The Cats that saw the Mouse WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY Sara Elmi
For my cats and my mom and dad. —S.E.
Published by Squid Press Canada As part of an author workshop facilitated by Lois Legarduzzi and Lesley Kelz SPW0001 Copyright 2010 Sara Elmi ISBN: 978-0-9864814-3-7 All rights reserved. This work cannot be reproduced or copied in whole or in part.
The Cats that saw the Mouse
One day there was a girl named Alison. She and her mom were going to their friends house for the day. Alison yelled up to her mom. “Come on! Don’t be slow!” Her mom said, “I’m almost done.” After a few minutes they left for their friends house.
Panda woke up and saw a mouse on the floor. Panda looked for a few minutes.
Panda woke up PurrPurr and showed the mouse.
Panda and PurrPurr were watching the mouse run around and around for a few minutes.
After a few minutes passed, they started to chase the mouse and it went into the living room.
In the living room the mouse went under the couch. Both cats went on a side of the couch, but it still got out.
It went into the kitchen. It went under the table, and over the stove, but the cats could not catch it.
It went up the stairs and Panda and PurrPurr caught it in a corner. But it managed to get out.
Then it went in Aison’s room. It went under the bed and came out the other way. Then Panda killed the mouse.
When Alison and her mom got home, it was time for bed. Alison went to her room and saw a dead mouse on her floor. She told her mom to get rid of it. Her mom did and they went to bed. The End.
About this Book This story based on real events at my own house. About the Author I have two cats. My birthday is January 11, 2000. I love TV and my favourite color is blue and pink.
If you like cats, this is a really good book for you. —Stephanie For cat-lovers and mouse-haters. —Lesley I think it’s cool, with the cats and stuff. —Alicia ISBN 978-0-9864814-3-7 90000 >
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