SpunOut.ie Q4 Report 2014

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Q4 2014 Report

Welcome A busy few months for the team as we partnered with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) to inform 18-25s about the deadline for registering to vote in the upcoming civil marriage equality referendum. On October 30th we ran the first National Voter Registration Day which we intend to make an annual event. USI members went on to register over 20,000 students in the following two weeks. An amazing achievement on their part. We ran a ‘Safer Sex’ campaign in December to encourage our readers to go for a full STI screen, and published a video about ‘Consent in Relationships’. It was another great quarter for traffic as our readership grew again by 38% year-on-year ending a really brilliant year for SpunOut.ie Thank you for being a part of our reader community. SpunOut.ie - by young people, for young people. Ian Power, Executive Director












Reader Behaviour “An amazing quarter, propelled by fantastic responses to our campaigns on voter registration and sexual health. Not to mention some blockbuster viral content.”




website visits


articles viewed


 436k 


pages per visit

mobile share 538%


pages viewed




 192,854

bounce rate




4,694 

Comparisons are year-on-year, in this case comparing to Q4 2013.

hours viewing content

 Traffic

Google Ads 36% Google Search 23% Social 28% Direct 9% Other 4%

Social Media “The most successful period ever for our social channels with a record high of 75,372 sessions coming to SpunOut.ie – up 716% from Q4 in 2013 and 110% from Q3 in 2014..”


  

of website traffic came from social media




minutes viewed


fbook traffic to site


twitter traffic to site



22% twitter







new likes

twitter favourites


new followers

 “It’s world mental health day, #thespin is talking to @SpunOut How do u look after your mental health? #ditchthemonkey”- @Spin1038

People “The new additions to our Editorial Team settled in seamlessly and the benefits of having this additional volume of content was felt immediately. Unfortunately, however, we had to say goodbye to Ciaran as he was whipped up by the Irish Times at the end of November. But we welcomed Maire Rowland onto the team in early December to pick up where Ciaran left off. Maire is a journalism graduate from DCU and has previously worked as an intern with Hot Press Magazine and also at RTE on Morning Ireland.”

Maire Rowland Staff Writer Joined in December

Ciarán D’Arcy Staff Writer Left in November

Safer Sex Campaign The SpunOut.ie Safer Sex campaign ran from December 1-7, 2014 and aimed to normalise regular STI testing and encourage young people to book an appointment. It also looked to improve understanding of consent and respect in sexual relationships. This was done through the promotion of sexual health content at SpunOut.ie/GetTested, highlighting the custom built list of all free STI clinics as well as visiting college campuses around the country including UCC, Trinity, DCU and IT Carlow.

22,022 page views

2,144 condoms distributed


 7,500+

  43% 

Mentioned on Joe.ie, Newstalk, Metro Herald, Spin 1038, 2FM & DCU FM

STI screening signups

traffic from social

video views


bounce on campaign page

 “I got 10 out of 10 on the @SpunOut Sexual Health Quiz - My mam would be proud” - @murphykieran

Safer Sex Quiz As part of the SpunOut.ie Safer Sex campaign, we developed an interactive quiz. This was the first time that SpunOut.ie has engaged with our readers through this platform and it proved a valuable tool for allowing young people to assess their own knowledge of sexual health and provided them with instant feedback on questions they got wrong. As well as providing invaluable data and highlighting potential gaps in knowledge among 16-25 year olds, it also proved an extremely popular feature.


page views


completed quiz (34%)

Quiz drop off rate Of the people who started the quiz on question one, 84% of them completed the entire quiz through question ten.

Most incorrectly answered questions Questions Two and Seven were the only questions that more people answered wrong than right. Question Two, asked readers to pick the odd one out between Thrush, Genital Warts, Chlamydia and Trichomoniasis. Question Seven asked what STI was commonly known as ‘the clap’.

7.29/10 average score

Average score graph

Youth Information System

In collaboration with Youth Work Ireland (YWI) we developed a new system which was completed this quarter. The system aims to connect young people on SpunOut.ie to the face-to-face services offered by YWI. From January 2015, all article pages on SpunOut.ie will contain a small form if readers need to request more information about a topic from their local youth information centre.

It is hoped this will increase engagement with local centres across Ireland and give young people access to quality information provided by a youth information worker either over the phone, by email or face-toface. It will also allow both organisations to better report the issues affecting young people to Government and to track the impact both organisations are having in delivering the five national outcomes of the new Better Outcomes Brighter Futures framework. The project involved building a case tracker from scratch, which will be used by over 20 different youth information centre teams around the country. The case system includes secure log-ins, detailed case panels, analytics pages and manual case creation. The project was started in July 2014 and development continuted through November 2014.

4 months development


centre users nationwide

secure log-in secure & sensitive data encrypted

Voter Registration Day

ď †

SpunOut.ie and USI came together ahead of the closing of the annual Register of Electors at the end of November. A coordinated campaign, centering around the 30th of October, focused on online and offline engagement to get young people registered to vote. The organisations also signed young people up to text reminders to vote during the 2015 referendums.

 1,466 registered to vote

1,604 page views 50

volunteers helped

SpunOut.ie and the USI developed a registation pack for volunteers in order to get people signed up to vote. http://bit.ly/1pMe6VZ


mentions of #VoterRegDay


engagements on those tweets

Editorial Production “ Q4 saw some new topical articles doing particularly well on the website. December’s Sexual Health campaign lead to our relationships and sex related content becoming quite popular. We introduced a new quiz format as part of the campaign that our audience really engaged with. ”

148 articles were written this quarter: 21 health articles

action  55 articles

job  11articles

politics  10 articles

19 opinion articles

sport  9articles

sexual  15health articles

8 mental health articles

 Top trending articles this quarter 1st Young Irish people who blazed a trail

5th CV writing tips

2nd Bressie’s mental health speech

6th Sexual Health Quiz

3rd Common sex myths

7th How to support a friend with depression

4th Sample cover letter

8th Healthy soups

Youth Engagement

Dublin Cork

“ Quarter four was all about voting and sexual health. SpunOut.ie engaged young people across the country on campuses, events and online. ” Statistics


3,234 young people engaged during 15 outreach events during the quarter

National Youth Participation Strategy SpunOut.ie were contacted about an upcoming publication from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. We worked with 10 young people to offer feedback on the strategy.

Outreach included: Tipperary Comhairle na AGM, Speak Out (Trinity College), Web Summit, Safer Internet Forum (Brussels), FEI Mobile learning seminar, The Wheel People’s Conversation, Volunteer Ireland Convention, Voter registration Day, Student Slingshot Event.

Sexual Health Campaign

Health Hack Evaluations After SpunOut.ie’s Health Hack campaign, we worked with 40 young people who signed up to hack their lives to be healthier, to see how it went for them.

2,144 condoms distributed, 109 people signed up to STI screenings, 6 college campuses, (NCI, UCD, DCU, Trinity, UCC & IT Carlow), 1,500 flyers distributed & 13 volunteers recruited.

Action Panel One meeting was held in Quarter four. The meeting focused on: • Planning for 2015 referendum voter mobilization • Exploring SpunOut.ie action plan for 2015/2016 • Inputting into SpunOut.ie’s video style

Voter Registration

See work done on voter registration report further on in this report.


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