Carolina Arts & Sciences fall 2013

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FALL • 2013


SOUTHERN RESEARCH HOME CELEBRATES 20 YEARS A L S O I N S I D E : Career-enhancing experiences • Biomedical engineering Pete Seeger remembers • N.C. heritage tourism T H E








F R O M T HE DE AN Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2013

Studying the South, gaining experience in the world

This issue of Carolina Arts & Sciences is brimming

Jackie Fritsch

with examples of how faculty research and student learning opportunities in the College are shaping our graduates and our world. The Center for the Study of the American South has been exploring the history, challenges and diversity of the region for two decades, and the Southern Oral History Program has been documenting regional stories for 40 years. Their historic front porch at the Love House and Hutchins Forum on Franklin Street symbolizes their role as Karen M. Gil a portal to the South. Our pages invite you in to sit a spell. U.S. News & World Report recently cited biomedical engineering as the No. 1 new college major with a future, and The New York Times said it was the No. 1 field “where the jobs are.” The College offers an undergraduate degree through a new partnership with the School of Medicine. You can read about how our undergrads are creating biomedical devices to help people with disabilities. This issue also features alumni who remember the experiences gained through the College that influenced the amazing work they are doing today in North Carolina and the world. Three UNC alumni archaeologists have uncovered the earliest European settlement in the interior of the United States in Morganton, N.C., and were recently featured in The New York Times. They also are developing a major heritage tourism project associated with the site. Alumnus Rod Brooks ’89 is the president and CEO of Stop Hunger Now, an international hunger relief organization based in Raleigh. Brooks can trace his entire career path to his study abroad experience at Carolina. Sallie Senseney ‘10 is inspiring high school students as a biology teacher in her hometown of Burnsville, N.C., in rural Yancey County. She’s a graduate of the UNC-BEST Program, a unique collaboration between the College and the School of Education that is addressing North Carolina’s teacher shortage. Through the program, science and math majors obtain undergraduate degrees and teaching credentials in four years. Carolina students are gaining a better understanding of the human complexities of immigration through experiential programs offered by the UNC Latino Migration Project in Guanajuato, Mexico. About 70 percent of alumni who participated in these programs are now working in fields affected by migration — many in K-12 education, public health or law. Thanks to the vision and support of alumnus Lucius E. Burch III, our students have had life-transforming experiences around the world. As we look back at 20 years of this program, we feature three alumni whose Burch Fellowships in China, Jerusalem and the Canadian Arctic shaped their career paths. Throughout these pages, you’ll read about how students are partnering with faculty on exciting research. You’ll learn about curricular innovations, such as our new master’s degree in global studies, and a $500,000 grant we received to be a national project site for transforming undergraduate education in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Many of these achievements have been made possible by alumni and friends, and we thank them for their ongoing support in our annual Honor Roll. We also want to remember Frank Borden Hanes Sr., the founding chairman of the Arts and Sciences Foundation, who passed away in July. His leadership and generosity have left a lasting impact on programs that will continue to benefit generations of Tar Heels. — Karen M. Gil, Dean

College of Arts and Sciences • Karen M. Gil, Dean • Kevin Guskiewicz Senior Associate Dean, Natural Sciences • Jonathan Hartlyn Senior Associate Dean, Social Sciences and Global Programs • Shannon Kennedy Senior Associate Dean, Development, and Executive Director, Arts & Sciences Foundation • Tammy McHale Senior Associate Dean, Finance and Planning • Bobbi Owen Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education • Terry Rhodes Senior Associate Dean, Fine Arts and Humanities

Arts & Sciences Foundation Board of Directors • Vicki Underwood Craver ’92, Riverside, CT, Chair • Karen M. Gil, Chapel Hill, NC, President • Jonathan Hartlyn, Chapel Hill, NC, Vice President • Tammy J. McHale, Chapel Hill, NC, Treasurer • Shannon Kennedy, Chapel Hill, NC, Executive Director and Secretary • James L. Alexandre ’79, Haverford, PA • R. Frank Andrews ’90, ’95 MBA, Washington, DC • Amy Berry Barry ’91, Naples, FL • Constance Y. Battle ’77, Raleigh, NC • Laura Hobby Beckworth ’80, Houston, TX • Paul Bitler ’86, New York, NY • R. Duke Buchan III ’85, Palm Beach, FL • Sunny H. Burrows ’84, Atlanta, GA • Courtney Miller Cavatoni ’93, Atlanta, GA • Mark P. Clein ’81, Chevy Chase, MD • G. Munroe Cobey ’74, Chapel Hill, NC • Sheila Ann Corcoran ’92, ’98 MBA, Los Angeles, CA • Laura Brown Cronin ’76, Boston, MA • Henry H. Hamilton III ’81, Katy, TX • Heavenly Johnson ’05, Chicago, IL • Joseph M. Kampf ’66, Potomac, MD • M. Steven Langman ’83, New York, NY • Wendell A. McCain ’92, Chapel Hill, NC • Aurelia Stafford Monk ’85, Greenville, NC • Edwin A. Poston ’89, Chapel Hill, NC • Catherine Craig Rollins, ’84, Atlanta, GA • Betsy Shiverick, New York, NY • Tready Smith, ’92 BSBA, Tampa, FL • Karen L. Stevenson ’79, Los Angeles, CA • Thomas M. Uhlman, ’71, ’75, Murray Hill, NJ • Elijah White Jr., ’84, Houston, TX • J. Spencer Whitman, ’90, Charlotte, NC • Cecil W. Wooten III ’68, ’72, Chapel Hill, NC

TAB L E OF CON TEN TS Zena Cardman

Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2013

DE P A R T ME N T S inside front cover

FROM THE DEAN Studying the South, gaining experience in the world



Google Glass explorers, new creative writing professors, STEM education innovation grant, $5 million for Hill Hall renovation, cyber security in the cloud, and more



The quest to uncover neutrinos’ role in the universe, and the study of shamans’ role in South African rock art



10 • Front Porch Portal

UNC-BEST biology teacher Sallie Senseney ’10, and Stop Hunger Now president and CEO Rod Brooks ’89

A home for Southern research celebrates 20 years


Students experience the global South through internships, service learning

18 • Exploring Joara

Excavating the past, shaping the future in western North Carolina


Students gain experience by chasing their aspirations

23 • Biomedical Engineering for Undergrads

We thank our many alumni and friends for their generous support.

inside back cover


Tackling real-world problems in a fast-growing job field

27 • Voracious Eater

An interview with Pete Seeger, plus books on Cuban history, school desegregation, Jewish literature, a legendary folk music coffeehouse, the battle between the Hatfields and McCoys, Islamophobia in America, and more


20 • Dream Catchers

Donn Young

16 • Guanajuato Connections

Caribbean’s native predators unable to stop aggressive lionfish

FINAL POINT Ellen Saunders Duncan ’15 reflects on her great-grandmother’s beloved cast-iron pan. COVER PHOTO: The Love House and Hutchins Forum, the home of the Center for the Study of the American South, illuminated at sunset. Photo by Donn Young.


Fall 2013

Director of Communications Dee Reid Editor Kim Weaver Spurr ’88 Associate Director of Communications Editorial Assistants • Lars Bria ’14 • Beth Lawrence ’12 Graphic Designer • Linda Noble Contributing Writers • Pamela Babcock • Mark Derewicz, Endeavors magazine • Ellen Saunders Duncan ’15 • Del Helton • Beth Lawrence ’12 • Michele Lynn • Kathy Neal • Nancy E. Oates • Lisa H. Towle • Eleanor Lee Yates ’78 Contributing Photographers • Benjamin Brayfield, Rapid City Journal • Zena Cardman ’10 • Justin Cook • Katie DuBois • Pablo Durana ’06 • William Ferris • Jackie Fritsch • Kelli Gaskill • Walter Hackerott • Christopher R. Harris • Taylor Jo Isenberg ’10 • Shannon Kennedy • Beth Lawrence ’12 • Steve Milligan • Will Owens ’88 • Brittany Peterson • Lars Sahl • Dan Sears ’74, UNC News Services Photographer • Silvia Tomášková • Donn Young Carolina Arts & Sciences is published semiannually by the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and made possible with the support of private funds. Copyright 2013. If you wish to receive Carolina Arts & Sciences News, our periodic e-mail bulletin, please send us a note with your name, mailing address and e-mail address to: artsandsciences@ More News/Events: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:

College of Arts and Sciences The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Campus Box 3100 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3100 (919) 962-1165

Videos Explore the magazine online with extra content at For more videos, visit our YouTube channel at youtube. com/user/UNCCollege.


Beth Lawrence

3 • S Y L L A B U S : Written in Bone Maymester course teaches the science of death investigations from skeletal remains

18 • Exploring Joara UNC archaeology alums unearth earliest European settlement in interior U.S.


Beth Lawrence

Carolina Arts & Sciences



Dan Sears



Beth Lawrence


23 • Biomedical Engineering for Undergrads Students are creating devices to help people with disabilities

29 • Stop Hunger Now Rod Brooks ’89 is working to eradicate world hunger, one meal at a time

M ORE ON L IN E Alum Susan Spencer-Wendel ’88 shares her journey with Lou Gehrig’s disease in a new memoir, Until I Say Goodbye: My Year of Living with Joy.


Beth Lawrence


Students in Professor Dale Hutchinson’s class.


nthropology Professor Dale Hutchinson teaches students how to map and recover the elements of a crime scene in his class, Anthropology 423: “Written in Bone: CSI and the Science of Death Investigations from Skeletal Remains.” The course combines laboratory training, field projects, lectures, films, discussion and student presentations about the science of human skeletal analysis.

• A p opula r topic

Hutchinson said students often enroll in the class with no experience working with human skeletons because of the widespread popularity of forensics as a television subject. Patrick Morrison (Spanish, biology ’15) said he took the class because he likes the TV show Bones, and he is considering forensic anthropology as a possible career path.

• M ay mester

The class was taught in a three-week session during Maymester, so students attended longer classes every day. Maymester is an intense academic “mini-term” that begins the week after spring finals. Courses often feature a research or experiential learning component. “This is a chance for them to get into a really, really different learning situation,” Hutchinson said. In one day Hutchinson says he typically uses three methods of instruction to break up the time. Students might go from taking notes on a lecture to a quiz and then directly to examining the bones. Grant Muir (anthropology, political science, ’15) said this method brings the material to life. “It helps to go from something like doing a Power Point and then the next

hour visualizing the bones and holding the bones,” he said.

• A ha nds- on ex p erience

In the class students learn how to recognize trauma resulting from different weapons. They explore how to distinguish a person’s age, sex and height from skeletal remains. Rachel Dickinson (global studies, French, ’13) said her favorite part of the class was a day when the students dug up bones Hutchinson set up as part of a “crime scene.” They analyzed the bones at the lab. Muir said he enjoyed being able to see and touch a part of the past: “You really get a sense of what things feel like, and what they’ll look like after a certain amount of time.” • — By Beth Lawrence ’12

Dan Sears

ONLINE EXTRA: Watch a video about the class at



ociologist Howard Aldrich has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference for his many contributions to the field. Aldrich, the Kenan Professor and chair of the department of sociology, is the author of seven books and more than 180 articles, including the 2011 book, An Evolutionary Approach to Entrepreneurship: Selected Essays. He previously received the Entrepreneurship Researcher of the Year Award from the Swedish Foundation of Small Business Research and a Career Achievement Award and Mentoring Award from the Academy of Management. He was profiled in an Inc. magazine special issue on key researchers studying entrepreneurship and small business in the United States. CAROLINA ARTS & SCIENCES • FALL 2013 • COLLEGE.UNC.EDU • 3



arolina has been named a project site for the Association of American Universities’ five-year initiative to improve the quality of undergraduate education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields at its member institutions. UNC-Chapel Hill is one of eight campuses nationwide to each be awarded $500,000 over the next three years as part of a $4.7 million grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. The University will commit nearly $1.3 million over the same period to transform its gateway courses in biology, chemistry and physics in the College. Mike Crimmins, former senior associate dean for natural sciences and the Mary Ann Smith Professor of Chemistry, led a group of faculty who contributed components of the STEM proposal. The project bolsters an ongoing initiative in the College to enhance undergraduate education through the use of innovative instructional techniques and technologies. The enhancement of STEM courses began about 10 years ago with the redesign of the introductory physics course. The department of physics and astronomy later launched the new SCALE-UP model, which turns a large traditional lecture class into a workshop setting. Students are expected to master some course content before coming to class, by completing guided reading assignments, viewing lectures and presentations on videos, and/or completing online modules and homework. In class, students engage primarily in interactive activities. The College has piloted such courses in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, entrepreneurship and global cinema, and has plans for adding other classes. Future plans include hiring additional science lecturers, and working with UNC’s Center for Faculty Excellence to redesign traditional lecture courses and train a network of junior and senior faculty to teach the re-engineered courses. •

Pranati Panuganti and Patrick Lung

They’ve Got Glass T

wo Carolina undergraduates are among some 8,000 “Explorers” selected by Google Inc. to try out “Glass,” the company’s new voice-activated, eye-glass-like gadget. Google Glass is not yet available to the public. Patrick Lung and Pranati Panuganti heard about the Glass contest while they both were studying entrepreneurship in a First Year Seminar taught last spring by Buck Goldstein, University Entrepreneur in Residence. Contestants sent their entries via Twitter or Google+, using 140 characters (or up to 50 words) and an optional 15-second video, or up to five photos, to explain what they would do with the device. Panuganti, a sophomore from Charlotte, wrote that she would use the device to “video chat people with disabilities from places they can only dream of going.” She would like to create a video journal of the places she visits that can be easily shared through Glass. Lung, a sophomore from Canada, submitted a humorous video that shows how Glass would help him win bets with friends, based on factual assertions that could immediately be confirmed or rejected using the device. Lung also is working on several Glass app ideas. One is to have Glass automatically take photos every few minutes, which could be stitched together to make a minute-long video of a day. Another would use Glass’ speech-to-text and keyword-recognition capabilities to remember the names of people he meets. Glass will make it possible to chat and listen, shoot photos, record videos, search for answers, get directions, and share with others — all hands-free. Support from a UNC alumnus covered the cost for Lung and Panuganti to each purchase a Google Glass and fly roundtrip to Google’s New York office to pick them up. •



he College will offer a new master’s degree in global studies, with the first class of students admitted in fall 2014. The program will combine academic studies with practical global experience, making it attractive to students interested in acquiring knowledge and skills that are relevant to today’s global economy. Undergraduates with significant advance placement credit may be able to obtain their undergraduate and master’s degrees in less than five years. The two-year M.A. program, which will admit about 10 students each year, will cut across geographic regions and countries.


Students will choose from three thematic concentrations: global politics, institutions and societies; global economy; or global migration and labor rights. Jonathan Hartlyn, senior associate dean of social sciences and global programs, said the program takes an “applied research” approach. Students will be strongly encouraged in their second year to do study abroad, field research or an internship to supplement their coursework. In their final semester they will do a capstone policy brief or research paper. “Global studies provides a framework within which students can examine how economic forces, societies, cultures, international and domestic political institutions, and states interact,” Hartlyn said. •


Kelli Gaskill


$5.8 million award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Frontier Awards program will be used by UNC and five partners for a major research project to explore challenges in cyber security in the era of cloud computing. Michael Reiter, the Lawrence M. Slifkin Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at UNC, is the principal investigator on the project. Jay Aikat, a research assistant professor in computer science, is the co-PI. Outside partners include Stony Brook, Duke and North Carolina State universities, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and RSA Labs. Michael Reiter



Justin Cook

Reiter said the vast majority of cloud computing research is driven by the perception that the cloud decreases security for its customers, in comparison to those customers using their own infrastructures. “Instead we see new opportunities for improving the security of data and services by moving them to the cloud, and we plan on pursuing an aggressive research agenda to realize these opportunities,” he said. The five-year UNC project, dubbed Project Silver, will address challenges that include secure transport, authorization, user and software authentication and security monitoring, among other areas. The research team will convene “Cloud Security Horizons” summits with industry stakeholders to contribute to the flow of knowledge between the research team and commercial vendors and cloud operators. Project Silver will also develop teacher workshops which will enable faculty from different institutions to create curricular materials in cloud security. The NSF awarded nearly $20 million to three Frontier Award research projects. • ONLINE EXTRA: Visit

ichele Berger, associate professor in the department of women’s and gender studies, has been named associate director of the Faculty Fellows Program at Michele Berger the College’s Institute for the Arts and Humanities (IAH). Berger knows from personal experience that the program offers faculty a unique opportunity to enjoy a semester leave on campus to pursue exciting research and projects, develop new courses and programs, and reframe and refresh their teaching.

She received a Chapman Family Faculty Fellowship in 2012 and an Academic Leadership Fellowship in 2009. She currently serves as a member of the IAH Faculty Advisory Board. “The program provides an important and singular mechanism for scholars in the College to participate in an exchange that deeply challenges them and helps them generate excellent scholarship, which spills over into curricular innovation and collaborative enterprises,” she said. Her teaching and research interests include multiracial feminism, qualitative methods and HIV/AIDS activism. Her fellowship project in 2012 focused on the importance of inter-generational dialogue about health, sexuality and HIV prevention, based on targeted public health research and her long-standing work with African-American mothers and their adolescent daughters in North Carolina. Berger is co-author of Transforming Scholarship: Why Women’s and Gender Studies Students are Changing Themselves and the World (Routledge Press, 2011).



rchaeologist Jodi Magness will be featured on the big screen — literally — in the new IMAX 3-D film, Jerusalem. Presented by National Geographic Entertainment, the film debuts at the Boston Museum of Science and Charlotte’s Discovery Place in late September. Magness is the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence. She specializes in early Judaism and the archaeology of Palestine and is an expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls. The film highlights the city from the different points of view of three young Jerusalemites and their families — Jewish, Christian and Muslim — said Daniel Ferguson, one of the producers. Jerusalem has more than 2,000 archaeological sites. Since filming began in 2010, the production team has followed several of

the most impressive excavations in and around Jerusalem. Producers first contacted Magness about three years ago. She is featured in the film and served as a historical consultant on the script. She has appeared in numerous documentaries on the National Geographic Channel, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, PBS and the BBC. Magness said it’s easy to share her passion for archaeology with her students. “I love what I do, and I’m lucky to be able to do that for my job,” she said. “It’s at the heart of a liberal arts education — when you expose students to all kinds of different things they might not have known about.” • ONLINE EXTRA: Visit



© Christopher R. Harris

NEW WRITING FACULTY Share Surprising Connections Creative writing professorships honor Walker Percy, Margaret R. Shuping


ooking for a story about love and war? Perhaps a gripping tale of a traveler’s journey to exotic and dangerous places? Maybe a clever yarn on the merits of trout fishing? The two newest writers to join Carolina’s creative writing program share surprising connections with the donors who created their distinguished professorships and their namesakes. These new faculty members bring an “infectious energy” to a teaching roster already brimming with collegial colleagues and a top national reputation, said Daniel Wallace, the program director and J. Ross MacDonald Distinguished Professor of English. Gabrielle Calvocoressi, a poet, is the first Walker Percy Fellow in Creative Writing. Stephanie Elizondo Griest, a non-fiction author, is the inaugural Margaret R. Shuping Fellow in Creative Writing. “The creative writing program is one of the public faces of Carolina,” said Wallace. “Literature-loving alumni want to be part of our program, and they’re the ones who help

us maintain its historical excellence. We’re so grateful to the donors for making it possible for Gaby and Stephanie to join us and teach our next generation of writers.” BA R D O F THE BAYO U It began with a chance meeting of two teenagers on a South Carolina beach nearly 45 years ago. One of the teenagers was the daughter of Walker Percy, a 1937 Carolina alumnus and among the nation’s most iconic writers of the 20th century. The other teenager went on to graduate from Carolina and has a successful career in business and writing. In 2009, his family established a $1 million distinguished professorship to honor the lifelong friendship between the two families that started with the serendipitous beach encounter. The Walker Percy Distinguished Professorship in Creative Writing recognizes the life and work of the great novelist. The donor, who prefers anonymity, said that he didn’t want to miss the opportunity


B y

D e l

H e l t o n

to name a professorship for Percy at Carolina. “The professorship is good for Walker Percy and his family and good for the University,” the donor said. His relationship with the Percy family continued over the years through correspondence, family gatherings and even a fishing trip for speckled trout in 1973 with the famed author in a Sunfish, a small sailboat, at Gulf Shores, Ala. As a high school student, the donor was so influenced by Percy that he wrote a poem about the bayou for him that placed fifth in an Atlantic Monthly competition. Percy wrote a recommendation letter for him to attend Carolina. From Percy’s childhood in Birmingham, to the loss of his parents and his teenage years in Greenville, Miss., the author’s life is detailed in numerous books, articles and in the 2011 PBS documentary, Walker Percy. Percy began his freshman year at Carolina in 1933 in the midst of the Great Depression, studying chemistry. After graduation, he entered Columbia University’s

Photo courtesy of Sallie Shuping-Russell

Beth Lawrence


medical school, earning his degree in 1941. He contracted tuberculosis in 1942 during an internship at New York’s Bellevue Hospital, later returning to teach. After a relapse, he left medicine for good and began his writing career. Percy married Mary Bernice Townsend in 1946, and they returned to the South, eventually to Covington, La., where they raised daughters Ann and Mary. He wrote six bestsellers, including three that earned many honors and awards: The Moviegoer (1962); Love in the Ruins (1972); and The Second Coming (1980). In addition, Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book won the St. Louis Literary Award in 1986. Percy died in Covington in May 1990, at 74. Like Percy, Calvocoressi earned a graduate degree at Columbia University — hers is an MFA. Percy wrote The Moviegoer; Calvocoressi’s family owned a second-run movie theater and a drive-in. Both were 13 FACING PAGE: Walker Percy on the dock at Bogue Falaya at the family home in Covington, La. TOP: From left, Stephanie Elizondo Griest and Gaby Calvocoressi are the latest members of Carolina’s creative writing faculty. BOTTOM: Margaret Russell (Shuping), Class of 1944, as a student at Carolina.

when they lost a parent to suicide — Percy’s father and Calvocoressi’s mother. And they were raised by family members other than their parents. “Writing is so much about going outside yourself and making connections, meeting someone you never expected to meet, like the chance encounter on a beach,” Calvocoressi said. “With students now so attached to technology, it’s a real challenge to get them to make those associations. “I’ll tell them to take the long way to class. Don’t use your iPhone. I’ll ask the question, ‘What did you see today?’ Writing a poem comes from the ability to take a moment and put these connections together,” said Calvocoressi, who is teaching honors poetry and introductory poetry this fall. A Connecticut native, Calvocoressi attended Choate Rosemary Hall and earned her bachelor’s degree from Sarah Lawrence College. After graduation, she spent two years working as a secretary at a day school while writing in the evenings.

“One of the great things about teaching at Carolina is that it’s an invitation to become immersed in learning more about its writers like Walker Percy.”


Her two poetry books, The Last Time I Saw Amelia Earhart and Apocalyptic Swing won critical acclaim. From 2000 to 2002, she was a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, and she later taught at California College of Arts in San Francisco and Warren Wilson College near Asheville. She first learned of UNC as an undergraduate when Randall Kenan, now an associate professor of English at Carolina, C O N T I N U ED






PI O NEER IN G WO M EN Margaret Russell had just graduated from Carolina when the love of her life was across the Atlantic and preparing to invade Normandy. Hampton Shuping, like so many men, had interrupted his studies for the war. He survived D-Day, and was then transferred in 1945 to the naval base in Coronado, Calif. After Hampton proposed, Margaret, along with her mother and aunt, traveled for days by train from the family home in Richlands, N.C., to San Diego, so Margaret could marry Hampton. The couple eventually returned to N.C. where Hampton completed his UNC degree in business in 1947 and became an executive with textile giant J.P. Stevens & Co. in Greensboro. When she earned her journalism degree in May 1944, Margaret was among a pioneering group of women who pursued this emerging career choice. She worked briefly at the Greensboro Daily News before she married and became a full-time homemaker and civic volunteer. Margaret kept her dynamic personality until her death in 2000. Sallie Shuping-Russell ’77, one of Hampton and Margaret’s five children, said that there was always a sense that her mother was a part of her father’s success. In 2008, she established a $1 million fund that would become the Margaret R. Shuping Distinguished Professorship in Creative Writing. “Mama loved Carolina,” said ShupingRussell. “She believed in taking the high road but also felt strongly about standing up for yourself and others, even if they were unpopular positions. She was pretty spectacular.”

UNC Libraries

taught her class as a visiting writer at Sarah Lawrence. After his term ended, his students heard that he was bound for Chapel Hill. “After that, UNC was always on my mind, even though I’d never been here,” Calvocoressi said. “One of the great things about teaching at Carolina is that it’s an invitation to become immersed in learning more about its writers like Walker Percy.”

ABOVE: Carolina student Walker Percy (light pants, leg extended) waits in line at the Carolina Theater on Franklin St., ca. 1934.

Shuping-Russell, who earned her MBA from Columbia and is managing director of BlackRock investment firm in New York, is a member of Carolina’s Board of Trustees and served on the Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors. The professorship that honors her mother also recognizes the love of books that Margaret shared with her children. “Today we spend so much time surrounded by technology. The professorship reflects my firm belief that literature conveys the human condition and promotes humanness in a way that technology cannot,” Shuping-Russell said. A half-century after Margaret Russell helped forge new territory for women, Stephanie Elizondo Griest was a new graduate of the University of Texas, a double major in journalism and post-Soviet studies. After graduation, she lived in Beijing as a Henry Luce Scholar, editing and teaching journalism at China Daily, a Beijing newspaper. In 2012, she completed her MFA at the University of Iowa. Her travels have taken her to more than 40 countries, with many of her experiences documented in her books Around the Bloc:


My Life in Moscow, Beijing, and Havana; Mexican Enough: My Life Between the Borderlines; and the guidebook 100 Places Every Woman Should Go. Griest has documented the human condition at its grittiest levels, from an orphanage in Russia to borderland conflicts in Texas and, in her current research, in upstate New York at the Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne. As a journalist for the Associated Press in Austin, she covered George W. Bush’s last legislative session as governor and his bid for the presidency. She has also written for the New York Times, Washington Post and Latina Magazine, among many other publications. The Corpus Christi native — who said she does not own a smart phone — traces her wanderlust to her great-great Uncle Jake, a “hobo” on her father’s side of the family, and to her mother’s ancestors who were America’s first real cowboys, the Mexican ranch workers on Texas’s famed King Ranch. An enthusiastic teacher, Griest most recently was a visiting professor of creative writing at St. Lawrence University, and has taught at many writers’ conferences. “Teaching is pure magic,” she said. •

Shannon Kennedy

H I G H L I G H T S music building in the College. The Kenan Music Building was dedicated in 2009. Public concerts, faculty and student recitals, and lectures — many from departments other than music — draw crowds to Hill Hall each year. The facility complements performances in Memorial Hall. Major upgrades will transform the now dated lobby rotunda to an expanded and light-filled space suitable for receptions and intermissions. The auditorium lacks air conditioning, making it essentially unusable in the summer. That will change, with plans for a climate control system, state-of-theart acoustical treatments, a professional-grade stage, and a piano and equipment lift. An enhanced backstage area with updated green rooms and storage, improved lighting, piano preservation facilities, additional practice rooms, and improved administrative and teaching spaces adjacent to the rotunda will complete the renovations. The cornerstone for the original building was laid on June 1, 1907. Funded by Andrew Carnegie, the building served as the University’s first consolidated library. In 1918-19, it even served as headquarters for Carolina Playmakers when Thomas Wolfe was a member. The music department moved to the building in 1930, and it was renamed Hill Hall for the late John Sprunt Hill, a UNC alumnus, and his family. •



Will Owens

$5 million gift from the William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust will launch an extensive renovation of the music department’s Hill Hall. Work will center on improvements to Hill Hall’s rotunda and 550-seat auditorium in the century-old building. The total cost of the project is estimated at $15 million, none of it in state-appropriated funding. In addition to the Kenan Trust’s gift, the Office of the Provost will provide $5 million, and the College will raise the remaining $5 million in a special campaign. After a planning phase, work is expected to begin in 2015 and will take two years to complete. In 2007, the Kenan Trust gave $8 million to the music department, including $4 million to establish 16 full music scholarships for undergraduates and $4 million to complete funding for a new


Frank Borden Hanes Sr. leaves lasting legacy

rank Borden Hanes Sr., a native of Winston-Salem, N.C., and a longtime friend and benefactor of the College, passed away on July 17. He was 93. Few have done more to promote the arts and sciences at Carolina than Hanes, a 1942 graduate of the University. As a student, he was Rex of the Order of the Gimghoul and a member of the Carolina Playmakers. He was an officer in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific during World War II, serving on the destroyer USS Wadsworth. Hanes understood the need for private support at his alma mater decades ago. He was the founding chairman of the Arts and Sciences Foundation; in 1975 he oversaw a resolution that recommended its creation. Hanes endowed the Thomas Wolfe Scholarship in Creative Writing in 2000, providing a full scholarship to young writers at Carolina. He was instrumental in endowing other funds that benefit the College, including the Frank Borden Hanes and Barbara Lasater Hanes Professorship in English, the Hanes Visiting Professorship in Art, the Wilmer K. Borden Fellowship in the Institute for the Arts and Humanities, the Austin H. Carr Distinguished Professorship, the James Gordon Hanes Chair in the Humanities and others. The Frank Borden and Barbara Lasater Hanes Art Center was dedicated in 1985 in honor of the ABOVE: Frank Borden Hanes Sr. family’s support of the arts on campus. During his lifetime, Hanes was honored with the North Carolina Award for Public Service (the state’s highest civilian honor), the William Richardson Davie Award and Distinguished Alumnus Award from UNC, as well as an honorary doctorate of letters from Carolina. Hanes was a poet, novelist, journalist, farmer, outdoorsman, businessman and philanthropist. His works include The Fleet Rabble: a Novel of the Nez Perce War, which received the Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction and was also nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. •






’ 8 8

Front Porch A home for Southern research celebrates 20 years


FRONT P Donn Young

he tree-shaded, white-frame house at 410 E. Franklin Street has an ample front porch, rocking chairs and a storied history. It’s a perfect setting for UNC’s Center for the Study of the American South, which this year celebrates 20 years of exploring the region’s complex history and culture. The abode is the historic Love House. Built in 1887, it was home to James Lee Love, a mathematics professor whose mother-in-law may be the home’s most famous occupant, the writer and community advocate Cornelia Phillips Spencer. Through a generous gift from the Hutchins family in honor of alumnus James A. Hutchins ’37, the building was renovated in 2007 and renamed the Love House and Hutchins Forum to recognize the contributions of the two families. The Hutchins family’s support also enriches the work of the Center, including their sponsorship of the Hutchins lecture series. The Center explores research on the past and present American South through a diverse interdisciplinary lens that includes history, literature, folklore, music, sociology, anthropology, religious studies and more. The front porch, where current Center director and music professor Jocelyn Neal was enjoying lunch with her staff on a gorgeous afternoon, symbolizes what the Center has strived to do — reach out to the community to share its scholarly work in a very accessible way. The house has opened its doors for lectures, art exhibits, graduate student research sessions, music, conferences, book-signings and seminars. “The South is a region with an important history, but also a region with a future,” said Neal. “It’s our responsibility to try to understand the South and contribute to the best possible future.” It’s a year of multiple milestones, as the Center’s Southern Oral History Program marks a 40th birthday of preserving the recorded voices of the Southern past, from mill workers and civil rights leaders to future presidents of the United States. Southern Cultures, the peer-reviewed journal, also reflects on two decades of reporting on the history and culture of the U.S. South. Neal serves as co-editor of Southern Cultures along with Harry Watson, a UNC historian and the Atlanta Professor of Southern Culture. Watson led the Center for 13 of its 20 years. He was involved in early discussions about the Center’s founding, along with anthropologist Jim Peacock, sociologist John Shelton Reed, and David Moltke-Hansen, who at the time was director of the Southern Historical Collection. Watson oversaw the Center’s move from Hamilton Hall to its current space in Chapel Hill’s historic district. Extensive

renovations to the Love House were completed in an effort to retain its historical character, open it up for public events and have it fit in with the neighborhood. The Center has long supported faculty, undergraduate and graduate students’ research on the South. Early on, a startup grant from the Kenan Charitable Trust was critical in supporting graduate students’ work, Watson said. Help from a recent donor has expanded on that focus. Each summer the Center awards research grants to graduate students, who present their work to the public in the fall. Olivia Delacruz, a member of the Center’s advisory aboard, funded the work of

BELOW: The staff of the Center for the Study of the American South, from left: William R. Ferris (seated); Malinda Maynor Lowery; Jeff DeLuca, associate editor, Southern Cultures; Beth Millwood, coordinator of collections and community engagement, Southern Oral History Program (seated); Seth Kotch; Emily Wallace, deputy editor, Southern Cultures and Center communications director (seated); Jocelyn R. Neal; Ayse Erginer (seated); Dana Di Maio, administrative manager and events coordinator (seated).

PORCH PORTAL 10 summer 2013 grant recipients, along with providing additional support for the Global American South Conference and the rollout event for a film the Center commissioned on journalist Horace Carter. The Editor and the Dragon: Horace Carter Fights the Klan documents the life of the late Horace Carter, a UNC alum, “who won the Pulitzer in 1953 for his work as editor of a smalltown North Carolina newspaper when he took on the Ku Klux Klan and displayed stunning bravery and unwavering integrity,” Neal said. The film debuted at the Full Frame Documentary Film

Festival in Durham, and it has been selected for future broadcast on UNC-TV. “Our philosophy has always been that the study of the world is magnificent and we don’t want to give up our focus on that, but we don’t want to ignore our Southern roots either,” said Watson. “We are the best place in the world to do this.” Read more about the Center in the following pages and at Read about Senior Associate Director William Ferris’ new book on page 30. C O N T I N U ED






From Plantation to Prison Farm Exploring the history of Caledonia in Halifax County E L E A N O R



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Beth Lawrence


River. Early Scottish settlers included Samuel Johnston, whose family owned several plantations. ABOVE: Elijah Gaddis received a grant from CSAS to support his The largest was research. TOP RIGHT: The “old stockade,” Caledonia Prison Farm, Caledonia, the Latin word circa 1926. for Scotland. Hundreds of slaves farmed tobacco and other crops on Caledonia’s thousands hile studying for a UNC master’s of acres. After the Civil War, the land degree in folklore, Elijah Gaddis became eventually passed to the plantation interested in the relationship between overseer, Henry Futrell. Many former land and the people who work on it. This slaves continued to work on the land in fascination took him to Caledonia Prison exchange for shelter, food and modest pay. Farm near Tillery in Halifax County, In 1891, Caledonia was sold to the N.C. state of North Carolina to become a Gaddis was among the graduate prison farm. The property continued to students who received grants for research produce tobacco and other crops on 4,500 projects from the Center for the Study of acres. In the 1920s, Caledonia held a third the American South (CSAS) in summer of North Carolina’s prisoners; today the 2012. His study focused on the prison prison farm houses about 300 inmates. farm’s plantation history in Halifax Approximately 5,500 acres of land County, one of the richest counties in the state before the Civil War, and now among at Caledonia Prison Farm are under cultivation today, according to Keith the poorest. Acree, spokesperson with the N.C. “The prison farm drew me there,” Department of Public Safety. said Gaddis, who is now a Ph.D. student “Managed by Correction in American studies. “How did this Enterprises, the prison farm includes plantation become a prison? It’s in the chickens, corn, wheat and soybeans,” he midst of where residents live. How did said. The inmates also farm 300 acres they live around it? ” of tomatoes, sweet corn, collard greens, First Gaddis studied the area’s history sweet potatoes, squash, cucumbers and through archives and state records. He melons. In addition, inmates work in learned that Halifax County, which dates the prison’s 12,770-square-foot cannery, back more than 300 years, was home which preserves crops, fruit juices and to many plantations along the Roanoke 12 • COLLEGE.UNC.EDU • FALL 2013 • CAROLINA ARTS & SCIENCES

concentrated tea that is sent to prison kitchens across the state. “The facility has the capability of canning about 500,000 gallons of vegetables a year,” Acree said. When Gaddis first visited the town of Tillery near Caledonia, he discovered a strong history of activism. “Residents of Tillery formed one of the first chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in eastern North Carolina,” he said. For six months Gaddis interviewed residents in the close-knit community. “The African American experience with farming is burdened by hundreds of years of exploitative labor, first as slaves and then as sharecroppers,” said Gaddis. “This relationship is a mixture of pride in ownership and determination to not allow institutional forces to repeat patterns of injustice.” One modern issue for many African American farmers was losing land through foreclosure. A 1999 class action law suit, Pigford vs. the U.S. Department of Agriculture, alleged racial discrimination through farm loans between 1983 and 1997. A settlement of almost a billion dollars has been paid or credited to more than 13,300 farmers, one of the largest civil rights settlements in history. The 2008 Farm Bill allowed additional claims to be heard, and in 2010 Congress appropriated another

ORCH PORTAL $1.2 billion to claimants in what is referred to as Pigford II. Gaddis said his research on Caledonia Prison Farm and the surrounding community helped him to understand the people of the area and their complex history. •

celebrates its 20th anniversary alongside the Center for the Study of the American South. As part of the journal’s celebration, three of its four issues this academic year will coincide with a reception and speaker who will delve into a unique aspect

Herman, George B. Tindall Distinguished Professor of American Studies and Folklore. The publication will coincide with an exhibit at the Center on a water-related theme. UNC historian Harry Watson, Atlanta

Donn Young

Summer 2013 graduate student grant recipients undertook projects that included housing practices in Durham County, the Voter Education Project, labor feminism, religion and native people, Latino immigration, Creoles of color in 19th century New Orleans, photojournalism in the Cherokee Nation and more. They will present their research at a fall poster session at the Love House and Hutchins Forum.

ABOVE: Southern Cultures marks its 20th anniversary with a special celebration next April. LEFT: Jocelyn Neal, Center director and journal co-editor.

of Southern life. The culminating event, a larger celebration, will take place April 12, 2014. To augment the fall issue, “Remembering the Civil War,” Blain Roberts, associate professor of history at California State University, Fresno, will speak in September about attending Journal covers it all, from tobacco Charleston’s Secession Ball. queens to blues music In December, John W. Coffey, curator B Y N A N C Y E . O A T E S of American and modern art at the N.C. Museum of Art, will discuss a mystery surrounding a bust of former Vice President re you a Southerner? John C. Calhoun, expanding on a piece The question is too complex for Coffey has written for the winter 2013 issue. a simple yes or no response. It can’t be Suzanne Jones, chair of the University answered in a binary way, contends Jocelyn of Richmond’s English department, will Neal, co-editor of Southern Cultures journal. give a talk in February on the phenomenon “What do you mean by Southern? of the best-selling novel The Help to suppleHow long do you have to live here ment her essay in the spring 2014 issue. to assimilate? What does it mean to Contributing to the University-wide assimilate?” Neal asked. “These are academic theme on water, Southern Cultures questions our quarterly takes on.” will publish a special issue, “Southern Founded in 1993, Southern Cultures Waters” in fall 2014, guest edited by Bernie

Southern Cultures

Professor of Southern Culture, co-founded Southern Cultures with UNC sociology professor John Shelton Reed, and has continued as its co-editor. Watson and Reed came up with a concept for a peer-reviewed journal that would interest a scholarly audience and lay readership equally. “We wanted to start a conversation about what the region is and what it means today and over time,” Watson said. “There wasn’t any such thing when we got started, and now we’re the go-to place for people who have something to say about the U.S. South.” Published by UNC Press for the Center, which has provided editorial support for the journal from the very beginning, the quarterly enjoys a rapidly growing readership. In 2000, Southern Cultures was made available online through Project Muse, a service that digitizes humanities and social science journals. Today, some 70,000 readers in more than 60 C O N T I N U ED





FRONT PORCH ABOVE LEFT: Southern Oral History Program founding director Jacquelyn Hall (center) interviewing Guy (left) and Guion Johnson in 1974. The Johnsons were sociologists at UNC. ABOVE RIGHT: Students during an oral history performance at the Campus Y.

countries access the journal online. In the early years of the journal, Watson and Reed had to beg their friends for articles. Fortunately, they had some very talented friends: Bland Simpson, Doris Betts, C. Vann Woodward, Shannon Ravenel, Hal Crowther. As the journal’s reputation grew, a variety of scholars submitted pieces. Interdisciplinary in its approach, the journal publishes diverse perspectives on anything Southern, from tobacco queens, blues music and Civil War monuments to whether NASCAR or football is the real Southern sport. Once, the quarterly printed a previously unpublished letter from William Faulkner. The journal’s executive editor, Ayse Erginer, notes that the “s” in “Cultures” is intentional. “We don’t believe there is a monolithic Southern culture,” she said. “Southern Cultures writes about the complexity. People may think, ‘What can you possibly say about the South for 20 years?’ But we’ve just started.” The quarterly’s popular themed issues immerse readers in exploring a topic from multiple perspectives. Music issues have included a CD culled from archives and not available for sale elsewhere. Professors draw on Southern Cultures as a primary source for their teaching. The journal’s editorial staff is expanding multimedia use and digital offerings, with a project under way to make its full back catalogue available in e-book formats, all the while looking forward to the journal’s next 20 years.

“Anyone affiliated with the South should feel compelled to learn about it and figure out what’s going on, in our past and present, to take responsibility for shaping our future,” Neal said. “Southern Cultures makes the newest, most provocative research accessible to everyone.” •

Endowment for the Humanities-funded project that looks at the intersection between activism and journalism in the American South before, during and after the civil rights era. The project is a partnership between UNC, Duke and N.C. Central universities. Seth Kotch, UNC project director, ONLINE EXTRA: For details on upcoming says there was a significant transformation events, visit in the South during and after the civil rights movement. The project co-director is Duke historian Joshua Davis. “We are interested in exploring how journalists helped change the communities they covered, as well as how journalists themselves were changed,” he says. “There Program has collected more than were many people who continued and 5,000 interviews over 40 years extended their activism by founding their B Y M I C H E L E L Y N N own newspapers and starting their own radio stations.” Many of these civil rights-era ince its founding in 1973, the Southern journalists are still active today. Oral History Program has held as its “We have a tradition of good guiding principle, “You don’t have to be journalism in North Carolina,” says famous for your life to be history.” Now Kotch. “We have an impressive array of celebrating its 40th anniversary, the focus locally founded, community-oriented has continued to be on preserving the media outlets, particularly in Durham and voices of the American South. Raleigh.” Through more than 5,000 interviews, Among the media included in the which are archived in the Southern project are Durham’s WAFR — the first Historical Collection, and a variety of public, community-based black radio initiatives, the Program showcases the station — and Warrenton’s WVSP, just two voices of everyday people who have lived of the community-oriented radio stations and created history. that offered an outlet for the voices and “Media and the Movement: issues of African-Americans. Journalism, Civil Rights and Black Power “What we learn about the relationship in the American South” is a National between the media and the communities

Preserving the Voices



interviewed Jerry Carr — who helped start UNC’s Students for a Democratic Society chapter — and Jock Lauterer, who was a photographer for The Daily Tar Heel and is now a lecturer at UNC’s School of ABOVE: Historian Malinda Maynor Lowery is the new director of the Southern Journalism Oral History Program. and Mass Communication. is a member of the Lumbee Tribe of Seidman says that it was powerful for North Carolina. Her book, Lumbee Indians the interview subjects to hear their stories in the Jim Crow South: Race, Identity, and reflected back to them by undergraduates. the Making of a Nation (UNC Press, 2010), “The students did an amazing job received the 2011 Labriola American highlighting the themes of political Indian Center National Book Award and engagement, dissent, and tension and the Best 2010 First Book Award from the creativity that the Speaker Ban protest Native American and Indigenous Studies involved,” she says. • Association. Lowery has produced four documentary films about Native American issues, including the awardwinning In the Light of Reverence, which aired on PBS in 2001. Two previous films, Real Indian and Sounds of Faith, examine Lumbee identity and culture, and the most recent is an online video for Native survivors of domestic violence featuring the Lumbee and Eastern Band Cherokee tribes ( istorian Malinda Maynor Lowery Her current book project is a history has been named the new director of the of the Lumbee tribe for a general audience, Southern Oral History Program. forthcoming from UNC Press. Lowery will serve as the second Hall is the recipient of the 2013 permanent director of the Program. Mary Turner Lane Award, a University Jacquelyn Dowd Hall is the founding honor that recognizes people who make director emerita and Julia Cherry outstanding contributions to the lives Spruill Professor of History at UNC. of women students, faculty, staff and Communication studies professor Della administrators at Carolina. Pollock served as interim director between During 40 years on the UNC 2011 and 2013. faculty, Hall has advocated for women in “Professor Lowery is a brilliant scholar every aspect of her career: her research and visionary leader who is perfectly and professional leadership, her awardpositioned to enhance the Southern Oral winning teaching, her mentoring of both History Program’s national reputation,” undergraduate and graduate students, and said Hall. her service to her profession and to the Lowery, associate professor of history, University. • Donn Young

that those media are supposed to serve is relevant today,” says Kotch. “In the same way that community-oriented media arose during the civil rights era, the Internet is offering people new ways to express themselves.” While Media and the Movement captures stories throughout the state, the University History Project highlights voices closer to home. That project has collected about 400 interviews from members of the Carolina community — including students, staff, faculty, and administrators — focusing on the history of UNC. “It is deeply important not to lose institutional memory,” says Rachel F. Seidman, Southern Oral History Program associate director. “This University is going through major transformations and transitions and at times like this, the ability to look back and see where we have come from and where we hope to go is a particularly important task.” “Oral histories can provide a very lively and emotionally rich connection to the past,” she adds. That emotional connection came alive last spring in an evening performance at the Love House and Hutchins Forum by a group of undergraduate students. During a semester-long internship with the Program, the students researched the history of the Speaker Ban, a North Carolina law enacted in 1963 that restricted the appearance of Communists and other radical speakers at state-supported universities, including UNC. With support from the University Archives, the students interviewed local community members who had been involved in protesting the ban and then created a theatrical script from transcriptions of the interviews. “During our project, we focused a lot on the modern parallels between the Speaker Ban and some of the legislation in the General Assembly that was being put forth at that time,” says Blanche Brown ’15. “It’s important to preserve the history of students who normally didn’t work together, but who came together with the Speaker Ban protest, to uphold what a university should be and is: a place where you ask questions, push boundaries and discover things.” During her internship, Brown

Leading the Southern Oral History Program


Steve Milligan

LEFT: A view of Guanajuato City. ABOVE: Hannah Gill directs the Latino Migration Project.

Guanajuato Connections Students experience the global South through internships, service learning




eyond the headlines and policy papers about Mexican immigrants are the lives of men and women, boys and girls. Helping Carolina students better understand the human complexities of immigration is the mission of UNC’s


Latino Migration Project. The Latino Migration Project is a program of the Institute for the Study of the Americas and the Center for Global Initiatives. The Project builds ties between

PROVIDING EYE CARE TO IMMIGRANTS As the son of parents who emigrated to the U.S. from India, Atif Mohiuddin ’08 has a personal understanding of the immigrant experience. His passion for helping immigrant communities was kindled by his work as a health educator with the large Guatemalan community in Morganton, near his western North Carolina hometown of Valdese. That commitment was further cemented after he joined the inaugural class of APPLES Guanajuato taught by Hannah Gill. “Hannah’s class was the embodiment of what I had been searching for,” says Mohiuddin. “The course gave me emotional connections that create change in people’s hearts and minds.” Mohiuddin created an interdisciplinary major in migration and diaspora studies, so that he could better understand the perspective of immigrants. His commitment to serving immigrants continues as he trains to be an ophthalmologist. As a medical student at The George Washington University, from which he graduated in May 2013, Mohiuddin was president of Student Sight Savers, which organizes and runs eye screenings for underserved immigrant communities in Washington, D.C., and Virginia. “There are not a lot of eye specialists who focus on these populations, which are at increased risk for glaucoma and diabetic eye disease,” he says. “My time in Guanajuato made me even more passionate about giving back to immigrant communities,” adds Mohiuddin. “[Wherever I live], I know that I’ll be active in providing eye health care within these communities.” • 16 • COLLEGE.UNC.EDU • FALL 2013 • CAROLINA ARTS & SCIENCES

Chapel Hill and the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, where many North Carolina immigrants have originated. It offers UNC students two programs — APPLES Global Course Guanajuato and Project Guanajuato — which provide a “transformative experience” involving service learning, global travel, internships and the development of close ties between UNC students, local immigrants and their families in Mexico, according to Hannah Gill, director of the Project. Gill, an anthropologist who graduated from Carolina in 1999, teaches the APPLES course, which connects academics and research with public service. “Students are required to volunteer throughout the semester with a local organization that works with immigrants in some way,” says Gill, who is the author of The Latino Migration Experience in North Carolina: New Roots in the Old North State (UNC Press, 2010). Students travel to Guanajuato over spring break, staying in the homes of local families. “The class offers a very in-depth experience of migration from both sides of the border.” “It’s really profound to make a connection in your hometown with someone who is from very far away and then go to their hometown and connect with their family,” Gill adds. For the final class project, students interview immigrants they have met through their service experience, and Gill trains them in oral history methodology. The interviews are available online. Project Guanajuato — a summer community development and internship experience for UNC students — was

Brittany Peterson

TOP LEFT: The first class (2007) joins FCB director Adriana Cortes. BOTTOM LEFT: A market in Guanajuato. ABOVE: A church in the town of El Gusano.

started in 2007 by students who participated in the APPLES course in collaboration with Nourish International, a student organization that addresses global poverty. Thanks to a partnership between the Latino Migration Project and Fundación Comunitaria del Bajio (FCB), a nonprofit in Mexico, UNC undergraduate and graduate students spend about six weeks each summer in Guanajuato, working in rural communities with high levels of emigration to the U.S. Last year, students helped teach English, recreation, arts and dance classes at local elementary and high schools, and they lived with local families. Guile Contreras ’14, whose parents are from El Salvador, grew up in Siler City, N.C. He participated in Project Guanajuato the summer after his first year at Carolina and became a trip leader the following summer. “Students who go through Project Guanajuato get a new image of Mexico,” says Contreras. “In the long term, they have a better understanding of immigrants and why people emigrate, beyond [just] talking about it in class.” Gill says that Guanajuato programs

“educate and train students to be able to understand the complexities of migration which are usually glossed over in the public context.” Students are gaining the skills they need to deal with demographic changes in their community, she adds. More than half of the students who have participated in the program since 2007 are firstor second-generation immigrants or minorities. “The course gives them the skills and training to understand the social and historical context for their own personal experience,” Gill says. Gill wants to empower students to become leaders in North Carolina. “I want students who are underrepresented in leadership throughout the state to be able to advocate for themselves and have the same opportunities as everyone else.” The impact of Guanajuato programs on students’ professional lives is significant. About 70 percent of the program’s alumni work in a field affected by migration — the majority in K-12 education, public health or law. “This program helps them think about how they can apply their own personal interests, and even their own migration stories, to a career in this field,” says Gill. “It strengthens relationships between North Carolina and Guanajuato.” • ONLINE EXTRAS:

Learn more at

A CAREER IN PUBLIC INTEREST LAW Guanajuato Connections helped define Sarah Plastino’s career path. “Hannah’s mentorship and my experiences with immigrants in North Carolina and Guanajuato motivated me to continue with immigration advocacy work after college,” says Plastino ’07, a public interest attorney in Newark, N.J. “I provide free legal services to lowincome immigrants facing deportation,” she said. “At present, my clients are all children.” Plastino cites the huge unmet need for legal services in deportation proceedings. She wants to ensure that more immigrants have legal representation so that they understand their rights and get a fair hearing. “In the summer after my junior year, I traveled with Hannah to Mexico to do my own research,” says Plastino. Her research was supported by a Burch Fellowship from UNC [see page 20]. “I interviewed family members of people who had emigrated to Chapel Hill and also returned migrants who had lived and worked in Chapel Hill so I could understand the effect of U.S. immigration policy on them.” That experience was so powerful that Plastino and Gill added a travel component to the Latin American Immigrant Perspectives course Gill was teaching. Plastino served as the student leader for the course’s first spring break trip in 2007. “The trip engages students in service related to immigration, but it also gives them a better understanding of the cross-border and local/global aspects of immigration,” says Plastino. “There is a tendency to focus purely on the U.S. side of the equation.” “We were going into communities where every other household had somebody in Chapel Hill,” Plastino adds. “I met the wife and children of a man I knew who worked in the kitchen of Top of the Hill on Franklin Street when I was a hostess there.” Plastino says those experiences helped her understand the human side of immigration. “It’s very important to understand that fundamentally this is a human story.” •



Excavating the past, shaping the future in western North Carolina






hen UNC alumnus Robin Beck was a young boy, he loved roaming the Morganton-area farm owned by his uncle and aunt, James and Pat Berry, in the North Carolina foothills. The land has been in the Berry family since before the Revolutionary War. As Beck (B.A. political science ’91) walked around kicking up dirt, he was amazed at the arrowheads and pieces of pottery he found. The budding archaeologist would then match those pieces of pottery with pictures in books at the neighboring McDowell County Library. At the time, Beck said, he had no idea of the significance of what was underneath his feet. Years later, Beck went on to pursue a Ph.D. at Northwestern and became an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan. He would join two UNC archaeology alumni to document the earliest European settlement in the interior of the United States on the Berry land. Fort San Juan was established at the site of the American Indian town of Joara in 1567, two decades before The Lost Colony at Roanoke Island, 40 years before Jamestown. Explorer Juan Pardo named the Spanish settlement Cuenca after his hometown in Spain. It lasted less than 18 months before the relationship between the Indians and the Spanish soldiers took a disastrous turn. The fort was burned to the ground, as were other forts built by Pardo. One Spanish soldier escaped and brought news to the Spanish colonial capital at Santa Elena, S.C. (today’s Parris Island), that the

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experiment was over. The North Carolina Office of Archives and History, in explaining the historical marker erected in Morganton, wrote: “The Berry site witnessed one of the longest periods of sustained contact between Europeans and the peoples of North America’s interior until the 17th century.” Beck and his Tar Heel colleagues David Moore (Ph.D. ’99), a professor of archaeology and anthropology at Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, N.C., and Christopher Rodning (Ph.D. ’04), an associate professor of anthropology at Tulane University, formed the Exploring Joara Foundation to support their longterm work at the Berry site. (Moore came to UNC from the University of California at Berkeley to pursue graduate studies, and Rodning came from Harvard.) The slogan of the Exploring Joara Foundation is “Unearthing the forgotten past.” It is a unique partnership, one committed to a strong outreach component. Summer camps, field schools, teacher workshops and an annual archaeology festival allow the scientists to share their finds with the public and to have students participate regularly in their work. Moore, who has been excavating at the site since 1986, said the story of Fort San Juan and Joara has great significance beyond a pretty 12-acre field in Burke County, which today is surrounded by a tree farm. “The story here is exciting. It’s compelling. It’s fascinating,” said Moore, who served for 18 years with the N.C. Office of State Archaeology. “It’s important



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for people to understand real Native American history — the heroics, the tragedies, the disappointments. … This is a site at which you have an episode of the classic Colonial encounter that happened thousands of times as Western Europeans began to colonize the rest of the world.” The three scholars are now dipping their toes into heritage tourism. Exploring Joara is building an Archaeological Interpretive Center at Catawba Meadows, a 200-acre city park along the banks of the Catawba River in Morganton. The center is being developed on the footprint of a significant ancestral Catawba Indian town that also is currently under archaeological study. It will include a palisade, a garden, an exhibit hall and two replica Indian dwellings. Archaeologists can then share what they’ve found at both the Catawba Meadows and Berry sites at a location that is more accessible to the public. Catawba Meadows will be the focal point for a Western North Carolina “archaeology trail,” which would link together other important historical sites. “This is a really important economic development project for our region,” said Sam Avery (education ’77), a former history teacher, a native of Burke County and chairman of the Exploring Joara Foundation. “We’re excited about what this will do for tourism. … This will bring history to life.” • THE OLIVE JAR CONNECTION A series of coincidences, connections and what Beck jokingly calls “a lot of

LEFT TO RIGHT: Archaeologists (from left) Robin Beck, David Moore and Christopher Rodning have uncovered the earliest European settlement in the interior U.S. • Fort San Juan lasted less than 18 months. • Visitors learn how to sift for artifacts at the annual Public Archaeology Day. • Students are actively involved in the professors’ work.

lightning strikes” connected the UNC alumni to the Berry site. In 1994, Beck discovered a strange piece of green glazed crockery when walking the Berry property with his brother Kevin. They also found a large, wrought iron nail. Beck made some connections with colleagues at the University of Georgia, namely the late Charles Hudson (Ph.D. ’65), who had written extensively about the expeditions of Spanish explorers Hernando de Soto and Juan Pardo across western North Carolina. With their help, Beck identified the piece of pottery he had found as part of a Spanish olive jar. Beck then drove up to Asheville to see Moore, whom he had met many years earlier. Together they examined pottery fragments Moore found in 1986 and compared them with Beck’s 1994 find. What they discovered would change the course of their research. “Dave picked up my glazed (pot) sherd — and he had part of the same olive jar, from his 1986 excavation,” Beck said. “We walked the site again together and found a piece of Spanish majolica, a glazed earthenware sherd that was probably part of a small medicine jar. Soldiers would often carry salve for bee stings or other ailments with them.” “Dave said maybe this will make a good paper for the annual Southeastern Archaeological Conference. Well, it’s done a lot more than that.” The two asked Rodning to join their research team to broaden the scope of their work. Rodning’s Ph.D. dissertation adviser was Vin Steponaitis, now chair of UNC’s curriculum in archaeology. Rodning said his UNC professors and his collaboration with Beck and Moore have played a critical role in his development as a scholar.

“We like to say that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” Rodning said of the decision to form the collaborative research project and create Exploring Joara. “The three of us have different strengths and knowledge which overlap and complement each other. Together we make a good team.” In subsequent years, the trio has discovered the remnants of five burned buildings that probably housed Pardo’s soldiers. They have published numerous books, chapters and papers on their research, which has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Geographic Society and the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area. The summer 2013 excavations focused on a bulldozed Indian mound that was first documented in an 1891 report by Smithsonian archaeologist Cyrus Thomas. While excavating near the edge of the mound in June, the Exploring Joara scholars found remnants of the fort itself, including a section of a moat, a bastion at one corner near an apparent entryway paved with gravel, and a possible “strong house.” The exciting discovery was featured in The New York Times. Further study of the mound and the fort will add new chapters to the story. Written accounts indicate that Fort San Juan was abandoned in the spring of 1568. In past seasons, excavations at the Berry site have unearthed fragments from several different olive jars, pieces of chain mail, lead shot, a scale used for weighing supplies and rock samples, an iron knife and remnants of burned roof beams, among many other items. At the annual Public Archaeology Day last June, Moore, donning a straw hat to ward off the sun, led visitors on a tour. He described what he calls “the coolest Spanish

artifact” that has been discovered yet at Fort San Juan. “This season we found an iron fastener, a hook for holding together boots or clothes. It was made of iron and highly eroded, but we knew instantly what it was.” • CHANGING OUR UNDERSTANDING OF N.C. HISTORY Morgan Welch ’15, who is majoring in archaeology at UNC, participated in field work at the Berry site in summer 2012. She grew up in nearby Valdese. She returned to the Berry site last summer as an intern with Exploring Joara. “It’s pretty much where I fell in love with archaeology,” said Welch, who is the co-founder and vice president of UNC’s Society of Undergraduate Archaeologists. She has also participated in a dig in Natchez, Miss., with Steponaitis. “I love the mystery of it. It’s more about playing the part of Sherlock Holmes rather than Indiana Jones — the goal is inquiring into the past as well as preserving it.” Steponaitis said the archaeological work led by Moore, Beck and Rodning at the Berry site “is changing our understanding of North Carolina’s history in ways that documentary research alone could never do.” “This project also illustrates how Carolina’s undergraduate and graduate programs attract top-notch talent, people who continue to benefit the state long after they graduate.” • ONLINE EXTRAS:

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Students gain experience by chasing their aspirations



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wenty years ago alumnus Lucius E. Burch III and then Associate Dean for Honors Robert C. Allen met at the Carolina Coffee Shop on East Franklin Street. From that very ordinary get-together came something very extraordinary. By the time they finished their coffee and conversation the outline for the Burch Fellowships, an unprecedented opportunity for UNC undergraduates, had been drawn. The seed planted in 1993 has blossomed into scholarship nurtured by imagination and independence, adaptability and accountability, all hallmarks of a successful life, says Burch. Burch ’63, of Tennessee, had been asked to invest in his alma mater by joining the Chancellor’s Clubs. But, as befits a venture capitalist, he was thinking bigger. “I told Bobby I wanted to do something more significant, something that would make more of a difference,” he recalls. He was also thinking about his own days in the College of Arts and Sciences when the most powerful learning experience he had was not in a classroom but during a summer break in Alaska. So it came to be that Allen had an initial gift from Burch and the responsibility for shepherding development of the Burch Fellows Program, which would enable undergraduates across the University with exceptional abilities and interests to design potentially life-transforming experiences. The first two fellowships were awarded in 1994 and included the study of traditional Chinese medicine. Since then students have pursued passion for subjects as diverse as theater-for-development in Malawi, labor rights for self-employed women in India and climate modeling in Norway.

TOP: Pablo Durana at Mount Bute in British Columbia working on a National Geographic documentary. MIDDLE: Durana was on the production crew for the Oscarwinning film, Inocente. BOTTOM: He bicycled across China to document ethnic minority groups for his Burch Fellowship.

In 1999 Burch would also become the benefactor of the Burch Field Research Seminars. These enable faculty to take small groups of selected undergraduates to places around the world for learning experiences that are both academic and experiential. Seminar topics have ranged from alternative energy in Iceland to post-Cold War security in Eastern Europe to public health in Vietnam. Friederike Seeger, director of Burch Programs and Honors Study Abroad, explained that a small committee comprised of UNC faculty and staff selects five to seven applicants as Burch Fellows from the 40 to 60 applications submitted annually. Fellows receive up to $6,000 each to help them finance their learning projects. Over the past two decades there have been 100 Burch Fellows. “It’s not about dreaming up wonderful things for students to do but instead investing in students’ creativity and aspirations and ambition,” said James Leloudis, current associate dean for UNC’s Honors Program.


Photos courtesy of Pablo Durana


• THE FILMMAKER By the age of three Pablo Durana was multi-national and multi-lingual thanks to the careers of his parents, yet it was a later trip to Chapel Hill to visit his older brother Camilo, a Morehead Scholar, that would change the course of his life. Durana ’06 quickly “fell in love with the campus and great environment” and decided he too wanted to attend UNC. It was his adviser in the department of communication studies who suggested he look into the Burch Fellows Program. So it was that the cross

TOP: An iceberg near Anvers Island, Antarctica. BOTTOM: Zena Cardman’s Burch Fellowship funded astrobiology research in British Columbia and the Canadian Arctic.

Photos courtesy of Zena Cardman

down to five minutes for his final Burch Fellows report was challenging, to say the least. The following summer, he landed an internship with National Geographic in Washington, D.C., based in large part on the strength of the work done as part of the Burch program. There he met people who knew people and the rest, as the saying goes, is history. Today, Durana, 30, is a successful freelance cameraman, country and track standout who’d always cinematographer and sound recordist had an affinity for “lore and storytelling … whose assignments range from covering and the experience of different cultures” ap- the drug wars in Juarez, Mexico, one plied for and received a fellowship in 2004. month to the creation of a documentary Durana’s plan was to bicycle on the discovery of ancient Mayan tombs through western China, experiencing in Guatemala the next. He was on the and documenting the lives of as many of production crew for Inocente, which won an the region’s 56 minority populations as Oscar this year for best documentary short. possible. He would film the journey, and The discipline and time management his companion on the four-month, 2,700- used by Durana in his daily living is what mile trek would be his equally athletic Lucius Burch envisioned when he created older sister Maria. She, a McGill University the fellowships 20 years ago. Every April, graduate who’d secured her own funding the most recent fellows attend a Burch for the undertaking, would take still Fellows dinner in Chapel Hill where they photographs. share their stories. Burch is almost always in And why cycling when so much attendance and he reiterates the five features additional equipment was required? of the off-campus learning experience: “Bicycles give you access to places Conceive a project, plan a project, pitch the buses and cars can’t go. You get to the project, execute the project and report on in-between places most others overlook, the project. and you find out that people are happy to “His language comes out of his career share their lives and stories with you,” said as a venture capitalist but it also embraces Durana. and champions, in a succinct way, the core The China experience convinced of a liberal arts education,” said Leloudis. Durana that his life should be devoted to exploration and storytelling via • THE SCIENTIST filmmaking. It also taught him how much As an undergraduate studying biology more he needed to learn about the art of and unschooled in the ways of fellowships filmmaking, as editing 20 hours of video and grants, Zena Cardman ’10 found

“the Burch process of conceiving a plan and then orally defending the proposal terrifying.” Yet so strong was the desire of the daughter of a nuclear physicist and librarian to be part of a research team headed to British Columbia and the Canadian Arctic that she persisted despite her fear. Good thing, because her 2008 Burch Fellowship for “Mars on Earth: Astrobiology in Pavilion Lake and the Arctic” helped her fund the expedition to Canada. It was a project with which she stayed associated for several more years, thus helping her grow the skills she now uses when seeking grants for the work associated with the completion of her master of science degree from UNC in marine microbial ecology. Explaining the what, why and how of astrobiology — and, further, its link to marine science — is not the easiest of tasks. But 25-year old Cardman, whose life trajectory was greatly influenced by a high school biology teacher in her home state of Virginia, gave it a good first go in the quest for Burch Fellow status. Simply put, astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the universe. “A lot of people draw the analogy to oceans being ‘inner space.’ And ancient life forms, whether they’re in space or the depths of the ocean, greatly interest me since one informs the other and they are what will, ultimately, point us to the future,” she says. Just the cataloguing of the microorganisms found in the deep sea excites Cardman because that process furthers understanding of their carbon and energy sources and other conditions surrounding life, and it is these things that have the potential for applications in fields as diverse as medicine and energy. “Right now I use the ocean as a sandbox, of sorts, in order to draw analogies between what is and what if,” said Cardman, who spent a portion of last summer in the Gulf of Mexico on a research vessel that was tracking the direct effects of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. She added, “What I’ve learned in the classrooms at Carolina and what I C O N T I N U ED



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• THE STORYTELLER AND PEACEMAKER Taylor Jo Isenberg, who grew up in two small towns just north of Charlotte and double-majored in peace, war and defense and international studies, is a self-described “double-dipping Burch person.” And gratefully so, for it was the Burch programs that proved integral to the goal she set not long after arriving at Carolina: Seeing and understanding the world through multiple lenses, including conflict points. During her sophomore year, Isenberg ’10 spent a semester in Washington, D.C., as an intern for the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. Part of her work involved taking the oral histories of foreign service officers as well as members of the provincial reconstruction teams in war-torn Iraq. A primary purpose of collecting these stories was to preserve knowledge that could help inform future international dealings. Upon returning to Chapel Hill and reading the “phenomenal stories” of past Burch Fellows, Isenberg decided to craft a proposal for a fellowship that would build on her experience with the power of oral histories and on the time she’d devoted to Arabic studies and language at the American University in Cairo. The project, “The In Between: The Dom of East Jerusalem,” centered on collecting and telling the stories of the Domari (“Dom” for short), gypsies of the Middle East, who’ve lived in a

no-man’s land for over 400 years. Neither Arab-Palestinian or Jewish-Israeli, “the economically, socially and culturally marginalized Domari are a community stubbornly disengaged from the political situations, yet continually disturbed and formed by the unique status of Jerusalem,” said Isenberg, now 25 years old. Her time in Israel happened the summer between her junior and senior years. In the report of her experience, she wrote, “Jerusalem was trying: there was emotional upheaval, frustration and failure. But there was also clarity, understanding and daily triumphs that demonstrated the infinite potential of determination.” Earlier, Isenberg had participated in a Burch Field Research Seminar in Washington, D.C., focusing on public policy. Knowing what doesn’t suit is as important as knowing what does. While she came to understand the benefits of macro-level policy, Isenberg kept returning to the lessons TOP: Taylor Jo Isenberg collected stories of the Domari community, “gypsies of the Middle East,” in East Jerusalem. BOTTOM: Children learned in Jerusalem. play in the afterschool program of the Domari Society of Gypsies. She recognized her life’s work would play out at the grassroots level: creating terrific model for living and one I try to peace through building communities pass on,” added Isenberg. and encouraging non-violent political It’s also a model that has since been engagement. copied by other schools, and it’s something It was Isenberg’s volunteerism for Lucius Burch would like to see expanded the Roosevelt Institute at UNC that at UNC-Chapel Hill. would ultimately lead to her full-time “Frankly, most people think too employment as national director of the small,” he said. “The Burch Fellows New York-based institute’s campus program is about moxie, about making network, which has 110 chapters in 37 dreams real. When you have the states. “We challenge college students to imagination and discipline required engage with the world in a new way, to for that, then you’ve opened a world of ask questions and to help build stronger opportunities for yourself and others — democratic processes,” she explained. and the long-term implications of that are “When I was at Carolina I was asked, extraordinary.” • ‘What are you going to do and how are you going to do it?’ I learned it’s OK to be ONLINE EXTRAS: comfortable with discomfort, that learning Learn more at can happen in many ways and you’re only limited by your creativity. It’s such a


Photos courtesy of Taylor Jo Isenberg

learned as a result of the Burch Fellowship have helped make me a scientific Swiss Army knife, of sorts. I can now do a lot of things, including writing about, videographing and photographing these beautiful but remote environments, and explaining why we should want to understand them. That’s a payload that is worth my weight.” “The array of projects the undergraduates come up with is great, but what all those ideas require is great imagination. It’s the ability to imagine something and then make it happen that is so remarkable,” said Seeger, who’s now in her ninth year of providing guidance to Burch Fellows.

Tackling real-world problems in fast-growing job field




arolina undergraduates are inventing devices to tackle real-world problems through biomedical engineering. The opportunity to study in one of the fastest-growing job fields evolved through a partnership between UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Medicine. “Biomedical engineering is an exciting new discipline that applies the rigorous methods of physics, chemistry, mathematics and engineering to solve important and urgent biological and biomedical problems,” said Nancy Allbritton, UNC Debreczeny Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, who chairs the biomedical engineering department. In their senior year, UNC biomedical engineering students must take a design course to apply what they have learned. They tour clinics at UNC Hospitals to get ideas for medical problems that could be solved by new technology. In addition, students meet with individuals in the community who have disabilities to get ideas for custom technology that helps them become more independent. For example, in 2013, students developed an Android tablet app that, when attached to a child’s walker, provided a musical feedback loop for a preschooler with a disability who had been reluctant to practice walking. Students wrote and

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copyrighted the software and are in the process of making the system available to people in similar situations. Some students collaborating at the Jaycee Burn Center at UNC Health Care developed a device that helps patients perform vital stretching exercises independently, freeing the physical therapist to see more patients. Another group of students won two technology design awards for developing a Braille training toy for children. This year, the students are trying to market their idea. At the end of the school year, a joint UNC/N.C. State biomedical engineering design symposium lets students showcase their completed projects to industry leaders and investors. “Students can do show-and-tell in front of people who work for companies where our students might look for jobs,” said Allbritton. Biomedical engineering students work closely with faculty on their research and have access to real-life experiences that will enhance their careers, said Allbritton. Students gain experience through participating in multidisciplinary teams, just as they will in the working world. Students and faculty are also turning their ideas into start-up companies that hold the potential to hire others. That can fuel the

Lars Sahl

Dan Sears


LEFT: Student Rocco Disanto works on his project in Professor Richard Goldberg's assistive technology class. ABOVE: Nancy Allbritton.

state’s economy, she added. The department of biomedical engineering (BME) began as a joint graduate program between UNC’s School of Medicine and N.C. State and recently expanded into UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences to further develop the undergraduate degree program in Chapel Hill. (N.C. State has a separate undergraduate BME degree.) Carolina students currently receive a bachelor of science degree in applied sciences. US News & World Report recently cited BME as the No. 1 new college major with a future, and The New York Times said it was the No. 1 field “where the jobs are.” The U.S. Department of Labor has reported that the number of BME jobs has been increasing at close to double the rate for all other jobs combined. Positions often start at about $80,000 a year. • ONLINE EXTRAS:

Check out a UNC video highlighting student BME projects that helped an accomplished kayaker who was born with spina bifada, a third-grader with autism and others. Visit



John Wilkerson’s quest to uncover the truth about the beginning of everything

What’s the antimatter? B Y


physicist John Wilkerson hops into a caged elevator and plunges a mile beneath the earth’s surface. It’s a former gold mine in South Dakota. Dank, dark, dirty. But where he’s heading is very clean. The cage stops, Wilkerson walks a short distance to the “boot wash,” and he puts on contaminant-free lab clothes. Through an air-purified chamber, he enters a place cleaner than a surgeon’s scalpel — the Sanford Underground Research Facility. He’s there to answer a fundamental question: what are neutrinos? He can give us a partial answer: neutrinos are subatomic particles thousands of times lighter than electrons. But not much else is known, and what role they play in the universe is very much an open question. Wilkerson wants to answer it. He’s building an experiment with help from UNC physicist Reyco Henning, UNC students, undergrads from other universities, and more than 100 scientists at 19 institutions from around the world. His multiyear, multimillion-dollar project provides jobs to a local workforce and training to future scientists, and he hopes the collaborations will allow him to answer big questions about the properties of neutrinos and their role in the origin of the universe.



“When we look out into the universe we see matter, but not antimatter,” Wilkerson says. That makes no sense to physicists because when matter is created — say, at the start of the universe — antimatter must also be created. That’s one of those immutable laws of energy conservation. Except that it seems to be mutable. At some point after the creation of the universe, matter and antimatter should’ve collided and annihilated each other, creating light and radiation — and nothing else. A universe without matter. “So the fact that we’re even here is interesting,” Wilkerson says. And so is the fact that astrophysicists can’t find antimatter when they peer deep into the universe. “We know antimatter exists,” Wilkerson says. “ We can create it in a particle accelerator. When a particle is created, so is an antiparticle. We know what the signatures are for those antiparticles, but we don’t see them in the universe. Somehow, early on, a fundamental symmetry principle must’ve been broken.” Enter neutrinos. We know that neutrinos are produced by the billions per second during radioactive decay, fusion in the sun and fission in nuclear


reactions. They’re so small that they pass right through us, right through the earth. We know that neutrinos have what are called partner particles. Perhaps antineutrinos. But because neutrinos lack an electrical charge and interact very weakly with other particles, it’s difficult to study them. So it’s unclear whether neutrinos and antineutrinos are different from each other. That is, they could be identical and therefore indistinguishable. “That would have immediate implications,” Wilkerson says. “It would show that one of the basic laws of symmetry involving the conservation of fundamental particles can be violated. This would offer a possible explanation of why there’s excess matter in the universe.” Wilkerson is building experiments to find out, and his research might also allow him to measure the mass of different kinds of neutrinos. If so, scientists could plug those masses into their equations to help explain why they detect so much more matter than antimatter in the universe. The work would provide more information about how the universe came into existence. Studying neutrinos, though, is tricky business. That’s why, every month or so, Wilkerson finds himself in an old gold-mine

Photos by Benjamin Brayfield / Rapid City Journal

shaft a mile underground in Lead, S.D, one of the few places to conduct super precise experiments with subatomic particles. The labs are underground because a good way to shield experiments from naturally occurring radiation and cosmic rays is to put a mile-thick layer of rock between the lab and the earth’s surface. Wilkerson is working with an international team, including local workers, to sanitize the lab and construct equipment scientists will use to study the decay of germanium-76, which is what they’ll observe in a multi-year experiment to study neutrinos. His team has to build what physicists call a demonstrator from soup to nuts, which includes an ultra-clean machine shop next to the underground lab. Chemists turn regular, clean copper into ultra-pure copper, which machinists then meticulously fashion into equipment scientists will use to make sure that naturally occurring uranium and thorium don’t contaminate their measurements. The machinists and student

OPPOSITE PAGE: Physicist John Wilkerson is examining the role neutrinos play in the universe at a lab in a former gold mine in South Dakota. LEFT: Scientists exit the shaft elevator at the former mine and proceed to the lab 4,850 feet underground. BOTTOM: Creating the purest copper in the world is integral to the team’s experiment.

undergrads, graduate students, and postdocs a lot of opportunities to work on hard problems that require multidisciplinary approaches.” Last summer, Wilkerson used funds from his endowed professorship to support undergraduates Max Hays and Ryan Peterson, helpers etch numbers into thousands of these who were in South Dakota for five weeks to handcrafted parts. If scientists detect that one work at the Sanford Underground Research part is contaminated, then they can check the facility. They get into that caged elevator at number to know which batch of ultra-pure 7:30 a.m. and don’t surface until 5 p.m. Most copper the part came from. This allows them of their time is spent assisting in the machine to identify other possibly contaminated parts. shop or helping scientists construct the This painstaking, underground portion detector. of the construction process began in July 2011 “It’s incredible to be part of such a and will continue throughout 2014. significant experiment,” Hays says. “During the Inside the demonstrator, which is semester, I can only put in a couple hours a shielded with thick layers of electroformed week. But during the summer, when all of your copper, commercial copper, and lead, time is dedicated to research, it feels much Wilkerson’s team will place a detector array more meaningful. Working full time on this has made of germanium-76. It’s called a detector reinforced my desire to be a scientist.” because over the course of a multi-year Each semester Wilkerson supports a experiment, the germanium can clearly detect couple of undergrads to work on the project. the signals of nuclear decays, and it can There are six grad students involved. Such differentiate between background radiation training, Wilkerson says, is one of the biggest and the rare type of radioactive decay benefits of working on a huge project about a Wilkerson needs to observe in order to learn if tiny particle. neutrinos are indeed their own antiparticles. “Our students and postdocs leave here This, any physicist will tell you, would be understanding the state-of-the-art hardware a huge discovery. If neutrinos are their own and how to solve problems,” Wilkerson says. antiparticles, then that would force physicists “Because that’s what we do on a daily basis to rewrite the Standard Model of Particles — solve problems during experiments we’ve and Interactions, which for 40 years has been never tried before.” • the scientific explanation for how the physical Wilkerson is the John R. and Louise S. world works. Parker Distinguished Professor of Physics. His But the discovery itself isn’t Wilkerson’s research is funded by the National Science sole interest. Foundation and the Department of Energy. The “If we’re going to be a competitive state of South Dakota, the U.S. Department nation and state in the global economy, we of Housing and Urban Development, and need to train people to solve challenging, philanthropist T. Denny Sanford funded the complex technical issues,” he says. “So we give transformation of the mine into a laboratory.



Shamans and Rock Art

Anthropologist brings research on South African art into the classroom

Beth Lawrence





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LEFT: Silvia Tomášková


anthropologist Silvia Tomášková spent 2010 to 2011 in South Africa studying prehistoric rock art drawings as part of the research for her book, Wayward Shamans: The Prehistory of an Idea. Tomášková wanted to trace the origins of shamans (sometimes described as religious leaders, artists and healers) from Siberia to South Africa. For the last 20 years, scholars had drawn from 19th century ethnographies to propose that the South African rock art drawings were done by shamans under ritualistic trance. South Africa has one of the largest collections of painted rock surfaces in the world. The Rock Art Research Institute in Johannesburg estimates there are about 2 million of the colorful images. Primarily painted by the indigenous San people and their ancestors, the art dates anywhere from 500 to 10,000 years old. Tomášková, an associate professor of women’s and gender studies and anthropology, received an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowship to support her research. The awards are given to top scholars in the humanities to work on new problems and to acquire different skills outside their disciplines. Her interest in South Africa traces to 1981 during the Cold War, when she was living in Czechoslovakia (today the Czech Republic). At the time, Eastern European political refugees were accepted by a limited number of

countries, including Canada and South Africa. Tomášková headed to Canada, then later to the United States for graduate school. “This was still under apartheid so I had no desire to go to South Africa, but the parallels between communism and apartheid were very striking to me,” Tomášková said. “With the New Directions Fellowship, I thought this was my chance to connect the two — Eastern Europe and South Africa.” While in South Africa, Tomášková taught at the University of Cape Town. She also participated in field surveys in the Cederberg and Drakensberg Mountains. The rock art drawings are found in remote locations and are difficult to access, sometimes requiring a two-to-three-day drive inland, then two to three hours of hiking. “What’s interesting is there is plenty of rock surface … but the images are literally one on top of another in a small area,” said Tomášková. “I think there’s a conversation over time going on between the images, even though they may be 200 years apart.” Seeing the art in person helped her to view it in a more nuanced way and to challenge the notion that the drawings were all done by shamans under hallucinogenic trance. In Wayward Shamans, Tomášková said that she did not set out to critique such claims. “My interest in shamans has always been in their history and geography — their invention as an idea and their global travels on the wings of imagination,” she wrote. Tomášková brought her research on rock


art into a new undergraduate prehistoric art class of 120 students that she taught for the first time in spring 2013. She received a “100+ Large Course Redesign Grant” from the UNC Center for Faculty Excellence to rework the class for next spring. The grants are awarded to faculty members to make large classes more engaging. She took steps toward making the big class seem small by working with The Ackland Art Museum to set up a teaching gallery for small discussion groups. While in South Africa, Tomášková learned about another form of rock art that is less glamorous than the colorful drawings — engravings that are etched into stone, also by the San people. She calls the engravings, which are often geometric patterns, “the Cinderella of rock art.” “They are gray and much less attentiongrabbing,” Tomášková said. She decided to take her research in a new, but related direction and applied for a post-award project, which Mellon also funded. She returned to South Africa last summer and will visit again next summer to map the images. Working with UNC computer scientists, she hopes to develop a 3-D archive of the engravings. Tomášková will also work with local archaeologists and indigenous communities to explore the issue of rights and ownership. “This is [South Africa’s] heritage, and the local people need to be the ones to choose what they want the public to see.” •


Voracious Eater

Caribbean’s native predators unable to stop aggressive lionfish




Katie DuBois

cean predator” conjures up images of sharks and barracudas, but the voracious red lionfish is out-eating them all in the Caribbean — and Mother Nature and master’s appears unable to student in control its impact on marine sciences. local reef fish. That “They can now TOP: A closeup of a lionfish. BOTTOM: Lead leaves human interbe seen across author Serena Hackerott and her study organism. vention as the most the Caribbean, promising solution to the problem of this high- hovering above the reefs throughout the day ly invasive species, said UNC researchers. and gathering in groups of up to 10 or more on “Lionfish are here to stay, and it appears a single coral head.” that the only way to control them is by fishing The international research team looked them,” said John Bruno, professor of biology at whether native reef predators such as in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences and sharks and groupers could help control the lead investigator of the study. The research has population growth of red lionfish in the important implications not just for Caribbean Caribbean, either by eating them or outreefs, but for the North Carolina coast, where competing them for prey. Researchers also growing numbers of lionfish now threaten wanted to evaluate scientifically whether, local fish populations. as some speculate, that overfishing of reef Lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific predators had allowed the lionfish population region, have long been popular aquarium to grow unchecked. occupants, with their striking stripes and soft, The team surveyed 71 reefs, in three waving fins. They also have venomous spines, different regions of the Caribbean, over making them unpleasant fare for predators, three years. Their results indicate there is no including humans — though once the spines relationship between the density of lionfish are carefully removed, lionfish are generally and that of native predators, suggesting that, considered safe to eat, Bruno said. “interactions with native predators do not They have become big marine news influence” the number of lionfish in those as the latest invasive species to threaten areas, the study said. existing wildlife populations. Bruno likened The researchers did find that lionfish their extraordinary success to that of ball populations were lower in protected reefs, pythons, now eating their way through Florida attributing that to targeted removal by reef Everglades fauna, with few predators other managers, rather than consumption by large than alligators and humans. fishes in the protected areas. Hackerott noted “When I began diving 10 years ago, that during 2013 reef surveys, there appeared lionfish were a rare and mysterious species to be fewer lionfish on popular dive sites seen deep within coral crevices in the Pacific in Belize, where divers and reef managers Ocean,” said Serena Hackerott, lead author remove lionfish daily.

Walter Hackerott


The researchers support restoration of large-reef predators as a way to achieve better balance and biodiversity, but they are not optimistic that this would affect the burgeoning lionfish population. “Active and direct management, perhaps in the form of sustained culling, appears to be essential to curbing local lionfish abundance, and efforts to promote such activities should be encouraged,” the study concluded. Bruno acknowledged the key contributions of Hackerott, who performed the work in his lab as part of her UNC undergraduate honors thesis. Other study participants were researchers from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia; Reef Environmental Education Foundation; Florida International University; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary; and Dial Cordy & Associates, Miami. • The research was published in the journal PLOS ONE.


Read Hackerott’s blog about her work at Watch a video at



Photo courtesy of Sallie Senseney

Catalyst for Change

High school teacher ignites a passion for science in her N.C. hometown B Y



ABOVE: UNC-BEST teacher Sallie Senseney on a hike in the Black Mountains in Yancey County.

Sallie Senseney ’10 came to teach biology

because she herself had three early and impressive teachers who shared with her the wonders of nature. Two were her father and mother, both school teachers. The other was an island. Her father taught high school biology on Ocracoke Island on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. The family had no television. When Senseney wasn’t in his classroom, she explored the sandy, windy, wild laboratory of coastal life. “We all had a bicycle, and kids kind of had free rein of the island back then because there was very little traffic,” recalled Senseney, who graduated from UNC with a degree in biology and teaching credentials. When Senseney was in third grade, her parents moved to the mountains for new teaching jobs. She graduated from Mountain Heritage High School in Burnsville, N.C. In 2010, she completed the UNC-BEST program (Baccalaureate Education in Science and Teaching) and returned to her Yancey County high school with plans to make a difference. She’s been teaching 10th grade general and honors biology, along with AP biology to college-inclined 11th and 12th graders. “Generally the area is pretty poor, and

it’s very rural,” Senseney said. “One of the challenges is making science relatable to students who don’t think of themselves as scientists.” UNC-BEST is a collaboration between the College of Arts and Sciences and School of Education that began in 2008. The fasttrack program allows science and math majors to obtain N.C. teaching credentials and undergraduate degrees in four years. Seventy-four students have graduated; an additional 45 students are currently enrolled. One goal of the program is to place teachers in high-need districts — to date, they’ve taken jobs in the following cities and counties: Charlotte-Mecklenburg, AlamanceBurlington, Guilford, Yancey, Surry, Stokes and Durham. “Our graduates are catalysts for change — visionaries who are not content with the status quo but rather have a strong commitment to continual improvement,” said Catherine Scott, a clinical assistant professor in the School of Education and UNC-BEST coordinator. Mountain Heritage is small — about 750 students. Many students are attracted to vocational classes like carpentry, auto mechanics or a certified nursing assistant program. Senseney appreciates that, but


P R O F I L E hopes to spark an interest in college among those who’ve never considered it. It’s tricky convincing 10th graders to see the relevance of topics like molecular biology, whole organisms and ecology. Senseney tries to find a hook. Many of her students hunt or fish, which is helpful when teaching anatomy or discussing population dynamics and how humans can affect the population of deer. Students also discuss environmental regulations, health and preservation. UNC-BEST had a big impact on her teaching style. Senseney runs a studentcentered classroom. She strives to be “supervisible” and constantly circulates among her charges. There’s minimal lecturing. Senseney gives students a variety of ways to practice and demonstrate what they’ve learned. She didn’t have her own classroom until last year and had to push a cart from room to room. She made colorful cards with vocabulary words, where students matched definitions to form a puzzle. When students have questions, Senseney doesn’t rush to provide answers. Instead, she asks questions to lead them in the right direction. “Over and over again, I find myself saying, ‘You know this. Use your brain.’” Two years ago, Senseney mentored a troubled student who did time in a juvenile detention facility and considered dropping out of school because of mounting court fees. “This doesn’t make sense in the long run,” Senseney told him. She tutored him at lunch and after school. He graduated last year. Senseney still loves connecting with nature as an adviser to Mountain Heritage’s Ecology Club. After school, she often runs on trails in Celo, a land trust community at the base of Mt. Mitchell. It’s a peaceful place. She is off the clock then. But thoughts of tomorrow’s lesson plans are never far behind. “My job is to convince students that they should want to learn what I am trying to teach. I try to do this by making science real — making it relate to their lives right now.” • ONLINE EXTRAS:

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Stop Hunger Now K I M



’ 8 8

Rod Brooks believes that hunger doesn’t

have to exist and that we can end it in our lifetime. Brooks (economics, Spanish ’89) takes inspiration from the words of Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca, emblazoned in bold black letters on a red wall outside his office. “The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world.” Brooks is the president and CEO of Stop Hunger Now, an international hunger relief organization based in Raleigh that was founded in 1998 by Methodist minister Ray Buchanan. On a trip last year to Uganda, Brooks had the opportunity to see firsthand the children who are benefiting daily from meals provided by Stop Hunger Now through its in-country partner, LeSea Global Feed the Hungry. LeSea feeds 7,500 children each day. While visiting with LeSea’s country director Solomon Mwesige, Brooks learned of his hopes and dreams of reaching out to other schools in slums outside Kampala. They visited one of those schools, a simple cinderblock building with a dirt floor. School feeding programs entice parents to send their kids to school where they can get an education, Brooks said. “Without food, there is no education, and without education, there is no hope,” said Brooks, as he scrolled through pictures on his phone of smiling kids holding bowls of rice and vegetables. “Fifty-two percent of the population in Uganda is 18 years or younger. We must decide now whether those children will be well-fed and educated — or not — and that will determine the future of that country.” In 2005, shortly before Brooks joined the organization, Stop Hunger Now introduced a meal packaging program which today is providing meal distribution to 40

countries, primarily through school-feeding efforts like the one in Uganda. Mealpackaging events happen in 18 states, and the list is growing. Since that time, more than 300,000 volunteers in faith-based and civic organizations, corporations and universities — even Miss USA pageant contestants — have packaged more than a hundred million meals to feed the hungry. TOP: Rod Brooks says he can trace his entire career path to UNC’s incoming first-year his study abroad experience at UNC. BOTTOM: Volunteers students are among those participate in a packaging event at Peace Missionary Baptist who have participated at Church in Durham. fall orientation. A Campus Y organization called Carolina Hunger studying in Seville, Spain, and today is fluent Education and Activism Project (C.H.E.A.P.) in Spanish. works with Stop Hunger Now throughout the “During that year, I gained a different year. perspective on the world, and how, in spite Volunteers come together to package of cultural differences, deep down inside we small bags of rice, dehydrated vegetables, soy have the same goals and aspirations,” he said. and vitamins. One bag can feed six people “That experience created in me an interest in at a cost of 25 cents per meal, $1.50 per serving people around the world.” bag. Music adds to the fun atmosphere, and Stop Hunger Now has forged an exciting people cheer when the striking of a gong new collaboration with Wine to Water, marks the completion of 1,000 meals. another N.C.-based international nonprofit “People 4 years old to 94 years old can focused on providing clean water to people participate, so there’s something for all ages to around the world. At select meal packaging do,” Brooks said. “We hope that this is not the events, volunteers will have the opportunity last step they’ll take in helping to end hunger. to assemble water purification kits. So we talk about what else they can do.” “We can empower people to make a Stop Hunger Now also provides in-kind difference,” Brooks said. “My dream is one aid such as medical supplies, clothes and day explaining to my grandchildren about blankets to people in need, as well as grants how hunger used to exist and how we came to organizations in partner countries that are together to end it.” • combating hunger. Brooks, who spent 16 years helping ONLINE EXTRAS: to found the global museum Exploris (now Marbles Kids Museum) in downtown Raleigh, Learn more at said he can trace his entire career to his study Watch a video at abroad experience at UNC. He spent his junior year living and


Beth Lawrence


Beth Lawrence

Rod Brooks tackles a global crisis, one meal at a time



Dr. King heard me sing the song three or four years before. He came to the Highlander Center, and Miles Horton, Zilphia’s husband, says, “Pete, won’t you come down and lead some songs. We can’t have

William Ferris

a gathering here without music.”

TOP: The Storied South features the voices of 26 of America’s most luminous artists and thinkers, like Eudora Welty (pictured on the cover). BOTTOM: This photo of Pete Seeger was taken by folklorist William Ferris in San Francisco in 1990.

‘We Shall Overcome’ P E T E



The song “We Shall Overcome” is now

known worldwide. How it came to be is a long story. In 1903 Reverend Charles Tindley had a big church in Philadelphia. He wrote a song that went, “I’ll overcome some day. I’ll overcome some day. If in my heart I do not yield, I’ll overcome some day.” He put out a book called Gospel Pearls (1921) and started to use the phrase gospel music. Some of his students, like Lucie Campbell, became gospel songwriters. Somewhere between 1903 and 1945 “I’ll Overcome” got a quite different melody and a quite different rhythm. “I’ll overcome. I’ll overcome. I’ll overcome someday. If in my heart I do not yield, I’ll overcome someday.” Some people say, “Deep in my heart, I do believe, I’ll overcome someday.” It was a well-known gospel song in this fast version throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. In 1945 or 1946, 300 tobacco workers, mostly black and mostly women, went on strike in Charleston, South Carolina. People took turns on the picket line. Musicloving people are always going to sing. They sang hymns most of the time on the picket line. Once in a while they would sing a union song, but mostly they sang hymns. Lucille Simmons loved to sing, “I’ll Overcome,” but she changed it to “We Will Overcome.” She loved to sing it the slow way. You know, any hymn can be sung long meter or short meter. She liked to sing “We Will Overcome” in long meter. She had a beautiful voice, and they said, “Oh, here is Lucille. We are going to hear that long, slow song.” She would sing it, “We will overcome. / We will overcome. … / We’ll get higher wages. … / We’ll get shorter hours.” Zilphia Horton, a white woman, was an organizer from the Highlander Folk School. She comes down to help, and she is completely captivated by this song. Zilphia had a lovely alto voice and an accordion. She taught the song to me on one of her fundraising trips up North. I liked it. I found


myself singing it and teaching it to audiences. “We will overcome. / We will overcome.” I added some verses. “We shall live in peace, / the whole wide world around. … / We will walk hand in hand.” Out in Los Angeles, I met a young fellow named Guy Carawan, and I taught it to him. Guy Carawan’s family had come from North Carolina. He wanted to get acquainted with the South, as I had done. Next thing you know, he was helping the Highlander Folk School with workshops. In 1960, they had an all-South workshop on the use of music in the freedom movement at the Highlander Center. So Guy sings this song. He gave it the Motown beat, the famous soul beat. I had changed the “will” to “shall” — me and my Harvard education. “We shall.” I think it opens up the mouth better, and we changed the rhythm. “We shall overcome. / We shall overcome.” Within one month, it spread through the South. It was the favorite song at the founding convention of SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) three weeks later in April 1960 in Raleigh, North Carolina, where people came from all through the South. Dr. King heard me sing the song three or four years before. He came to the Highlander Center, and Miles Horton, Zilphia’s husband, says, “Pete, won’t you come down and lead some songs. We can’t have a gathering here without music.” I sang “We Shall Overcome.” Anne Braden later told me that she drove Dr. King to Kentucky the next day and remembers King in the back seat saying, “‘We shall overcome.’ That song really sticks with you, doesn’t it?” — An interview with Pete Seeger excerpted with permission from The Storied South: Voices of Writers and Artists by William Ferris, the Joel R. Williamson Eminent Professor of History and senior associate director of the Center for the Study of the American South. Copyright © 2013 by William Ferris. Published by the University of North Carolina Press, The book includes a companion CD and DVD.



• From Brown to Meredith: The Long Struggle for School Desegregation in Louisville, Kentucky, 1954-2007

• Greater than Equal: African American Struggles for Schools and Citizenship in North Carolina, 1919-1965 (UNC Press)

(UNC Press) by Tracy E. K’Meyer. When the Supreme Court overturned Louisville’s local desegregation plan in 2007, the people of Jefferson County faced the question of whether and how to maintain racial diversity in their schools. The author relies on oral history narratives, newspaper accounts and other documents to highlight the struggle that spanned five decades. K’Meyer has a Ph.D. in history from UNC.

by Sarah Caroline Thuesen. The author, who received three history degrees from UNC, explores how black North Carolinians engaged in a dramatic struggle for equal educational opportunity as segregated schooling flourished. Her account gives voice to students, parents, teachers, school officials and civic leaders.

• The Structure of Cuban History: Meanings and Purpose of the Past (UNC Press) by Louis A. Pérez, Jr. UNC’s J. Carlyle Sitterson Professor of History has written an expansive and contemplative reflection of the impact of Cuba’s 19th century liberation from Spain and the U.S. military intervention that immediately followed.

• Until I Say Goodbye: My Year of Living with Joy (HarperCollins) by Susan Spencer-Wendel. When UNC alum and longtime Palm Beach Post reporter Spencer-Wendel was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), she decided to focus the next year on creating special memories with family and friends — tracking down her roots in Cyprus, visiting the Yukon with her best friend, swimming with dolphins at the request of her youngest son. As she grew weaker, she tapped out this bestselling memoir on her iPhone, using only her right thumb. (Read a story on the book online at

• The Warriors (Putnam), by Tom Young. This is the fourth in a series of military thrillers by UNC alumnus Tom Young, who has flown more than 4,000 hours with the Air National Guard in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia and other hot spots. The latest tale is about the lethal conflict that arises when military personnel investigate the Kyrgyzstan crash of a C-27 loaded with electronics and opium.

• Nineteenth-Century Jewish Literature: A Reader (Stanford University Press), edited by Jonathan Hess, Maurice Samuels and Nadia Vaiman. Recent scholarship has brought to light the existence of a dynamic world of Jewish literature — fiction by Jews, about Jews and often designed largely for Jews. The editors make these texts accessible to English speakers for the first time, with a selection of fiction from France, Great Britain and the Germanspeaking world. Hess is the Moses M. and Hannah L. Malkin Distinguished Professor of Jewish History and Culture at UNC.

• Islamophobia in America (Palgrave Macmillan), edited by Carl W. Ernst, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies.

This collection of five essays by six specialists provides important insights into virulent antiMuslim prejudice, relating it to a conflict over American identity during a time of crisis.

• Life in Crisis: The Ethical Journey of Doctors without Borders (University of California Press) by Peter Redfield. UNC anthropologist Redfield tells the story of the international organization founded as a French alternative to the Red Cross, and its effort to save lives on a global scale over more than four decades.

• Caffè Lena: Inside America’s Legendary Folk Music Coffeehouse (powerHouse Books) edited by Jocelyn Arem. UNC folklore alum Arem has produced the first compilation of photos, stories, interviews and memorabilia of the famed Sarasota Springs, N.Y. café that nurtured young folk artists like Bob Dylan, Don McLean, Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie and Ani DiFranco before the rest of the world discovered them.

• The Feud (Little, Brown) by Dean King. Author of nine previous books of non-fiction, UNC English alumnus Dean King unpacks the true story of the brutal conflict between the legendary Hatfields and McCoys, two frontier families struggling for survival in the heart of Appalachia. Publisher’s Weekly calls it “an outstanding reexamination of a mythic … and savage story.”

• After Hiroshima (Daylight) by elin o’Hara slavick. The author, a UNC art professor, presents a photo essay to address the aftermath of the 1945 U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima — what disappeared as well as what remains.


2013 HONOR ROLL 2013 Thank You!

The College of Arts and Sciences gratefully

thanks the more than 12,000 donors who

supported its students, faculty, and programs in fiscal year 2012-2013. Every charitable gift made to the College strengthens its

220-year-old tradition of educating students in the arts, humanities, and sciences.

The 2013 Honor Roll recognizes donors whose gifts to the College of Arts and Sciences between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013, qualify them for membership in the following giving societies: • Cornerstone Society — $25,000 and above • Chancellor’s Circle — $10,000 to $24,999 • Carolina Society — $5,000 to $9,999 • 1793 Society — $2,000 to $4,999 • Dean’s Circle — $1,500 to $1,999 • Young Alumni Levels Students: $250 Classes 2003 to 2007: $1,000 and above Classes 2008 to 2012: $500 and above Last year, 1,232 donors made gifts to the College at the Dean’s Circle level or higher, providing the College with vital resources for creating and maintaining a first-rate academic experience at Carolina. The Honor Roll does not include pledges, bequests, or other planned gifts to the College. Furthermore, it omits the 111 anonymous donors. This list has been prepared with great care to ensure its accuracy. To report a mistake, please contact Tina CoyneSmith at (919) 962-1682 or Thank you, once again, for generously supporting the College of Arts and Sciences at Carolina!


CORNERSTONE SOCIETY ($25,000 and Above) • Laura and John Beckworth, Austin, TX • Eva Schaff-Blass and Josef Blass, Chapel Hill, NC • Peter and Heather Boneparth, Lawrence, NY • Mr. Karl Franklin Brumback and Mrs. Eileen Pollart Brumback, New York, NY • Mark Joseph Buono, Rivervale, NJ • Lee and Sunny Burrows, Atlanta, GA • W. Lowry and Susan S. Caudill, Durham, NC • Mr. Max C. Chapman Jr., Houston, TX • Mark P. Clein, Chevy Chase, MD • Jason Ralph Cox, Central, Hong Kong • Vicki U. and David F. Craver, Riverside, CT • Rose and Steve Crawford, Bronxville, NY • Van Womack Daniel III, Wise, VA • Olivia Ratledge Delacruz, Atlanta, GA • Robin Richards Donohoe, San Francisco, CA • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Dorn, Washington, DC • Steven S. and Katherine S. Dunlevie, Atlanta, GA • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elliott, Charlotte, NC • Molly and Henry Froelich, Charlotte, NC • Ms. Joan Heckler Gillings, Chapel Hill, NC • Peter T. and Laura M. Grauer, New York, NY • Julia S. Grumbles and William Henry Grumbles, Chapel Hill, NC • C. Felix Harvey, Kinston, NC • Emmett and Hubert Haywood, Raleigh, NC • Mrs. Mary Camp Hoch, Bronxville, NY • Stephen Howard Israel and Nina Vera Zemo-Israel, New York, NY • Joseph Michael Kampf, Potomac, MD • Frank* and Betty Kenan, Chapel Hill, NC • Thomas Stephen Kenan III, Chapel Hill, NC • David Mabon Knott and Virginia Commander Knott, Mill Neck, NY • Mark and Elizabeth Kogan, Los Angeles, CA • M. Steven Langman, New York, NY • Howard Levine and Julie Lerner, Charlotte, NC • Mr. and Mrs. John Macfarlane, Darien, CT • Douglas and Shawn Mackenzie, Palo Alto, CA • Ann G. Matthysse, Chapel Hill, NC • Peter H. McMillan, San Francisco, CA • Posey and Mark Mealy, Charlotte, NC • Ralph and Juli Mosley, Nashville, TN • Mr. Jason P. Norris, Austin, TX • Mr. Dean E. Painter Jr., Raleigh, NC • Florence and James L. Peacock, Chapel Hill, NC • Brian and Suzanne Pecheles, Greenville, NC • Ambassador and Mrs. Earl Phillips, Chapel Hill, NC • James Arthur Pope, Raleigh, NC • Edwin and Harriet Poston, Chapel Hill, NC • Cathy Rollins and Arthur Rollins, Atlanta, GA • Lee Ann and Peter Rummell, Jacksonville, FL • Nelson Schwab III, Charlotte, NC • John Jackson Sechler and Pamela Mary Walker, Falmouth Cornwall, UK • Don and Billie Jones Stallings, Rocky Mount, NC • Edward M. Strong and Laurel Durst Strong, New York, NY • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Charles Sullivan, Bay Village, OH • Mr. and Mrs. Crawford L. Taylor Jr., Birmingham, AL • Tom and Betsy Uhlman, Madison, NJ • Dr. Marcus B. Waller, Chapel Hill, NC • Elijah White Jr., Houston, TX • J. Spencer Whitman and Leslie M. Whitman, Charlotte, NC • Ted Wieseman, Jersey City, NJ • Loyal and Margaret Wilson, Chagrin Falls, OH • Brian and Kate Worrell, Westport, CT


CHANCELLOR’S CIRCLE ($10,000 to $24,999) • Bart Bielawski and Sue Patterson Bielawski, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Bielsky, London, UK • Mr. and Mrs. John David Black, Charlotte, NC • Lelia E. Blackwell and John D. Watson Jr., London, UK • John L. Brantley, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL • Stephen G. Brantley, M.D., Tampa, FL • Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brenizer, Glen Head, NY • Anne Faris Brennan, New York, NY • Drs. Jay Bryson and Margaret Commins, Charlotte, NC • Ann W. Burrus, Richmond, VA • David E. Buxton, Pls Vrds Est, CA • Mr. Leonard Cass, Chapel Hill, NC • Norman P. Chapel and Mary Beth Chapel, Edina, MN • Anne-Lynne Charbonnet, New Orleans, LA • William Grimes Clark IV and Tiffany Miller Clark, Tarboro, NC • Derick Springsteen Close, Charlotte, NC • Rebecca and Munroe Cobey, Chapel Hill, NC • Robert F. and Helen H. Conrad, Hillsborough, NC • G. Lee Cory Jr. and Karen Spencer Cory, Charlotte, NC • James V. Covello, New Providence, NJ • Michael F. and Monica Longworth Coyne, New York, NY • Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cramer Jr., Panama City, FL • Frederic Dalldorf and Jane Bultman Dalldorf, Chapel Hill, NC • Michael A. DiIorio, London, England • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. D’Oelsnitz, Windsor, UK • Todd Glenn Dunivant, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong • Rob and Leigh Edwards, Charlotte, NC • Mike and Mindy Egan, Atlanta, GA • Eli N. Evans, New York, NY • Nancy J. Farmer and A. Everette James, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. Jonathan Bernard Fassberg and Mrs. Edith Fassberg, New York, NY • Luke E. and Katherine Bryan Fichthorn IV, Brooklyn, NY • Dr. and Mrs. Jaroslav T. Folda III, Chapel Hill, NC • Jeremy and Nicki Fry, Olathe, KS • Duvall and Rex Fuqua, Atlanta, GA • Dr. Paul W. Gabrielson and Mary Love May, Hillsborough, NC • Lisa and Robert Gfeller, Winston-Salem, NC • Drs. R. Barbara Gitenstein and Donald B. Hart, Ewing, NJ • John and Sallie Glover, Raleigh, NC • N. Jay Gould, New York, NY • The Paul Green Jr. Family, Chapel Hill, NC • Matthew Michael Guest and Paige McArthur Guest, Maplewood, NJ • Mr. Henry H. Hamilton III, Katy, TX • R.M. Hanes, Charlottesville, VA • Bill and Anne Harrison, Greenwich, CT • Jack Harvey, Fort Collins, CO • Allan B. Heye, London, UK • Richard and Ford Hibbits, Raleigh, NC • William T. Hobbs II and Elizabeth Gilman Hobbs, Charlotte, NC • Howard Holsenbeck, Houston, TX • Mr. James W. Howard Jr., Mableton, GA • Robert Luther Huffines and Lisa Goddard Huffines, New York, NY • Glenn H. Hutchins, Rye, NY • Barbara and Pitt Hyde, Memphis, TN • Derek Overbeck Jacobson, New York, NY

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Lynn Buchheit Janney and Stuart Symington Janney, Butler, MD Lyle V. Jones, Pittsboro, NC Bob and Molly Joy, Vonore, TN Fred N. and Janice L. Kahn, Asheville, NC Mr. Gary J. Kaminsky, Glen Head, NY Edward Kaplan and Irene Kaplan, Washington, DC Steven H. Kapp, Philadelphia, PA Emily Kass and Charles Weinraub, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Shaun C. Kelley, New York, NY Nancy and Willis King, Summit, NJ Arden Elizabeth Larberg, Houston, TX Mary Ann Bishop Largen, Charlotte, NC Seymour M. and Carol Levin, Greensboro, NC Hal and Holly Levinson, Charlotte, NC J. Stephen Marron, Durham, NC Brian and Susan Mashburn, West Bloomfield, MI S. Spence McCachren Jr., Maryville, TN Donna and Billy McClatchey, Raleigh, NC Mr. and Mrs. William O. McCoy, Chapel Hill, NC Heloise Merrill, Charlotte, NC Charles and Valerie Merritt, Chapel Hill, NC John T. Moore, New York, NY Tom Newby and Maise O’Flanagan, Atherton, CA John and Cynthia O’Hara, Chapel Hill, NC Michael and Molly Painter, Raleigh, NC Stanley Eli Schulman and Helene Panzer, Westport, CT John Franklin Rand, Englewood, CO William G. Rand, Raleigh, NC Ed and Suzy Rankin, Fairview, NC Benjamin and Jennie Lou Reid, Coral Gables, FL Alex Robertson, New York, NY Martin L. and Carol Fri Robinson, Charlotte, NC Jay W. Sammons, New York, NY Ms. Marjorie Moses Schwab, Charlotte, NC John Darrell Skipper, Wilton, CT Eric and Lori Sklut, Charlotte, NC Ann Lewallen Spencer, Winston-Salem, NC Benjamin J. Sullivan Jr., Rye, NY J. M. Bryan Taylor and Carolyn Clark Taylor, Charlotte, NC William W. Taylor III, Washington, DC J. Vann and Jennifer Vogel, Basking Ridge, NJ Mr. and Mrs. David Newton Webb, Greenwich, CT Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Westfall, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. James G. Whitton, Fort Myers, FL Charles Leigh Wickham III, London, UK Mr. and Mrs. J. Blount Williams, Raleigh, NC Mr.* and Mrs. B. Robert Williamson Jr., New York, NY Tom Woodbury, New York, NY Neil Jay Zimmerman, West Lafayette, IN

CAROLINA SOCIETY ($5,000 to $9,999) • Mr. Wilton J. Aebersold, New Albany, IN • James and Julie Alexandre, Haverford, PA • Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Alford, Jacksonville, NC • Ivan V. Anderson Jr. and Renee Dobbins Anderson, Charleston, SC • R. Franklin Andrews, Washington, DC • Daniel Armstrong III, Washington, DC • Dr. Q. Whitfield Ayres, Arlington, VA • Mr. and Mrs. Ian Banwell, Charlotte, NC • Gina Wright Bartasi, New York, NY • Betsy Lee Battle, New York, NY • Edward T. Baur, Saint Louis, MO • Leslie Benning and Rafael Bejarano, New York, NY • Win and Rosanah Bennett, Greenwich, CT

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Philip D. Bennett, London, UK Mr. Ronald G. Boatwright, Colleyville, TX Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Borden, Goldsboro, NC Kristin Breuss and Geoff Burgess, London, UK Stephanie Marion Briggs, Atlanta, GA Cheryl and Brad Briner, Chapel Hill, NC Catherine Bryson, Chapel Hill, NC Vaughn and Nancy Bryson, Boyne City, MI Dr. Beverly Long Chapin, Pittsboro, NC Robert William Chesney and Mary Catherine Archer Chesney, Charlotte, NC Richard Chilton and Maureen Chilton, Darien, CT Sanford A. Cockrell III, Madison, CT Judson A. Cooper and Lisa Huddish Cooper, Armonk, NY Sheila Corcoran, Midlothian, VA Mr. and Mrs.* J. Scott Cramer, Winston-Salem, NC Neil and Laura Brown Cronin, Boston, MA Jim Curtis, Malibu, CA Fred Davenport, Wilmington, NC James Lee and Jean L. Davis, New Bern, NC Margaret Tull Davis, Atlanta, GA Stephen and Linda De May, Charlotte, NC Claire Dewar, Dallas, TX Robert L. Dewar, New Braunfels, TX Mr. Robin Hood Dial, Columbia, SC Christina Sampogna Downey, Riverside, CT Michael Nathan Driscoll, Manassas, VA Mr. and Mrs. William H. DuBose, Greensboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Eason, Durham, NC Russell S. Edmister, Cary, NC Laura deBoisfeuillet Edwards, Chapel Hill, NC Ms. Jennifer L. Ellison, Charlotte, NC Douglas R. Evans, Dallas, TX John C. Fennebresque and Frances W. Fennebresque, Charlotte, NC John A. Fichthorn, Darien, CT David and Nancy Fortenbery, Charlotte, NC Jonathan Doane Fussell and Leah McDonald Fussell, Wallace, NC Ben Gambill, New York, NY Dr. and Mrs. J. Brooke Gardiner, Mountainside, NJ Paul Shellie Gardner and Kristen Johnson Gremillion, Columbus, OH Ms. Kristin S. Gilbert, Maplewood, NJ Dr. Gordon P. Golding Jr., Paris, France Buck and Kay Goldstein, Chapel Hill, NC Brian and Alisa Golson, Tiburon, CA Mr. Timothy Richard Graves and Mrs. Cathey Stricker Graves, Manhattan Beach, CA Dr. Bernard Gutterman, Greensboro, NC Robert H. Hackney Jr. and Shauna Holiman, New Preston, CT Mr. Douglas A. P. Hamilton, Warren, CT D. Brian Hargrove, New York, NY Michael A. Harpold, Ph.D., Durham, NC Tony and Hope Harrington, Easton, MD Mr. Allan Niles Haseley and Mrs. Kelly Beck Haseley, Charlotte, NC Tom and Lisa Hazen, Chapel Hill, NC Mrs. R. Branson Hobbs, Chapel Hill, NC The Honorable and Mrs. Truman McGill Hobbs, Montgomery, AL Jerry Leo Horner Jr., New York, NY James Richard Huddle and Jane Fuller Huddle, Charlotte, NC Jacqueline Sparks Ingram, Durham, NC Kathy and Kenneth John, Arlington, VA Mark Katz, Chapel Hill, NC Robert E. and Mercedes Kaufman, Boca Raton, FL

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Amanda Kay Kyser, Sag Harbor, NY Kimberly Kyser, Chapel Hill, NC James Clifton Landers, Roswell, GA Sandra and Leon Levine, Charlotte, NC Lana Lewin, New York, NY Prof. and Mrs. Ronald C. Link, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Liotta, Mooresville, NC Billy and Laura Logan, Darien, CT Joe Loveland, Atlanta, GA Mr. Nolan Delano Lovins, Lenoir, NC Elliot D. Luby and Ideane Luby, Franklin, MI Richard B. and Linda C. Lupton, Westerville, OH Thomas Luther Lutz, Dallas, TX Alexander Huntley Mackintosh Sr., Stanley, Hong Kong Frances Chapman and John F. Mangan, Charlotte, NC Steven E. Mazlin and Violet Mazlin, Newtown, PA Harrison Miller and Clare Shaw McCamy, Mill Valley, CA Mr. Mark John McCann, Oak Park, IL Dr. James J. McDermott and Dr. Ann Macon McDermott, Wayne, PA Morris I. McDonald Jr., Englewood, CO Mr. Emmett English McLean, Birmingham, AL Jim and Carol Medford, Greensboro, NC Christian Keener Miller and Kristin M. Miller, Old Greenwich, CT Daniel and Leah Miller, Charlotte, NC Elaine Callahan Mims and Charles Van Horn Mims, Spring, TX Charles Moehrke Jr., Cary, NC Mr. and Mrs. William Cabot Monk Jr., Greenville, NC Dena and Chris Moore, Richmond, VA Bill Mordan, Owens Cross Roads, AL Ms. Constance B. Newberry, New York, NY Charles E. Noell, Monkton, MD Robert L. Page, Greensboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Phillips Jr., Greensboro, NC Daniel Craig Pignatiello, Long Beach, CA Mr. Alfred Purrington and Dr. Suzanne Townsend Purrington, Raleigh, NC Mary and Raj Rajkumar, Singapore Dr. Darlene Redman, Houston, TX Sandy Fleischman Richman, New York, NY Bill Ross and Susan Gravely, Chapel Hill, NC Sallie Shuping-Russell, Chapel Hill, NC William L. Scarborough, Singapore Paul Schipper and Denise Bruner, Arlington, VA James M. Schnell and Harriet Hodges Schnell, Richmond, VA Dr. Stephen B. Sears, Siler City, NC Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Smiley, Spartanburg, SC Joan W. Sorensen and E. Paul Sorensen, Providence, RI Douglas B. Sosnik, Washington, DC Jimmy and Ellyn Tanner, Rutherfordton, NC Ms. Elizabeth G. Taylor, Chevy Chase, MD Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor, Winston-Salem, NC Michael and Amy Tiemann, Chapel Hill, NC Daniel Verschatse, Hurtado-IV Region, CL John Finley White III and Ashley Baker White, Raleigh, NC Nancy and Monty White, Raleigh, NC Ward and Margaret Williams, Charlotte, NC Ashley and John Wilson, Chapel Hill, NC Lee Polk Woody Jr. and Susan S. Woody, Baltimore, MD Dr. Cecil William Wooten III, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wright, Raleigh, NC Susan Goerlich Zief, Princeton, NJ Neil Steven Zimmerman, Houston, TX


1793 SOCIETY ($2,000 to $4,999) • Charles Marc Abbey, Edgewater, MD • Virginia M. Aldige, Chapel Hill, NC • Steven and Allison Aldrich, Los Altos, CA • Mr. John Fredrick Altschuler and Mrs. Leah Harris Altschuler, Studio City, CA • Joseph Albert Aluise, New Orleans, LA • Fay Pushkin Aronson, Coral Gables, FL • Dr. Katrina H. Avery and Elbert L. Avery, Durham, NC • Donald A. Baer, Washington, DC • Gregory Arthur Baer, Chevy Chase, MD • Dr. L. Jarrett Barnhill Jr., Hillsborough, NC • Rodney Harwick Bell, Miami, FL • Chanda Bell-Lamarque, Upper Marlboro, MD • Christina Benson, Alexandria, VA • Frederick D. Benton, Aiken, SC • Thomas Dean Bever, Dunwoody, GA • Stuart Bondurant and Susan Ehringhaus, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Borden Jr., Goldsboro, NC • Dr. Alvin Boskoff, Atlanta, GA • Lavinia Price Boyd, Brenham, TX • Dr. R. Alan and Irene T. Briggaman, Chapel Hill, NC • Ellen Kay Brundage, Gaithersburg, MD • Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Burke Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Jocelyn Kate Burney, Morristown, NJ • Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III, Winston-Salem, NC • Mrs. Marion Byrd, Jacksonville Beach, FL • Hacker and Kitty Caldwell, Chattanooga, TN • Brian Stewart Carl, Houston, TX • Dr. Bruce W. Carney and Dr. Ruth Ann Humphry, Carrboro, NC • Thomas D. Carr, Chicago, IL • Robert M. Chadwick, East Windsor, NJ • Dr. and Mrs. Scott J. Childress, Philadelphia, PA • Aimee and Tom Chubb, Atlanta, GA • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Clark, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Clemmons, Clayton, GA • Michael and June Clendenin, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Elwood B. Coley Jr., Wilmington, NC • Brian Coussens, Carrboro, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Cowell in memory*, Williamsburg, VA • Mr. Richard S. Craddock Jr., San Francisco, CA • Lester Leroy Crafton Jr., Nashville, TN • Mr. Charles Armstrong Cross, McLean, VA • Jesse James Cureton Jr. and Angela Lloyd Cureton, Waxhaw, NC • Michael E. Dane and Paula M. Dane, Mooresville, NC • M. Brian Daniels and Julie Rose Daniels, La Canada Flintridge, CA • John M. Darden III, Atlanta, GA • Rebecca Wesson Darwin and Cress Darwin, Charleston, SC • Maria Coakley David, McLean, VA • Karen L. Davis, Washington, DC • Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald Davis Jr., Columbia, MD • Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Diab, Wilmington, NC • John A. Dickinson and Nancy Lee Wilson, Houston, TX • Dana B. DiPrima, New York, NY • Samuel Bobbitt Dixon and Annie Gray Thorpe Dixon, Edenton, NC • Jean Larkin Dobson, Charleston, SC • Eileen K. Doherty, Durham, NC • Joseph S. Dormagen, Gurnee, IL • W. Christopher Draper Jr., Califon, NJ • Ms. Cheray Zauderer Duchin, Chapel Hill, NC

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Dr. and Mrs. Chip Duckett, High Point, NC Calvine Dunnan and Douglas Dunnan, Rye, NY Ms. Cynthia Ann Dy, Palo Alto, CA Jeff and Lynn Edgar, Durham, NC H. Timothy Efird II, Gastonia, NC Mr. Stuart Elliot Eizenstat, Chevy Chase, MD Emmett N. Ellis IV and Patricia L. Truscelli, Dobbs Ferry, NY Jerry R. Everhardt and Margaret DuBose Avery, Greensboro, NC Zeina Saghiyyah Fares, Houston, TX Cherie Fogle Faulkner, Raleigh, NC Luke and Nancy P. Fichthorn III, Vero Beach, FL Michael H. Fleisher, St Simons Is, GA Sammie Ruth Bell Fletcher, Rosemont, PA Alexander G. and Janet M. Floyd, Raleigh, NC Mr. John P. and Jennifer J. Foudy, Spring, TX Benjamin E. Fountain III, Dallas, TX Tripp Frey, Hood River, OR Peter S. Gilchrist III, Huntersville, NC Walt and Taryn Gillikin, Smyrna, GA James Sevier Gilliland Jr., Memphis, TN Donald Gilman, Muncie, IN Dr. Darryl J. Gless, Chapel Hill, NC Greg A. Gombar, Charlotte, NC Gerry Good, Lake Oswego, OR Leonard Goodman, New York, NY Sarah Reckford Gray, Atlanta, GA Ruby Powell Greene, Raleigh, NC Drs. L. and O. E. Greenwald, Efland, NC Carolyn Terretta Griffin, Winchester, VA Steven and Gail Grossman, Chapel Hill, NC John D. Gumbel and Stacey Gumbel, New Bern, NC Pickett Murray Guthrie and Robert Guthrie, Chapel Hill, NC Owen Gwyn Jr. and Rev. Roxane Stewart Gwyn, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Anthony C. Hackney, Bahama, NC Janet Hadler, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Gerard J. Hall, Durham, NC Ann M. and E. Hooper Hardison Jr., Charlotte, NC Chandler Hardwick and Monie T. Hardwick, Blairstown, NJ Joseph M. Harmon, M.D., Mount Pleasant, SC J. Patrick Hayden and Christi L. Hart, Charlotte, NC Dr. O. James Hart Jr., Mocksville, NC Kathleen Samsot Hawk, Houston, TX Larry Hayes, Stanley, NC Mr. Sam M. Hayes, Alexandria, VA James T. Hedrick Jr. and Laurie Hedrick, Charlotte, NC Dr. Steve E. Hoffman and Ms. Yvonne H. Hoffman, Littleton, NC Dr. and Mrs. Carl C. Hoffmann, Mebane, NC Rolf and Ronda Hoffmann, Westlake Village, CA Harriet T. Holderness, Hinsdale, IL Dr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Holmes, Raleigh, NC Pete and Mei Holthausen, Cary, NC Lawrence L. Hooper Jr., Reisterstown, MD Michael M. Hornblow and Caroline B. Hornblow, Pittsboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. J. Len Horton, Deep Gap, NC Lauren Taylor Hubbell, New York, NY Dr. John D. Stephens and Dr. Evelyne Susanne Huber, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Robert H. Huffman, Bellevue, WA Torrence M. Hunt Jr., Pittsburgh, PA Chris and Anna Hunter, Lookout Mountain, TN John R. Ingle and Annette Ingle, Charlotte, NC Robert A. Ingram and Carolyn Jeanie Ingram, Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Ives III, Rocky Mount, NC


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Barbara I. Jacobs, Stamford, CT Pembroke N. and Patricia C. Jenkins, Wilmington, NC Neal Johnson, Charlotte, NC Robert and Teresa Kadlec Jr., Manhattan Beach, CA Donald P. Kanak, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kaufman, Needham, MA C.H. “Jack” and Joyce Keller, Hilton Head Island, SC Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kelso, Charlotte, NC Clarke Robert Keough and Elizabeth Adams Keough, New York, NY Kimberly C. “Kayce” King, Winston-Salem, NC E. Falcon Knight Jr., Virginia Beach, VA Paul F. Knouse Jr., Winston-Salem, NC Mr. Michael Krimminger and Ms. Deborah A. Phillips, Derwood, MD Patricia Griggs Lambert, Charlotte, NC Eugene Lao, Burlingame, CA Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lathrop, Atlanta, GA Eleanor Wright and Albert P. Lindemann, Charlotte, NC Michael Lipman, New Norchelle, NY J. Weston Lockhart, Charlotte, NC Scott MacDonald, Del Mar, CA Cynthia Madden, MD, MPH, Raleigh, NC Mr. Wendell Carlton Maddrey, Upper Montclair, NJ Robert and Vivian Manekin, Owings Mills, MD D. G. and Harriet Martin, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Eddie R. Mayberry, Hilton Head Island, SC Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. McAulay Jr., Charlotte, NC Jane and Hugh McColl, Charlotte, NC John and Lee McColl, Atlanta, GA Pattie Sapp McCrady, Atlanta, GA Lane Morris McDonald, New York, NY Barbara N. McFadyen, Chapel Hill, NC David Ford McSpadden, San Francisco, CA Molly Monk Mears, Atlanta, GA Dr. William J. A. Medland and Dr. Patricia H. Medland, Benowa, AU Dyke Messinger and Deborah Messinger, Salisbury, NC Brent Marriott and Ann James Milgrom, Charlotte, NC Nikhil and Pritha Mittal, New York, NY Peter C. Moister, Atlanta, GA Sandra and Bill Moore, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Jeffrey M. Morrison and Dr. Suzanne DePalma Morrison, Raleigh, NC Shawn Healy Morton and Emily SooHoo, Charlotte, NC Danny and Margaret Mullis, Mount Pleasant, SC Richard Edward Nantelle III, Cleveland, OH Janet Neal and Kevin Neal, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Alan S. Neely Sr. and Helen Neely, Atlanta, GA Katharine Caldwell Nevin, Johns Island, SC Kurt Douglas Newman, Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Lee Niegelsky, Reidsville, NC Mr. and Mrs. McKee Nunnally Jr., Atlanta, GA Dr. Edward M. Olefirowicz and Mrs. Karri. A. Olefirowicz, Chapel Hill, NC Paul Oliver and Sheila Barry-Oliver, Pinellas Park, FL Sanford Orkin and Barbara Orkin, Atlanta, GA Richard Osborne, Charlotte, NC Maccy and Don Paley, Lawrence, NY Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Pampush, Atlanta, GA Mr. Jim Pang and Mrs. Diana J. Rosenfeld, Cordora, TN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Pappas, Durham, NC Mr. David M. Parker, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Gwenevere C. Parker, Bayside, NY Ms. Pam D. Parrish, Winnetka, IL

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Josie Patton, Chapel Hill, NC Darrell and Deborah Payne, Coral Gables, FL Michael B.* and Sandra Piller, Los Angeles, CA Mr. and Mrs. James B. Pittleman, McLean, VA William Aaron Pizer, Durham, NC George and Anne Platt, Fort Lauderdale, FL Caleb Joseph Pollock, Lafayette, CO Bryan Holmes Pope and Greer Barber Pope, Atlanta, GA Menelaos Poutous and Diana Poutous, Harrisburg, NC Mr. E. Allen Prichard, Charlotte, NC Mrs. Elizabeth B. Pritchett, Atlanta, GA Paul M. Pritchett, Atlanta, GA Kristine Karen Forney and William Flaville Prizer, Westlake Village, CA R. M. Propst and D. L. Wood, York, SC Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Quinn, Chapel Hill, NC Mary Margaret and Tom S. Rand M.D., Wilson, NC David Charles Rauch, Charlotte, NC Dr. Scott Robin Rehm, Greensboro, NC Alec Rhodes, Austin, TX Dr. Rathbun K. Rhodes, Madison, WI Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ritok Jr., Grosse Pointe Park, MI Larry E. and Debra B. Robbins, Raleigh, NC William and Dillon Rochelle Roberts, Pinehurst, NC Grayson Knox Rodgers, Birmingham, AL Francis O. Rollins and Lydia E. Rollins, Houston, TX Kirstin Rose, Durham, NC Coleman D. and Carol M. Ross, Chapel Hill, NC John and Kelley Russell, Raleigh, NC Amy R. Sabrin and G. Evans Witt, Washington, DC Mr. Ryan E. Schlitt, Dallas, TX Barbara Johnson Schneider and Peter Wayne Schneider, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schwartz, Atlanta, GA David Bertram Scott and Donna Ennis Scott, Lake Waccamaw, NC Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sears Jr., Dallas, TX Robert W. Simmons and Jennifer Marie Simmons, Huntersville, NC Mr. John H. Small, Greensboro, NC Ed and Carol Smithwick, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil Snow, High Point, NC Elizabeth Rider Soboeiro and Michael Francis Soboeiro, Pinehurst, NC James P. Srebro, Napa, CA Kenneth G. Starling, McLean, VA Linda and Mason Stephenson, Atlanta, GA Ann Pearce Stokes, Norfolk, VA Dale A. Strickland, Durham, NC Colonel L. Phillip Stroud Jr. and Lisa Matthews Stroud, Cary, NC Robert L. Susick and Kristine Bergstrand, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Mark A. Suskin, Arlington, VA Jay M. Tannon, Vienna, VA Mr. Kenneth Stanley Taratus Jr., Atlanta, GA Michael W. Taylor and Susan C. Taylor, Chapel Hill, NC Davis Leon Thompson Jr., Charlotte, NC Patti and Holden Thorp, Chapel Hill, NC R. Rand Tucker, Ann Arbor, MI Dr. Murray W. Turner and Ms. Ginette Lapierre, Charlotte, NC Tom and Judi Tygart, Jacksonville, FL Mr. and Mrs. Travis Thompson Tygart, Colorado Springs, CO

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David Erich Tyson and Treva Watkins Tyson, Raleigh, NC Mr. Mark David Unferth, Short Hills, NJ Mark Valence and Susan Valence, Lyme, NH Arthur Patrick Valentine, Narberth, PA Bill and Susan Veazey, Greensboro, NC M. Christine Vick, Alexandria, VA Caroline E. Wainright and Colby D. Schwartz, Atlanta, GA Alan H. Weinhouse, New York, NY Professor Emeritus Charles M. Weiss, Chapel Hill, NC James Alphonso Wellons, Philadelphia, PA Ms. Louise W. Wiener, Washington, DC Christina Nelson Williams and Bradford Alan Williams, Raleigh, NC Samuel Adams Williamson, Larchmont, NY Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wilmott, London, UK Jean Jones Wilson and Charles T. Wilson Jr., Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters, Winston-Salem, NC Lori B. Wittlin, Houston, TX Charles J. Wolfe Jr. and Ms. Sandra Roth, New York, NY Ronald and Ann Wooten, Raleigh, NC William Lewis Wortmann, Santa Monica, CA Gina Wright, Knightdale, NC Wei Wu and Amarjit Singh Budhiraja, Chapel Hill, NC Edith E. Yakutis and Leo Yakutis, Lake Wylie, SC Paul Jeon Chao Yang and Dorothy Jones Yang, Newcastle, WA Rick and Elizabeth Zollinger, Charlotte, NC

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEAN’S CIRCLE ($1,500 to $1,999) • • Ms. Teresa C. Artis, Cary, NC • Andrew V. and Katherine Blass Asaro, • Chapel Hill, NC • • Harry H. Ballard, M.D. and Dolly Grant Ballard, • Trent Woods, NC • • Evelyn Barrow, Pittsboro, NC • • Mr. William Lindley Beckworth, Austin, TX • • Andrew Lee Berry and Caroline Mangum Berry, • Granite Falls, NC • • Mark Bettin, Odebolt, IA • • Mary and Charles Bowman, Charlotte, NC • • D. Byron Braswell, Cary, NC • • Frederick Baker Bridgers, Elm City, NC • • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bryant, Gastonia, NC • Timothy Cage, New York, NY • • Paul Teige Cantey, Decatur, GA • • William Singleton Carroll, Bellevue, WA • • Diane Elliott Caton, Charlottesville, VA • • Heng Chu and Ming-Ju Huang, Chapel Hill, NC • Brandon Tyler Clark and Lauren Ruthven Clark, • Winter Park, FL • • Robert D. Coleman, Columbia, SC • Jan L. Davis, Cary, NC • • Kathryn Millberg Creech and Christopher • Graham Creech, Durham, NC • Lisa Gates and Silas W. Davis Jr., Davidson, NC • • Scott B. and Lynn Gantt Davis, Charlotte, NC • Richard Houstoun Davis Jr., Lakeville, CT • • Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Deering, Charleston, SC • Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Dooley, Cary, NC • • Joe Wesley Earnhardt, New York, NY • • Richard Coles Edmunds III, Alexandria, VA • • Jane Ellison, Greensboro, NC • • William W. Espy, Atlanta, GA • • Mr. Brian M. Fenty, New York, NY • Ms. Lauren Thomas Ferguson, Washington, DC • • Pamela Hicks Ferguson, New York, NY • • John Maxim Ferrari and Pamela Wolfe Ferrari, • Columbia, MD

Jonathan D. and Veronica M. Flaspoehler, Lincolnton, NC Marilyn Foote-Hudson and Orlando F. Hudson Jr., Durham, NC Richard F. Fox and Betsy Freeman Fox, Greensboro, NC Beth C. Fuchs and John F. Hoadley, McLean, VA Jeffrey H. Glans and Louise M. Perkins, Trumbull, CT Jonathan Scott Gombinski, Miami, FL Christopher William Harbinson, Raleigh, NC Tim Hefner, Tokyo, Japan Charles and Lindsay Higgins, New York, NY Ms. Mary Elizabeth Huey, Cincinnati, OH Fred and Nancy Hutchison, Raleigh, NC Maryann Hutchison, Manhattan Beach, CA Joyce Kachergis, Pittsboro, NC Claudia Buchdahl and Robert S. Kadis, Raleigh, NC Jerri A. Kallam, Charlotte, NC Johnathan Albert Kaufman, Weston, FL Susan J. Kelly, Chapel Hill, NC Virginia Mabon Knott, New York, NY Tom and Donna Lambeth, Winston-Salem, NC Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Pell Lea, Charlotte, NC Matthew Nathan Levy, Charlotte, NC Andrew Lucas, Santa Monica, CA John Madsen, Raleigh, NC Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward Marslender, Raleigh, NC Mr. Alexander Massengale, Pittsboro, NC James E. Miles III, New Orleans, LA Victor B. and Anne N. Moore, Durham, NC Meghan Morris and Scott Spillman, Colorado Springs, CO Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Elizabeth Murphy, Charlotte, NC Toby Beth Osofsky, New York, NY Cynthia Drum Parks, Seattle, WA Jason Todd Rein, New York, NY Thomas E. Reynolds, Atlanta, GA Kelly W. and Zachary T. Rike, Atlanta, GA Nancy Marie Rodriguez, Spring, TX Harry Michael Rosenberg, Raleigh, NC Nicole Wilson Rubin, Portola Valley, CA Laura Ann Schaffer, Summit, NJ Erik Gregory Schuchard, San Francisco, CA Suzy and Buford Sears, Buffalo, NY Michael Charles Shindler and Andrea Gellin Shindler, Orlando, FL Leslie D. Smith, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sprott, Potomac, MD Edwin Jay Taff, Weston, MA Rebecca Walters and Robert B. Taylor Jr., Greensboro, NC Vaida Diller Thompson, Chapel Hill, NC Phillip Z. Timmons and Patricia A. Kornegay- Timmons, Raleigh, NC Barry Seth Turner, West Palm Beach, FL Martha Croxton and Ruel W. Tyson Jr., Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Carrie Elizabeth Waller and Mr. Benjamin E. Waller, Greenville, NC Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ward Jr., Trent Woods, NC Ashley Burns Watson, Menlo Park, CA Iris and Stephen Weiss, Chapel Hill, NC Thomas Mitchell Whitehurst, Fort Payne, AL Robert A. Wicker, Greensboro, NC John F. and Millicent Marsh Wilkerson, Chapel Hill, NC James H. Winston, Jacksonville, FL John Edward Wittenbraker Jr., Harleysville, PA Geoffrey W. Wright, DPO, AE


CORPORATIONS, ESTATES, FOUNDATIONS, AND TRUSTS • A. M. Pappas & Associates LLC • Abauman Family Foundation, Inc. • Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences • Alcoa • Anadarko Petroleum Corporation • Arizona Sports Foundation • Artaflex, Inc. • Assesment Technologies Institute LLC • Astronomical Research Institute, Inc. • AT&T Foundation • The B.W. & Barbara Miller Foundation • Ballard Family Foundation • Bank of America • Banwell Family Foundation • The Barrington Foundation • BB&T Charitable Foundation • Bessemer Trust • Estate of Donna M. Bland • Bowman and Gordon Gray Trust • Brent Milgrom Family Foundation, Inc. • Brigham Young University • Bryson Foundation • The Buckalew Family Foundation • Cardinal Track Club • Carolina Meadows • Estate of Edgar Thomas Cato • Estate of Gillian Townsend Cell • Center for Documentary Studies • Central Carolina Community Foundation • Chapman Family Charitable Trust • Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation • Charlesmead Foundation • Community Foundation for Greater Greensboro, Inc. • Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta • Community Foundation for the National Capital Region • Community Foundation of Gaston County • Community Foundation of Greater Memphis • Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee • Community Foundation of New Jersey • Connie B. & William W. White Foundation • Cowan Foundation • Estate of Henry L. Cox • Curtis Foundation • The Dallas Foundation • Dental Foundation of North Carolina, Inc • The Dickson Foundation • Disney • Donald & Marilyn Keough Foundation • Doris G. Quinn Foundation • Dorothy Barnhill Edwards Trust • Duke Energy Corporation • Duplin Wine Cellars, Inc. • E.T. Rollins Jr. and Frances P. Rollins Foundation • Earl N. Phillips Family Foundation • Eason Foundation • The Educational Foundation • Elizabeth T. Williams Charitable Annual Lead Trust • Ella Ann L. and Frank B. Holding Foundation • EMC Corporation • Emwiga Foundation • Essick Foundation • ExxonMobil • Fay P. Aronson Trust • Felix Harvey Foundation •, LLC • Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund • Flagler System, Inc. • Foundation for Biblical Archaeology • Franklin Street Partners • Fred and Charlotte Hubbell Foundation

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Frey Foundation Galloway Ridge at Fearrington Giving Assets, Inc. Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Goldman Sachs Gives Gottwald Foundation Governors Club Grace Jones Richardson Trust Granville Towers Greater Greenville Community Foundation Estate of Gary Dean Grosboll The Hargrove Pierce Foundation Harris-Teeter Herman Goldman Foundation Hewitt Wolensky, LLP High Five Foundation Hill Family Fund Hobbs Foundation Hobby Family Foundation Hornblow Foundation Howard Brothers Investments, LLLP Hutchins Family Foundation Hyde Family Foundations Impact Applications, Inc. Intel Corporation Intel Foundation Interstate Transportation Equipment, Inc. J5 Jewish Community Foundation of South Palm Beach Jewish Foundation of Greensboro John William Pope Foundation Estate of Frederick Blount Joyner J.P. Morgan Chase & Company Julian Price Family Foundation Kaplan Funds Kenan Family Foundation Kensington Square Foundation Estate of Joseph Mordecai Kittner The Knott Family Foundation Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Company, LLP KPB Corporation Kyser Foundation Peter T. and Laura M. Grauer Foundation The Leon Levine Foundation Lori Levine Sklut Foundation Lookout Foundation Inc. Mackenzie Family Foundation Mantissa Corporation Maregerguis, LLC Margaret T. Davis Revocable Trust Matthew Gfeller Foundation Mealy Family Foundation Estate of Earl Nelson Mitchell Moore Family Foundation Morgan Stanley and Company N. Darlene Walker & Associates LP National Philanthropic Trust NCS Pearson Network for Good New York Community Trust North Carolina School of the Arts Foundation North Oak LLC Olivia R. Gardner Foundation Omega Chapter of Tau Epsilon Phi, Inc. Perry/Schnell Ventures Peter B. and Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation Peter J. Frenkel Foundation Prentice Foundation, Inc. Professional Athletes Foundation Quintiles Pacific Rawlings Sporting Goods Company Realan Foundation Renaissance Charitable Foundation


• Robertson Foundation • The Robertson Scholars Program • Robin March Hanes Irrevocable Charitable • Ron and Cheryl Howard Family Foundation • Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute • Roy A. Hunt Foundation • Ryna & Melvin Cohen Family Foundation • SAS Institute, Inc. • Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving • The Selavy Foundation • Seymour and Carol Levin Foundation • The Shubert Foundation • A Southern Season • Sports Travel Academy LLC • SportsMEDIA Technology Corporation • The Squire Family Foundation • Steamboat Foundation • The Stuart S. and Birdie Gould Foundation • Sun Trust Banks, Inc. • SunTrust Foundation • Taylor Charitable Trust • Thomas S. Kenan Foundation • Triangle Community Foundation • Trinity University • TSWII Management Company • Turkish Women’s Cultural Association • United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit • United Way of Miami-Dade • University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. • University of Toronto • University of Wyoming • Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program • Vista Partners, Inc. • VMWARE, Inc. • Estate of Grace Alley Walsh • Estate of Marshall Douglas Ward • Estate of M. Howard Waynick Jr. • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.- Minneapolis • WEPAN INC/FBO AT&T Lab Fellowship Program • William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust • Willow Garage • Winston-Salem Foundation • Xerox Corporation • Yudelson Foundation

F I N A L P O I NT Cast-Iron Pan B y E l l e n S a u n d e r s D u n c a n ' 15

“At the center of one debate was my great-grandmother’s

Ellen Saunders Duncan

cast-iron pan.”

When I was seven,

my mother’s beloved grandmother passed away. After a short custody battle, her cast-iron pan came to live with us. It was a complex calculus, deciding who would inherit what. My great-grandparents were never particularly well-off, so the value of their belongings lay in sentiment and memory. You would think that would make those selections and distributions that much easier: different objects would mean more to certain family members. Conversely, it was an arduous process. At the center of one debate was my great-grandmother’s cast-iron pan. The heavy, gleaming black pan was the centerpiece of the cookware collection and the primary pan for preparing every meal, decade after decade. At breakfast, GrandMary regularly fried a dozen eggs and a pound of bacon; at dinner, the pan turned out two or three chickens. My grandfather said she “cooked like a small restaurant.”

Between meals, it stood sentry on the back burner of the stove, domiciled there because the pan’s dense weight and service at every meal ruled that the most logical home. Only when company came was the pan removed to the oven’s broiler drawer. After she cooked each meal, Grand-Mary readied the pan for its next outing. Often this simply meant rubbing the remaining oil back into the surface; other times she used a few splashes of water to clear the pan, set it over low heat to dry and then rub some extra fat into the surface. To inherit this pan would be a coup: its surface held the accumulated flavors, seasoning and residue of no less than two generation’s worth of Grand-Mary’s meals. Grand-Mary died one hazy, warm evening in September. After the funeral, standing in her kitchen, I saw Grand-Mary’s home as I had never seen it: the intimate, personal world she had curated and cultivated over the space of decades was being divided up. Ultimately, the fate of the cast-iron pan came down to my mother and her aunt. My mother won out for two reasons: she would continue using the pan, and she’s a Saunders woman by blood. My mother was not only the first grandchild, but the first girl born into the Saunders family in decades. One evening my father burned the pan. Burning a cast-iron pan ruins the seasoned surface that develops through

frequent use and careful cultivation. That surface must be removed — char, seasoning, fat, and all — with sandpaper or an abrasive scrub. Then you begin anew with developing the seasoning, transforming the cold, porous iron to a lustrous, warm surface that imparts complex flavors and is naturally non-stick. It’s this surface that attracts cooks to cast-iron, meal after meal. A cast-iron pan is a punishing instrument: utilitarian and durable until treated improperly, then requiring a ponderous, delicate routine to render it useful and usable — its gleaming, smooth beautiful black surface deceptively hot to the touch. When my father burned that pan, it required my mother to remove the accrued seasoning, flavor, care and expertise her grandmother had imparted over the course of decades of use. My mother’s reaction was banishment: either my father or the cast-iron pan. Like many great Southern family stories, this one ended with something pushed to the back of the closet: the cast-iron pan exiled to a dark pantry corner for several years. In our cooking educations, my sister and I did learn how to cook on cast-iron, but with a far less valuable pan, purchased at a thrift store. Once we proved ourselves capable of following cast-iron’s etiquette, Grand-Mary’s pan made a quiet, triumphant return. Since its resurrection, the pan has cooked many of the old standbys — pancakes, cornbread, bacon, chicken pot pie — and a few meals Grand-Mary never would have considered. One day, I will inherit that pan from my mother, vowing to respect its memories through use. While some Southern families inherit silver and china, mine treasures that enduring cast-iron pan. • Duncan is a junior majoring in interdisciplinary studies and minoring in entrepreneurship. Read a longer version of this essay at The website was created in a class taught by American studies professor Bernie Herman.



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