The Little Bunny

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To my parents. To remind them to get me a bunny —H.

Published by Squid Press Canada As part of an author workshop facilitated by Lois Legarduzzi and Lesley Kelz SPW0001 Copyright 2010 Holly ISBN: 978-0-9864814-4-4 All rights reserved. This work cannot be reproduced or copied in whole or in part.

The Little Bunny

Once there was a little bunny named Grass. He was grey with a black spot on his right ear. He and his mom lived in a little hole in a forest. He wanted to show his friends he was brave by doing something daring.

So he went off to find his friends. When he did he said, “Watch me jump off a tree� So he and his friends went to find a big, tall tree. When they did they made a ladder.

Finally it was done and he climbed up into the tall, tall tree. Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped.

Suddenly Evil Eagle SWOOPED down and caught him in a box. She flew to her nest.

Just before she tipped the box he jumped out.

But his friends had made a leaf mattress and he landed on it.

He thanked his friends and rode a cow home.

But then the cow turned and he had to walk home.

Grass thought that was a bad idea and decided to never do that again. So, he returned home to his mother. The End.

Moral: Never jump off a tree if you are a bunny.

About this Book Grass wants to be daring! How will he show it? About the Author Holly breeds degus and goes to a gifted school. She is nine years old.

The Little Bunny was funny and had great illustrations. —Emily An endearing story about taking risks with a happy ending. —Lois

ISBN 978-0-9864814-4-4 90000 >

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