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Other Measures

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Family Level Measures

Parenting Practices of Diet and Physical Activity Parents will report on family obesity prevention behaviors using the 20-item Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Screener (FNPA). There are 10 subscales of the FNPA which are all related to specific family practices, as well as a total score of the survey. Constructs are significantly correlated with total score in (0.32-0.66, p<0.01), and family meal patterns significantly correlated to overall score (0.532, p<0.01) and screen time to overall score (0.32, p<0.01).99


Parent Packet Documents

• F.1 Demographic Survey for Parents and Guardians • F.2 Parenting Practices of Diet and Physical Activity

Other Measures

The following measures listed below are intended to be distributed for data collection at specific time intervals. As stated above, the site visit checklists are conducted before and after implementation except for the food prep site visit; they will only receive one prior to implementation. Process evaluations and surveys begin the very first day of implementation of curriculum. Within ECE’s the teachers will receive a weekly survey over the 16 weeks and the healthcare providers will receive one monthly over the course of the implementation.

The community capacity tool is used prior to implementation to gauge readiness among our community partners. For food prep personnel, it is intended to develop a best practice menu before the first day of school. For teachers this is intended to gather information about physical activity lesson plans, establish or continue cultural and traditional practices related to nutrition and physical activity, and learn about community engagement of parents and healthcare providers within their respective community. For providers it is intended to collect information about current cultural practices within their healthcare setting, community outreach, and current physical activity and nutrition information or resources provided to parents. The interviews for each partner are a follow-up to the community capacity survey and provide time for them to give in-depth feedback.

The menu feedback form is to gain insight from the food prep personnel about utilizing the best practice menus. With this feedback WATCH staff can provide technical assistance and address the topics within the form. This can include troubleshooting about what snacks and meals concern them, what menu items they are enthusiastic about, and how well it is being received

by children. This form initiates communication and establishes a regular monthly check-in about best practice menu principles.


• G.1 Site Visit Checklist for HCP’s- Pre • G.2 Site Visit Checklist for HCP’s- Post • H.1 Process Evaluations for HCP’s ECE Centers:

• G.3 Site Visit Checklist for ECE’s- Pre • G.4 Site Visit Checklist for ECE’s- Post Food Prep Personnel • G.5 Site Visit Checklist for Food Prep Personnel- Pre • I.1 Community Capacity Survey for Food Prep Personnel • I.2 Interview for Food Prep Personnel • I.3 Menu Feedback Form Teachers and Directors • I.4 Community Capacity Survey for Teachers and Directors • I.5 Interview for Teachers and Directors


This tool (Appendix J: Go NAPSACC is used as an environmental scan of Child Nutrition and Infant & Child Physical Activity within the ECE. This is a scan which the director can fill out online. The results are then populated so WATCH staff can act as consultants to the director of each ECE and work toward action plans and goals that will improve identified areas of need. The self-evaluation tool guides programs participation in the Go NAPSACC training. The online modules also share how to improve and go beyond the results to show how to make adaptable changes.

• J.1 Go NAPSACC Child Nutrition • J.2 Go NAPSACC Infant & Child Physical Activity • J.3 Go NAPSACC Outdoor Play and Learning • J.4 Go NAPSACC Screen Time Food and nutrition practices and staff behaviors using the Nutrition and Physical Activity SelfAssessment (NAPSACC).100 Dr. Sisson has used the NAPSACC state-wide.101 The NAPSACC has been validated,102 used in numerous ECE Programs,69 and is expected to take 10 minutes to complete. Key items of interest include frequency of encouraging physical activity and reduced sitting and role modeling fruit and vegetable consumption.103

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