265982385 building blocks of personality type a guide to using the eight process model of personalit

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'ake the next stepiii understanding iung's mental processes! Iuildlng Blocks of Personality Type provides

a simple and direct route into the hea!t of

i ersonality type. Authors Leona Haas and Mark

1mziker bring to life a simple and practical

understanding of the underlying theay of the

lel"sonality type code-first brooght to life by Isabel

Vl yers with the creation of the Myers-Briggs Type

Indicator® instrument-the eight Jungian mental

'Jrocesses. Whether yoo are explOringpersonality type for the firsttime orare interested in taking personality type tothenext level,BuildingBlocks of Personality Type is theessential element yoo need toget there.


TV eona Haas Hunziker


• Complete introduction topersonality type ~ ;2:~I ·,#l;~·fr~· "'"?'·;.

• Dedicated chapter for each mental process • Glossary of terms for greaterclarity

Beyond the basicswithapplications to. .. • Managing Conflict

* *

Making Decisions

• Improving Communication Managing change andtransition

Parenting and erJuca tion

• Career Development



BUSINESS PRESS UNI T E aUNITE division of Telos Publications SliSIN t'.\ .\ 1'1\ 1."

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Forewords by th arln~,. .D. Myers, Coauthor of Introduction to Type@Dynamics and Development ···t < _ . . ~ . ., ~ ._ ~. . and

John Beebe, Jungian Analyst and Author of Integrity in Depth

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