M.Sc in Marketing Management
INDEPENDENT STUDΥ “Athens as an international tourism destination: An empirical investigation to the city’s imagery and the role of local DMO’s.” SPYROS LANGOS ID: 100285557
Supervisor: Mr. George Roumeliotis Athens, September 2014 Academic Year 2013 – 2014
“Athens as an international tourism destination: An empirical investigation to the city’s imagery and the role of local DMO’s.”
The aim of this project was to identify the role of DMOs in promoting Athens as a tourist destination, as well as to evaluate their effectiveness in terms of marketing and managing the tourist product of Athens, its popularity and imagery.
“ Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”
Gustave Flaubert
B] General Observations Strategic direction, objectives and tasks in the DM perspective Strategic directions
Strategic objectives
1. Enhance the Improvement of satisfaction of 1.1 services tourists and delight the customer
Strategic tasks
a. Standardization of service delivery b. Development of quality control systems c. Consistency of promises d. Improvements in operational
e. Flexibility in services delivery f. Training and education improvements g. Smile and personal relationships h. Augmentation of tourism product i. Total quality management
1.2 Specialization of tourism product
a. Niche marketing b. Lifestyle targeting
1.3 Value for money
a. Quality at each price level
2.Strengthen the 2.1 Increase revenue long-term competitiveness and profitability of Greek tourism and SMTEs
2.2 Cost control and rational management
a. Increase tourist volumes b. Target new markets and
penetration in existing markets c. Use yield management d. Expand distribution channel mix e. Aggressive marketing f. Achieve high average spending per customer g. Select high-quality specialized tour operators h. Attract alternative types of tourism i. Use alternative distribution channels j. Motivate front-of-house employees as salesmen a. Standardize service delivery b. Increase productivity c. Reduce labor costs d. Rationalize supplies management e. Education/training for managers and f.
2.3 Human resources management
employees Use of new technology g. Integrate service delivery within SMTEs
a. Internal marketing b. Empowerment c. Satisfactory salary
and working conditions d. Long-term relations with employees e. Motivation and rewards
2.4 State and public tourism organization support 3. Develop Greek destinations Environmental sustainably, and 3.1 protection ensure prosperity of host population
a. Destination development and control b. Incentives policies for improvement c. Attract European Union assistance d. Promotional activity e. Provide financial resources a. Carrying capacity identification b. Zoning system application c. Architecture preservation d. Installation of sewage treatment
e. Reduction of noise pollution f. Natural supplies management
3.2 Infrastructure amelioration
a. Accessibility improvements b. Telecommunication improvements c. Public facilities advancements
3.3 Transportation improvements
a. Improvement of local timetables b. Punctuality and reliability c. Improvements of vehicles d. Flexibility to meet demand needs
3.4 Economic integration
a. Integration with raw material production b. Utilization of local labor force c. Integration of tourism services d. Diagonal integration of destination's
3.5 Equitable return on resources utilized
Source: Bouhalis, 2001
a. Establish mechanism for reinvestments b. Provide services for host community c. Invest in sustainability of resources d. Ensure equity in distribution of wealth
C] Statistical Tourism Charts
Source: SETE, Greek Tourism Statistics Handbook
Source: SETE, Greek Tourism Statistics Handbook
D] Athens future city-break planning
Source: ADDMA, adapted from Kouris (2008)