Carolina Arts & Sciences, fall 2007

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arts&sciences C








Fall • 2007

Facing the Future Tar Heels experience Asia up close

Also Inside: • New Faculty Stars • Slavery Lessons • Steve Birdsall & Fred Brooks • Remembering Ron Hyatt

T h e

U n i v e r s i t y

o f

N o r t h

C a r o l i n a

a t

C h a p e l

H i l l

From the dean F r o m t he Dean Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2007

From China to Chapel Hill

Steve Exum

I am excited and honored to be the new dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Over the last year, in applying for and moving into this position, I have been overwhelmed by the extent to which folks on the inside and outside of our institution love Carolina. Nothing emphasized this more than watching from my office in South Building as the new students took their ceremonial drinks from the Old Well. But as much as I love to reminisce about our storied Holden Thorp past, I’m mindful that Carolina is about the future. Our students are increasingly aware that they will make their mark in the world in jobs and industries that don’t exist yet. This change has resulted from several factors: the rise of the knowledge economy, the speed of information transfer, and, of course, globalization. Two weeks after I arrived in the dean’s office, I headed to Hong Kong, Kunming and Beijing to visit our study abroad students, colleagues and partners in the fastest-growing area of our global economy. It was an eye-opener in so many ways. I saw firsthand how complicated it is to operate academic programs thousands of miles from Chapel Hill. I was impressed at the skill shown by our study abroad team and faculty colleagues, and the enthusiasm of our students, as they negotiated the many challenges associated with studying and working in another land. In this issue of the magazine, you’ll see how the College is responding to the increasing importance of Asia, where at least 500 of our alumni live and work and thousands more do business. Although faculty in the College have been studying the region for about three decades, student interest has soared in recent years. Asian studies classes are often overenrolled and this year, thanks to expanded scholarships and programs, we sent more students to Asia than ever before. Our new joint undergraduate degree program with the National University of Singapore allows students from UNC and NUS to graduate with a joint degree from Carolina and one of the top-ranked international universities in the world. I’m grateful to Madeline Levine for all that she accomplished during her year as interim dean (see page 25). She and many others have helped me understand the enormous opportunities and responsibilities we face as the largest academic program at the nation’s first public university. Many of Madeline’s achievements, and others described in this issue, would not be possible without the support of our alumni and friends, who, I am delighted to announce, have lifted the College past our $350 million Carolina First campaign goal. But we’re not going to stop there. As the official campaign comes to a close Dec. 31, we’ll continue to raise money for distinguished professorships and faculty resources, the new FedEx Global Education Center and the second phase of the Carolina Physical Science Complex. We salute our alumni and friends in our annual Honor Roll in this issue. Thank you all for your ongoing support here in Chapel Hill — and beyond. Holden Thorp, Dean

Did You Know?

The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and oldest school at Carolina with: • 14,400 undergraduate students (84% of all undergrads) • 2, 140 graduate students (20% of all UNC graduate & professional students) • 710 tenured or tenure-track faculty

The College of Arts & Sciences • Holden Thorp Dean • William Andrews ’70 MA, ’73 PhD Senior Associate Dean, Fine Arts and Humanities • Bruce Carney Senior Associate Dean, Sciences • Karen Gil Senior Associate Dean, Social Sciences • Tammy McHale Senior Associate Dean, Finance and Planning • James W. May Senior Associate Dean, Program Development; Executive Director, Arts & Sciences Foundation • Bobbi Owen Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education • Arne Kalleberg Director, International Programs

Arts & Sciences Foundation Board of Directors • Ivan V. Anderson, Jr. ’61, Charleston, SC, Chair • H. Holden Thorp ’86, Chapel Hill, NC, President • William L. Andrews ‘70 MA, ‘73 PhD, Chapel Hill, NC, Vice President • Tammy J. McHale, Chapel Hill, NC, Treasurer • James W. May, Jr., Chapel Hill, NC, Secretary • James L. Alexandre ’79, London, UK • D. Shoffner Allison ’98, Charlotte, NC • William S. Brenizer ’74, Glen Head, NY • G. Munroe Cobey ’74, Chapel Hill, NC • Vicki Underwood Craver ’92, Cos Cob, CT • Steven M. Cumbie ’70, ’73 MBA, McLean, VA • Archie H. Davis ’64, Savannah, GA • Jaroslav T. Folda, III, Chapel Hill, NC • Mary Dewar Froelich ’83, Charlotte, NC • Emmett Boney Haywood ’77, ’82 JD, Raleigh, NC • William T. Hobbs, II ’85, Charlotte, NC • Lynn Buchheit Janney ’70, Butler, MD • Matthew G. Kupec ’80, Chapel Hill, NC • William M. Lamont, Jr. ’71, Dallas, TX • Cathy Bryson Moore ’90, Santa Monica, CA • Paula R. Newsome ’77, Charlotte, NC • John A. Powell ‘77, San Francisco, CA • Benjamine Reid ’71, Miami, FL • H. Martin Sprock III ‘87, Charlotte, NC • Emily Pleasants Sternberg ’88, ’94 MBA, Greenwich, CT • Thomas M. Uhlman ’71 MS, ’75 PhD, Murray Hill, NJ • Eric Vick ‘90, Oxford, UK • Charles L. Wickham, III ’82, London, UK • Loyal W. Wilson ‘70, Chagrin Falls, OH

Contents Table o f Contents Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2007

De p a r t me n t s inside front cover

2 Andrew Chen


F e at u r es 6 • A is for Asia

14 • Where in the World is Steve Birdsall?

High Achievers

Kenan Music Scholars, three Guggen- heims, $7.3 million for genome research, faculty elected to national academies, and more Profiles

International music star joins the College, and we pay tribute to our “Mythical Man” — computer scientist Fred Brooks. New College dean Holden Thorp embodies the Carolina liberal arts experience.

20 Highlights Nancy Santos

Students encounter history beyond the classroom

From China to Chapel Hill

18 Spotlight

Faculty and students experience a rising economic power

12 • Slavery and Place


From the Dean


27 College Bookshelf

A geographer, teacher and former dean shares his infectious love for both journey and place

Remembering Ron Hyatt, student entrepreneurs tackle world hunger, Antarctica through music and photos, coral reefs on swift decline, $2.5 million for medieval studies, and more Poet Michael Chitwood shares the poem “Organist” in his new book, From Whence, plus notes about other new publications from faculty and alumni.

28 Honor ROll

Cover photo:Young Tibetan monks after Steve Exum

their daily prayers. (Photo byYang Goa)


We thank our many alumni and friends for their generous support of the College of Arts and Sciences.

inside back cover Coming Soon

British foreign office minister Sir Mark Malloch Brown, Southern author Reynolds Price and media mogul Ted Turner.

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 1

High Achievers H i g h

A c h i e v e r s

Dangl elected to National Academy

• Jeff Dangl, distinguished professor of biology, microbiology and immunology, has been elected a fellow of the National Academy Chancellor James Moeser Jeff Dangl of Sciences, one of the highest honors awarded to scientists worldwide. He has championed the Carolina Covenant, Dangl is the John N. Couch a nationally recognized initiative that makes Distinguished Professor in the College of Arts a UNC education possible debt-free for and Sciences and associate director of the low-income students. He also has overseen Carolina Center for Genome Sciences. an unprecedented physical transformation He specializes in plant genetics and of the main campus and the most successful cellular biology, plant disease resistance private fund-raising campaign in University and controlling cell death. His work centers history. around the genetic study of plant-pathogen Jorgenson, an analytical chemist, interactions — discovering how to make received the American Chemical plants more resistant to disease. Society’s highest award for outstanding The work of Dangl’s lab has had contributions to his field. A former important and broad applications in department chair, Jorgenson pioneered the understanding and creating new strategies chemical separation technique, capillary for deploying disease resistant plants into electrophoresis, in the 1980s. Capillary agricultural settings. • gel electrophoresis was the breakthrough technology that allowed the human genome to be sequenced years ahead of schedule. Taylor specializes in partial differential equations used to solve problems that • Three College of Arts and Sciences involve unknown functions of several faculty members, including Chancellor variables such as the propagation of sound James Moeser, were among five from or heat, electrodynamics, fluid flow or UNC elected 2007 fellows of the American elasticity. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Mathematical Society and the Mathematical In addition to Moeser, new arts and Association of America and serves on the sciences fellows in the College are: James editorial boards of Communications in Partial Jorgenson, W. R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Differential Equations and Mathematical Chemistry, and Michael Taylor, W. R. Research Letters. • Kenan Professor of Mathematics. They join a distinguished list of new fellows that includes former vice president Al Gore, former Supreme Court associate • Gregory J. Gangi, an academic justice Sandra Day O’Connor and filmmaker adviser in environmental sciences, won a Spike Lee. merit award from the National Academic Moeser, who has served as UNC’s Advising Association. chancellor since 2000 and is a concert “Greg Gangi is a truly remarkable organist, was recognized for leading an effort teacher and outstanding adviser,” said to strengthen the University’s service to the Carolyn Cannon, associate dean of people and communities of North Carolina. academic advising in the College of Arts

Three named to Academy of Arts and Sciences

Award-winning adviser

2 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

and Sciences. “Students seek him out because he cares about them as individuals and provides them with counsel that goes deep into the subject matter and takes into consideration their personal interests and strengths.” Michael Taylor Gangi, who received his Ph.D. in ecology from UNC in 1999, also is the director of academic programs for the Institute for the Environment. He is a tropical ecologist with a strong interest in conservation and sustainable development. Gangi has taught such courses as “Environment and Society,” “Coral Reef Ecology and Management” and a Burch Field Research Seminar in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. •

Documentary filmmaker wins top prize

• A documentary film by communication studies professor Gorham “Hap” Kindem won a top prize at the 2007 Swansea Bay Film Festival in Wales. “Pushing the Limits: Ski for Light USA” won the Best American Documentary Award. The film focuses on inspiring disabled American skiers and Paralympians. Kindem’s music video, “Talk Straight,” was nominated for the Best Public/ Community Service Video Award at the same festival. The film helps to support Carolina for Kibera, which sponsors a youth soccer and HIV/AIDs awareness program in one of the worst slums in Kenya. The program was co-founded by UNC alumnus Rye Barcott ’01. Kindem has another award-winning film about athletes facing special challenges. “Pushing the Limits: Norway’s Ridderrenn” focuses on Norwegian and Danish Paralympic skiing champions. It won the International Documentary Short Award at the Beverly Hills Hi-Def Film Festival and was shown at the Aarhus Festival of Independent Arts International Film in Denmark. •

High Achievers H i g h

A c h i e v e r s

Student scholars soar

Four students in the College have received national distinguished scholarships.

Lena Hyatt

Stephanie Jones

Garegin Papoian, assistant

professor of chemistry, won a $300,000 Beckman Young Investigators Award. The national award, given to 16 recipients by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation of Irvine, Calif., supports promising young faculty members in the early stages of their careers in the chemical and life sciences. Papoian will receive $300,000 over three years to support his study of the physical properties of chromatin, the complex of DNA and protein found inside the nuclei of cells. One of the functions of chromatin is to package DNA into a smaller volume to fit in the cell. The major proteins involved in chromatin are called histone proteins. They act as spools around which DNA winds, and they play a role in gene regulation. The mechanisms of chromatin formation and dynamics are not fully understood, but misregulation of chromatin may result in human genetic diseases and cancer. Papoian, who has been at UNC since 2004, received a Ph.D. from Cornell University. •

Dan Sears

Dan Sears

Dan Sears

Dan Sears

Three students received Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships, and another student received his second Morris K. Udall Undergraduate Scholarship. Lena Hyatt of Asheville, Stephanie Jones of Cary and Jonathan Toledo of Sylva are new Goldwater Scholars. The one- and two-year scholarships are given to sophomores and juniors with a strong commitment to careers in mathematics, natural sciences or engineering. Hyatt, a chemistry and biology major, works at a campus genetics lab, examining DNA repair in fruit flies. She conducted an independent research project in Costa Rica, comparing relative concentrations of chlorophyll between fruiting and non-fruiting plants. “Ultimately, I want to help people, but the best way for me to save the world is different than most people’s ideas,” Hyatt said. “My way is in a lab, searching for novel information about aberrant DNA repair that might one day lead to cures for cancer.” Jones, a chemistry major, first worked at a campus lab in 2003, as a high school student, and has continued to log time as an undergraduate. Her research focuses in part on stem cell differentiation. She also works part-time at an internship with Liquidia Technologies, a materials science company based in Research Triangle Park and founded by researchers at Carolina and NC State. Jones plans to become a university professor, conducting interdisciplinary research involving biological chemistry and materials science. “I want to throw myself into a research project in which I must learn anything needed to solve the problem,” she said. Toledo, a physics major with minors in chemistry and mathematics, is an undergraduate research assistant in the applied mathematics department. His research is supported by a William P. Smallwood Undergraduate Research Fellowship. The results of a research modeling project that he worked on recently were accepted for publication in Physical Review E, a journal of statistical, nonlinear and soft matter physics. Toledo plans to seek a position at a university where he can conduct biophysics research. “It is the challenges of science and the process of discovery that truly bring me happiness,” he said. For the second year in a row, Nitin Sekar, a biology and environmental science major, received a Udall Scholarship for students interested in careers in environmental, health care or public policy. The award supports tuition, books, room and board for his senior year. Sekar hopes to become a scientist who works to protect the environment while also helping the poor. He intends to pursue a doctoral degree related to animal ecology and conservation and a master’s degree in public administration with a focus on environmental science and policy. •

Chemist wins $300,000 award

Jonathan Toledo

Nitin Sekar Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 3

High Achievers H i g h

A c h i e v e r s

Four Kenan Music Scholars named Three instrumentalists and a vocalist

Kurt Kunttu, attended Cary High School and graduated from the North Carolina

— the new Kenan Music Scholars — are the

School of the Arts in

first recipients of four-year merit scholarships

Winston-Salem, where

in music at UNC.

she was a peer tutor

The scholars, who enrolled this fall,

and residence hall peer

are Cynthia Burton, a violinist from Banner

leader. She attended

Elk; Jessica Kunttu, a bassoonist from Cary;

the Governor’s School

Daniel Hammond, a horn player from

of North Carolina

Raleigh; and Lauren Schultes, a soprano

(West), played in

from Grosse Pointe, Mich.

the Triangle Youth

The scholarships are funded by a

chosen for the North

December by the William R. Kenan Jr.

Carolina Allstate Honors

Charitable Trust of Chapel Hill. The trust

Orchestra. Kunttu plans

also contributed another $4 million for

to double-major in

a new UNC music building, now under

music and physics.

Each scholarship also supports study

Jessica Kunttu

Daniel Hammond

Lauren Schultes

Philharmonic and was

$4 million endowment created last

construction on South Columbia Street.

Cynthia Burton

Hammond, the son of Donald and

abroad, internships, attendance at music

Laura Hammond, graduated from Wakefield

Schultes also represented Michigan at the

events and travel to audition for graduate

High School in Raleigh, where he was named

2007 International Thespian Festival at the

schools. Four new Kenan scholars will be

outstanding senior. He also was drum major,

University of Nebraska. She has received

selected annually.

band president and Web master. He was

awards for achievements in French, dance

a concerto soloist with the Triangle Youth

and distributive education.

Burton, the daughter of Kathryn and the late Samuel Burton, graduated from

Philharmonic and principal horn player with

“This very impressive first class of

Watauga High School in Boone. While in

the Allstate Honor Band in 2006. Hammond

Kenan Music Scholars represents precisely

high school, she studied violin and played

also has won a number of science and

what the William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable

in the orchestra at Appalachian State

technology awards.

Trust anticipated when we established

University. She also attended the Governor’s

Schultes, the daughter of John and

the program,” said Richard M. Krasno,

School of North Carolina (West) in Winston-

Karen Schultes, graduated with honors

executive director of the trust. “They are

Salem and traveled to Austria and the Czech

from Grosse Pointe South High School.

an extraordinary group of young men and

Republic for study abroad. She was a finalist

She studied musicianship in the University

women with great talent and capacity for

for a National Merit Scholarship.

of Michigan Youth Program and was a

benefiting from the broad educational

winner in its regional voice competition.

experience ahead of them at UNC.” •

Kunttu, the daughter of Debbie and 4 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

High Achievers H i g h

A c h i e v e r s

Three Guggenheims T

hree professors in the College of Arts and Sciences have won prestigious research fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. • Jeff Whetstone, assistant professor of art, has been photographing and writing about the human relationship to the land since 1990. In 1991, he traveled the migrant farm worker stream throughout the Southeastern United States and in the Rio Grande Valley in Mexico to document the life of a migrant farm worker family. He was awarded a Lyndhurst Foundation Young Career Prize for this work. He served for five years as an artist-in-residence at Appalshop, a media arts center in eastern Kentucky. Whetstone will use his award to “travel North America, in between the towns and on the outer rims of the cities to photograph the nascent wilderness all around us,” he wrote. “I want to photograph the New Wilderness, a wilderness that includes us. Natural parks and nature preserves do not interest me, as they are tokens of some bygone era or totems to our frontier past.”

“Johnny.” Hubbards Cave, Tenn. 2006, by Jeff Whetstone.

Jason Lieb

• William Ferris, the Joel R. Williamson Eminent Professor of History, is a widely recognized scholar, author and filmmaker focusing on black music and folklore and Southern culture. He is also senior associate director of the Center for the Study of the American South. The former chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities has written or edited 10 books, created 15 documentary films, and interviewed thousands of musicians, ranging from the famous (B.B. King) to the unrecognized (Parchman Penitentiary inmates working in the fields). He is researching a book and multimedia project, “Mississippi Blues: Voices and Roots,” that will feature musicians and their worlds that he photographed, recorded and filmed in the 1960s. He will juxtapose their lives and music with post-Hurricane Katrina musicians. He will also consider how water-related tragedies are powerful backdrops for the blues. • Bob Goldstein, associate professor of biology, will use his fellowship for a research sabbatical in Cambridge, England, where he will conduct experiments with stem cells at The Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute. Goldstein studies how cells function by manipulating them by hand. In 1995, he discovered that certain cells can divide in a direction that is instructed by neighboring cells. One study raised the possibility that some cancers and other diseases occur when the proteins, called “Wnts,” fail to polarize cells properly. Mutations in such proteins have been linked to certain types of cancer in humans, including colon cancer. •

Biologist receives $7.3 million for genome research • Biologist Jason Lieb has received a $7.3 million, four-year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support genomic research involving UNC and seven other institutions. Lieb’s group is studying how and where proteins interact with the genome and how these interactions affect the biology of living cells. Lieb is an assistant professor of biology in the College who holds a joint appointment at the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences. He was one of 10 scientists awarded grants totaling $57 million from the NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute as part of an effort to identify all functional elements in the genomes of the fruit fly and the roundworm. The fruit fly and roundworm are “model” organisms whose genomes are compact but share many similarities with the genomes of humans. Scientists rely on these smaller, model organisms to identify common genes, proteins and processes that underlie human medical conditions. The DNA sequence information in the human genome is read and interpreted by proteins, and without interactions between proteins and DNA, life would not exist, Lieb said. “In our project, we aim to identify specific stretches of DNA and DNAassociated proteins that together control how genes are turned on and off at the right place and time, and how chromosomes are replicated and segregated during cell divisions,” he said. • Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 5

6 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

a is for Asia

Faculty and students experience a rising economic power S t o r i e s

b y

D e e

R e i d


Photographs taken in China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam by UNC students, faculty and alumni, including Erik Andersen, Yuri Aratake, Fahmida Azad, Eva Canoutas, Jessica Clark, Daniel Gold, Stephen Lassiter, Tom McElwee, Jessie Nichols and Kapa Yang. Special thanks go to Daniel Gold in UNC’s Study Abroad Office and Beth-Ann Kutchma in the Center for Global Initiatives.

f you haven’t noticed the increasing importance of Asia to the global economy and your own, then you aren’t paying attention. The evidence is everywhere. Toyota beats GM in auto sales. Your credit-card customer service representative lives in Bangalore. Whether you shop at Neiman Marcus, Best Buy or Wal-Mart your clothes, camera, coffeemaker and computer may be produced in China, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Singapore or Vietnam. Even in the “Southern part of heaven,” Carolina students and faculty use laptops made by Lenovo, the Chinese firm that took over IBM’s portable computer division. About 582 scholars from Asia studied at Carolina during the 2006-07 year, and 732 students from the region were enrolled in courses on campus during the fall 2006 term, according to the latest data from International Students and Scholars Services. About 8 percent of Carolina undergraduates and 6.2 percent of graduate students identify themselves as Asian-Americans. At least 500 College alumni live and work in Asia, and untold thousands are doing business there every year. Americans have long embraced Asian cultures and cuisines. Many practice Buddhism, yoga, tai chi and feng-shui, and can’t seem to get enough sushi, curry and satay. But are we ready for the region’s growing economic prowess and the challenges and opportunities it presents? “The advance of Asia is changing the contours of our planet,” said Kevin Hewison, professor of Asian studies and director of the Carolina Asia Center, an umbrella organization in the College working with some 75 faculty engaged in teaching, research and service on Asian topics. continued Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 7

“Entrepreneur’s Paradise” “Living in Beijing, commuting to work, understanding both the opportunities and challenges in this exciting environment, that’s what From left, Dean Holden Thorp and alumnus Phil Phillips ’62 meet we’re after,” with entrepreneurship studies intern Stephen Rodgers in Beijing. said Buck Goldstein, University Entrepreneur-in-Residence develop “team building exercises” to prevent and a senior lecturer in the department of personnel turnover in the Dell group. economics. “If you really want to understand He also assisted with English language entrepreneurship, working with a company in training and helped market a new book by Beijing is about the best thing you can do.” IT United’s CEO Cyrill Eltschinger. Rodgers and fellow Tar Heels began the Weekends included excursions to other eight-week Beijing experience with a weekChinese cities and to the Great Wall, the long, intensive Chinese language immersion Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and the course conducted by the CET Chinese Studies Ming Tombs. Program Center at Capital Normal University Though the conditions were challenging, (CNU). Rodgers said Beijing was an exhilarating They also attended seminars on Chinese climate for a future entrepreneur. business and culture, and they stayed with “Being in China, I feel like I have been Chinese roommates at modern CNU dorms. able to mature as a person, a student and At IT United, Rodgers was assigned to even an entrepreneur,” said the economics and music major. • — CEI was founded with a major grant from the Marion Kauffman Foundation.

Consider the following: • The economies of China, India and other Asian countries are growing by 7-9 percent a year, while the U.S. economy increases only 2-4 percent. • The combined GNP (gross national product) of China and India already equals that of the U.S. • China is expected to surpass the United States as the largest economic force in the world, within 25 years. • One province in China now has more factories than the entire United States. • The number of Asia’s people who have been lifted above the poverty line exceeds the entire population of Africa. • China recently surpassed the U.S. as the largest producer of carbon emissions — the leading cause of climate change in the industrial world. Asia covers some 17 million square miles and is home to 3.3 8 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

José Ramirez


tephen Rodgers, a UNC senior and budding entrepreneur from Durham, started coughing as soon as he walked out of the Beijing airport. It was his first study abroad experience. The air pollution was a shock. So was his 75-90 minute commute each way to and from his internship at IT United, a China-based outsourcing company providing Internettechnology services for Dell and other clients. Despite the 12-hour days, the packed buses and subways, the unfamiliar language, the government restrictions and the ubiquitous smog, Rodgers deems Beijing “an entrepreneur’s paradise.” He was one of 20 Carolina undergraduates with a minor in entrepreneurship studies in the College of Arts and Sciences who had internships this past summer in the Chinese capital — at the heart of the world’s fastest growing economy. The internships are required by the entrepreneurship curriculum in the department of economics, part of the Carolina Entrepreneurial Initiative (CEI). The interdisciplinary program is designed to help liberal arts and sciences undergraduates apply sound entrepreneurial principles to any creative venture, whether it’s in the private, public or non-profit arena.

UNC undergraduate Angelo Coclanis and new friends in Bangkok.

billion people, about 60 percent of the world’s population. As more of its people gain education and economic prosperity, they will become the largest bloc of consumers and producers — potential partners and competitors — for the Western world. “The U.S. is going to have to look to China, India and all of Asia as critical partners in its economic future,” Hewison said. “This means more people need to equip themselves with increased knowledge, experience and language to deal certainly with the growing importance of the region, and the challenges and opportunities it presents.” Daniel Gold, assistant director of Study Abroad for Asia, agrees. “In an increasingly global society, knowledge and understanding of Asia is key no matter what field you want to go into.”

Asian Studies is Hot

in Asian topics. UNC’s department of history has just created a doctoral field in Asian history. And two of the three Carolina graduate students in the College who won Fulbright Fellowships this year will be conducting research in Asia. Undergraduates are increasingly eager to study and travel in Asia. “It’s a shift,” said Gold. “We had more students going to Asia this spring, summer and fall than ever before.” Gold counted 185 undergraduates in 28 programs in Asia during spring, continued

Steve Exum

Students need to know more about Asia today if they want to succeed in the world tomorrow, Gold said. Faculty and academic initiatives across the College are helping them do just that. The study of Asia is not new to the College of Arts and Sciences curriculum. Our faculty and students began studying the region about 30 years ago, but the program has grown significantly. Today there are about 22 faculty and lecturers in the Asian studies department alone, where language instruction is expanding to meet increasing demand. Students can graduate with a degree or an academic minor in Asian studies, which may be especially helpful to those who wish to work in the international arena. Graduate students are also immersed

“There are hundreds more students taking courses taught in English that address Asian literature, arts, history and culture,” said Gang Yue, chair and professor of Asian studies, who was born in China and has been at UNC since 1993. Faculty in Asian studies also lead UNC Study Abroad programs in China, India, Japan, arolina is well positioned to help Jordan and Thailand, combining their research today’s students and leaders understand Asia with seminars and field experiences involving and its increasing influence in the world, thanks undergraduates. to longstanding academic programs and new The research agendas of Asian initiatives in the College of Arts and Sciences. studies faculty have evolved as the region’s UNC faculty have been studying Asia economies have grown in size and complexity. for at least three decades, long before the “If one trend is emerging, it’s the region became a dominant economic force. emphasis on trans-regionalism, looking at Now there are about 75 scholars engaged in connections between different parts of Asia, research, teaching and outreach activities about instead of focusing on just one region,” said Asia. These include 22 faculty and lecturers Miles Fletcher, a historian of Japan who also in the department of Asian studies as well as heads the program in global history. colleagues in other disciplines ranging from Asian studies faculty also help North anthropology and art to business, history, Carolina business executives learn about the religious studies, sociology and women’s studies. region. For example, last year a UNC instructor The department of Asian studies grew taught weekly workshops on Chinese out of the curriculum in East Asian studies, language and culture to employees of Tanner established in 1978. Asian studies faculty Companies, a women’s clothing producer today research and teach about the literature, headquartered in Rutherfordton, N.C., headed culture and languages of the region, including by Asian studies alumnus Pell Tanner ’82. Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi/Urdu, JapaThe employees went to work at a Tanner nese, Korean and Persian. Four years ago, manufacturing facility in China. UNC faculty Carolina became the first public university in conducted follow-up training in China. the state to offer undergraduate degrees in “The study of Asia has a lot to contribute Chinese and Japanese, and last year the first to the internationalization of the College and to offer a degree in Arabic. the University,” Fletcher said. Asian studies classes often are over The development of Asian studies enrolled. This fall, 345 undergraduates are has been supported by major grants from studying Chinese, 242 are studying Japanese the Freeman, Luce and Japan foundations and 169 are studying Arabic. and other private funds. In 2004, alumnus


Sahar Amer, professor and acting chair of Asian studies, and Miles Fletcher, an expert on the history of Japan, in the Asian collection of the Ackland Art Museum.

Amy Woods Brinkley ’78 and her husband Robert G. Brinkley gave a generous gift to UNC in honor of her great-grandparents and other family members who were Presbyterian missionaries to China. The Grier/Woods Presbyterian China Initiative supports study abroad scholarships, language instruction and faculty fellowships for Chinese studies. Amy Brinkley is a banking executive in Charlotte who focused on Asian studies as an undergraduate at Carolina. The Asian studies department is housed in New West on McCorkle Place. The Carolina Asia Center is in the new FedEx Global Education Center. You can learn more online at: and global.unc. edu/asiacenter

Tenured faculty within the Asian studies department, and their specialties, include: Jan Bardsley and Ryuko Kubota (Japanese language and literature), Kevin Hewison (political economy and development in Southeast Asia), Wendan Li and Gang Yue (Chinese language and literature), Afro Taj (Hindi-Urdu language and literature),Sahar Amer (Arabic and European cross-cultural relations) and Nadia Yaqub (Arabic literature). Some of the 50 affiliated tenured faculty with expertise in Asia are: Peter Coclanis (economics and business history of Asia), Carl Ernst (Islamic religion), Miles Fletcher (political, economic and business history of Japan), Pika Gosh (Southeast Asian art history), Michael Hunt (U.S.-Chinese relations), Sarah Shields (Middle East history) and Thomas Tweed (Asian religions in the West). •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 9

summer and fall 2007. Many students become so intrigued by the region that they return for further study before they graduate. This spiraling interest is fueled by an increase in scholarships and program funding for study abroad in Asia, including the Phillips Ambassadors Program, the Carolina Entrepreneurial Initiative (CEI) in Beijing, the Carolina Southeast Asia Summer Program, the Jones Apparel Group Honors Asian Studies Fellowships, the Comparative Globalization Seminars and the Grier/Woods Presbyterian China Initiative, all made possible by private funds. In addition, Carolina students have won more of the highly competitive Luce Scholarships, funded by the Henry Luce Foundation for study and work in East and Southeast Asia, than any other university except for Harvard. No wonder that just two weeks after

Phillips Ambassadors

Holden Thorp became dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, he headed straight to China to learn more about a range of College programs and potential opportunities there (see inside front cover). Carolina’s most innovative new global initiative may be the College’s unique joint undergraduate degree program with the National University of Singapore. NUS is considered the best university in Southeast Asia and is rated among the top 25 best universities in the world by the Times of London, said Peter Coclanis, UNC associate provost for international affairs who has taught at NUS. The program allows Carolina students in selected fields (economics, English, geography, history and political science) to spend as much as two years in Asia, while Tom McElwee also studied in Thailand in 2006. He is pictured here, center, with other UNC students, speaking with a monk at Wat Pho near Bangkok.


10 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Jessie Nichols

the World Trade Organization last January. “Entering into the WTO is an opportunity for Vietnam to grow, improve and make money, an opportunity the country is jumping on,” McElwee said. “I found everyone I met across nspired by a UNC class, Tom McElwee, the country seemed to share this mindset.” there and another studied cultural festivals a junior from Charlotte, wanted to study the “People I met were always trying to get in Japan. Development of the program was impact of globalization on North Carolina ahead, make money and better their lives, supported by the Comparative Globalization textiles and on the Asian countries that whether they were street vendors selling food or Fund for Study Abroad, which will support the manufacture clothing for American stores. the students taking English classes at night in development of three study abroad programs Alumnus Earl N. “Phil” Phillips Jr. ’62, addition to their regular university studies, just so for Carolina students to examine globalization a High Point, N.C., business executive and that they could get their tour guide licenses and in a comparative framework. The fund was former U.S. ambassador, had recently funded a better job,” he said. established by a gift from the Twelve Labours a major new scholarship program that would McElwee also interviewed the outsourcing Foundation. send up to 50 undergraduate students a year company officials in Hong Kong and learned With the help of executives at Belk, to Asia from the College of Arts and Sciences about the entire garment-making process from the Charlotte-based department store chain, and Kenan-Flagler Business School. Phillips product development to the final shipment off McElwee was given access to the company’s said he wanted Tar Heels to experience “this to Belk. He took day trips to mainland China outsourcing operations in Vietnam. It’s a increasingly vital region of the world.” with the Hong Kong company’s general quality complicated supply chain as the Vietnam McElwee was among 22 Carolina assurance manager, where McElweee was able business is conducted by a Hong-Kong-based students chosen last spring to become the first company with offices in Vietnam. to compare the scale and style of production “Phillips Ambassadors” in Asia. He traveled to between China and Vietnam. McElwee traveled first to the office in China and Vietnam while other students went “In addition to helping me understand Ho Chi Minh City, where he learned about the to India, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. the ins and outs of an industry driven by quality assurance system by shadowing the His project took root in a class he company inspector. McElwee also visited three globalization,” McElwee said, “this project took with Robert Allen, an American studies opened the door for me to experience Vietnam, a factories in Vietnam. professor. The subject was the impact of changing nation at an exciting time in its history.” He spent two weeks traveling across globalization on nations and national identity. Professor Allen believes his students’ Vietnam learning about its people and culture, McElwee was among three of Allen’s field studies taught them new things about the and comparing the lives of people who still students who participated in a study abroad changing world and about themselves. And what wear hand-crafted textiles, with those laboring field research program in Asia called, “Where in at automated sewing machines in big cities, did the professor learn? the World Are We?” In addition to Allen’s spring who make clothes for export to the U.S. “I confirmed my notions about the impact of course, the program included a self-designed globalization on individual perceptions of national McElwee learned how the Vietnamese one-month independent research project government has been encouraging foreign trade identity, and the importance of field experiences in Asia and a one-week intensive capstone and investments through national infrastructure to classroom learning,” Allen said. “And the seminar in Hong Kong. One student went to students taught me all about what they were development and tax incentives for foreignsouthwest China to study minority groups learning.” • owned factories. Vietnam was accepted into


iz Carter had never been abroad when she entered Carolina in 2004. She began studying Chinese, became intrigued with Asia, and, by the end of her first year, spent a summer studying in Singapore. The next year she spent six months in Beijing, and following her third year she spent a summer in Tokyo and Beijing again. How did a student with no significant travel experience manage three consecutive years of intense study in faraway lands? She dreamed big, worked hard and ended up winning three study abroad scholarships — all made possible by private gifts to the College. The first opportunity was the Carolina Southeast Asia Summer program, a sevenweek program based at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Designed especially for students at the end of their first year, the program provides full scholarships for up to 25 students each summer. It is supported by a major gift to the College from alumni Alston Gardner ’77 and Barbara Lee ’88. “The farthest I’d ever been before that was Colorado,” Carter recalls. “NUS is a world-class university,” she added. “The professors are topnotch and the Southeast Asia Program is without par. Singapore is the meeting point of so many cultures, among them

Indian, Chinese and Malay.” Carter got hooked and became an Asian studies major eager for more study abroad experiences. As a Jones Apparel Group Honors Asian Studies Fellow, Carter spent the spring and summer of her junior year in Beijing, doing full-immersion Chinese language study followed by an internship at a non-profit psychological counseling center for victims of domestic violence and a summer camp for children of single-parent households. Carter’s fellowship, designed to encourage Chinese language proficiency, was supported by a major gift to the College from the Jones Apparel Group in New York City. Alumnus Peter Boneparth ’80, president and CEO of the company, stressed the “tremendous need in business and government for employees who are proficient in Mandarin Chinese in particular.” During Carter’s language study in Beijing, she had to sign a pledge to only speak Chinese, all day every day. “It was pretty difficult at first. I remembered when I first landed and we went to the opening banquet, I asked for a cup of handsome (shuai) instead of a cup of water (shui). That kind of embarrassment is what drives you to learn more quickly.” “I felt my Chinese improved exponentially, especially when I was using it constantly for my job,” she said. “I also grew as a person. Living in another country for half a year made me

their counterparts study in Chapel Hill. When students graduate at the end of four years, they will have a diploma from both Carolina and NUS, an eyepopping credential for anyone planning an international career. Carolina students in the joint UNC-NUS program will actually be able to take more courses in their academic major than they could at UNC alone. “It’s like studying at the master’s level,” said John Stewart, UNC professor of economics. “It’s entirely different from our world, and that’s what makes it exciting. The economic changes taking place in the region are staggering, and this chance to see it firsthand is outstanding.”

Kapa Yang


A Three time study abroad winner

much more open minded and patient.” While in Beijing, Carter seized an opportunity that rarely comes to an undergraduate. Her Chinese teacher, Jiajing Liu, was writing an English language textbook and asked Carter to be a co-author. Their book, Youth Culture: Fifty Topics for English Conversation, was published this past summer. Carter’s third scholarship was the Burch Fellowship, which gives six UNC students a year up to $6,000 each to pursue their academic passions wherever they lead. (Half of this year’s winners chose to study in Asia; one went to Thailand and another split his time between Vietnam and Taiwan.) The fellowship is supported by a gift to the College from alumnus Lucius E. Burch III ’63. (His gift also supports the Burch Field Research Seminars, UNC faculty-led field experiences for undergraduates, which take place in the U.S. and abroad). Carter used her Burch fellowship to study Chinese women, but this time in Tokyo. She wanted to find out if they were treated differently in Japan than in their own culture. She is producing a short documentary on her findings, as part of her senior honors thesis. The project was inspired by Jan Bardsley, a UNC Asian studies professor who has produced a film based on a collection of interviews with women in Japan. Carter is already looking ahead to graduating in May with honors, then heading back to Beijing to work for awhile and attend the 2008 Olympics. After that? She hopes to pursue a graduate degree and an academic career, in East Asian language and culture focusing on Chinese literature and the role of women. •

Liz Carter, third from left, in Kunming, China with other UNC students and friends from Yunnan University, summer of 2005.

At a reception to encourage Carolina students to enroll in the joint degree program, UNC history professor Lloyd Kramer recalled his own study abroad experience. “In college, I went to Hong Kong and it changed my life more than anything I’ve ever done,” he said. We highlight a few of our Asia initiatives in these pages. You can also learn more online by consulting the Study Abroad Office, Asian Studies and the Carolina Asia Center through the College of Arts and Sciences Web site at • Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 11

The time “fr to see Afri the gray Slavery and Place feeling m my ever H the land blood, swe memoria Boone that read ‘ attention. even have a slaves that produce th burial g could f There are so m (political, etc a big adventu Gullah sh I felt like group and ever there was and most experience tog about how Students encounter history beyond the classroom

B y K i m We a v e r S p u r r ’ 8 8

Photos by Nancy Santos

Students in the “Slavery and Place” class of historian Heather Williams (center, foreground) visited Boone Hall in Charleston, where they examined artifacts from slave cabins, watched a film about the lives of slaves, walked through a smokehouse and toured the main plantation home.

12 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

istory professor Heather Williams wanted students to really experience history, to step back in time and stand in a slave cabin, hold plantation owners’ journals in their hands, examine archaeological accounts of artifacts found at slave sites, read a slave narrative and find ads for runaway slaves in old newspapers. But she made it clear on the first day of her course, “Slavery and Place: The South Carolina Case,” that the special out-of-class component — a three-day trip to Charleston — was not a vacation. Students would be required to keep travel journals, discuss their observations at evening meetings, give a critical analysis about historical sites they would be visiting, and create educational brochures as owners of the fictional Critical Tourism Company. “When I do research, I go to historical sites, because it really changes how you look at history,” Williams said. “I don’t want us to be tourists in Charleston. I want us to be scholars — taking our knowledge with us and then gaining more knowledge.” Williams’ class was part of Carolina’s new academic mini-term called Maymester, which offers a variety of full-credit courses combined with field experiences in a three-week, intensive time period between the end of spring semester and the start of summer school. The idea for Maymester grew out of the University’s 2006 Quality Enhancement Plan. “Slavery and Place” received financial support from UNC’s department of history, the Center for the Study of the American South and the Burch Fellows Program. The nine students in Williams’ class, in fact, left the classroom before they ever set foot on the bus that would take them to Charleston. They had a class discussion — complete with biscuits and sweet tea — in rocking chairs on the porch of the Love House and Hutchins Forum, historic home of the Center for the Study of the American South. They searched for ads about slaves and runaways in South Carolina newspapers on microfilm in Davis Library. They pored over diaries, financial records and family papers that were hundreds of years old in the Southern Historical Collection at Wilson Library. This exposure to what historians call “primary sources” — raw documents or other sources of information that

froze” only for a split second ican slave men swinging on y moss oak trees. Constantly my pulse, adrenaline rushed ry movement. I could sense d stained with the Africans eat and tears. … Where is the al for Africans that died on e plantation? A small sign ‘slave street’ captivated my . The Boone grounds did not a burial site to honor the late were subjected in bondage to he crops. I know they (slave grounds) were there because I feel their spirit within me. many different viewpoints c.), yet I feel like we are on ure together. … Watching the how (at Boone plantation), we really came together as a seeing us, a diverse group if s one, getting along, bonding t important — sharing this ogether — I started thinking confronting the real history were created at or near the time being studied — was fascinating, the students agreed. “When we were at the Southern Historical Collection, I told Professor Williams I felt like I was sneaking and looking into someone’s nightstand,” said Debra McDevitt of Long Island, N.Y., who graduated with an undergraduate degree in anthropology from the State University of New York at Geneseo. She hopes to pursue a master’s in teaching with a concentration in history at UNC. “You’re looking into someone’s family papers and financial records. Something I had found in the archives we had actually talked about in class 15 minutes earlier. We were there for I think an hour, but it felt like two seconds.” For Iris Nixon Anasine, a senior African American studies major from Long Creek Township, N.C., time stood still as the bus headed down the long, dusty, dirt road to Boone Hall Plantation on the first day of the Charleston trip. From her travel journal: The time “froze” only for a split second to see African slave men swinging on the gray moss oak trees. Constantly feeling my pulse, adrenaline rushed my every movement. I could sense the land stained with the Africans’ blood, sweat and tears. … Where is the memorial for Africans that died on Boone plantation? A small sign that read ‘slave street’ captivated my attention. The Boone grounds did not even have a burial site to honor the late slaves that were subjected in bondage to produce the crops. I know they (slave burial grounds) were there because I could feel their spirit within me. “The hands-on experiences made this course so unique. It gave me an opportunity to pay homage,” said Anasine, who ends her journal by saying that the Slavery and Place class “will forever be family.” “Professor Williams encouraged class participation, in-depth discussions and just the freedom to express yourself.” In Charleston, students visited Boone Hall Plantation; Fort Sumter; the Aiken-Rhett “urban plantation” home; Middleton Place, a rice plantation; and Coffin’s Point Plantation, the Oaks Plantation and The Penn School Museum on St. Helena Island. They took a Gullah tour of downtown Charleston that

included the home of Denmark Vesey, an enslaved man who plotted an insurrection against slave owners in 1822. They went to the studio of an ironworker and the home of an indigo artist. They ate fried chicken, cornbread, cabbage and yams at a Gullah restaurant. Class discussions were held in restaurants, on the boat traveling over to Fort Sumter or on the sidewalk waiting for a tour to begin. Jennifer Lewis, a junior history major from Chapel Hill, said the diversity of the group made the class discussions particularly meaningful. “We spanned ages, people with kids, people without … To see how other people looked at the same information and took different things away was very helpful,” Lewis said. “I felt like Professor Williams wasn’t just pushing us along, but was steering our ship in a way that allowed people with different viewpoints to have a voice. We got a chance to steer our own way, with her guiding us.” From Lewis’ travel journal: There are so many different viewpoints (political, etc.), yet I feel like we are on a big adventure together. … Watching the Gullah show (at Boone plantation), I felt like we really came together as a group and seeing us, a diverse group if ever there was one, getting along, bonding and most important — sharing this experience together — I started thinking about how confronting the real history of places takes away some of their power to separate us. Williams said she loved seeing the students come together as a group, making connections about what they were learning. “I loved stepping back and watching them. We would be on the bus leaving a site, and they would be discussing what they had seen,” said Williams, who will spend the 2007-2008 academic year working on a book about the emotional aspects of slaves losing family members and trying to locate relatives at the end of the Civil War. “It was inspiring to me, in that short period of time, to watch the connections they made. They looked back at history but also looked ahead. They were very introspective. … I think by the end, a lot of them were thinking of themselves as historians.” As critical historians, students grasped in Charleston what Williams had mentioned

earlier in class in Chapel Hill: the idea of noticing whose actions are being erased whenever the passive voice is used. From McDevitt’s travel journal: Quotes taken directly from the Middleton brochure: “Almost immediately Henry began establishing the gardens … he further improved the property with the construction of …” How did he establish this garden? Did he get in the dirt himself and work on it? And also, “When the warm days of spring arrived, mosquito netting and cotton dimity replaced the heavy winter textiles, and rush mats were laid on the floor.” … That has voix passive written all over it! … In short, the whole brochure for Middleton Place House makes not ONE SINGLE MENTION of slaves or slavery. Jordan Myers, a senior psychology major and UNC student body treasurer from Granite Falls, N.C., calls “Slavery and Place” the most interesting, enjoyable class he has had at Carolina. At Middleton Place, Myers was struck by the tour guide mentioning one of the Middleton documents — a loyalty oath to the Union — that he had actually held in his hands in Wilson Library. “Sometimes in a classroom setting, you get one side of the story. You only see the forest, as a general aspect. By being able to go down to Charleston, we were able to see the trees, to grasp the entire picture of what was going on,” he said. “We were better able to witness what had happened, where slaves had lived and worked ...” “The first time you teach a course, it unfolds, and it becomes richer than you ever envisioned,” Williams added. Perhaps the travel journal of Mollie Echols, a junior history major from Greensboro, N.C., summarizes it best: As much as I was impressed with the large estates, plantation homes and sheer grandeur of the city of Charleston, I had to keep reminding myself to take a step back and remember what the city was built on and who actually built it. … As much as I hate to admit it, for the first time, I actually thought about the hardships and oppression these people lived through day to day. I had always learned about [slavery] and knew that it had happened, but this class and this trip especially helped me to SEE it. • Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 13

Where in the World is Steve


A geographer, teacher and former dean shares his infectious love for both journey and place y






l t



Steve Exum



even-year-old explorer Steve Birdsall squiggled in the family car’s backseat, stared intently out the window and played find-the-license games with his brother and sister, mesmerized by those edifying road trips families are destined to share. Loving every minute. “We saw the Great Smoky Mountains, Lake Superior, New England, the Far West, traveling around the United States on Blue Highways (those paper-mapped slivery back roads), through small towns, visiting historic sites and natural wonders, camping at state and national parks,” recalls Birdsall, nearly 60 years later. “I craved journey after journey and my heroic parents led the way.” Little wonder that such a level-headed human butterfly winging his way from sites to insights would turn his passion into a career in geography. • Carolina calling Birdsall’s UNC career spans four decades, coming full circle. He joined the faculty as an assistant professor of geography 14 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

in 1967, was promoted to full professor in 1979, served 15 years as senior associate dean and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and returned to full-time teaching in 1997. This year he won the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching, the top teaching honor given at each university in the UNC system. Having reinvented himself from dean to professor, Birdsall joyfully avows, “My life became my own again.” Invigorated by the dearth of committee meetings, the former administrator purchased and plowed, tractored and fenced 20 acres of Cedar Grove farmland, where he and his wife, Margo Price, share the pastoral life with several quarter horses. The thrill of discovery still shows in the classroom, where he has also learned how to master new instructional technology. “As class begins, he photographs students, creates flash-card biosketches and memorizes who we are,” says Andrew Spiliotis (B.A. geography, ’07). Spiliotis

is among the myriad students and alumni Birdsall has inspired to venture into geography careers, each remembering him as “the best teacher I ever had.” Birdsall has taught at every level, from introductory survey courses to special seminars for first-year students and graduate honors study. It is his passion. “If you ask me to talk about teaching,” says Birdsall, “I’ll go on forever. I’m having too much fun to retire.” • Landscapes As an experienced teacher, researcher and writer, Birdsall focuses on the role of place and preservation in personal and cultural decisions, the intersections between natural and memorial landscapes. “We humans attempt to capture what we want to be perpetually remembered by creating a place for it in the visible landscape,” he says. “Think of the personal portrayals of love, conveyed with photos, notes and flowers at the World Trade Center site.” In spring 2006, he taught a first-

year seminar called “Landscapes of Remembrance.” With geography colleague John Florin, Birdsall took his students on a field trip to see and discuss major monuments in Washington, D.C. “Teaching is my way of encouraging students to connect what they see to personal experiences,” Birdsall says. “On the [National] Mall, they were drawn out of themselves, sobered, engaged and pulled in by each memorial — Lincoln, Washington, World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam.” Birdsall devoted summer 2007 to researching abandoned World War II Japanese-American internment camp sites in the West. He is committed to documenting the historic sites before the National Park Service begins preservation efforts to restore these newly designated national landmarks. • Colleagues’ admiration Alice C. Dawson (Ph.D. ’04), one of Birdsall’s former graduate teaching assistants, says he is “a compassionate mentor always available to counsel students with clarity and wisdom.” Dawson, now assistant director of academic advising, says, “I’ll spot him teaching at the Old Well and can’t resist listening in.” Florin agrees. “Steve is intimately involved with his students’ success,” he says. “He demands critical thinking and thoughtful communication, whether in his interactive classroom environment or exploring the wonders of Franklin Street and beyond.” Birdsall is also respected as a University leader, who cares about the curriculum. Carolyn Cannon, associate dean and director of academic advising, joined Birdsall on UNC’s re-accreditation Curricular Innovation Committee. “He was instrumental to creating Maymester, the intensely rigorous, albeit brief, threeweek summer course format,” says Cannon. “True to his teaching style, he advocated students and professors spend half the course schedule in non-classroom activities.”

Lawrence E. Band, professor and chair of the department of geography, praises Birdsall as “the voice of practicality, whose insight and University-wide history and context as dean impacts departmental achievements. He works modestly behind the scenes, thinking before speaking, garnering productive reactions for his ideas.” • Maxim-izing geography Still the intrepid explorer, Birdsall has traveled to every state in the United States, except Alaska. His other travels (certainly not an all-inclusive survey) have covered: • researching his dissertation in Kenya, with travel to South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana; • exploring New Zealand’s natural and memorial landscapes as a Chapman Fellow; and • venturing through the British Isles and Europe, gathering information for his world regional geography and cultural landscape courses. Birdsall’s Twelve Maxims to Help Understand the World [see sidebar] originated as simple rules to guide learning about geographic complexity. Students have taken their elegant logic from Birdsall’s classroom to other areas of study. “The maxims help them understand the worlds around them and within them,” Birdsall says. “I want them to seek and discover connections beyond the superficial and the obvious.” Now, six decades since the family road trips began, Birdsall is writing a book that differs from his academic tomes and journal articles. Intertwining remembrance and landscapes (natural and memorial) in our lives, the former president of the Association of American Geographers details how the places we live, work and visit affect who we are, how we think and who we will become. Scholarly in accuracy and by example, it promises to be a fascinating read for anyone who has ever found Waldo or asked the eternal question, “Are we there yet?” •

Steve Birdsall’s Twelve Maxims to

Help Understand the World • Maxim 1: Everything Takes Place Somewhere Lesson: Geography Matters • Maxim 2: Everything and Everybody is Connected to Everything and Everybody Else Lesson: Connections Matter; Isolation is an Illusion • Maxim 3: Nearby Things are More Alike than Distant Things Lesson: Proximity Matters • Maxim 4: Transitions are Often Unruly Lesson: Differences are Not Easily Resolved • Maxim 5: Resources are Desired Lesson: The Environment Mattters • Maxim 6: Location Provides Benefits and Burdens Lesson: Situation Matters; Different Places Face Similar Challenges, and Similar Places Face Different Challenges • Maxim 7: Change Happens Lesson: History Matters • Maxim 8: Different Things Change at Different Rates Lesson: Geographic Patterns of Change are Complex • Maxim 9: Conviction is a Necessary but Overvalued State of Mind Lesson: Culture Matters but May Mislead • Maxim 10: Categories are Artificial and Mutable Lesson: Understanding Requires Flexible Thinking • Maxim 11: Things Look Different Close Up Lesson: Scale Matters • Maxim 12: None of the Maxims Function Alone Lesson: Think of the World as Layers, Linkages, Beliefs, and Patterns of Change

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 15

Profile P r o f i l e

A Passion for Music and Teaching International star joins the College By Karen Stinneford (BA ’87, MBA ’02)


or Stefan Litwin, music isn’t just a passion; it is a way of life. His earliest memories include awakening to the sounds of Bach and Beethoven produced by his father, a talented amateur pianist who practiced each morning. “Both of my parents were musical,” Litwin said. “Music was a constant topic of conversation, so my talent developed naturally.” Litwin’s family often gathered around the radio, trying to guess the composer of whose work they were listening to. And he was encouraged to compose his own music. Now an internationally renowned pianist and composer, Litwin will join the College in January as the George Kennedy Distinguished Professor of Music. He comes to the University thanks to special funds being made available by the office of UNC President Erskine Bowles and the state legislature [see sidebar]. As a teenager, Litwin turned to jazz and started his own band. He credits his parents for supporting him even though they didn’t enjoy this music. Litwin’s father arranged for an audition at the Zurich Conservatory. “The conservatory’s director accepted me and sent me to study with his best pupil, Christoph Keller, who rekindled my interest in classical music and taught me how to read music properly again, since for years I had played only by ear,” Litwin said. “Under his guidance, it became clear to me I wanted to become a serious musician.” In the course of his studies, Litwin developed some expertise in the music of 20th-century composer Arnold Schoenberg, who invented the 12-tone method. “Schoenberg was a rare musical genius who broke new ground for musical expression,” Litwin said. “While Sigmund Freud’s insight into the human psyche laid open the dark layers of the soul, Schoenberg’s music articulated suppressed 16 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

emotions, too. The liquidation of tonality allowed music to reflect social rifts in a far more immediate way than had been possible before.” Pianist Stefan Litwin with a portrait of Beethoven. Litwin’s own compositions have often dealt with political issues. A child of Holocaust survivors, he says Berlin. He performs regularly with renowned art should have a function beyond aesthetics. conductors and orchestras, and several of “The experience of Auschwitz is not his recordings have received awards. Litwin only a Jewish one,” Litwin said. “It has holds a doctorate in music from the State changed our whole concept of culture and University of New York at Stony Brook. • aesthetics. You simply cannot continue to compose music as if nothing had happened.” And like Schoenberg, Litwin shares a passion for teaching. Stefan Litwin is one of three academic giants “It’s a fallacy to believe wisdom is recruited so far by the College as part of a bold transmitted only downward,” he said. initiative led by UNC President Erskine Bowles “When one has worked with brilliant with funding from the state legislature. students, one appreciates how learning and The other two are: Nancy Allbritton, one teaching flow in both directions.” of the most innovative mid-career bioanalytical Which is precisely what attracted Litwin chemists in cellular cancer research, and Michael to his new position at Carolina. Reiter, a global leader in the development of critical “Teaching is, for me, an integral part computer security protocols for air traffic control, of being a musician,” he said. “I couldn’t Internet connectivity, stock markets and other vital perform, compose or even think on the level networks. I do without the intellectual stimulation of Reiter, a Morehead scholar who graduated an academic environment.” from UNC first in the class of 1989, earned Tim Carter, David G. Frey Distinguished a Ph.D. degree from Cornell. He is now the Professor of Music and chair, said he’s Lawrence M. Slifkin Distinguished Professor of delighted Litwin is coming to Chapel Hill. Computer Science at Carolina, where he will “Stefan is not only a great musician, but develop a new program in computer security. also a great thinker,” Carter said. “It is typical Allbritton, who has doctorate degrees in that his preferred format for presentations physics, medical engineering and medicine from is the lecture-recital, where he can discuss, MIT and Johns Hopkins, works on the cutting analyze, critique and demonstrate the ins and edges of biotechnology and biochemical engineering outs of a given work prior to putting it back to understand cancer through the signals in together in sound.” individual cells. She is now the Paul Debreczeny Litwin is a professor of contemporary Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at UNC, music and interpretation at the Hochschule working with the Institute for Advanced Materials fur Musik Saar, one of the top German and the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. colleges. He previously served as a At press time, the College was finalizing distinguished artist-in-residence at Christ agreements with three other outstanding faculty College, Cambridge University and as a who will be joining UNC as a result of the fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Bowles initiative.

Triple Crown

Profile P r o f i l e

Our “Mythical Man”

Fred Brooks’ computer science legacy is etched in stone

Dan Sears

By Kathleen Kearns

or a machine Studying with Brooks was “a fabulous alone on most experience,” said John Crawford ’77 M.S., hard problems,” now an Intel fellow and computer architect he has said. That at Intel in Santa Clara, Calif., where he led belief shaped the development of the 386. the department One “Brooks-ism” Crawford took with he led for 20 him to Intel was “Most architectures fail years; under for lack of address bits” — in other words, his influence, most computer designs provide inadequate it forged ways memory for later growth and severely for computers constrain later generations of a computer to serve as line. “That statement influenced me with problem-solving the 386 chip,” said Crawford. “We built tools for those in in enough memory to last 10 or 15 years.” other disciplines Crawford also required all those working on and became a that project to read The Mythical Man-Month. Fred Brooks and his bronze likeness in Sitterson Hall. world leader Brooks has been showered with in computer honors, from UNC’s Order of the Golden Fleece and its Thomas Jefferson Award to aped to Fred Brooks’ office door is graphics. Brooks’ own research in virtual reality has helped biochemists study complex a National Medal of Technology, a Bower William Strunk’s dictum: “Omit needless molecules and let architects “walk through” Award, the Turing Award, and, this year, a words.” Brooks is not a taciturn man — buildings still on the drawing board. Centennial Medal from Harvard University, he projects the gracious collegiality of an where he earned his Ph.D. His old-school Southern scholar — name is about to be carved but he’s famous for deceptively Brooks is famous for deceptively simple permanently into the Carolina simple statements that have campus — literally. The new shaped how people think about statements that have shaped how people Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Computer computer science. think about computer science. Science Building being built One of those has become adjacent to Sitterson Hall will be known as Brooks’ Law: “Adding Brooks has been an effective leader in named for him at the request of a donor, manpower to a late software project part because of his way with words, said Jan an anonymous former student who wishes makes it later,” a lesson he learned to honor Brooks. Additional building developing IBM’s revolutionary Operating Prins, department chair. “He has a vision, and he can convince other people of it. He donors include department friends, faculty System/360 in the early 1960s. In lectures uses carefully chosen examples and analogies and alumni. he gave in Carolina’s computer science so that everyone gets it.” Even after Brooks Of all his accomplishments, Brooks department, which he founded in 1964 stopped serving as chair in 1984, Prins said, — who at 76 is still teaching, researching and where he is now Kenan Professor, “he has always set the guiding principles and writing — takes most satisfaction in he distilled the highs and lows of that the growth and collaborative spirit of the experience. Those lectures became a highly for how research is done and the tone of the department.” In the classroom, “he department he created. And he continues influential book, The Mythical Man-Month communicates great enthusiasm for the to embrace his original vision for what the (1975; anniversary edition, 1995). material and has the force of history behind department could accomplish. Throughout his career, Brooks has “I’m a strong believer that working been fascinated by the interaction between him. He was involved in a lot of it! He’s deeply knowledgeable on all kinds of with real users on real problems leads you humans and computers. “I’m deeply technical issues, and he’s inspiring on how to more interesting problems and better committed to the belief that a mind plus a to do things right.” computer science.” • machine can do more than either a mind




Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 17

Spotlight S p o t l i g h t

Heart and Soul

New Dean Holden Thorp embodies the Carolina liberal arts experience


alented chemist. Innovative entrepreneur. Award-winning teacher. Accomplished musician. These accolades have been used to describe H. Holden Thorp, who became the College of Arts and Sciences’ new dean in July. He is also the first College dean in nearly 40 years to be a graduate of the program. Now he’s claiming to be a cardiologist, too? Well … sort of. In a summer 2007 presentation to the board of the UNC General Alumni Association, Thorp called himself dean and “cardiologist” and titled his Power Point talk: “Caring for the heart of a research university.” Perhaps that explains why friend, alumnus and faculty colleague Lowry Caudill ’79 calls Thorp a true “Renaissance man” and one who recognizes the importance of the liberal arts in preparing him for his own career path. “In the College of Arts and Sciences as dean, you have to be very broad-based, and Holden loves this University,” said Caudill, who created and taught the first scientific entrepreneurship course with Thorp in the spring as part of the undergraduate minor in entrepreneurship. “He listens well, and he’s very articulate. He picks up the essence of what you’re saying very quickly. I’ve seen him take an issue, and then be able to go talk to whomever he needed to talk to in the University to flesh out the idea.” The new dean’s cousin John M. Thorp Jr. is a medical doctor, but not a cardiologist. He’s a distinguished professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UNC. Many generations of Thorps have graduated from UNC, dating back to Henry Roan Thorp — Holden’s great-great-grandfather’s brother — in 1857. Holden got his bachelor’s degree in chemistry here in 1986. 18 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Although John Thorp readily admits he is biased, he thinks the University “got something right on multiple levels” when his cousin was tapped as dean. “Holden really understands the profound bond or connection between the University and the people of the state,” he said. Holden Holden Thorp is the first dean of the College in almost 40 years grew up in a who is also a College alumnus. “theater family” in Fayetteville, while John grew up in Rocky Mount, and tions on the electronic properties of DNA the two would see each other at family and RNA. Inventor of technology for reunions. (Holden’s mom, Bo Thorp ’56, electronic DNA chips that is the subject is artistic director of Cape Fear Regional of 14 issued or pending U.S. patents. Theatre.) “I think Holden understands Winner of the University’s Tanner Award something that can take people a long time for Excellence in Undergraduate Teachto understand — while the sky is the limit ing and the GAA’s Distinguished Young in terms of alliances [and ideas], you need Alumnus Award. National Rubik’s Cube to figure out a way to fund that, to bring contest participant. (OK, that last one may money to the table.” not make it onto the official CV, but it is Try fitting the new dean’s achieveworth noting that in the early 1980s when ments on a one-page bio — it isn’t easy. he was a teen-ager Thorp could solve the Here’s just a partial list: Ph.D. from puzzle in 39.81 seconds.) the California Institute of Technology, All that, and the guy can jam on the post-doctoral fellowship at Yale. Kenan keyboards and play the bass guitar, too. Distinguished Chemistry Professor and (But please, don’t send him that article that former department chair at UNC. Director appeared in The New York Times about of the Morehead Planetarium and Science gray-haired people playing in rock bands. Center. Faculty fundraising director for He has multiple copies.) the Carolina Physical Science Complex. Terri Houston, director of recruitment Author of more than 120 scholarly publica- and multicultural programs at UNC, admits

Steve Exum

By Kim Weaver Spurr ’88

that when she’s introducing Thorp, a fellow professor Thomas J. Meyer was willing to students took introductory chemistry and band member and keyboardist in the group help him out. Meyer put him to work with got the academic support and guidance Equinox, she often says: “He has this left a postdoctoral fellow who was trying to they needed to hit the ground running at brain, right brain thing going on.” Equinox, catalyze the reduction of carbon dioxide. Carolina — before the fall semester began. which plays several times a year on the Thorp was hooked. “It reflects Holden’s out-of-the-box UNC campus, also features executive “He was talking about being prethinking in terms of trying something associate provost Steve Allred on bass. med, but they decided to beat that out of different if it’s going to improve outcomes, Houston, the vocalist for the six-piece him,” jokes Meyer, who left UNC in 1999 and it’s a hallmark of his approach to Chapel Hill jazz and blues band, says that for Los Alamos National Laboratory and education and innovation and creativity,” as “brilliant a man as Holden is in all of his came back in 2005. Meyer said you could Johnson said. capacities as a scientist, he has a heart and a arguably subtitle this magazine profile: And in that vein of “pay it forward,” love for the arts and for music.” ‘Why You Should Send Your Kids to a Thorp has helped turn plenty of students “He also has a commitment to social Great Research University.’ “Through on to the world of science. One of them justice and to equal rights and equal access,” the years, I’ve had some very talented is UNC senior Stephanie Jones of Cary, Houston added. “I know that I have an undergraduate students. In that group, a chemistry major and recipient of a ally as a dean who is committed Goldwater Scholarship, one of to Carolina’s goals of diversity. the nation’s most prestigious “We want people who leave here to have the tools I can jam with him on Thursday science and math awards. and the courage and the audacity to propose nights at Weaver Street Market, (See page 3.) and execute things that haven’t been done before.” but still make tough decisions When Jones was a high with him. He sees the big school student, she contacted picture and is able to make tough decisions Holden stood out as one who very quickly Thorp to see if she could visit a college for the greater good. That’s a true leader.” figured out how to get things done.” science laboratory. What one word does Thorp hope will Jim Johnson, a professor at Kenan“Holden said, ‘Yes, we can get you describe his philosophy as dean? Flagler Business School and director of its into a lab — and pay you for it.’ He was “Originality,” he said. “In the Urban Investment Strategies Center, knows my first interaction with this University. College, we want to promote original first hand how Thorp can be a master … It made science less intimidating,” said research, foster original ideas, and we at getting things done. The two have Jones, who took the inaugural scientific want people who leave here to have the worked together through the Carolina entrepreneurship class taught by Thorp and tools and the courage and the audacity to Entrepreneurial Initiative, a pan-university Caudill. “When I say he’s done a lot for propose and execute things that haven’t program that infuses entrepreneurship me, I really mean it.” been done before. Because we’ve got all throughout the UNC campus. Knowledge that just sits on a bookshelf of these problems we want to work on, in Johnson characterizes Thorp as a or “stays unused in your head doesn’t energy and poverty and diplomacy, and we “disciplinary boundary-stretcher.” “He’ll transform the world,” Thorp told students need new ideas to do that. … And I’d say push people to build alliances beyond the in a December 2006 commencement curiosity is the next thing. Those are the silos, where the real education is going to address. “If you have a great idea, I things we want to stand for and promote.” be in the future, at the intersection between encourage you to do something with Thorp believes that a liberal arts the College and the medical school, for it.” Those ideas might be met with some degree is the best preparation for leadership instance.” failures along the way, he added, pointing in the 21st century. One of the things Johnson is passionate about an idea to the example of the Beatles who finished that distinguishes Carolina, he says, is its he shared with Thorp about creating a 59 songs to get their first hit. high-quality Ph.D. programs combined “chemistry boot camp” particularly for And that gets at the heart of what he with outstanding undergraduate programs. freshmen from small and medium-sized hopes the “Carolina experience” will be Thorp is a product of that liberal arts high schools who might want to go into for today’s students. education himself, although he didn’t medicine, but who did not receive strong “What we offer is the opportunity originally set out to major in chemistry and preparation in the sciences in high school. for students to see what it’s like to try become a college professor. He wanted to Last summer, through the College’s something new and to meet people who be a medical doctor. well-established Summer Bridge have done that, who have published During his senior year at Carolina, Program, the idea came to fruition. revolutionary ideas and taken chances,” Thorp decided he probably needed to have English composition and math courses Thorp said. undergraduate research experience on his had historically been offered through the “The menu of opportunities in a medical school application, and chemistry intensive program. For the first time, 16 research university is extraordinary.” •



Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 19

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Carolina’s “Priceless Gem” Remembering Ron Hyatt By Pamela Babcock


20 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences


Dan Sears


s Carolina’s faculty marshal for Hyatt grew up poor in Dillon more than a decade, Ron “Doc” Hyatt County, S.C., so perhaps it’s fitting cherished the role and handled it with that as director of intramurals, he humor and aplomb. He once commented, hired a young freshman named when the skies opened and it rained during Roy Williams to referee. Freshman commencement, “When it’s raining on weren’t allowed to ref intramurals you, why cry? You only add to the water.” back then, but Williams needed Hyatt, a professor in the department the money. of exercise and sport science and highly Over the years, Hyatt served as director respected sports historian, made his mark of the Program for Public Policy in Sport, on Carolina for four decades. authored a textbook, and was a driving After battling cancer for more than force in establishing “The Farm,” Carolina’s 3½ years, Hyatt died June 13 at the age Faculty and Staff Recreation Association. He of 73. Despite his illness, he continued to also amassed a mountain of awards, including drive many aspects the University’s of the department C. Knox Massey “He was really the key figure with his passion, Distinguished Service in trying to preserve energy and Award, the Order of our history of physical commitment. the Long-Leaf Pine The Ronald from the governor, education while being very W. Hyatt Underand the rarelyopen to the change that the graduate Scholarbestowed Priceless discipline has undergone.” ship in Exercise and Gem award from the Sport Science was athletics department. established in 2006 with generous donaA gifted impromptu speaker and tions from his family, friends, colleagues storyteller, Hyatt was called upon and former students. frequently to talk about the history of the Last fall, rising UNC senior Kamisha department. He enjoyed writing poetry K. Holmes of Raleigh became its first about his love of Carolina, the beach or his recipient and received a $2,500 scholarship. hometown, and was known for coining Holmes is majoring in exercise and sport “Hyattisms,” or catchy sayings. science, specializing in athletic training. Kevin M. Guskiewicz, professor and Hyatt earned his master’s at Carolina chair of the department of exercise and in 1959 and came back to stay in 1966, sport science, said Hyatt was a role model when he was named assistant professor of for generations of faculty. physical education and director of UNC’s “Our discipline has changed dramatiIntramural-Recreational Sports Program. cally over those 40 years, and what I He earned his Ph.D. here four years later. appreciated most is he was really the Prior to graduate school, Hyatt key figure in trying to preserve our history coached, taught and directed high school of physical education while being very and collegiate intramural programs in both open to the change that the discipline has South Carolina and North Carolina. He undergone,” Guskiewicz said. also helped then-Governor Terry Sanford Edgar W. Shields, Jr., associate professor establish the North Carolina Advancement in applied statistics and research design in School for underachieving students. the department, met Hyatt in the mid to

Ron Hyatt left a lasting mark on UNC.

late ’60s.They quickly became good friends and neighbors.“Doc” had other nicknames, including “Mr. Zip” or the “Zipper” because of his energy and drive, Shields recalled. Hyatt was gregarious. He made friends easily with folks from all levels and backgrounds. Status didn’t much matter. “To be with Ron was to laugh with Ron,” Shields observed. “We did a lot of work together, dealt with a lot of issues, and solved lots of problems and some very significant serious issues. But one constant was laughter.” Hyatt also was a “student’s professor” who strove to do more than just convey course material. His favorite acronym was “O.T.O.T.,” short for “On Time and On Target.” It was something Hyatt always was, and he made sure his students knew what it meant. “He taught lifelong lessons,” Guskiewicz said. “He taught students how to present themselves in a professional way not only here on campus but in life beyond Chapel Hill.” Perhaps most of all, colleagues and friends recall Hyatt’s knack for knowing the right thing to say at the right moment. “He could make a room of people laugh if they needed to laugh, cry if they needed to cry, and feel good about each other if they needed to feel good about each other,” Guskiewicz said. Hyatt is survived by his wife of 45 years, Gayle Hyatt; a son, Wesley Hyatt; a daughter, LuAnn Hyatt Martinson; and two grandchildren, Bennett and Brynn, all of Charlotte. •

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Doing Good and Doing Well Budding entrepreneurs help Ugandans tackle world hunger


hree Carolina entrepreneurs followed their instincts to do good in the world by thinking entrepreneurially. It paid off — for them and for workers battling poverty and world hunger from faraway Uganda. The trio won the $15,000 grand prize in the social entrepreneurship track and the $1,000 People’s Choice Award in the Carolina Challenge, an annual business plan competition associated with the Carolina Entrepreneurial Initiative (CEI). The Tar Heels spent five weeks in Africa this past summer showing Ugandans how to build, use and market Universal Nut Shellers, simple devices that shell peanuts — a vital source of protein for about half a billion people worldwide. The devices can shell peanuts 50 times faster than doing it by hand. The Carolina entrepreneurs figured out that producing the shellers in-country was considerably cheaper than shipping them from abroad. As a result, the Ugandans would be able to produce many more nut shellers and be able to sell many more peanuts, improving their local economy while addressing world hunger. The three friends — Joel Thomas, who graduated in 2006 with a degree in biology; Danika Barry, a senior political science and public policy major; and Maggie Salinger, a sophomore international studies major — decided to start the venture after attending a November 2006 talk on campus from a representative of the Full Belly Project, a Wilmington, N.C.-based nonprofit. That’s when they learned about Full Belly’s invention, the Universal Nut Sheller. Full Belly has been producing the machines in Wilmington and shipping them where they were needed as a charitable donation. The project placed 10 shellers in central Uganda in 2005 and 180 in 2006. But since the nut sheller is made of cement and steel, it’s too expensive to ship many of them from North Carolina to the

countries where they are most needed. The students decided the solution was to eliminate distribution cost and provide income-generating opportunities to local Ugandans by manufacturing the nut shellers The Universal Nut Sheller is tested by a Ugandan where the shellers would be used. woman at a farmer’s cooperative demonstration. Along with Roey Rosenblith from the Full Belly Project, the team wrote a they would eventually need 2,000 shellers for business plan for a pilot production facility their district. To date, NAADS has bought in Uganda. In addition to the Carolina 21 nut shellers. Challenge prize money, the students The students helped make expansion received volunteer help and $10,000 in possible before they left by finding a local initial seed funding raised by students source for the fiberglass molds used to make of Nourish International, a nonprofit the sheller. “We went to businessmen who organization founded at UNC by 2004 make concrete products like banisters and Carolina alumnus Sindhura Citineni. asked them to send us information for their The students and other volunteers supply chain,” Thomas says. “We eventually traveled to Uganda in May. Two of the worked back the chain to a man who could five weeks there were spent setting up manipulate fiberglass, and then we were set. the facility and training workers to do the This was huge because they can now make cement molding and welding needed to as many molds as they need whenever they make the simple shellers. need them.” An added bonus — the molds The remainder of the students’ made in Uganda cost only $100, while those time in Uganda was spent marketing the made in the United States cost $300. shellers and forming relationships with “It’s now up to our businessman on nongovernmental organizations and the ground in Uganda, but we’re pretty sure nonprofits that may buy and distribute it. that he intends to expand,” Salinger says. Because of limited time and transportation Henry Masagazi now runs the facility. “The (think bicycle), one of the biggest challenges last time we saw Henry, he had $1,000 in was setting priorities, Salinger says. “We had his pocket from selling machines,” Thomas so much to do and so many contacts. All says. “Mission complete from our end, and of our customers and organizations were the business is now his to scale.” important to us, so it was hard to decide Thomas now works as Nourish whom to spend more time with.” International’s director. Salinger plans to The continue facility is able Peanuts are a vital source of protein working with to produce the Full Belly for half a billion people. five shellers Project and per day. Demand for the shellers exceeds wants to “help formulate some business that capacity. “We realized the demand for plans for future production facilities in other the sheller is unbelievably high,” Salinger countries and regions,” she says. “I’m really says. For instance, the students met with excited about that.” representatives from one governmentRead more about the students’ trip funded organization, National Agricultural on their blog, www.nourishuganda. Advisory Services (NAADS), that estimated •



Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 21

Maggie Salinger

By Angela Spivey ’90

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

New way to target and kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria U

Coral reefs on swift decline


orals in the central and western Pacific Ocean are dying faster than previously thought, UNC marine scientists in the College have found. Nearly 600 square miles of reef have disappeared per year since the late 1960s, twice the rate of rainforest loss. The loss is likely due in part to large-scale stressors such as climate change. The reefs are disappearing at a rate of 1 percent per year, a decline that began decades earlier than expected, the researchers discovered. Historically, coral cover, a measure of reef health, hovered around 50 percent. Today, only about 2 percent of reefs in the Indo-Pacific have coral cover close to the historical baseline. 22 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

“We have already lost half of the world’s reef-building corals,” said John Bruno, lead study author and associate professor of marine ecology and conservation. The study provides the first regionalscale and long-term analysis of coral loss in the region, where relatively little was known about patterns of reef loss. The Indo-Pacific contains 75 percent of the world’s coral reefs and has the highest coral diversity in the world. Bruno and Elizabeth Selig, a graduate student in the curriculum in ecology, compiled and

analyzed a database of 6,000 quantitative surveys performed between 1968 and 2004 of more than 2,600 Indo-Pacific coral reefs. Coral cover declined from 40 percent in the early 1980s to approximately 20 percent by 2003, the researchers found. This consistent pattern of decline across the entire IndoPacific indicates that coral loss is a global phenomenon. The research was funded by a grant by the National Science Foundation and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science to Achieve Results program. •

Scott Lujan

microbes quickly accumulate useful mutations and share them with other bacteria through conjugation — the microbe equivalent of mating. Many highly-drug resistant bacteria rely on an enzyme, called DNA relaxase, to obtain and pass on their resistant genes.

Led by Scott Lujan, a biochemistry graduate student, the team suspected they could block relaxase by searching for vulnerability in a three-dimensional picture of the relaxase protein. There are several bisphosphonates on the market that could act as a decoy, the researchers discovered. Two effective drugs, clodronate and etidronate, prevent relaxase from handling DNA. This wreaks havoc inside E. coli bacteria that are preparing to transfer their genes. Redinbo, who cautions that the results only apply to E. coli, said further testing will reveal whether bisphosphonates also attack similar bacteria species like hospital- acquired pneumonia, staph infections and lung infections. UNC study coauthors include Laura Guogas, Heather Ragonese and Steven Matson. Redinbo and his colleagues have filed a patent and formed a small company to further develop the technology. •

M. Sussman

NC researchers have found a new weapon that could stop the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The team discovered a key weakness in the enzyme that helps “fertile” bacteria swap genes for drug resistance. Drugs called bisphosphonates, widely prescribed for bone loss, block this enzyme and prevent bacteria from spreading antibiotic-resistant genes. Interfering with the enzyme has the added effect of annihilating antibiotic-resistant bacteria in laboratory cultures. “Our discoveries may lead to the ability to selectively kill antibioticresistant bacteria in patients and to halt the spread of resistance in clinical settings,” said Matt Redinbo, senior study author and professor of chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics. Every time someone takes an antibiotic, the drug kills the weakest bacteria in the bloodstream. Any bug that has a protective mutation against the antibiotic survives. These drug-resistant

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s Science and math students on “fast track” for teaching careers


he Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) has awarded the UNC system a $5.3 million grant that puts science and mathematics majors on a “fast track” to teaching careers by giving them an opportunity to obtain both a science degree and a high school teaching credential. The BWF Scholars Program is designed to increase the number of science and math teachers produced by four UNC campuses, including Carolina. Scholarships, mentoring and other supplemental support will be provided to all BWF Scholars. The partner campuses — which include N.C. Central, N.C. State, UNCAsheville and UNC-Chapel Hill — have committed to recruit and prepare 120 scholars over the next three years. UNC system president Erskine Bowles underscored the importance of such public-private partnerships. “About two-thirds of the students in U.S. high schools studying chemistry and physics are taught by teachers who are not certified in the field and didn’t major in the subject,” Bowles said. “We have to do more to increase the pool of qualified science and mathematics teachers for our classrooms and attract the best and the brightest into teaching.” BWF Scholars will receive $6,500 annual scholarships, a full-time classroom internship with intensive mentoring, as well as extra support in transitioning to the classroom as a new teacher. BWF Scholars who graduate and are then employed as licensed science or mathematics teachers in a North Carolina public school will receive a $5,000 annual salary supplement for up to five years. •

BB&T gives another $1 million to philosophy


he BB&T Charitable Foundation has given $1 million to the philosophy department in the College of Arts and Sciences for the second time in four years. The gift continues the foundation’s support of rational reflection on — and critical engagement with — fundamental philosophical principles. “At BB&T, we believe that ideas have a profound impact on human action,” said John Allison IV, chairman and CEO of BB&T and a 1971 UNC alumnus. “An individual’s philosophy ultimately determines how he lives his life.” BB&T’s Web site describes a corporate culture built around 10 primary values that are consistent, integrated and put into practice. The company’s focus on values grows from a belief that ideas matter, and that an individual’s character is of crucial significance. The second $1 million gift shares the goal of the first gift: to support visiting scholars who are experts in at least one of these areas — Aristotle and theories of human nature, ethics and economics, social and political philosophy, or objectivity and values. The gift also will continue support for research as well as undergraduate and graduate programs in philosophy. The original BB&T gift helped support the development of a minor in philosophy, politics and economics, which focuses on classic and contemporary work in political economy and moral theory. The minor explores the nature of capitalism and the principles of democracy and representative government. “Thanks to BB&T’s remarkable support, we have attracted firstrate faculty, introduced new courses, started innovative programs and brought in a range of exciting speakers,” said Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, professor and chair of philosophy. “There is no way to adequately Geoffrey express in words the difference BB&T’s commitment makes.” • Sayre-McCord

How Muslim communities counter radicalism


inding out how American Muslims address messages of extremism in their communities is the goal of a two-year study funded by the U.S. Department of Justice. Researchers at UNC and Duke University will use the information to recommend policies for reducing the likelihood that the United States experiences the type of homegrown terrorism seen recently in Europe. “In light of the recent events in London and Glasgow, it is critically important to understand why widespread radicalization has not occurred Charles Kurzman in the United States,” said David Schanzer, a visiting professor at Duke and adjunct professor at UNC, the principal investigator for the study. Schanzer directs the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, a think tank sponsored by the two universities and RTI International. The National Institute of Justice awarded the center $394,000 for the study. Center researchers will seek to learn from the responses of four American Muslim communities to radical Islamic movements across the globe, said Charles Kurzman, a UNC associate professor of sociology and co-principal investigator. Kurzman and colleagues will study Muslim communities in Buffalo, Houston, Seattle and the Triangle. “Osama Bin Laden and other revolutionaries have argued that it is the responsibility of every Muslim who can do so to engage in violent jihad, but few Muslims have taken up this call, especially in the United States,” Kurzman said. “It is critical that we see what we can learn from these communities.” • Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 23

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Steve Davis

faculty and students in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences has uncovered evidence of an important 18th-century Catawba Indian village near the Catawba River and Fort Mill, S.C. The lost village, once known as Nassaw, is located on part of a 400-acre tract about seven miles south of Charlotte. The property is slated for development as a “green” community that will surround a new environmental history museum being developed by the Culture & Heritage Museum of York County. The discovery sheds light on a critical turning point in the history of American Indians across the Piedmont, said R.P. Stephen Davis, associate director of UNC’s Research Laboratories of Archaeology and an adjunct professor of anthropology. “Evidence from Nassaw helps us see how the Catawba Nation accommodated diverse groups before the community was devastated by smallpox in 1759,” Davis said. Nassaw was the most important of six Catawba communities mapped in 1756, Davis said. He and Brett Riggs, a UNC research archaeologist, had previously identified the locations of three of the villages: Charraw Town, Weyane and Weyapee.

Tar Heels at the Nassaw dig.

24 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

been exploring the region for the past five years. Like other researchers, they initially thought Nassaw was located several miles downriver from the museum property, Davis said. Then they met Hugh White, whose family had resided in Fort Mill since the late 18th century. Davis and Riggs showed White the mid-18th-century map they were using. “He told us we were wrong. Then he brought out a leather-bound ledger kept by an ancestor who had been a commissioner for the Catawba Nation,” Davis recalled. White also showed the researchers a copy of a plat of his land and showed them where a major wagon road followed the Great Trading Path, an ancient northsouth trade route for American Indians. The UNC team began digging at the site in mid-May. Among the numerous artifacts the group found were dozens of white clay pipe stems that could be reliably placed in the 1750s. During a survey this past spring, they recovered brass kettle fragments, nails, knives and numerous parts from flintlock muskets — all dating back to the mid-18th century, Davis said. The archaeological dig was supported in part by a gift to UNC from Cherokee Investment Partners which is developing Kanawha, a mixed-use “green” community on the museum property. Kanawha managers will preserve the archaeological site as a park. Cherokee is headed by UNC alumnus Tom Darden, and Kanawha Development LLC is headed by UNC alumnus Brian Goray. •

Paul Welby

Archaeological dig confirms lost Catawba Indian village An archaeological dig conducted by Davis, Riggs and their students have

Winston House: Opening Doors to Europe The size of Tar Heel country got larger in May with the official dedication of Winston House in London, home of the College’s European Study Center. The 18th century townhouse, located on Bedford Square, was celebrated in a ceremony attended by more than 100 Carolina alumni. The dedication officially opens the facility to the entire University, including faculty, alumni and students from all parts of campus. Winston House is named for the Winston family in recognition of the generous gift of James H. Winston ’55 and his wife Mary, and in honor of the Winston family’s longstanding ties to UNC and to Europe. University administrators, faculty, students and alumni interested in utilizing Winston House should contact Randi Davenport, executive director of the James M. Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence, (919) 843-7765, •

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Medieval and early modern studies gets $2.5 million boost A

Dan Sears

$2.5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation of New York will make a significant contribution to medieval and early modern studies at UNC. The grant will enable the College of Arts and Sciences to extend the global reach of the program beyond the European borders of the medieval and early modern world to China, Southeast Asia and Japan, the Caribbean and Latin America. More than 60 faculty members across 10 departments in the humanities and fine arts teach and conduct research about the period, which stretches in its European context from the fall of the Roman Empire through the 18th century. “Medieval and early modern studies

Levine’s Legacy


hen former College dean Bernadette Gray-Little moved up to the provost’s chair, the University looked for a widely Madeline G. Levine respected leader to take over as interim dean during the search for a new permanent dean. Madeline G. Levine, longtime Kenan Professor and former department chair of Slavic languages and literatures, more than filled the bill. In her first letter to colleagues from the dean’s office, Levine promised to move the College forward “at a steady and even pace,” but, she added, it would not be a year of “stasis.” Talk about understatement. As interim dean, Levine oversaw: recordbreaking fundraising, the opening of four major new facilities in the sciences and the international arena (Chapman Hall, Caudill Laboratories, the FedEx Global Education Center and Winston House in London),

have traditionally been among the most attractive interdisciplinary graduate programs at Carolina,” said William Andrews, senior associate dean for the fine arts and humanities and E. Maynard Adams Professor of English. “Undergraduate classes in medieval history and 16th- and 17th-century literature are often filled to overflowing each semester.” UNC will use $1 million of the grant to endow the Mellon Distinguished Professorship of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, with help from the N.C. Distinguished Professors Endowment Trust Fund. With support from the provost’s office, additional faculty will be hired to teach and research new areas of medieval and early

modern studies. Faculty and graduate students’ research and teaching, as well as graduate student recruitment, will benefit from $1.5 million from the foundation. The College will provide additional support for undergraduate studies. E. Jane Burns, Druscilla French Distinguished Professor of Women’s Studies, called the gift the most exciting intellectual development in medieval studies at UNC since she joined the faculty in 1977. “This generous grant will enable us to study and teach the medieval and early modern periods from the broadest perspective, taking into account the richness and diversity of people, places and cultures across the globe,” said Burns. •

the groundbreaking for a fifth structure (Kenan Music Building) and the creation of a transformative new scholarship program (Kenan Music Scholars). Levine would insist that these achievements were made possible by teamwork across the College and University, and that credit rightfully belongs to the leadership of others who came before her. Still, several other major new initiatives were conceived, launched and completed during Levine’s year as interim dean. Heading the list is the successful recruitment of three major academic stars for the College (see page 16), with negotiations under way with three others. When UNC President Erskine Bowles announced he had special funds from the legislature to lure world-class scholars, Levine immediately solicited nominations from across the College and won approval and funding to recruit them. Working with senior associate dean William Andrews, she oversaw the $2.5 million grant proposal to the Mellon Foundation for a global program in medieval and early modern studies, which

was awarded in her final days in the dean’s office (see story on this page). In addition, Levine and senior associate dean Bobbi Owen oversaw new initiatives designed to increase the University’s graduation rates, including the expansion of academic support programs and the development of more pro-active interventions for students before they fall too far behind. “Wisdom is not necessarily a function of intelligence, but Madeline is among those that are both intelligent and wise,” said Ivan V. “Andy” Anderson ’61, chair of the Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors. “Importantly, she has a real and affectionate heart for students and learning that defines her as a role model for our great University.” Levine’s final contribution was ensuring a seamless transition for incoming dean Holden Thorp. “Madeline Levine exceeded everyone’s expectations of what an interim dean can achieve in one short year,” Thorp said. “She focused on key initiatives to complete during her term and over-delivered on the execution. Her wisdom informs us, and her legacy lives all around us.” •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 25


Brooks de Wetter-Smith

H i g h l i g h t s


Antarctica is the star of a new musical collaboration By Kim Weaver Spurr ’88

26 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Brooks de Wetter-Smith

Anderson. The piece will be designed for a small chamber group and will premiere in spring 2008 at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh. De Wetter-Smith will be the flutist in the group as 300 to 400 of his Antarctica photos are shown on multiple screens. The performance will also feature narration and song. Brooks de Wetter-Smith


rooks de Wetter-Smith has hiked a thousand feet above Mount Everest base camp, climbed the Andes, trekked across deserts in Egypt, Jordan and Syria, and explored the mountains of Lebanon. But Antarctica, with its remote expanse of pristine ice, has been calling him for nearly 50 years. The Carolina music professor realized his dream last December when he traveled on a National Geographic ship to the Earth’s coldest, windiest and southernmost continent, armed with about 40 pounds of photographic gear. His mission: to capture the spectacular beauty of Antarctica in pictures, sound and music. De Wetter-Smith, the James Gordon Hanes Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, said he was changed by his experience in Antarctica. “There’s a spiritual component to it. I have a much greater feeling of connectivity to Creativity with a capital ‘C’ than anywhere else I’ve been,” de Wetter-Smith said. De Wetter-Smith’s 12-day journey began in Ushuaia, Argentina, at the southern tip of South America. There, he boarded a ship with scientists, researchers and others to travel around Cape Horn and cross the Drake Passage — among the roughest waters in the world — to Antarctica. De Wetter-Smith’s colleague, Allen Anderson — who heads the music department’s composition area — has never been to Antarctica, but he’s become passionate about the icy continent in his own way. In October 2005, de Wetter-Smith first approached Anderson about a monumental idea: to create a multimedia performance featuring his Antarctica photos and a new musical piece created by

Long before de Wetter-Smith left for Antarctica, Anderson began mapping out ideas and pencil illustrations in a sketchbook. He and de Wetter-Smith talked about the kinds of shots they wanted to explore. As a composer, Anderson said he has always been very visual. He was attracted to the idea of working with multimedia and intrigued by the sheer size of the landscapes in Antarctica. “This idea that there are places in nature where the expanse of rock, of space or ice is so vast, where one faces the enormity incapable of comprehending it: that’s compelling for me musically,” Anderson said. The duo will spend this fall collaborating on the project, with de Wetter-Smith receiving support via an Institute for the Arts and Humanities fellowship. Anderson has dubbed the project, “Iceblink,” the name given to a white light seen on the underside of low

clouds that indicates the presence of ice beyond the range of vision. De Wetter-Smith is also drawn to the power of visual imagery. He caught the photography bug from his grandfather — the first curator of photography for the Brooklyn Museum — and from Ansel Adams, whom he and his grandfather both knew. He wants people to feel a real connection to Antarctica and to care about its preservation. “I hope they begin to value the importance of that region to the future of the rest of the world,” de Wetter-Smith said. “When there’s a face we can connect to a place, we have a sense of connection. With no connection, there’s no commitment.” • ••••••• “Iceblink” is supported by these UNC units: the College, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, James M. Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence, music department and University Research Council. Outside sponsors are the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions, Raleigh Chamber Music Guild, N.C. Arts Council, Southeastern Camera in Carrboro and Canon USA. De Wetter-Smith holds the copyright on his photos; view more online at

Bookshelf C o l l e g e

B o o k s h e l f

• From Whence (Louisiana State University Press) by Michael Chitwood. A UNC creative writing instructor’s latest collection of poems explores the concept of threshold — the moment when a situation or person is transformed into something new. It could be when a boy realizes that his childhood is over forever, or when a rock on a frozen pond melts and plunges through the ice. Organist It seemed it took all of her to play it. Her smooth hands worked the double keyboard, her shoulders rolled under the robe when she reached to the stops, oboe, lute, or harp. She’d unsnap the robe, bottom up, and spread it back over the bench to give her legs the freedom they needed. Only I could see her feet. She’d taken off her shoes to feel the low register pedals with the private dark toe of her Sunday hose. Through “Holy, Holy, Holy” and “I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” I was acolyte to her organ’s hum. The Word, as her hymns swelled, became flesh. —Published in From Whence. Copyright © 2007 by Michael Chitwood. All rights reserved.

• Grounded Globalism: How the U.S. South Embraces the World (University of Georgia Press) by James L. Peacock. Once resistant to change, today’s South is home to international conglomerates CNN, KFC, Coca-Cola and FedEx, as well as thousands of immigrants from Asia and Latin America. The Kenan Professor of Anthropology explores how globalization is transforming the demographics, economics and cultural identity of the South. • The Fire This Time (Melville House) by Randall Kenan. James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time was one of the most galvanizing books of the civil rights movement. Now, 45 years later, a Baldwin biographer and UNC English professor asks, “How far have we come?” and discusses a range of cultural influences including Oprah, O.J. and Obama. • The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears (Viking/Penguin Library) by Theda Perdue and Michael D. Green. Two UNC historians recount how the Indian Removal Act of 1830 resulted in 17,000 Cherokees being exiled from their homes across the southern Appalachians and forced to march 800 miles to a designated Indian Territory in eastern Oklahoma. • Michael Tolliver Lives (HarperCollins) by Armistead Maupin. Wonder whatever happened to the bawdy young San Francisco housemates depicted in the

fictional Tales of the City series that launched this 1966 Carolina English graduate’s writing career? Twenty years later, despite AIDS, terrorism and anti-gay referenda, some of them are growing old after all, much to their surprise. • American Liberalism (UNC Press) by John McGowan. Although we live in a liberal democracy, liberalism is scorned today by both the right and left. A distinguished UNC American studies professor endorses the five tenets of liberalism and argues against discarding the principles that guided U.S. politics from James Madison to the New Deal and the Great Society. • Censoring Sex (Rowman & Littlefield) by John E. Semonche. A UNC professor and expert on U.S. constitutional and legal history provides an entertaining story of sex censorship from the 19th century to the present time, replete with colorful characters such as Mae West and Elvis Presley, Jerry Falwell, Alfred Kinsey and Hugh Hefner. • Bomb after Bomb (Charta) by elin o’Hara slavick. Working from military surveillance imagery, aerial photographs, battle plans, maps and mass media sources, a UNC art professor and photographer publishes a series of her drawings depicting the pain and destruction associated with places the U.S. military has bombed. •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 27


H o n o r

R o l l

Thank You! The College of Arts and Sciences gratefully thanks the more than 12,000 donors who supported its students, faculty and programs in fiscal year 2006-2007. Every charitable gift made to the College strengthens its 214-year-old tradition of educating students in the arts, humanities and sciences. The 2007 Honor Roll recognizes donors whose gifts to the College of Arts and Sciences between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, qualify them for membership in the following giving societies: • Chancellors’ Circle — $10,000 and above • Carolina Society — $5,000 to $9,999 • 1793 Society — $2,000 to $4,999 • Dean’s Circle — $1,500 to $1,999 Young Alumni Levels Classes 1992 to 1996: $1,000 and above Classes 1997 to 2001: $500 and above Classes 2002 to 2006: $250 and above In academic year 2007, 1,051 donors made gifts to the College at the Dean’s Circle level or higher, providing the College with vital resources for creating and maintaining a first-rate academic experience at Carolina. The Honor Roll does not include bequests or other planned gifts to the College. Furthermore, it omits the 58 anonymous donors. This list has been prepared with great care to ensure its accuracy. To report a mistake, please contact Tina CoyneSmith at (919) 962-1682 or Thank you, once again, for generously supporting the College of Arts and Sciences at Carolina!

28 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Chancellors’ Circle ($10,000 and above) • Nancy Robertson Abbey, San Francisco, CA • Estate of James Morton Alexander*, Charlotte, NC • James Lawrence Alexandre, London, UK • James Alfred Anders Jr., Fairfax, VA • Renee Dobbins Anderson and Ivan V. Anderson Jr., Charleston, SC • Mr. and Mrs. Weston M. Andress, Charlotte, NC • R. Frank Andrews IV, Washington, DC • Jane Hall and William J. Armfield IV, Richmond, VA • Fay Aronson-Foglia, Coral Gables, FL • Q. Whitfield Ayres, McLean, VA • Donald Aaron Baer, Washington, DC • Laura Hobby Beckworth, Houston, TX • McKay and Nina Belk, Charlotte, NC • Philip D. Bennett, London, UK • Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bilbro, Raleigh, NC • Sarah H. Bissell, Charlotte, NC • Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blair III, Wrightsville Beach, NC • Peter and Heather Boneparth, Lawrence, NY • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Borden Jr., Goldsboro, NC • Mary Mills and W. Lee Borden, Goldsboro, NC • Stephen G. Brantley, M.D., Tampa, FL • William S. Brenizer, Glen Head, NY • Anne Faris Brennan, New York, NY • Amy Woods Brinkley, Charlotte, NC • Estate of William W. Brown Jr.*, Charlotte, NC • James Asa Bruton III, Clifton, VA • Lucius Edward Burch III, Nashville, TN • Timothy Brooks Burnett, Greensboro, NC • Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III, Winston-Salem, NC • Sunny Harvey and R. Lee Burrows Jr., Atlanta, GA • Ann Williams Burrus, Richmond, VA • Mary Blackburn* and George Allen Bush Jr., Louisville, KY • Gordon Eugene Cadwgan Jr., West Palm Beach, FL • Nicholas Andrew Cassas, Coral Springs, FL • Susan S. Caudill and W. Lowry Caudill, Durham, NC • Norman Phillip Chapel, Edina, MN • Mr. Max C. Chapman Jr., Jackson, WY • Harvey Colchamiro, Greensboro, NC • Robert F. and Helen H. Conrad, Hillsborough, NC • Vicki U. and David F. Craver, Cos Cob, CT • John Howard and Norma Crawford, Saratoga, CA • Laura Brown Cronin, Acton, MA • Steve Cumbie and Druscilla French, McLean, VA • Hildegarde O.R. Dahl, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ • Harriet Osment Davis, Greensboro, NC • Mr. Joseph W. Dorn, Washington, DC • Steven S. and Katherine S. Dunlevie, Atlanta, GA • Russell S. Edmister, Cary, NC • Estate of Louise Wilson Edmonds*, Weston, MA • Eli N. Evans, New York, NY • Nancy Richards Farese, Kentfield, CA • Alan S. and Gail Margolis Fields, Lexington, MA • J. Daniel Fitz II, London, UK • P. Michael and Elizabeth Florio, Rye, NY • Thomas Leonard Fonville, Raleigh, NC • Peter R. Formanek, Memphis, TN • Henry and Molly Froelich, Charlotte, NC • Adam D. Galinsky, Chicago, IL • Beth Lloyd and J. Brooke Gardiner, Mountainside, NJ • J. Alston Gardner and Barbara Lee, New York, NY

• Lawrence L. and Carol G. Gellerstedt, Atlanta, GA • Timothy Martin and Cosby Wiley George, Greenwich, CT • Dr. R. Barbara Gitenstein and Dr. Donald Brett Hart, Pennington, NJ • Robert Morris Gladstone, Washington, DC • Estate of Sidney Gordon*, Hallandale, FL • Peter T. and Laura M. Grauer, Greenwich, CT • Bernard Gray, Atlanta, GA • Olive and Lewis Greenwald, Efland, NC • Andy and Cindi Griffith, Manteo, NC • Julia Sprunt Grumbles, Chapel Hill, NC • Henry Haywood Hamilton III, Katy, TX • Chris C. Hamlet Jr.*, Wilmington, NC • Benjamin C. Hammett, Palo Alto, CA • F. Borden Hanes Jr., Winston-Salem, NC • Robin March Hanes, Asheville, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Cameron M. Harris, Charlotte, NC • John and Deborah Harris, Charlotte, NC • Emmett Boney Haywood, Raleigh, NC • Peter Niels Heller, Somerville, MA • Elsbeth Lindner and W. Lee Hemphill II, Mamaroneck, NY • Leonard and Rose Herring, North Wilkesboro, NC • Judge Truman and Joyce Hobbs, Montgomery, AL • William T. Hobbs II and Elizabeth Gilman Hobbs, Charlotte, NC • W. Howard Holsenbeck, Houston, TX • Jerry Leo Horner Jr., Raleigh, NC • Frederick S. and Charlotte B. Hubbell, Des Moines, IA • Barbara S. and Jaroslav F. Hulka, Chapel Hill, NC • Barbara R. and Pitt Hyde, Memphis, TN • Lynn Buchheit and Stuart S. Janney, Butler, MD • George H. and Janet J. Johnson, Atlanta, GA • Lyle V. Jones, Pittsboro, NC • William R. and Jeanne H. Jordan, Fayetteville, NC • Fred N. Kahn, Asheville, NC • Frances Murray Keenan, Baltimore, MD • Frank* and Betty Kenan, Chapel Hill, NC • Thomas S. Kenan III, Chapel Hill, NC • Frank Wade Kiker Jr., Charlotte, NC • Willis and Nancy King, Summit, NJ • David F. Kirby and Evelyn Debnam Kirby, Raleigh, NC • Courtney Horner and James W. Kluttz Sr., Winston-Salem, NC • Orin S. Kramer, New York, NY • Joseph Jerry and Maria Ilona Kusa, Apex, NC • M. Steven Langman, New York, NY • Seymour and Carol Levin, Greensboro, NC • Leon and Sandra Levine, Charlotte, NC • Holly Hickman and Hal Andrew Levinson, Charlotte, NC • Lloyd S. Liles, Columbia, SC • Elizabeth Stewart and N. Thompson Long, Fox Point, WI • Townsend and Jane Ludington, Chapel Hill, NC • Janet Lumiansky, New York, NY • Richard B. Lupton, Westerville, OH • David Maxwell Lyerly, Radford, VA • Dr. and Mrs. Robert Machemer, Durham, NC • Hannah Lacob and Moses Montefiore Malkin, Sun City Center, FL • Peter G. Mallinson, London, UK • Estate of Patricia A. Maslow*, Palo Alto, CA • S. Spence McCachren Jr., Maryville, TN • John McCaskey, Campbell, CA • William D. McLester, Fayetteville, NC • Kay Ruth McMillan, Roswell, NM • Peter Hamil McMillan, San Francisco, CA

• Peter C. Moister, Atlanta, GA • John and Tatiana Moore, Setauket, NY • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Morgan Jr., Memphis, TN • Ralph and Juli Mosley, Nashville, TN • Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Moss, Allendale, NJ • Donald William John Munro, Mill Valley, CA • William Nagel, Charlotte, NC • Leon Stanley Niegelsky Jr., Reidsville, NC • Charles Edwards Noell III, Monkton, MD • Gary W. Parr, New York, NY • Florence and James L. Peacock, Chapel Hill, NC • Kenneth Joyner Phelps, Atlanta, GA • Earl Norfleet Phillips Jr., High Point, NC • Sandra Piller, Los Angeles, CA • Edwin Averyt Poston, New York, NY • Edwin T. and Nancy Preston, Chapel Hill, NC • Elizabeth Evans and Frank Queally, Darien, CT • Karen M. and David C. Rauch, London, UK • Jonathan and Ashley Reckford, Atlanta, GA • Eugene H. Reilley Jr., Woodstock, GA • Ambassador and Mrs. Mercer Reynolds III, Cincinnati, OH • Rathbun Kendrick Rhodes, Madison, WI • Lewis S. Ripps, Bayonne, NJ • Sidna and Paul Rizzo, Chapel Hill, NC • Dr. and Mrs. Todd Robbins, Memphis, TN • Alexander Tucker Robertson, Stanford, CA • William H. and Laura L. Rogers, Raleigh, NC • Cathy Rollins, Atlanta, GA • E. Burke Ross Jr., Palm Beach, FL • Lee Ann and Peter S. Rummell, Jacksonville, FL • Dr. Edward T. Samulski and Mrs. Carol Shumate, Chapel Hill, NC • Ralph Schlosstein, New York, NY • Nelson Schwab III, Charlotte, NC • A. Jay Schwartz, Atlanta, GA • Cecil and Linda Sewell, Raleigh, NC • Evelyn McNeill Sims, Chapel Hill, NC • John Brooke Slidell, Annapolis, MD • Gary Ray Smiley, Spartanburg, SC • C. Stirling Cassidy and Blair W. Smith, New York, NY • William Haywood Smith, Burlington, NC • Ann Lewallen Spencer, Winston-Salem, NC • Peter F. and Linda Spies, New York, NY • Michael A. and Nancy W. Stegman, Chapel Hill, NC • C. Austin Stephens, Atlanta, GA • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Story III, Atlanta, GA • Benjamin Joseph Sullivan Jr., Rye, NY • Carolyn Clark Taylor, Charlotte, NC • John A. and Marguerite B. Taylor, Winston-Salem, NC • Estate of Pauline Toy*, Spartanburg, SC • Murray Wells Turner, Charlotte, NC • William J. Tyne, London, UK • Tom and Betsy Uhlman, Madison, NJ • Alfred Phillips Van Huyck, Round Hill, VA • Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells III, Atlanta, GA • Alice M. Welsh, Chapel Hill, NC • Nancy and Monty White, Raleigh, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wickham III, London, UK • Loyal and Margaret Wilson, Chagrin Falls, OH • James and Mary B. Winston, Jacksonville, FL • Tracy Simms and Robert Watson Winston III, Raleigh, NC • Margaret and Charles Henry Witten, Columbia, SC • Bright Kinnett Wright, Atlanta, GA • Sherman Austin Yeargan Jr., Garner, NC • Michael and Chris Zimmerman, Greenwich, CT

Carolina Society ($5,000 to $9,999) • Daniel M. Armstrong III, Washington, DC • David Griggs Bannister, Owings Mills, MD • Agnes Rankin Beane, Wrightsville Beach, NC • Barbara A. Bentson and L. Kenneth Hiller Jr., Chaska, MN • Richard Berman, Los Angeles, CA • Ronald Gail Boatwright, Colleyville, TX • John L. Brantley, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL • John D. Brewer Jr., Pensacola, FL • Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Buckalew, New York, NY • Bill Canata, Landrum, SC • Mark E. and Kimberly B. Carpenter, Charlotte, NC • Hugh M. Chapman*, Atlanta, GA • Katharine Mason Chapman, Scarborough, NY • Nancy Jones and Thomas Norman Chewning, Richmond, VA • Peter Devine Cleveland, Indianapolis, IN • Sanford A. Cockrell III and Louise H. Cockrell, Darien, CT • Rose Cunneen Crawford, Bronxville, NY • Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Custer, Raleigh, NC • Archie H. and Sally J. Davis, Savannah, GA • Mr. and Mrs. J. Haywood Davis, New York, NY • Jean L. and James L. Davis, New Bern, NC • Janet Louise Davis, Wilmette, IL • Joseph M. and Suzanne DeSimone, Chapel Hill, NC • Michael A. DiIorio, London, UK • Oliver A. and Simone D’Oelsnitz, London, UK • Michael N. Driscoll, Manassas, VA • Martha Scott and Craig Prescott Dunlevie, Atlanta, GA • Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Elliott, Charlotte, NC • Robert Lee Epting, Chapel Hill, NC • Randal B. Etheridge, Baltimore, MD • David S. Evans, Greensboro, NC • Mrs. Gail McGregor Fearing, Chapel Hill, NC • Susan K. Fellner, Chapel Hill, NC • J. David Fortenbery, Charlotte, NC • Wilmer Jones Freiberg, New Orleans, LA • Mr. and Mrs. William E. Garwood, Haddonfield, NJ • James Sevier Gilliland Jr., Memphis, TN • Bernard Gilman, Ashland, MA • Howard G. Godwin Jr., New York, NY • Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldstein, Atlanta, GA • Kim and Bruce Gottwald, Richmond, VA • Mrs. Carol Cuthbertson Hamrick, Charlotte, NC • Taylor Clifton Harris, New York, NY • Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harrison Jr., Greenwich, CT • John L. Hatcher, Wilmington, NC • Louly F. Hay, Covington, GA • Jim and Pam Heavner, Chapel Hill, NC • Edward McGowan Hedgpeth Jr., Durham, NC • Clyde Hensley, Jensen Beach, FL • Richard Lawrence Hibbits, Raleigh, NC • Branson Hobbs, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Luther H. Hodges Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Charlotte Leonard and Douglas K. Holmes, Raleigh, NC • James Eugene Holmes III, Winston-Salem, NC • B. Webster Hughes III, Charlotte, NC • Bill and Courtney Phillips Hyder, Charlotte, NC • Neal Johnson, Charlotte, NC • Ben M. Jones III, Hendersonville, NC • Gary S. and Beth D. Kaminsky, Haverford, PA • Robert E. Kaufman, Boca Raton, FL • Peter Lawrence Keane, Charlotte, NC

• Daniel John and Patricia Schultz Kelly, Greenwich, CT • Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Krasno, Chapel Hill, NC • Frances Schamberg Kunkle, Ellicott City, MD • Melinda Lawrence, Raleigh, NC • Norman Ephraim Leafe Jr., Marietta, GA • Lana Lewin-Ross, New York, NY • Anne-Tristram Holt Lomax, Cornelius, NC • Mary Criser and L. Joseph Loveland Jr., Atlanta, GA • Michael Telfair Mahaffy, Greenwich, CT • Frances Chapman Mangan, Charlotte, NC • Harriet Wall and D. G. Martin Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Karol V. Mason, Atlanta, GA • Morris Irwin McDonald Jr., Englewood, CO • Marion L. McMorris, Durham, NC • Patricia Hagan Medland, Benowa, Australia • C. Curtis Meltzer, Amelia Island, FL • Dr. Catherine H. Messick, Winston-Salem, NC • Thomas Jude Modzelewski, New York, NY • Dena F. Moore, Richmond, VA • Frances Dayvault Morisey, Raleigh, NC • McKee Nunnally Jr., Atlanta, GA • Stephen Preston Oliver, Hingham, MA • Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Pampush, Atlanta, GA • Josephine Ward Patton, Chapel Hill, NC • Jordan Norfleet Phillips, High Point, NC • James Barry and Susan H. Pittleman, McLean, VA • R.M. Propst and D.L. Wood, York, SC • John S. and Ann Sherrill Pyne, New York, NY • William G. Rand, Raleigh, NC • Samuel Reckford, Short Hills, NJ • Robyn Firestone and Douglas M. Ross, Atlanta, GA • Martin J. Ryan III, Vienna, VA • Donald S. Schlenger, Jupiter, FL • John Russell Sears Jr., Dallas, TX • Pearl F. and Robert E. Seymour Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shaffer Jr., Atlanta, GA • Eddie and Jo Allison Smith, Grimesland, NC • David Sontag, Chapel Hill, NC • Scott F. and Emily P. Sternberg, Greenwich, CT • Christina E. Story, Atlanta, GA • Mr. and Mrs. James R. Strickland Jr., Durham, NC • Mr. and Mrs. James T. Tanner, Rutherfordton, NC • Patti and Holden Thorp, Carrboro, NC • Carolyn Pou Vanderberg, Charlotte, NC • Diane Viser and Paul Edward Viser, Clinton, NC • Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ward Jr., New Bern, NC • George W. and Helen Wood Weaver, Plantation, FL • Alan Harry Weinhouse, New York, NY • Drs. Stephen F. and Iris R. Weiss, Chapel Hill, NC • Stacia Byers Wells, Pacific Palisades, CA • Sue Anne Harrison and Todd Wells, Chattanooga, TN • Samuel H. and Anna B. Wheeler, Bothell, WA • Ashley and John Wilson, Chapel Hill, NC • Thomas M. Woodbury, New York, NY • Debra Kerr Woody, Raleigh, NC • Lee Polk Woody Jr., Baltimore, MD • Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Yusko, Chapel Hill, NC 1793 Society ($2,000 to $4,999) • Ed Adkins and Hulene Hill, Chapel Hill, NC • Ann Bowman and Lex Alexander, Chapel Hill, NC • M. Steven Alexander, Mendham, NJ • John and Betty Allison, Lewisville, NC • Shoff Allison, Charlotte, NC • James Lawrence Andrews Jr., Bronxville, NY Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 29

• Thomas Jackson White Archie, Darien, CT • William Joseph Austin Jr., Raleigh, NC • F.G. Awalt Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Zack Hampton Bacon III, New York, NY • Gregory Arthur Baer, Chevy Chase, MD • Harry H. Ballard, M.D. and Dolly Grant Ballard, Trent Woods, NC • M. Bailey Sellars Barnett, Charlotte, NC • L. Jarrett Barnhill Jr., Hillsborough, NC • Rosanah James and J. Goodwin Bennett, Greenwich, CT • Christina E. Benson, Alexandria, VA • Barbara B. Bertram and David A. Dodd, Durham, NC • Dr. Thad L. Beyle and Patricia C. Beyle, Chapel Hill, NC • Hyman and Marietta Bielsky, London, UK • Mr. J. William Blue Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Alvin Boskoff, Atlanta, GA • Susan H. Bowman, Chapel Hill, NC • Ann Thompson Brock, Charlotte, NC • David Bulluck Brown, Wilmington, DE • Joseph McKinley Bryan Jr., Greensboro, NC • Drs. Jay Bryson and Margaret Commins, Charlotte, NC • Edmund Samuel Burke Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Robert B. Butler, Phoenix, MD • Marion Everton Byrd, Jacksonville Beach, FL • Manuel Salvador Campano, Norcross, GA • George Worth Campbell Jr., Charlotte, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Castiaux, Castro Valley, CA • Beverly Whitaker Long and Hugh Chapin, Pittsboro, NC • Jefferson Chapman, Knoxville, TN • Margaret Patteson and William C. Chapman, Saint Louis, MO • Mary Latta Chapman, Alexandria, VA • Dr. Scott J. Childress, Philadelphia, PA • Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cone Jr., Greensboro, NC • Jane Cragan and Russell S. Cowell, Williamsburg, VA • Michael F. Cox, Greensboro, NC • Michael F. Coyne, New York, NY • Richard S. Craddock Jr., San Francisco, CA • Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Cramer, Winston-Salem, NC • Wells Cranford, Durham, NC • Gilda and Philip Robert Cree, Pittsboro, NC • Joseph Marvin Crews, Wilmington, NC • Janie and Jim Crouch, Burlington, NC • James Joseph Curry Jr., Spring, TX • Thomas H. Cuthbertson, Raleigh, NC • Frederic Gilbert Dalldorf, Chapel Hill, NC • John M. Darden III, Atlanta, GA • Josephine R. and Thomas F. Darden II, Raleigh, NC • Rebecca Wesson Darwin and Cress Darwin, Charleston, SC • Karen L. Davis, Washington, DC • R.P. Stephen Davis Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Richard H. Davis, Amarillo, TX • Anna Deak-Phillips, Charlotte, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Deering, Charleston, SC • Karen Suzanne DeHart, Chapel Hill, NC • Glen and Dwan Dorman, Winston-Salem, NC • Ruth L. Doyle, Warrensburg, MO • W. Christopher Draper Jr., Califon, NJ • Ralph Howard Duckett, High Point, NC • Jean Hege and Woody L. Durham, Chapel Hill, NC • Debra Easter, Winston-Salem, NC • Robert L. Edwards Jr., Charlotte, NC 30 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

• Michael J. Egan III, Atlanta, GA • James Madison Ellis Jr., Asheville, NC • Jennifer Langfahl Ellison, Charlotte, NC • Douglas R. Evans, Dallas, TX • Kathleen M. Faherty, Hillsborough, NC • Richard and Donna Falvo, Pittsboro, NC • Diane Newton Fecher, Sapphire, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Finley Jr., Raleigh, NC • Michael H. Fleisher, Naples, FL • Archibald Taylor Fort, Phoenix, MD • Andrew Foster, Durham, NC • David Gardner Frey Jr., Grand Rapids, MI • Paul A. Frontiero, Raleigh, NC • Olivia Ratledge Gardner, Atlanta, GA • Peter S. Gilchrist III, Huntersville, NC • Kenneth Arnold Gill III, Charlotte, NC • Dr. Dennis and Joan Gillings, Durham, NC • Lawrence J. Goldrich, Virginia Beach, VA • Susan S. and Raymond H. Goodmon III, Raleigh, NC • James Caswell Goodnight Jr., Banner Elk, NC • Mr. and Mrs. N. Jay Gould, New York, NY • William A. and Barbara S. Graham, Cambridge, MA • Mark Roy Graham, Colorado Springs, CO • Roslyn D. Grand, Atlanta, GA • P. Randolph Gray, Plymouth Meeting, PA • Steven and Gail Grossman, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Gump, Johnson City, TN • Robert H. Hackney Jr. and Shauna Holiman, Old Greenwich, CT • Daniel Hadley and Mary Elizabeth Schon Huey, Cincinnati, OH • Joshua Brandon Haislip, Williamston, NC • Mr. Gerard J. Hall, Durham, NC • Gordon G. Hamrick, Shelby, NC • Peter Nickolas Hansen, New York, NY • Mrs. Margaret Taylor Harper, Durham, NC • Joan Frances Healy, Chapel Hill, NC • Mary Margaret Jones Heaton, Atlanta, GA • Dr. Archibald Henderson, Houston, TX • Charles Chapman and Lindsay Gaskins Higgins, New York, NY • Sara Stockton Hill, Chapel Hill, NC • Kent C. Hiteshew and Patricia J. Jenny, Montclair, NJ • Robert Branson Hobbs Jr., Southern Shores, NC • Dr. Steve E. Hoffman, Littleton, NC • Harriet T. Holderness, Hinsdale, IL • Susan W. Holderness and Kenneth F. Ledford, Shaker Heights, OH • William H. Hooks, Chapel Hill, NC • Lawrence L. Hooper Jr., Lutherville, MD • J. Len and Rene Horton, Deep Gap, NC • Torrence M. Hunt, Pittsburgh, PA • Stephen Edward Ihnot, Guatemala City, Guatemala • Neal Andrews Jackson, Washington, DC • Patricia Cramer and Pembroke N. Jenkins, Wilmington, NC • Deborah Branscome Jones, Winnetka, IL • C.H. “Jack” and Joyce Keller, Hilton Head Island, SC • Pat Kelso, Charlotte, NC • Philip L. Kirstein, Princeton, NJ • Paul Franklin Knouse Jr., Winston-Salem, NC • Michael Hugh Krimminger, Derwood, MD • Kimberley Barrett Kwok, San Francisco, CA • Donna Irving and Thomas W. Lambeth, Winston-Salem, NC • Anthony Terrell Lathrop, Charlotte, NC • David S. and Dawn C. Lehmann, Chicago, IL

• E. Charles Leonard, Memphis, TN • Eleanor Wright Lindemann, Charlotte, NC • William Wesley Lindley, Houston, TX • Jane McColl Lockwood, Charlotte, NC • Elizabeth Pankey Lotspeich, Miami, FL • William Ernest Lucas II, Bethesda, MD • Scott Douglas MacDonald, Houston, TX • Robert Allen and Vivian Dixon Manekin, Owings Mills, MD • Sarah Robbins Mars, Morristown, NJ • Brian Christopher and Susan Seabolt Mashburn, Oberursel, Germany • Mary Love May, Hillsborough, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. McAulay Jr., Charlotte, NC • Robert Sullivan McCain, Brookhaven, NY • Lee Pusser and John Spratt McColl, Atlanta, GA • Mr. and Mrs. William O. McCoy, Chapel Hill, NC • Charles Aycock McLendon Sr., Greensboro, NC • Ann Greer McMains, Baton Rouge, LA • Robert Andrew McMillan, Martinsburg, WV • Sallie A. McMillion, Greensboro, NC • Dwight F. and Deborah W. Messinger, Salisbury, NC • Brent Marriott and Ann James Milgrom, Charlotte, NC • John Agrippa Mitchener III, Edenton, NC • Burch Scott Mixon, Charlotte, NC • James and Susan Moeser, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Morrison, Concord, NC • Mary N. Morrow, Chapel Hill, NC • Allen Moseley, Atlanta, GA • Frederick Otto Mueller, Chapel Hill, NC • E. Andrew Murray, Baltimore, MD • Kimberley King Myers, Winston-Salem, NC • Constance Bland Newberry, New York, NY • Charles S. Norwood Jr., Goldsboro, NC • Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Oglesby, Chapel Hill, NC • Charles Fletcher O’Kelley, Tampa, FL • Dr. Edward M. Olefirowicz, Thousand Oaks, CA • Paul Oliver and Sheila Barry-Oliver, Pinellas Park, FL • Jill J. and Brian Olson, Greenwich, CT • Charles Dexter Owen Jr., Asheville, NC • Robyn F. and Dr. Russell G. Owens III, Chapel Hill, NC • Thomas and Loren A. Pace, Sea Girt, NJ • Don and Maccy Paley, Lawrence, NY • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Pappas, Durham, NC • Mr. and Mrs. David Earl Pardue Jr., Hilton Head Island, SC • David M. Parker, Chapel Hill, NC • Margaret P. Parker, Chapel Hill, NC • Richard Allen Paschal, Arlington, VA • Jane Pearce, Chapel Hill, NC • Dr. Ceib Lorraine Phillips, Hillsborough, NC • Charles A. Speas Phillips, Greensboro, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Phillips Jr., Greensboro, NC • Wayne and Mary Donna Pond, Pittsboro, NC • Florence Chan Poyner, Raleigh, NC • Elizabeth Bost Pritchett, Atlanta, GA • Alfred Purrington, Raleigh, NC • Dr. William H. Race, Chapel Hill, NC • Bobby and Dell Rearden, Atlanta, GA • Darlene Walker Redman, Houston, TX • Hilary Ingraham and James B. Riedy, Richmond, VA • Larry E. Robbins, Raleigh, NC • Charles Rodning, Semmes, AL • G. Kinsey Roper III, Raleigh, NC • Janice Hurst Rostan and John Peter Rostan III, Valdese, NC

• David Sheldon Routh, Chapel Hill, NC • Jennifer Ayer and Scott David Sandell, Menlo Park, CA • Braxton and Mary Schell, Greensboro, NC • Ryan Edward Schlitt, Dallas, TX • James McAnally Schnell, Richmond, VA • Stephen B. Sears, Siler City, NC • Elaine Selo, Ann Arbor, MI • Richard Selo, Lafayette, IN • John and Susie Sherrill, Atlanta, GA • L. McBride Sigmon, Charlotte, NC • Robert Wilson Siler Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Drs. Richard L. and Ida H. Simpson, Chapel Hill, NC • John Herbert Small, Greensboro, NC • Allison Burnett and Brenton Lohr Smith, New York, NY • J. Harold Smith, Burlington, NC • James Harold Smith Jr., Burlington, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood H. Smith Jr., Raleigh, NC • Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil Snow, High Point, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Spain Jr., Richmond, VA • Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro, Napa, CA • Kenneth George Starling, McLean, VA • Richard Oates Steele, Tunbridge, VT • Linda and Mason Stephenson, Atlanta, GA • Colonel L. Phillip Stroud Jr. and Lisa Matthews Stroud, Cary, NC • Mark A Suskin, Paris, France • Anne Marshall and Edward Farrior Sykes Jr., Charlotte, NC • Nancy King and Pell Tanner, Rutherfordton, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Jay Middleton Tannon, McLean, VA • William W. Taylor III, Washington, DC • Mr. Nicola Terrenato, Chapel Hill, NC • Jenkins Bagby and John Boyette Trotter, Pawley’s Island, SC • R. Rand Tucker, Ann Arbor, MI • Robert R. Vineyard, Houston, TX • Judith Allen Vinroot, Charlotte, NC • William G. von Glahn, Tulsa, OK • Thomas Antony Wadden, Wynnewood, PA • Linda C. Wagner-Martin, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Welborn Jr., Nashville, TN • Jane H. Wells, Houston, TX • Martin Raymond West III, Rockville, MD • Samuel Howard Wheeler, Hawthorn Woods, IL • Jane Robinson Whitaker, Atlanta, GA • C. Robert Wick, Virginia Beach, VA • R. Haven Wiley Jr., Carrboro, NC • Billy Myles Williams, Alexandria, VA • Stephen James Williams, Beverly Hills, CA • Caroline Crook and B. Robert Williamson Jr., New York, NY • James Michael Wilmott, London, UK • Jean J. and Charles T. Wilson Jr., Durham, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Winston Sr., Raleigh, NC • H. Vernon Winters, Winston-Salem, NC • Charles Julian Wolfe Jr. and Sandra Roth, New York, NY • J. Alan Wolfe, M.D., Atlanta, GA • Laura Ard Woodruff, Birmingham, AL • Clifton A. Woodrum III, Roanoke, VA • Eleanor C. Wright, Anacortes, WA • Margo Lacy Wyatt, Closter, NJ • Leo and Edith Yakutis, Lake Wylie, NC • Gregory Todd Zeeman, Lake Forest, IL • Rick and Elizabeth Zollinger, Charlotte, NC

Dean’s Circle ($1,500 to $1,999) • Carrie Culp Abramson, New York, NY • George Hackney Adams III, La Jolla, CA • Jefferson Irwin Adams, Alexandria, VA • Nathan Miller Baldwin, Laurinburg, NC • David B. Ball, Arden, NC • Bruce A. and Mary Cahill Barron, Chapel Hill, NC • Ryan Matthew Bartley, Wilmington, DE • Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Battle Jr., Atlanta, GA • Ethan Ari Berghoff, Highland Park, IL • Tessa Ellen Blake and Ian Richard Williams, Hillsdale, NY • Gregory Emanuel Blomberg, New York, NY • Martin McConnico and Mary White Boney, Raleigh, NC • Robert H. and Victoria T. Borden, Greensboro, NC • Julian Redwine and Mary Pleasants Bossong, Raleigh, NC • Anne Erskine Bowles, Fort Mill, SC • Lavinia Price Boyd, Brenham, TX • Michael Joseph Bozymski, Winston-Salem, NC • James Robert Bridges, Landerberg, PA • Daniel M. Bruce, Albuquerque, NM • Ms. Carson M. Buck, San Francisco, CA • Carol Morris Burke, Mount Airy, NC • David Boley Byck, Savannah, GA • Gillian T. Cell, Pittsboro, NC • Paul James Choong, Winston-Salem, NC • Jeremy Bernard and Tracey Gerdon Cohen, Tallahassee, FL • Cindy Kaye and Thomas Judd Cook, Durham, NC • Derek William Cool, London, UK • Alistair George Cooper, New York, NY • Joi Marie Corrothers, Brooklyn, NY • Ernest Bright Cranford Jr., Durham, NC • Mr. John Withers Currie, Columbia, SC • Lisa Gates and Silas Washington Davis Jr., Davidson, NC • Daniel Clyde Deitz, Asheville, NC • Ramona Anne Deveney and Christopher M. White, Honolulu, HI • Charles Edwards Downton III, Cincinnati, OH • Lee A. Droog, Chapel Hill, NC • Joseph A. Dubanowich, Cary, NC • Meyer E. Dworsky, M.D. and S. Revelle Gwyn, Huntsville, AL • William W. Espy, Atlanta, GA • Brett H. Estwanik, Greenwich, CT • Ray Simpson Farris Jr., Charlotte, NC • Cherie Fogle Faulkner, Raleigh, NC • John A. Fichthorn, New York, NY • Nancy P. and Luke E. Fichthorn IV, New York, NY • Barry Steven Fine, Chapel Hill, NC • Diane Frazier, Pittsboro, NC • Steven Josiah Friedhoff, Wall, NJ • Laura Fahey and Andrew Kaylin Fritts, Atlanta, GA • Philip Ray Gillespie, Bernardsville, NJ • Kathleen Gurley and Burton B. Goldstein Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Robert Daniel Gray, New York, NY • Bonnie Lou Grizzard, Rome, GA • Roxane Stewart and Owen Gwyn Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Sennai Yegin Habtes, Saint Thomas, VI • Margaret S. and W. Clay Hamner Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • John Jacob Hanes, Charlotte, NC • Kevin S. Hanna, Orlando, FL • Dr. O. James Hart Jr., Mocksville, NC • Mr. C. Hawkins, Carrboro, NC

• Sam M. Hayes, Alexandria, VA • William Edward Hege IV, Clemmons, NC • Thomas J. Hicks, Charlotte, NC • David Louis Hood Jr., Charlotte, NC • Matthew Ryan Howell, Elizabethtown, KY • Zachary William Howell, New York, NY • Annette Morrell and John Robert Ingle, Charlotte, NC • Dr. Eric Gudmund Iversen, Alexandria, VA • Joey Janzen, Fort Mill, SC • Albert M. Jenkins, Raleigh, NC • Joseph M. Jenrette III, Charleston, SC • Brianne Leggat and James Daniel Johnson Jr., Huntersville, NC • Courtney Amanda Jones, Chapel Hill, NC • Simon Wyn Jones, Asheboro, NC • Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Jones, Asheville, NC • Joyce Kachergis, Pittsboro, NC • Dr. Berton H. Kaplan and Ellen Brauer Kaplan, Chapel Hill, NC • Jeffrey Alexis and Marnie Abbott Kaufman, Needham, MA • John and Cantey Kelleher, Blowing Rock, NC • Andrew Duncan Knudsen, Philadelphia, PA • Adam Byunghoon Koh, Horsham, PA • Stephen M. Lastelic, Alexandria, VA • Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lathrop, Atlanta, GA • Matthew Whitman Lazenby, Miami Beach, FL • George W. Leamon, Matthews, NC • Margaret Riggan and Arthur Heath Light II, Oakton, VA • Elizabeth McColl Liles, Charlotte, NC • Harriet Schafer and Frank Heller Livingston, Chapel Hill, NC • Timothy Patrick Logan, Charlotte, NC • Andrew George Lucas, Ocean City, MD • Joanna E. Lyndrup, London, UK • Craig J. MacDonald, Boston, MA • John Rolf Madsen, San Antonio, TX • Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward Marslender, Raleigh, NC • Anna Britt Materne, New York, NY • Eddie Robert Mayberry, Alexandria, VA • Robert Bradshaw McConnell Jr., Pinehurst, NC • Kate Hudson Monk, New York, NY • Jean Frances Montgomery, Potomac, MD • Brian Bishop Moon, Charleston, WV • Bettie Lee Moore, Leesburg, VA • Lewis Speight Morris, Greensboro, NC • Ryan Andrew Mott, Cashiers, NC • Craig Vernon Murray Jr., Winston-Salem, NC • Laura Calamos and Tariq Sari Nasir, Chapel Hill, NC • R. Davis Noell, New York, NY • Toby Beth Osofsky, New York, NY • Jim Pang and Diana J. Rosenfeld, Cordora, TN • Beau Robertson Parry, Cincinnati, OH • Kamal Bharat Patel, Charlotte, NC • Robert Sterling Perkinson, Raleigh, NC • John Andrew Petersen, Storrs, CT • Fred Alan Peterson, Durham, NC • Charles Thelen and Suzanne Scott Plambeck, Princeton, NJ • C. Edward Pleasants, Winston-Salem, NC • E. Allen Prichard, Charlotte, NC • Emmett G. Rand Jr., Wilmington, DE • Benjamin F. and Mavis M.* Reeves, Chapel Hill, NC • Thomas E. Reynolds, Atlanta, GA • Mary Dillon Rochelle Roberts, Pinehurst, NC • Dr. and Mrs. David M. Rubin, Greenboro, NC • Laurence Gilbert and J. Terry Sanford Jr., Durham, NC Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007 • 31

• Laurie J. Schultz, San Diego, CA • Colby D. Schwartz, Charlotte, NC • Jennifer Wheeler Sedlack, Atlanta, GA • Chantal and Stephen Shafroth, Chapel Hill, NC • Daniel William Singer, Tampa, FL • Herbert Norris Snowden III, Columbus, OH • Yumiko Imai Snyder, Great Neck, NY • Kristin Kelly Sprowls, Chicago, IL • Mark Bradley Sweet, Washington, DC • Edwin Taff, Weston, MA • James and Michelle Tanner III, Raleigh, NC • Melinda Berger and Robert John Tanzola, Atlanta, GA • Rebecca and Robert Taylor Jr., Greensboro, NC • Franklin Truett and Monica S. Tew, Chapel Hill, NC • Estate of Ruth Thomas*, Chapel Hill, NC • Jennifer Susan Tumulty-Wargo and Michael Andrew Wargo, Warrenton, VA • Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson Tygart, Jacksonville, FL • Travis T. and Nicole S. Tygart, Colorado Springs, CO • Dr. Treva Watkins Tyson and Mr. David Erich Tyson, Raleigh, NC • Henry Junius Underwood Jr., Chicago, IL • Dorothy Clark Van Meter, Lexington, KY • Thomas Joseph Vogel, Lansing, MI • Caroline Elizabeth Wainright, Charlotte, NC • Stephen M. Warren, Forest, VA • Thomas Mitchell Whitehurst, Bellaire, TX • David Hunter Wiggins, Charlotte, NC • Richard Tyrone and Teresa Holland Williams, Huntersville, NC • Jacob McKinley Wiltshire, Chapel Hill, NC • Jeff D. Wingfield Jr., Savannah, GA • Lori Beth Wittlin, Arlington, VA • Nathan Joel Young, Brooklyn, NY Corporations, Foundations, and Trusts • A. M. Pappas & Associates LLC • Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Science • American College Marketing LLC • Ametek • Anthem Foundation for Objectivist Scholarship • ASMS • August Jackson Company • Ballard Family Foundation • BB&T Charitable Foundation • Katherine and Thomas M. Belk Foundation • Bessemer National Gift Fund at NY Community Trust • Canata Family Foundation • Carolina Meadows • Carolina Ophthalmology • Carolina Trust • Chapel Hill/Durham Korean School • Chapman Family Fund • Charlesmead Foundation • Chatham Valley Foundation • Cherokee Investment Partners • Chevron Corporation • Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust • Clorox Company • COECO Office Systems • Combined Jewish Philanthropies • Community Foundation for the National Capital Region • Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta • Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro

32 • Fall 2007 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

• Community Foundation of Greater Memphis • Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee • Community Foundation of Western North Carolina • Crane Fund for Widows and Children • Dickson Foundation • Discovery Communications, Inc. • Dowd Foundation, Inc. • Duke Energy Foundation • Eastman Chemical • Eli Lilly & Company • Emwiga Foundation • Essick Foundation, Inc. • Etheridge Foundation • Exxon Mobil Corporation • FedEx Corporation • Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund • Flagler System, Inc. • Formanek Charitable Trust • Foundation for the Carolinas • Fowler Family Foundation, Inc. • Franklin Street Advisors • Frey Foundation • Olivia R. Gardner Foundation • GlaxoSmithKline • Herman Goldman Foundation • Lawrence J. Goldrich Foundation • Goldstein Family Foundation • Gottwald Foundation • Frank Borden Hanes Charitable Lead Trust • John W. and Anna H. Hanes Foundation • James J. and Angelia Harris Foundation • Harris Teeter, Inc. • Felix Harvey Foundation • Hatfield-Berrang Hearing Service • HITZ Foundation • Hobbs Foundation • Hobby Foundation • Fred and Charlotte Hubbell Foundation • Roy A. Hunt Foundation • Hutzel Building • Hyde Family Foundations • IBM Corporation • Informa UK Limited • Intel Corporation • Investors Trust Company • Jewish Communal Fund • Jewish Community Foundation of Durham/Chapel Hill • Jewish Community Foundation of South Palm Beach • Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta • JJCJ Foundation, Inc. • George H. Johnson Family Charitable Lead Trust • Jones Apparel Group • JP Morgan & Company, Inc. • Kelly-Webb Trust • Kenan Family Foundation • Thomas S. Kenan III Foundation, Inc. • William Rand Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust • KPB Corporation • Kulynych Family Foundation II, Inc. • Kyser Foundation • Learfield Communications, Inc. • Seymour Levin Foundation • Leon Levine Foundation • Lincoln Financial Group Foundation • Link Foundation • Georges Lurcy Charitable & Education Trust • Mantissa Corporation • Market America

• Mary Shaw Love May Trust • McColl Foundation • Thomas & Frances McGregor Foundation • Medfusion, Inc. • Medtronic, Inc. • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation • Merck & Company • Microsoft Corporation • Brent Milgrom Family Foundation, Inc. • James Starr Moore Memorial Foundation • Mozilla Foundation • NASM • N. Darlene Walker & Associates LP • Network Appliance • New York Community Trust • North Carolina High School Athletic Association • North Carolina Recreation Therapy Association • NVidia • Orange County Art Commision • Order of the Gimghoul • Gary W. Parr Family Foundation • Pfizer, Inc. • Earl N. Phillips Family Foundation • John William Pope Foundation • George Smedes Poyner Foundation • Prentice Foundation, Inc. • Procter & Gamble Company • Professional Athletes Foundation • Doris G. Quinn Foundation • Quintiles Pacific, Inc. • Randleigh Foundation Trust • Reliance Trust Company • Renaissance Charitable Foundation • Richard S. Reynolds Foundation • Robertson Foundation • Rohm & Haas • E. Burke Ross Charitable Foundation • RTI International • Peter B. and Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation • Savannah Community Foundation • Schlosstein-Hartley Family Foundation • Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving • Sciquest, Inc. • SCYNEXIS Chemistry & Automation, Inc. • Segan Family Trust • Shubert Foundation • Smith Family Foundation • The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation • Sport & Recreation Law Association • SportsMEDIA Technology Corporation • Spray Foundation, Inc. • Steamboat Foundation, Inc. • Sun Banks, Inc. • Sylvia Hatchell Carolina Basketball Camp • Tennessee Eastman Company • Thompson Family Foundation • Tony Hall & Associates • Triangle Community Foundation • Twelve Labours Foundation • United Way of Delaware • University of California - Livermore • US Trust Corporation of North Carolina • Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program • Vietri, Inc. • Viser Family Fund, Inc. • Wachovia Bank/Chapel Hill Branch • Kurt Weill Foundation for Music • Wells Family Charitable Foundation • Elizabeth T. Williams Charitable Annual Lead Trust • Charles M. Winston Family Foundation • Winston-Salem Foundation *Deceased

Coming Soon C o m i n g SO o n

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2007

• Oct. 1: Sir Mark Malloch Brown

recipient of a William Faulkner Foundation

“Making Private Capital

Award and was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize.

Work for the Poor”

Price will receive the 2007 Thomas Wolfe

7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall

Prize and deliver a major public lecture.

British foreign office minister Sir Mark

The Thomas Wolfe lectureship is sponsored

Malloch Brown, the former deputy secretary

by the Morgan Writer-in-Residence

general of the United Nations, will discuss

Program, the Thomas Wolfe Society, and

the ways in which private capital can foster

the department of English and comparative

development in poverty-stricken areas. As

literature. UNC alumnus Ben Jones ’50

foreign office minister for Africa, Asia and

endowed the medals and prize money for

the UN, Malloch Brown is also his office’s

the award.

principal liaison for human rights and other global issues. In 2005, he was named one of

• Nov. 19: Ted Turner

the world’s most influential people by Time

Memorial Hall, Time and details TBA

magazine. Brown will deliver the 2007-2008

Pioneering media mogul Ted Turner

Frank Porter Graham Lecture. The lecture

founded cable news network CNN, the

series, which honors the late University

first dedicated 24-hour cable TV news

of North Carolina president, Frank Porter

channel, which revolutionized the news

Graham, is made possible by a gift to the

media with its “all news, all the time”

University by Taylor McMillan ’60.

format. He also introduced Turner Network Television (TNT) and Turner Classic Movies

• Oct. 3: Reynolds Price

(TCM). In 1990, Turner created the Turner

Thomas Wolfe Prize and Lecture

Foundation, which focuses on philanthropic

7:30 p.m., Carroll Hall

grants in the areas of environment and

The work of award-winning Southern

population. Turner will be on campus

author and Duke University English scholar

as the Frey Foundation Distinguished

Reynolds Price is vast — novels, poetry,

Visiting Professor in the College of Arts and

song lyrics, essays, children’s books, stage

Sciences. The Frey Foundation, established

plays, NPR commentaries and memoirs.

by Edward J. and Frances Frey of Grand

Despite a life of real challenges, Price evokes

Rapids, Mich., is chaired by their son,

the optimism of one who has experienced

alumnus David Gardner Frey BA ’64,

A Long and Happy Life, the title of his first

JD ’67. Turner’s visit is co-sponsored by

novel in 1961. Price’s 1994 memoir, A

the Carolina Entrepreneurial Initiative.

Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing, describes his survival of spinal cancer. He

To learn more about these free public

received the National Book Critics Circle

events and others, visit our Web site at

Award for Kate Vaiden in 1986. He is the


Arts & Sciences Executive Editor Dee Reid Director of Communications Editor Kim Weaver Spurr ’88 Assistant Director of Communications Graphic Designer Linda Noble Contributing Writers Pamela Babcock Kathleen Kearns JB Shelton Angela Spivey ’90 Karen Stinneford BA ’87 MBA ’02 Contributing Photographers Steve Davis Steve Exum ’92 José Ramirez Maggie Salinger Nancy Santos Dan Sears ’74, UNC News Services Photographer M. Sussman Paul Welby Brooks de Wetter-Smith Jeff Whetstone Carolina Arts & Sciences is published semiannually by the College of Arts & Sciences at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and made possible with the support of private funds. Copyright 2007. E-mail: Online news: The College of Arts & Sciences The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Campus Box 3100 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3100 (919) 962-1165

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