Carolina Arts & Sciences spring 2012

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arts&sciences C











C a p e T o w n C onundr um Opportunities and challenges in post-apartheid South Africa A l s o i nside: Fine Wine, Blue Roots T h e P r e s i d ent Who S lept in South Building S he ’s a Hit with the D odgers

T h e

U n i v e r s i t y

o f

N o r t h

C a r o l i n a

a t

C h a p e l

H i l l

From the dean F r o m th e D ean Carolina Arts & Sciences

Spring 2012

Carolina blue: near and far

Donn Young

A sea of Carolina blue graduation gowns will soon fill

Kenan Stadium for May commencement. We asked five of our spring 2012 graduates to share the scoop on their most memorable classes and favorite campus spots, their dream jobs and what they’ll miss most about UNC. Carolina students and alumni are having a positive impact in our own backyard — as well as on places far away. We have one of the highest study abroad rates among public universities; more than a third of our undergraduates venture to another land before they graduate. We feature a number of Tar Heel experiences both near and far in this issue Karen M. Gil of the magazine. We shine a spotlight on South Africa, as we highlight the rewarding and difficult experiences faced by 12 students in the fall 2011 UNC Honors Semester in Cape Town. This program was launched initially in 1999 with private support from alumnus Lucius Burch III. The students participated in internships at local agencies, conducted independent research and took classes at the University of Cape Town. Through these experiences, they participated in South Africa’s struggle to build a democratic society despite economic insecurity. Career Foreign Service officer Robert Kaufman ’51 appreciates the value of these international experiences. He and his family are bringing that home to Chapel Hill with the creation of a new global distinguished professorship. We are grateful to the Kaufmans, as one of our top priorities is to deepen the international expertise of our faculty. Wyatt Bruton ’11 was so moved by his undergraduate experience as a Phillips Ambassador in Asia that he returned post-graduation to China, where he is serving as a teaching fellow at a middle school in a small village in eastern Guangdong Province. You’ll read about how Wyatt is bringing hope to students there in a “Final Point” essay on our inside back cover. Closer to home, we travel down Interstate 40 East to Rose Hill, the home of Duplin Winery, the state’s largest and oldest operating winery. Jonathan Fussell ’98 and his brother, Dave, are the duo in charge of this successful business, which has been in the same family for more than 35 years and is having a big economic impact on North Carolina. There are many more stories in these pages that reflect the theme of “near and far.” How has your Carolina experience — whether right here in Chapel Hill or in some distant land — shaped who you are today? — Karen M. Gil, Dean

I n memoriam The College deeply mourns the loss of Jeff and Corinne Buckalew, who died with their young children, Jackson and Meriwether, in a private plane crash on December 20, 2011. The Buckalews were dear friends of the College. Jeff served as a member of the Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors. His leadership will be missed.

College of Arts and Sciences • Karen M. Gil, Dean • William Andrews ’70 MA, ’73 PhD Senior Associate Dean, Fine Arts and Humanities • Michael Crimmins Senior Associate Dean, Natural Sciences • Jonathan Hartlyn Senior Associate Dean, Social Sciences and Global Programs • Tammy McHale Senior Associate Dean, Finance and Planning • James W. May Senior Associate Dean, Program Development; Executive Director, Arts & Sciences Foundation • Bobbi Owen Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education

Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors • James L. Alexandre ’79, Haverford, PA, Chair • Vicki Underwood Craver ’92, Riverside, CT, Vice Chair • Karen M. Gil, Chapel Hill, NC, President • William L. Andrews, ’70 MA, ’73 PhD, Chapel Hill, NC, Vice President • Tammy J. McHale, Chapel Hill, NC, Treasurer • James W. May, Jr., Chapel Hill, NC, Secretary • R. Frank Andrews ’90, ’95 MBA, Washington, DC • Valerie Ashby ’88, ’94 PhD, Chapel Hill, NC • Constance Y. Battle ’77, Raleigh, NC • Laura Hobby Beckworth ’80, Houston, TX • Cathy Bryson ’90, Santa Monica, CA • R. Duke Buchan III ’85, Amenia, NY • Sunny H. Burrows ’84, Atlanta, GA • Courtney Miller Cavatoni ’93, Atlanta, GA • G. Munroe Cobey ’74, Chapel Hill, NC • Sheila Ann Corcoran ’92, ’98 MBA, Los Angeles, CA • Steven M. Cumbie ’70, ’73 MBA, McLean, VA • Jaroslav T. Folda III, Chapel Hill, NC • Emmett Boney Haywood ’77, ’82 JD, Raleigh, NC • Joseph M. Kampf ’66, Potomac, MD • Matthew G. Kupec ’80, Chapel Hill, NC • William M. Lamont, Jr. ’71, Dallas, TX • Edwin A. Poston ’89, Chapel Hill, NC • John A. Powell ’77, San Francisco, CA • Benjamine Reid ’71, Miami, FL • Alex T. Robertson ’01, New York, NY • Betsy Shiverick, New York, NY • H. Martin Sprock III ’87, Charlotte, NC • Karen L. Stevenson ’79, Los Angeles, CA • Thomas M. Uhlman ’71 MS, ’75 PhD, Madison, NJ • Eric P. Vick ’90, Oxford, UK • Charles L. Wickham, III ’82 BSBA, London, UK • Loyal W. Wilson ’70, Chagrin Falls, OH

Table of Contents Table o f Cont en ts Carolina Arts & Sciences

Spring 2012

De p a r t me n t s inside front cover

From the Dean Carolina blue: near and far


High Achievers

Creative chemists and superstar computer scientists; A MacArthur ‘genius grant’; Bloomberg chair praised for distinguished service; and more



Saying goodbye to fine arts and Steve Exum

humanities dean Bill Andrews


21 Profile

Alum Sue Falsone is head athletic trainer for the LA Dodgers.

F e atu r es 6 • Cape Town Conundrum

Students embrace opportunities and challenges in post-apartheid South Africa

12 • Fine Wine

Big ideas in digital humanities; Thomas

Family-owned business with UNC ties is a leader in N.C.’s wine industry


Mary Lide Parker

22 Highlights

14 • Seniors Tell All

They dish on everything from favorite campus spots to dream jobs

Historian William Leuchtenburg recalls when a President came home to Chapel Hill

a new Russell Banks novel, a poetry collection and first novel by Alan Shapiro; plus books on Thornton Dial, Robert Kennedy’s funeral train, the Shining Path, and more

and help to a small village in China.


Mary Lide Parker

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities inspires faculty conversation and collaboration

A Michael McFee poem for bibliophiles,

Final Point Wyatt Bruton ’11 is bringing hope

28 • Happy 25th IAH

31 College Bookshelf

inside back cover

19 • Polk’s Place

Wolfe Scholarship turns 10; Taylor Branch in Chapel Hill and London; climate change’s impact on vacation plans; a new global professorship; Robotics with LEGO; and more

COVER PHOTO: Tar Heels on the Robben Island ferry after touring Nelson Mandela’s cell. Cover photo by Leah Hawker

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 1

High Achievers H i g h

Ac h i e v e r s

DeSimone honored for innovative cancer research

Chemist Joseph DeSimone and colleagues at five institutions are

nanoparticle vaccine for prostate cancer. The consortium involving UNC, Liquidia Technologies, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University and

Lars Sahl

collaborating on the development of a

Chemist wins $1.2M EUREKA Award UNC chemist Kevin Weeks

received a $1.2 million award from the

Johns Hopkins University won a $1 million Challenge Award from the Prostate Cancer Foundation. The cross-disciplinary team of chemists and immunologists is developing

a significant impact on many areas of science. “Because many serious human illnesses

National Institutes of Health to support

involve RNA components — including the RNA

innovative research on creating new drugs

genomes of viruses like HIV and Hepatitis C

that work by binding to RNA.

— the potential impact of this project is

Weeks, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, was tapped for a EUREKA

exceptionally wide-ranging,” Weeks said. Previously, Weeks and his lab created the

a new immunotherapy

(Exceptional, Unconventional

first-ever model of an entire HIV-1 genome,

designed to efficiently deliver

Research Enabling Knowledge

a discovery that has widespread implications

new agents to the body in

Acceleration) Award, which

for understanding how viruses like HIV infect

order to stimulate a patient’s

funds transformative research


projects with potential to have

own immune system to

WOWS Scholars encourage women in the sciences Professors Regina Carelli and Marcey Waters were named 2011-2013

produce cancer-fighting agents and attack cancer cells.

Joseph DeSimone

In other news, DeSimone was awarded the 2012 Walston Chubb Award for Innovation from the international scientific research society Sigma Xi. DeSimone is Chancellor’s Eminent Professor of Chemistry

Regina Carelli

in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences and William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at NC State University. •


Marcey Waters

WOWS (Working on Women in Science) Scholars in the College of Arts and Sciences. The program, launched in 2007, recognizes their roles as outstanding scholars, teachers, mentors and leaders, and will support their activities over the next two years to advance the status of women in the sciences at Carolina. Carelli, the Stephen B. Baxter Distinguished Professor of Psychology, specializes in behavioral neuroscience, neurobiology and neurochemistry, and directs the Behavioral Neuroscience Program. Her research and teaching explore why cocaine and other powerful drugs are so addictive. She has mentored many undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, including women who seek her advice on the challenges and opportunities facing women in science careers. Waters, professor of chemistry, specializes in bio-organic chemistry and molecular recognition. Her interdisciplinary research has potential applications in drug delivery, protein design and bio-sensing. She also has mentored women at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral level and has worked to involve more female colleagues in science lecture series and conference presentations. •

2 • • Spring 2012 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

High Achievers H i g h

Ac h i e v e r s

Communication researchers Recognized

Two scholars won awards from the National Communication Association, the largest

U.S.-based organization that promotes communication scholarship and education.

Dennis Mumby, professor of communication studies, received a Distinguished Scholar Award for a lifetime of scholarly achievement in communication. His research focuses on the relationship among discourse, power and organizing, with a particular interest in the processes of control and resistance. Michael Waltman, associate professor of communication studies, received the Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship. Waltman and John Haas of the University of Tennessee were honored for outstanding research on freedom of expression for their book, The Communication of Hate (Peter Lang Publishing, 2010). Waltman’s research focuses on the social and political uses of hate speech and the Dennis Mumby Diane Pozefsky

essential features of anti-hate discourse. •

Superstar computer scientists 1997, is an expert in computer graphics Computer

scientists brought home a number of honors to Sitterson and Brooks Halls. Research professor Diane Pozefsky was inducted into the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame. A UNC alumna, she received her Ph.D. in 1979 from the computer science department. She worked for IBM for 25 years before returning to UNC as a faculty member in 2004. While at IBM, she worked on the design of networking architectures and their product implementations. Her 25 patents earned her the title of IBM Master Inventor in 1996. Pozefsky has won the undergraduate teaching award, voted on by the department’s graduating seniors, three times, most recently last May. Ming C. Lin, the John R. and Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, was named a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society. Lin, who joined the UNC faculty in

and geometric computing. Her research on mathematical foundations and applications has been used in 3-D graphics, physically based modeling, virtual environments, robotics and haptics by the scientific community, the computer industry and the entertainment world. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers named five UNC computer scientists 2012 fellows for extraordinary accomplishments and career achievements. • James Anderson, professor, for contributions to the implementation of softreal-time systems on multiprocessor and multicore platforms. • Lin, for contributions to real-time physics-based interaction and simulation for virtual environments, robotics and haptics. • Dinesh Manocha, Phi Delta Theta/ Matthew Mason Distinguished Professor, for contributions to robot motion planning, rapid prototyping and virtual environments. • Marc Pollefeys, research professor, for contributions to three-dimensional computer vision. • John Poulton, adjunct professor, for contributions to high-speed, low-power signaling and to graphics architecture. •

Fauser wins international Music Medal

Annegret Fauser, a professor of music and adjunct professor of women’s studies, received the Dent Medal of the Royal Musical Association (RMA). It is one of the highest international honors a musicologist can receive. Fauser’s research focuses on the music of the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly in France and America. The award citation praises her as “an outstanding scholar, truly international in her research profile, active on the international musicological scene and interdisciplinary in her interests … with a substantial body of distinguished and important work to her name.” Fauser is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Musicological Society. As part of the award, a symposium was held in Fauser’s honor in London. •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 3

High Achievers H i g h

Ac h i e v e r s

Sekelsky named AAAS Fellow

Teachers council pays tribute to Lindemann


iologist Jeff Sekelsky was named a fellow of the rika Lindemann, associate dean for American Association for the undergraduate curricula, received the 2011 Advancement of Science. Distinguished Service Award from the National Erika Lindemann Jeff Sekelsky Sekelsky, professor of Council of Teachers of English. biology and a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Lindemann, who received her master’s and doctoral degrees from Carolina, also is Cancer Center, was recognized for an adjunct professor of English. Much of her research involves translating scholarship about distinguished contributions to the field writing and its teaching into curricula and teacher training programs. of genetics, particularly the genetic and She wrote the groundbreaking A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers, now in its fourth molecular descriptions of DNA repair edition and still in print after 30 years. Her most recent project is an online scholarly edition and recombination processes. The of UNC student James Lawrence Dusenbery’s 1840-1841 journal (http://docsouth.unc. association recognizes fellows’ efforts edu/dusenbery/). toward advancing science applications For almost 20 years, Lindemann has been parliamentarian for the national council that are considered scientifically or and its Conference on College Composition and Communication. • socially distinguished. •


Thanks to Grauer for exceptional leadership Alumnus Peter Grauer, chair the enormously successful Carolina First

Donn Young

of the Honors advisory board since 1997, received the 2011 Dean’s Award for Distinguished Service to the College. The award was presented last fall by Dean Karen Gil and James Alexandre, chair of the Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors. The foundation established the annual Dean’s Award in 2010 to recognize volunteers who have served the College with distinction. Recipients are chosen by the foundation’s board for their level of personal commitment, their leadership and their dedication to the mission and goals of the College. Grauer was singled out for “exceptional vision and leadership,” according to the award resolution. “I can’t think of anyone who deserves this award more than Peter Thacher Grauer,” Gil said. “He has led the Honors Carolina/James M. Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence Advisory Board for the last 15 years. During that time he navigated the program through

ABOVE: From left, James Alexandre, Karen Gil and Peter Grauer.

“I can’t think of anyone who deserves this award more than Peter Thacher Grauer. He has led the Honors board for the last 15 years. During that time he navigated the program through the enormously successful Carolina First Campaign.” — Dean Karen Gil

4 • • Spring 2012 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Campaign.” Grauer received his undergraduate degree in English from UNC in 1968. As a student, he was inducted into the Gimghoul Society and the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, and was elected co-captain of Varsity Lacrosse. He has had a successful career in the financial industry. In 2002, he took over leadership of Bloomberg LP, the worldwide information services and media company. His global vision for UNC’s Honors Program included doubling the number of admitted students and creating Winston House, the European Study Center in London. The award resolution also highlighted his community service “with great integrity and commitment” on the boards of more than 25 public and private companies, including the Inner-City Scholarship Fund of New York City, the Big Apple Circus, the Irvington Institute for Immunological Research and Rockefeller University. Grauer was appointed to the UNC Board of Trustees in December 2011. •

High Achievers H i g h

Ac h i e v e r s

Archaeologist wins site preservation award


Dan Sears

rchaeologist Donald Haggis received a 2012 Best Practices in Site Preservation Award from the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). Haggis and a colleague at Iowa State University were recognized for their “exemplary work” in co-directing the Azoria Project on the island of Crete, the largest island in Greece. The Azoria Project focuses on the excavation of an Early Iron Age-Archaic site. ABOVE: Kevin Guskiewicz (right) and Jason Mihalik study the short- and long-term effects of head injuries on athletes. The project was recognized for assuring the stabilization of exposed remains, while withstanding pressures from year-round visitation. From the early stages of excavation, Traumatic Brain Injury Research Center and rofessor Kevin Guskiewicz first the researchers enlisted the services of became concerned about concussions when research director for the Center for the Study local specialists to stabilize and conserve of Retired Athletes. he was an athletic trainer with the Pittsburgh the architecture being exposed in the Guskiewicz’s interdisciplinary research Steelers in the early 1990s. More than 20 excavation. They also shared their findings has documented a disturbingly high years later, he’s one of the leading experts with local communities. correlation between retired NFL players who in the country on the short- and long-term Haggis is the Nicholas A. Cassas Term suffered multiple concussions in their careers health effects of head injuries on athletes Professor of Greek Studies in the departand the early onset of neurodegenerative across all levels of play. ment of classics and an adjunct professor in changes like depression and dementia The John D. and Catherine T. the curriculum in archaeology. • MacArthur Foundation awarded Guskiewicz following retirement from sport. He and his colleagues equipped UNC football players’ a MacArthur Fellowship, sometimes called helmets with “accelerometers” to measure a “genius grant.” The “no strings attached” the impact of concussions. His research $500,000 prize is given to individuals who have shown extraordinary originality, creativity team learned that the location and force of a hit did not necessarily relate to the clinical and the potential to make important future contributions. Guskiewicz was recognized for outcome following concussion. They also found that head impact data was valuable contributing significantly to state and federal for showing players how to avoid movements policy discussions on sports guidelines and that predispose them to concussive injury. player equipment investigations “that will Guskiewicz helped write concussion improve the safety of athletes of all ages.” guidelines that are now recommended by He says the award will help him apply the National Collegiate Athletic Association, what he has learned about sports traumas to the National Football League, the National new research on the types of head injuries Athletic Trainers’ Association and the incurred by soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. American College of Sports Medicine. He ABOVE: UNC archaeologist Donald Haggis (left) Guskiewicz is the Kenan Distinguished serves on the NCAA’s concussion committee and Iowa State colleague Margaret Mook at the Professor and chair of the department of and the NFL’s head, neck and spine exercise and sport science. He also is coAzoria Project on the island of Crete. director of the Matthew Gfeller Sport-Related committee. •

MacArthur ‘genius grant’ given to UNC concussion researcher P

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 5

many Carolina undergraduates, Allie Van Vliet and Bowen Kelley wanted a unique internship experience in a foreign land. They hoped to work with people affected by real-world problems. They got that and more at the Cape Town Refugee Centre in South Africa, where they served as interns as part of an unusual study abroad program that attracted a dozen Carolina students last fall. UNC’s Honors Semester in Cape Town featured opportunities to live, work and learn in an exciting international city, while confronting some of the most complex challenges facing post-apartheid South Africa. The 2011 program was led by Mike Lambert, UNC professor in the department of African and Afro-American studies and director of the African Studies Center, both in the College of Arts and Sciences. Carolina students worked at local agencies, conducted independent research and took classes based at the University of Cape Town. They studied with Lambert, South African Chris Ahrends (a former chaplain to Desmond Tutu and founding director of the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre) and internship coordinator Julie DeNicola. The semester also offered a course for education majors, taught by UNC education professor Suzanne Gulledge. And there were numerous field trips and excursions, coordinated by local resident Ruth Parker. When I dropped in to observe UNC students at the Cape Town Refugee Centre on a typical weekday morning, the waiting room was packed with men, women and children. They had fled violence and persecution in Somalia,

Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other conflict-torn homelands across the continent. Somehow they found their way to a modest storefront hidden above a shopping center in Wynberg, 20 minutes south of downtown Cape Town. Some refugees were veiled and covered from head to toe. Others wore colorful traditional prints or sweatshirts and sneakers. They were hungry and homeless, scared and scarred. The room was remarkably quiet as they waited for help. Kelley and Van Vliet were conducting “intake” in an interior room of the center’s Psycho-Social Division. Their job was to help determine which of the newcomers were “vulnerable” enough to qualify for modest resettlement assistance.

“We do the best we can and realize we can’t solve it all. We have to be okay with that. It’s hard.” The problem was that they were all vulnerable. They had heartwrenching stories to tell. Some had bullet wounds and missing appendages to illustrate their hardships. “It’s troubling,” said Kelley, a junior majoring in African studies and French. “I struggle with how we define ‘vulnerable.’ The magnitude of their problems is overwhelming. “We do the best we can and realize we can’t solve it all,” he said. “We have to be okay with that. It’s hard.”

Ph otos on th is sprea d by Rach el Ham l i n ’ 1 2

6 • • Spring 2012 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

c o n t i n u e d

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 7

P hoto s o n t h is s pr e a d b y Lea h Haw k e r

Allie Van Vliet, center, at the refugee center. The woman at left is holding confidential personal photo evidence for her case.

He and Van Vliet worked for the with people whose problems may seem center three days a week, carefully insurmountable. “You turn their sadness to probing clients’ painful sagas to document propel yourself to do as much as you can to their needs. The center’s professional staff help,” she said. “That’s been a really good would make the final decision about who lesson to learn.” would receive aid, but they relied on the Once a week she and Kelley went students for details and observations. on home visits far off the beaten tourist “I can’t tell you how much we track. They found families living in unsafe appreciate their help,” said Anell Olivier, conditions, cramped in attics with dangling senior social worker at the center. “The electrical wires, above streets where drug interns are our social workers’ eyes and deals went down in clear view. ears. They take down the first information “We have seen lots of different so that we can do a deeper assessment.” neighborhoods and townships, some Those in the waiting room who pretty rough ones,” said Kelley. qualified for refugee aid would receive support for food, housing and medical • The conundrum care for up to three months. Some would Though the center is funded by the gain political asylum, providing more United Nations High Commissioner on long-term protection. Refugees (UNHCR), the budget can’t The triage process was especially fully address all the needs apparent in the challenging for the interns. waiting room every day. “This kind The fact that of social work is there is such assistance “South Africa is a tortured to those fleeing other emotionally hard,” said Van Vliet. “I country. And yet this is lands is a reflection wanted to work with South Africa’s the best of the region. of people and hear their greatest strength: its stories, but it’s tough, It’s the tip of the continent, commitment to social and so sad. That can Indeed, the and the tip of the iceberg.” justice. weigh on you.” Rainbow Nation’s She recalled constitutional bill interviewing a man who only had one of rights is considered one of the most hand and another who was missing a leg. progressive in the world — guaranteeing “It’s a humbling experience,” she equality, freedom, life, property and said. “You realize how lucky you are.” security. When it was adopted in 1996 — Van Vliet remembered what her just six years after Nelson Mandela was cousin, a nurse, told her about working freed from prison — it was “the finest 8 • • Spring 2012 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Rachel Hamlin

legal framework to protect human rights then in existence,” according to South African historian Francis Wilson in his book Dinosaurs, Diamonds and Democracy. As a result, the country’s refugee assistance policies are among the most liberal in the world, shining as a beacon of hope to the continent’s downtrodden. But it’s a Sisyphean task for South Africa’s fledgling democracy to heal those afflicted by political violence beyond its borders, while officials struggle to improve the lives of the local population, especially now during a global recession. “You often hear people say that they can’t eat their vote,” said Ahrends, the former chaplain-turned-instructor, whose father fled the Holocaust and sought shelter in South Africa as a young man. Today, two decades after apartheid was abolished, South Africa enjoys the healthiest economy on the continent. Yet the gap between the predominantly white “haves” and the “have-nots” remains huge. According to the World Bank, nearly half the population lives below the poverty line (98 percent of them black or “coloured,” the term used in South Africa for persons of mixed ancestry). One in four is unemployed; the jobless rate is much higher in the poorer townships. Immigration has brought new challenges, including increased rates of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Xenophobic violence is also on the rise as some of the poorest South Africans start to blame newcomers for their woes.

encourages a young reader at the Shine Centre in District Six.

Working at social service organizations like the refugee center gave UNC students a unique window on these issues. “South Africa is a tortured country,” said Kelley. “And yet this is the best of the region. It’s the tip of the continent, and the tip of the iceberg,” he said, alluding to the massive economic problems plaguing the rest of Africa.

Bowen Kelley, right, exchanges information with refugees seeking re-settlement assistance.

under palm trees on trendy Kloof Street. “It’s a tale of two cities,” said Ahrends. Though whites comprise less than 20 percent of Cape Town’s 3.5 million people, they dominate the scene at upscale shops, parks and shorelines that have made the peninsula the most popular tourist destination in Africa. Blacks have maintained power in the multi-cultured halls of government since the first post-apartheid national election in 1994. But most blacks and people of color still live in poverty in separate urban neighborhoods or townships on the outskirts, where they were forced to locate under apartheid. “The affluent are still mostly white,” said Ahrends. “There’s been some movement, but it’s still a huge divide.” Carolina students commuted across that divide regularly to reach their internships in the inner city and outer townships.

because we emphasize to students the importance of leaving behind a lasting, tangible contribution to the agencies and organizations that host them as interns.” In addition to the refugee center, UNC students worked for a socialeconomic development agency, a Parliamentary monitoring group, a legal advocacy organization, a fisheries research center, a model K-12 school for • A tale of two cities impoverished students, and an innovative The Tar Heels also experienced the literacy program serving at-risk younger other side of the socio-economic gap. kids. They lived together in Tamboerskloof, During my week in Cape Town, I had a comfortable residential neighborhood a chance to see Carolina students working within reasonably safe walking distance at two innovative educational programs of cosmopolitan eateries and clubs. addressing the challenges facing township Students shared a cozy hillside guest house families. The Shine Centre employs complete with electronic security, Wi-Fi, volunteer tutors in five school locations to a swimming pool and a stunning view of build measurable literacy skills in the early majestic Table Mountain, Cape Town’s top grades. Christel House South Africa runs natural tourist attraction. a modern K-12 school that responds to Students also enjoyed recreational the socioeconomic disadvantages that can opportunities afforded by nearby inhibit learning. Both organizations are mountains, beaches and parks. They spent • Building a democratic civil society supported by private funds. their semester break further north camping “I don’t know of another program Rachel Hamlin, a senior advertising under the stars at a wild-game preserve. quite like Honors Cape Town,” said James major, enjoyed tutoring at the Shine Back in Cape Town some of them went Leloudis, associate dean of UNC’s Honors Centre, located in historic Zonnebloem cage-diving with great white sharks. They Program. “It offers Carolina students and or District Six. This is the site of the once climbed Lion’s Head peak and jogged in the faculty a unique opportunity for handsvibrant, multicultural neighborhood scenic hills overlooking the guest house and on involvement with the ongoing project where homes were bulldozed in 1966 to in the World Cup soccer stadium near the of building a multiracial democracy in make way for a whites-only real estate waterfront. post-apartheid South Africa. development. Though political protests Indeed my first impression on arrival “Over the years the program has blocked that development, the district’s was that Cape Town seemed more like developed an outstanding reputation among 60,000 black and “coloured” residents were Santa Barbara than South Africa. My first government, business and NGO leaders in forced to relocate to the townships. c o n t i n u e d meal was an arugula pizza served alfresco Cape Town,” Leloudis continued. “That’s Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 9

Today, the Shine Centre stands as a symbol of renewal for impoverished children. Many students in the townships speak two or more local languages, but they have fallen behind in English, the dominant tongue for business. At the end of grade 1, students are assessed by the center. Children who are not reading English at grade level receive intensive one-on-one attention from volunteers. Most of the tutors are white women who want to help the nation heal from years of apartheid. I observed Hamlin and the other “learning partners” working with the youngsters through a series of exercises. The boy reading with her pronounced one word at a time, slowly sounding out difficult words. He and the other youngsters engaged in “have a go” writing, where they were encouraged to create stories with no interruptions. Hamlin and the child also played word games and read to each other. The exercises have been effective. Students at Shine Centre have seen their English proficiency scores improve dramatically, according to the center’s records. Hamlin, who studied abroad twice before, was delighted with the internship and the overall experience in South Africa. “This is the longest time I’ve lived in a foreign country. We’re getting a lot of background on Cape Town and South Africa. I’m definitely more integrated into Cape Town than I was in Paris and New Zealand.”

Indeed, the savvy traveler found time to create a second internship for herself at Ogilvy, the global advertising agency. She’s hoping to return to work in Cape Town after graduating from UNC. •

Educating the whole child

Abby Poeske and Erica O’Brien loved their internship teaching teenagers at Christel House, a 10-year-old program that serves more than 700 township students a year. Thanks to private funding, the modern school covers all of the students’ educational, health and transportation expenses. O’Brien, a UNC junior majoring in global studies and communication studies, ran a media club at Christel House for about 10 students. She and Poeske also taught teens how to use PowerPoint presentations, conduct online research and cite their work appropriately. Dell had donated plenty of computers to the school, but the students didn’t know how to maximize their use, O’Brien said. “We gave them new opportunities they would not have had otherwise,” said Poeske, a junior education major. “I love it, being able to teach this age group one-on-one. They are incredible. Young enough to still listen, old enough to have opinions.” •

Living history

Carolina students were confronted by living history lessons everywhere they went in Cape Town. They interviewed

black and white South Africans, and asked them about their experiences during and after apartheid. Students had a discussion in Ahrends’ class with Wilson, the South African historian. The group also attended a service at St. George’s Cathedral, conducted by Tutu, the Anglican archbishop, who prayed in three languages — English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans. “I was really impressed by that,” UNC junior Miriam Tardif-Douglin wrote in her blog. “It’s such a sincere, symbolic means of including everyone [or most everyone] in the service.” Afterwards, the revered Nobel Peace Laureate who led South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, showed up in the cathedral’s basement café wearing a Springboks jersey in honor of the nation’s rugby team. And after discussing Mandela’s life in their class, students took a ferry to Robben Island, where Mandela had lived in a tiny cell for 18 of his 27 years of political incarceration. The tour was guided by a former political prisoner who had been locked up there with Mandela and many other leaders of the anti-apartheid movement. The guide told of former political activists who were detained and “disappeared” (killed) without ever being charged or tried. He acknowledged that officials may have outwitted themselves when they imprisoned the country’s leading political activists in one location. Mandela and other

From left, Miriam Tardif-Douglin takes notes in her Cape Town class with professors Ahrends and Lambert.

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Van Vliet in a Robben Island cell

inmates continued to organize for social justice from behind bars at Robben Island. Mike Steele, a UNC junior majoring in political science, appreciated these special learning opportunities. “We talked about Robben Island in class and the next week we went there and interacted with people who lived through it,” Steele said. “To read about it is different than talking to people who had been through it.”

“Cape Town is a city unto itself, unlike any other,” he said. “It’s a constellation of people from all over the world.” In fact, the ancestry of the Cape’s population is linked to more ethnic groups than anyplace else in the world, according to Wilson’s book about South Africa. “The Cape has been one of the • Invaluable learning world’s great meeting grounds since “Of the programs I have overseen, this humans first began to leave Africa 50,000 • Experiential education one exerts the most powerful and longyears ago,” Wilson wrote. Students in Professor Lambert’s class lasting influence on its student participants,” Living in Cape Town for two directly linked their internship experiences said Friederike Seeger, director of Burch extended periods of time, getting to to their research projects. Programs and Honors Study Abroad. know South Africans and hearing about The students who worked in the “For many of them, it has determined the students’ varied experiences, helped schools assessed the role and impact of new directions for their post-university Lambert explore the nation’s myths and technology on education in South Africa. lives and careers, and quite a few program realities much more deeply, he said. Those who interned at Black Sash, a alumni have returned to South Africa after Before Lambert came to South legal advocacy organization, analyzed the graduation to work, study or volunteer.” Africa the first time, he had been teaching nation’s social Indeed, among about it for nine years. security reforms the Tar Heels in Cape “It was eye-opening for me to and proposals for “Cape Town is a city unto Town during the fall was experience it by living here,” he said. “It more transparent ’09, a has been invaluable for my teaching.” • itself, unlike any other. Rachael Debnam government Morehead-Cain Scholar accountability. The Cape Town program was launched in It’s a constellation of people who interned at Christel 1999 as a Burch Field Research Seminar, with The refugee House as part of the from all over the world.” 2008 Honors semester. private support from alumnus Lucius Burch III. center interns Because of its success, it has been offered explored historic She jumped on the trends and compared South African and opportunity to return in 2011 as a teaching as an Honors semester abroad program since 2001. Scholarship funds help ensure that American refugee and asylum policies. assistant for Lambert and a volunteer in a the program is accessible to all students Three students had internships at township school. regardless of financial need. the Cape Town Department of Social Lambert, who directed the South Learn more online at http://honorscarolina. Development. Ariana Rowberry, a Africa semester in both 2004 and 2011,,, and watch UNC junior, monitored Parliament said he, too, has learned a great deal from a video by Poeske at for the agency and studied the public the experiences.

learns about the political prisoner once locked up there.

policy framework for women’s economic empowerment. Juniors Tia Davis and Will Leimenstoll analyzed opportunities for social entrepreneurship and environmental advocacy. Ridge Olivieri, another junior, interned at the Department of Forestry and Fisheries, and conducted scientific research on shark parasites.

Students pose in front of iconic Table Mountain which tourists can scale by foot ot cable car.

P hoto s o n t his s p read by L eah H awker

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 11

Family-owned business with UNC ties is a leader in N.C.’s wine industry

FineWine By Kim Weaver Spurr ’88 photos by Mary Lide Parker ’10

Jonathan Fussell (history ’98), who runs North Carolina’s largest and oldest operating winery with his brother, Dave, shows up for an interview true to his Tar Heel roots. He’s wearing a blue-checked dress shirt with a Duplin Winery logo, topped off by a Carolina belt. His smile oozes Southern charm like warm honey on a biscuit. There’s an invitation to stay for lunch (fried pork chops are on today’s Bistro menu), but first a tour. If the many billboards on I-40 East pointing to exit 380 in Rose Hill are not clear enough, look for this landmark on the way to the winery: “the world’s largest frying pan,” a 2-ton, 15-foot behemoth. “Hey, where are y’all from?” Jonathan asks a family touring the 92,000-squarefoot production facility, which is about a half-mile down the road from the winery’s retail shop, tasting room and restaurant. The sour-sweet smell of fermenting muscadine grapes fills the cavernous space, along with the clink, clink of bottles. Scuppernong Blush, one of the winery’s 42 varieties, is being bottled on this fall day. “When I was in school, we weren’t far from licking the labels ourselves,” Jonathan

CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: J o n a t h a n Fu s s e l l ’s Ta r H e e l r o o t s r u n d e e p . D u p l i n W i n e r y, t h e s t a t e ’s l a r g e s t , h a s b e e n i n h i s f a m i l y f o r m o r e t h a n 35 y e a r s . • T h e s e ‘M o t h e r v i n e ’ s c u p p e r n o n g g r a p e s g r o w f r o m a c l i p p i n g t h a t r e p o r t e d l y d a t e s t o 1585. • To d ay, b r o t h e r s D a v e ( l e f t ) a n d J o n a t h a n r u n t h e w i n e r y t o g e t h e r. • S c u p p e r n o n g B l u s h b o t t l e s r o l l o f f t h e a s s e m b l y l i n e . says, shouting to be heard over the whish and whir of a large machine which today is bottling 4,920 bottles of wine per hour. Duplin Winery may be located in a small town, but it’s having a big economic impact. Founded in 1975 by Jonathan’s dad, David, and his uncle, Dan, this family-owned business brings in about $18 to $20 million a year in retail sales, and hosts around 100,000 visitors. The winery sold about 20 cases of wine its first year and is expected to sell 360,000 to 370,000 cases during its current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. Jonathan manages the retail side of the business, which includes a line of gourmet foods and frozen drinks. Dave, a 1990 East Carolina University alumnus, oversees the production side. Jonathan broke with the longtime family tradition of attending ECU by heading to Chapel Hill. He lived in Connor dorm and was a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. Initially, he had no intention of returning home to the family business.

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“I loved Carolina and always wanted to go there,” Jonathan says, adding that he still orders football and basketball tickets, although he often gets too busy to go to the games. “I wanted to get an education and go off and do better things — I wanted to be a lawyer. But in 1996, the winery started to grow, and I could see there was a need for me here.” • Focus

on family Behind the wheel of his beige Chevy Tahoe, on the way to the winery’s vineyards, Jonathan waxes philosophical for a minute — about growing up in a family business. Thirty-seven acres of “Mothervine” grapes now thrive from an initial clipping that reportedly dates to 1585, to Sir Walter Raleigh’s time. The grapes are used to produce a special scuppernong wine. In addition to more than 120 acres of vineyards in Rose Hill, the winery contracts with 47 growers across 1,800 acres in four states.

“We used to make wooden boxes that we’d put our wine in, gift boxes with a rope handle,” he says. “I remember tying rope handles, 10 cents for every handle. My mom thought I would do five an hour, but I was doing 50 an hour. I always loved being a part of it, but your childhood is different because I always saw my parents at work. But without my father making the sacrifices he made, I wouldn’t be in this business today.” • Conservative

“Out of everything I’ve been given, my kids are the best thing I’ve been given,” he says, referring to Ayden, 7, and Camryn, 4. “If I could have the perfect day, it would be spending the day with them. They are what bring a smile to my face.” That focus on family and relationships is a core part of the company’s business philosophy as well, along with the Fussells’ religious faith. “We have three priorities: God is number one, family is number two, and business is number three. These are our core values,” Jonathan says. “We are a business, but the business is [made up] of people who work here and people who visit here. When you walk through that door, Aunt Jo greets you. We want you to feel like you’re a part of the family.” Dennis Sutton, a professor and

head of the viticulture program at nearby James Sprunt Community College, also is a part-time employee at Duplin Winery. He echoes the sentiment of Duplin’s familyoriented atmosphere. “Every day I’ve worked, they do a [group] ‘line-up,’ and the retail room manager always asks at the end, ‘Is there anything anyone wants to add?’ And people will say things like, ‘My kid’s on the state championship football team,’” Sutton says. “And it’s a rare sight to see [customers] come in and not leave with a bottle or two of wine. It’s Southern hospitality, and Duplin has set the bar.” Jonathan’s appetite for business started early. He grew up playing hide-and-seek behind the wine tanks. (He claims that brother Dave once locked him in one). He got paid for his first winery job at age 5.

growth strategy The Fussell family knows all about sacrifices. In the early ‘80s, they lost nearly everything they owned when North Carolina ruled that preferential tax laws that had been established by the state to promote grape growing and winemaking were unconstitutional. Sales dropped. But from the depths of rock bottom, the winery began to climb back up. Those hard times influence Duplin’s growth strategy today. An amphitheater opened last year on a site several miles down the road, closer to the interstate, where eventually the brothers hope to build a new winery, a hotel, an events center and a spa. “This is a 10-year plan,” Jonathan says. “What shaped who we are is when we almost went bankrupt. We don’t want to borrow money to grow.” For the past three years, Duplin Winery has won the Impact Hot Brand Award, a key industry honor. When people ask him why the winery continues to do well, at first Jonathan says “pure luck.” But it also comes full circle, back to family and relationships. “We have great folks who work for us, folks that care about the company. They are the ones who’ve done it.” Duplin County Manager Mike Aldridge has his own theory about the secret to Duplin Winery’s success. “I think the main ingredient has been persistence, their stick-to-it-tive-ness. They have really put their heart and soul into making this business what it is. I think they’re just getting started.” • Online Extras: For a multimedia story, visit For more, visit

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 13

Seniors Tell All as the spring semester draws to a close,

seniors will don their blue commencement gowns and head off to new adventures. We asked five College majors to dish on their most memorable classes, favorite campus spots, dream jobs and what they’ll miss most about Carolina. Their achievements, fond memories and new goals reminded us of what former UNC student body president Eve Carson once said: “I love UNC. I love the quad in the spring and the Arboretum in the fall. I love the Pit on a sunny day and Graham Memorial Lounge on a rainy one. I love Roy all the time. But what makes UNC truly special is not our beautiful campus, our distinguished reputation or even our basketball team. It’s us — the student body — who make UNC what it is.” Photos by Mary Lide Parker ’10


{Lindsey Jefferies}

or Lindsey Jefferies, it’s all about taking flight. In her sophomore year, she launched Born 2 Step, UNC’s only non-Greek-affiliated step team, open to all students at any experience level. After graduation, she intends a more literal kind of launch, as a helicopter pilot in the North Carolina Army National Guard. She will leave UNC as a Distinguished Military Graduate, representing the top 20 percent of more than 5,000 ROTC cadets nationwide, and she also served as captain of UNC’s Ranger Challenge Team in Army ROTC. • Hometown: Raleigh, N.C. • Major: Psychology and Sociology • Minor: Military Science • Most memorable class at UNC: A two-part, advanced military tactics and leadership course during my junior year. The instructor, Captain Adam Carollo, taught me so much about decision-making. Had I not taken these classes, I would not have the confidence and planning skills that I have acquired. These classes provided me with a wise and experienced mentor for my future military career. • Favorite campus spot: The Undergraduate

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Library. It is in the perfect location in the middle of campus, and its new look creates a feeling of home. The U.L. is a place that I can go to study hard, sleep hard or meet up with friends. • Dream job: To fly helicopters! This dream will actually come true after I graduate in May and commission into the North Carolina Army National Guard as a second lieutenant. I am projected to go to flight school for two years to learn how to fly Black Hawks. Upon my graduation from flight school, I hope to become the first female African-American Black Hawk Pilot for the North Carolina Army National Guard! It’s been my dream to fly since the ninth grade when I was first introduced to aviation in the Air Force JROTC program at Broughton High School. When I flew in a small fixed-wing plane, and then in a Black Hawk, the passion to fly was planted in my heart and mind. • What I will miss most about Carolina: Born 2 Step. I have set the foundation for so many friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime. It is an organization full of laughter and smiles and free of stress. B2S has become my get-away, and I will miss my organization deeply. I am honored to leave my footprint on UNC. • — By Glenn McDonald


imothy Palpant likes to keep busy. When he won a prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship last year — the awards go to outstanding students in engineering, mathematics or natural sciences — his largely independent research was judged to be on par with that of graduate students and even post-doctoral fellows. Palpant graduated in 2008 from Leesville Road High School in Raleigh and is attending UNC on a Carolina Scholarship. Busy as he is, Palpant still finds time to smell the roses … or at least take pictures of them. • Hometown: Noblesville, Ind., a suburb of Indianapolis, but my family moved to Raleigh about 10 years ago. • Major: Biology and Applied Math • Most memorable class at UNC: By far my class with Alain Laederach of the biology department. The course is called “Systems Biology,” and it is essentially about using computer programming to answer biological research questions. It has been unique in that it is a small class — only nine people — and there is a large emphasis on learning skills that will be professionally useful. The course is challenging, but Dr. Laederach has been a great teacher and has shown a lot of interest in the students and helping us learn.

• Favorite campus spot: Coker Arboretum. I’ve always thought the campus was gorgeous, and the Arboretum is a particularly gorgeous part of it. Every spring I try to make it out to take pictures while the flowers are in bloom, and it is generally just a nice place to hang out outside. It’s not that big of an area, but the trails wind in such a way that it seems like you could walk around for hours. • Dream job: I’m planning on going to grad school next year, so I try not to think about “dream jobs” too much! In earnest, though, my dream job is doing research at a university. It’s an environment that I love, and the open-endedness of research particularly fits my personality and talents. • What I will miss most about Carolina: The community, both my personal little circle of it and the larger atmosphere of the university. Having friends and teachers who are studying a wide array of subjects and are excited about them makes for a great environment, and I love that I can be drilling down ever-deeper into my little area of specialization while still being a part of the broader intellectual community at UNC. • — By Glenn McDonald

{Timothy Palpant}

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former varsity letterman for the U.S. Army men’s soccer team at West Point, Gabriel Whaley has long harbored a greater goal. Growing up, his family couldn’t afford soccer camps — the focus was putting food on the table. So Whaley founded Kicking4Hunger Inc., a nonprofit that runs soccer camps and clinics for kids throughout North Carolina. Instead of charging a registration fee, Whaley’s organization encourages a non-perishable food donation. These days, this 2011 People magazine “Readers’ Choice Hero” is proving a winner off the field, too: His group has reached more than 1,000 children and collected more than 17,000 pounds of food. • Hometown: Midland, N.C. • Major: Philosophy • Most memorable academic experience at UNC: Working with my roommate, Jacob Yaniero, and mentors from KenanFlagler Business School, including Professor Patrick Vernon, to formally start and run my 501(c)3 public charity, which I had begun in 2006. It was all done completely outside of any class, which was interesting because there were no expectations or rigid requirements from the academic side of things. It was all about

us coming together to seek out certain university resources to help us with our project. We e-mailed Professor Vernon based on his background and met with him a couple of times so he could critique our planning process. We’ve stayed in touch, and he has been very helpful. • Favorite campus spot: Hooker Fields and the main soccer fields in the center of campus. Almost any time of the day, even when it’s well past sunset, you can always find a pickup game. If I’ve had a long day in class or a particularly rough week, I know I can always count on picking up a game over at Hooker Fields. • Dream job: Running my charity. At some point, I’d like to get my MBA and use that either to expand what I’m doing into more of a national or global corporation. Eventually, when I near retirement age, I’d like to go back and teach high school so that I can share my experiences with everyone else. • What I will miss most about Carolina: The calmness, serenity and beauty of the campus. And also the diversity and hearing everyone’s different stories. When you walk through the Pit, it’s so cool to be able to see that there’s more to life than what I’m seeing through my particular lens. • — By Pamela Babcock

{Gabriel Whaley}

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{Elizabeth McCain} W

ith her degree from UNC, Elizabeth McCain hopes to continue the work she’s already begun — learning the stories of the past to help address the issues of the future. An active participant in the Campus Y, McCain served as co-president her junior year and studied the history of the organization through an independent study project. As McCain wrote in an essay for a campus publication: “It is amazing how much can be done when people gather together, as they did then and we do now.” • Hometown: Raleigh, N.C. • Major: History • Minor: Creative Writing • Most memorable academic experience at UNC: The instances that I have most enjoyed are when we get so wrapped up in an idea, so interested in what we are working on, that we forget it is for a class. This happened my sophomore year in studying generational identity. My junior year I was reading up a storm: analyzing the definition of freedom in Jamaica, Haiti and the U.S., and looking at the history of poverty in North Carolina. This past year I have been fascinated with the idea of American citizenship.

• Favorite campus spot: I love many places on campus. I like the bench beside Hill Hall, because I can read while hearing orchestras and choruses practice. I like the Y building because I have spent a great deal of time there and met some of my best friends in that pink building. I like the benches behind UNC Student Stores and the Arboretum because it has an atmosphere of its own. • Dream job: I don’t know the answer to that question right now. Even after four years of exploring interests, I have so many ideas about future trajectories … teaching, business, history research, writing. I am just going to try to live my way to that answer, pay the bills and enjoy the ride. • What I will miss most about Carolina: Without hesitation, the people. I am going to miss all the kind, intelligent and funny individuals that I have met here — and I'm going to miss having them live within two miles of me. I am also going to miss lectures and office hours — we are very blessed to have incredible professors who are very much invested in each student. I have been pushed, challenged and strengthened by the guidance of many of our faculty. For them and friends, I am so grateful. • — By Glenn McDonald

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{Amber Koonce} M

orehead-Cain Scholar Amber Koonce, an entrepreneur and social advocate celebrated as one of Glamour magazine’s 2011 “Top 10 College Women,” founded BeautyGap, a nonprofit that collects and ships dolls of color to children of color around the world. The idea was sparked after Koonce spent a summer in Ghana and noticed children had only white dolls. A Phi Beta Kappa and Order of the Golden Fleece inductee, she’s advocated for incarcerated and at-risk youth in Ghana, Scotland and Durham, N.C. She received a 2012 Luce Scholarship, a competitive national award, for study in Asia. Down the road, Koonce plans to put her formidable passion to work as a juvenile defense attorney. • Hometown: Charlotte, N.C. • Major: Public Policy Analysis • Minor: Entrepreneurship • Most memorable class at UNC: This is hard to choose. One would be my communication studies class with Dr. Della Pollock, where we engaged in a student-community collaboration to preserve the history and community space of a historically African-American neighborhood. And Dr. Waithera Karim Sesay’s (a visiting professor in African and Afro-American studies) 18 • • Spring 2012 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

“Introduction to Africa” course gave me a deeper understanding of beauty concepts within the African continent and inspired the creation of my nonprofit. • Favorite campus spot: It would have to be the Pit because it’s always so lively. I love the Pit because no matter what day or time it is, there’s always something going on. It’s just a great place to learn about campus groups or to engage in a discussion or a debate or to see friends in passing. • Dream job: To serve as a legal advocate for incarcerated youth. Working with young people has really embedded in me this commitment to making sure that I do my part to represent children who get in trouble. • What I will miss most about Carolina: Living within a community of intellectuals that fuels my passions and gives me the opportunity to dream big. Through my entrepreneurship minor, I won the JNO Award in Entrepreneurial Studies from the College of Arts and Sciences, a grant to support my nonprofit, before BeautyGap had received any other type of recognition. Having a school that is willing to support you at the very beginning of an idea and to help it flourish — I’ll really miss that! • — By Pamela Babcock

Dan Sears

Polk’s Place

Bottom photos courtesy of the N.C. Collection in Wilson Library

William Leuchtenburg

LEFT: Annex to the Eagle Hotel, which was erected to receive James K. Polk. It was located where Graham Memorial sits today. RIGHT: Copy of a painting of James K. Polk by G.P.A. Healy.


n the late spring of 1847, a current of excitement ran through Chapel Hill: The president of the United States was coming to town. No such event had ever happened before. Moreover, he was a very special president. Though now of Tennessee, James K. Polk was a Tar Heel born (Mecklenburg County) and a Tar Heel bred, Carolina Class of 1818. As a student, Polk had made an impression less by native intelligence than by the way he applied himself. To clinch an argument, his fellow students would say the point they were making was as surely true as “that Jim Polk will get up in the morning at first call.” An indefatigable self-starter, he was graduated with highest honors in both mathematics and classics; delivered a commencement oration in Latin; and finished first in his class. Since there were only fourteen students in the class, that may not seem much of a distinction. But consider that one of his classmates would become the governor of Florida; another, paymaster-general of the United States and consul general in Italy; another, president of Davidson College; yet

another, bishop of Mississippi and chancellor of the University of the South. Among his fellow students in his Chapel Hill years were two future governors of North Carolina (one of them John Motley Morehead), as well as the future presiding officers of the Virginia and North Carolina Senates and the secretary of the navy who would be with Polk on his historic visit to Chapel Hill in 1847. At eight in the morning on a warm spring day, the president and his entourage left Raleigh in a dozen carriages and other conveyances bound for Chapel Hill, a trip that required nine hours. He stopped often at farms to rest the horses and to shake hands with well-wishers, and took midday dinner along the route. Not until early evening did he arrive at the Eagle Hotel in Chapel Hill where, in his honor, the proprietor, Nancy Hilliard, had constructed an annex to house him and his companions. His large party included a naval officer: the brilliant Matthew Fontaine Maury — who was to win renown as “Pathfinder of the Seas” — the father of modern oceanography.

When the president came home to Chapel Hill By William E. Leuchtenburg

After checking in at Miss Nancy’s, Polk strolled to campus, where at the chapel, Gerrard Hall, he responded graciously — though with characteristic ponderousness — to an address of welcome from the president of the university, David Lowry Swain. It was “to the acquisitions received” at this university, Polk said, “I mainly attribute whatever success has attended the labor of my subsequent life.” Afterwards, he spoke to the only professor from his student years who remained: the noted scientist Elisha Mitchell, after whom Mt. Mitchell is named. Over the next two days, Polk renewed acquaintance with the campus. Accompanied by college chums, he reconnoitered the buildings of his youth, and with his wife returned to his old dorm room on the top floor of South Building, which had been completed only the year before he arrived as a student. Polk’s stay came to a climax on Commencement Day, a magnet for hundreds of visitors. The correspondent for the New York Herald reported: “The little village of Chapel Hill is overflowing with people and they continue to pour in from all quarters, a number of persons having arrived all the way from Tennessee. There are tents pitched and wagons occupied by visitors, as at a camp meeting, for want of accommodations in the houses, which are filled to their fullest capacity, ‘Miss Nancy’ having the prospect of a thousand guests for dinner.” After observing the Class of 1847 graduated, the president returned to the White House, where he entered in his diary: “& thus ended my excursion to the University of N. Carolina. It was an exceedingly agreeable one.” • — Excerpted with permission from 27 Views of Chapel Hill: A Southern University Town in Prose & Poetry, Eno Publishers, 2011. Leuchtenburg, the William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of History in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences, is a leading scholar of the presidency. He is the author of more than a dozen books on 20th century American history, including Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940.

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 19

Profile P r o f i l e

Recently, Andrews has launched an exciting initiative to expand research using digital media for the humanities, said Karen Gil, dean of the College. [See page 22.] “I’ll miss him a great deal,” Gil said. “He is an invaluable member of our senior leadership team for the College. He’s a great writer, thinker and planner. He works tirelessly to support the faculty and department By Nancy E. Oates chairs and help them advance their priorities.” One of his colleagues, American ABOVE: Bill Andrews, in the Rare Book Room in Wilson Library, is an expert on African-American slave narratives. studies professor Joy Kasson, agrees. Andrews has nurtured imaginative projects and encouraged departments to ill Andrews, senior associate dean the music department who will succeed collaborate in national and international for the fine arts and humanities, had never Andrews. consortia. He takes a balanced approach to Skyped before, but he agreed to give it a “He’s very measured and fair and a great dealing with problems and opportunities. go to continue meetings on the University’s listener,” Rhodes said. “He responds quickly “Even in times of financial constraint, new academic plan while his co-chair on the with timely decision-making, and he’s always his focus remains on what the College can project, Sue Estroff, was away for the summer. at the ready to help our departments.” and should do for students and faculty,” He and Estroff, professor of social medicine at Many responsibilities of a senior Kasson said. the medical school, wanted to stay on pace in associate dean are tied to “money,” Rhodes Come summer, Andrews will return to his creating the 10-year aspirational plan for the said: budget allocations and reductions; academic mission of the campus. They set up reviews of instructional budgets; counteroffers scholarly research — a study of class ideas and awareness in the autobiographies that Africana practice Skype meeting, and he logged on and pre-emptive retentions of faculty; and American slaves wrote before Emancipation in at the appointed time. fundraising, which has become increasingly 1865. And he’ll return to teaching — as the E. He didn’t know about the webcam. important as state funding has declined and Maynard Adams Professor of English — after When Estroff logged on, there was Andrews, grants have become ever more competitive. having been out of the classroom since he shirtless and chagrined. moved to the deans’ office in spring 2005. “He was as shocked as I was,” Estroff Recently, Andrews has launched an A leading expert on African-American recalled. “But he got over it, and we had a exciting initiative to expand research slave narratives, Andrews has written or good laugh.” and scholarship using digital media edited numerous articles and about 40 books, Andrews, a renowned scholar of for the humanities. including two published in 2011. African-American literature, will step down Jonathan Hess, director of the Carolina from the senior associate deanship at the end On an individual level, Andrews has Center for Jewish Studies, pointed out that of the spring semester. After seven years in written three grants to the Mellon Foundation Andrews got his Ph.D. in 1973. “In those days, the post, a period plagued by a protracted that have brought in $7.1 million to the it was unthinkable that you’d make Africanrecession and unprecedented budget cuts College. He’s been similarly successful American literature your specialty,” Hess said. to the University, he nevertheless manages in working with departments to bring in “He was a pioneer who went into that field to leave the fine arts and humanities in donations from alumni and friends. when there was no field. That speaks volumes very good shape. He has proven to be a Andrews has won admiration for about how innovative he is as a thinker.” stellar fundraiser for the College of Arts and advocating for faculty while budgets shrink. Andrews also composes; he has set many Sciences, and department chairs say they will The number of tenured and tenure-track fine Emily Dickinson texts to music. genuinely miss his advocacy and imaginative arts and humanities faculty has grown under Despite being extraordinarily productive leadership. his leadership, thanks to private support. He and effective, Andrews doesn’t “walk around The trust he has earned by working put together a professional development talking about how he has so much to do,” closely with faculty and administrators over package for tenured associate professors that Hess said. the years has enabled him to sometimes includes a research fund. He also led the “The humanities are thriving at Carolina deliver bad news without engendering creation of a promotion track for fixed-term — that’s to his credit,” Hess said. • resistance, said Terry Rhodes, chair of (non-tenure-track) faculty.

Imaginative Leadership

Donn Young

Bill Andrews has been ‘extraordinarily effective’ at leading fine arts and humanities


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Profile P r o f i l e

Her Home Run

Alum Sue Falsone named head athletic trainer for Los Angeles Dodgers By Gary Libman

Falsone said she had “the most amazing experience at UNC.” “The professors and clinical instructors were all unbelievable,” she said. “Mike Gross, Bill Prentice, Dan Hooker and Kevin Guskiewicz are just a few of the people at UNC that significantly impacted my career.” Falsone will institute one major change with the Dodgers. To manage injuries and reduce their frequency, the Dodgers’ medical staff will evaluate injuries collectively. The caretakers include a senior director of medical services, two assistant athletic trainers, a strength and conditioning coach, a massage therapist, several ABOVE: Before anyone yells ‘play ball,’ head athletic trainer team doctors and Falsone. Sue Falsone makes sure the LA Dodgers’ players are healthy. “Each of us brings something unique to the at the stadium clubhouse around noon. She table,” Falsone says. “We’ll get different does as much paperwork as possible before perspectives on the way we evaluate players, the way we look at their movement, things that players start trickling in between 1 p.m. and can prevent injury and how we manage those 2 p.m. She spends the rest of the day and evening treating players or observing them things proactively.” on the field and usually doesn’t leave the Falsone will also develop individual stadium until around 11:30 p.m. training programs so that each player can Falsone says that she loves her work maximize his ability over a season. In addition, but “the hardest thing [about the job] is that Falsone will decide whether ill or injured it’s a very long season. It’s hard to stay fresh players are fit to perform when the Dodgers mentally and physically. We get one or two play away games. Falsone assumes this duty rare days off during the year. The majority of because team doctors at Dodger Stadium our off days from playing are days when the don’t accompany the team on road trips. team travels.” To gather information for all these “You have to have great regenerative decisions, Falsone works long hours with the players. The season could last from the start of powers,” she says. “You’ve got to keep yourself healthy and make sure you get in spring training in February until November if your own workouts, and that you’re eating the Dodgers reach the World Series. For a typical 7 p.m. game, Falsone arrives well and getting enough sleep.” • Photo courtesy of Athletes Performance


rowing up in Buffalo, N. Y., Sue Falsone loved watching the games of the hometown professional football team, the Buffalo Bills. “I used to tell my mom all the time that I wanted to work for the Buffalo Bills,” she says. Although few women at the time held high-ranking positions with major professional teams, Falsone’s mother encouraged her to follow her dreams. “Go for it!” her mother told Falsone. Falsone never worked for the Bills. But she recently landed a major job with a reasonable facsimile — the storied Los Angeles Dodgers. The baseball team announced last October that it had named Falsone its head athletic trainer. Officials said Falsone, 37, was the first woman to hold such a position on a major professional team in the United States. Falsone, who joined the Dodgers in 2007 as an assistant athletic trainer, says there was no objection from players to her promotion. “There have been a lot of congratulations from some of the guys in person and from others in text messages or on the phone,” she says. A sign of the players’ feelings toward Falsone came last September when outfielder Andre Ethier waited 10 days to have knee surgery because he didn’t want to start rehabilitation until Falsone returned from Europe. A good relationship with the players is important because Falsone, who earned an M.S. degree in human movement science with a sports medicine concentration from UNC in 2000, will be as responsible as anyone for the Dodgers’ performance this season as she strives to keep players healthy. Falsone is up to the task, says Professor William E. Prentice in the department of exercise and sport science. He is director of UNC’s graduate athletic training program and Falsone’s former academic adviser. “She’s extremely intelligent,” Prentice adds. “The thing that sets her apart is that she has a terrific personality. She’s the kind of person you want to be around all the time.”

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 21

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Exploring creative ideas in digital humanities virtual lab that will foster collaborative, interdisciplinary and innovative digital humanities projects. The Digital Innovation Lab will encourage the production of digital “public goods”: projects and tools that are of social and cultural value, can be made publicly available, are scalable and reusable, and/or serve multiple audiences. One focus will be the use of large-scale data sources — maps, newspapers, city directories, public records — by scholars and the public in understanding the history of communities. The lab (http://digitalinnovation.unc. edu) was created with a startup grant from the College.

Dan Sears

The College of Arts and Sciences has launched a new

ABOVE: Robert Allen (left) and Richard Marciano show a digital map of Charlotte 1911, one of the pilot projects in Main Street, Carolina.

N.C. Collection

Left: Postcard showing South Tryon Street in Charlotte circa 1911.

The lab will build on the nationally funded digital humanities work of its UNC co-directors and co-founders — Robert Allen and Richard Marciano. Allen is the James Logan Godfrey Distinguished Professor of American studies, history and communication studies. Marciano is a professor in the School of Information and Library Science and affiliated professor in American studies. “Traditionally, when someone in the humanities researched something, he had to go somewhere else to find it and retrieve it,” Allen said. “Today, huge quantities of these archival materials along with billions of public records are as close as my laptop and, increasingly, as my cellphone. Not only do scholars have access to huge humanities-relevant data sets, but so does the public.”

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Ongoing projects include: • Main Street, Carolina. A digital local history program that partners with cultural heritage organizations around North Carolina to explore the histories of the man-made environment and community life. The program, a partnership with the University Library, has produced digital projects with the Levine Museum of the New South, Preservation Durham, New Hanover County Public Library and the City of Durham. • T-RACES (Testbed for the Redlining Archives of California’s Exclusionary Spaces). It makes publicly available for the first time Depression-era government real estate maps for eight California cities, which formed the basis for the “redlining” of selected neighborhoods based on the greatest mortgage-loan risk. The digitized maps and searchable documentation reveal the extent to which racial and ethnic factors influenced mortgage policies. The system for analyzing this previously inaccessible historical data is being adapted for other cities, including those in North Carolina. The lab’s work reaches into the classroom as well, involving graduate and undergraduate students. Through Allen’s graduate course on digital history, students from across the University work in project teams with cultural heritage organizations to develop and implement Main Street, Carolina projects. Read more: •

Highlights Dan Sears

H i g h l i g h t s

Taylor Branch teaching and talking in Chapel Hill and London

Imagine being able to study the Civil

Happy Birthday Thomas Wolfe Scholarship S

tudying Mandarin in Taipei to broaden research on Chinese-language cinema. Writing a full-length book of poetry. These are just a couple of the pursuits Carolina’s Thomas Wolfe Scholars have been up to since they graduated. This academic year marks the 10th anniversary of the UNC creative writing-based scholarship. The program, which was established in 2001 in the College of Arts and Sciences with a $2 million gift from Frank Borden Hanes Sr. ’42 of Winston-Salem, a novelist, poet, retired journalist, and founder of the Arts and Sciences Foundation. The scholarship honors Carolina alumnus Thomas Wolfe ’20, best known for his 1929 novel, Look Homeward, Angel. The award winners receive a full, four-year scholarship to UNC. Carolina welcomed its newest and 11th Thomas Wolfe Scholar, Anna K. Faison of Aiken, S.C., last fall. Faison has won prizes for her poetry and nonfiction writing. She has been published in the Kenyon Review, the New Mexico Poetry Review, the Hollins University student literary magazine and Greenville Magazine. Life has certainly not been dull for Thomas Wolfe Scholarship winner Andrew Chan since he graduated in 2008. He pursued a master’s degree in cinema studies at New York University, spending two years in the city doing film criticism. He then earned a Blakemore Freeman Fellowship for intensive Mandarin-language study in Taipei, which will broaden his ability to conduct research on Chinese-language cinema. “It was in my creative writing classes that I became an avid listener of and apprentice to the

Rights Movement with LEFT: Anna Faison RIGHT: Taylor Branch

Taylor Branch, the Pulitzer Prize-winning

unique music of the English language,” Chan said. “It’s hard to assess one’s growth as a writer, but I know I underwent profound changes as a reader: my intimate contact with poetry over four years, and the sense of community I experienced around my education in this art form, have enriched my life in ways I cannot describe.” Poet Caitlin Doyle ’06 was the first Thomas Wolfe Scholarship winner, and she went on to receive her MFA in poetry from Boston University. Doyle’s poem “Thirteen” appeared in Best New Poets 2009, and book reviewer Erik Richardson called the poem “a remarkable combination of ideas and wordplay around the transformations to a girl in her thirteenth year that it is like a socks-on-carpet spark to the brain.” She served as the 2008-2009 writer-inresidence at St. Albans School in Washington, D.C., and has traveled widely as the recipient of poetry fellowships at artists’ residencies around the country. She lives in Long Island, N.Y., and is developing her first book-length poetry manuscript. Doyle said she will never forget when she received the phone call from the Thomas Wolfe Scholarship committee offering her the award. “I could hardly believe that a program of this kind existed, offering an emerging writer a full-tuition scholarship package similar to that of a star athlete,” she said. “Immersing myself in Southern culture and literature at UNC-Chapel Hill, during a formative period in my literary growth, spurred me to forge my own voice in a truer and more nuanced way.” •

author of Parting the Waters, a book about the storied Martin Luther King years. Carolina students are fulfilling that dream this spring as Branch, a 1968 UNC College alumnus, co-teaches an Honors course with UNC Southern historian James Leloudis. Branch has agreed to give public talks during his time on campus Feb. 7 to March 27 as the Morehead-Cain Alumni Visiting Distinguished Professor. There’s one coming up March 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sonya Haynes Stone Center. And if you’re in London, you can catch him at UNC’s European Study Center in Winston House on April 12. Information online: •

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A successful prevention program for postpartum OCD


he birth of a baby can elicit many emotions, from joy and excitement to fear and uncertainty. But it can also trigger unexpected difficulties with anxiety, in particular with postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Now UNC and University of Miami researchers have developed an effective program for the prevention of postpartum obsessive compulsive symptoms. “Postpartum depression has received much attention, but anxiety-related issues, especially obsessive compulsive symptoms, can also be devastating to mothers and their families,” said Kiara Timpano, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Miami. Most new mothers have some thoughts of concern about their babies. But according to the study, some mothers experience a more severe form of anxiety known as postpartum OCD. The condition includes intrusive thoughts about bad things happening to the baby. In order to control these unpleasant thoughts, the mothers develop rituals or other behaviors in response, like checking the baby excessively or washing a baby bottle many more times than is necessary. The investigation was conducted in collaboration with Jonathan S. Abramowitz, professor of psychology, and Brittain L. Mahaffey, doctoral student in psychology, both in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences, and other researchers from Florida State University. To develop and test the efficacy of an intervention that would not only treat mothers once their difficulties emerged, but could also prevent symptoms from developing, the team designed a program based on cognitive behavioral therapy principle — a technique that has been found to be highly effective for anxiety disorders. “My hope is that the ability to recognize women at risk of developing postpartum obsessions, along with our newly tested program, will help to reduce the burden of postpartum OCD,” Abramowitz said. •

Is climate change altering people’s vacation plans? P

lants’ and animals’ seasonal cycles, such as flowering dates and migration patterns, have shifted in recent decades due to climate change. Now a new study seems to indicate that some human weather-related behavior also is being influenced by global warming. UNC researchers found peak attendance in U.S. national parks that have experienced climate change is happening earlier, compared to 30 years ago. According to the study, of the nine parks that experienced significant increases in mean spring temperatures since 1979, seven also saw shifts in the timing of peak attendance. For example, peak attendance at Grand Canyon National Park shifted from July 4 in 1979 to June 24 in 2008. Over the same period of time at Mesa Verde National Park, peak attendance changed from July 10 to July 1. The average shift was four days.

According to the study, of the nine parks that experienced significant increases in mean spring temperatures since 1979, seven also saw shifts in the timing of peak attendance. In contrast, of the 18 parks without significant temperature changes, only three exhibited attendance shifts. “While the public continues to debate whether global warming is real, it appears that they are already adjusting their behavior,” said Lauren Buckley, an assistant biology professor. “Visiting parks earlier may not be a big deal, but it may serve as a bellwether for more severe human adjustments required to cope with climate change.” “We can’t say for sure that global warming is causing this swing in visitation trends,” Buckley said. “But this discovery does complement rapidly accumulating evidence showing how other organisms have had to alter their behavior in response to climate change.” She noted that the findings highlight a long-term, chronic shift in human behavior. Existing studies related to global warming and human behavior have mainly focused on the potential impact of extreme events and disasters, such as droughts and floods. The study was co-written by Madison S. Foushee, formerly an undergraduate researcher in Buckley’s lab, now a student in the UNC School of Medicine. •

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Triangle universities launch Japanese center UNC, NC State and Duke universities have launched a

Triangle Center for Japanese Studies that will support fellowships, research, seminars, travel, guest speakers and library development. The center was founded by a $270,000 grant from the Japan Foundation in Tokyo. “The intent is to serve as an umbrella over the activities that are already happening at NC State, Duke and UNC relating to Japan, and to call attention to the strength and depth of those activities collectively,” said Morgan Pitelka, center director and associate professor of Asian studies in the College. Interest in Japanese language and culture is growing in the United States, Pitelka said. He said he hopes the center can build on and support student and community interest with

Inspiring a new generation of students with graduate fund in psychology


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n fall 1972, Murray Turner discovered a new world from his seat in a Davie Hall classroom. The 18-year-old first-year student was enrolled in Richard King’s “Introduction to Psychology” course, and today credits the professor with instilling in him a sense of intellectual curiosity that set him on a successful career path in medicine. “Professor King is one of the most intellectually curious individuals I have ever met. I always had a curious mind, but my critical thinking really took off in his class,” said Turner, a Charlotte nephrologist. “He was, no question, the most influential professor I’ve ever had.” In 2008, Turner created the Richard A. King Graduate Student Excellence Fund, a $20,000 endowment that provides a travel and research stipend for graduate students studying biological psychology. Turner graduated from Carolina in 1976 and earned his medical degree at Wake Forest University. A residency at McGill University and his research there convinced Turner of the importance of

research and learning opportunities. The center offers $2,500 research travel grants to faculty and graduate students at the three universities and $750 travel grants to scholars from other universities to come to the three partnering institutions to conduct research. Faculty collaborating in the center are from fields including history, anthropology, art history and Asian studies, language and literature. “By bringing together the resources of all three universities, we are building strength as a collective,” Pitelka said. “Our region offers diverse Asian cultural influences and a remarkable concentration of scholars who study Asia.” More info: •

the link between graduate student and professor. The King fund has already provided support for four graduate students, including Matthew McMurray, whose research focuses on the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on postnatal development. “Research funds speed students’ progress toward their Ph.D. and allow them to pursue creative ideas that may lie outside the scope of their adviser’s research funding,” said Don Lysle, psychology department chair. “The award also reminds today’s scientists of Dr. King’s contributions to the scientific community and his work to advance the department’s mission of research, teaching and service.” King earned a Bowman and Gordon Gray Professorship from 1989 to 1992 in recognition of his outstanding teaching. He taught the introductory psychology course at Carolina for nearly 50 years. He retired from Carolina twice and now

ABOVE: Murray Turner ’76, wife Ginette, and from left to right, sons Michael, Alexandre ’11 and Eric ’07. Left: Richard King.

serves as an adviser in the College. “I feel quite honored to have had the opportunity to share what little I know with others. I had no idea that I was influential in Dr. Turner’s intellectual growth during college,” King said. “Dr. Turner’s fellowship gift is especially appropriate because it recognizes two major aspects of my career at Carolina — graduate student teaching and research in biological psychology.” To support the King Fund, contact Kelleigh Smith at the Arts and Sciences Foundation,, or (919) 843-4454. •

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TheValue of International Experiences Kaufman family establishes new global professorship By Joanna Worrell Cardwell (M.A. ’06)

Photos courtesy Kaufman Family


career Foreign Service officer who was stationed around the globe, Robert Kaufman ’51 understands the value of international experiences. In recognition of the importance of global perspectives, he and his family — his wife, Mercedes, and sons Jeffrey ’87 and Jonathan ’84 — recently established the Kaufman Family Global Distinguished Professorship. Their gift of just over $500,000 qualifies for a $167,000 match from the state’s Distinguished Professors Endowment Trust Fund. The professorship will help recruit or retain an outstanding teacher or scholar who has lived extensively outside of the United States, either as a foreign-born citizen, or an American who has lived and spent a significant portion of his or her career abroad. The University hopes to name the inaugural Kaufman Family Global Distinguished Professor this fall. “One of our top priorities is to deepen the international expertise of our faculty so that every student has access to a 21st century global education,” said Karen Gil, dean of the College. “This professorship will help us fulfill our goal. We are grateful to the Kaufmans for their vision, their generosity and their commitment to Carolina and the College.” “Our family obviously has an abiding interest in international affairs,” said Kaufman, a founding member of Carolina’s Advisory Board for Global Education. “That’s why we wanted to emphasize that the faculty member has spent a fair amount of time abroad. We are very much interested in the undergraduate teaching aspect of the professorship. We think that the exposure to a foreign

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: (left to right) Jeffrey, Robert, Mercedes and Jonathan Kaufman. • Robert Kaufman prepares for a ceremonial induction into the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin, a French society. • Robert and Mercedes Kaufman before entering the Royal Ascot races in England. • An invitation from the Queen to attend a reception at Buckingham Palace.

perspective is an important part of rounding out one’s education.” The family’s own global influence originated from Kaufman’s 22-year career in the Foreign Service. His first assignment was as a consular officer in Maracaibo, Venezuela, where he met Mercedes, a native of Barcelona, Spain. Kaufman then held political, political-military and economic positions in embassies in Caracas, Paris, London and Brussels as well as at the United Nations in New York and the State

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Department in Washington, D.C. A New York native, Kaufman came to UNC in 1947 at the recommendation of his older brother, who had attended Navy preflight school in Chapel Hill. At Carolina, Robert Kaufman majored in commerce and was a member of the Air Force ROTC. After graduating in 1951, he entered the Air Force as a second lieutenant. He went on to earn MBA and law degrees from New York University and joined the Foreign Service in 1959.

Syllabuss S y l l a b u s

Robotics with LEGO Students enrolled in “Robotics

with LEGO” do have fun, but this First Year Seminar (FYS) is hardly child’s play. Students in the course learn the process of basic computer software design, as well some simple mechanical design. They use computers to read sensor values and control actuators — equipment that produces movement after receiving a signal. Students also hone their programming chops and improve their communication skills by writing and making presentations. ABOVE: Kelsey Leonard assembles a LEGO robot Throughout the course, they build their in her First Year Seminar class. own LEGO robots and prepare them for competition. This computer science course designed for new undergraduates includes both lectures and labs and begins with an introduction to programming in the Java language. Students design, build and program robots to solve problems, which become progressively more complex through the semester. The course was created a decade ago by Anselmo Lastra, in collaboration with computer science professors Henry Fuchs, Gary Bishop and Fred Brooks. Mary Lide Parker

Although Jeffrey and Jonathan spent most of their childhood living abroad, they followed their father’s footsteps as Tar Heels. Jeffrey graduated from Carolina with a bachelor’s degree in economics. Jonathan earned his bachelor’s degree in political science and economics and his MBA from Kenan-Flagler Business School in 1988. Jeffrey and Jonathan both incorporated their international backgrounds into their careers. Jonathan is president of Nature Expeditions International, an educational adventure travel company that arranges trips to more than 25 countries on five continents. Jeffrey worked as an investor in emerging markets for much of his career until he and his wife, Marnie, a 1987 Carolina graduate with a degree in business administration, co-founded the Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation. The nonprofit coordinates and conducts scientific research in the U.S., Sweden, China and the United Kingdom to help find a cure for adenoid cystic carcinoma, which Marnie was diagnosed with in 2004. The benefits the Kaufmans have seen from their own global experiences illustrate their desire to ensure that Carolina students have access to international views in the future. “There are valuable lessons to be gleaned from a global perspective, and our family wants to make sure the benefits of a global view are made accessible to as many Carolina students as possible,” said Jeffrey, who currently serves on the Advisory Board for Global Education. “Carolina has so many strengths in teaching students about globalization and the key challenges facing the world today, but there are also some constraints. It’s important to have professors with a global perspective.” •

• K now t he b a sics Some students in the course already have some knowledge of elementary computer programming. UNC uses the Lego Mindstorms Robotics Systems for the robot materials and a public domain Java programming language environment instead of the simpler software that comes with the LEGO kits. • For e ver y pr o ble m, t her e’s a s olu t ion Much of the course focuses on problem solving. “Often students try to solve a problem all at once,” Lastra noted. When they learn to break a problem down bit by bit, they move closer toward a solution. Students program their robots with special software, smart sensors and other features. “I think the course is an avenue in creativity for many students,” Lastra said. The completed robots are small, measuring from 6 to 8 inches tall, but can be quite complex. • Ro b ot s on t he r un Once students complete their robots and become adept at operating them, it’s time for the competitions. Though fun, these events also serve as an evaluation of how well the robots are constructed. The competitions vary. Robots may race through a maze, or participate in robot soccer or another athletic event. Occasionally in the heat of competition, a robot may spin out of control. Some robots fall behind. Other robots just fall. However, most of the robots perform perfectly — just as their creators programmed them. • Lastra is professor and chair of the computer science department. His research is in 3-D computer graphics. For a multimedia story on the class, visit

— By Eleanor Lee Yates ’78

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 27

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25 Steve Exum

LEFT: Michael Tsin (foreground) and Laurie Maffly-Kipp share a cup of coffee and conversation in the kitchen of Hyde Hall, home of the IAH.

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Twenty-FiveYears of Nurturing Faculty

In 2012, the Institute for the Arts and Humanities (IAH) in Hyde Hall in the College of Arts and Sciences celebrates 25 years of providing support to faculty to ensure that Carolina recruits and retains outstanding teachers, leaders and researchers. A cornerstone of the IAH’s offerings are its faculty fellowships, which connect faculty in the arts and humanities to one another while providing them dedicated time to pursue scholarly projects. We asked two faculty members about how IAH fellowships have refreshed and informed their work.

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Laurie Maffly-Kipp, professor and chair of the department

of religious studies, has received an IAH summer fellowship, a leadership fellowship and two semester-long faculty fellowships. In January 2012, she began serving as associate director for the IAH Faculty Fellows Program. Q: You have had two semester-long IAH faculty fellowships — one in 1998 and one in 2008. How has your work benefited from each of those? A: Both of the fellowships helped me shape my ideas for two of my books. During my 1998 fellowship I was working on a book about

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

African-American religion (Setting Down the Sacred Past: AfricanAmerican Race Histories, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010.) The fellowship allowed me to try out some of my early ideas for that book project with scholars who knew about critical race theory and the history of African-American life. During the 2008 fellowship, I was at the beginning stages of thinking about a book on Mormons that is intended for a general audience, not a scholarly one. So I needed to hear from people who didn’t know much about Mormons. The fellowship was a great sounding board for that project. I’m still at work completing that book. Q: Please share a specific example of how the chance to connect with other scholars helped shaped your work. A: During the 1998 fellowship, I was struggling with how to talk about African-Americans who were building ideas of racial history in the 19th century. I asked the other fellows to draw me a conceptual map of how they understand the relationships between race and identity. It was a mind map — a picture of how things are related to each other. One of the other fellows, a professor of women’s studies, drew this incredibly complicated prismatic picture for me that helped me think about how I was going to organize the book in a different way. I kept that map in front of me as I was writing the rest of the book, and it was incredibly helpful. Q: What has been the biggest benefit of your association with the IAH? A: The IAH has helped me build relationships with people all over campus. My work tends to be very interdisciplinary, but always during the course of IAH seminars and other events I find people I didn’t know before who know a lot about a subject or who give me help in unexpected ways.

Michael Tsin, associate professor of history, and acting director (2011-2012) of the Carolina Asia Center, received an IAH faculty fellowship in fall 2010. Q: What did you work on during your IAH faculty fellowship? A: I used the time to work on my upcoming book. The working title is Cultural Politics of Chineseness in the 20th Century. The starting point for the project was that, in casual conversation, you often hear people say, “That is very Chinese,” or “That is very American.” I wonder what people really mean by that. I’m a historian by training, so the book tries to answer that by examining events in the late 19th century and into the 20th century. The book is organized into four different case studies. Each tells us something about why the notion of Chineseness has become so prevalent in the way people think about China. Q: What was the biggest benefit of the fellowship for you? A: The opportunity to interact socially and intellectually with people in the College of Arts and Sciences who don’t work in the field that I do has been greatly rewarding. We talk a lot about interdisciplinary studies, but in reality, in everyday life in the university, we teach and interact mostly within our own disciplines. So it is quite rare for us to have a sustained opportunity to interact formally or informally with colleagues in other fields, even other fields within the social sciences.

Q: How did that interaction inform your work? A: Even when other fellows’ work did not seem directly relevant to my own, when I listened to what they had to say, new patterns emerged. For instance, an art historian in my group was studying sculptures during the Harlem renaissance, which seems quite far removed from my own work. But he talked about African-American artists in the 1920s and ’30s and the influence that Asian materials had on their work. It was fascinating, and it opened up new ways for me to think about my own project. To some extent we were both looking at issues surrounding identity, even though he was tracking different cultural currents. •

IAH Milestones • 1987 — Ruel W. Tyson Jr., professor of religious studies, and Gillian T. Cell, then dean of the College, establish the Program for the Arts and Humanities to nurture liberal arts learning and to support faculty excellence. Two years later, it becomes the Institute for the Arts and Humanities with Tyson as its director. • 1991 — Max C. Chapman ’66 establishes the Chapman Family Fellowships. In 2010, another Chapman gift adds the Chapman Family Teaching Awards and doubles the original stipend. • 2001 — A generous gift by C. Knox Massey Jr. and his wife Mary Ann Keith Massey (both ’59) and John W. Burress III and his wife Mary Louise Bizzell Burress (both ’58) endows the Ruel W. Tyson Jr. Distinguished Professorship for the Institute director’s position. • 2002 — Construction is completed on Hyde Hall, financed solely with private donations. The building is dedicated on University Day. • 2004 — The IAH successfully completes the Kenan Challenge, a $1 million endowment focusing on faculty retention in the College of Arts and Sciences. • 2006 — Tyson steps down after nearly 20 years at the helm. John McGowan, professor of English, is named director of the Institute. • 2006 — Barbara ’83 and Pitt ’65 Hyde pledge $5 million to endow the Academic Leadership Program and name it for Tyson. It is the largest gift ever to the IAH and one of the largest single gifts to the College. • 2011 — Nelson Schwab III ’67 endows the “Chairs Say Yes” program in the IAH with a $1 million gift. [See story, page 30.]

Support by the Numbers To date, the IAH has supported: • 526 Faculty Fellowships representing more than 31 departments within the College • 89 Academic Leadership Fellowships representing 10 schools, two centers, and 26 departments within the College • 47 Chairs Leadership Program participants representing 35 departments For more information on IAH anniversary events, visit

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A Big ‘Yes’ Faculty initiatives supported by $1 million Schwab gift C

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ABOVE: Nelson Schwab. Left: A conversation with Ruel Tyson, founding director of the Steve Exum

ertain conversations can change lives. One such conversation took place between Nelson Schwab ’67 and Ruel Tyson, founding director of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities (IAH), at Schwab’s office in Charlotte in the late 1980s. “Ruel got my attention right away. He has a way of talking about things that engages you and makes you want to know more,” Schwab said. “Always wanting to know more and learning to be inquisitive is something that benefits everyone. It’s certainly true in the world of investing, and I think it’s important in all of life.” Schwab credits this meeting with many conversations with faculty, students and reconnecting him with his alma mater and alumni, and learned that strategic investment leading to decades of close involvement with in the University can reap big benefits. the University, including a recent $1 million “After kicking around some ideas with gift to establish the Nelson Schwab “Say Yes” faculty a few years ago, we decided to try Fund in the IAH, an endowment that will produce approximately $50,000 each year to giving some funding directly to department support departmental faculty initiatives in the chairs,” Schwab said. “They’re in the best position to know what their faculty members College of Arts and Sciences. need in order to succeed. The idea is that this “Nelson Schwab has worked with the fund will help them IAH for many years now “This fund is a way of keeping say ‘yes’ to ideas to support alive the conversations that that strengthen their UNC faculty have had such a great influence departments.” Specifically, the in a variety of on me and many others.” Schwab Fund will ways,” said support initiatives that enhance departmental John McGowan, Ruel Tyson Distinguished collegiality and strategic planning, encourage Professor and current director of the IAH. peer mentoring and provide for the teaching “He invented the ‘Say Yes’ Fund and research activities of faculty. several years ago to place some expendable In an era when discretionary funding is discretionary funds in the hands of increasingly scarce, the “Say Yes” Fund will fill department chairs with an eye to boosting an important and timely need. faculty morale and encouraging department “As a longtime friend of the College, initiatives,” McGowan said. “The projects Nelson Schwab knows how important it enabled by a trial run of the program is to invest in our faculty, especially right convinced him to create an endowment to now when funding is so tight,” said Karen make it permanent.” Gil, dean of the College. “The Schwab As a highly successful business leader ‘Say Yes’ Fund will make a real difference and former chair of UNC’s Board of Trustees, to key academic programs by strategically Schwab has had the opportunity to have

IAH, inspired Schwab to give a gift to support faculty.

building departmental excellence.” Schwab’s gift will be directed to departments historically served by the IAH, including the fine arts, humanities and humanistic social sciences. Faculty chairs have submitted proposals that will be evaluated and selected for funding beginning in 2012. “The relationships I have formed at Carolina — at first with classmates and more recently with administrators and faculty — have had a profound influence on my life, both personally and professionally,” Schwab said. “This fund is a way of keeping alive the conversations that have had such a great influence on me and many others.” Last fall, Schwab received the William Richardson Davie Award for extraordinary service to the University. In addition to the UNC Board of Trustees, Schwab has also served on the Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors and the Boards of Visitors for both the University and the UNC KenanFlagler Business School. He currently serves as chair of the Board of Directors of the UNC Management Company, Inc., and is a member of the UNC Investment Fund’s Board of Directors and the IAH Advisory Board. •

Bookshelf C o l l e g e

B o o k s h e l f S pring • 2 0 1 2

Bibliotaph Bury me with my books. Slip one under my head: a satin pillow’s much too soft for such a rigid bed. Bury me with my books. Open some on my chest, their pages shadowing the heart beginning its long rest. Bury me with my books, tossed in until the hole is filled with words instead of dirt and I am like a mole happy to stay hidden, not needing light to see that paper heaven made by hands, the books that buried me. By Michael McFee, excerpted from That Was Oasis (Carnegie Mellon University Press). The UNC creative writing professor’s newest collection of poetry includes elegies to familiar subjects that may be taken for granted or under-appreciated. Such as: saltines, the letter Q, a set of keys, eraser dust. And: holding hands, a minor-league ballpark and the young Thelonious Monk.

• Thornton Dial (UNC Press), edited by Bernard L. Herman, foreword by Emily Kass. Considered one of the most important living artists in the American South, Dial, an Alabama metalworker now in his 80s, is known for his found-object sculptures. This volume, edited by UNC’s George B. Tindall Professor of American Studies with a foreword by the Ackland Art Museum director, contains five explications beautifully illustrated by Dial’s dreamlike charcoal water-color wash drawings (women with birds, fish and tigers). UNC essayists include folklorist Glenn Hinson and artist Juan Logan. • Riddle of the Feathered Dragons (Yale University Press) by Alan Feduccia. After examining and interpreting recent fossil discoveries in China, paleontologists have arrived at the prevailing view that birds represent the last living dinosaur. But the author, an evolutionary biologist and UNC distinguished professor emeritus, argues that the current orthodoxy ignores and misinterprets other evidence. He offers his own current understanding of the origin of birds and avian flight.

• Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul (Fordham University Press) by Jonathan Boyarin. UNC’s Leonard and Tobee Kaplan Professor of Modern Jewish Thought shares the intimate life of one of the last remaining Jewish congregations on New York’s lower east side. He illustrates in poignant and humorous ways the changes taking place in a historic neighborhood facing gentrification.

• Naked and Hungry (Ingalls Publishing Group) by Ashley Memory. This first novel by a 1989 English alum and UNC • Lost Memory of Skin (Ecco) by Russell admissions official spins an entertaining Banks. The 1967 UNC English alum and author of The Sweet Hereafter takes his new yarn about a former loan officer beset novel in a challenging direction by focusing by the mortgage crisis who tries to find peaceful solitude in a one-room cabin in on the unspeakable — sex offenders. the woods. Of course his idyllic bubble is “Destined to be a canonical novel of its time,” writes Janet Maslin in The New York burst by corporate pollution (oh no) and Times. “Banks, whose great works resonate an attractive environmentalist (oh yes), and the real adventure begins. with such heart and soul, brings his full narrative powers to bear.” c o n t i n u e d

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Spring 2012 • • 31

Bookshelf C o l l e g e

B o o k s h e l f

• Broadway Baby (Algonquin Books) and Night of the Republic (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) by Alan Shapiro. After 10 volumes of poetry and two memoirs, the Kenan Distinguished Professor of English and Creative Writing has simultaneously published his first novel and another book of poems. His fiction debut (Broadway Baby) tells a poignant story of how one woman’s aspirations bring suffering to her loved ones. The poetry collection breaks new ground through surreal depictions of familiar but empty nocturnal spaces: a gas station restroom, a shoe store, a racetrack.

• The Corner of the Living (UNC Press) by Miguel La Serna. The author, a UNC Latin America historian, examines how indigenous peasants in two distinct mountain villages responded differently to the Shining Path guerrillas during a 20-year period when 69,000 people lost their lives. Drawing on archival materials and field interviews, La Serna argues that local power relations, social conflicts and cultural understandings influenced one group of villagers to embrace the guerrillas and the others to rise up against them.

• Arc of Empire (UNC Press) by Michael H. Hunt and Steven I. Levine. The co-authors argue that America’s four wars in Asia (with the Philippines, Japan, Korea and Vietnam) were really phases in a sustained U.S. play for regional domination. The historians devote equal time to Asian and American perspectives, following the conflicts over 75 years. Hunt is Emerson Professor of History Emeritus at Carolina and Levine is research faculty associate in history at the University of Montana.

• God’s Horse and The Atheists’ School (Northwestern University Press) by Wilhelm Dichter, translated by Madeline G. Levine, UNC’s Kenan Professor of Slavic Literatures Emerita. Dichter’s novelistic memoirs tell the stories of a young boy trying to survive the Holocaust in hiding and an adolescent in the turbulent world of post-war Poland.

32 • • Spring 2012 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

• The Train of Small Mercies (Putnam) by David Rowell. The 1989 UNC alumnus and Washington Post Magazine editor has set his debut novel on the day of Robert Kennedy’s funeral. Rowell tells the stories of a handful of fictional characters drawn to the funeral train that day in 1968, including a new young porter, a housewife and her child, a soldier and an Irish nanny. • The Return of Hans Staden (Johns Hopkins University Press) by Eve M. Duffy and Alida C. Metcalf. Staden’s 16th century account of shipwreck and captivity by the Tupinamba Indians of Brazil was an early modern bestseller. This retelling of the German sailor’s eyewitness account shows both why it was popular at the time and why it remains an important tool for understanding the opening of the Atlantic world. Duffy is director of UNC’s Program in the Humanities and Human Values and Metcalf is a distinguished professor of history at Rice University. •

Final Point

Caro lin a

F i n a l P oin t

Arts & Sc ienc es Carolina Arts & Sciences

Spring 2012

Director of Communications Dee Reid Editor Kim Weaver Spurr ’88 Assistant Director of Communications

Courtesy of Wyatt Bruton

Editorial Assistants • Kristen Chavez ’13 • Mary Lide Parker ’10

ABOVE: Wyatt Bruton (center) with his students. Alex, top row, far right, is wearing a gray shirt with white sleeves and flashing the peace sign.

A glimmer of hope By Wyatt Bruton ’11


very morning, I stand in front of 80 Chinese 7th graders and see students at all ends of the spectrum — the few with nearly perfect scores have a great shot at getting into a good high school and maybe going to college one day. And then there are those who have been left behind by a challenging, fast-paced education system where only the strongest survive. They are disillusioned, apathetic and bitter. Alex is one of those students. At the beginning of the year, I quickly learned Alex didn’t know a word of English. Though students in Guangdong Province start studying English in 3rd grade, it seemed as if he hadn’t learned anything. As we began to sit down every morning before class, Alex seemed shocked that we were taking the time to work with him oneon-one. “I’ve been ignored by every teacher I’ve ever had,” he told us. And yet after three weeks, Alex could read, write and say the entire alphabet. Alex can learn just like any other student, just not at the same pace or in the same way. We are constantly shocked by the overwhelming amount of tedious, difficult content we have to cover this semester and year, and students like Alex are struggling to keep up.

For his entire life as a student, Alex has been ignored and his current attitude reflects it; I can’t blame him for that. This afternoon, I sat down with Alex for about an hour. Though my broken Mandarin sometimes puts some roadblocks in the way when we communicate, today I saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes as I realized that Alex, just like all of us do at some point and throughout our lives, is trying to figure out who he is, why he’s here, and what he’s supposed to do with his life. I am hoping that my time with Alex as his teacher and advocate will help him find the answer to those ever-important questions. Whatever happens with Alex’s test score this year, I hope Alex begins to believe perhaps for the first time that he is an intelligent, capable young man who has a great capacity to achieve big things in his life. I teach for Alex. I teach for China. • Wyatt Bruton is a 2011 UNC graduate who completed an undergraduate major in journalism and mass communication and a minor in entrepreneurship. He was also a UNC Phillips Ambassador. Today he is serving as a fellow with Teach for China. Follow his teaching adventures at Zhiying Middle School, located in a small village in eastern Guangdong Province, by visiting

Graphic Designer Linda Noble Contributing Writers • Pamela Babcock • Wyatt Bruton ’11 • Joanna Worrell Cardwell (M.A. ’06) • Del Helton • William Leuchtenburg • Gary Libman • Jim Magaw ’89 • Glenn McDonald • Michael McFee • Nancy Oates • Angela Spivey ’90 • Eleanor Lee Yates ’78 Contributing Photographers • Kristen Chavez ’13 • Steve Exum ’92 • Rachel Hamlin ’12 • Leah Hawker • Mary Lide Parker ’10 • Lars Sahl • Dan Sears ’74, UNC News Services Photographer • Donn Young Carolina Arts & Sciences is published semiannually by the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and made possible with the support of private funds. Copyright 2012. If you wish to receive Carolina Arts & Sciences News, our periodic e-mail bulletin, please send us a note with your name, mailing address and e-mail address to: More News/Events: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:

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