHR), Global Housing, and National Travel Associates. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with AFSA or its show. Entering into financial agreements with such companies can have costly consequences such as no hotel reservations, no free networking meals, no complimentary internet access, or a mailing list. Please note attendee lists are distributed onsite. To receive full AFSA hotel benefits, book directly with the hotel by phone or using the link found on AFSA’s convention website,
VIVA LAS VEGAS! AFSA41 attendees are sure to live it up in the city that never sleeps! Several social events are planned between seminars and exhibition hall hours. This year’s highlights include the Exhibition Grand Opening reception, offering attendees the first look at the latest products and services for
SEMINARS SPOTLIGHT: Rob Mosely, Next Level Exchange Back by popular demand, Rob Mosley will be leading two business management seminars for AFSA41 attendees. The Key to Customer Relationships—Emotional Intelligence If our products and services are the tools of our industry, the engine that runs them is Emotional Intelligence or EQ. EQ has been defined as “the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different emotions, and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.” This session is designed to start to equip you with tools and trust-based behaviors to drive greater awareness of yourself and of others, including prospects, customers, and your own teammates. Why is this so essential? Ninety-two percent of all professional and personal failures are EQ-based. Everyone has their own unique approach and style, but there will be times when we need to adjust that style to suit the client, the candidate, and even individual team members. This is not an easy task. Emotional Intelligence takes you on a journey to a clearer understanding of how you and your team become more unified by being more emotionally aware. The results are increased buy-in from our customers and team members, greater accountability, and a deeper understanding of not just important work – but important people doing important work. Moreover, these attributes of Emotional Intelligence will enable you to better influence others who do not directly report to you including customers and colleagues. Why Customer Resistance is a Good Thing: A New Approach to Responding to Customer Concerns Historically, sales and service teams
have referred to prospect and customer resistance as “overcoming objections.” This language sets the stage for the wrong type of relationship. No one wants to be “overcome.” People do, however, want to be listened to and responded to in a real and authentic fashion. Resistance is a normal part of making business decisions and the approach you take in responding will differentiate you from other recruiters in the marketplace. Every time a prospect or valued customer has resistance or concerns of any form, it is your moment to build a bridge of trust and value in the relationship. This is exactly why resistance is a necessary and even essential part of the sales process and should not necessarily be viewed as an obstacle. It should however, be viewed as an opportunity to influence, inform, and guide our customers when they have an incomplete or inaccurate perception about us or our products or services.
the fire protection industry, and featuring appetizers and cocktails throughout the hall. Two evenings parties will provide networking opportunities in fun and lively settings: the opening party hosted by AFSA’s NextGen on October 16 is at On the Record Nightclub at Park MGM, a music-themed nightspot. This speakeasy and club experience is an exciting new way to spend an evening with your fellow industry friends—old and new! With three rooms, featuring both indoor and outdoor spaces, this venue provides an ample space for dancing and socializing, while experiencing a world-class cocktail program—including signature AFSA41 drinks! On October 19, the final night of AFSA41, dress up in your favorite decade and dance the night away at the Bellagio Grand Pool Deck, a Mediterranean-infused al fresco poolside experience. Dinner, drinks, and the crowning of AFSA’s top apprentice will highlight this “Music Through the Decades” costume party. The ever-popular networking meals will be offered once again this year, for attendees who are fully registered in AFSA’s room block at Bellagio Las Vegas. Enjoy breakfast and lunch with fellow industry professionals during each full day of the convention—make new connections and revive old ones while you enjoy a delicious meal!
Bet on your business this year and attend AFSA41 at Bellagio Las Vegas for seminars, networking, exhibits, social events, and more!
updates on the association’s official happenings sent to your desktop or wireless device by subscribing to, or “following,” AFSA social media, and use our official hashtag #AFSA41. • Twitter: • Facebook: • Instagram: • YouTube: It’s proven to be a winning combination—AFSA and Las Vegas. We return to this popular location for all it has to offer, including a guaranteed return on your investment. Place your cover plate ads.pdfsure 3 11/22/2021 3:57:30 bets with AFSA andseries you’re to come outPMa winner! n
AFSA41 OPPORTUNITIES There is still time to secure a booth in the exhibition hall! Benefits abound for exhibitors, including unopposed exhibit hours, the Exhibition Grand Opening Reception, and free passes for the second day of exhibits. For more details, visit or contact Marlene Garrett via email at or phone at (214) 349-5965 ext. 118.
We’re so good at this, you won’t even know we’re there.
MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS Not an AFSA member? Now is the perfect time to join! AFSA is currently offering a six-month trial membership for contractors. With your trial membership, you are entitled to a range of benefits and services to support you, your employees, your business, and the industry. Membership provides the opportunity to learn about AFSA and its multitude of benefits—risk free. One of those benefits is the ability to register for AFSA41 at membership price levels! For more information on AFSA membership, visit
READ ALL ABOUT IT! AFSA41 brochures will be mailed and a copy will also available for download at Early-bird registration will soon be open and will be available until July 15, 2022, offering the most discounts on registration prices. The regular registration period is July 16 – August 26 and late registration will be held August 27 – October 14. After that date, all registrations must be done onsite. Stay up to date with the latest from AFSA and AFSA41, including news, deals, discounts, and offerings. Get real-time
Custom printed cover plates, now from Reliable. Learn more at SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 17
Figure 1. Air receiver and AMD with gauges.
t is official; our industry’s convention season is beginning! My countdown app (in sequential order) lists the NFPA Conference & Expo®, college football, professional football, then, of course, AFSA41 in Las Vegas! Learning, networking, and discussing technical topics with like-minded and passionate fire protection professionals is always exciting. An old saying to keep in mind over the next few months is: “The codes and standards are written clearly in black and white. Until you get more than one fire protection professional to read it and provide their interpretation.” The technical committees spend countless hours trying to portray the intent and basis for the decisions made for the subsequent editions, but the terms are not always used consistently and may be vague when applied. It is essential to clarify some ambiguous terms that regularly come up and can be described sometimes as “clear as sprinkler water.” Some words that come to mind are air receiver, air supply, air vent, and shop air. The use of nitrogen is becoming more and more prevalent. The term nitrogen popped up more and more frequently in the late ‘90s editions of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, and into the 2000s. When used in NFPA 13, the term air is inclusive of nitrogen and other approved gasses. NFPA 13, 2022 edition states: 4.7 Air, Nitrogen, or Other Approved Gas. Where air is used to charge, maintain, or supervise sprinkler systems, nitrogen or other approved gas shall also be permitted to be used. Where the term air is used throughout this standard, it shall also include the use of nitrogen or other approved gas. The sprinkler system definitions in Chapter 3 still specify “air or nitrogen” when discussing dry and preaction systems. The inclusion of the word nitrogen ceases following
Chapter 3. The statement in section has been noted in Chapter 4, “General Requirements,” in a similar location. This section often gets missed when navigating the air supply and pressure requirements for dry and preaction systems. It alluded to the fact that nitrogen could be used in place of air but did not explicitly state it. The 2013 edition of NFPA 13 clarified the text to clearly say that the term air includes the use of nitrogen or other approved gas in the “System Requirements.” Keep this in mind as you read further. “Shop air” is commonly used in the field and around the office. It is not referenced in NFPA 13 but is a parenthetical reference in NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. Sometimes, this makes it difficult, and we are trying our best to correlate the standards. The air supply is not required to be listed (a conversation for another time) but must always be available, reliable, and restore the system in 30 minutes or in 60 minutes for refrigerated areas below 5°F. The air supply can be provided from an existing source within the facility if it is always available, reliable, and can maintain and restore the fire protection system. Do not assume that the facility air supply or “shop air” can provide the fire protection air supply appropriate to the system requirements of Chapter 7. Often, a facility sizes its compressor for the processes conducted at the facility and does not consider supplemental systems to be supplied. These systems could be shut down cover plate series ads.pdf 4 11/22/2021 3:57:33 PM frequently and
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may not always be available. Time, consideration, and research must be invested to ensure that “shop air” is sufficient for the fire protection systems. An air receiver is like a jackalope in our industry—some people talk about it, but it is never found, except for maybe stuffed at your local BBQ joint. It is hard to know if it exists. Many layout technicians and installers do not know what an air receiver is, but need to know it is required per NFPA 13. 3.3.2 Air Receiver. A chamber, compatible with an air compressor, that can store air under pressure that is higher in pressure than that in the dry pipe or preaction system piping. (AUT-SSI)* Unless the requirements of are met, where the air supply to a dry pipe system is maintained automatically, the air supply shall be from a dependable plant system or an air compressor with an air receiver,and shall utilize an air maintenance device specifically listed for such service and capable of controlling the required air pressure on, and maximum airflow to, the dry pipe system. Where the air compressor supplying a single dry pipe system has a capacity less than 5.5 ft3/min (160 L/min), an air receiver or air maintenance device shall not be required. There are no specifics to the material used for or minimum size of an air receiver, but it is vital to maintain
...or let your imagination run wild.
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some air capacity upstream of an air maintenance device (AMD) to minimize supply issues in the dry pipe system. The air receiver is going to hold a volume of air at a higher pressure than that provided in the system. A lot of the larger manufactured air compressor and nitrogen generator skids will provide a tank of stored air that serves the purpose of an air receiver, but the smaller units do not. Installing an air receiver on new installations is required and may benefit existing systems where the air is not keeping up due to maintenance issues (though those should be fixed anyway). A piece of pipe or a standalone tank (see picture below) does the trick, just make sure it is marked appropriately on the drawings. It is hard to be a quarterback if there is no receiver! (See Figure 1 on page 18.) Properly placed air vents help purge any air and decrease corrosion within the system. Sometimes automatic air vents are required to be piped to drain, and this arrangement may not be feasible in all installations. While an air vent is required on all wet pipe systems, an automatic air vent is just one of four options to comply with this requirement. Per NFPA 13, 2022 edition: 16.7* Air Venting. The vent required by 8.1.5 shall be located near a high point in the system to allow air to be removed from that portion of the system by one of the following methods: (1) Manual valve, minimum 1⁄2 in.
(15 mm) size (2) Automatic air vent (3) Remote inspector’s test valve (4) Other approved means There are plenty of options and tools in the toolbox. Make sure the correct tool is used for the right job. Provide proper notations on the drawing for any of the arrangements that were chosen to inform the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and end-user. It is a good practice to scan Chapter 3 and touch up on some of the basics or the changes. There are some terms that you need to know as you enjoy and travel to Boston for the NFPA conference. As a New England native, it is obvious that the following terms are wicked misunderstood, so please let me clarify: • New England Clam Chowder (“chow-duh”) – white and creamy, • Rhode Island Clam Chowder – clam- or fish-based clear broth, • “Manhattan Clam Chowder” – tomato-based red broth, • “Stuffy” or Stuffed Quahog (“co-hog”) – stuffed Rhode Island local clam that is great with hot sauce, • Clam Cake – carb heaven that you dip in your chowda, • North End – location in Boston full of amazing Italian food, • Maine Lobster Roll – served cold with mayonnaise (similar to a tuna salad but a lot better), and • Connecticut Lobster Roll – served hot with butter and no mayonnaise. And, if you ask for a regular coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts, it comes with cream and sugar! We hope you enjoy the convention season as much as we will. Our Engineering & Technical Services Department staff look forward to seeing everyone at NFPA’s conference and AFSA41 in Las Vegas this October and putting a face to a name. If you need anything in the meantime, feel free to reach out to the entire department via email at technical@ n ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joshua McDonald, MSET, CFPS, CWBSP, WBITM, is a technical programs specialist for AFSA, where he is responsible for developing, updating, and delivering technical content. He has experience in all areas of training for fire protection industry professionals including web-based and hands-on learning. As a manufacturer, McDonald has been involved in research and development of new fire protection products and has experience with risk engineering applying to the installation of fire protection systems. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in fire protection and safety engineering technology and Master of Science degree in Fire Safety and Explosion Protection from Oklahoma State University. McDonald is a member of NFPA and SFPE.
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here are thousands of contractor companies in the United States. Out of those thousands, less than half are members of a professional organization. Those who are members join for an intended purpose, whether it be networking, training, professional development, or professional advice. It’s called their “why”—why they choose to join. Focusing on remembering your “why” keeps you engaged and allows you to see the return on your investment. If your “why” is training, have you taken the opportunity to review the training opportunities that the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) has to offer? Whether an online, in-person, or pre-recorded delivery method most suits your learning style, AFSA offers them all. Many of the delivery methods fit your lifestyle or learning method. AFSA provides training that aids in your and your employees’ professional development from our Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (ITM) Inspector Development program; Beginning and Intermediate Fire Sprinkler System Planning Schools; and fitter training with classes offered on Saturday to not interrupt the work week. Survey and talk to your employees to find out their “why.” What certifications do they want to obtain? Where do they see themselves in five years? How can you help develop your team to better themselves and your company? AFSA can assist you in determining the best training and programs to invest in your workforce. Many members’ “why” is networking. They are looking for the opportunity to
collaborate and share ideas with others in the same industry. AFSA has a great solution—31 chapters nationwide! Participating in a local chapter is the best way to engage with AFSA at the local level. Many changes that occur in the industry happen at the state level. By joining a local chapter, you can impact those changes. The perception is that associations provide tried and true advice. Members trust their professional organizations for guidance on how to grow their business. Belonging to an association like AFSA can help you succeed in various ways. This can include submitting a technical review to our technical services department on an upcoming project. Most members receive a response within 24 hours. Some members have paid for their AFSA membership from the savings on one technical review! Whatever your “why” is, remember you only get out what you put in. You made the initial step by investing in yourself and your business. Be sure to take the next step to take advantage of the benefits that AFSA has to offer. Not sure where to start? Contact AFSA’s membership team. We’re here to help! • Western U.S.: Bruce Lecair, senior director of membership and chapter support, at; • Eastern U.S.: Dominick Kasmauskas, CFPS, regional director of membership and chapter support, at dkasmauskas@; or • Meda Merritt, director of membership and chapter relations, at mmerritt@ n
he American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) has new education training programs to meet everyone’s needs. Invest in your business and empower your employees in 2022 with these offerings, developed based on AFSA member feedback. “Ours is a busy industry, thankfully. Carving out time away from the job to hone your craft is a real challenge but so important in our evolving field,” says AFSA Director of Education Services Leslie Clounts. “It is our hope that AFSA is the go-to for sharpening skills and taking knowledge to the next level. Whether it’s install, design, or ITM and you need it online, in-person, or both, AFSA members have more training options than ever before.”
HANDS-ON ITM COURSE FOR INSPECTION, TESTING & MAINTENANCE OF WATER-BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AFSA is pleased to offer a three-day, hands-on review of the inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) requirements for sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire pumps, and common components for water-based fire protection systems through classroom-based review and hands-on demonstrations and practice. This class is ideal for ITM technicians, building engineers, facility managers, insurance representatives, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs). Half of the course includes a classroom-based review, and the other half consists of hands-on demonstrations and practice. Specific hands-on tests will vary and may include main drain test; valve status test; dry system trip test; preaction/deluge trip test; resetting dry and preaction/deluge valves; weekly, monthly, and annual fire pump tests; and air supplies (air compressors and nitrogen generators). “This class is for anyone tasked with maintaining waterbased fire protection systems or who oversees the maintenance of these systems. It allows them to understand better the processes required for ITM and the codes and standards enforced by AHJs,” says AFSA Manager of ITM Technical Training John T. Johnson, CFPS, who is the instructor for the course. “It also can benefit the person who takes part in selecting contractors and issuing contracts for ITM of water-based fire protection systems in their facility.” Upon completion, participants in AFSA’s Hands-On Course for Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of Water-based Fire Protection Systems will be able to: • Identify the required periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for water-based fire protection systems and system components. • Interpret the results from periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance activities. Participants will also earn 2.25 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs), 22.5 Continuing Professional Development points, and 22.5 Contact Hours upon completion of this course. The Florida Fire Safety Board has also approved this course for credit. Participants are encouraged to have at least one year of relevant ITM experience, equivalent to NICET Level I, and an understanding of water-based system components and other
basic concepts. However, inspection trainees may also benefit from this course. The first course for 2022 will be held at Johnson Control Labs in Cranston, Rhode Island, June 1-3. A second course will be offered at the same location December 5-7. Class size is limited to ensure individualized attention, so early registration is encouraged. For more information, visit nfpa-25-hands-on-itm.
In AFSA’s three-day, in-person Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculations Workshop, students will understand and apply principles of hydraulics including the different types of pressure, calculating changes in pressure (elevation and friction loss), and node analysis. Students will apply factors for equivalent length adjustments based on pipe type, size, and system arrangement. Using the principles of hydraulics, students will select a remote area, perform hand calculations for tree systems, and identify and understand the different sections of the detailed hydraulic worksheet, and where to place the appropriate system information. Examples of calculations for sprinkler systems, water supply analysis, and simple loops are provided with a hands-on approach. Students will apply their knowledge to perform hand calculations. Then, students will utilize computer-based calculation software to demonstrate the impact of choices on system characteristics to determine effects on system demand and performance and validate the results. The next Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculations workshop will be held August 8-10 at General Air in Exton, Pennsylvania. Visit firesprinkler. org/calculations for more details and to register.
AFSA TRAINING COURSE FOR ASSE 15010 CERTIFICATION AFSA is an ASSE (American Society of Sanitation Engineers) Approved Provider of the 15010 Certification Course. Individuals who are certified to ASSE 15010 have the ability to knowledgeably and skillfully inspect, test, and maintain water-based fire protection systems to the satisfaction of the fire protection industry and beyond the minimum requirements of NFPA 25. The evaluation of fire protection systems for conformance to codes and standards and determining if a sprinkler system is adequate based on building evaluations and uses is beyond the scope of NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. A person certified in ASSE 15010 will have the qualifications to perform such evaluations, in consultation with a licensed engineer in some states. For more details and to register for the August 1-5 course at General Air Products in Exton, Pennsylvania, visit
INTERMEDIATE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANNING SCHOOL Experienced layout technicians will find this blended learning course useful to understand the tools they utilize in-depth and gain a deeper knowledge of layout standpipe, fire pump, seismic protection, and the design requirements for general storage. In addition to mastering requirements in NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems; NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe
M7000L M7200L The AGF Pressure Relief Valve Model 7000L and 7200L are designed to relieve excess system pressure caused by surges or temperature changes. Both the Model 7000L and 7200L can be temporarily lockedout so they do not have to be removed from the system during hydrostatic testing. The 7000L includes a ½” MIPT inlet and FIPT outlet, and the 7200L includes a ¾” MIPT inlet and FIPT outlet. Both valves are factory set at 175 PSI (the Model 7000L is also available in 200, 225 and 300 SC PSI), UL Listed, and FM Approved. AN FO FOR MORE IN SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 25
and Hose Systems; and NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection. Students will utilize computer modeling software to apply design requirements learned throughout the course, becoming familiar with the BIM process. This course begins with an orientation and two three-hour online classes followed by five days of in-person instruction. Two schools remain for 2022: August 22 – September 2 (remote learning August 22-24 and in-person instruction August 29 – September 2 at AFSA headquarters in Dallas) and October 31 – November 11 (remote learning October 31 - November 2 and in-person instruction November 7-11 at AFSA headquarters in Dallas). Visit for full details and to register.
BEGINNING FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANNING SCHOOL AFSA is pleased to announced that its Beginning Fire Sprinkler System Planning School has been revised to fit into a blended-learning format for 2022. One school will be offered June 21 – July 15 (remote learning June 21 – July 7 and in-person learning July 11-15 in San Diego, California). Two sessions will be offered this fall: August 23 – September 16 (remote learning August 23 – September 8 and in-person learning September 12-16 at AFSA headquarters in Dallas) and October 25 – November 18 (remote learning October 25 – November 10 and in-person learning November 14-18 in Orlando, Florida). For more details on this school, visit
APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING PROGRAM GOES VIRTUAL AFSA is putting together the instructional component that fire sprinkler fitter apprentices need to accompany their on-the-
job learning. For many years, AFSA has provided the curriculum for employers to deliver the related technical instruction to their fitter apprentices. AFSA has also provided assessments for the material to measure participants’ learning and ensure that learning objectives are met. Now, for the first time, AFSA will provide the instruction so that employers can put more focus on the on-the-job learning. Programs for each of the four (4) levels will be established. This Fall Level 1 will be available (others will follow in the near future). While many details are still being developed, the instruction will be delivered by industry experts a couple of times a month in a virtual learning management system. The unveiling of this program will also coordinate with the newly updated course materials that align with the 2019 edition of NFPA 13. Stay tuned for further information and registration details.
CONCLUSION AFSA was created on the foundation of education and has remained dedicated to that mission for over 40 years. Its programs have been developed by experts in the fire protection industy for the fire protection industry. Let AFSA put you and your employees on the pathway to success! To learn more about all of AFSA’s education and training options, visit or contact Leslie Clounts via phone at (214) 349-5965 ext 130 or via email at n
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Synthetic Fluorine Free Foam Systems
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JIM DOHERTY | GENERAL AIR PRODUCTS s the fire protection industry continues to grapple with corrosion problems, it can feel as though there are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and corrosion. We’ve heard about and utilized the pipe coatings of years, and antifreeze, dry-air generators, and nitrogen generators. These technologies have brought knowledge and awareness of the significant threat corrosion brings to the longevity and operation of fire sprinkler systems. Next up—bringing with it decades-proven use in industrial applications—is Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor or VpCI®.
WHAT IS VAPOR PHASE CORROSION INHIBITOR? It’s no stranger to any of us. Many might not have realized it, but VpCI® likely has, at some point, protected many of the metal products we use daily. Metallic car parts—gears, carburetors, engine components, and driveshafts, are packaged and shipped using Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor to protect them from rusting during transit and extend their shelf life. High-tension steel bridge cables are protected from breakdown and stress due to corrosion by Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors. Oil pipelines protected from internal corrosion; infused concrete mixes poured to protect the rebar of skyscrapers—Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor has protected them all and many more for decades.
Piped directly in line, Vapor Pipe Shield® uses the air flow provided by the air compressor to pass molecular VpCI® continuously through the sprinkler system.
A VpCI® Source Cannister and filters make up the completely mechanical delivery system, Vapor Pipe Shield®.
HOW DO WE GET VPCI® INSIDE THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? That’s where General Air Products comes in. Vapor Pipe Shield® is a patent-pending Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor delivery system. Using the airflow provided by the dry or preaction
After three weeks in standing water, the invisible barrier of vapor phase corrosion inhibitor (left) leaves pipe in like-new condition, while ambient air (right) leaves corrosion unobstructed.
system’s supervisory air compressor, VpCI® molecules are carried into the piping network. This is a fully mechanical process. There’s no electrical to be hooked up, no additional moving parts, and, most importantly, no electrical to be hooked up. Made up of a Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor source canister and filters, installation of vapor pipe shield is as simple as installing an air maintenance device (AMD). Secure the product to the wall using the pre-mounted brackets, and pipe directly in line after the compressor and before the AMD, if one is required.
HOW DOES IT WORK ONCE IT’S IN THERE? It works on a molecular level—as in 8x smaller than a single red blood cell. Individual VpCI® molecules adsorb to the metal surface of the sprinkler system piping network. Once there, they repel corrosive elements from contacting the pipe directly, stopping corrosion in its tracks. It’s important to note that these VpCI® molecules are physically incapable of bonding to each other—they can only attach to any available metal surface. This creates a one-molecule thick barrier on the pipe: an invisible, protective shield. VpCI® molecules also penetrate any standing water in the piping network and protect the pipe beneath it. That’s a game changer. With Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor, it doesn’t matter how much oxygen or moisture is in the sprinkler system—oxygen and moisture are rendered irrelevant.
HOW EFFECTIVE IS IT? Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor is an active means of corrosion mitigation, meaning the source you’re introducing will actively stop corrosion from occurring. In today’s fire sprinkler industry, the most commonly referenced form of corrosion control, nitrogen generators, control corrosion by displacing corrosion-causing oxygen from the system. Nitrogen itself doesn’t prevent corrosion—it’s the forced displacement of oxygen that does. That’s a tough job, and yet an example of a passive means of corrosion mitigation. Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor molecules go straight to the surface that needs protecting: the pipe. Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor is a game-changer for dry and preaction fire sprinkler systems. Not only is it super effective for preventing corrosion, its delivery system is a completely mechanical and simple installation that will come in at a fraction of the price of more conventional corrosion mitigation technology in the fire protection industry. n ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jim Doherty is director of marketing for General Air Products. He can be reached at
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verywhere I go, I hear people talk about the current crisis facing the construction industry, and especially in our fire sprinkler industry: • We don’t have enough labor to do the available jobs. • Steel prices and other material prices keep going up. • Supply chain problems are impacting everything. • Prices and availability of new vehicles are forcing us to hold onto older work trucks for longer periods of time. • Our industry needs more qualified labor. • We need more qualified supervisors and leaders. • We need to recruit new blood to our industry—and stop moving people around from company to company to solve the labor issue. So, guess what? Now is the time to grow your business and the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is here to help you do that at every level, but I must admit, your AFSA staff and leadership are just little confused. We listen closely to our members to learn what programs are needed to help solve the problems you face, how you want programs delivered in terms of program length, and whether you prefer webinars or Zoom. So why are we confused? One example is AFSA’s new Intermediate Fire Sprinkler System Planning School. Our inaugural offering of this new and exciting program has netted four registrants… four. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining—just confused.
Take advantage of all the education and training programs AFSA offers, including fire sprinkler system layout training for beginner designers and—new for 2022—intermediate designers.
Our collective goals at AFSA include creating an exceptional customer experience for all members and associates. We understand to be successful in the fulfillment of our mission, we must deliver the products and programs you want and need. The problems confronting our industry will not solve themselves, and no one is coming around to solve them for us. We must embrace technology and keep pace with a well-trained workforce or be left behind. It is a simple fact that when the construction industry cannot man all the projects scheduled and budgeted for construction, some projects will get defunded and never be built. We see
this play out in school districts across the country, where bids for new school building projects come in 30-percent higher than similar projects built just a few years ago. The result of these higher costs is that projects are canceled, and school boards find ways to redistrict and utilize existing infrastructure. We must solve this problem ourselves and we must do so immediately, or we will see the trend of slower and canceled projects in every sector and every vertical market. Fewer projects result in more competition for the work that is available, driving prices and margins down. This is not the outlook we want or need. If we don’t solve this, who will?
How do we get new candidates excited about working in our field? How do we communicate the opportunities our industry has to offer and to whom? Your AFSA team wants to stop developing and offering programs that no one wants and focus our attention on the proactive work needed to help solve these issues, but without active members communicating with us through active local chapter participation, we’re chasing our collective tails and not solving the problems. We need to build an active (bilingual) instructor community to support our apprenticeship program(s) in all regions. More states are introducing fitter certification or licensing programs across the country, and organized labor is using this as a tactic to hurt open-shop contractors. We need to consider how to break up our programs into more bite-sized chunks so that labor can be effective earlier in the learning and training process rather than waiting for someone to complete of 8,000 manhours of training.
As you may have heard, fewer than 10 percent of fire sprinkler contractors belong to any trade association, including ABC, NFPA, AFSA, or NFSA. This amazes us every time we hear it! How can this be? Members tell us they don’t want to send their people to seminars where they’re exposed to conversations about pay and benefits offered at other firms. (By the way, they already discuss these things online in chat rooms and on fitter pages, but that’s not the point.) Did you know that AFSA offers individual companies and chapters the opportunity to bring our instructors and topics to you for all the training programs we offer? Your crews don’t need to travel to us; we’ll come to you. I know it sounds like I’m complaining, but that is not my intent. I am sounding the alarm in the hope of getting all of us focused on the crisis at hand. Let’s not wait to see if doing nothing hurts us or helps us. We need to get our heads in the game and take a proactive approach. Big or small
companies alike, the problems are universal, and no one will solve them alone. Like that famous line from the movie, “Help us help you!” Tell us what you need, want, and will participate in… we’re here to deliver. Visit our website at, email us at or call me at (214) 49-5965 ext. 124. We’re in this together! Participation in your local chapters and inviting your competitors to join is a great place to start. n ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bob Caputo, CET, CFPS, is president of AFSA. He currently serves as chair of NFPA 24/291 Private Water Supply Piping Systems committee and as an alternate member of NFPA 13 Sprinkler System Installation Criteria committee. Caputo has written and presented seminars throughout the world on fire protection and life-safety systems and has developed AFSA and NFPA education and training materials. He can be reached via email at
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he Sacramento Valley Chapter of the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) held its 10th Annual Training & Trade Show on March 10, 2022, at Thunder Valley Casino Resort in Lincoln, California. In the morning, AFSA Vice President of Engineering & Technical Services John August Denhardt, P.E., FSFPE, presented a seminar on NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Afterward, the show floor opened, hosting 43 exhibitors from all over the United States and Canada. The show’s location was moved from its original location in Pano Hall to the Buffet Hall due to renovations and could only accommodate a smaller group of exhibitors than in past years. Still, attendance was over 500 with contractors, designers, fitters, apprentices, office administrators, and fire personnel. “It was a fantastic day,” says Denhardt. “We had an energetic audience in the morning for training, and then the hall was
buzzing with excitement that afternoon. It was great seeing everyone in person.” Attendees enjoyed food, drinks, and a raffle with prizes awarded every 30 minutes. The main raffle prizes were an iPad, large television donated by First Service Insurance, and a trip to Hawaii for two with the winner being Shawn Gray, service manager at Lund Pearson Mclaughlin Fire Protection Systems in Mountain View, California. Feedback on this year’s event was very positive: “Great show, great people!” said Ryan Schlick, CST Industries. “The ability to be back in person to connect created amazing energy and enthusiasm, which resulted in a very engaged audience!” commented James Yost, Talco Fire Systems. “Thanks to Paulene and her team for bringing this show back!” “The 10th SVC AFSA Trade Show was great!” Adrian Suzuki-Cruz with Senju Sprinkler stated. “It was an amazing
Left Photo: Derek Allen with Core & Main (far right) and others enjoyed a fun evening of networking with trade show attendees. Right Photo: Ryan Schlick of CST Industries, Inc. (left) greeting Bill Norwood of Alwest Fire Protection.
The packed exhibit hall featured 43 exhibitors.
turnout! I am glad to have exhibited this year. It was great to see so many fire sprinkler contractors, suppliers, and manufacturers come together. This show was packed with fun things to do throughout the night with lots of food and drinks, free giveaways, and people to connect with. It was truly a great event to celebrate any new fire sprinkler products while having a good time laughing and relaxing with others. I look forward to coming again next year.” “The AFSA Sacramento Valley Annual Trade Show is consistently the best attended and organized fire sprinkler trade show in California for the last 10 years!” said Dennis Sekermestrovich, DES Associates. “The Sacramento Valley AFSA chapter holds great events throughout the year and the trade show in March was one of the best,” commented Shelley Bainter with ServiceTrade. “Chapter leadership builds a very strong program and it provides ServiceTrade with a great place to talk to members about what’s happening in the industry and their businesses. We’re proud to be associated with AFSA and meet up with members every chance we can. Thank you to Executive Director Paulene Norwood—you rock!” AFSA’s Senior Director of Membership & Chapter Support Bruce Lecair and AFSA’s Director of Membership & Chapter Relations Meda Merrit were thrilled to attend and thoroughly enjoyed the show and the people. “The Sacramento Valley Chapter does a great job putting on this event,” says Lecair. “AFSA National was excited to speak about AFSA and its programs, have a booth, and see everyone on the West Coast.”
to expand the show next year, once renovations are completed at Thunder Valley Casino later this year. “We are grateful to everyone who sponsored the show, donated raffle prizes, and exhibited with us this year,” said Norwood. “We know next year’s show will be even bigger than before and we welcome everyone to join us!” For more information on the 2023 Trade Show and other Sacramento Valley Chapter events, contact Chapter Executive Director Paulene Norwood via email at paulenesacvalleyafsa@ or visit n
JOIN SAC AFSA IN 2023 Mark your calendars for the Sacramento Valley Chapter’s 11th Annual Trade Show in March 2023! The chapter is hoping
Attendees enjoyed a lavish buffet during the trade show. SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 33
he American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) was pleased to learn that fire sprinkler apprentices from three AFSA Contractor member companies won gold, silver, and bronze medals at the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) 2022 National Craft Championships (NCC) held in San Antonio in March. All three apprentices are indentured at the ABC Florida Gulfcoast Chapter. The 33rd annual competition showcased the skills and expertise of more than 175 of the nation’s top-performing craft professionals.
GOLD MEDAL—JAMES AINEY James Ainey, a fourth-year fire sprinkler apprentice with Cox Fire Protection, Inc., Tampa, Florida, won the Fire Sprinkler competition and received the gold medal. He also competed in the 28th National Apprentice Competition (NAC) at AFSA40: Convention, Exhibition, and Apprentice Competition in San Antonio in September 2021 and placed third. “I couldn’t be more proud of James. He is an outstanding young man and represents Cox Fire in the best of ways,” says Scott Cox, president of Cox Fire Protection, Inc. “James has a very bright future in our industry. He is one of those individuals that makes coming to work a joy each day.”
Scott Cox (left) and Jerry Manning (right) congratulate Gold Medalist James Ainey (center) on his first-place win.
SILVER MEDAL—LOGAN BEST Logan Best, an apprentice in his fourth year with Piper Fire Protection, Inc., Clearwater, Florida, won second place and the silver medal at ABC’s 2022 NCC. “I could not be more happy for Logan and his wonderful wife Angela,” says Chris Johnson, president and CEO of Piper Fire Protection, Inc. “Logan and his family have sacrificed hours and hours of
From left to right: Chris Johnson celebrates with ABC NCC Silver Medalist Logan Best and Logan’s wife Angela.
family time so that Logan can become one of the best tradesman in the country. I know Logan, his family, and his Piper family are so proud of his amazing accomplishment. He is a tremendous teammate and craftsman.” “I think that fact that our Florida Gulfcoast ABC Chapter took the top three spots at NCC shows that we have some fantastic instructors within our organization and the contractors in our region are committed to excellence.”
BRONZE MEDAL-DERRICK BROWN Third-Place Winner and Bronze Medalist Derrick Brown is a fourthyear apprentice with Sprinklermatic, Davie, Florida. “After all the growth and opportunities I’ve had over the years at Sprinklermatic, none of the accomplishments mean as much as the experience of encouraging and helping others learn and grow,” says Asher Detwiler, Brown’s superintendent/ mentor. “As superintendents and mentors, we get to see a lot of incredible work that we can all be proud of. But, our greatest accomplishment as leaders is inspiring and building our future leaders.”
Sprinklermatic Superintendent and Mentor Asher Detwiler (right) cheered on Apprentice Derrick Brown (left) , who won the Bronze Medal at NCC.
COMPETITION DETAILS The NCC featured more than 175 of the nation’s best construction craft professionals vying for top honors in 15 competitions with skills on display across 12 crafts. NCC also featured a team
competition with journey-level craft professionals from different crafts working to complete a joint project. The competition included a two-hour online exam and a six-hour practical performance test. n
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AFSA members save over 30% per course SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 35
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HOOPER LOSCOMB | EAGLE FIRE, INC. n October 13, 2021, the American Fire Sprinkler Association’s (AFSA) Virginia Chapter held is 28th Annual Burn Survivors Golf Tournament at the Williamsburg National Golf Club in Williamsburg, Virginia. It was a great day filled with beautiful weather, spectacular golf, and great camaraderie amongst the participants and volunteers alike. This was a much-anticipated event for the chapter and the Burn Survivors Foundation (BSF), after a dreaded Nor’easter rained out the 2019 event and the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of the 2020 date. This year’s event was awesome, with 240 golfers registered to play and 15 additional interested participants on the waiting list, hoping to get in on the fun. After two years away, everyone was excited and grateful to be back together again while supporting these wonderful charities. The chapter and BSF have been holding this annual event since 1994, and since its beginning, the charities they sponsor have received $1,142,400! The tournament day started early with BSF committee members, volunteers, and golf-course staff getting everything in order before the participants arrived. Registration began at 9:30 am and once golfers arrived, the facility was energetic with player sign-in, donations, raffle purchases, driving-range practice, and general conversations amongst folks who hadn’t seen one another for a while. A nice BSF-logo backpack filled with goody prizes was given to each golfer during registration, and a delicious lunch of BBQ, hot dogs, and Italian sausages
AFSA’s Virginia Chapter and the Burn Survivors Foundation donated $40,000 to the Old Dominion Fire Fighters Foundation. was provided by O’Toole’s Restaurant for golfers and volunteers. At 12:30 pm, the teams were released to begin the tournament. During play, golf teams travelling between the front and back nine holes were able to stop, grab a beverage, and chat with the representatives of the two charities—the Central Virginia Burn Camp and the Old Dominion Fire Fighters Foundation. Beginning around 5:30 pm, golf teams returned to the course pavilion to deliver their scorecards and enjoy dinner. Thanks once again to O’Toole’s Restaurant, golfers feasted on a posttournament dinner of grilled steaks and marinated chicken breasts with all the trimmings. After dinner and before the awards ceremony/prize giveaways, Katy Lawalin, a burn survivor and Central Virginia Burn Camp for Kids counselor, gave a touching thank you to all the
participants as she spoke of her appreciation for this event and how much the Foundation has helped the camp. The presentation of the checks to the charities then followed. The Virginia Chapter/BSF is proud to announce that $60,000 in total has been donated to the two recipient charities. Leslie Baruch and her team from the Central Virginia Burn Camp for Kids (Charlottesville, Virginia) received $20,000 for its 2021 Annual Camp. Jerry Pruden and his team from the Old Dominion Fire Fighters Foundation received $40,000 to help with burn treatment research at the Evan-Haynes Burn Unit (MCV/VCU Health Systems, Richmond, Virginia), as well as assistance for burned/injured fire fighters and their families in the Central Virginia area. Next came the announcement of prize winners and golf team accolades SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 37
The AFSA Virginia Chapter and Burn Survivors Fondation gave a $20,000 donation to the Central Virginia Burn Camp for Kids.
from the day’s play. In 2015, the chapter established the “Giles Cup” award for the Grand Prize-winning team to honor Marty Giles for all his great work and support for the Virginia Chapter’s golf tournament from its beginning. The chapter keeps the master “Giles Cup” and places a name plaque on it each year with the Grand Prize winners listed, with the Grand Prize winners receiving a replica copy of this “Cup” for each player on the winning team. The Grand Champion Winner (Best Overall Team Score) Giles Cup Winner was the FLSA team of Jack Medovich, Allan Strange, Skeeter
Heath, and Stephen Frendach (score of 49). The Reserve Grand Champion (Second Place Overall Team Score) was the George Wagner team of Jonathan Jones, Troy Leszcynski, Josh Dula, and Phillip Miller (score of 50). There were three flights for team winners. The first-place winner for the Fire Flight on the Jamestown Course was the Fire-X Team of Wayne Pugh, Dick Hutchinson, Tom Woody, and Rick Silvia (score of 51). On the Yorktown Course, the Viking team–Terry Laffey, Rick Williams, De Woodfin, and Jer Hazzard– took first with a score of 51. In the Sprinkler Flight, the firstplace team on the Jamestown Course
Prizes Galore! The event also included drawings for some major prizes, in addition to the pre-drawn prizes, 52 individual door prizes, and raffled items. • 65-in. Television – Josh Goolan • 55-in. Television – Rich Gardiner • Large Traeger Pellet Smoker/Grill – Terry Laffy • Medium Traeger Pellet Smoker/Grill – Kathy Robinson • Small Traeger Pellet Smoker/Grill – John O’Toole • Tailgate Traeger Pellet Smoker/Grill – Wayne Taylor Raffles Prize Winners: • 50/50 Raffle of $1,500 – Bill Phair, Ferguson (who graciously gave $750 back to the charities) • Large Traeger Pellet Smoker/Grill – Griff Brinkley, Old Dominion Fire Company • Three separate four-round certificates at Jamestown/Yorktown courses at Williamsburg National Golf Club – Teresa Holloway, John O’Toole, and Tom Field • A certificate for a Foursome at Lee Hill Golf Club in Fredericksburg – Bill Manning
was VSC Fire & Security–Howard Clay, Charlie Farr, Justin Houser, and Grant Campbell—with a score of 59. For the Yorktown Course, the General Air Products Team—Dave English, Dave Fremont, Kevin Hall, and Lance Hall—won with a score of 58. For the Life Saved Flight: First place on the Jamestown Course was the JCI Team— Lance Brunswick, Chris Amorese, Nick Armbrister, and George Core (score of 64). On the Yorktown Course, the Atlantic Constructors Team of Greg Newman, Chris Mason, Anthony McDaniel, and Terrence Kerner won with a score of 65. The Good Sport Award (Last Place Overall score) was presented to the FLSA Team of Jon Springer, Brock Eppinger, Brandon Mayes, and David Mackin (score of 73). Other winners of individual skill challenges were recognized, including Closest to the Line: Jamestown Course—Mark Hopkins, AFSA National team, and Yorktown Course—Derek Goodpaster, Eagle Fire Team. Closest to the Pin: Jamestown Course—Tim Francine, FLSA Team and Yorktown Course—Derek Goodpaster, Eagle Fire Team. Move-up Hole Winners each of a Bushnell Speaker/GPS device were Dom Kausmauskas, Mark Hopkins, Bruce LeClair, and Bob Caputo (M.I.A.) on the Jamestown Course and Conner Hill, Matt Riffe, Scott Rooney, and Billy Harper on the Yorktown Course. This tournament could not have been successful without all of our primary sponsors. The chapter is grateful for Presenting Sponsors Harry Hoffon Charitable Fund and George Wagner with a donation of $25,000 each. Other sponsors the chapter wishes to thank include Diamond Sponsors ($7,500): Eagle Fire Inc., Ferguson Fire & Fabrication, FLSA, and VSC Fire & Security. Platinum Sponsors ($2,500): Service Trade, Viking Supply, Atlantic Constructors, Mike Meehan (VSC Fire & Security), Old Dominion Firefighters Foundation, and Fire Solutions. Gold Sponsors ($1,250): Zurn Products, Checkmark Services, General Air Products, Extinguish Fire
Corporation, American Automatic Sprinkler, Cornet, Johnson Controls/JCI (x2), Rosewood Corporation, Central Virginia Burn Camp, Reliable Automatic Sprinkler, United Sprinkler Company, Magic City Sprinkler, and AFSA National. Silver Sponsors ($500): Colonial Ford Truck Sales (x2). Major Sponsors ($250): Etec Fire Protection, Jason Gill (Crews & Gregory Sprinkler), Fluid Solutions, Chris Bennett, and Terp Consulting. Hole Sponsors ($100): Hydrotec, Siemens, Checkmark Services, Henrico County Firefighters, Foley Group (x2), Marsh McLennan, Chesterfield County Firefighters, Kannapolis Sprinkler, United Sprinkler company (x2), Cornet, Old Dominion Fire Company, Mid-Atlantic Capital Management, Colonial Heights Firefighters Local, Richmond City Firefighters Local, Suntrust (x2), and Etec Fire Protection. Other donations of note include Performance Fire ($5,000), Juli Marley ($2,500), Catholic Foundation – John Dminski ($1,000), Kaufman Fire ($750), Network for Good ($700), Profire ($500), Lanny Gault ($100), Jason Gill ($100), and Joe Tuck ($100). The chapter also thanks the 2021 BSF Golf Chairman’s Committee, who worked the full year, meeting 10 times in planning for this tournament: Chairman Jack Medovich, FLSA; Harry Hoffon, Eagle Fire Inc.; Bill Jones, FirePro Inc. (retired); Scott Williams, VSC Fire & Security; Jerry Pruden, Old Dominion Firefighters Foundation; Hooper Loscomb, Eagle Fire Inc.; Tiffany Clarke, Eagle Fire Inc.; Craig Smith, Ferguson Fire & Fabrication; Griff Brinkley, Old Dominion Fire Company; Bob Beckwith, United Sprinkler Company; George Wagner, retired chapter executive director; Jason Gill, Crews and Gregory Sprinkler; and Steve McGee, incoming executive director (retired from VSC Fire & Security). The AFSA Virginia Chapter invites everyone to participate in the 2022 AFSA Virginia Chapter/ Burn Survivors Foundation Golf Tournament on October 5, 2022, which will be held once again at the Williamsburg National Golf Club in Williamsburg, Virginia. If you are interested in donating to the
Golfers were ready to roll at the AFSA Virginia Chapter’s 28th Annual Burn Survivors Golf Tournament at the Williamsburg National Golf Club.
Burn Survivors Foundation, or would like to learn more about the charities this event serves, visit or n
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Timothy “Hooper” Loscomb is a corporate account manager for Eagle Fire, Inc. in Richmond, Virginia. He has been in the fire protection industry since 1995. Loscomb serves as vice president of the AFSA Virginia Chapter and the Burn Survivors Foundation.
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s this issue of Sprinkler Age will be available at the NFPA Annual Conference & Expo®, this column will serve a special purpose. In preparation for the 2022 NFPA Technical Meeting, AFSA has reviewed the posted Certified Amending Motions (CAMs) for the relevant standards on the A2022 and F2021 revision cycles and is providing a voting guide as a special issue of Higher Standards. These CAMs are related to NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. CAM 25-2 – External Loads and Material Compatibility Accept Committee Comment No. 3 AFSA Position: OPPOSE This CAM intends to add a requirement to inspect materials in contact with nonmetallic sprinkler pipe to verify that there are no incompatible materials. This task is an ongoing responsibility of the owner based on the language added to Chapter 4 by SR-4, and it is not necessary to restate the language in Chapter 5. While the requirements of NFPA 25 are ultimately the responsibility of the owner, contractual relationships may shift the responsibility to an inspecting contractor to perform some or all the tasks required by specific chapters. It is not practical to require an inspector to verify the ever-changing compatibility list of CPVC pipe. CAM 25-3 – Nonsystem Components Accept an Identifiable Part of Committee Comment No. 3 AFSA Position: SUPPORT While CAM 25-2 moves to accept CC-3 in its entirety, CAM 25-3 only looks to accept the committee’s revision to section which failed ballot. This change requires pipe to be inspected annually from the floor to verify that the pipe is not supporting nonsystem components. This language correlates with NFPA 13 requirements and provides an easily identifiable action that an inspector can report on. CAM 25-10 – Nonmetallic Sprinkler Piping Reject Second Revision No. 4 AFSA Position: OPPOSE This CAM proposes the deletion of the CPVC compatibility requirements from Chapter 4. The owner of a building is ultimately responsible for that structure and the materials that are put in it. The only practical and reasonable approach is to make the owner responsible for the ongoing compatibility of materials in contact with CPVC piping. CAM 25-15 – Water Mist Positive Displacement Pumping Units Reject Second Revision No. 60 AFSA Position: OPPOSE The submitter of CAM 25-15 argues that the additional flow testing requirements for water mist positive displacement pumping units are excessive due to the requirement of an annual flow test and
an annual activation test. While the submitter stated in their negative vote on SR-60 that water mist fire pumps should be treated no differently than traditional fire pumps, it should be noted that a water mist system is NOT a sprinkler system. SR-60 was developed by a joint task group from NFPA 20 and NFPA 750 and AFSA supports that group’s work. This CAM should be rejected. CAM 25-16 – Concealed Sprinklers Reject Second Revision No. 2 AFSA Position: OPPOSE The new requirement to remove the cover plates of concealed sprinklers and inspect on a five-year basis is the sprinkler industry’s version of a tree falling in the forest with no one there to hear it. The lack of data referenced in many negative votes is simply due to the fact that we have not gathered the data, and the only way to gather data is to pull cover plates and verify the functionality of the concealed sprinkler. A five-year frequency for this inspection is reasonable and adds no greater burden on the inspector as the time interval aligns with other five-year activities that would require additional equipment to reach the ceiling level. Additionally, the sample size correlates with the testing requirements for sprinklers—the greater of four sprinklers or 1 percent. This CAM should be rejected. CAM 25-17 – Clearance to Storage Reject an Identifiable Part of Second Revision No. 13 AFSA Position: OPPOSE This CAM looks to remove the reference to the annual inspection of sprinklers to verify proper clearance to storage is provided from Table Whether or not this line item is removed, the requirements of section remain, and this inspection would still be required. For consistency, the table should remain unchanged, and this CAM should be rejected. CAM 25-18 – Net Fire Pump Performance Reject Second Revision No. 61 AFSA Position: OPPOSE When interpreting flow test results for fire pumps, the net performance of the fire pump is a quantitative determination of the fire pump’s performance. If the data from the manufacturer’s curve can be achieved, there is nothing deficient about the fire pump assembly. When interpreting the gross performance of the fire pump, that will determine if there is an adequate water supply to feed any water-based systems downstream. A diminished gross performance should not make a fire pump assembly categorically deficient when the net performance is satisfactory. This CAM should be rejected. n
TECHNICAL CHALLENGES CAN YOU MEET THE CHALLENGE? Each issue, AFSA’s Engineering & Technical Services Department staff present technical challenges. Besides testing yourself and your co-workers, these exercises are excellent preparation for professional certification tests and also may count as continuing education hours. Check with your certification organization. Each issue of Sprinkler Age will focus on one set of challenge questions related to the technical theme of that issue. To participate, carefully read through and work the problems. Then check your answer in the next issue. Test your knowledge and that of your co-workers today!
MARCH/APRIL ANSWERS The following questions and answers are based on NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2022 edition, and NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, 2020 edition. 1. A vertical change in elevation between two standard spray sprinklers extends down from the ceiling. How high must the elevation change be for it to be treated as a wall when spacing sprinklers? Reference: NFPA 13, Figure A. 12 in. B. 24 in. C. 36 in. D. 48 in. 2. When an ESFR system has areas with overhead garage doors, what other sprinklers are permitted to be used to protect under the doors? Reference: NFPA 13, Section A. Dry barrel B. Quick response C. Fast-response D. Standard response 3. A standard spray sprinkler is blocked by ductwork. If the beam rule is not met, how far must the sprinkler be spaced from the obstruction? Reference: NFPA 13, Section* A. Two times the maximum dimension B. Three times the maximum dimension C. Four times the maximum dimension D. Five times the maximum dimension 4. What types of sprinklers do not need to meet the clearance to the top of storage requirements for sprinkler discharge in NFPA 25? Reference: NFPA 25, A. EFSR sprinklers B. In-rack sprinklers C. Combustible concealed sprinklers D. Attic sprinklers 5. When ESFR sprinklers are installed above the bottom chord of a truss that is 6-in. wide, how far away from the bottom chord must the ESFR sprinkler be installed? Reference: NFPA 13, Section requires ESFR sprinklers to be located a
minimum of 1 ft. away from bottom chords of trusses that do not exceed 12 inches. A. 6 in. B. 12 in. C. 18 in. D. 24 in.
MAY/JUNE QUESTIONS The following questions are based on NFPA 13, 2022 edition; NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 2019 edition; NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 2022 edition; and NFPA 25, 2020 edition. 1. Which of the following is defined as a vessel that can store air under pressure that is higher than the air pressure in a system? A. Air chamber B. Air receiver C. Air maintenance device D. Air reservoir 2. For a diesel engine driver in a fire pump system, how many seconds must the air supply be sized to provide continuous cranking without recharging? A. 60 seconds B. 90 seconds C. 120 seconds D. 180 seconds 3. What is the maximum water delivery time to the most remote hose connection for an automatic dry standpipe with a capacity of 1,000 gallons? A. 1 minute B. 1 minute, 30 seconds C. 2 minutes D. 3 minutes 4. Dry sprinkler systems are required to be equipped with what device that activates 5 psi above the system air pressure? A. Low-pressure switch B. High-pressure switch C. Pressure relief valve D. Automatic air vent 5. When performing a periodic air leakage test on a preaction system, if the normal system pressure is locked in with the air source shut off, how long does the system have to maintain pressure before the low air alarm initiates? A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 4 hours D. 24 hours
CALENDAR JUNE 2022 1-3 • NFPA 25 Hands-On Course Cranston, RI 4 • Standpipes Fitter Zone Webinar 20-7/15 • Beginning Fire Sprinkler System Planning School Online & in San Diego, CA 23 • Sizing and Selection of Fire Pump Systems Technical Webinar
JULY 2022 7
• Sprinkler Challenge: Special Occupancies Zoom • Louisiana Fire Sprinkler Association Seminar & Meeting Baton Rouge, LA
AUGUST 2022 2-5
• AFSA Training Course for ASSE 15510 Certification Exton, PA 8-10 • Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculations Workshop Dallas, TX 22 – 9/2 • Intermediate Fire Sprinkler System Planning School Online & in Dallas, TX 22 – 9/16 • Beginning Fire Sprinkler System Planning School Online & in Dallas, TX
OCTOBER 2022 5
• AFSA Virginia Chapter/Burn Survivors Foundation Golf Tournament Williamsburg, VA • AFSA Florida Golf Tournament Davenport, FL
Seminars subject to change. Call (214) 349-5965 to confirm locations and times. For more events and details, visit and click on “Events” and “Events List.”
The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is pleased to welcome Jolene Cutajar as its meetings and events coordinator. In this role, she will support the Meeting & Education Services Department in coordinating education and training programs such as the fire sprinkler system planning schools, ITM certification, CEU approvals for CAL-Fire, CEU certificate distribution, and the National Apprentice Competition. Contact her at or at 214-349-5965 ext. 119. Wendy Flores has joined AFSA as its front office receptionist. As part of the AFSA team, Flores greets visitors, answers incoming phone calls, directs them to the proper department, distributes mail daily, assists all departments with mailings and shipments, helps keep the office and kitchen supplies in stock, and assists with the preparation of materials for quarterly Board meetings. She may be contacted at or at 214-349-5965 ext. 112.
Congratulations to AFSA Technical Programs Specialist Josh McDonald, MSET, CFPS, CWBSP, WBITM, who has earned NFPA’s Water-Based Fire Protection System Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (WBITM) certification and NICET Level I certification in waterbased systems layout.
Several staff members of AFSA will be attending NFPA’s annual Conference & Expo® June 6-9, 2022, in Boston. Attend a seminar presented by AFSA’s staff, including AFSA President Bob Caputo, CFPS; AFSA’s Vice President of Engineering & Technical Services John August Denhardt, P.E., FSFPE; Coordinator of Engineering & Technical Services Kevin Hall, M.Eng, P.E., ET, CWBSP, PMSFPE; and Director of Engineering & Technical Services Victoria Valentine, P.E. Also stop by AFSA’s booth in the exhibit hall to visit with AFSA’s Membership team: Senior Director of Membership & Chapter Support Bruce Lecair; Regional Director of Membership & Chapter Support Dominick Kasmauskas, CFPS; and Director of Membership & Chapter Development Meda Merritt. AFSA’s Chair of the Board Jack Medovich, P.E., president & CEO and founding partner of Fire & Life Safety America, in Richmond, Virginia, will also be in attendance. For more information and to register for the conference, visit n
Over 70 people atended the Colorado Chapter’s April 20 training class on antifreeze and common fire protection litigation issues.
The Colorado AFSA Chapter held a class on April 20, 2022, at the North Metro Fire Training Center in Erie. For the first half of the session, antifreeze representatives gave short presentations followed by open discussion among attendees concerning getting existing systems into compliance with the new code by the September 30, 2022, deadline and proper handling and use of all products. Representatives were John Pritchard for Freezemaster™, George Rudolph for FireFighter® Eliminator 1330™, and Tim Filippazzo for LPF® Antifreeze+. G2 Solutions was also present and is a provider for glycol and glycerin-based heat transfer fluid and freeze suppression fluids. Its team supports in-house technicians to fill new systems and evacuate/flush/refill existing systems. They are the largest recycler of spent glycol and glycerin in the region. The second half of the session focused on common fire protection litigation issues and forensic analysis. Adam Farnham, FPE of Envista Forensics’ Fire Protection Engineering Group and Attorney Kate Strauss, founding partner at Galvanize Law in Denver, discussed best practices in documentation and record keeping that can help with defense in litigation. Adam spoke on the process of post-incident forensic analysis and used generic portions of casework as examples. Strauss also discussed the process of construction defect litigation, contract provisions that impact litigation liability, and contract issues surrounding price escalation and materials delay problems currently facing the industry. The class was well represented by AHJs, contractors, and the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control and had 71 in attendance for the four-hour CEU class. Visit
BBQ Gives Back, a Kansas City Barbecue Association contest, was pleased to host a benefit BBQ contest to support The Virginia Burn Foundation on March 25-27, 2022. This was the second year the event helped this group’s efforts to support the MCV VCU Evans Hays Burn Foundation and the Central Va Burn Camp. The three-day contest hosted teams from as far away as Rhode Island and Illinois. On Friday, teams competed in chicken, turkey, and ribs contests, with the Turkey Federation donating turkey breast to each team competing to cook. Teams turned in various samples ranging from tacos to turkey sliders to turkey dip. (The turkey dip was tremendous!)
This year, the chapter added a Kid Q Division where 10 kids under 16 years of age cooked beef sliders and presented them to be judged. This was a great event for the kids to participate in and was sponsored by Two Drummers Smokehouse. Then came Saturday with a full-on four-meats competition of chicken, pork ribs, pork, and brisket. Followed by Sunday and a repeat of Saturday with a second round of the same. At the end, after the competition was over, the fire was put out, and the trailers were packed and ready for the next competition down the road somewhere, BBQ Gives Back was able to up its donation of $10,000 from last year to this year’s $12,000. This could not be possible without the support and sponsorships of several individuals and companies, including from the fire protection industry: Jack Medovich, George Wagner, Old Dominion Fire, and Ferguson Fire & Fab. Winners included on the Masters’ side—Rooters N Tooters out of Tennessee taking the Grand Championship (GC) on Day 1, and Muttley Crew BBQ from North Carolina taking the Reserve Grand. Day 2 saw Uncle Pigs BBQ Pit from New Jersey take home the Grand Championship with last year’s double GC winner, Wolf’s Revenge of Virginia, taking Reserve Grand. In the Backyard division, Day 1 GC was The Fat Is Where It’s At from Pennsylvania, and Day 2 GC was Love-N-Smoke from Virginia, who also was the winner of the Fire Sprinkler award for the second year in a row. The Fire Sprinkler award is given to the highest finisher of both days’ scores that is employed in the fire sprinkler business. Thanks to New England Manufacturing for their help making the “180” gauge for the chapter. A 180 in BBQ scores is a perfect score. In addition to the chapter’s financial donation to the Burn Survivors Foundation, teams and judges alike made a large donation of cooked leftover meats and dry and canned goods to the local food bank, Team Thanksgiving. This is a huge help to them for the year in feeding those in need in their local community. So, BBQ Gives Back really is about giving back in many ways. We are very pleased with how this year’s event turned out, and we are already talking about 2023. If anyone thinks they have the best BBQ, visit and sign up for a contest near you. Or come to Urbanna, Virginia, and compete for the Fire Sprinkler award! Save the Date! Don’t forget to register for the AFSA Virginia Chapter/Burn Survivors Foundation Golf Tournament to be held on October 5, 2022, at Williamsburg National Golf Club! For more information on all chapter events, visit n
he Membership team at the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) has, as part of its responsibilities, the important role of informing members on new legislation, regulations, and developing standards while working alongside the AFSA Legislative Committee and our stakeholders to protect and promote the fire sprinkler industry. In 2021, the AFSA Legislative Committee crafted a Vision Statement that defines its purpose—“The AFSA Legislative Committee seeks to promote a future of great growth for merit shop fire sprinkler contractors and their affiliated businesses by active participation in local, state, and national legislative issues to protect the principles of a free market economy.” To fulfill the vision, the Membership team, working with the Legislative Committee, acts as a main point of contact, thereby facilitating dialogue and maintaining communication to our membership when new legislation affecting the fire sprinkler industry is introduced, moved forward to committee, edited, removed, or chaptered. It is important to note that working regionally with our committee members and chapter leaders is essential to accomplishing the legislative portion of our mission. Governing officials find it easier to talk to local members of a trade
association rather than to individual companies. To assist our chapters, it is our role to consolidate the association’s viewpoint and link industry members, governing officials, and policymakers. Doing so allows a structured, representative, and transparent dialogue representing our members’ viewpoints. AFSA members have an extensive knowledge of their local regions and a strong culture of knowledge sharing, which can be quickly passed on to governing officials and policymakers. To accomplish the task of monitoring legislation and to assess new legislation and the impact of policy/regulatory measures, AFSA utilizes Fiscal Note as a tool for receiving daily legislative updates. When legislation is noted that affects AFSA members and has an impact positively or negatively on the fire sprinkler industry, the Legislative Committee and local chapter leaders are notified and provided with the information needed to decide a course of action within their local chapters or with the assistance of AFSA nationally. With another platform, VoterVoice, AFSA is readily able to plan, develop, and implement a campaign to support or oppose legislation and deliver materials and information via email to members as well as nonmembers, nationally and at the state level. Recently, an AFSA legislative campaign was created in Voter Voice to ask our members to support the High-Rise Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act of 2021. The passage of HR 6192 and SB 3346 will allow a residential property owner of a building 75 feet or over to depreciate a retrofitted sprinkler fire system in 15 years, rather than the present 39 years, as spelled out in section 168 of the IRS 1986 Tax Code. You, too, can support and promote fire sprinklers and the safety of those that reside in these occupancies! Visit legislation to enter your information and send a prepared letter in support to your state legislators. Thank you for your membership! n
AFSA NEW MEMBERS New members as of April 30, 2022.
Accel Fire Protection Services San Jose, CA
Sharp Fire Protection Burbank, CA
American Backflow and Fire Prevention, Inc. Wauconda, IL
Skyway Sprinkler, LLC Saint Petersburg, FL
Anchor Fire Protection, Inc. Sun Valley, CA
Statewide Fire Protection, Inc. Glendale, CA
Bob Peters Fire Protection Signal Hill, CA,
Target Fire Protection, Inc. Glendale, CA
Elite Components Sugar Land, TX
ThermOmega Tech Warminster, PA
Elite Fire Protection, Inc. Hemet, CA
Total Life Safety Corporation Jensen Beach, FL
Fire Alarm Services, Inc. Arvada, CO
Ultimate Hydro Fire Protection, Inc. San Fernando, CA
Fire Protection Inspection Services LLC Kalamazoo, MI
Valley Fire and Security Rancho Cordova, CA
Firefly Fire LLC Clearfield, UT
Inland Empire Fire & Safety Enterprises, Pomona, CA Integrity Fire Corydon, IN
Tarsco Bolted Tank Goodman, MO
Cordiner Consulting, LLC Flora, MS
Knight Owl Design LLC Forney, TX
JW Design, LLC Crofton, MD
Naples Fire Protection, Inc. Bonita Springs, FL
Tom Easton Fire Design Moscow, ID
Northern Fire Protection Santa Rosa, CA Novatek Macedonia Iran, Islamic Republic ORTOR INGENIERIA, S.A. DE C.V. San Marino Ensenada, Mexico Overwatch Pipe Works Inc. New Castle, DE Pittsburgh Fire Sprinkler LLC Allison Park, PA Pye-Barker Fire & Safety Rapid City, SD Rapid Fire Protection, Inc. Aurora, CO Rapid Fire Protection, Inc. Rapid City, SD Reliable Fire and Safety Bessemer City, NC
Bob Allen, Henrico, VA
Brian Miller, Baton Rouge, LA
Todd Anderson, Kirkland, WA
Michael Nykaza, Paw Paw, IL
L Bates, Upper Marlboro, MD
Anibal Oliu, West Palm Beach, FL
Becky Bell, Phoenix, AZ
Derek Olivas, Chula Vista, CA
Scott Carter, Wilder, ID
John Orrison, Herndon, VA
Warren Chappell, Webster, TX
Bobby Palmer, Bradley, WV
David Cherrone, South Bend, IN
Christopher Platz, Abington, PA
Nathan Cheung, Carlsbad, CA
Paul Rainwater, Niles, MI
Jim Davidson, Valley Center, CA
Corey Rice, Sullivan, MO
Roddy Dauzat, Sulphur, LA
Oscar Salgado, Los Angeles, CA
Ame Davis, Fort Myers, FL
Gerrard Simpkins, Suwanee, GA
Terry Davis, Lubbock, TX
Timothy Spears, Tracy, CA
Christopher De La Cruz, La Mesa, CA
Duane Stitzel, Tipp City, OH
Axel Garcia, Hutto, TX
Matthew Stone, Burlington, VT
Jeremy Gerald, Baton Rouge, LA
Lawless Threeton, Denham Springs, LA
Sean Gilbert, Baton Rouge, LA
Sandy Twilley, Seneca, SC
Raul Gonzalez, Chico, CA
Gerard Wall, Lake Buena Vista, FL
Jason Grant, Portland, ME
Greg Wallace, Cumming, GA
Andrew Howard, Vancleave, MS
Cynthia Wong, Valley Center, CA
Richard Hunt, Denham Springs, LA
David Worthington, Philadelphia, PA
Brad Kelley, Baton Rouge, LA
Adam Young, Chico, CA
Sean Killelea, South Bend, IN Nicolas Lalaurette, Woodbury, NY Jose Lopez, Dinuba, CA Medi Maldonado, Carlsbad, CA Kim Melancon, Jefferson, LA Kyle Morris, Zachary, LA Aaron Murg, Fallbrook, CA Jack Frost, South Bend, IN Maria Gladden, Dixon, CA Aaron Johnson, Baton Rouge, LA Dexter Joval, Miami, FL King Kador, Baton Rouge, LA Ronnie Melser, South Bend, IN
AFSA CHAPTERS ALABAMA Hunter Brendle – Pres. 334-270-8571 Greg Willis – Exec. Dir. 334-567-4257
Jason Williams – Chair 480-421-8411 Makenna Leathers – Exec Dir. 804-222-1381
David Nabors – Chair 501-225-4910 Coleman Farrar – Exec. Dir. 479-461-3863
CAROLINAS Carl Jackson – Chair 910-443-0626 John Turnage – Exec. Dir. 919-624-3456
CHESAPEAKE BAY Jason Martin – Chair 410-286-3314 Danielle Fowler – Exec. Dir. 410-972-1122
GREATER BAY AREA Roger Wallace – Chair 719-337-6550 Kim Cook – Exec. Dir. 704-213-4368 Dave Karrick – Chair 925-417-5550 Alicia Karrick - Exec. Dir. 510-398-9185
CONNECTICUT CJ Bonczyk – Chair 817-529-1693
Sklyer Bilbo – Chair 217-342-2242 Mitch Bortner – Vice Chair 206-348-0078
FLORIDA Suzanne Saults – Chair 727-556-2790 Jessica Cox – Exec. Dir. 813-784-3624
LOUISIANA Randy Laguna – Chair 504-464-6236 ext 224 Ellen Ballard – Exec. Dir. 318-688-8800
GEORGIA Allen Cagle – Chair 770-554-5285 Taylor Johnson – Exec. Dir. 770-484-1112
MICHIGAN Doug Irvine, Jr. – Chair 616-784-1644
OKLAHOMA AFFILIATE Tim Hollon – Pres. 918-851-2416 Chad Dubuc – Chair 508-431-9938
Mark McKenzie – Chair 913-432-6688 Brett Heinrich – Exec. Dir. 785-825-7710
Marc Huag – Chair 701-232-7008 Tina Hoff – Exec. Dir. 701-799-1899
GREATER KANSAS CITY Rick Russo, Jr. – Chair 203-877-7983
Thomas Bowlby, Jr. – Chair 908-226-5313 Victor Lugo – Exec. Dir. 201-635-0400 Jordan Hopkins – Chair 916-672-8415 Paulene Norwood – Exec. Dir. 916-296-0635
Paul Chavez – Chair 505-898-9197 Jeriod Towery – Vice Chair 505-410-4007
Scott Uren – Chair 858-722-1470 Rhonda Gudger – Exec. Dir. 951-326-4600
SCHUYLKILL Christopher Campion, Jr. – Chair 732-798-0911 Meaghen Wills – Exec. Dir. 610-754-7836
Ryan Gadhue – Chair 802-865-3600
OHIO Bill Hausmann – Chair 937-859-6198 Scott Huber – Exec. Dir. 513-942-1500
SOUTH CAROLINA Nikki Ray – Chair 864-207-8545 Ashley McAdams – Exec. Dir. 864-561-4088
PACIFIC NORTHWEST Josh Massingale – Chair 360-794-8621 Ron Greenman – Exec. Dir. 253-576-9700
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Jeff Bridges – Chair 941-413-0526 Daniel Venecia – Exec. Dir. 818-730-6283
TENNESSEE Casey Milhorn – Chair 615-349-5278 David Pulliam– Exec. Dir. 901-484-0605
UPSTATE NEW YORK Justin Petcosky – Chair 607-296-7969
UTAH ROCKY MOUNTAIN Mark Winder, Jr. – Chair 385-630-8064 Brent Heiner – Exec. Dir. 801-544-0363
VIRGINIA Bob Beckwith – Chair 540-659-4675 Steve McGee – Exec. Dir. 757-544-0520
TEXAS AFFILIATE David Stone – Pres. 713-466-9898 Sarah Kiefer – Exec. Dir. 512-844-6632
Sacramento Valley Greater Bay
Southern California
San Diego
d n er lan rth ng Upstate No w E e New York N Patriot Connecticut New Jersey Schuylkill
New Mexico
Greater Kansas City Oklahoma (Affiliate)
Dallas Fort Worth
Alabama Louisiana
Chesapeake Bay Virginia Carolinas
South Carolina Georgia gia
Texas (Affiliate)
Total construction starts fell 12 percent in March to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $903.8 billion, according to Dodge Construction Network. Nonresidential building starts lost 29 percent, in part due to the start of three large manufacturing facilities in the prior month. When those three large projects are removed, nonresidential starts in March would have risen 10 percent. Residential starts also fell 3 percent, and nonbuilding starts lost 2 percent. Year-to-date, total construction was 9 percent higher in the first three months of 2022 than in the same period of 2021. Nonresidential building starts rose 26 percent, residential starts gained 3 percent, while nonbuilding starts were 1 percent lower. For the 12 months ending March 2022, total construction starts were 15 percent above the 12 months ending March 2021. Nonresidential starts were 25-percent higher, residential starts gained 15 percent and nonbuilding starts were down 1 percent. “The volatility caused by the ebb and flow of large projects masks an underlying trend of strengthening in construction starts,” stated Richard Branch, chief economist for Dodge Construction Network. “Nonresidential construction has benefited from the growing confidence that the worst of the pandemic is in the rear-view window. The pipeline of projects waiting to start continues to fill, suggesting this trend will continue. However, higher prices and a shortage of skilled labor will slow the progress of those projects through the design and bidding stages, resulting in moderate growth in starts activity.” n
Prepared by Dodge Data & Analytics
MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT VALUE Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates, In Millions Mar. 2022 Feb. 2022 Nonresidential Building $274,836 $388,192 Residential Building $434,468 $446,222 Nonbuilding Construction $194,512 $197,942 Total Construction $903,816 $1,032,356
% Change -29 23 -2 -12
Total construction starts rose 9 percent in February to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.013 trillion, according to Dodge Construction Network. Nonresidential building starts swelled 32 percent due to the start of three large manufacturing facilities. By contrast, residential starts fell 3 percent, and nonbuilding starts fell by less than 1 percent. Without the three large manufacturing projects, total construction would have declined 6 percent in February. Year-to-date, total construction was 14 percent higher in the first two months of 2022 than in the same period of 2021. Nonresidential building starts jumped 39 percent, nonbuilding starts rose 4 percent and residential starts gained 5 percent. For the 12 months ending February 2022, total construction starts were 16 percent above the 12 months ending February 2021. Nonresidential starts were 23 percent higher, residential starts gained 19 percent, and nonbuilding starts were up 1 percent. “The manufacturing sector has been an important success story for construction since the pandemic began,” stated Richard Branch, chief economist for Dodge Construction Network. “Domestic producers are expected to seek more control over their supply chains in the future, so that aspect of construction should continue to flourish. However, as evident in February’s data, other sectors are struggling to gain traction in the face of high material prices and worker shortages. The conflict in Ukraine will continue to put upward pressure on costs, making the sector’s recovery more tenuous in 2022.”n
Prepared by Dodge Data & Analytics
Nonresidential Building Residential Building Nonbuilding Construction Total Construction
Nonresidential Building Residential Building Nonbuilding Construction Total Construction
% Change 32 -3 0 9
THE DODGE INDEX (Year 2000=100, Seasonally Adjusted) February 2022.............................214 January 2022.........................197
THE DODGE INDEX (Year 2000=100, Seasonally Adjusted) December 2021....................186 November 2021...................186 YEAR-TO-DATE CONSTRUCTION STARTS Unadjusted Totals, In Millions 3 Mos. 2022 3 Mos. 2021 $73,437 $58,068 $104,475 $102,056 $45,077 $45,522 $223,989 $205,647
MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION STARTS Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates, In Millions Feb. 2022 Jan. 2022 $385,622 $293,002 $428,992 $440,058 $198,432 $198.587 $1,013,046 $931,647
% Change 26 3 -1 9
Nonresidential Building Residential Building Nonbuilding Construction Total Construction
YEAR-TO-DATE CONSTRUCTION STARTS Unadjusted Totals, In Millions 2 Mos. 2022 2 Mos.2021 $50,846 $36,673 $64,644 $61,823 $28,946 $27,842 $144,436 $126,337
% Change 39 5 4 14
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. announced cULus Listing and the addition of an 8-in. size for its Model DDV diaphragm deluge valve. Reliable® Model DDV valves are diaphragm type valves that are used in deluge fire systems. The Model DDV diaphragm deluge valve utilizes a single moving part—a resilient fabric-reinforced EPDM diaphragm— that ensures consistent operation over time. The Model DDV is available in six different pre-trimmed deluge configurations: remote resetting, remote resetting/pressure regulating, dry pilot/pressure regulating, wet pilot, dry pilot and electric actuation. With the addition of the 8-in. (200-mm) size, the DDV is now available in sizes 11/ 2 in. (40 mm) through 8 in. (200 mm). Combined with its new cULus Listing, existing FM Approval and pressure rating up to 400 psi (27.6 bar) the DDV is well-suited for a wide variety of deluge applications. Model DDV valve trims have no connections to the cover of the valve. The DDV features a tight footprint and can be installed in any orientation. For more information on the Model DDV diaphragm deluge valve refer to Bulletin 550 for remote resetting deluge options, Bulletin 551 for deluge options, or visit
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. announces that standard escutcheons for all dry sprinklers will now be manufactured from Type 316 stainless steel. As an improvement to the Reliable line of dry sprinklers, Type 316 stainless steel will replace cold-rolled steel as the base material for the standard escutcheon on F3 and DH series dry sprinklers. Sprinklers included are the F3-56, F3QR56, F380, F3QR80, F3Res44, DH56 Dry, and DH80 Dry Sprinklers ordered with Standard Escutcheons. Visit
AGF’s new Model 7000L lockable pressure relief valve is now available in 200 psi as well as the original 175, 225, and 300 psi. Temporarily lock the pressure relief valve closed to allow for hydrostatic testing without removing the valve from the system. This saves significant installation time by eliminating the need for a return trip to install the relief valve after hydrostatic testing. Order Model 7000L standalone or on your favorite TESTanDRAIN®, RiserPACK, or pressure relief kit. For a limited time, AGF is upgrading riser orders with pressure relief to the Model 7000L for free! For more information on the Model 7000L lockable pressure relief valve, visit or call (610) 240-4900.
RIDGID®, part of Emerson’s professional tools portfolio, introduces the SeeSnake® microReel™ APX™ to optimize inspections. Engineered with a lightweight, compact profile for easy portability, the microReel APX features bright LED lights with high color accuracy and auto-flip imagery delivering crisp, detailed images and ensuring upright viewing angles in a variety of pipe conditions. Paired with TruSense® technology, this tool delivers the industry’s best in-pipe image. The microReel APX is the most recent camera reel from RIDGID to offer TruSense technology to help plumbers better pinpoint problem areas in-pipe. It also comes with a built-in kickstand for in-field versatility with multiple configurations for optimal operation. TruSense establishes a two-way datalink between the camera head and a connected RIDGID SeeSnake Wi-Fi-enabled monitor.
With TruSense, advanced sensors on the camera head convey information about the in-pipe environment, while the HDR image sensor expands the camera’s dynamic range, allowing a greater ratio of bright and dark areas to be displayed at the same time without reducing visibility. This delivers superior clarity and detail with fewer blown-out areas and sections of the pipe that are too dark to see. TiltSense™ measures the camera’s angle and, when connected to a SeeSnake series monitor, the camera can convey the camera’s degree of tilt on the monitor—giving professionals a useful indicator of the pitch of the camera in-pipe. All RIDGID SeeSnake reels come with the RIDGID Full Lifetime Warranty. Visit, or call toll-free: 1-800-4RIDGID.
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. announces its Model FX dry pipe valve is a differential type, externally resettable valve used to control water flow to a sprinkler system subject to temperatures below 40°F (4°C). The valve clapper is held in the set position by pneumatic pressure, which acts on a larger surface area than that of the incoming water pressure. For the valve to open, pneumatic pressure from the system must be released. In addition to existing Listings and Approvals, the Model FX recently received FM Approval for the 6-in. size. The entire series from 2 in. (50 mm) through 6 in. (150 mm) now carries cULus Listings and FM Approvals. The model FX valve is fully assembled and rigorously tested at Reliable’s Liberty, South Carolina, manufacturing facility. It is avail-
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able pretrimmed, including optional butterfly control valve and/or accelerator. Alarm and high/low air pressure switches are included with pretrimmed FX valves. The single FX valve assembly makes it easy to specify, order and install, which saves valuable time for designers, purchasing managers, and fitters. The Model FX is available in 2-in. through 6-in. sizes, with groove/groove, flange/groove, and flange/flange end connections. For comprehensive product options, approvals and specifications, refer to bulletin 360 or visit n
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West Coast - Long Beach, CA (800) 458-3492 • Central - San Antonio, TX (866) 318-0274 • East Coast - Charlotte, NC (844) 202-1618 • SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 49
Introducing the Next Level of Design INTERMEDIATE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANNING SCHOOL 1/2 hour orientation via live webinar t Two 3-hour live online classes t 5 days of in-person instruction t Hardware and software provided for class t
Aug 22 - Sept 2 | Oct 31 - Nov 11 The school will prepare the student to: • Use computer modeling of a sprinkler system to illustrate and confirm installation requirements for storage sprinklers (CMDA, CMSA, ESFR). • Determine the appropriate component, installation, and design requirements for a standpipe system. • Recognize the components of and prepare shop drawings where seismic protection is required. • Select appropriate fire pump based on available supply and system demand and verify using computer model. • Classify commodities and storage arrangements. • Compare installation requirements for storage sprinklers (CMDA, CMSA, and ESFR). For more information visit:
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has launched several new training programs to ensure building and life safety is always at the forefront and professionals have the knowledge to succeed in their ever-expanding roles. The online and live virtual offerings have been designed and developed with input from industry experts so that practitioners can critically think about codes and standards and apply the guidance found within key documents to their everyday work tasks. To meet the online education expectations of today’s workforce and to serve the global community, NFPA has created high-quality online learning and live virtual training solutions for a wide array of stakeholders. NFPA Online Learning consists of self-paced training courses designed by an awardwinning development team that can be accessed from anywhere at any time. Subject matter experts provided input and emphasized the importance of creating modules that include expert videos, reallife scenarios, case studies, and 3D simulations so that learners can grasp key concepts and enhance their workplace capabilities. NFPA Live Virtual Training courses are expert instructor-led live classes delivered over a virtual meeting platform. These interactive courses feature polling, chat, activities, exercises, videos, downloadable summaries, and job aids that help stakeholders locate, interpret, and apply code requirements. Students can engage with the instructor and classmates, in real-time, from the setting of their choice. The hyperlinks within each of the bulleted areas provide greater detail on program elements, length, and CEUs (continuing education units). Here is a summary of the new training lineup: • 2022 edition of NFPA 72, Fire Alarm and Signaling Code – NFPA has developed both an online training series and live virtual training on NFPA 72. Both courses offer expert instruction on the most current safety provisions for fire detection, signaling, emergency communications, and mass notification systems. Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating, or installing fire alarm systems, including designers, installers, electrical contractors, architects, auditors, and project managers will find value in these training options. • 2022 edition of NFPA 13 – Those charged with designing, reviewing, evaluating, or installing water-based fire protection systems, in-
cluding designers, installers, engineers, contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, insurers, and architects will benefit from new NFPA 13, Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, online training and live virtual training. Both offerings provide in-depth instruction related to locating, interpreting, and applying critical code concepts and criteria to help ensure safer and more efficient sprinkler system installations. • Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems – This online training series will help professionals working with photovoltaic (PV) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) to minimize fire, electrical, and life safety risks and the related casualty/ property damage that can arise with these installations. Upon successful completion of this series, designers, installers, inspectors, facility managers, building owners, and others responsible for ensuring proper functioning of PV and ESS will earn an NFPA digital badge. • Warehouse and Retail Fire Protection – An advisory group of leading industry professionals helped develop this comprehensive twohour online training, which offers a high-level overview of common hazards and the protection methods existing within these environments. The modules help employees identify potential dangers and take action to mitigate risks and reduce liabilities by looking at the responsibilities of involved parties, commodity classification, and sprinkler design and limitations. Visit
Registration is open for the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) 2022 Principles and Practice of Engineering (P.E.) Fire Protection Exam Review Course. A study guide with separate answer manual complements the course and is also available. Taught by 12 expert instructors with backgrounds across all areas of fire protection engineering, the course leverages the deep knowledge from SFPE’s member community to prepare candidates for the P.E. Fire Protection Exam. All courses are live, online, and conveniently offered twice weekly through the week of October 10, 2022, with recorded sessions also available on-demand afterward. Additional review sessions, online discussion, practice problems, and office hours with the instructors are included.
Each year, engineers who enroll in the 20week course are more prepared for the P.E. exam than those who don’t—SFPE course attendees also have a 15-percent higher pass rate. In addition, SFPE has prepared a 507-page study guide that features sample exercises, problems, and concepts that are equivalent in length and difficulty to what may be encountered on the actual exam. The study guide includes technical content, references, and corresponding answers—and is an invaluable complement to the course. The course and study guide can be used independently but are most successful when used together. Visit sfpe. org/2022peexamreview.
Winsupply, Inc. has completed the purchase of all three Williams Wholesale Supply locations. The locations will now be doing business as Winsupply of Cookeville, Winsupply of Crossville, and Winsupply of McMinnville. Follow Winsupply on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. Visit n
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Jon Corbett, P.E. (925) 566-4160 (888) 288-3330 SPRINKLER AGE | MAY/JUN 2022 51
Tyler Meier joined Reliable as a sales representative supporting clients in Southern California, Arizona, and southern Nevada. Meier reports to Regional Sales Manager Clint Williamson. Meier brings several years of sales experience in the construction industry to Reliable. A Cincinnati, Ohio native, he graduated from Miami University with a B.A. in Strategic Communications. Meier is based in Los Angeles, California. Visit
Telgian Fire Safety announces the promotion of Jeff Schaid to vice president, field operations. In his new role, Schaid will be responsible for the overall leadership, direction, and development of field operations. This includes the creation and implementation of strategic and operational initiatives for both internal and external inspections, as well as data analysis and headcount evaluation. He will also provide indirect oversight of field support consisting of post-inspection document review processes, logistics systems, compliance, and all vendorrelated operations. In addition to managing multiple work teams across the country, Schaid will be responsible for the direction, mentorship, and support of all departmental associates. He will set both individual and work team goals and provide training to accomplish overall goals and objectives. With more than 10 years of experience, Schaid specializes in the establishment of business objectives and the development and maintenance of both departmental metrics and associated KPIs. Schaid is also adept at streamlining workflows, identifying areas for improvement, and developing initiatives for improving delivery of services.
Formerly the senior director of operations, Schaid has been part of the Telgian team for over six years. Visit
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) board of directors appointed a new member to the NFPA Standards Council. Chief Randy J. Krause of Port of Seattle Fire Department was appointed by the Board in November 2021. He began serving a three-year term on January 1, 2022. In addition, three current council members were reappointed to serve additional terms. Jeffrey Foisel was reappointed for a second threeyear term, while Kenneth Bush and James Quiter were each reappointed for one-year extensions. All terms began January 1, 2022. Randy J. Krause has been a member of the fire service for 36 years. He began his career in 1985 as a firefighter in the United States Air Force (1985-1989) and continued in the private industry at Boeing Company (1990-2010). Krause left Boeing as a Deputy Fire Chief and is currently the fire chief of Port of Seattle Fire Department where he has been for nearly 12 years providing service to the Sea-Tac International Airport and the surrounding communities. He has been involved with NFPA Technical Committees since the mid-1990s, currently serving as chair of NFPA Emergency Responders Occupational Health (ERH-AAA) and Fire Service Occupational Safety (FIXAAA). Krause is also a member of Gonzaga University’s School of Leadership Studies Advisory Board. Krause earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from University of Washington – Bothell in 1998, and his Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University in 2006. The NFPA Standards Council, appointed by the NFPA Board of Directors, is comprised of 13 members. The responsibilities of the Council include overseeing NFPA standards development activities, ensuring compliance with the NFPA Regulations and Rules, and serving as the appeals body over matters related to standards development. Visit
James Tomes, president and CEO of Telgian Holdings, Inc., was recently appointed to the board of directors of The Fireboat Fire Fighter Museum. The Fire Fighter has protected the U.S. for over seven decades during some of the most harrowing incidents in American history including 9/11 and the “Miracle Landing on the Hudson.” Known as “America’s Fireboat,” the Fire Fighter provided courageous service during World War II and is a national historic landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Designed by renowned naval architect William Francis Gibbs in 1938, the Fire Fighter was considered a modern engineering marvel, capable of pumping 20,000 gallons of water per minute to nine topside fire monitors and powered by one of the first diesel-electric powerplants ever fitted to a vessel of her size. Her design was so advanced and performance so impressive, in fact, that throughout her entire 72-year active career, the Fire Fighter remained in an essentially unchanged operational condition, outlasting all of her contemporaries and even the majority of the FDNY fireboats half her age. Decommissioned in 2010, today The Fireboat Fire Fighter Museum is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the fireboat as a fully operational vessel, memorial, and teaching museum. As a longtime leader in the fire and life safety indus-
PEOPLE IN THE NEWS CONT. try, Tomes is committed to the preservation of this heroic vessel which is a maritime icon within the fire service industry. “I look forward to the opportunity to offer my experience and insight to contribute to the Fire Fighter by growing visibility for the historic ship and raising awareness of the need for the preservation of this truly unique piece of American maritime history,” says Tomes. Tomes’s fire protection roots run deep. As president and CEO of Telgian Holdings,
Inc., Tomes has been responsible for the fire protection industry-leading company’s success since 1999. And, as a force for positive change within the fire protection industry for decades, he has also served on multiple NFPA global code development committees. In addition to the Fire Fighter board of directors, Tomes is active in an advisory capacity for numerous organizations including the Arizona Sustainability Alliance board of directors, Greater
Phoenix Chamber board of directors, Arizona Bank & Trust Advisory board, the San Diego Military Advisory Council, the San Diego Naval Medical Center Surf Clinic, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce advisory board, among others. For more information about Telgian, visit For more information about The Fireboat Fire Fighter Museum, visit n
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