Carolina Arts & Sciences magazine fall 2014

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arts&sciences C








FALL • 2014




I N S I D E :

• Science that bridges disciplines • Preserving a culture in Panama • Immersed in Earl Scruggs • Yearlong look at WWI









F R O M T HE DE AN Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2014

Forging new paths

Frederick P. Brooks Jr. blazed trails as project manager for the revolutionary IBM System/360 family of computers and then as founding chair of Carolina’s computer science department in 1964. Fifty years later, the Kenan Professor is still teaching Jackie Fritsch

and continuing his pioneering research. Fred’s work in virtual environments has helped biochemists solve the structure of complex molecules and enabled architects to “walk through” buildings still being designed. Karen M. Gil

In this issue, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of UNC computer science — only the second such

department in the nation when it was created. We also mark the birth of applied physical sciences — the first new science department in the College of Arts and Sciences in 40 years. Faculty in the new interdisciplinary department are translating research into real-world applications with the power to change lives. Throughout these pages, we highlight other ways that the College is leading the way in teaching, research, outreach and philanthropy. Biologist and senior lecturer Kelly Hogan, for example, has received national media attention for her innovative teaching techniques. Her new study showing that active learning interventions in large science classes improve achievement for everyone — but especially black and first-generation students — was featured recently in The New York Times and elsewhere. Transforming large lecture classes for undergraduate students is one of my priorities as dean, which is why I named Kelly the College’s new director of instructional innovation in July. Elsewhere in the magazine you can read about a digital humanities project that is using the latest technologies to not only document a rich cultural tradition in Panama but to make the resources available to the community itself. Many of these exciting initiatives would not be possible without the support of our alumni and friends. We are grateful for their investment in us. As much as I hope you enjoy reading this issue, I also want to encourage you to visit to explore our many Web and multimedia exclusives. If you liked our story on “Bluegrass Believers” and how UNC folklore students conducted oral histories that helped inform the new Earl Scruggs Center in Shelby, N.C., you won’t want to miss the video tour of the center that you’ll find there. Our website and social media are convenient ways to stay in touch with Arts and Sciences news and events between issues. I hope you’ll visit often.

College of Arts and Sciences

• Karen M. Gil, Dean • Kevin Guskiewicz Senior Associate Dean, Natural Sciences • Jonathan Hartlyn Senior Associate Dean, Social Sciences and Global Programs • Tammy J. McHale Senior Associate Dean, Finance and Planning • Abigail Panter Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education • Robert J. Parker, Jr., Senior Associate Dean, Development, and Executive Director, Arts & Sciences Foundation • Terry Rhodes Senior Associate Dean, Fine Arts and Humanities

Arts & Sciences Foundation Board of Directors 2014-15

• Vicki Underwood Craver ’92, Riverside, CT, Chair • G. Munroe Cobey ’74, Chapel Hill, NC, Vice Chair • Karen M. Gil, Chapel Hill, NC, President • Jonathan Hartlyn, Chapel Hill, NC, Vice President • Tammy J. McHale, Chapel Hill, NC, Treasurer • Robert J. Parker, Jr., Chapel Hill, NC, Executive Director and Secretary • Amy Berry Barry ’91, Naples, FL • Eileen Pollart Brumback ’82, New York, NY • R. Duke Buchan III ’85, Palm Beach, FL • Sunny H. Burrows ’84, Atlanta, GA • Courtney Miller Cavatoni ’93, Atlanta, GA • Thomas C. Chubb III ’86, Atlanta, GA • Mark P. Clein ’81, Chevy Chase, MD • Laura Brown Cronin ’76, Boston, MA • Luke E. Fichthorn IV ’92, Brooklyn, NY • J. Henry Froelich III ’81, MBA ’84, Charlotte, NC • Cosby Wiley George ’83, Greenwich, CT • John C. Glover ’85, Raleigh, NC • Henry H. Hamilton III ’81, Katy, TX • Heavenly Johnson ’05, Chicago, IL • Joseph M. Kampf ’66, Potomac, MD • M. Steven Langman ’83, New York, NY • Wendell A. McCain ’92, Chapel Hill, NC • Aurelia Stafford Monk ’85, Greenville, NC • Edwin A. Poston ’89, Chapel Hill, NC • R. Alexander Rankin ’77, Goshen, KY • Catherine Craig Rollins, ’84, Atlanta, GA • David S. Routh, ’82, Chapel Hill, NC • Tready Arthur Smith, ’92 BSBA, Tampa, FL • Karen L. Stevenson ’79, Los Angeles, CA • Marree Shore Townsend ’77, Greenwich, CT • Thomas M. Uhlman, ’71, ’75, Murray Hill, NJ • Elijah White Jr., ’84, Houston, TX • J. Spencer Whitman, ’90, Charlotte, NC • Cecil W. Wooten III ’68, ’72, Chapel Hill, NC

TAB L E OF CON TEN TS Renee A. Craft

Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2014

DE P A R T ME N T S inside front cover

FROM THE DEAN Forging new paths



Concussion researcher visits the White House, benefits of active learning in large STEM classes, unearthing history near and far, UNC connections to PBS show A Chef’s Life and more




Singer/composer Jim Wann’s Tony-nominated musical is revived on Broadway

12 • From Zero to 50


Computer science is still blazing trails a half-century later

A Q&A with American studies professor John F. Kasson about Shirley Temple, plus books on the edible South, how Jesus became God, the aftermath of 9/11, ancient Roman libraries, mountain poetry and more

Students play a role in a heritage tourism project honoring Earl Scruggs

21 • Digital Portobelo


Steve Exum

18 • Bluegrass Believers

Connecting scholarship and cultural preservation in Panama

24 • Applied Physical Sciences

A new department translates ideas into real-world applications

COVER PHOTO: Baxter is being programmed by UNC computer scientists to assist people with tasks at work and at home. (Photo by Steve Exum)

We thank alumni and friends for their generous support of the College of Arts and Sciences.

inside back cover


Aleksandr Zhushma


FINAL POINT A poem by Mackensie Pless ’15 reflects on the real — not Hollywood — image of Southport, N.C.


Fall 2014

Director of Communications Geneva Collins Editor Kim Weaver Spurr ’88 Associate Director of Communications Editorial Assistants • Kristen Chavez ’13 • Parth Shah ’15 Graphic Designer • Linda Noble Contributing Writers • Pamela Babcock • Chrys Bullard ’76 • Joanna Cardwell (M.A. ’06) • Del Helton • Michele Lynn • Nancy E. Oates • Mackensie Pless ’15 • Mark Tosczak Contributing Photographers • Paul Bates • Kristen Chavez • Renee A. Craft • Darren Decker • Elaine Eversley • Steve Exum ’92 • Jackie Fritsch • Jack Griffith • Jim Haberman • Greg Harbaugh • Beth Lawrence ’12 • Rex Miller • Roni Nicole • Mary Lide Parker ’10 • Todd Rosenberg • Dan Sears ’74, UNC News Services photographer • Tammy Shen • Donn Young • Aleksandr Zhushma Carolina Arts & Sciences is published semiannually by the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and made possible with the support of private funds. Copyright 2014. If you wish to receive Carolina Arts & Sciences News, our periodic email bulletin, please send us a note with your name, mailing address and email address to: College of Arts and Sciences The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Campus Box 3100 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3100 (919) 962-1165

Videos Explore the magazine online with extra content at For more videos, visit our YouTube channel at youtube. com/user/UNCCollege.


Kristen Chavez

4 • Hitting pay dirt at UNC president’s house Campus archaeologists uncover artifacts destroyed by an 1886 fire

12 • An a-MAZE–ing Day Visually impaired children enjoy interactive games at an annual computer science event


Dan Sears

Carolina Arts & Sciences



Earl Scruggs Center


18 • Down the Road UNC’s connections to the Earl Scruggs Center in Shelby, N.C.

30 • The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression Professor John Kasson discusses his new book on Shirley Temple

Stay connected to the College via Web and social media

News/Events: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Instagram:



Library of Congress


Donn Young



National Academy of Sciences Sociologist Kathleen Mullan Harris, James E.

Haar Distinguished Professor, was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors that a U.S. scientist or engineer can receive. Harris, based in the College and the Carolina Population Center, is the director and principal investigator of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, or Add Health. The longitudinal study follows more than 20,000 teenagers into young

adulthood. With Add Health data, Harris studies health disparities, the acculturation of immigrant youth and the family formation behavior of young adults. Under Harris’ pioneering leadership, the next wave of Add Health is expanding its data collection to bridge biological and social sciences in the study of developmental and health trajectories from adolescence into young adulthood. Harris is leading the Add Health project team with cardiologists,

geneticists, sociologists, epidemiologists, nutritionists, economists and research methodologists. Harris’ work and her wide-ranging experience in running large data collection projects have made her an internationally recognized expert on social inequality and health. • ONLINE EXTRA: Read a feature story on Harris’ work in the spring ’14 issue of Carolina Arts & Sciences at


Leading concussion researcher and

MacArthur “Genius” Fellow Kevin Guskiewicz participated in a White House meeting on concussions this summer. Guskiewicz was invited to the inaugural Healthy Kids and Safe Sports Concussion Summit with other experts from around the country. At the conference, President Barack Obama announced new initiatives aimed at

the prevention and treatment of concussions in youth sports. “This is an issue I have been studying for more than 20 years, and it was a topic that was ignored for many years,” said Guskiewicz, senior associate dean for natural sciences and Kenan Distinguished Professor of Exercise and Sport Science. He also is co-director of the Matthew Gfeller Sport-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Research Center at UNC.

Guskiewicz, whose three sons have all played football, said he was glad to see that the president values the role that sports can play in the lives of the nation’s youth. “The president emphasized keeping kids on the playing field and the need to do that safely, and it further underscores the important work we’re doing at UNC,” he said. •




Donald Haggis, Nicholas A. Cassas

Term Professor of Greek Studies in the department of classics, continued his ongoing archaeological excavations on the island of Crete. The Azoria site is an early Greek city (circa 700-500 B.C.) and the context of a 20year study of early Greek political economy. He was joined in the field by professor Margaret Scarry from UNC’s department of anthropology and 43 students from UNC, Duke University and other universities worldwide. He received a $200,000

grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation to support the project.

Jim Haberman

TO P TO B OT TO M: Mosaic dig students with Jodi Magness (first row, second from right). • Head of the possible Alexander figure in the mosaic. • Lock from UNC President Caldwell’s front door. • Brett Riggs and others uncovered nails, broken glass, pottery, plaster and a cast iron stove at the campus site.



arolina archaeologists hit pay dirt closer to home after a routine driveway resurfacing project at UNC System President Tom Ross’ house revealed historical artifacts in the construction debris. They uncovered remnants of what is referred to as “the Second President’s House” in historical accounts of the University. That house was occupied by UNC’s first president, Joseph Caldwell, from 1816 until his death in 1835. It also was the home of President David Swain from 1849 to 1868. The house was then occupied by several UNC faculty members. A devastating fire destroyed it in 1886. Archaeologists unearthed the house’s original foundation and discovered the home’s basement and dining room. Among other artifacts, they found the lock from President Caldwell’s front door. Brett Riggs and Stephen Davis from


Kristen Chavez

faculty in Israel, Greece and Chapel Hill made news headlines over the summer in international, national and local media, including The Times of Israel, The Huffington Post, and WRAL-TV and The News & Observer in Raleigh. Excavations directed by Jodi Magness, Kenan Distinguished Professor in the department of religious studies, revealed stunning new mosaics decorating the floor of a Late Roman (fifth century) synagogue at Huqoq, an ancient Jewish village in Galilee. Students from UNC and the consortium schools of Brigham Young University, Trinity University, the University of Toronto and the University of Wyoming participated in the dig. Since 2012, three well-preserved mosaics have been discovered in the same location. Two of the mosaics feature scenes of Samson from the Bible’s book of Judges. The third and most recently discovered mosaic is the first time a non-biblical story has been found decorating any ancient synagogue. It features three horizontal registers with different male figures, bulls and elephants. Magness said the identification of the figures in this mosaic is unclear because there are no stories in the Hebrew Bible involving elephants.

Kristen Chavez

Archaeological excavations led by UNC

Jim Haberman


the 75-year-old Research Laboratories of Archaeology in the College led the project. A crew of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students from archaeology, anthropology, religious studies and classics helped with the excavations. Artifacts are being analyzed and will become a part of the RLA’s North Carolina Archaeological Collection, the largest and most important archaeological archive in the state. • ONLINE EXTRA: Watch a video about the UNC campus dig at


STELLAR DISCOVERIES White dwarfs are the extremely dense end-states of stars like the sun that have collapsed to form an object approximately the size of the Earth. Composed mostly of carbon and oxygen, white dwarfs slowly cool and fade over billions of years. The object in the new study is likely the same age as the Milky Way, approximately 11 billion years old. •••••

Robo-AO Collaboration

An international team is using the world’s first robotic laser

ABOVE : The ultraviolet Robo-AO laser at the California Institute of Technology’s Palomar Observatory.

UNC astronomers Bart Dunlap and Nicholas Law played a

Mary Lide Parker

key role in exciting summer 2014 discoveries involving white dwarf stars and exoplanet systems (planets around other stars). A team of astronomers including Dunlap, a graduate student and research assistant in physics and astronomy, identified possibly the coldest, faintest white dwarf star ever detected. The ancient stellar remnant is so cool that its carbon has crystallized, forming — in effect — an Earth-size diamond in space.

adaptive optics system — Robo-AO — to explore thousands of exoplanet systems at resolutions approaching those of the Hubble Space Telescope. Law is Robo-AO’s project scientist and an assistant professor in UNC’s department of physics and astronomy. Research assistant Carl Ziegler from UNC is also a member of the Robo-AO team. The results shed light on the formation of exotic exoplanet systems and confirm hundreds of exoplanets. Analysis of the first part of the Robo-AO/Kepler survey is already yielding surprising results. “We’re finding that ‘hot Jupiters’ — rare giant exoplanets in tight orbits — are almost three times more likely to be found in wide binary star systems than other exoplanets, shedding light on how these exotic objects formed,” Law said. • Read more about both discoveries at and


In large college science classes, active learning

interventions improve achievement for everyone, but especially black and first-generation students, according to a UNC study. When a traditional lecture course was structured to be more interactive, the achievement gap for first-generation students disappeared, and for black students decreased by half, according to Kelly Hogan, a biologist and director of instructional innovation in the College. She was invited to a September 2014 White House summit on science, technology, engineering and Kelly Hogan mathematics (STEM) education. Hogan’s study, “Getting Under the Hood: How and for Whom Does Increasing Course Structure Work?” appeared Sept. 2 in the journal CBE-Life Sciences Education. Her co-author is Sarah L. Eddy of the University of Washington in Seattle. The two collected data over six semesters at UNC. The study, featured in The New York Times and elsewhere,

compares student achievement in classes with “low course structure” to those with “higher course structure.” Low course structure is “a traditional classroom where students come in, listen to the instructor, leave and don’t do anything until the night before the exam,” Hogan said. Higher course structure adds guided reading questions, preparatory homework and in-class activities that reinforce major concepts, study skills and higher-order thinking skills. As an example of an in-class activity, students answered questions using classroom-response software on their laptops and cellphones. Students are held accountable for the assignments — they are awarded points for being prepared and participating in class. Hogan’s study is one of the few college-level studies to separate student data by racial/ethnic groups and first-generation status to identify which interventions work best for certain groups of students in a large STEM course. The researchers used surveys at the end of the course to learn how the interventions affected student behaviors and attitudes. •


H I G H L I G H T S L E F T: From left, Chef’s Life team members Malinda Maynor Lowery, Un Kyong Ho and Cynthia Hill. BELO W: Vivian Howard of Chef and the Farmer.


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herokee purple tomatoes smothered in smoked corn aioli on homemade sweet potato onion bread. This locavore sandwich, brainchild of Chef Vivian Howard of the Kinston, N.C.based restaurant Chef and the Farmer, was named a top 10 dish of the year in Garden & Gun magazine. But if you ask UNC historian and native North Carolinian Malinda Maynor Lowery what her favorite dish is at the farm-to-table restaurant, she cites the blueberry barbecue pork belly skewers. Such are the contemporary Southern choices presented at the restaurant that is the focus of the wildly popularly PBS series A Chef’s Life. The reality/cooking show won a Peabody Award, one of the premier honors in broadcast journalism, for its first season. It was also a finalist for a James Beard Foundation award, another top honor. From the Peabody Award website: “Apart from its fresh takes on grits and greens, it serves up a nuanced, non-stereotypical portrait of the rural and small-town American South, something rarely seen on television.” Lowery is the show’s co-producer. UNC alumna Cynthia Hill (pharmacy ’93) is producer and director. Lowery also heads the Southern Oral History Program in the College, and she has a background in documentary filmmaking. Hill, the director, and Howard, the chef, grew up together in Kinston. Lowery and Hill have been friends for about 15 years and

W e a v e r

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Rex Miller

UNC historian co-produces hit PBS show A Chef’s Life ’ 8 8

worked together on Private Violence, a documentary on domestic violence that was shown at the Sundance and Full Frame film festivals and will be broadcast on HBO in October. Viewers have been drawn to the authenticity of A Chef’s Life. Howard is the child of tobacco and hog farmers. After she and her husband, Ben Knight, left New York City to open the restaurant in Kinston, they developed strong relationships with local farmers. Chef and the Farmer sources 70 percent of its menu from within 60 miles. “Both Private Violence and A Chef’s Life resonate with what we do in the Southern Oral History Program in telling people’s stories,” Lowery said. “A Chef’s Life focuses on Southern culture and history and food as a way to access those things.” As co-producer, Lowery plays an active role in the show’s outreach strategy. She writes grant proposals, Web content, emails to partners and collaborators, publicity materials and more. “Social media has been incredibly important,” she said. “We work as a team to create posts and to cultivate the audience and give them things they can act on in their own lives. One of the things I’m most proud of is a map that provides people with locations of local farmers so they can purchase the ingredients that they see on the show.” Lowery calls both the PBS show and the restaurant “an incredibly important economic


development resource for eastern North Carolina.” “The local food movement is significant in North Carolina, and the brilliance of this show is that it provides a storytelling vehicle for that,” she added. “Vivian Howard has managed to convince people that buying local is in their best interest, not in somebody else’s best interest.” Season two launches Oct. 5. For fans, Lowery promises some surprises in the lineup, like a one-hour holiday special, in which “Vivian will introduce us to a variety of recipes, old and new, and we’ll feature the stress of the restaurant season as it overlaps with the holiday season.” Lowery said working on the show is “deeply satisfying.” “My own life experience and my academic experience have helped me to [value] the need and importance of people understanding their own communities,” she said. “The show portrays the rich and diverse culture of the South and all that means.” • ONLINE EXTRAS: Follow the show at, food/shows/a-chefs-life/ and on Facebook.


T O P: World War I postcards from the University Library’s Bowman Gray Collection. BELO W: Carolina Performing Arts will present The Great War by Dutch theater company Hotel Modern in April.

Exploring the legacy of WWI through talks, performances, art and more B y


he legacy and impact of World War I will be explored during a yearlong, interdisciplinary conversation at UNC during the 2014-2015 academic year. The World War I Centenary Project will be coordinated by the Institute for the Arts and Humanities in the College of Arts and Sciences with King’s College London, one of Carolina’s international strategic partners. It will feature more than 25 undergraduate and graduate courses, plus seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, arts exhibitions and performances. The project kicked off this fall with a conference on the UNC campus and will culminate in a conference next May at King’s. “We hope this project will promote a greater awareness of the importance of World War I and promote discussion, collaboration and connections among UNC faculty and students as well as members of the community,” said Bill Balthrop, professor of communication studies and associate director of the IAH. “World War I changed the United States and affected international politics, economic issues and cultural practices, both within the U.S. and around the world. The focus of this project is not just

M i c h e l e

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said Tim Carter, David G. Frey Distinguished Professor of Music. “While Johnny Johnson is often construed as an antiwar play, it is more about the military industrial establishment and how it takes over,” he said. Carolina Performing Arts has created four programs that examine the artistic consequences of World War I. Additionally, The Process Series, sponsored through the IAH, will include a series of performances and productions related to the war. the war itself but also its effect on so many The conversation will also take place facets of contemporary life.” beyond the campus. The ArtsCenter in The idea of war — the struggle over Carrboro will present three productions what war is and what it can achieve — and is working with UNC faculty to present hasn’t changed much in the past 100 years, additional lecturers and performers. Next said Richard Langston, Zachary Smith Distinguished Term Associate Professor in the February and March, Chapel Hill’s Deep Dish department of Germanic and Slavic languages Theater Company will present Journey’s End, a 1928 play set in the trenches of World War I. and literatures. In Langston’s new course, The centenary project will be enhanced “The German Idea of War,” students will explore early 20th-century German literature, by the thousands of items in the University’s library collections. Libby Chenault, West film and the visual arts to examine the Germans’ “complex ideas about war, both the European librarian and head of the Global Resources and Area Studies section, said that excitement for war and an absolute fear and the library’s extensive primary source materials horror of it.” offer a unique perspective on the era. The arts will also provide a lens to view “In the University archives, there are and experience the war when the UNC postcards that the chancellor sent out to departments of music and dramatic art our boys who were fighting overseas,” said collaborate in presenting Johnny Johnson, a musical by playwright and UNC alumnus Paul Chenault. “We have posters from all of the Green with music by Kurt Weill, in the Kenan countries who were combatants in the war, on topics ranging from recruitment to war relief to Theatre in November. propaganda to new work roles for women.” The play, first performed in 1936 when The libraries are creating a virtual exhibit World War II was on the horizon, focuses on a naive and idealistic young man who, despite to capture what the campus is doing to mark his pacifist views, leaves his sweetheart to fight. the anniversary. • ONLINE EXTRA: For more information Green had served in Europe in American about the project, visit expeditionary forces during World War I,



The Henry Owl Scholarship and a class in ‘Gumption’


C h r y s

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ritical thinking is the magic of the classroom: Facts go in, contemplation ensues and voila: perspective emerges. Undergraduate history major Andrew Vail ’99 listened as professor Theda Perdue lectured on the marginalization of Native Americans in the southeastern United States. Education became the impetus. “I recall being in Dr. Perdue’s class and learning about these grave social injustices in our history,” Vail said. “It crystallized for me that I wanted to make a commitment to social justice. My Carolina education made that commitment concrete and propelled me to carry through.” Now a practicing lawyer at Jenner & Block LLP in Chicago, Vail carried through by establishing the Henry Owl Scholarship Fund for Undergraduate Students, honoring the mettle of Henry Owl ’29, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and the first person of color to be admitted to — and graduate from — the University. An endowed scholarship, it will provide need-based funds to one or more undergraduate majors in the department of American studies, with preference to students in American Indian and indigenous studies. Vail learned about Henry Owl after graduation through correspondence with now-professor emerita Perdue and her husband, late professor emeritus of American studies, Michael D. Green. What Vail learned inspired him. “My major concentration was in Native American history, so I felt an immediate connection to Owl’s background,” he said. “The distinction of being the first person of color to get a degree from Carolina is extremely significant and something that should be recognized. Also, Owl’s lifelong dedication to education — to building a better life for himself, his family and community and those around him — it all struck a chord in me.” Born in Swain County, N.C., at the

foothills of the Appalachians, Henry Owl grew up in the Qualla Boundary. He followed his father, Lloyd, to the reservation’s boarding school, then to Hampton Institute in Virginia — now Hampton University — a historically black school that until 1923 offered an industrial training program for Native Americans. One of the classes taught at Hampton was “Gumption.” “The point of the class was character-building — to instill a sense of getting up and going after life instead of waiting for life to happen,” said Gladys Cardiff, Owl’s daughter. “It clearly worked. [My grandfather and father] all aspired to a broader education and a broader vision of what the world had to offer.” Attaining such an education wasn’t easy. After Hampton, Owl worked several jobs to earn tuition to Lenoir-Rhyne College (now University). He graduated with a history degree, then worked his way through Carolina, earning his M.A. in history with the thesis, “The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Before and After the Removal.” Every degree is important, but Owl’s thesis, more so. Denied the right to vote on grounds that Indians were illiterate, Owl presented his UNC-Chapel Hill master’s thesis to the county voting registrar. Denied a second time on grounds that Cherokees were wards of the


Photos courtesy of Gladys Cardiff

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TO P: Henry Owl and his bride, Mildred, on their way to a boarding school near Cheyenne, Wyo. MI DDL E : Owl (far right) as coach of a boys’ basketball team, 1930-31. L E FT: Owl circa 1918.

government and not U.S. citizens — in opposition to a 1924 law — Owl testified before Congress, which responded with a law guaranteeing the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians citizenship and the right to vote. Largesse of intellect, beneficence of achievement: Henry Owl inspired Andrew Vail, who will, in turn, inspire others. “Carolina’s American Indian and indigenous studies community celebrates the Henry Owl Scholarship Fund for Undergraduate Students,” said associate professor Daniel M. Cobb, coordinator of the American Indian studies major and minor. “Mr. Vail’s generosity complements our long-standing strengths and bolsters our ongoing efforts to deepen our relationships with American Indian communities in North Carolina. We are very grateful.” •


Geology gift aids professor in research of Alaskan rivers B y

J o a n n a

C a r d w e l l

TO P: Elijah White B OTTO M : Geologist Tamlin Pavelsky and graduate student Elizabeth Humphries conduct research along the Tanana River in central Alaska.


Paul Bates

s a master’s student in geological sciences at Carolina in the early 1980s, Elijah White (M.S. ’84) studied under UNC geology faculty legends John Dennison, Roy Ingram and Walter Wheeler. White says that his experiences with these esteemed faculty members represent some of his best memories of UNC and helped inspire him to give back to the geology department. White, of Houston, Texas, established the Elijah White Jr. Faculty Excellence Fund in Geological Sciences in 2012 to provide faculty support for research materials, equipment purchases, research leaves and participation in professional conferences. Now the geoscience vice president in the ExxonMobil Production Company, White has come a long way from his days as a kid growing up in Wilson, N.C. Fascinated by rocks at a young age, he spent many hours along the railroad tracks exploring the different types of rocks that lined the rail beds. His love of rocks led him to major in geology as an undergraduate at Elizabeth City State University, where faculty encouraged him to attend graduate school after earning his degree in 1981. White looked at a number of graduate programs, but he says he was impressed with Carolina’s faculty and the family atmosphere in the geological sciences department. “Carolina offered a wonderful chance to study with preeminent faculty, travel and study in both the Rocky and

( M . A . ’ 0 6 )

Appalachian mountains, as well as the opportunity to watch some great basketball and pretty good football,” White said. While White says there were many highlights during his time as a Tar Heel, studying under professors such as Dennison, Ingram and Wheeler definitely stands out. Over the years White stayed in close contact with Dennison, communicating with him regularly until his death earlier this year. “I’ve had a lot of good teachers over the years, but he was by far my favorite,” White said. “We just connected, and were always very open and honest with each other. He often helped me stay focused and maintain a work/life balance.” After finishing his master’s degree, White went to work for ExxonMobil, where he has held positions in the Exploration, Development, Production and Research companies over his nearly 30-year career. White’s gift to support geology faculty has provided a muchneeded boost to the department, according to Jonathan Lees, chair of the department of geological sciences. “As research is an often expensive undertaking, these funds enable our faculty to make equipment purchases that provide vital support for innovative research in geology,” Lees said. “Improving access for faculty research plays a critical role in helping the department retain a competitive edge.” The inaugural recipient of White’s funding is Tamlin Pavelsky, an assistant professor of geological sciences. The support has enabled him to purchase equipment to accurately survey the depths of large rivers in Alaska. “These complex rivers have many shifting channels, and there are not currently good computer-based models of how water flows through them,” Pavelsky said. “With the datasets that I’m collecting, we’ll be able to develop one of the first really detailed models simulating how water flows through these rivers, and we’ll be able to evaluate this model against other data that we’re collecting in the field. All of this work is also in support of the development of a planned NASA satellite, the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission, and the support provided by the White Fund is helping us collect data needed to prepare for this new and exciting source of data on lakes and rivers around the globe.” White met Pavelsky in April while in Chapel Hill to attend a meeting of the Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors, on which he serves as a member. “It was very meaningful to me to meet the person who is benefiting from my support,” White said. “It’s gratifying to know that my gift is making a difference.” •



Sororities create professorships to recruit, retain faculty B y

D e l

H e l t o n


lumnae from three sororities have each created new professorships in the College of Arts and Sciences after meeting their initial fundraising goals in summer 2014. After countless mailings, receptions and conversations, the multi-year effort drew gifts totaling $1.7 million for distinguished professorships to be named for Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta and Kappa Kappa Gamma. More than 800 donors participated, including women from the classes of 1941 to 2013 and their families. “Professorships are effective recruitment and retention tools for the College,” said Karen Gil, dean. “Our most prized faculty are being recruited to other institutions, thus private support provides us with essential funding. “I’m thrilled that so many women and their families joined to support their sorority campaigns. Many draw on their memories of how their Carolina professors have influenced their own careers and their lives.” Once the professorship endowments produce sufficient income, the College will seek opportunities to award the professorships to the best candidates, who will receive salary and research support. Continuing gifts to the professorships, including planned gifts, will make them even more valuable as the need for faculty support will only grow. The sororities were inspired by the successful professorship campaigns of fraternities Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta. The five Greek campaigns also begin a legacy of faculty support that encourages Carolina’s fraternities and sororities to give back to the University. CHI OMEGA • Goal: $333,000 • Gifts and pledges: $334,657 • Donors: 233 • Classes: 1941 to 2012 Ann Rankin Cowan ’75 said that she didn’t hesitate when she was asked to help lead the Chi O campaign. “The Chi O house was my home away from home as a student,” said Cowan. “I was eager for an opportunity to reconnect with both the University and Chi O alumnae.” Chi O alumnae from eight decades, from pre-World War II to the Class of 2012, made gifts to the professorship. “No one we asked ever said ‘no’ to supporting the professorship,” said Cowan, whose daughter, Jane ’12, was also a Carolina Chi O. “The campaign got me very excited about supporting Carolina and feeling like I’m part of the University.” 10 • COLLEGE.UNC.EDU • FALL 2014 • CAROLINA ARTS & SCIENCES

TO P: Chi Omega Formal, 1964. MI DDL E : Kappa Kappa Gamma Parents Weekend, 1975. B OT TO M: Cheerleaders in Delta Delta Delta, 1966. Supporters from eight decades gave to the professorships.

DE LTA DE LTA DE LTA • Goal: $666,000 • Gifts and pledges: $679,478 • Donors: 398 • Classes: 1944 to 2013 Becky Cobey ’75 had heard about budget cuts and competitive battles for College faculty while participating in the Carolina Women’s Leadership Council. She recalled some of her favorite history professors — James L. Godfrey, Carlyle Sitterson and James Leutze — and wanted future generations to benefit from extraordinary teachers and scholars, too. “Because of the Council, I knew about the problem of faculty retention and recruitment. Tee Baur ’68 told me about the DKE professorship, and I liked the idea that the Greek community could support faculty in a significant way. I also knew that the University was trying to get more women involved in giving and thought this would be the perfect way to introduce many first-time donors to supporting UNC,” said Cobey. K A PPA K A PPA G A M M A • Goal: $666,000 • Gifts and pledges: $669,284 • Donors: 172 • Classes: 1960 to 2008 For Cathy Bryson ’90, the campaign’s highlight was the chance to work closely with the other champions of this project, including “my mom (Nancy Faison Bryson ’60), and Sheila Corcoran ‘92, Vicki Underwood Craver ‘92, Anne Faris Brennan ‘92 and the A&S Foundation who helped make this successful. I reconnected with old friends, strengthened friendships and met many new women who share a love for Carolina and Kappa.” Cathy Bryson recognized the need for professorships as an important recruitment and retention tool after her service on the Foundation’s board of directors. Said Nancy Bryson, “I am so pleased to have been asked by these young alums to help. They were persistent in their belief we could do it. We are very happy so many of our friends and fellow Carolina Kappas answered the call.” • * A ll g i f t s a n d p l e d g e s a s o f J u l y 15, 2014.



he renovation of historic Hill Hall, home to the department of music, will transform its auditorium and restore the rotunda to its original beauty. Be part of its legacy.

Name a seat in Hill Hall’s James and Susan Moeser Auditorium. Contact Peyton Daniels, associate director of development, at (919) 843-5285, or, to name a seat or learn more.

In 1964, Carolina embraced the nascent field of computer science. The department is still blazing trails a half-century later. By Mark Tosczak


B E LO W: From left to right, doctoral student Femi Alabi and computer scientists Cynthia Sturton, Frederick P. Brooks Jr., Henry Fuchs, Montek Singh, Kevin Jeffay and Ron Alterovitz pose with computer equipment old and new, including Baxter (large robot) and Aldebaran Nao (small robot).

omputer science research conducted at UNC has

Holman and other campus leaders decided that UNC

helped shape and guide technological advances, and it has

should form a department devoted to teaching and research in

played a critical role in propelling the Research Triangle

computer science, a field so young that scholars were still debating

region — and the state — into the Digital Age.

what it should be called.

It all started in 1963 with a visit from computer scientist

The following year they asked Brooks back to lead the

Frederick P. Brooks Jr., project manager for the revolutionary

new venture. In 1964, UNC’s department of information

IBM System/360 family of computers.

science was born. It was the second computer science department

Brooks interviewed for a job running the campus computation center but decided he wasn’t interested in the position. But the lecture he delivered as part of the interview

(after Purdue University’s) in the nation. This year, the department is celebrating its 50th birthday, looking back over a half-century of high-tech changes that Holman, Brooks and others could not have imagined in the 1960s.

process — “Ten Research Problems in Computer Science”

“You can’t think that far ahead,” said Brooks, Kenan

— fueled the imaginations of a handful of campus leaders,

Professor, who spent 20 years as department chair and still, in

graduate school Dean C. Hugh Holman.

his 80s, teaches and advises graduate students. “Since I [became] interested in computers we’ve been through six technical C O N T I N U ED




Steve Exum

including Southern literature professor and then-


Brooks’ influence spans IBM mainframes to next-gen virtual reality By Mark Tosczak


n 1944 a 13-year-old Fred Brooks sat in the public library in Greenville, N.C., and read about the Mark I computer in Time magazine. The machine, created by Harvard University computing pioneer Howard Aiken and IBM, was designed to aid war efforts during the last part of World War II. It captured Brooks’ imagination. “I was caught,” he recalled. At a time when the computer was still in its infancy, he knew that’s what he wanted to do with his life. Brooks, who went on to found the UNC department of computer science 20 years later, earned a Ph.D. in applied mathematics at Harvard University, where he studied under Aiken, the Mark I architect. He then went to work at IBM, where he pioneered technology that we now take for granted. Brooks also wrote the highly influential book The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, originally published in 1975 and based on his experiences managing the legendary IBM System/360 project. He received a National Medal of Technology for that project. A famous dictum from the book is now known as Brooks’ Law: “Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.” Some have dubbed the book the bible of software engineering. In a 2005 Fortune magazine interview, Brooks said, “I would agree with that in one respect: that is, everybody quotes it, some people read it, and a few people follow it.” His research at UNC has focused on real-time, 3-D computer graphics — virtual reality. His work has helped biochemists study complex molecules and enabled architects to “walk through” buildings while they were still designing them, among other applications. He also has innovated in the use of haptic feedback (touch-based information) to supplement visual graphics. It is work that today seems as cutting-edge and wonder-inspiring as the Mark I did in 1944. “The wonder is still there,” Brooks said. “That’s why I’m still here.” •

revolutions. Who would have predicted the iPhone? Who

R I GH T: Fred Brooks holds a first-generation Mac from Steve Jobs. Signatures of the engineering team are molded into the inside of the plasic case.

That cooperative approach reflected the warm welcome

would have predicted the Internet?”

the department got at Carolina in the 1960s. The statistics department helped fund the salary

• Creating through collaboration

of a research assistant for Brooks. In 1966, the physics

Many university computer science

department allowed the installation of a graphics

departments grew out of math departments or

computer in one of its classrooms so it could be

engineering schools. But Brooks and his fledgling

connected to the computation center directly

However, Brooks wasn’t interested in being separate from other academic disciplines. Instead, he

Steve Exum

department began as a stand-alone enterprise.

below. Brooks preached the “toolsmith concept” — the idea

that computer scientists should be judged by how successful

and other early faculty programmed a culture of collaboration

the hardware and software tools they’ve created are in helping

and interdisciplinary research into the department’s human

people solve specific problems.

operating system.


Carolina faculty and alumni have helped design systems

that aim radiation therapy at cancer tumors, create

computers in the 1980s, which at the time were the

spellbinding special effects for films and help visually

fastest graphics engines in the world.

impaired children use computers, among many other


But as computing technology has advanced, the problems faculty and graduate students tackle have

Graphics research has always been a focus at UNC. A department team developed the Pixel Planes

Steve Exum

• Speeding forward

changed, too. Computer science is inherently a very volatile

field,” said Kevin Jeffay, the department’s current

chair and Gillian Cell Distinguished Professor. C O N T I N U ED




Medical imaging extends frontiers, aids diagnosis and treatment By Mark Tosczak

ou’ve probably seen 3-D ultrasound images of a baby in a mother’s womb — maybe your own child, or those of a relative or friend. The images, constructed on a computer screen via data from sound waves and illuminating an infant’s secret world, were made possible by research begun at UNC. That work is just one example of the innovations and advances in medical imaging that have originated from the Medical Image Display and Analysis Group, known as MIDAG. As UNC’s department of computer science celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, MIDAG will hold its own birthday party, recognizing 40 years of pioneering work that has crossed academic disciplines and reached across campus and around the world. The interdisciplinary research initiative has brought together faculty and students from computer science, the School of Medicine, biomedical engineering, statistics, mathematics, radiology, radiation oncology and other disciplines. Stephen Pizer, Kenan Professor, is the computer scientist who founded the group. “My dissertation from Harvard University was the first dissertation Stephen Pizer in the world on medical imaging,” he said. He came to Carolina in 1967, joining Fred Brooks’ threeDan Sears

Steve Exum


year-old department of “information science.” Pizer continued his work in medical imaging, collaborating with UNC biomedical engineering professors and colleagues in Boston and at Duke University. In 1974, professors Gene Johnston and Ed Staab joined the UNC School of Medicine’s radiology department and started working with Pizer. MIDAG was born. Since then, hundreds of graduate students and researchers in computer science, medicine and other fields have been a part of the group. MIDAG also helped train generations of medical researchers and computer scientists to use medical imaging to improve the diagnosis and treatment of illness, and that led to the formation of other labs and research centers at UNC, as well as at other universities. The Biomedical Research Imaging Center in the School of Medicine, for instance, came out of a campus-wide committee on medical imaging chaired by Pizer. MIDAG’s research helps doctors treat and diagnose disease and extend the frontiers of medical knowledge. Based on work done by Pizer and collaborators, such as UNC oncologist Julian Rosenman, the world’s first 3-D radiation oncology treatment planning system, PLUNC, was developed at Carolina. Those systems enable physicians to more precisely target tumors for radiation therapy — boosting the amount of radiation that the tumor receives and reducing the exposure of neighboring, healthy tissues. Medical imaging is a key component of modern medicine today, driven in part by computer scientists who specialized in medical imaging. “Our alumni are out there, many of them, making major contributions,” Pizer said. “We’ve played a significant role in moving those innovations forward not only at UNC, but around the world.” •


Now UNC is applying its graphics expertise to create

and microelectronics work across all the state’s universities.

virtual reality environments and help robots navigate in the

“When Gov. [Jim] Hunt put in place the microelectronics

real world.

initiative, we got a building 15 years earlier than we would

“A key problem in robotics is to have an entity understand

have otherwise and we got five full professorships,” Brooks

its relationship to its environment,” Jeffay said. “It’s all about


building a model of the world … and graphics

In 1987, the department consolidated from

in its traditional form was about building a

several buildings into Sitterson Hall. In 2008,

model of the world.”

an addition was added and named for Brooks.

UNC computer scientists are also using that model-building paradigm to develop

• A cultural legacy

technology that produces “synthetic sound” —

Despite all the technical accomplishments,

enabling a video game developer or movie

the research and the new buildings, if you ask

special effects coordinator to tap a keyboard

Brooks or other longtime faculty members

to get a desired noise, rather than creating

what they are most proud of, they name

and recording a real sound.

people, not microprocessors or algorithms.

Steve Exum

Other researchers are modeling the behavior of large crowds (useful for maintaining safety and security) and figuring out how to better secure modern

“I am very proud of all the doctoral

students who have finished Ph.Ds under [my mentorship],” said Stephen Pizer, who came to the department in 1966, and has

computing systems. Throughout the department, Brooks’

advised computer science students — and those in other fields,

emphasis on collaborating with those outside computer science

such as biomedical engineering.

remains a key focus.

UNC computer science alumni are working, teaching and conducting research at universities and companies across the

• Service to the state

country. Many alumni work at technology companies such as

Brooks’ belief in collaboration crossed institutional lines, as

Google and Apple. Some have started their own companies.

well. The UNC department has worked closely with Duke and

Others have won Academy Awards [See sidebar on page 17].

NC State’s computer science units, as well as other schools, over

All of them are products of Brooks’ vision.

the years. It also played a key role in North Carolina’s efforts

He had worked in a collaborative, cooperative

to move from agriculture, textiles and furniture to a more

environment at Harvard University when he earned his

technology-centered economy.

doctorate in applied mathematics. He found that same culture

“One of the things the broader public might find

at IBM, where he worked for nine years before coming to

interesting is really how much the history of the department

Carolina. He wanted to create that spirit of collegiality in

is tied to the thriving and nurturing of other industries here,”

Chapel Hill.

Jeffay said. In the late 1970s, state leaders tried to make North Carolina more attractive to technology companies. The Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (later renamed MCNC) was established to support computer science

Indeed, perhaps his greatest ONLINE EXTRAS:

Visit for information about the department’s anniversary celebration. Watch a video on the annual Maze Day for visually impaired children at


engineering feat was replicating that culture at Carolina. “It is inherently a friendly and cooperative enterprise,” Brooks said. “That’s the most important single thing.” •

Darren Decker

Greg Harbaugh

Theodore Kim

Lawrence Kesteloot

Pete Litwinowicz

Want to work in movies? Learn to code By Mark Tosczak


urns out the road to Hollywood runs through Chapel Hill. Or at least it did for computer science alumni who have used their programming chops to develop special effects software you’ve probably seen on screen. Theodore Kim (Ph.D. ’06) and Lawrence Kesteloot (M.S. ’95) won separate Academy Awards in 2012 for their work on software that’s widely used in making movies. Kim won for a software algorithm called Wavelet Turbulence, which he started working on in 2007 during his postdoctoral studies. The algorithm, and the software that uses it, helps special effects wizards create more realistic fire and smoke on screen. Kesteloot and his colleagues received a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. They helped develop software at a special effects company, Pacific Data Images (now part of DreamWorks Animation), which is used to render animated images. It’s been featured in more than 30 movies, including the 2010 hit How to Train Your Dragon. “It was designed from the beginning to be interactive, so you could tweak things in the interface and see things very quickly,” Kesteloot said. Before the new technology, it could take 30 minutes to an hour for animators to view a change they’d made. The lag made them less inclined to keep refining their work to make it better. In Kim’s case, too, the technical advance was as much about speed as anything else. Filmmakers since the 1990s have used computer animation tools to create realistic fire and smoke. Those tools were fine for small images — say a cigarette or a

campfire — but larger images (imagine a volcano), took much longer to render, sometimes days. The Wavelet Turbulence algorithm allows faster rendering of onscreen explosions, smoke and fire. It has been used in movies such as Avatar and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Kesteloot and Kim both say UNC’s longstanding reputation as a powerhouse in graphics and visualization was a big factor in why they chose Carolina for graduate school. They aren’t the first Carolina grads to find that a computer science degree could take them to Tinseltown. • Pete Litwinowicz (M.S. ’87), along with the other founder at the software firm RE:Vision Effects, were honored with a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy in 2007 for the firm’s image manipulation software, which is widely used in the industry, including in movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. • Kelly Ward (M.S. ’02, Ph.D. ’05) did the computer modeling for Rapunzel’s 70-foot-long hair in Disney’s 2010 animated hit Tangled and also worked on the 2008 movie Bolt. • Susan Fisher Fong (M.S. ’01) was working on her doctoral degree at UNC in 2002 when she got a job offer she couldn’t refuse: working for Pixar Animation Studios, where she contributed to films such as Monsters, Inc. and WALL-E. • Cindy Hong (B.S. ’96) got a master’s in visualization at Texas A&M University and worked at DreamWorks on Kung Fu Panda, Over the Hedge, Madagascar and other computer animation films. •


Photo courtesy of Earl Scruggs Center



Beth Lawrence

are a part of the museum’s collection. An independent bookstore, restaurants, gift stores and coffee shops have opened near the court square, and the Scruggs Center is drawing visitors from as far away as Japan. Smoke on the Square, across the street, serves up sweet tea-brined pork chops, fried green tomato BLTs and livermush sandwiches for visitors hungry for local cuisine. Beth Lawrence

isitors to the new Earl Scruggs Center, Carolina blues historian Bill Ferris might nestled in the renovated 1907 courthouse be able to help her. in uptown Shelby, N.C., can immerse In 2007, Plaster met with Ferris, themselves in the life of the late banjo senior associate director of the Center for player and bluegrass pioneer who grew up the Study of the American South in the in the nearby Flint Hill community. College of They can watch footage of Lester Arts and Flatt and Earl Scruggs in the 1960s sitcom Sciences. The Beverly Hillbillies. Hear artists Steve He arranged Martin and Béla Fleck on film talking a second about the influence Scruggs has had on meeting their careers. Learn about the impact of • LEF T: A statue of Earl Scruggs textile mills and cotton greets visitors. • BELOW: Many farming on Cleveland exhibits are interactive. • R I G H T: County. Interact with Scruggs once worked at the Lily Mill. a large touch table to start a musical “picking party.” Record an oral history. The museum, about an hour from downtown Charlotte, opened in January with a celebration and concert featuring Travis Tritt, Vince Gill, Sam Bush and others. UNC faculty, students and alumni are playing a key role in this cultural tourism project that organizers hope will with faculty, students and staff from be an economic boon to the western history, folklore and the Southern North Carolina region. Folklife Collection. Ferris and CSAS had As proof that Carolina ties run deep, consulted on a similar project, the B.B. it was a serendipitous Tar Heel encounter King Museum and Delta Interpretive in October 2006 on a plane coming back Center, in Indianola, Miss. from Nashville, Tenn., that got the whole “The Center for the Study of the project started. American South is a crossroads, a hearth Brownie Plaster is the chair of where people can come to sit and talk and Destination Cleveland County, the dream,” Ferris said. “We see part of our volunteer-driven, public-private role as forging partnerships with grassroots partnership that spearheaded the projects like the Earl Scruggs museum development of the Scruggs Center and that will help communities like Shelby the Don Gibson Theatre (named in honor revive economically. People want to learn of the singer/songwriter who is also a about bluegrass and barbecue and gospel native son). The theater opened first, in music, and North Carolina is rich in those a renovated Art Deco movie house a few traditions.” blocks from the Scruggs museum. On her Even though Scruggs passed away in way home after a visit with Earl Scruggs, 2012 before the museum opened, he was Plaster was seated next to UNC alumnus involved in the conception of the project Peter Hartman ’75 who told her that and participated in filmed interviews that

Gathering oral histories In 2008, Plaster’s organization hired a group of UNC folklore graduate students to do a “cultural inventory” to inform the Scruggs project. The students conducted oral histories of Cleveland County residents centered on four themes: textiles, music, the untold African-American story and the 21stcentury narrative. Another team of students did more interviews in 2010, and UNC’s Southern Oral History Program trained local volunteers to continue the work. This research helped project organizers gain a more authentic sense of the region’s rich history. One of those graduate students, Brendan Greaves (M.A. folklore ’08), launched a new career based on his experience with the Scruggs project. In researching local musical culture, he stumbled upon David Lee, an African-American musician who owned Washington Sound, a record and stereo supply store. Lee also ran three independent record labels from the early ’60s through the late ’80s. “At the time, Mr. Lee was 74 years old and retired. He had worked at a historically white country club for decades,” Greaves said. “What was notable about his work was that it reached across race and community in a pretty fascinating way. He worked with white, black, gospel and secular musicians.” C O N T I N U ED





Greaves and UNC alumnus Jason Perlmutter ’03 launched a record label, Paradise of Bachelors, where they released rare, out-of-print recordings on Said I Had a Vision: Songs & Labels of David Lee, 1960-1988. Today, Lee has a section in the Earl Scruggs museum, and Paradise of Bachelors has continued to release recordings of under-recognized and historical American vernacular musicians. “What I’m doing today is a direct result of the folklore program at UNC,” Greaves said. “It instilled in me how to learn from the folks you are interviewing and how to take their stories at full value and honor them.” Jeff Currie, who is working on a master’s thesis in folklore, also contributed to the Scruggs project. Currie is helping another state cultural tourism project, the Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park in Wilson, N.C., where organizers are restoring the larger-than-life sculptures of the late folk artist. Currie’s Cleveland County fieldwork focused on life in the textile mills, specifically the Lily Mill where Scruggs worked at one time. “The foundation of labor, how people get by in this world, really informs who they are and what their community is about,” Currie said. “Earl Scruggs had an opportunity and a talent and he wanted to get out of the mill, but coming from a mill family really informed who he was as a person.” Museum organizers say it was important that they enrich visitors’ experiences by enhancing their understanding of the region where Scruggs lived; the center’s tag line is “Music and Stories from the American South.” But beyond Scruggs’ roots, it was also critical to applaud his resiliency and to look at how he was always reinventing himself, Plaster said. “One of his quotes in this building is: ‘You can’t encore the past. It’s done, done. You can’t sit on the bank and watch

• LEF T: The museum is in the renovated 1907 courthouse. • R I G H T: Earl Scruggs Center planners visit UNC’s Center for the Study of the American South. • B OT TO M: Children play at a giant touch table. (Photos courtesy of Beth Lawrence, Earl Scruggs Center)

the boat pull off and leave you behind,’” she said. A ‘well-executed’ project UNC Board of Trustees Chair Lowry Caudill (B.S. chemistry ’79) grew up in Shelby, and his dad had been principal of Shelby High School. He calls the Earl Scruggs Center “a special project that clicks on so many levels.” Caudill, Ferris and other UNC faculty and alumni sit on the center’s advisory board. “It’s a thoughtful idea, and it’s been incredibly well-executed,” Caudill said. “They wanted to do this in a top-drawer way. It had to be of great value to the people of Shelby and the county.” Emily Epley, executive director of the Scruggs Center, said the museum worked with the Cleveland County Schools from the beginning to make the museum meaningful for schoolchildren. “The kids love the exhibits. They don’t want to leave, and that’s a great thing,” she said, laughing. “How do we provide engaging experiences for the students while they are here, and in the classrooms before and after their experience? We have worked with teachers to design a website that will list all the educational resources and tie-ins to state curriculum standards.” Caudill, who teaches in the College’s entrepreneurship minor, said the Scruggs project is a perfect blend of social, artistic


and commercial entrepreneurship. It’s an innovative idea, and one he believes will be sustainable. “UNC’s involvement brings a level of academic rigor and historical accuracy to it,” Caudill said. “And the project leaders have really thought through the economic model from the very beginning. They have to keep this at a very high level, and I’m absolutely convinced they will do that.” J.T. Scruggs, a nephew of Earl Scruggs, is chair of the center and a member of the board of Destination Cleveland County. He said local restaurants and hotels are seeing an increase in business since the opening of the Don Gibson Theatre and the Scruggs museum. “I can’t tell you how supportive UNC has been … [the University] really opened their doors to us,” he said. “What I have really enjoyed most about this is how we are keeping Earl’s legacy alive.” •

Visit the Earl Scruggs Center

• Contact: 103 S. Lafayette St. Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 487-6233 • Hours: Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday-Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday: 1 to 5 p.m. • General Admission: $12 Seniors/college students: $8 Youth (6-17): $5 Ages 5 and under: Free


Watch a video about the Earl Scruggs Center at

DIGITAL PORTOBELO Connecting scholarship, cultural preservation and community engagement in Panama B Y




’ 8 8


or more than a decade, the fruits of Renee Craft’s field research — audio and video interviews in technical formats ranging from Hi8 to mini-DV — had been sealed away in “oversized Tupperware tombs” under her bed. The interviews focused on the Congo carnival tradition of Portobelo, an AfroLatin community on the Panama coast. Craft, an assistant professor of communication studies, was working on her first book, When the Devil Knocks: The Congo Tradition and the Politics of 20th Century Blackness in Panama (The Ohio State University Press, January 2015). She never intended to make the full content of those interviews widely available. Yet she was bothered by a nagging sense that the project was incomplete. “Because this tradition was largely absent from discourses on black cultural performances in the Americas, I was clear the book would make a positive scholarly contribution, but I was also clear that it would not be very useful to the local community,” said Craft, who holds a joint appointment in global studies. “What they really wanted was a type of cultural preservation they could more directly access, but I didn’t know how to do that.” For years, Craft had given copies of photos and tapes to individual community members. Then, a presentation by UNC’s Renee A. Craft




2 2

• LEF T: This mask, created by Sarabi Jimenez, is a fusion of the Congo Carnival queen and devil characters.


DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP Craft was doing her master’s work in communication studies at UNC when she heard a talk by Spelman College

Renee A. Craft

Elaine Eversley

Elaine Eversley

Elaine Eversley Renee A. Craft

Digital Innovation Lab in spring 2012 began to unlock the possibility of making this wealth of material available to the people of Portobelo and the larger world through digitization. Digital humanities projects take traditional humanities scholarship to new levels and often to new audiences — incorporating research, teaching and community engagement in an online platform. They can be interdisciplinary, collaborative and embrace a variety of topics from curating collections to mining information from complex data. Craft met with lab associate director Pam Lach, and then, she said, “wonderfully magical moments started to happen that allowed me to envision how to shape the project. I wanted a digital repository to protect the material, but I wanted it to be flexible and open to any community member and enticing to other researchers.” Craft spent a year as an inaugural Digital Innovation Lab/Institute for the Arts and Humanities Fellow, one of the many programs of the Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative. Her project, Digital Portobelo (, is an interactive collection of ethnographic interviews, photos, videos, artwork and archival material that illuminates the rich culture and history of the region. The online site and the book complement each other. “Renee has a great vision for this and so much energy,” Lach said. “It’s a beautiful piece of scholarship, but it’s also a beautiful example of community storytelling. I look forward to seeing how it will grow over the years.”

artist and scholar Arturo Lindsay about the community of Portobelo. She was intrigued, spent some time in an artist’s collective that Lindsay co-founded and later decided to focus her doctoral dissertation research at Northwestern University on the Congo tradition. Through storytelling, costumed dancing, singing and drumming, the tradition honors the history of the cimarrones — runaway enslaved Africans who successfully fought for their freedom during the Spanish colonial period. The main drama takes place during carnival season, which peaks on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. The performance includes characters such as the Major Devil, a King, a Queen, Archangels and Souls. Craft said digital humanities scholarship opened doors to her research


• C LO C K W I S E FRO M TO P LEF T: The town of Portobelo as seen from El Mirador. • Anelys ‘Chola’ Quintero dressed as Congo Carnival Princess. • Congo performer Ariel Jimenez. • Artwork by Jose ‘Moraito’ Angulo. • Archangel and Ánimas prepare to capture the devil character in the final act of the Congo Carnival drama.

in ways she could not have imagined. Craft had done extensive interviews with Celedonio Molinar, a local man who played the Major Devil character for 60 years but passed away in 2005. She had been trying off and on for about 10 years to reach scholar Ileana Solís, a University of Panama professor who had also done research on Molinar, but did not get a response from her. Solís is also among the few women who have performed as the Devil character. “Ileana was concerned about preserving her legacy and research, which was largely invested in the transformative power of community theater,” Craft said. “When she heard that there was

Roni Nicole Elaine Eversley

CULTURAL PRESERVATION The Congo tradition has been threatened in recent years by • TO P: Renee Craft, center, poses with Delia the passing of elders, the relocation of Barrera, left, and Atanasia Molinar following a community members to larger cities, the Congo performance. • B OT TO M LEF T: impact of cultural tourism and a growing Festival of Devils and Congos. • B OT TO M disassociation among the younger R I G H T: Craft with professor Ileana Solís. generation. an online space that would include other When Craft first began her research Panamanians and international researchers in 2000, “Cellphones were rare, the and that her work would not be mediated cost of Internet access was prohibitive by another voice, she was very interested and most of the community lacked in that.” computers,” she wrote in her project blog. Solís has since given her videotapes Today, Digital Portobelo connects and research to the Digital Portobelo team to social media sites such as Facebook, to incorporate into the site. Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram and Digital Portobelo features many audio YouTube to entice community members interviews, including one with Solís, in a to capture their history. Through the rolling dual-language transcript thanks to audio platform SoundCloud, people can DH Press, a tool developed by the Digital record, upload and share interviews. Innovation Lab and UNC’s Renaissance “As we work to build an even Computing Institute. The interviews stronger infrastructure for formal are in Spanish, but listeners can read the community engagement, this gives translations of the interviews in both them a way to participate even as we are Spanish and English as the audio unfolds. evolving,” Craft said.

She and her team are hoping to train Portobelo middle school students and elders to interview each other. Working in concert with a new Congo cultural center, the participants will upload those oral histories to SoundCloud. “I want to support the local history curriculum and also link to the school’s tourism track so that this might help economic development efforts,” Craft said. “How do we build relationships with organizations on the ground who might want to contribute to the site? The mark of this being a successful project is if in five years it doesn’t depend on me at all.” Robert Allen, Godfrey Distinguished Professor of American Studies and director of the Digital Innovation Lab, calls Digital Portobelo “a wonderful example of how digital humanities can both deepen humanistic scholarship and extend its reach far beyond Chapel Hill.” “Renee is the ideal faculty colleague with whom to collaborate on digital humanities projects: open to all possibilities, determined to make things work out the best for everyone involved and willing to step into the technological unknown,” he added. Sandra Davidson is a UNC master’s student in folklore who worked on Digital Portobelo as a participant in the lab’s practicum course. She said the project appealed to her because she is passionate about taking humanities research beyond the academy. “Accessibility, engagement and keeping in mind the audience when you are doing your own research — at a major public research university, I see that as a huge priority,” she said. • ONLINE EXTRAS:

Craft blogged about her project at Learn more about the Digital Innovation Lab at



AKING SOLAR ENERGY MORE ECONOMICAL; developing targeted drug treatments to effectively fight cancer and cystic fibrosis; and creating microfluidic circuitry that delivers fast, low-cost medical diagnostics and environmental monitoring — these are some of the cutting-edge research activities affiliated with the new department of applied physical sciences. It is the first new science department in the College of Arts and Sciences in 40 years. “Applied physical sciences inhabits the interdisciplinary space between science and engineering, bridging disciplines to translate ideas from basic science into real-world applications,” said Peter Mucha, chair of the department and Bowman and Gordon Gray Professor of Mathematics. “In this flexible setting, we are uniquely positioned to encourage more creative solutions that leverage other existing campus efforts.” In 2011, Karen Gil, dean of the College, formed an interdisciplinary task force to develop a strategic plan to ensure that the University’s science programs could help Carolina become a global leader in scientific innovation. The new department unites existing entities on campus and harnesses their energies to work toward that collective goal. The Chapel Hill Analytical and Nanofabrication Laboratory, which goes by the acronym CHANL, is an important part of the new department. The lab contains specialized equipment that is useful to researchers across many disciplines, including chemistry, physics and astronomy, biomedical engineering, pharmacy, environmental science and engineering, biology, marine sciences, medicine and dentistry. CHANL is used by faculty and students at Carolina, neighboring institutions and startup companies in the Triangle. It is a hub for experimentation and discovery. Scott Warren and Michael Ramsey are among the 300 researchers who benefit from the lab’s instruments every year. [See sidebars on Warren’s research into 2-D phosphorus sheets and Ramsey’s microfluidic research on pages 26-27.] The department will continue to expand its research facilities as it grows. Renovations are currently underway in Kenan Laboratories to provide more bench space for Warren and his team as well as future faculty members. Construction is slated to begin next spring in Murray Hall, where a Carolina CreatorSpace hub will offer undergraduates a place to learn, create and innovate. [See sidebar on page 28.] Another key component of the new department is a graduate program in materials science, which emphasizes electronic, nano, polymer and biomaterials. Faculty from chemistry, physics and astronomy, and health sciences provide an interdisciplinary approach to materials, encouraging this next generation of problem-solvers. Mucha looks forward to offering an undergraduate major in the future. “Many of today’s biggest challenges are related to health, energy and water,” Mucha said. “Through collaboration with some of UNC’s already significant investments in these areas, our new department is excited to confront these challenges and contribute to their solutions.” C O N T I N U E D





Bringing new inventions that change lives to the marketplace



E .


“Macrophage” • Images on the following pages are from the annual CHANL scientific art competition. To read more about them and see additional entries, visit

Tammy Shen and Jack Griffith




• BELOW, TOP: Peter Mucha addresses the UNC Board of Trustees. • BOTTOM: Scott Warren’s research focuses on 2-D materials.

C hemist and applied physical sciences professor Scott Warren thinks big by starting small: atom-sized small. His latest research project involves 2-D materials, such as sheets of elemental phosphorus that are only one-atom thick. With that and the similar materials he and his research group are creating, he sees possibilities for applications in purifying water and augmenting solar cell technology. Scientists who developed the first 2-D material, carbon sheets, won a Nobel Prize for the discovery only six years later, an unprecedented feat in an arena that usually takes the better part of a career to prove a discovery’s impact. Warren and his group are working on only the second such element in 2-D form. “We will be filing a patent soon on a new way to make 2-D phosphorus material,” Warren said. Phosphorus binds strongly to metals and, because of the vast surface area of a 2-D material, can absorb a wide variety of metal contaminants, similar to the way a Brita carbon filter pulls lead out of tap water. The 2-D material is efficient in electron and ion 26 • COLLEGE.UNC.EDU • FALL 2014 • CAROLINA ARTS & SCIENCES

Dan Sears


transfer, so it could be used to purify water, build solar cells or batteries, or act as catalysts. Warren’s background in nanoparticle electronics helps him conceptualize the material’s usefulness in energy conversion. Warren sees the applied physical sciences department as building a bridge between the sciences and the UNC School of Medicine, for instance, creating pathways for discoveries such as painless microneedles that deliver vaccines and chemotherapy while reducing the risk of infection from a traditional shot. Recently, Warren put together a grant proposal that has been funded and will bring together about 20 faculty members from the dental and pharmacy schools and the geology, physics and chemistry departments. “With this proposal, I saw that the divisions between departments at UNC is quite small,” he said. “That doesn’t happen everywhere, that faculty are willing to work together to do something big. “Creating new ideas and making an impact on the world through research happens best where there aren’t artificial boundaries that prevent people from sharing ideas.” Dan Sears


Aleksandr Zhushma

“Nerve Center”


M ichael Ramsey’s research group has moved one step closer to replicating a Star

Aleksandr Zhushma

Trek-like tricorder, the handheld device Mr. Spock used when he beamed to a new planet to determine whether or not it was safe. The tool Ramsey’s lab has invented will let soldiers quickly check for airborne chemical agents and enable firefighters to analyze fumes at a fire scene for toxicity. The device is at the core of 908 Devices, Ramsey’s second startup, which he formed nearly three years ago. His first, Caliper Life Sciences, was purchased in 2011 by PerkinElmer for $650 million. He has begun talking with investors about his plans for additional startups based upon other technologies being developed in his laboratory. Besides advancing micro- and nano-technologies, “we’re creating companies that offer employment opportunities,” Ramsey said. Ramsey is the Minnie N. Goldby Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, on the faculty of the biomedical engineering and applied physical sciences departments and a member of the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences. This year he was elected

to the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest professional distinctions awarded to a scientist or engineer. “I am indeed an applied scientist,” he said. “I believe we should be working on projects that will generate products people actually use and that fulfill unmet societal needs.” Ramsey focuses on microfluidic circuitry, which he coined as “lab-on-a-chip technology” more than 20 years ago because the tiny conduits, thinner than a human hair, enable him to conduct experiments using miniscule samples of chemicals rather than having enough to fill a test tube. The minute sample size lowers the cost of medical diagnostics and makes drug discovery more efficient. Much of Ramsey’s current funding comes from the U.S. Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health. His tricorder-type device miniaturizes a bulky mass spectrometer that typically weighs hundreds of pounds. The next startups he hopes to launch will focus on miniaturized technologies that address clinical diagnostic measurements — devices that perform sophisticated biochemical assays to screen for multiple diseases from very small sample sizes, such as a drop of blood. “It is relatively easy to form a company; the hard part is to create and sell products and generate revenue from those companies — that’s the measure of success,” Ramsey said. Steve Exum






• ABOVE: Michael Ramsey holds the lab-on-a-chip.

“Rapunzel’s Hair”


• BELOW: Rich Superfine wants ‘students to be challenged.’


R ich Superfine will know that Carolina CreatorSpaces, a revolutionary network of “maker spaces,” has succeeded when the spaces are packed the night before Halloween with students making costumes, adding LEDs and attaching circuitry to make things whirl or smoke. Superfine, the Taylor-Williams Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy, wants all students — creative types and technocrats and science geeks — to own the spaces. Having students from different perspectives in the same room where they can interact with one another could lead to breakthroughs that result in innovative solutions to real-world problems. Students and faculty from the arts, humanities, natural and health sciences have been involved in the planning for these Carolina CreatorSpaces. The spaces, a major project of the new applied physical sciences department, will be organized with a central hub in Murray Hall and pockets of innovation scattered throughout campus. Kenan Science Library in Venable Hall will be renovated to make room for 3-D printers and collaborator space; a studio in Hanes Art Center will be outfitted as a maker space with power tools, 3-D printers and scanners; and Morehead Planetarium and Science Center is building a kid’s maker space where schoolchildren who visit by the busload can learn the fun 28 • COLLEGE.UNC.EDU • FALL 2014 • CAROLINA ARTS & SCIENCES

of building robots and gizmos. Plans are now underway for a fabrication shop with machines for woodworking, metalworking and laser cutting; an electronics and robotics lab; even a room with textiles and sewing machines. Students will be trained on how to use the resources and be connected to entrepreneurs-in-residence and workshops on launching a business. “The departments of dramatic art, communication studies, biomedical engineering and computer science will all have a relationship within the CreatorSpace networks,” Superfine said. Superfine said he hopes CreatorSpaces will help transform the undergraduate experience. “Students will be challenged and have the resources to start solving problems from the moment they land on campus,” he said. Ideas will turn into inventions that can be used to solve some of the greatest challenges of our time: insufficient clean water and energy, stagnant or polarized economies and the achievement gap. The spaces will be used for classroom projects, entrepreneurial ventures or just to have fun. Student diversity will enhance creativity. “Comic-Con kids staying up late making their Halloween costumes will rub shoulders with engineering students,” Superfine said. “That’s when you get ideas like an artificial pancreas that can be made to look like a Spider-Man tool belt, and all of a sudden some school kid who was embarrassed by his [medical condition] becomes the envy of his classmates.” • Dan Sears

Carolina CreatorSpaces TRANSFORMING THE

Aleksandr Zhushma

“Snow Rocks”



Center Stage

Wann’s Tony-nominated musical revived on Broadway B Y



Singer and composer Jim Wann ’70 saw

his career take off when his first name became his last and he took to the stage as the bank robber Jesse James. It happened in 1974 when Diamond Studs: The Life of Jesse James, A Saloon Musical debuted in Chapel Hill and later opened offBroadway in New York. Wann collaborated on it and several other shows with Bland Simpson ’70, UNC’s Kenan Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing and longtime member of the North Carolina string band the Red Clay Ramblers. The musical focused on the James brothers’ experiences during the Civil War. It was directed by John L. Haber ’70, who suggested that Wann play Jesse James. Wann initially balked: “I’m not an actor.” Haber told him to simply take his guitar, point it like a gun, “and the people pretending to be in front of a ‘bank’ — which would be the piano — will just hold up their hands. And everyone will believe that you’re an outlaw holding up a bank!” It worked. The show opened New Year’s Eve in New York. The New York Times called it “sheer delight” and printed what Wann considers “the review of all reviews.” “Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!” wrote the late drama and dance critic Clive Barnes. FRO M CH AT TA N O O G A TO CH A PEL HILL Wann was born in Chattanooga, Tenn. As a co-author and performer, he pioneered a format that put musicians center stage as actors. Among his hits: Pump Boys and Dinettes (a 1982 Tony Award nominee for Best Musical) and King Mackerel & The Blues Are Running. His love of music bloomed at a rustic North Carolina mountain retreat. He was a 14-year-old at Sky Valley Pioneer Camp in Henderson County when a visitor began playing Woody Guthrie and old folk songs around the campfire. “I just flipped over the sound of the

guitar and these songs,” recalled Wann, who taught himself to play on a guitar borrowed from the family preacher. Wann headed to UNC as a Morehead-Cain Scholar and majored in English with little idea about what to do after college. During breaks, he worked for his father, a Chattanooga funeral home director, as a pallbearer and chauffeur. At Carolina, a key mentor was the late professor Jerry Leath Mills, who entranced Wann with his Shakespeare class and later contributed lyrics and stories to Pump Boys and King Mackerel. After college, Wann bartended, wrote songs, played in a band and co-founded Cat’s Cradle, the Carrboro music venue. Then Diamond Studs happened and Wann was on a roll. IN SPIR ATI O N F OR PU M P B OY S AND DINET TES His career got another boost from Pump Boys and Dinettes, a hybrid of country, rock and pop that Wann wrote with several collaborators. The musical premiered offBroadway in 1981 and opened on Broadway a year later, playing 573 performances. It’s the story of four “gas station guys” and two waitresses at a small-town North Carolina diner. Inspiration came from Merritt’s Esso, a gas station and store with wood floors and a potbelly stove on U.S. 15-501 in Chapel Hill where Wann and friends used to hang out. Pump Boys was such a hit that before long, limos were snaking around the block. Willie Nelson and Robert Redford were photographed at one show. After another, Liza Minnelli sauntered onstage and said in her smoky voice: “We have no idea what we’re in for when you start your show, and you just lead us down the garden path.”

Jim Wann

‘LIK E A V IN TAG E MUS TA N G’ Over the years, Wann has released numerous CDs. In 2013, he received Carolina’s John L. Haber ’70 (“Habey”) Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Arts. These days, he divides his time between the Hudson Valley and Tybee Island, Ga. He still performs in King Mackerel and with the Coastal Cohorts, a trio that includes Simpson and Don Dixon that often performs to benefit environmental organizations. In July 2014, Pump Boys and Dinettes returned to Broadway for a four-day run at the New York City Center. The Times said the new production “still hums along like a vintage Mustang that’s just had a full tuneup.” Before one show, original cast members reunited and performed for a packed crowd that included plenty of Tar Heels. The scene was emotional, “full of joy and life,” Wann said. “The original show was half my life ago, so a lot of my journey has been with a sense of gratitude for Pump Boys. Sitting in the audience and playing and singing with the originals for the first time in 30 years or more, that [gratitude] felt like it was turned up to 10.” •




Shirley Temple Up Close: Q&A with John F. Kasson

ABOVE: Shirley Temple leaves the White House after meeting with FDR on June 24, 1938. Her mother and bodyguard stand at left. (photo courtesy of the Harris & Ewing Collection, Library of Congress)

Q: How did you become interested in Shirley Temple? A: I began by wondering how and why Americans became noted for smiling — something that people from other countries have long observed. I considered writing a history of the smile in America and its relation to the rise of modern consumer culture. But I decided to bring it down to earth by studying Shirley Temple, FDR, Bill “Bojangles” Robinson and the Great Depression.

Shirley’s breakthrough movie, Stand Up and Cheer!, hitched its wagon to FDR’s star, showing how entertainment could help lift the national mood of fear and gloom and end the Great Depression. Virtually overnight, her smile became as famous as FDR’s.

Q: What made her so irresistible and her movies so popular?

A: Shirley embodied the cuteness, cheer, trust, courage and love that adults and children needed in an especially anxious decade. She made more than 20 feature films in the 1930s, Q: When and why did Shirley and in each one her task was emotional healing. achieve her big breakthrough? In fact, her publicity photos took pride of A: Shirley had been appearing in place in an astonishing variety of homes: from comic shorts and minor roles from the a black laborer’s cabin in South Carolina and age of 3, but her breakthrough came in young Andy Warhol’s house in Pittsburgh to April 1934, the month that she turned FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s recreation room 6. The nation was in the depths of the in Washington, D.C., and gangster “Bumpy” Great Depression. Although FDR had Johnson’s Harlem apartment. When Anne launched his New Deal a year earlier, Frank and her family hid in their secret annex jobs, wages and spirits remained at a in Amsterdam from the Nazis, one of the first low ebb, and there was even talk of things that Anne did was to mount pictures of revolution. The Great Depression gripped Shirley’s beaming smile to cheer things up. the Hollywood film industry as well, and Q: How did Shirley’s popularity it was scrambling for moral cover against affect spending in the 1930s? charges of indecency from numerous A: The Great Depression was both an civic, religious and legislative quarters. economic and an emotional crisis, and Shirley So, we might say that Hollywood fought it on both fronts. … The top box-office and the nation needed Shirley as never before. star in the world for four consecutive years, from She received only seventh billing in Stand Up 1935 through 1938, she was also the greatest and Cheer!, but it was the movie that made her celebrity to endorse merchandise for children famous. For the first time, Shirley’s beaming and adults, rivaled only by Mickey Mouse. She smile and serene confidence captivated the transformed children’s fashions, popularizing a public. toddler look, including Big Sister versions, for Q: What are the connections girls up to the age of 12. Ideal Novelty and Toy between Shirley Temple and FDR? Company began making Shirley Temple dolls A: There are many. Roosevelt identified in October 1934, and soon they accounted for the double character of the Great Depression almost a third of all dolls sold in the country. as both economic and emotional, when he said She plugged breakfast cereals, toy sets, dresses, in his first inaugural address, “The only thing shoes, puzzles and games, large cabinet-sized we have to fear is fear itself.” Before he could radios, even expensive cars. • do anything substantive to revive the economy, — Q&A courtesy of W.W. Norton & Co. he had to instill new confidence and cheer — Kasson is a professor of history and something his predecessor, Herbert Hoover, American studies and the author of The Little was notoriously incapable of doing. FDR made Girl Who Fought the Great Depression, among the face of his administration a beaming smile many other seminal works of cultural history. and reassured people that positive change was Visit to hear coming. Kasson talk about the book.




• The Edible South: The Power of Food and the Making of an American Region (UNC Press) by Marcie Cohen Ferris, associate professor of American studies. The experience of food serves as an evocative lens into colonial settlements and antebellum plantations, New South cities and Civil Rights-era lunch counters, chronic hunger and agricultural reform, counterculture communes and iconic restaurants. Ferris reveals how food — as cuisine and commodity — has expressed and shaped Southern identity to the present day.

• Sweet Potatoes (UNC Press) by April McGreger ’02, founder and chef of Farmer’s Daughter, a farm-driven artisan food business in Hillsborough. McGreger shares her 50 favorite sweet potato recipes in this tribute to the brightly colored tuber. She embraces the classics — sweet potato pone and candied sweet potatoes — but goes beyond them to introduce cooks to sweet potato chiles rellenos and sweet potato-ginger cremes caramels.

• 102 Days of War: How Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda & the Taliban Survived 2001 (Potomac Books) by Yaniv Barzilai ’11. Barzilai, a diplomat in the U.S. Foreign Service, takes the reader from meetings in the White House to the most sensitive operations in Afghanistan to explain the immediate aftermath of 9/11. The author concludes that the failure to destroy al Qaeda and kill bin Laden when he was cornered in the mountains in Eastern Afghanistan was not only the result of a failure in tactics but the product of failures in policy and leadership.

• How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee (HarperOne) by Bart D. Ehrman,

• Inside Roman Libraries: Book Collections and Their Management in Antiquity (UNC Press) by George W.

James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of religious studies. How did Jesus move from being a Jewish prophet to being God? Ehrman sketches Jesus’ transformation from a human prophet to the Son of God, exalted to divine status at his resurrection. The Boston Globe wrote: “Bart Ehrman has made a career of zeroing in on some of the most difficult questions at the intersection of faith and history.”

Houston, professor emeritus of classics. Libraries of the ancient world have long held a place in the public imagination. Until now, there has been relatively little research to discover what was inside these libraries, how the collections came into being and evolved, and who selected and maintained the holdings. Houston explores a dozen specific book collections in this meticulously researched study.

• Sand and Fire, the fifth Parson and Gold novel. (Putnam) by Tom Young (B.A.

• Mountain Gravity (New Atlantic Media)

’83, M.A. ’87). A jihadist leader in North Africa has seized a supply of sarin gas and is wreaking havoc. Marine gunnery sergeant A.E. Blount, grandson of one of the first black Marines, sets out to kill or capture the terrorist. Blount calls on colleagues Sophia Gold and Lt. Col. Michael Parson to help. The author logged nearly 4,000 hours as a flight engineer in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo and elsewhere.

• River of Hope: Black Politics and the Memphis Freedom Movement, 18651954 (The University Press of Kentucky) by Elizabeth Gritter (M.A. ’05, Ph.D. ’10). Gritter examines how and why black Memphians mobilized politically in the period between Reconstruction and the beginning of the civil rights movement. In particular, she illuminates the efforts and influence of Robert R. Church Jr., an affluent Republican and founder of the Lincoln League, and the notorious Memphis political boss Edward H. Crump.

by Laurence Avery, professor emeritus of English. This debut collection of poems touches on stories of American Indians who lived in the N.C. mountains, contemporary Southern families maturing in a fast-paced world and Carolina flora and fauna adapting to changing habitats in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The poems reveal Avery’s abiding interest in his mountain heritage and a keen eye for the natural world.

• Doing it at the Dixie Dew (Minotaur Books) by Ruth Moose, professor emeritus of creative writing. When Beth McKenzie returns to her hometown of Littleboro to open a bed and breakfast called The Dixie Dew, her first guest is murdered. Three days later, a young priest is found strangled in his chapel. The whole town is soon turned upside down. McKenzie fears her new B&B is in danger of failing and that she’s the town cop’s No. 1 murder suspect.


2014 HONOR ROLL 2014 Thank You!

The College of Arts and Sciences gratefully thanks 12,072 donors who supported its

students, faculty and programs in fiscal year

2013-2014. Every charitable gift made to the

College strengthens its 221-year-old tradition of educating students in the arts, humanities and sciences.

The 2014 Honor Roll recognizes donors whose gifts to the College of Arts and Sciences between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014, qualify them for membership in the following giving societies: • Cornerstone Society — $25,000 and above • Chancellor’s Circle — $10,000 to $24,999 • Carolina Society — $5,000 to $9,999 • 1793 Society — $2,000 to $4,999 • Dean’s Circle — $1,500 to $1,999 • Young Alumni Levels Students: $250 Classes 2004 to 2008: $1,000 and above Classes 2009 to 2013: $500 and above In academic year 2014, 1,320 donors provided support at the Dean’s Circle level or above, equipping the College with vital resources for creating and maintaining a first-rate academic experience at Carolina. The Honor Roll does not include pledges, bequests or other planned gifts to the College. Furthermore, it omits the 58 anonymous donors. This list has been prepared with great care to ensure its accuracy. To report a mistake, please contact Tina CoyneSmith at 919-962-1682 or Thank you, once again, for generously supporting the College of Arts and Sciences at Carolina!


CORNERSTONE SOCIETY ($25,000 and Above) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Laura and John Beckworth, Austin, TX Betsy Blackwell and John D. Watson Jr., London, UK Peter and Heather Boneparth, Lawrence, NY Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Borden Jr., Goldsboro, NC Anne Faris Brennan, New York, NY Mr. Karl Franklin Brumback and Mrs. Eileen Pollart Brumback, New York, NY Catherine Bryson, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Bryson, Vero Beach, FL R. Duke Buchan III and Hannah Flournoy Buchan, Palm Beach, FL Mark Joseph Buono, Hackensack, NJ Mr. Max C. Chapman Jr., Houston, TX Aimee and Tom Chubb, Atlanta, GA Mark P. Clein, Chevy Chase, MD Vicki U. and David F. Craver, Riverside, CT Rose and Steve Crawford, Bronxville, NY Stephen Cumbie and Druscilla French, Vienna, VA Olivia Ratledge Delacruz, Vero Beach, FL Robin Richards Donohoe, San Francisco, CA Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Dorn, Washington, DC Steven S. Dunlevie, Atlanta, GA Dr. and Mrs. Jaroslav T. Folda III, Chapel Hill, NC Molly and Henry Froelich, Charlotte, NC Duvall S. Fuqua, Atlanta, GA Lisa and Robert Gfeller, Winston-Salem, NC Ms. Joan Heckler Gillings, Chapel Hill, NC Buck and Kay Goldstein, Chapel Hill, NC Peter T. and Laura M. Grauer, New York, NY Julia S. and William Henry Grumbles, Chapel Hill, NC Wendy R. Hamburger-Langman and M. Steven Langman, New York, NY R.M. Hanes, Charlottesville, VA Michael A. Harpold, PhD, Durham, NC Tom and Lisa Hazen, Chapel Hill, NC Richard and Ford Hibbits, Raleigh, NC J. Myrick Howard, Raleigh, NC Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Johnson III, Charlottesville, VA Bob and Molly Joy, Vonore, TN Barbara Ann Kampf and Joseph Michael Kampf, Potomac, MD Steven H. Kapp, Philadelphia, PA Thomas Stephen Kenan III, Chapel Hill, NC David Mabon Knott and Virginia Commander Knott, Mill Neck, NY Durema Fitzgerald Kohl, Wheaton, IL Mr. Nolan Delano Lovins, Lenoir, NC Stephen Nabeil Malik and Kathleen Kitts Malik, Raleigh, NC Peter G. C. Mallinson, London, UK Carolyn Carter Maness, Raleigh, NC Brian and Susan Mashburn, West Bloomfield, MI Peter H. McMillan, San Francisco, CA Dr. and Mrs. C. Curtis Meltzer, Amelia Island, FL Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Modisett, New York, NY Ralph and Juli Mosley, Nashville, TN T. David Neill and Scottie G. Neill, Winston-Salem, NC Mr. Dean E. Painter Jr., Raleigh, NC Mr. Gary Wilton Parr, New York, NY Kim and Phil Phillips, Chapel Hill, NC James Arthur Pope, Raleigh, NC John A. Powell, New York, NY William G. Rand, Raleigh, NC Benjamine and Jennie Lou Reid, Coral Gables, FL Sidna* and Paul Rizzo, Chapel Hill, NC Martin L. and Carol Fri Robinson, Charlotte, NC Cathy Rollins and Arthur Rollins, Atlanta, GA Frances P. Rollins, Durham, NC Lee Ann and Peter Rummell, Jacksonville, FL Terry and Laurie Sanford, Durham, NC Nelson Schwab III, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. James B. Shuford, Charlotte, NC Don and Billie Jones Stallings, Rocky Mount, NC C. Austin and Stephanie Stephens, Atlanta, GA


• • • • • • • • •

George J. Still Jr. and Elizabeth Still, Atherton, CA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Story III, Atlanta, GA Edward M. Strong and Laurel Durst Strong, New York, NY John Lothrop Thompson and Patricia Rumley Thompson, Atlanta, GA Tom and Betsy Uhlman, Madison, NJ Elijah White Jr., Houston, TX Ted Wieseman, Jersey City, NJ Loyal and Margaret Wilson, Chagrin Falls, OH James H. Winston, Jacksonville, FL

CHANCELLOR’S CIRCLE ($10,000 to $24,999) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Nancy Robertson Abbey and Douglas Dix Abbey, San Francisco, CA James and Julie Alexandre, Haverford, PA Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Bielsky, London, UK Stephen G. Brantley, MD, Tampa, FL Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brenizer, Glen Head, NY Jefferson Whittaker Brown and Cantey Sutton Brown, Charlotte, NC Lee and Sunny Burrows, Atlanta, GA Ann W. Burrus, Richmond, VA Anne-Lynne Charbonnet, New Orleans, LA Rebecca and Munroe Cobey, Chapel Hill, NC Neil and Laura Brown Cronin, Boston, MA Michael Anthony DiIorio, London, UK Samuel Bobbitt Dixon and Annie Gray Thorpe Dixon, Edenton, NC Mr. Rob Draughon, Atlanta, GA Anne Reilly Dunivant and Todd Glenn Dunivant, Mid Levels, Hong Kong Mr. and Mrs. Craig P. Dunlevie, Atlanta, GA Mike and Mindy Egan, Atlanta, GA Ms. Jennifer L. Ellison, Charlotte, NC Douglas R. Evans, Dallas, TX Mr. Jonathan Bernard Fassberg and Mrs. Edith Fassberg, New York, NY Eric and Patricia Fast, Greenwich, CT Pamela Hicks Ferguson, New York, NY Luke E. and Katherine Bryan Fichthorn IV, Brooklyn, NY Dr. and Mrs. J. Brooke Gardiner, Mountainside, NJ Drs. R. Barbara Gitenstein and Donald B. Hart, Ewing, NJ Dr. Gordon P. Golding Jr., Paris, France N. Jay Gould, New York, NY Dr. Bernadette Gray-Little and Mr. Shade Keys Little, Lawrence, KS The Paul Green Jr. Family, Chapel Hill, NC Matthew Michael Guest and Paige McArthur Guest, Maplewood, NJ Mr. Henry H. Hamilton III, Houston, TX Ruth and Ben Hammett, Palo Alto, CA Margaret Augur Hancock, Dallas, TX Bill and Anne Harrison, Greenwich, CT Allan Bruce Heye, London, UK William T. Hobbs II and Elizabeth Gilman Hobbs, Charlotte, NC Howard Holsenbeck, Houston, TX Robert Luther Huffines and Lisa Goddard Huffines, New York, NY Barbara and Pitt Hyde, Memphis, TN Derek Overbeck Jacobson, New York, NY Emily Kass and Charles Weinraub, Chapel Hill, NC Kimberley C. “Kayce” King, Winston-Salem, NC Nancy and Willis King, Summit, NJ Mr. Petro Kulynych, Wilkesboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Liotta, Mooresville, NC Billy and Laura Logan, Darien, CT Joe Loveland, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Knox Massey Jr., Atlanta, GA S. Spence McCachren Jr., Maryville, TN Charles and Valerie Merritt, Durham, NC Dena and Chris Moore, Richmond, VA John T. Moore, New York, NY Leonid Nevzlin, Tel Aviv, Israel Elizabeth Ragland Park, Raleigh, NC

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Nathaniel Ragland Park, Raleigh, NC Florence and James L. Peacock, Chapel Hill, NC Edwin and Harriet Poston, Chapel Hill, NC Steven Lewis Purdy and Beth Crampton Purdy, Charlotte, NC John Franklin Rand, Englewood, CO Ed and Suzy Rankin, Fairview, NC Debra R. Ratliff, Raleigh, NC Robert H. Silver and Rhonda A. Silver, Montclair, NJ Stanley Eli Schulman and Helene Panzer, Westport, CT John and Jessica Skipper, Wilton, CT Eric and Lori Sklut, Charlotte, NC James H. Smith Jr., Burlington, NC Mr. William H. Smith, Greensboro, NC Joan W. Sorensen and E. Paul Sorensen, Providence, RI Ann Lewallen Spencer, Winston-Salem, NC Dante Stephensen, Atlanta, GA Ms. Christina Elizabeth Story, Chapel Hill, NC Benjamin J. Sullivan Jr., Rye, NY J. M. Bryan Taylor and Carolyn Clark Taylor, Charlotte, NC William W. Taylor III, Washington, DC Justin Allen Thornton and Debra Wheless Thornton, Washington, DC Dr. Murray W. Turner, Charlotte, NC Dr. Marcus B. Waller, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. David Newton Webb, Greenwich, CT Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Westfall, Atlanta, GA Nancy and Monty White, Raleigh, NC Charles Leigh Wickham III, London, UK Joseph M. Wolz and Beth M. Wolz, Youngsville, NC Tom Woodbury, New York, NY L. Brian Worrell, Cypress, TX Bright Kinnett Wright, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Zeeman, Lake Forest, IL Neil and Sharon Zimmerman, Houston, TX

CAROLINA SOCIETY ($5,000 to $9,999) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mr. Wilton J. Aebersold, New Albany, IN Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Alford, Jacksonville, NC R. Franklin Andrews, Bethesda, MD Daniel Armstrong III, Washington, DC Kelly Gallagher Armstrong, Richmond, VA Dr. Q. Whitfield Ayres, Arlington, VA Mr. and Mrs. Ian Banwell, Charlotte, NC Win and Rosanah Bennett, Chevy Chase, MD Keith C. Berryhill and Diane L. Lidz, Marietta, GA Stuart R. Berryhill and Lily Anne Lim, Lakewood, CA John L. Brantley, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Briner, Chapel Hill, NC Drs. Jay Bryson and Margaret Commins, Charlotte, NC Hacker and Kitty Caldwell, Chattanooga, TN Norman P. Chapel and Mary Beth Chapel, Edina, MN William Grimes Clark IV and Tiffany Miller Clark, Tarboro, NC Sanford A. Cockrell III, Madison, CT Robert F. and Helen H. Conrad, Hillsborough, NC G. Lee Cory Jr. and Karen Spencer Cory, Charlotte, NC Blake Coules and Brenda Coules, Raleigh, NC Mrs. Phyllis Slick Cowell, Rocky Mount, NC Michael F. and Monica Longworth Coyne, New York, NY Robin Carston Craig, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cramer Jr., Panama City, FL Dr. and Mrs. Frederic Dalldorf, Pittsboro, NC Fred Davenport, Wilmington, NC Stephen and Linda De May, Charlotte, NC Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. DeSimone, San Jose, CA

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Robert L. Dewar, New Braunfels, TX Christina Sampogna Downey, Riverside, CT Michael Nathan Driscoll, Manassas, VA Beth and Chuck Duckett, Winston Salem, NC Dr. and Mrs. Chip Duckett, High Point, NC Calvine Dunnan and Douglas Dunnan, Rye, NY Laura deBoisfeuillet Edwards, Chapel Hill, NC David H. Ehrlich and Barbara B. Ehrlich, Washington, DC Mr. John Gray Blount Ellison Jr., Greensboro, NC Mr. Brian M. Fenty, New York, NY Dan Fitz, London, UK David and Nancy Fortenbery, Charlotte, NC Raymond Wilford Fraley Jr., Fayetteville, TN Tripp Frey, Hood River, OR Jeremy Randall Fry and Leigh Nicole Fry, Olathe, KS Jonathan Doane Fussell and Leah McDonald Fussell, Wallace, NC Dr. Paul W. Gabrielson and Mary Love May, Hillsborough, NC Margaret and David Gardner, Washington, DC Ms. Kristin S. Gilbert, Maplewood, NJ Robert D. Gillikin, Dallas, TX Thomas Kearney Glenn II, Atlanta, GA John and Sallie Glover, Raleigh, NC Mr. Timothy Richard Graves and Mrs. Cathey Stricker Graves, Manhattan Beach, CA John D. Gumbel and Stacey Gumbel, New Bern, NC Robert H. Hackney Jr. and Shauna Holiman, New Preston, CT Ambassador Anthony and Hope Harrington, Easton, MD Mr. Allan Niles Haseley and Mrs. Kelly Beck Haseley, Charlotte, NC Judith A. Hayes, Glenview, IL Emmett and Hubert Haywood, Raleigh, NC Joseph C. High and Kathleen Cullins High, Chapel Hill, NC John Frank Hoadley and Beth Carol Fuchs, McLean, VA Mrs. R. Branson Hobbs*, Chapel Hill, NC The Honorable and Mrs. Truman McGill Hobbs, Montgomery, AL Mrs. Mary Camp Hoch, Bronxville, NY Harriet T. Holderness, Hinsdale, IL Mr. Christopher Michael Holmes and Mrs. Mildred Webber Holmes, Washington, DC Ron Howard, Greenwich, CT Lauren Taylor Hubbell, New York, NY James Richard Huddle and Jane Fuller Huddle, Charlotte, NC Chris and Anna Hunter, Lookout Mountain, TN Donald P. Kanak, Wanchai, Hong Kong Mark Katz, Carrboro, NC Robert E. and Mercedes Kaufman, Boca Raton, FL Mr. Shaun C. Kelley, New York, NY Frank* and Betty Kenan, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Michael Krimminger, Derwood, MD Amanda Kay Kyser, Sag Harbor, NY Kimberly Kyser, Chapel Hill, NC James Clifton Landers, Atlanta, GA William Pope Langdale, Valdosta, GA Philip M. Lankford, Chapel Hill, NC Kat Leung, Mountain View, CA Hal and Holly Levinson, Charlotte, NC Lana Lewin, New York, NY Prof. and Mrs. Ronald C. Link, Chapel Hill, NC Leon Otis Livingston, Memphis, TN Ms. Paula Jean Lombardi, Charlotte, NC Thomas Luther Lutz, Dallas, TX Alexander Huntley Mackintosh Sr., Stanley, Hong Kong Frances Chapman and John F. Mangan, Charlotte, NC D. G. and Harriet Martin, Chapel Hill, NC Timothy James R. Matt and Myra Whaley Matt, Wilmington, NC

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Jill Painter Mattocks, Wrightsville Beach, NC Mr. Mark John McCann, Oak Park, IL Mr. and Mrs. William O. McCoy, Chapel Hill, NC Lane Morris McDonald, New York, NY Mr. Emmett English McLean, Birmingham, AL David and Christine McSpadden, London, UK Mark and Posey Mealy, Charlotte, NC Jim and Carol Medford, Greensboro, NC Heloise Merrill, Charlotte, NC Daniel Milikowsky and Sharon Burger Milikowsky, New Haven, CT Daniel and Leah Miller, Charlotte, NC F. Fetzer Mills and Pennington Martin Mills, Wadesboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. William Cabot Monk Jr., Greenville, NC Philip Victor Moss, Allendale, NJ Katharine Caldwell Nevin, Johns Island, SC Charles E. Noell, Monkton, MD Mr. and Mrs. McKee Nunnally Jr., Atlanta, GA John and Cynthia O’Hara, Chapel Hill, NC Robert L. Page, Greensboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Phillips Jr., Greensboro, NC Daniel Craig Pignatiello, Long Beach, CA Mr. Andrew C. Pike, Charlotte, NC Michael B.* and Sandra Piller, Los Angeles, CA Mr. and Mrs. James B. Pittleman, McLean, VA Jane Bethell Preyer, Chapel Hill, NC Stephen David Prystowsky and Rochelle Prystowsky, Chapel Hill, NC Mary and Raj Rajkumar, Singapore Sandy Fleischman Richman, New York, NY Coleman D. and Carol M. Ross, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. David S. Routh, Chapel Hill, NC Jay W. Sammons, New York, NY William L. Scarborough, Jr., Singapore James M. Schnell and Harriet Hodges Schnell, Richmond, VA Dr. Stephen B. Sears, Siler City, NC Steve Shafroth, Chapel Hill, NC Sarah Williams Shangraw, Sterling, VA Brent M. Sheerer, Centerville, OH William A. Shore, Chapel Hill, NC Lloyd Newton Simon II, New York, NY Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Smiley, Spartanburg, SC Sherwood and Eve Smith, Raleigh, NC Lawrence D. Sperling, Singapore Peter F. and Linda Spies, Monmouth Beach, NJ John Curtis Staton and Margaret McLanahan Staton, Atlanta, GA Robert L. Susick Jr., Chapel Hill, NC Elizabeth G. Taylor and David W. DeBruin, Chevy Chase, MD Otis Edward Tillman Jr. and Audrey Boone Tillman, Columbus, GA M. Christine Vick, Alexandria, VA Elizabeth Campbell Walker, Greenwich, CT John Robbins and Campbell Lucas Wester, Charlotte, NC J. Spencer Whitman and Leslie M. Whitman, Charlotte, NC Ashley and John Wilson, Chapel Hill, NC David G. Winfield, Hong Kong Dr. Cecil William Wooten III, Chapel Hill, NC J. Blake Young Jr. and Carol Payne Young, Atlanta, GA Ray Allen Yount and Agnes Bell Yount, Cumberland, MD Susan Goerlich Zief, Princeton, NJ

1793 SOCIETY ($2,000 to $4,999) • • • • • • •

Charles M. Abbey, Edgewater, MD Lynn Ainsworth, Durham, NC Virginia M. Aldige, Chapel Hill, NC Steven and Allison Aldrich, Los Altos, CA Mr. John Fredrick Altschuler and Mrs. Leah Harris Altschuler, Studio City, CA Allen L. Anderson, Chapel Hill, NC Ivan V. Anderson Jr. and Renee Dobbins Anderson, Charleston, SC


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Thomas Arnold, Charleston, SC Fay Pushkin Aronson, Coral Gables, FL Dr. Katrina H. Avery and Elbert L. Avery, Durham, NC Donald A. Baer, Washington, DC Gregory Arthur Baer, Chevy Chase, MD Equia Amber Barnette, Richmond, VA Dr. L. Jarrett Barnhill Jr., Hillsborough, NC Philip D. Bennett, London, UK Leslie Benning and Rafael Bejarano, New York, NY Christina Benson, Alexandria, VA Frederick D. Benton, Aiken, SC Mr. and Mrs. John A. V. Berry, Midlothian, VA Dr. Alvin Boskoff, Atlanta, GA Carolyn Snyder Breaks and Jackson Davis Breaks II, Chapel Hill, NC Sara C. Breshears, Laekey, TX Frederick Baker Bridgers, Elm City, NC Thurman Seay Brooks and Anne Campbell Brooks, Charlotte, NC Ellen Kay Brundage, Gaithersburg, MD Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Burke Jr., Chapel Hill, NC Kevin Burns, Waco, TX Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III, Winston-Salem, NC Wayne Michael Busch and Melissa Hastings Busch, Toronto, ON Robert B. Butler, Phoenix, MD Mrs. Marion Byrd, Jacksonville Beach, FL Timothy Cage, New York, NY A. Britt Canady, Charlotte, NC Brian Stewart Carl, Houston, TX Thomas D. Carr, Chicago, IL Peggy Gibson Carroll, Cary, NC William Singleton Carroll, Bellevue, WA Douglas E. Caton and Nancy Artis Caton, Charlottesville, VA Courtney and Philip Cavatoni, Bristol, VA Robert M. Chadwick, East Windsor, NJ Dr. and Mrs. Scott J. Childress, Philadelphia, PA Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Clemmons, Clayton, GA Michael and June Clendenin, Chapel Hill, NC Derick Springsteen Close, Charlotte, NC Mr. Harvey Colchamiro, Greensboro, NC Ms. Wylene Righton Commander, Palm Beach, FL Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cone Jr., Greensboro, NC Clint and Stacy Corrie, Dallas, TX Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Cowell in memory of Russell S. Cowell Jr., Williamsburg, VA Jason Ralph Cox, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong Mr. Richard S. Craddock Jr., San Francisco, CA Lester Leroy Crafton Jr., Nashville, TN Mr. and Mrs.* J. Scott Cramer, Winston-Salem, NC Mr. Charles Armstrong Cross, McLean, VA Mr. and Mrs. Algernon Darius Crumpler, Suwanee, GA Michael E. Dane and Paula M. Dane, Mooresville, NC John M. Darden III, Atlanta, GA Rebecca Wesson Darwin and Cress Darwin, Charleston, SC Maria Coakley David, McLean, VA Derick Garnard Singh Davis Jr. and Maxine Brown-Davis, Cedar Point, NC Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald Davis Jr., Columbia, MD J. Richard Daw and Kendra Hosler Daw, Cary, NC Anna Deak-Phillips, Charlotte, NC George Raymond DeVeny, Louisville, TN Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Diab, Wilmington, NC Jean Larkin Dobson, Charleston, SC Ms. Eileen K. Doherty, Durham, NC Joseph S. Dormagen, Third Lake, IL Ruth L. Doyle, Warrensburg, MO W. Christopher Draper Jr., Califon, NJ

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Elizabeth B. Dreesen and Gary J. Gala, Chapel Hill, NC Cheray Duchin, Chapel Hill, NC Edmund Durden and Laura Hynes Durden, Charlotte, NC Russell S. Edmister, Chapel Hill, NC H. Timothy Efird II, Gastonia, NC Emmett N. Ellis IV and Patricia L. Truscelli, Dobbs Ferry, NY Frances K. Elovitz, Natick, MA Dr. and Mrs. John W. Entwistle III, Philadelphia, PA Bradley Erickson, Chapel Hill, NC William W. Espy, Atlanta, GA Nora G. and Steven W. Esthimer, Chapel Hill, NC Jerry R. Everhardt and Margaret DuBose Avery, Greensboro, NC Zeina Saghiyyah Fares, Houston, TX Cherie Fogle Faulkner, Raleigh, NC Luke and Nancy P. Fichthorn III, Vero Beach, FL Michael H. Fleisher, Saint Simons Island, GA Alexander G. and Janet M. Floyd, Raleigh, NC Mr. John Patrick Foudy, Spring, TX Benjamin E. Fountain III, Dallas, TX Shayne Gad and Novie Beth Ragan Gad, Cary, NC Larry L. and Carol G. Gellerstedt, Atlanta, GA Peter S. Gilchrist III, Huntersville, NC James Sevier Gilliland Jr., Memphis, TN Donald Gilman, Muncie, IN Elena B. Gittleman, Houston, TX Gerry Good, Lake Oswego, OR Leonard Goodman, New York, NY James C. Goodnight Jr., Boone, NC Sarah Reckford Gray, Atlanta, GA Drs. L. and O. E. Greenwald, Efland, NC Steven and Gail Grossman, Chapel Hill, NC Pickett Murray Guthrie and Robert Guthrie, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Anthony C. Hackney, Bahama, NC Janet Hadler, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Donald C. Haggis, Chapel Hill, NC Nancy Logan Haigwood and Andy C. McNiece, Beaverton, OR W. Clay Hamner and Margaret S. Hamner, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes Jr., Winston-Salem, NC Melanie Hardy Hardin and P. Russell Hardin, Atlanta, GA Chandler Hardwick and Monie T. Hardwick, Bluffton, SC Joseph M. Harmon, MD, Mount Pleasant, SC Dr. Thelma O. Harms, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. O. James Hart Jr., Mocksville, NC Wesley Raymond Hawfield and Amret Thompson Hawfield, Winston-Salem, NC Kathleen Samsot Hawk, Houston, TX Mr. Sam M. Hayes, Alexandria, VA James T. Hedrick Jr. and Laurie Hedrick, Charlotte, NC Peter Blair Henry, New York, NY Dr. Steve E. Hoffman, Littleton, NC Dr. and Mrs. Carl C. Hoffmann, Mebane, NC David and Meg Holden, Wilmington, DE Augusta and Gill Holland, Harrods Creek, KY Pete and Mei Holthausen, Cary, NC Rodney Eugene Hood, Durham, NC Lawrence L. Hooper Jr., Reisterstown, MD Jerry and Barbara Hulka, Chapel Hill, NC Virginia Anne Hunt, Pawleys Island, SC Megan Hynek, Concord, NC Barbara I. Jacobs, Stamford, CT Kevin Jeffay and Susan Jeffay, Chapel Hill, NC Pembroke N. and Patricia C. Jenkins, Wilmington, NC Joyce Kachergis, Pittsboro, NC Robert and Teresa Kadlec Jr., Manhattan Beach, CA Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kaufman, Needham, MA


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Jonathan Albert Kaufman, Weston, FL C. H. “Jack” and Joyce Keller, Hilton Head Island, SC Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kelso, Charlotte, NC Shannon Kennedy, Chapel Hill, NC Lisa and Ted Kerner Jr., MD, Winston-Salem, NC Drs. Kimball and Harriet King, Chapel Hill, NC Malvern Francis King Jr., Durham, NC Paul F. Knouse Jr., Winston Salem, NC Kim and Kevin Kwok, San Francisco, CA Eugene Y. Lao, Burlingame, CA Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lathrop, Atlanta, GA Mr. Douglas M. Lay, Chapel Hill, NC Bradley Lewis and Lori Beth Wittlin, Houston, TX J. Weston Lockhart, Charlotte, NC Ms. Elizabeth Pankey Lotspeich, Miami, FL Richard B. and Linda C. Lupton, Westerville, OH Ms. Jessica B. Lyons, Washington, DC Scott MacDonald, Del Mar, CA Mr. Wendell Carlton Maddrey, Upper Montclair, NJ Lawrence Donald Margerum, Lafayette, CA Ms. Sarah Robbins Mars, Boston, MA Alex Matisse, Marshall, NC Dr. Eddie R. Mayberry, Hilton Head Island, SC Dewey Granville McCafferty and Jennifer Finnegan McCafferty, Chapel Hill, NC Lori Andrade McCain and Wendell Alan McCain, Chapel Hill, NC John and Lee McColl, Atlanta, GA Pattie Sapp and Ed McCrady, Atlanta, GA Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McElwee, Charlotte, NC Molly Monk Mears, Atlanta, GA Dyke Messinger and Deborah Messinger, Salisbury, NC Brent Marriott and Ann James Milgrom, Charlotte, NC Bertram Goodwin Minisman and Carol S. Minisman, Birmingham, AL Elizabeth Lynn Mitchell, Arlington, VA James and Susan Moeser, Chapel Hill, NC Peter C. Moister, Atlanta, GA Frederick Karl Molen, Garnet Valley, PA Alice D. Moore and Joseph O. Moore, Hillsborough, NC Sandra and Bill Moore, Chapel Hill, NC Bill Mordan, Newark, DE Mark Morris and Julie Morris, Raleigh, NC Dr. Jeffrey M. Morrison and Dr. Suzanne DePalma Morrison, Raleigh, NC Shawn Healy Morton and Emily SooHoo, Charlotte, NC Sally Marie Murray, Lubbock, TX Janet Neal and Kevin Neal, Jacksonville Beach, FL Alan S. Neely Sr. and Butchie Neely, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Lee Niegelsky, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Edward M. Olefirowicz and Mrs. Karri A. Olefirowicz, Chapel Hill, NC Paul Oliver and Sheila Barry-Oliver, Pinellas Park, FL Caroline Cockrell Orr and Wilson Orr, Memphis, TN Richard Osborne, Charlotte, NC Paula Davis Page, Chapel Hill, NC Maccy and Don Paley, Lawrence, NY Mr. Jim Pang and Mrs. Diana J. Rosenfeld, Cordora, TN Mr. David M. Parker, Chapel Hill, NC Josie Ward Patton, Chapel Hill, NC Mark H. Pavao, Haverford, PA Anne and Billy Pizer, Durham, NC Suzanne S. and Charles T. Plambeck, Princeton, NJ Caleb Joseph Pollock, Lafayette, CO Bryan Holmes Pope and Greer Barber Pope, Atlanta, GA John Peter Preyer and Joan Lacy Preyer, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. E. Allen Prichard, Charlotte, NC Elizabeth B. Pritchett, Atlanta, GA Frank and Ellen Proctor, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong R. M. Propst and D. L. Wood, York, SC Mr. Alfred Purrington and Dr. Suzanne Townsend Purrington, Raleigh, NC

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Mary Margaret and Tom S. Rand, MD, Wilson, NC Richard John Razook, Miami, FL Mavis Mann* and Benjamin F. Reeves, Huntsville, AL Dr. Scott Robin Rehm, Greensboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ritok Jr., Chapel Hill, NC Deborah and Ed Roach, Chapel Hill, NC Larry E. and Debra B. Robbins, Raleigh, NC Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Robboy, Chapel Hill, NC Grayson Knox Rodgers, Birmingham, AL Nancy Marie Rodriguez, Spring, TX Francis O. Rollins and Lydia E. Rollins, Houston, TX Harry Michael Rosenberg, Raleigh, NC Daniel Wiskirchen Rupp, Central, Hong Kong John Russell and Kelley Russell, Raleigh, NC Amy R. Sabrin and G. Evans Witt, Washington, DC Mr. Ryan E. Schlitt, Dallas, TX Barbara Johnson Schneider and Peter Wayne Schneider, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schwartz, Atlanta, GA David Bertram Scott and Donna Ennis Scott, Lake Waccamaw, NC Laura Townsend Scott, Naples, FL Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sears Jr., Dallas, TX Frances Jane Seymour, Washington, DC David Sheffer and Julie Sheffer, Charlotte, NC C. Scott Shultz and Leigh Huff Shultz, Cranford, NJ Dr. Richard L. Simpson and Dr. Ida Harper Simpson, Chapel Hill, NC C. Stirling Cassidy Smith and Blair W. Smith, New York, NY Jerri Sheryl Smith, Mooresville, NC Wayne Beveridge Smith Jr., Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil Snow, High Point, NC Elizabeth Rider Soboeiro and Michael Francis Soboeiro, Raleigh, NC James P. Srebro, Napa, CA Kenneth G. Starling, McLean, VA Alan Clements Stephenson, Chapel Hill, NC Linda and Mason Stephenson, Atlanta, GA Dr. William Elliott Stephenson, Cedar Hill, TX Dale A. Strickland, Durham, NC Colonel L. Phillip Stroud Jr. and Lisa Matthews Stroud, Cary, NC Mr. Mark A. Suskin, Arlington, VA Jimmy and Ellyn Tanner, Rutherfordton, NC Mr. Kenneth Stanley Taratus Jr., Atlanta, GA Brian Teets and Molly Putman Teets, New York, NY Ashley Ivester Tewell, Decatur, GA Davis Leon Thompson Jr., Charlotte, NC R. Rand Tucker, Ann Arbor, MI Tom and Judy Tygart, Jacksonville, FL William John Tyne, Jr., London, England Mr. and Mrs. Travis Thompson Tygart, Colorado Springs, CO Mr. Mark David Unferth, Short Hills, NJ Thomas F. and Rebecca E. Valone, Raleigh, NC Bill and Susan Veazey, Greensboro, NC Lynn Kincaid Waymer, Stone Mountain, GA James Alphonso Wellons, Philadelphia, PA Ryan Scott Wesslen, Charlotte, NC Gregory and Anne Wessling, Cornelius, NC Alice Wilbur, Joliet, IL Michael Lafon Wiley and Jodi Wiley, Pittsboro, NC Christina Nelson Williams and Bradford Alan Williams, Raleigh, NC Samuel Adams Williamson, Larchmont, NY Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wilmott, Bronxville, NY Jean Jones Wilson and Charles T. Wilson Jr., Durham, NC Victoria Anne Wilson, Carrboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters, Winston-Salem, NC Mr. Charles J. Wolfe Jr. and Ms. Sandra Roth, New York, NY

• William Lewis Wortmann, Santa Monica, CA • Wei Wu and Amarjit Singh Budhiraja, Chapel Hill, NC

DEAN’S CIRCLE ($1,500 to $1,999) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dr. and Mrs. John Granville Alley Jr., Raleigh, NC Ms. Teresa C. Artis, Cary, NC Ronald Tadao Azuma, San Jose, CA Jean Badgett Barber, Waverly, NY Martha Kincheloe Barnes and Russell Whitfield Barnes, Rocky Mount, NC Mr. William Lindley Beckworth, Austin, TX Steve Benezra, Ph.D., Hillsborough, NC Mark Bettin, Odebolt, IA Erica Buchholz Bissette and Winston Louis Bissette III, Denver, CO Laura Hill Boland, Midlothian, VA Adam Sturgis Boyle, Los Angeles, CA Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bryant, Gastonia, NC Laura Catherine Buff, Raleigh, NC Marilyn Carter and Mark Emamian, Chapel Hill, NC Diane Elliott Caton, Charlottesville, VA John Edward Chapman III and Elizabeth Pearce Chapman, Chapel Hill, NC Daniel Kennedy Clift, Boston, MA Jane Elizabeth Cowan, Atlanta, GA Mr. John Withers Currie, Columbia, SC Van Womack Daniel III, Wise, VA Jan L. Davis, Cary, NC Arthur and Mignon DeBerry, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Deering, Charleston, SC Sharon B. Dooley and Richard L. Dooley, Cary, NC Patrick Allon Dutch, Charlotte, NC Joe Wesley Earnhardt, New York, NY Richard Coles Edmunds III, Alexandria, VA Alex and Roxanna Erwin, Atlanta, GA Bill and Marcie Ferris, Chapel Hill, NC Jonathan David Flaspoehler and Veronica Mora Flaspoehler, Lincolnton, NC Richard F. Fox and Betsy Freeman Fox, Greensboro, NC Whitney Danielle Fox, Millington, TN Diane Frazier, Pittsboro, NC Gary L. Gaulden, Chapel Hill, NC Walt and Taryn Gillikin, Smyrna, GA Jeffrey Harper Glans and Louise Marian Perkins, Trumbull, CT Dr. Darryl J. Gless*, Chapel Hill, NC Bari Lieb Gorelick and Jeffrey Alan Gorelick, Charlotte, NC Hansen Vickers Grider, Charlotte, NC Owen Gwyn Jr. and Rev. Roxane Stewart Gwyn, Chapel Hill, NC Christopher William Harbinson, Raleigh, NC Dr. Jim Harrell Jr., Elkin, NC Mr. Timothy B. Hefner, DPO, AP Edward Albert Heidt Jr., Virginia Beach, VA Bradley Wilton Hicks, Chicago, IL Charles and Lindsay Higgins, New York, NY Katlin Elizabeth Howard, Pittsburgh, PA David James Howell, San Francisco, CA Maryann Hutchison, Manhattan Beach, CA Kelly Jorgenson Johnson, Golden, CO Neal Johnson, Charlotte, NC Alexander Julian, Ridgefield, CT Mohammad Junaid, High Point, NC Robert Alan Kasper, Arlington, VA Susan J. Kelly, Chapel Hill, NC Michael Kennedy, Atlanta, GA Clarke Robert Keough and Elizabeth Adams Keough, New York, NY Abigail McConnell Kimbrough and Orman Lanier Kimbrough, Charlottesville, VA Mr. David Michael Krinsky, Pasadena, CA Tom and Donna Lambeth, Winston-Salem, NC Charles Brooks Levin, Dallas, TX Mrs. William Little, Chapel Hill, NC Alexander Lowe-Skillern, Durham, NC

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Andrew Lucas, Santa Monica, CA Felix Lurye, New York, NY Deborah Anne Malizia and Emil E. Malizia, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward Marslender, Raleigh, NC Sarah W Redd McCain and Robert Sullivan McCain, Brookhaven, NY Matthew Dolan McKearn, Washington, DC Alexander William Merritt, Charlotte, NC James E. Miles III, New Orleans, LA Matthew Tyler Millard, Oak Ridge, NC Mr. Preston L. Mitchell, Arlington, VA Cameron Murphy, Paris, France Paul and Linda Naylor, Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. N. Carter Newbold IV, Signal Mountain, TN Kurt Douglas Newman, Bethesda, MD Timothy Ryan Palpant, New York, NY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Pappas, Durham, NC Cynthia Drum Parks, Seattle, WA Samuel George Pulliam, Southern Pines, NC Thomas E. Reynolds, Atlanta, GA Terry Ellen Rhodes, Chapel Hill, NC Kelly W. and Zachary T. Rike, Atlanta, GA Jonathan Michael Rogoff, Stillwater, MN Merrill Rose, New York, NY Nicole Wilson Rubin, Portola Valley, CA Laura Ann Schaffer, Summit, NJ Joseph E. Seagle, Orlando, FL Buford and Suzy Sears, Buffalo, NY Michael Charles Shindler and Andrea Gellin Shindler, Orlando, FL Mr. John H. Small, Greensboro, NC Leigh Garner Smith and Roger William Smith Jr., Raleigh, NC Ed and Carol Smithwick, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sprott, Potomac, MD Scott F. and Emily P. Sternberg, Greenwich, CT Hugh and Marilyn Stevens, Raleigh, NC Joel Thomas Sutherland and Katherine E. Sutherland, Carrboro, NC Lynn Taff and Edwin Jay Taff, Weston, MA Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor, Winston-Salem, NC Francis Bailey Teague and Katherine Redmond Teague, Charlotte, NC Elizabeth and Ralph Teal Jr., Myrtle Beach, SC Nathan Douglas Tibbits, Washington, DC William Tyne, London, UK David Erich Tyson and Treva Watkins Tyson, Raleigh, NC Arthur Patrick Valentine, Penn Valley, PA Daniel Verschatse, Hurtado-IV Region, Chile Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Waddell III, Burlington, NC Robert Alan Wainer and Kim Wainer, Greensboro, NC Caroline E. Wainright and Colby D. Schwartz, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ward Jr., Trent Woods, NC Ashley Burns Watson, Menlo Park, CA Thomas Mitchell Whitehurst, Fort Payne, AL Robert A. Wicker, Greensboro, NC John Franklin Wilkerson and Millicent Marsh Wilkerson, Chapel Hill, NC Claudie B. Williams, Chapel Hill, NC Campbell McNair Wilson and Elena Strauss Wilson, Charlotte, NC Mr. Michael Roscoe Wilson, New York, NY Jennie Grainger Winston, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woodard, Apex, NC Geoffrey W. Wright, DPO, AE Peggy Wynn and Phail Wynn Jr., Hillsborough, NC Ann Yaeger Young and Michael Harrill Young, Asheville, NC


The 2007 Carolyn J. Maness Irrevocable Trust Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Science ACM Mid-Atlantic Programming Contest AIG


• Alpha Natural Resources Services • Amgen Foundation • Anadarko Petroleum • The Anna B. White Trust • ASL, LLC • AT&T Labs-Research • Augusta Brown Holland Philanthropic Foundation • Automatic Data Processing, Inc. • Ayco Charitable Foundation • Bank of America • Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D., LLC • Barnsley Foundation, Inc. • BB&T Corp. • Bessemer Trust • BlackRock • Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Boeing Company • Bowman & Gordon Gray Trust • BP Foundation • Brady Foundation, Inc. • Brent Milgrom Family Foundation Inc. • Brigham Young University • Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. • Bronto Software, Inc. • Brown Advisory • Bryson Foundation LTD • Buchan Family Trust • CAF American Donor Fund • Capital One • CapTech Ventures, Inc. • Cardinal Track Club • Carol Woods Retirement Community • Carolina Meadows • Carolina Trust • Caudill Family Foundation • Chapel Hill-Durham Korean School • Chapman Family Charitable Trust • Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation • Charles H. Goren Foundation • Charlesmead Foundation • Coca-Cola Foundation • Colgate-Palmolive Company • Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta • Community Foundation for National Capital Region • Community Foundation of Gaston County • Community Foundation of Greater Memphis • Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee • Community Foundation of New Jersey • Connie Burwell White & William W. White Foundation • Estate of Henry L. Cox • Credit Suisse • Daniel Mickel Foundation of SC • The Daniel O. Price Living Trust • Dantes Circle One • Delaware Community Foundation • Deloitte & Touche • The Dena & Chris Moore Family Foundation • Dickson Foundation • Doris G. Quinn Foundation • Dorothy Barnhill Edwards Trust • Duke Energy Foundation • Duplin Wine Family, Inc. • E. Craig Wall Sr. Foundation • E.T. Rollins Jr. & Frances P. Rollins Foundation • Earl N. Phillips Family Foundation • The Educational Foundation of America • Elizabeth T. Williams Charitable Lead Annuity Trust • Ellison Family Foundation • Emwiga Foundation • Epic Systems Corporation • Ernst & Young • Essick Foundation Inc. • ExxonMobil Corporation • ExxonMobil Foundation • F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. • Fay P. Aronson Trust

• Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund • Fidelity Foundation • Florida Institute of Technology • Foundation for the Carolinas • Frank Borden Hanes 2012 Charitable Lead Trust • Fred and Charlotte Hubbell Foundation • Frey Foundation • Galloway Ridge at Fearrington • Gary W. Parr Family Foundation • GEICO • General Electric Company • General Motors Corporation • Georges Lurcy Charitable & Educational Trust • The Gillikin Family Trust • Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation • GlaxoSmithKline • Goldman Sachs & Company • Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund • Governors Club • Grace Foundation • Granville Towers • Greater Greenville Foundation • Harris Glover Foundation • Harris Teeter, Inc. • Herman Goldman Foundation • Highland Vineyard Foundation • The Hobbs Foundation • Hobby Family Foundation • Howard Brothers Investments, LLLP • HSBC Bank USA • Hutchins Family Foundation, Inc. • Hyde Family Foundations • IBM Corporation • Impactassets, Inc. • Infusion • Institute For Humane Studies • Intel Corp • International Positive Psychology Association • Interstate Transportation Equipment, Inc. • Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation of South Palm Beach County • James C. Goodnight, Jr. Foundation • Jewish Communal Fund • Jewish Community Foundation • Jewish Foundation of Greensboro • John S. Rankin Charitable Lead Trust • John Wiley & Sons, Inc. • John William Pope Foundation • Julian Price Family Foundation • The Katherine & Thomas Belk Foundation, Inc. • Estate of Martha M. Keffer • Kenan Family Foundation • Kensington Square Foundation • Estate of Noel James Kinnamon • Knott Family Foundation • Kol Haskalah Sunday School • KPB Corporation • Kulynych Family Foundation II Inc. • Kyser Foundation • Estate of James E. Land • Laura & Peter Grauer Foundation • Leon Levine Foundation • Lookout Foundation, Inc. • Lunsford Richardson Preyer Charitable Lead Unitrust • M. Austin Davis Foundation, Inc. • Mackenzie Family Foundation • Mantissa Corporation • Mark & Bette Morris Family Foundation • Matthew Gfeller Foundation • Estate of Taylor J. McMillan • Estate of Melinda Sue Meade • Merck & Company, Inc. • Estate of Earl Nelson Mitchell • Mondelez International Foundation • Morgan Stanley • Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC • National Christian Foundation • National Philanthropic Trust • Nelson Schwab Family Foundation


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Network for Good New York Community Trust North Carolina Community Foundation North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Occidental Petroleum Olivia R. Gardner Foundation Pacific Life Foundation Perry/Schnell Ventures Peter B. and Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation Peter J. Frenkel Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Prentice Foundation, Inc. Preservation North Carolina Procter & Gamble Randleigh Foundation Trust Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Realan Foundation Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. ReverbNation Reynolds American Foundation Richard & Karen Razook Family Foundation, Inc. Robert & Tracy Winston Foundation, Inc. Robert T. Kohl Family Trust Robertson Foundation The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program Ron and Cheryl Howard Family Foundation Roy A. Hunt Foundation Ryna & Melvin Cohen Family Foundation SAS Institute Inc. Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving The Selavy Foundation Shell Oil Company Shubert Foundation Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Silver Family Foundation Simon & Schuster Smith Family Foundation Snyder Watchorn Foundation Inc. Southern Season Southern States Volkswagen of Durham Spray Foundation Inc. Stiebs, LLC The Stuart S. And Birdie Gould Foundation SunTrust Bank SunTrust Banks Inc. T. Rowe Price TC Group Time Warner Triangle Community Foundation Triangle Sports Medicine Symposium Trinity University Trustees for Harvard University TSWII Management Company United Way of Miami-Dade City University of Wyoming Valdosta Flying Service, Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Verizon VMware, Inc. Wake Forest University Estate of Grace Alley Walsh Estate of Zebulon Weaver III Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Wentworth & Sloan Jewelers The Whitehead Foundation William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust The Winston-Salem Foundation Women Advance Xerox Corp.

Photo courtesy of Southport Visitors’ Center


Southport, N.C. By Mackensie Pless

THE AERIAL SHOT is all oak treetops and yachts

THIS IS WHAT WE OFFER: the undersides of piers,

white like magnolia petals fallen from heaven,

ribcages hollow from the heartbeats of waves

with teacup lips for mouthfuls of rainwater.

always breaking open against the shoreline.

That is someone’s Safe Haven — we live inland,

Our only romance is in moonshined tidewater,

where restaurants board up windows each winter

in wandering until dawn peeks between the legs

and all the roads flood during hurricane season.

of beach houses and, like a child, runs to greet us.

DOWN HERE, the bad guys don’t stagger around

Mackensie Pless ’15 is a senior English major with

drinking water bottles of vodka during parades.

a minor in creative writing from Southport, N.C.

They’re part of the crowd, an extra we know.

Her poem was featured in the spring 2014 issue of

Leading ladies don’t show up on Coach buses

Cellar Door, UNC’s undergraduate literary magazine.

from Boston to marry our handsome strangers,

She enjoys traveling, drinking coffee with friends and

but stumble in every summer, bored and pale.

spending as much time as she can by the ocean.



Feb. 26, 2015: A Conversation With Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble Frey Foundation Distinguished Lecture Series Yo-Yo Ma, one of the world’s most celebrated musicians, and members from the Silk Road Ensemble will give a free talk on the intersection of arts and public life Feb. 26 at UNC.

but will perform Feb. 27 as part of Carolina Performing Arts’ season. For information and to reserve tickets, visit

The conversation at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall will be moderated by Emil Kang, Carolina Performing Arts’ executive and artistic director, following opening remarks from Karen M. Gil, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Ma’s multi-faceted career is testament to his continual search for new ways to communicate with audiences. As an appointed United Nations Messenger of Peace, Ma has organized teaching and mentoring programs, inspiring students across the world to love and honor music.

Todd Rosenberg

Admission to the event is free, but tickets will be required. Please note that Yo-Yo Ma is not scheduled to perform at the Feb. 26 lecture,

Ma comes to campus as the Frey Foundation Distinguished Visiting Professor.

The Frey Foundation Professorship was established in 1989 in the College to bring distinguished leaders from government, public policy, international affairs and the arts to campus. UNC alumnus David Gardner Frey chairs the foundation.

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