Initial ideas • Calorie counter app. • Newcastle club/bar map. • Navigation App. • Northumbria University re-design app. • Blackboard App.
North East Transport Application Concept Design Tim Crump. Nathan Davies. Emma Nicol. Serena Durante. Josh Ellis.
Identifying the problem Current apps show ticket prices and timetables based on an ideal world. In the real world – buses/ trains break down, are late, depart early‌ How can the traveller know when their chosen means of transport is going to be there in reality? Our app sets out to solve this problem
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User research
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Client Research
â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;Ż Enter Serenas Letter/email
Appropriate technologies The app uses existing tried and tested technologies, Marrying Google maps with GPRS on the user s mobile phone and a gps location system within the bus/ train/ plane This is simple, effective and easy to understand
Application UI Design Research.
Comparing current systems
Final Concept Data Flow Diagram
Before designing the visuals of an application, it is imperative to establish the flow of data, process and decisions.
Design goals • Attractive • Simple to use • Flat hierachy
Final Design Concept