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Dr.Aloke Chaakravartty- Dean TIG Business Schools, Calcutta, India

Dilemma of Information Technology-Software Industry Abstract IT has helped the industry in making fast progress but it has failed to spread the use of computers in the society. There are many countries having high population of IT personal with marginal usage of computer. One of the reasons is fast changing technology and cost. IT is faced with a dilemma of ever changing technology and spread of usage of computer. Level of computerisation must increase. How this can be achieved is the dilemma of the industry?

Introduction IT technology has revolutionised the way mankind have been working in last two decades. Today it seems that without IT nothing seem to work. West has made meteoric progress due to availability of IT enabled services available to them. The developing countries are also making effort to catch up by training their population or making them IT literate. First objective was learning the technique to handle the operating systems available along with the database and other supporting systems upon which the empire of IT application is set up. Therefore, two distinct groups have grown the IT generators and users. IT generators are the technical people responsible for maintaining, developing and making it usable for the user. Users are those who use the application for their benefit. There again there is this training involved giving the users the skills to use such an applications. There again lighter knowledge of the technical aspect is necessary. The users are those who actually know and do the work that gives benefit to the organisation and the customers. Organisations increase productivity and customers get better products and services. This is quite smooth and appears to be an ideal situation under which every one would like to work or like things to happen. In reality there are two experts one who makes the IT and another who uses it both are experts in there line the producer and the user. It is not difficult to say that users’ level of satisfaction is the guiding factor for the development of IT technology. Future of further seamless development of IT would completely depend on the satisfaction level of the user. 1

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