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Preparedness Preparedness
Raady.gov/indian-country https://www.ready.gov/indian-country
Tribal specific preparedness and training resources to handle natural disasters and emergencies
FEMA: Center for Domestic Preparedness Trainings https://cdp.dhs.gov/online_course
Online Courses covering: Health Sector Emergency Preparedness; Hazardous materials Awareness; Bomb Threat Preparedness; Response Considerations During Pandemic; Chemical Sector Security Awareness https://cdp.dhs.gov/
OKEmergencyApp https://oklahoma.gov/oem/programs-andservices/okemergency-app.html
Get emergency news updates, upload damage photos or information, and view emergency information on maps. The app also features a mobile emergency planning tool.
USDA’s Disaster Resource Center https://www.usda.gov/topics/disaster-resource-center
The Disaster Resource Center provides information on how to prepare, recover and build long-term resilience during disasters and emergencies.
CDC Public Health Preparedness and Response
Capabilities - National Standards for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Public Health https://www.cdc.gov/cpr/readiness/00_docs/ CDC_PreparednesResponseCapabilities_ October2018_Final_508.pdf
The document outlines a process to identify public health emergency preparedness and response program development priorities. It illustrates a three phase approach to identify priorities and implement jurisdictional emergency preparedness.
OK-Warn https://oklahoma.gov/oem/programsand-services/ok-warn.html

OK-WARN stands for Oklahoma Weather Alert Remote Notification - a service that provides notification of weather hazards and emergencies to deaf and hard-ofhearing Oklahomans via pager, e-mail or cell phone.
Disaster Distress Helpline
The Disaster Distress Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster.
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