Squirrel Hill Magazine Spring 2020 Issue

Page 36

GIFT Program

Provides Free Passover Kits to Homebound Elders By Rochel Tombosky GIFT IS A NONDENOMINATIONAL, GRASSROOTS NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION on a mission to transform isolation into joy by reaching seniors living quietly in our community. As a part of that goal, GIFT seeks out seniors who are home alone over the holiday and provides kits to help them feel included and celebrated. GIFT provides Passover to Go Kits to homebound elders. This Passover holiday, through the support and collaboration of UPMC, Tree of Life, Chabad of Pittsburgh, Community Day School, and many others, GIFT will provide over 300 free kits to homebound seniors, adults with special needs, and hospital patients in the Pittsburgh area. Since 2015, GIFT has provided over a thousand free Passover to Go kits to people who aren’t able to attend a community or family Seder. In the Jewish faith, Passover is a holiday that celebrates freedom from captivity and is often a time for families to gather and celebrate with a special meal filled with

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age-old traditions, called a seder. Each item in the kit allows the recipient the ability to celebrate a full Seder and is a reminder that they are remembered and appreciated. Lillian, a recent recipient of a kit, was grateful to GIFT for lifting her feelings of abandonment at Passover this year, saying there were “no words to express my deep gratitude for such a tremendous gesture. As a 91-year-old shut-in, I had reconciled myself to relying on stored up memories of Passovers Gone By for my observance.” Passover is approaching the second week of April and GIFT needs volunteers to prepare and deliver kits and reach out to seniors who will be alone this holiday. If you are interested in participating, email giftpgh@gmail.com, call 412-401-5914, or visit their website at giftpgh.org to learn how you can help transform isolation into holiday joy!

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