following actions taken: employee counseling and extension of review period, or termination. In the event of employee counseling and extension of review period, such extension shall not exceed an additional sixty (60) days, and all provisions of the initial review period shall apply, except those additional extensions may not be granted. Within the extended sixty (60) days, the employee and their direct supervisor will develop an employee improvement plan for review. 5. At any time during an initial review period, an employee may be separated from employment for just cause without recourse to the grievance procedures. 6. In no case will successful completion of the initial review period guarantee indefinite employment. 7. An initial review period may be waived upon recommendation by the employee’s supervisor and approval by the Executive Director in cases where a temporary employee transfers to a regular classification.
Annual Review Period
Each employee of the SPTHB shall have their performance evaluated on an annual basis. All such reviews shall be initiated by the employee’s supervisor and completed during the Annual Review Season which begins in May and ends in June. Should a pay increase accompany the annual review, such increase shall be included in the employee’s pay effective July 1. Annual Evaluations shall consist of an Employee Input Form submitted to the employee’s supervisor and an Annual Evaluation Form completed by the evaluating supervisor. These forms shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Manager and placed in the employee’s Personnel File after completion. All consideration for continued employment, salary adjustment, training & development recommendations, corrective or discipline actions, and commendation or other recognition shall be identified in writing in such a review and discussed with the employee by their supervisor. The employee and their supervisor shall sign annual review documents. If an employee disagrees with any recommendation or action contained in the review, the employee shall be afforded an opportunity to grieve such recommendation or action in accordance with the grievance procedure outlined in this manual.
Hours of Work
The SPTHB establishes the time and duration of working hours as required by customer service needs, workload and production flow, and the efficient management of personnel resources. 1. The hours of operation for the SPTHB office are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on those days observed as holidays. 2. For all full‐time non‐exempt employees, eight (8) hours constitute a workday. Forty (40) hours within a calendar week constitute a work week.