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Preparedness Preparedness
Are you Ready? An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness (IS-22) https://prepareiowa.training-source.org/ sites/default/files/u433/17.pdf


This is a free online course to learn how to develop, practice, and maintain emergency plans that reflect what must be done before, during, and after a disaster to protect people and their property.
Preparing for a Disaster (FEMA 475) https://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/pfd.pdf
This document provides guidance for thinking about all aspects of your home and community when preparing for a natural disasters
Red Cross - Family Communication Plan https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-toprepare-for-emergencies/make-a-plan.html
Templates and resources to help create and prepare a Family Communication Plan
Indian Country
FEMA helps communicated with Tribal officials to help communities to be prepared before an emergency and recover after disaster strikes
Preparing for a Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs (FEMA 476) https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/atg/ PDF_s/Preparedness___Disaster_Recovery/General_ Preparedness___Recovery/Home/A4497.pdf
This document prepares peoples with disabilities and special needs to prepare for a natural disaster or emergency
Food and Water in an Emergency (FEMA 477) https://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/f&web.pdf
Document to understand food and water preparation in the case of a natural disaster
Local Emergency Planning - Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
The Oklahoma DEQ is committed to supporting LEPCs and their partnership with first-responders for the protection of public health and safety. Reimbursement grant opportunities provide training and protective equipment for hazardous waste emergency planning and response.
National Preparedness System https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/ national-preparedness/system
The NPS identifies and assesses risks, estimates the level of capabilities needed to address those risks, building or sustaining the required levels of capability, developing and implementing plans to deliver those capabilities, validating and monitoring progress, and reviewing and updating efforts to promote continuous improvement