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Figure 12 - Nutrition Calendar

Healthcare Centers


After healthcare providers have established their participation and given a letter of support, staff can begin planning activities based on their capacity. The next step is to gather feedback from the providers through open communication which asks about cultural centered care, materials that encourage physical activity or nutrition, and where WATCH can fit within their clinical setting. After this feedback is collected, providers are given Dr. Weedn’s training focusing on motivational interviewing, obesity sensitivity, and clinic efficiency.

The purpose of the healthcare provider training is to bring innovative ways to the health care providers to talk about their pediatric patient’s healthy weight through methods of motivational interviewing. The training provides recommendations on how to be clinically efficient and utilize pediatric patient referrals to other areas of the clinic like the Special Diabetes Program and Clinic dietitians. Dr. Weedn strives to bring the most recent and best practiced methods to her training that provide ways to increase child health.

WATCH staff developed a Site Visit checklist for Health Care Providers to gather a baseline for WATCH staff to learn how we can incorporate OrganWise posters, a video loop within the Pediatric clinic waiting area, and patient handouts. These handouts boost parent interaction in ways for them to track their child’s daily water intake, healthy foods & fiber, and physical activity. These handouts are strategically placed within the clinic to make it easy for providers and clinic staff to distribute handouts to children and their families.

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