A Publication of the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition
Squirrel Hill Celebrates Lunar New Year! Forward And Murray – There’s a Lot Going On Sports & Fitness Issue
Spring 2016
Squirrel Hill For more great content visit our website at www.shuc.org!
Features 8
Help Clean Up Squirrel Hill This April By Rita Botts
In Every Issue
Take Me Out to the (Squirrel Hill) Ball Game By Katie Maloney
SHUC President’s Message Murray and Forward—There’s a lot going on
The Pittsburgh Marathon: Not Just for Runners By Kelsey Jackson
What’s New From Our Advertisers
This Just In
Quick Tips for Getting Fit By Kathryn Freddo
Familiar Faces
Squirrel Hill Celebrates the Year of the Fire Monkey Lunar New Year 2016
28 32
Neighborhood Notes
All-ages Fitness Fun in Frick and Schenley Parks By Scott Roller
SHUC Snapshots News and Notes from your Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition
Teaching Yoga in Squirrel Hill Interviews with Local Instructors By Mickey Gast
Squirrel Hill Historical Society The Sporting Life in Old Squirrel Hill By Helen Wilson
Good News from Our Schools
Book Review Baseball by the Numbers By Sarah Scott
Events Calendar
Keeping Our Riders Safe Bike Safety 101 By Eric Boerer
Rachel Carson Trail Challenge By Michael Jehn
Lion dancers from Steel Dragon parade up the street in Squirrel Hill’s first Lunar New Year parade! Photo by Meghan Poisson-DeWitt
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From the Editor Fitness is an important part of everyone’s health and wellbeing. The city of Pittsburgh has taken great pains to support an active populace, from maintaining bike and foot trails across the city to starting up a bike sharing program. Squirrel Hill is no different. We have an abundance of opportunities to embrace a healthy lifestyle. As a runner and fitness addict myself, this issue means a lot me. Being able to share my commitment to fitness and help support local organizations like Squirrel Hill Baseball, 14th Ward Baseball and our Pittsburgh Parks has been wonderful. I hope something you read here inspires you! If you have comments or suggestions for future issues, please send them to Meghan Poisson-DeWitt at mpoissondewitt@SHUC.org
Murray the Squirrel
Murray is available free of charge for visits and events to local organizations and schools. Give SHUC a call at (412) 422-7666 or email marketing@squirrelhillmagazine.net
If you’re interested in advertising, please email BShema@SHUC.org or call (412) 422-7666. Advertisers can now pay with Visa, MasterCard or Discover. The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE1
SQUIRREL HILL URBAN COALITION OFFICERS: Raymond N. Baum, President Richard Feder, Vice President Ceci Sommers, Vice President Chris Zurawsky, Vice President Barbara Grover, Secretary Peter Stumpp, Treasurer James Burnham, Assistant Treasurer Steven Hawkins, Immediate Past President BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Norman Childs, Vivian Didomenico, Andy Dlinn, Lori Fitzgerald, Ed Goldfarb (Board Member Emeritus), Michael D. Henderson, Marshall Hershberg, Gina Levine, Ari Letwin, Lois Liberman, Cynthia Morelock, Melanie Seigel, Sidney Stark (Board Member Emeritus), Erika S. Strassburger, Erik Wagner, Roger WestmanErik Wagner, Roger Westman Marian Lien, Executive Director MAGAZINE STAFF: Meghan Poisson-DeWitt, Editor Barbara Shema, Marketing Coordinator CONTRIBUTORS: Ray Baum, Eric Boerer, Rita Botts, Kathryn Freddo, Melissa Friez, Mickey Gast, Marshall Hershberg, Kelsey Jackson, Michael Jehn, Marian Lien, Carolyn Ludwig, Katie Maloney, Meghan Poisson-DeWitt, Scott Roller, Sarah Scott, Helen Wilson
Our Mission The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition is a non-profit community organization dedicated to preserving, improving and celebrating the quality of life in the 14th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. Volunteer-supported standing committees provide leadership to our community by studying, debating, and advocating positions on issues affecting our neighborhood’s vitality. Our mission is implemented through a long-range planning process, which fosters community-based initiatives in the areas of education, public safety, transportation, parks and open spaces, and commercial, institutional and residential development.
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DESIGN & PRINT: Patricia Tsagaris, Pinkhaus Design, Creative Director Knepper Press, Printer Printed with soy inks and 100% wind energy!
Squirrel Hill Magazine, Vol. 14, Issue 1, is published through the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition, 5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. Please direct any questions or comments to SHUC by calling 412.422.7666 or emailing info@shuc.org. To inquire about advertising, please contact marketing@squirrelhillmagazine.net. Please support our advertisers—their ads solely finance this magazine! Reserve your space today for the Spring 2016 issue!
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shuc president’s message
Murray and Forward — There’s a Lot Going On By Raymond N. Baum, President Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition info@SHUC.org
Here’s what’s new: ► The URA obtained a Basic Conditions Report for the Murray-Forward Study Area (referred to simply as the Conditions Report), which is a big step forward in making the Forward-Murray area eligible for needed assistance. This is a critical next step in the efforts to facilitate the redevelopment of the vacant properties. The Conditions Report is on our website at www.shuc.org ► ACTION-Housing, Inc., with the active support of the Urban Redevelopment Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (URA) has submitted its application to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency for Low Income Housing Tax Credits. If approved in July (and ACTION has good reason to be optimistic) Jewish Residential Services will construct its new offices and Howard Levin Clubhouse and ACTION will construct 33 new apartment units on the former Poli Restaurant site. ► The former Squirrel Hill Theater and the former karate building at Murray remain under agreement to buyers who appear to be moving forward with a substantial commercial development. No details are available yet. We look forward to working with them. ► Verizon has agreed to work with the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition to paint and repair the exterior of its building, landscape and commence further discussions regarding the potential rehabilitation and reuse of the building. The Verizon building contains critical communications equipment but houses no
employees. Our thanks goes out to Rich Feder, Mardi Isler, Jim Burnham and Marian Lien for moving this forward. ► The Coalition has formed a PedestrianBicycle Committee focused on improving pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle safety in Squirrel Hill, emphasizing on the ForwardMurray area. One proposal receiving interest is a new hike-bike trail connecting the Forward-Murray area, “The Run” section of Greenfield and the Eliza Furnace Trail to Downtown and beyond. Progress on the Conditions Report continues and acknowledges the efforts of the Coalition’s Gateway Committee, the Committee’s 2009 Gateway Plan and the
continued on page 4
2014 collaboration among the Coalition, CMU Graduate Architectural/Real Estate Development students and the community. We thank the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and the Design Center for their ongoing support of these efforts. The Conditions Report focuses on an 11acre area (the Study Area) from the bottom of Forward Avenue at I-376 up to Shady Avenue and over to Morrowfield as illustrated in the map below. The findings of the Conditions Report include: ► The five way Murray/Forward/Pocusset intersection is dysfunctional and dangerous to pedestrians and vehicles. ► The Study Area has been deteriorating
The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE3
shuc president’s message cont.
since the Poli Restaurant closed in 2005. The deterioration was compounded by the 2009 fire that destroyed the Burton L. Hirsch Funeral Home, the closure of the Squirrel Hill Theater in 2010, the closure of the former karate school building, and the 2015 fire which destroyed the former karate school building and required that the former Poli Restaurant be demolished. ► Traffic from I-376 significantly impacts the Study Area. We hope this fact will help in obtaining funding from PennDOT for Forward Avenue and the Murray/Forward/ Pocusset intersection. ► Twenty-three percent of the 11-acre Study Area is vacant land. ► Several buildings including the Squirrel Hill Theater, the Verizon Building and the buildings across from the Squirrel Hill Theater on Forward Avenue are empty, underutilized, deteriorated or otherwise adversely affect the area.
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The Conditions Report recommends that the Study Area be certified by the Pittsburgh Planning Commission as a redevelopment area in order to make resources available to facilitate redevelopment of the vacant and underutilized property. These resources would not include eminent domain but could include funding to improve the Murray/ Forward/Pocusset five-way intersection, provide parking, street and traffic improvements, and provide incentives for private development of vacant and under-utilized properties. The URA and the Coalition are convening a public meeting to discuss the Conditions Report and the next steps in our continuing efforts to attract redevelopment and investment in the MurrayForward Area. It will take place at 6:30pm on Wednesday, March 30, 2016, at the Children’s Institute in Squirrel Hill. We hope to see you all there.
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from our advertisers
What’s New UPMC Center for Family Planning
Abeille Beauté In the planning stages of Abeille Beauté, Alyssa Fine - Penn State Agribusiness Management graduate, former Pennsylvania and American Honey Queen, and Squirrel Hill resident - knew that she wanted to draw upon French beauty secrets as the inspiration behind her line of products. Real. Natural. Flawless. These words embody the French aesthetic. And so began Abeille Beauté, which translates literally to "Honeybee Beauty". Abeille Beauté includes a variety of natural skincare and cosmetic products which feature beeswax and honey to cleanse and, most importantly, moisturize the skin. Because Alyssa grew up beekeeping, each handcrafted product is made with the finest beeswax and honey, sourced locally from her family's southern Allegheny County apiary. From lotions and lip balms to salves and scrubs, Abeille Beauté has something for everyone. For more information and a full product listing, visit www.abeillebeaute.com.
Westmoreland Museum of American Art The Westmoreland Museum of American Art is located just 35 miles east of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the heart of historic Greensburg, tucked amidst the breathtaking Laurel Highlands. With works by major artists from four centuries, The Westmoreland’s collection captures the region’s rich agrarian and industrial past by placing local history within the greater context of our nation. The Museum is home to more than 3,400 objects of fine and decorative American art, including a new collection of post-1950 artwork. And, every work of art has a story to tell. On the heels of a dramatic renovation and expansion, The New Westmoreland has become a true 21st-century museum with increased gallery and education spaces, enhanced community-oriented programming, and an architecturally-dynamic and LEED-certified new wing to feature traveling exhibitions.
The Center for Family Planning Research (CFPR) has conducted clinical research at Magee-Womens Hospital for over 20 years, focused primarily on the development of new contraceptive methods and new products for HIV prevention. CFPR’s previous studies have led to the successful development of new contraceptives including patches, vaginal rings, and intrauterine devices (IUDs). Currently CFPR is recruiting for several research studies including a new contraceptive ring, vaginal rings for HIV prevention, and Depo-Provera use in breastfeeding moms. CFPR is also recruiting new participants for its CHIC-II study, which is looking at approved birth control methods and their possible effects on immune cells in women. If eligible, women will start birth control through the study and will complete several visits to have samples collected. To learn more about CHIC-II (study ad on page 41), please visit the CFPR’s webpage at www.birthcontrolstudies.org .
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Experience our new space and connect with our newly expanded collection! The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE5
fresh off the street
This Just In Wine Walk to be Held in Squirrel Hill On Saturday, April 16th, the Squirrel Hill business district will host its first Wine Walk fundraiser. During the event, you’ll be given a map of more than 20 Squirrel Hill businesses that are providing samples of favorite wines for you to sip as you peruse their goods. Giant Eagle will be providing samples of delicious cheese and fruit trays and recommendations of wine pairings. The tour runs from 5 to 8pm with many shops open past closing for the event and your convenience. Tickets are $20 apiece and proceeds will benefit both the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry and Uncover Squirrel Hill. We expect tickets to go fast and space is limited! Visit uncoversquirrelhill.com to purchase yours today.
Tiki Bar Opens in Squirrel Hill Squirrel Hill is happy to welcome its newest nightlife addition to the neighborhood: Hidden Harbor! Located on Shady Avenue across from Starbucks, this tropical themed drink destination is well worth a visit. A new project brought to you by the owners of the Independent Brewing Company next door, Hidden Harbor is a premier cocktail bar and snack spot, featuring a collection of warm weather food and drinks. Inspired by the tiki drink culture created in the 1930’s, their everyday menu features a collection of nine original cocktails, three tiki classics and two large shared drinks, as well as a PAGE6 www.SHUC.org
few beers and wines. The real gem for any adventurer? Their Tiki Time Machine Menu. This menu, available only on Tuesdays, is structured like a passport. As guests work their way through the list of classic tiki cocktails (though “not all in one night,” cautions owner Adam Henry), their menu is stamped. When you’ve tasted all 10 drinks, Hidden Harbor will award your time traveling with a special gift! We won’t spoil it though. Their shared and small plates menu, created by the extraordinary chef plying her fare at the Independent, has the same equatorial flair as their decor. Options include dishes like lamb curry and pork sliders, alongside inventive takes on the traditional foods like the Pu Pu Platter and Lomi Lomi. While proud of their food offerings, Hidden Harbor considers itself to be a drink destination, a compliment to more extensive meals at other local eateries, such as the Independent. Much like their neighboring bar, the interior of Hidden Harbor is broken up into two spaces: a main bar with seating and a more enclosed section of booths and additional seating. The rooms each have their own sort of vibe, the bar being a bit more beachy while the dining room is more classically tiki, featuring hand carved wooden statues complemented by a selection of darker wood features. With wall art designed by one of their own employees and furniture designed by James Perry of Lawrenceville, Hidden Harbor is a very locally focused operation. Hidden Harbor is open on Tuesday to Thursday, 6pm-12am and Friday/ Saturday from 5pm-1am. Looking to host a big group or save your space? Both Hidden Harbor and Independent Brewing Company are happy to take reservations. Call in advance at (412) 422-5040.
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squirrel hill litter patrol
Help Clean Up Squirrel Hill this April! By Rita Botts, Litter Patrol Committee Member
Are you tired of seeing litter on Squirrel Hill streets? Are you concerned about the trash in storm drains, the cigarette butts in gutters, and the plastic bags stuck in bushes and hedges? If this problem seems daunting to you as an individual, it can be conquered when you and your community tackle it together. Soon, you’ll have the chance to do so. The Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol, under the auspices of the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition (SHUC), invites you to the Squirrel Hill Spring Cleanup on Sunday, April 17, from 10 am to 2 pm. Meet your neighbors at the corner of Forbes and Murray avenues, in front of the Squirrel Hill library, where the Litter Patrol will provide volunteers with grabbers, vests, and other tools for beautifying our streets. Murray the Squirrel will be on hand to show his support (and take photos, of course!) Coffee and snacks will be provided. Volunteers of all ages, including those with scout troops, school groups, or other organizations are welcome. In years past, the Litter Patrol has provided bottled water to Spring Cleanup volunteers. In an effort to reduce waste, the Litter Patrol is encouraging volunteers to bring their own reusable water bottles to this year’s cleanup. Similarly, the Litter Patrol provides plastic bags for litter collection to volunteers. While these bags will again be available for volunteers who need them, please consider bringing bags from home, such as previously used grocery or shopping bags.
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For more information, follow the Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol on Facebook, or write to squirrelhilllitterpatrol@gmail.com. If you’re eager to start cleaning your streets now, please join the Litter Patrol’s Adopt-a-Block program. You can make a huge difference just by cleaning the area around your home or business on a weekly basis. Nearly 20 Squirrel Hill families have already adopted a block. To join them, contact Dave Grover at AdoptABlock@gmail.com or call (412)521-9526. PAGE8 www.SHUC.org
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shuc familiar faces
Familiar Faces: Your Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition Board Members By Raymond N. Baum, President Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition info@shuc.org
The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition and our community are fortunate to have so many people who are dedicated to the wellbeing of Squirrel Hill. This is the fifth in a series introducing you to the Coalition’s dedicated board members. Steven G. Hawkins Steve has been a dedicated, effective and enthusiastic member of the Coalition Board since the first of his three daughters was born in 1985. His focus has been on our Residential Quality and Commercial Development Committees, where he utilizes his skill and experience as a professional architect. Steve served as the Coalition’s president from 2006 to 2009. Perhaps his greatest success has been our Bach, Beethoven and Brunch series at Mellon Park. Working with the Pittsburgh Parks Department, Steve has quietly and nearly single handedly kept this wonderful cultural and community event funded, operational and vibrant since 2004. He rightly feels that his service “has been a rewarding way to have a positive effect on the place we live”. Steve has been practicing architecture here since he graduated from the CMU School of Architecture in 1973. He loves Squirrel Hill. In his words, “[It’s] been a wonderful place to live and work and raise a family. It is a small town where you can see people you know up the street, walk to many “[It’s] been a places, go to fantastic wonderful place parks, and yet have bigcity culture and sports to live and work available only minutes and raise a family.” away. In just my little corner of the neighborhood, there are a multitude of housing types, from the Wendover apartments on Hobart Street to modest single families and duplexes. It is that kind of variety and diversity that contributes to a strong community. We need to make sure that the diversity of residents we now have can afford to be sustained.” We are all fortunate to have Steve working to protect, preserve and celebrate our community. He is a true stalwart.
Chris Zurawsky Chris has been a key Coalition board member since 2011. He serves as Board Vice President and chair of our Storm Water Task force where he wrestles with one of our most pressing and challenging issues. Storm water has been increasingly damaging to our businesses and homes, as 100-year storms seem to happen monthly. Chris coordinates with organizations as diverse as PWSA, ALCOSAN and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy seeking cooperative, creative and cost effective solutions to this very costly challenge. Chris grew up in Pittsburgh and lived for many years in Queens, New York. He has long been involved in 14th Ward politics, including a run for n provides City Council, but “the Coalitio spades. in 2011, decided nity in that opportu ot just for the to become more n deeply involved in It’s a place , but also for me community issues. initiated like wants to learn He has found that o anyone wh l Hill and con“the Coalition re about Squir improvement.” provides that opportunity in tribute to its spades. It’s a place not just for the initiated like me, but also for anyone who wants to learn about Squirrel Hill and contribute to its improvement.” Chris has been director of communications and public affairs for the Association of American Institutes since 2008 and previously worked at Pitt’s Learning, Research and Development Center as well as being a staff writer for newspapers and magazines. His interests also include “a lot of piano, tennis and a lot of bike riding all over Pittsburgh’s nooks and crannies” Chris and his wife Sara have lived in Squirrel Hill since they returned from New York City in 1998. They chose Squirrel Hill (where Sara grew up) partly because “it is the “most New York-y”, or perhaps Queens-like neighborhood in the city featuring “low rise homes, residential quality and an exciting, unique mix of cultures.” The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE9
neighborhood notes Squirrel Hill Native Takes the Stage in Ciara
‘Mad Mensch’ Fundraising Gala a Huge Success!
By Meghan Poisson-DeWitt
By Jennifer Bails
For years, Quantum Theater has been known for its theatrical excellence and use of nontraditional performing space. Their production of Ciara, which opened in January, was no different. This one woman show, written by Scottish playwright David Harrower, featured Squirrel Hill’s very own Mary Rawson as the powerful lead. Rawson, an actor by profession, has a long Photo: Heather Mull history with both Quantum Theater and the greater Pittsburgh theater scene. When Karla Boos, Artistic Director of Quantum, handed her a copy of the script for Ciara, she was thrilled. “David Harrower is a master of language,” Rawson said. “He tells a really good story, really well. And he’s created this captivating, complex, complicated, challenging and vulnerable character.” She laid out the story for us: “Ciara is the name of a woman in Glasgow, in present day, and she runs an art gallery. But she’s the daughter of a crime boss and she’s married to the man who inherited her father's crime boss world. She’s a woman who’s caught between the ambition to have a clean artistic life and the legacy of crime and the dark underworld of Glasgow.”
More than 360 guests gathered on the evening of Saturday, February 20 for the 2016 Community Day School Winter Gala, the school's biggest fundraising event of the year. The theme of the gala was "Mad Mensch," evoking the glamorous world of early 1960s Manhattan and celebrating the school's commitment to partnering with families in raising "mensch-like" children who become the next generation of leaders in the Pittsburgh Jewish community and beyond. Community Day School honored alumni parents Clifford and Rosanne Levine with the Community Leadership Award. CDS Board of Trustees Vice President and Institutional Advancement Chair Ken Levin was recognized as the Volunteer of the Year for his successful efforts to ignite a vibrant culture of philanthropy at Community Day School, helping to raise nearly $1 million in the 2015 CDS Annual Campaign. Pittsburgh radio celebrity and CDS alum (Class of 1983) Marc "Bubba" Snider of Star 100.7 FM served as master of ceremonies. The gala took place in the Grand Ballroom of the Omni William Penn hotel Downtown, with cocktails, dinner, and dancing to the music of Gary Racan and the studio e band. Guests dressed in the sophisticated Mad Men-style fashions of the early 1960s. Raffle prizes included a winter luxury getaway package, a wine and spirits basket; and a “treasure chest” of assorted gift cards worth more than $1,300. Also in attendance were Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, City Councilman Corey O’Connor, State Representative Dan Frankel, and State Senator Jay Costa. In addition, approximately 35 CDS alumni ages 21-30 enjoyed a pre-gala reception at The Speakeasy in the basement of the Omni William Penn. Winter Gala Committee members included: Elizabeth Chow and Aaron Smuckler; Ilene and Jay Fingeret; Eva and Dan Gelman; Rona and Jimmy Kitchen; Lisa and Jonathan Marcus; Donielle and Aaron Morgenstern; Myrna Pollock and Charles Strotz; and Aviva and Pinchas Rosenberg. SHM
Actors often prepare for their roles in unique ways, studying up on culture, putting on accents or even changing their physical bodies to create the character. Rawson’s method? “I’ve been walking around [the neighborhood] learning my lines for the past many months,” Rawson told us, “So I think the neighbors think I'm a crazy woman from Scotland who talks to herself.” The play was staged in the upper floor of Javo Studios in Lawrenceville, which housed a previous performance, Chickens in the Yard, on the lower floor. Local artist Robert Qualters painted a gorgeous backdrop for the piece, which was offset by animated projections created by filmmaker Joe Seamans. It received rave reviews from the Pittsburgh community. SHM Community Day School Board President and current CDS parent Stuart Kaplan. PAGE10 www.SHUC.org
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squirrel hill feature
Take Me Out to the (Squirrel Hill) Ball Game By Katie Maloney
or baseball lovers everywhere, nothing means the start of Spring more than a game of catch. But for organizations like the Squirrel Hill Baseball Association and 14th Ward Baseball Association, baseball is an all-year sport.
According to Frankel, spring training is popular with both players and their parents. “The kids love it because they get to watch college athletes play and then they get to work with them right afterwards. The parents enjoy it because they get to go to games with their children, then watch the training and pick up ideas on how to work with their sons and daughters on how to improve their skills.”
“Not only do we have spring, summer and fall baseball leagues, but we also have a holiday baseball camp in December, summer baseball camps in June, July and August, and spring training events in March,” said Randy Frankel, Director of the Squirrel Hill Baseball Association. Frankel began his career with the organization 30 years ago as a parent watching his son, who is now 40 years-old, play baseball in Squirrel Hill. Since then, Frankel has coached several teams and spent the past 29 years directing the organization. He even led Squirrel Hill Baseball to become one of the first community baseball leagues to offer fall baseball. With girl’s softball and coed baseball programs for children between the ages of 3 – 18, Squirrel Hill Baseball can accommodate just about any age and skill level.
As the director of Squirrel Hill Baseball, Frankel says that he works to cater to the skill levels of all players by offering another division of Squirrel Hill Baseball called Three Rivers Baseball.
“The greatest benefit is that players get to meet children from all over Western Pennsylvania. They have the opportunity to play baseball with kids from different schools, communities and backgrounds.”
“In Squirrel Hill Baseball leagues, we cater to kids of all skill levels who want to have a good time and want to develop their skills,” said Frankel. “Three Rivers Baseball is a division of Squirrel Hill Baseball where our all-star teams, community baseball allstar teams and Amateur Athletic Union baseball teams can play weekend double header games. It gives kids exposure to playing with higher level teams and helps to develop their skills.”
According to Frankel, the league allows kids to develop important social skills. “Baseball is a team sport where the kids learn how to work together, support one another and build friendships.” What sets Squirrel Hill Baseball apart from other leagues, according to Frankel, is the training programs they offer. “During our spring training, we take the kids to three baseball games at the University of Pittsburgh in their state of the art Petersen Sports Complex. The kids go to games first, then after the game, the coaching staff and players come out in their uniforms and work with the kids on baseball fundamentals in small groups.”
Squirrel Hill Baseball Association
After 29 years of directing Squirrel Hill Baseball, Frankel says that the most rewarding part of his job is seeing the love of the game be passed down from generation to generation. “What’s most exciting for me, is seeing the kids my son played with, who are now parents themselves, signing their kids up to play baseball with us.” Jon Hart, a long-time coach for the 14th Ward Baseball Association, another baseball league in Squirrel Hill, says that community is what sets his league apart from other leagues in the area. “As a non-profit, community-based organization, 14th Ward focuses on catering to families and kids from local neighborhoods. All of the money we raise goes back into uniforms for the players, baseball equipment, field maintenance and other things that benefit the kids.” As a non-profit recreational league, Hart says that community volunteers are what help the league grow. The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE13
squirrel hill feature cont. “14th Ward continues to grow and I think that the work that the volunteers put into it and the sense of community in our league is what helps us do that. We were able to expand upon the divisions we had and narrow the age groups because we had enough kids and teams.” But you don’t necessarily have to be a baseball fanatic to enjoy volunteering, says Hart. “Some of our best volunteers aren’t necessarily baseball people, but they’re community people,” said Hart. “We have people who love baseball too, off course, but everyone who volunteers with us is doing so because they want to benefit their neighborhood.”
Last year, a volunteer worked with the Pirates to allow one of 14th Ward teams onto the field during the Pirates batting practice. “The Pirates were very generous to have us there and the players and coaches came over and talked to the kids and it made their day.”
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Even parents can get involved with the league. “There are a lot of different ways for parents to get involved on all different levels. The most basic, especially with the younger kids, is to get on the field with them. Even if you’re not someone who plays baseball or softball you can still be someone who models what to do in terms of behavior.” Hart says that some of the best role models for baseball can be parents with limited knowledge of the sport. “You can have someone who knows nothing about baseball but who can still be very useful because they can sit on the bench with the children and teach them sportsmanship and how to work as a team. Those things may not have anything to do with baseball but they have everything to do with the rest of your life.” Every season concludes with a picnic where players receive awards and celebrate their teams. But the sense of community doesn’t end with the baseball season, according to Hart. “We are always trying to cultivate the same kind of goodwill for our community that those who volunteer for us offer our league.” For more information on 14th Ward baseball, or to register, visit sports.bluesombrero.com/14thwardbaseball. For more information on Squirrel Hill Baseball visit www.sqhillbaseball.org. To contact Randy Frankel, email rafrank3@aol.com or call (412)897-6835.
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14th Ward Baseball Association PAGE14 www.SHUC.org
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squirrel hill feature
The Pittsburgh Marathon: Not Just for Runners
Photo:Joel Hawksley, P3R Photography
By Kelsey Jackson
More than 40,000 runners will take to the streets of Pittsburgh for the 2016 DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon weekend of events, April 29 - May 1. The 8th annual event is much more than a race but a community-wide festival that celebrates health, fitness and fun. From two-year Toddle Trotters to 86-year-old Half Marathoners, runners of all age will challenge themselves to achieve their personal best during race weekend. But what if you’re not running this year? There are still so many fun ways you can experience the Pittsburgh Marathon without having to run 26.2 miles. 1. Volunteer Volunteers are the backbone of race weekend and more than 4,000 volunteers lend their time to help make it a success. From handing out water at fluid stations, distributing shirts at the Expo or giving medals to runners at the finish line, you can find a volunteer position perfect for you during race weekend. To see what positions are available and to sign up, visit www.thePittsburghMarathon.com/ volunteering. 2. Rock the Run Each year, more than 60 bands and musicians line the streets of Pittsburgh to keep runners moving and grooving. Pittsburgh’s best acts showcase their talent to tens of thousands of runners on race day and help runners ROCK their way to the finish line. PAGE16 www.SHUC.org
3. Recruit your group and cheer LOUD The Runners of Steel want to hear your group’s cheers and enthusiasm on race day! Charitable organizations, church choirs, sports teams or even entire elementary schools are all welcome to be a part of one of the largest events in Pittsburgh – groups can even win prizes for being the loudest and proudest cheerathoners! 4. Write a really clever sign Whether it be motivational, funny or a shout out to your best friend, creative signs motivate runners to push forward when they are hitting the wall and need a little extra support. 5. Register your pup for the Pittsburgh Pet Walk Bring your favorite furry friend to the Pittsburgh Pet Walk in Point State Park during Saturday’s family friendly events. Attendees and their pets could win awards for cutest pet, pet/owner look-alike and best costume. 6. Visit the GNC Live Well Pittsburgh Health and Fitness Expo More than 100 vendors will be on hand, bringing Pittsburgh the latest fitness products, nutritional supplements and workout gear at the GNC Live Well Pittsburgh Health and Fitness Expo at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Shop for shoes, socks, technical clothing and running accessories at the official DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon race weekend store. You can also get free samples and giveaways, as well as autographs and advice from some of the biggest names in running. 7. Run the UPMC Health Plan/UPMC Sports Medicine Pittsburgh 5K Run It’s not too late to start a 5K training plan and run the UPMC Health Plan/UPMC Sports Medicine Pittsburgh 5K Run. Everyone who participates in the 3.1 mile race will receive a shirt and medal and the opportunity to cross the same finish line as Sunday’s marathoners.
9. Support charity runners Each year, charity runners raise more than $1.5 million for local and national charities. Check out this year’s participants who are making a difference at www.crowdrise.com/PittsburghMarathon2016 and consider making a donation to their cause. 10. Show off your Pittsburgh spirit Crowd support was a big reason why the Pittsburgh Marathon was ranked the #8 marathon in the world by Active Times in 2014. Race weekend attracts runners from all 50 states and more than 20 countries. Show these out-of-towners the spirit of Pittsburgh! Whether you are running, volunteering or cheering really loud, we hope to see you on race day! SHM For more information about the 2016 DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon weekend of events, visit www.thePittsburghMarathon.com
Photo: Chuck LeClaire, P3R Photography
Photo: Pete Madia, P3R Photography
8. Check out the Bike Spectator Course Want to cheer runners at multiple locations along the course? Check out the Bike Spectator Course, which guides spectators around the course with multiple stops to see marathoners as they make their way to the finish line.
“Attendees and their pets could win awards for cutest pet, pet/owner look-a-like and best costume.”
squirrel hill feature
Quick Tips for Getting Fit By Kathryn Freddo
New year, new “you”… but what’s going to be different about this year? Most of us don’t have a clue how to start the journey of health and fitness. We give up before we start. If this sounds like you, you are NOT alone. There is light at the end of the stair climber, my friend. Whether you’re a veteran to the gym or a beginner looking to drop 60 pounds, here are 10 ways to guarantee a more motivating and selfloving achievement of your goals.
4. Do some groundwork. There’s
more to exercising than just going to a gym. Take care of yourself. Get a massage to loosen all those muscles and flush out toxins. Go see a chiropractor and take some tension off your spine, nerves and joints. If this is your first time learning to exercise, consult a certified personal trainer to find your appropriate exercise style. Whether privately or through a gym, it is money well spent. There are exercises that do more harm than good for your body, or body 1. Start fresh. There is no EASY way style. For example, if you have knee probto undo years of unhealthy living. TIME + lems, opt for a water aerobics class (nonEFFORT = CHANGE. If it feels uncomfort- impact). A trainer will guide you on safe able, you’re on the right track. Make a and effective structures and equipment. commitment to yourself. Get excited about this process. Get a workout journal, make 5. Invest in good shoes. Your shoes are NOT something to mess around with. vision boards and write down your goals. They support your feet, align your knees, Put affirmations on your mirror, go within via meditation and learn to love the power position your hips and shape your spine. It’s all connected. You get what you pay for of discovering YOU! Stop judging yourself with issues like rubbing, blisters and plantar and start getting creative. Stop making fasciitis. Check out Tru Runner or Elite excuses, start finding solutions. Thoughts Runners and get your gait checked. Their become things… choose the good ones. employees are trained and work to find 2. Get the green light. Always consult you the best shoes for your feet. your physician to make sure you are in a place to embark on any fitness journey. Get your annual physical exam to rule out any contradictive or pre-existing conditions. Get blood work to rule out any issues related to your metabolic functions that may be sabotaging your health. Get checked for food allergies. Your physician needs to be aware that you are starting on this path, so get the go ahead.
3. Accept that this is a LIFESTYLE change. 80% of weight loss is diet related. Only about 15% is cardio, and 5% weight. You don’t get to keep the old habits that got you here and convince yourself there will be progress. This is about learning moderation and self-control. Discipline is your friend. PAGE18 www.shuc.org
6. Find the right gym or invest in your own equipment. Do some research and find a gym that works with your needs. Do you need a pool for your back problems? Maybe you would rather do home exercises? It doesn’t have to cost a small fortune. Look on craigslist or go to a Goodwill. Don’t join a gym with an inconvenient location just because it’s cheaper. You won’t go. Find one that works for you.
7. YES, you do have time. We’ve all said it: “I don’t have time,” when in truth, we all do. Find the fun in your daily routine. Dance in your living room, do pushups over the baby and blow raspberry belly kisses, do squats holding the laundry basket. MAKE the time or stay where you are. Simple as that.
8. Prep work & meal planning are your friends. Make a day for meal planning and write a grocery list accordingly. Prep snacks (veggies and hummus, apples and peanut butter), pack your lunch the night before. Carry water with you wherever you go.
9. “I was injured. When will I be able to work out like I used to?� When will I be able to work out like I used to?� Any time you injure yourself, there is a risk of scar tissue formation. This may require a reevaluation of your former routine and capabilities. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may need to change or eliminate certain structures of your former work out and learn new ones. This is why trainers have jobs.
10. Set yourself up to win. Start slow. Make obtainable goals. The tortoise won the race, not the hare. Start with 5 minutes of cardio a week and work your way up. If you achieve more, great, if not, you’re still great. Listen to your body, nourish it. You’ve got this!
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squirrel hill feature
Squirrel Hill Celebrates the Year of the Fire Monkey Lunar New Year 2016 On February 2nd, 60-plus Chinese American citizens and friends filled the City Council Chamber and Mayoral Office, when two proclamations declaring the start of Lunar New Year 2016 in Squirrel Hill and Chinese American Day were read by Councilman Corey O’Connor and Mayor Bill Peduto. This year, Squirrel Hill and the Chinese American Community of greater Pittsburgh came together to celebrate the Year of the Monkey, starting with a kick-off on Feb. 6th at the JCC in Squirrel Hill. The afternoon was filled with lion dances from Pittsburgh Steel Dragon and martial arts demonstrations from Squirrel Hill’s Oom Yung Doe. There were nonstop cultural performances from Pittsburgh Chinese School, Organization of Chinese American Youth Ensemble, Yanlai Dance Academy of musical ensembles, Pittsburgh Taiko Drummers; as well as demonstrations in Asian arts and crafts. Closing the two weeks of Lunar New Year’s festivities on February 21st, Squirrel Hill hosted the city’s inaugural Lunar New Year parade! The day of the parade was warm and bright, bringing out thousands of attendees from across the city. Pittsburgh Steel Dragon once again ramped up the crowd with a thrilling lion dance, opening the parade route at the southern end of Murray Avenue near Phillips. Grand Marshal Dr. Freddie Fu led a procession of local and national dignitaries soon after. Twenty-two Chinese American organizations waved to visitors and locals alike, performing martial arts and traditional dances. Even Allderdice High School marching band joined in, playing crowd-favorites. SHM
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Heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of volunteers and staff who worked tirelessly to bring this first Lunar New Year in Squirrel Hill to life. These include volunteers from Carnegie Library, Squirrel Hill Branch; Councilman Corey O’Connor; Councilman Dan Gilman; JapanAmerica Society of Pennsylvania; Jewish Family and Children’s Service; Mayor Bill Peduto; Organization of Chinese Americans, Pittsburgh Chapter; Pittsburgh Bureau of Police; Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center; Pittsburgh Office of Special Events; Pittsburgh Police Department, Zone 4; Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition; and Uncover Squirrel Hill. Special thanks to funding from Redevelopment Authority: Biz Buzz Grant; Brandywine Agency; Confucius Institute at the University of Pittsburgh; and University of Pittsburgh Asian Studies Center.
The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE21
squirrel hill urban coalition
SHUC Snapshots Spring 2016: News and Notes from your Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition Stormwater Taskforce Updates By Chris Zurawsky, SHUC VP & Stormwater Chair
Pitt Geology Professor Dan Bain, graduate student Angela Mullins and SHUC’s Chris Zurawsky met on February 1 with representatives of the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) to discuss data gathering as part of a $5,000 PWSA grant to SHUC to help identify optimal locations for green infrastructure (GI) to control stormwater in Squirrel Hill. As part of a plan for next steps, Chris will provide PWSA with a “wish list” of locations that have been suggested as possible GI locations in the neighborhood including Wightman Playground, the Forbes and Murray business district, the plaza on Murray Avenue at Phillips, and an undeveloped area on Forward Avenue near the Parkway entrance. PWSA will provide the Pitt team with the locations and water flow measurements for all stormwater inlets in ALCOSAN’s “M29” sewer shed, which covers most of Squirrel Hill and flows into Four Mile Run and the Monongahela River. The Pitt team will analyze that data and produce a rank-ordered list of high-volume inlet sites. They will also produce a geographical information system (GIS) layer displaying the data on a map of Squirrel Hill. PWSA will cross index the list and SHUC’s “wish list” of GI sites with a multi-year street paving and milling schedule, with an eye toward reducing costs for GI implementation by identifying places where digging will already be occurring. A community presentation of Pitt’s findings is being planned for some time in May. The meeting may also include a presentation by PWSA, an overview of SHUC’s stormwater efforts and the latest about plans for Wightman playground and ongoing work in Schenley Park.
SHUC forms Bicycle-Pedestrian Committee By Marshall Hershberg, Bike-Ped Chair
SHUC has created a formal neighborhood bicycle-pedestrian committee, under the Board-level Built Environment Committee. This decision has met with enthusiasm in our community. The bike-ped (as it’s more commonly referred to) group has several goals: • To advocate and act to improve the safety and access of Squirrel Hill-area streets, sidewalks and trails for users and residents of all ages and physical conditions – walkers, bicyclists, and motorists • To represent this interest in city, county, and regional forums where pedestrian and bicycle safety, access, public transportation and broader transportation projects are planned for and developed • To cooperate with similar committees and interest groups in adjacent neighborhoods and in the region (e.g,, Greenfield Community Association, BikePittsburgh, etc.) • To be aware of and pursue funding opportunities for our designated projects The SHUC Bike-Ped Committee held meetings in December and January and will be meeting the second Thursday of each month into the future. We have identified priority focal areas, including: • Strengthened enforcement of speed limits and other traffic rules for street and pedestrian safety throughout the neighborhood • Improved visibility of crosswalks • Possible alternatives for improvement of the biking-hiking trail connections between Squirrel Hill/Greenfield/eastern areas and Oakland and Downtown. Here, we have established communication with residents of Greenfield and look forward to future cooperation Related topics and ongoing considerations include: • Safety on Murray Avenue from Forward to Forbes •Enhanced visibility and safety for the bike lanes on Wightman Street between Forbes Avenue and Beacon Street, especially now in the absence of the Greenfield Bridge • Similar concerns for the highly challenging ForwardMurray-Pocussett intersection SHUC is pleased now to have an organized bicycling-pedestrian committee to enhance the safety, vibrancy, and quality of life of our key section of Greater Pittsburgh. The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE25
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squirrel hill historical society
The Sporting Life in Old Squirrel Hill By Helen Wilson Vice-President, Squirrel Hill Historical Society
n the past, was Squirrel Hill known as a place for sporting activities? Yes, but not in ways you might expect.
Shooting was big in the 1700s. The early settlers prided themselves on their marksmanship. They had to, since hunting provided game for their tables. In his 1953 book, Right Here in Squirrel Hill, Hodge Macilvain Eagleson writes that early settler John Turner was a crack shot and well known for it. Even in the mid-1800s, after he—and his era—had passed and Squirrel Hill was a peaceful place of farms and estates, both the memory of Turner and the ability to shoot straight were still valued. Eagleson writes, “as time went on there came to be a gun and cork club called the Turner Rifles, which met at the pretext of a shoot, but once out of their wives’ watchful eyes, held whoopee as they pleased.” A few generations later, when Squirrel Hill was developing into an upscale residential neighborhood in the waning years of the nineteenth century, other sports were in vogue. Riding the new electric trolleys wasn’t considered a sport (although some might argue the point), but they enabled Pittsburghers to get to Squirrel Hill when sporting events were held there. One of those sporting events was horseracing. In 1893, a racetrack opened at Schenley Oval. A grandstand and stables were later added. After the races were discontinued, the stables endured until 1971, offering horseback riding on park trails. The racetrack then became a running track for twolegged competitors. Before automobiles came along in the early 1900s, fine horses and fancy carriages were the motorcycles and sports cars of their day. Both the genteel sport of seeing and being seen in showy equipages and wilder impromptu races took place on Beechwood
The Pittsburgh Hunt Club was formed in 1898. This picture shows a hunt meet in 1930. Credit: Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Boulevard, which opened in 1899. One of the most stylish places to strut your horses’ stuff was at the Country Club (later called the Pittsburgh Country Club), organized in 1893. It was located in what is now Frick Park. At first, horseback riding was the favored sport. The winding trails in the park were originally bridal paths. Foxhunts were held there too, lasting until Squirrel Hill’s residential growth moved them to less developed areas. Around the same time, golf was taking the nation by storm, and the Country Club built a 9-hole golf course. Today, the flattened areas that were once putting greens can still be seen in the fields beyond the blue slide playground. The elegant clubhouse was situated on the crest of the hill on the far side. The Pittsburgh Country Club lasted until the trustees of Henry Clay Frick bought the property to add to the acreage Frick bequeathed to the city for a park in 1919. The trustees briefly considered reopening the golf course for public use but decided against it on the grounds that more people could enjoy the park if it were left in its natural state. Meanwhile, on the other side of Squirrel Hill, another country club had been formed in 1896. Originally called the Shady Side Country Club, its name was changed to The Pittsburg (later Pittsburgh) Golf Club. The histories of the two Squirrel Hill country clubs are almost completely opposite. The Pittsburgh Country Club was built on private land that later became part of Frick Park, while the golf course of The Pittsburgh Golf Club was built on land that was already part of Schenley Park. The club ceded the course to the city in 1912, which opened it to the public and built a new clubhouse. Now renamed the Bob O’Connor Golf Course after the popular late mayor from Squirrel Hill, it is the only golf course in Pittsburgh. The private Pittsburgh Golf Club still exists down the street and offers tennis, squash, swimming and many social activities for members and their guests. Continued on page 26 The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE25
squirrel hill historical society cont. The emphasis on athletics was important for the middle and upper classes. They saw sports as a way to keep body and mind healthy. City parks were extensions of this attitude. City leaders warily eyed the unrest simmering among Pittsburgh’s working class and the squalid conditions in which they lived and felt offering low-paid workers a chance to unwind in pastoral parks would help calm their rebelliousness and offer a safety valve for their resentment. Mary Schenley and Henry Clay Frick both donated land in Squirrel Hill to the city for parks, and as a result, Squirrel Hill boasts the two largest in Pittsburgh. They are ideal for hiking, riding bicycles, running track, and playing all sorts of games with balls, like tennis, baseball, basketball and softball. Playgrounds, such as the one with the well-known blue slide, give children a chance to exercise and have fun. In Squirrel Hill, sports activities weren’t limited to parks. Good health was pursued in gyms as well. The Squirrel Hill Boys Club opened in 1942 on Forward Avenue in the building that still houses the Forward Lanes bowling alley, now the last of several in Squirrel Hill. Originally, the Boys Club was nonsectarian, open to all the boys of Squirrel Hill. Some of its first events were a mushball tournament, a track meet and a boxing show. The Boys Club didn’t last long. Less than a year later, it was taken over by the Irene Kaufman Settlement when IKS moved from the Hill District to Squirrel Hill. IKS later merged with the Young Men & Women’s Hebrew Association (YM & WHA) to become Y-IKC and relocated to the corner of Forbes and Murray Avenues in 1958. Its name was changed to the Jewish Community Center in 1974. A new building with expanded athletic facilities, including a heated swimming pool, opened in stages between 1987-1988. There are so many more sports that can be mentioned, but so little space. The Great Race, the Vintage Grand Prix, the graceful art of dodging bicycles on Murray … They’re all here in Squirrel Hill. SHM Anyone interested in learning more about Squirrel Hill history is invited to attend the meetings of the Squirrel Hill Historical Society, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Church of the Redeemer, 5700 Forbes Ave. Go to www.squirrelhillhistory.org to view upcoming lectures and events. They are also posted in the calendar in this magazine. Please consider joining the SHHS. Membership is only $15 per year ($25 for families). There is no charge for attending the meetings.
PAGE26 www.SHUC.org
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squirrel hill feature
By Scott Roller Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
he If your grandpa was anything like mine, the words he always said to my brother and I when we arrived at his house may sound familiar: “Give your grandma a hug. Then get outside or I’ll box your ears.” Thankfully, we never had our ears boxed, but we did learn the joy of outdoor exploration and the thrill of running through the woods until we collapsed on our backs, seeing the sun peak through the leaves as we looked skyward. Living near Frick and Schenley Parks makes it easy find fun sports and fitness activities for you and your loved ones that will give you the same kind of outdoor magic. The great outdoors is your backyard, and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy and the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Works work yearround to keep your parks in tip-top shape. What does your week of all-ages
fitness and fun in Frick and Schenley Parks look like? Grab your jacket, a water bottle, and let’s explore. Let’s start in Schenley Park. Enter Pittsburgh’s second largest park from Darlington Street, and drive, bike, or hike along West Circuit Road until you wind down to the Westinghouse Memorial. Take a peek at the construction site to get a rare look at the lily pond basin as it is being built. It will not only be beautiful but will also play an important part in stormwater mitigation for the surrounding neighborhoods. Now take a left and head around the bend to the Schenley Park Café and Visitor Center. Go inside, grab a table, and have a snack or use the restrooms. Then, with everyone’s input, make a list of 15 nature items that you want to find on your hike including things like “fungus growing on side of tree trunk”, “berries” and “a bridge”. Once you’ve completed your list, go behind the Visitor Center and locate the steps that lead down into the park. You will be on Lower Panther Hollow Trail, and as you spot the items on your scavenger hunt list, check them off until you’ve completed the hunt. More Schenley Park fun can be had on the section of Pocusset Street that winds through the lower right section of the park. Linking Squirrel Hill to Greenfield, Pocusset Street has been shifted into a sleek and safe thoroughfare with ‘lanes’ for bikers, wide shoulders for walkers, new LED street lighting, and reflective bollards that bar motorized traffic. An all-family bike ride or walk on Pocusset will take you to the site of the current Greenfield Bridge construction site, so you can soak in the engineering of that project while you pump the pedals. Wrap up your Schenley Park activities by starting a seasons-long creative project. Hike or bike to your favorite spot in Schenley Park (preferably a spot with a great view like Bartlett Shelter), and take a picture of the surrounding landscape. Return to the same spot every week and take a photo from the same place. At the end of the year, put the photos side by side, and see the magic of the seasons traced through your own pictures. It’s time to move on to Frick Park, which holds the dual distinction of being both our city’s youngest and largest park. There are 11 miles of trails in the 644-acre Frick Park, making it a great place to get your hiking or biking fix. Park on Beechwood Boulevard near the intersection of Shaw Avenue, and take Falls Ravine Trail as it winds down beside the lower portion of the Frick Environmental Center construction site. As you look at the new Center, see if you notice anything unusual about the tall concrete columns. Look closer and you will notice they are not evenly spaced from one another like most columns usually are. This is intentional, and is meant to give the feeling of the forest, where trees grow in wonderfully random order. Frick Park also has one of our city’s most popular playgrounds. The Blue Slide Park is at the Beechwood Boulevard and English Lane entrance to Frick Park, and there’s a reason it is such a special place for everyone who has expe-
PAGE28 www.SHUC.org
rienced it. The titular blue slide was designed to give those using it the feeling that they were being daring, as the top of the slide begins in the treetops and winds like a blue river down the sloping hillside to the safety of the valley below. Keep a tally on your phone of how many times you’ve done the slide, and add them up at the end of the season. Then measure the slide, and see how many miles you’ve traveled on the blue slide in one year. Themed hikes – or hikes with a purpose or goal—are one way for younger kids to keep excited about their fitness accomplishments. Enter Frick Park from West Hutchinson Street, and wind down the hill to the parking lot in what is known as Lower Frick Park. Hike along Tranquil Trail, and when you see the picnic pavilion, take a sharp right onto Falls Ravine Trail. Before you reach the creek, look to your right and see if
you can spot the bat boxes. The small box structures with slanted roofs attached to a tall pole are homes for bats. Continue your hike along Falls Ravine Trail and see how many other animal or bird homes you can spot. Bird nests, wasp nests, ant hills, and groundhog or mole holes may all be visible. Keep your list handy for future hikes, and add to it throughout the year. Now that you have some great fitness ideas for Schenley and Frick Parks, hug your favorite person and get outside. We won’t box your ears if you don’t. But with the great outdoors practically in your own backyard, you’ll want to experience every rolling trail, treetop slide, and amazing view that your city parks have to offer. SHM For Frick and Schenley Park maps, and for all-ages park activity ideas, visit www.pittsburghparks.org.
The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE29
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good news from our schools
Share your school updates with Squirrel Hill Magazine! Please email editor@squirrelhillmagazine.net.
Pushing the Bar at Colfax By Carolyn Ludwig
Pittsburgh Colfax participated for the fourth year in the Shakespeare Monologue and Scene Contest at the Pittsburgh Public Theater. 58 students participated from our 7th and 8th grade classes, led by our inspiring coach, Karen Baum. Some students participated with two, even three, roles. Middle-level sports are rockin’. The girls basketball team finished their season undefeated and won their second championship in a row! The boys basketball team made it to the semi-finals but were defeated. They only lost two games this year and were winners at the Winter Classic Tournament. The swim team recently finished their season as well. Boys finished in first place at the championship and the girls finished in second place. Lastly, the girls cross country team took first place at the city championship and the boys cross country team took second place. Huge congratulations to all our athletes! The spring musical, Guys and Dolls, Jr., is also well underway. Approximately 50 students are being led by Musical Director Bridgette Perdue. Three performance dates are planned for May 13, 14 and 15. Our Colfax family feels a great loss for our teacher and friend, Jane Heather McKee, our school librarian. Jane, who passed away unexpectedly in December, will be very much missed by her family, friends, colleagues and students. She definitely left an indelible and passionate impression on all. Jane’s family has established The Colfax Library Fund in her honor.
Dragon Spirit Event
Changing the Face of Allderdice High School
SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, May 21, 2016 7:00 - 11:00 pm The Pittsburgh Golf Club
By Melissa Friez Principal Pittsburgh Allderdice High School
Let’s get together to celebrate our wonderful Allderdice Community and help fundraise for the benefit of our students and school! This Dragon Spirit Event is the first in Allderdice history. The event will be the kick-off for our larger fundraising campaign to provide resources to Allderdice that complement public funding and will benefit all students and needs across the curriculum. The event will feature the unveiling of our initial major project, the Field Project, performances by Allderdice students, an array of heavy hors-d'oeuvres and desserts, a cash bar, and a spectacular silent auction. All current parents, alumni and community members with ties to Dice are invited! Tickets go on sale in March. For more info, email dragonspirit2016@gmail.com.
GET INVOLVED! Help Revive the Allderdice Sports Complex Why is the PTO’s first major target the community sports complex at Taylor Allderdice? This is a valuable resource that is underutilized due to neglect. Do you know that this field: • has not been upgraded — with the exception of the tennis courts — in decades? • prevents gym classes from safely using it to go outside? • is in such poor shape that teams and clubs cannot play home games? • has become a community eyesore and a sadly inaccurate public face of the school? We have a plan to FIX THE FIELD and make long overdue improvements that will benefit not only our student body, but the entire community. A committee of Taylor Allderdice High School parents, staff, alumni, district personnel and community members has begun planning a complete renovation of the sports complex located across the street from the school. Our plan calls for creating a multi-purpose turf field with a running track, seating, and new locker rooms and bathrooms, as well as an athletic training facility. The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE31
squirrel hill feature
Teaching Yoga in Squirrel Hill Interviews with Local Instructors By Mickey Gast
Squirrel Hill has become well known for many things: its array of eateries and locally owned shops; its diverse population; the two parks that border the neighborhood. Now, it’s become a standout neighborhood among local yoga practitioners. We interviewed four of Squirrel Hill’s renowned yoga instructors to help you get a better understanding of what yoga means to them.
general. I read everything I could about yoga, nutrition and healthy eating. Slowly my body grew healthier and stronger. A year later, I took my first meditation workshop. I found that I could deepen my life experience even more by focusing inward, learning to let go, to breathe, to find connection from the inside out.
Rebecca Rankin of I Am Yoga www.iamyogapgh.com How did you decide to make the transition from practicing yoga to teaching yoga?
I was really getting into studying the different types of yoga and I became friends with What’s one valuable lesson that you teach other teachers. They saw how interested I Editor’s Note: For the full interviews (and much more), to your students? was in it and suggested teacher training. I visit our website SHUC.org! didn’t want to become a yoga teacher, but I That our breath is everything. It literally did want to learn more about yoga. So I Joni Sturgill of Schoolhouse Yoga gives us life, and learning how to deepen went to teacher training thinking that they and control the breath can help us shift our only way I would ever become a teacher www.healthybodypeacefulsoul.com mental and emotional state was if I could teach for one of the teachers when we are stressed, to a that I admired immensely. So after the more relaxed place. intense nine weeks of teacher training, I actually got a job offer from her. How is teaching in the Squirrel Hill community? You said that you went to a few yoga stuThe Squirrel Hill community is great to teach to. Everyone is so open and interested in all that yoga and meditation has to offer. It seems to be a community looking to grow and be the best they can be.
How did you come to practice yoga?
Are there any misconceptions about yoga that you want to clear up?
I found yoga over 17 years ago, when I was a basketcase, type-A, 20-something. A friend told me I needed to settle down and suggested yoga. My transformation began with my first yoga class. Suddenly, I became aware of my body and how it felt the tension in my jaw and in my shoulders. By the end of class, I had melted, softened, and I knew I needed this in my life. As I practiced yoga, I wanted my body to feel healthier overall, so I returned to what my mother had taught me. I started cooking, eating more vegetables and more whole foods in
Yoga is not about stretching, or wrapping your leg around your head. It’s about finding balance: balance between strength and flexibility, between effort and ease. It’s as much about mental and emotional balance than it is about physical balance, a balance of both strength and flexibility in the body; a balance between vibrant energy and quiet stillness; a balance in your life itself. In my classes and in private sessions, I also like to weave in bits of meditation and breathwork to help develop a focused and calm mind as well as a strong and flexible body.
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dios before you found one that clicked. If you were new to yoga again, what would you look for in a good yoga teacher? As a new student, it can be quite intimidating to try yoga for the first time. You want to feel at ease and
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comfortable. Feel at home. I advise the teachers that work here to go for the Cheers effect—where everybody knows your name. A good teacher is someone who can meet where they are but also give them the guidance to go further. Yoga is for everyone so a good teacher won’t make anyone feel singled out or like they don’t belong. As a student, you have to be able to resonate with your teacher. If you don’t jive with what they’re saying, then it might not be a right fit. In a yoga class, everyone is focusing on themselves, not on anyone else. That’s the hardest thing when we first start—to get out of your head the thought that everyone is going to look at you. Only you are paying attention to yourself. What’s the most valuable thing that you teach to your students? That you are in total control of your life. That you are bigger, stronger, more confident than you’ll ever give yourself credit for. Through a yoga practice, you’ll create a connection between your mind and your body. It will empower you. It’s like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz—you’ve had it in you all along. The strength, determination, concentration have been in you all along. Yoga just helps you tap into that. What else do you like to do in the Squirrel Hill community? I own I Am Yoga and teach here. I also put on the Pittsburgh Yoga Expo once a year. It’s an event that brings together all the different yoga communities and styles. It’s a great venue for people to try different styles of yoga in a less intimidating environment in 20 minute spurs. In the summer, we do Yoga in the Park in Schenley. Sometimes we collaborate with the East End Brewing Company and do yoga at the brewery.
What’s a good lesson about yoga that you want people to know?
Taya Irizarry of the JCC peacefuldwelling@gmail.com Where do you teach? I teach at the JCC and privately. I’m a full time PhD student at the University of Pittsburgh. I taught full time for about five years, but decided that I wanted to continue my studies. I am doing research on using mobile technology, such as the one in smartphones, to support people who have chronic diseases. We hope that the data that we collect will support the implementation of better health care and health policy. What should people expect from your yoga class, especially if they are beginners? The style that I teach is focused on alignment. The words that I choose are specific to aligning your joints, your bones and your muscles. We then build on that movement. As a new student, a class like mine is more accessible because I take a lot of time to build the pose up from your feet through every joint. I also move a lot throughout the class to help people adjust so they know where they are in space. I always give enough time for new people to be able to adjust themselves in the pose just as much as everyone else. The movements may be new and exotic for a beginner, but the language is clear and simple.
It’s the idea of full conscious embodiment. We have awareness, and often in a normal day our awareness is spread in a myriad of directions. It’s spread so thin that we lose the sense of what it feels like to be in our bodies and to take care of ourselves. So this lesson comes with practice: to sharpen the awareness and bring it fully into the body so that you’re able to sharpen the mind and become clear. It’s something that you need to practice. Even the best violinist in the world practices every day. What are some of the lessons that you learn from your students? Every day, there’s a different combination of people in the room. While there are a lot of people that show up every week, they’re not the same person every time they come to class. So depending on how cold it is, what kind of Friday it is for you. That group of people is going to be a different group and have a different attitude every single time. For me, it’s about sharpening my own awareness about who the group is and what their needs are that day. I don’t come with a list of things to do. I learn from that experience every single time. Is there anything that you noticed about teaching in Squirrel Hill? What makes Squirrel Hill unique is that a lot of the people who live here, also spend a lot of time here. I often walk down the street and see a lot of familiar faces. The sense of community at the JCC is also closeknit. Eye contact and smiling probably come from the fact that Squirrel Hill feels like a small town that you come back to. I live in Regent Square, but this is my big downtown.
Continued on page 34 The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE33
squirrel hill feature cont. Kristie Lindblom of Schoolhouse Yoga www.breathebalancebe.com How did you discover yoga, Kristie? In 1994, I was living in New Jersey. I was a dancer at a performing arts high school. One of my dance teachers used the physical postures to warm us up. That’s how I was introduced to yoga. Then I came to Pittsburgh in 1998 to go to Point Park University as a dance major. When I was 18, I was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition and ended up having a pacemaker defibrillator placed. That’s when my dance career was over. I stopped moving altogether, but I did finish my Degree in Dance and a Degree in Elementary Education. Some years later, after I became a mother, my pacemaker malfunctioned and it went off. That’s when I went through a crisis which crystallized the one constant that had been in my life to carry me through. And that was movement and yoga. That’s when I decided I wanted to share that, because it had been very healing for me. When my daughter was 18 months, I walked into a studio called Yoga Matrika, run by Sharon Rudyk. I just walked in and said I wanted to teach. She let me teach because I had an established daily practice, had taken anatomy and physiology classes and had a degree in teaching. I started teaching a prenatal class and a Vinyasa class for Sharon. I started my teacher training simultaneously.
of history. I talk about anatomy a lot too. There’s always mediation and pranayama. I get a range of people in my class, of all different body shapes and sizes. The oldest student I’ve had was 98. My core group is people who are interested in self-development and finding wholeness, not six pack abs. How do you incorporate playfulness in your practice? Don’t take yourself too seriously. Exploration through ‘What do I notice? What do I feel?’ is important. Be willing to be wrong, and you’ll learn so much more. My number one goal is to keep everyone safe, but play is important. How is teaching in Squirrel Hill? What I love about teaching here is that I always see friendly faces. There’s such a sense of community. Even walking down Murray, people smile and nod at you. It’s like a small town atmosphere. One of the things that I love about teaching here is that people carry that when they come into class. I have students who stay after class just to talk to each other. They form bonds and that’s amazing. SHM
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A few months into that, my defibrillator went off again, and I had to undergo emergency surgery. I was nursing, and they didn’t put me under total anesthesia. I was awake for almost the entire surgery. In pre-op, I fell back on my training. I started meditating and it calmed me down. I was literally meditating on the operating table. The recovery process was longer due to complications, and being in teacher training was the most amazing thing that could have happened to me. The guidance from my teachers was so valuable at that time. Learning how to live my life in accordance to the eight limbs of yoga could never cure my heart condition, but it healed me. It made me feel whole. What’s your approach to yoga? Discover how much distance you can find between your fingertips, because you’re going to find the same alignment. My classes are comprehensive. I’ll have a philosophical theme, with tidbits
811 S. Aiken Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15232 412-621-5900
PAGE34 www.SHUC.org
squirrel hill feature
Keeping Our Riders Safe Bike Safety 101 By Eric Boerer, Bike Pittsburgh
The closure of the Greenfield Bridge has no doubt created transportation headaches for the residents of Squirrel Hill. These difficulties also present some new opportunities, especially for those who may be looking into getting around by bicycle. An increase in automobile traffic may bring cars and buses to a crawl, leaving the humble bicycle as the fastest, most convenient way to get around. Additionally, a road like Panther Hollow may even see a decrease in automobiles, creating a safer atmosphere for riding. Over the past few years, the City of Pittsburgh has installed 60+ miles of on-street bicycle markings, leading to significant increase in people riding bicycles for basic transportation. Mayor Bill Peduto has ratcheted up this bike lane boom when he introduced Pittsburghers to “protected” bike lanes, which are essentially a bike lane with a physical barrier that separates cars from bikes. Whether you ride or not, it’s important to recognize that there are more people riding bikes on the streets than ever before, so knowing the basic laws and common behaviors is the first step in making sure that everyone gets to their destination safely. So where do you start if you want to give bicycling a try? Fortunately,
shared lane
bike lane
Squirrel Hill has many options for safely pedaling around by bike. There are a number of bike lanes, slow neighborhood streets, shared lane markings, as well as a close proximity to two major parks that make it easy to give cycling a shot.
The law allows drivers to cross the double yellow line in order to pass a bicyclist with a minimum of four feet.
First the basics. Bikes and cars must follow the rules of the road. That means moving at, or below, the speed limit, stopping at stop signs and all traffic lights. There are some special rules for bicyclists, for instance, in regards to sidewalks. While cars may never be on the sidewalk (not even to park), bikes are only prohibited in business districts. On the street, drivers may often see a bicyclist ride in the middle of the lane, which is perfectly legal. In many situations, this may be the safest place for the bicyclist to stay visible and to avoid the dreaded “door-zone,” preventing a collision with someone who swung their car door open without looking (according to PA law, the parked car is always at fault in this situation). Simply be patient and pass when it is safe to do so. The law allows drivers to cross the double yellow line in order to pass a bicyclist with a minimum of four feet. In reality, the safest thing you can do while driving is to simply drive the speed limit. For bicyclists, ride predictably, and always remain alert, even in bike lanes.
As stated earlier, the City has been busy installing many different types of bicycle infrastructure on the streets. Most of these markings are totally new to Pittsburghers. You’ve probably seen a symbol in the middle of the street of a bicycle with two chevrons above it. This shared-lane-marking, or “sharrow,” is placed on streets that are not wide enough to include a full bike lane, and serves a couple purposes. First, it serves as a visual reminder to drivers that they may expect to see people riding bicycles on that street and to share the road. Second, it offers a suggestion to bicyclists on where to physically place yourself in the road, to stay out of the aforementioned “door zone.” You will find sharrows on Forbes Avenue through the heart of the Squirrel Hill business district.
buffered bike lane
protected bike lane
Continued on page 36 The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE35
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The next level of bike infrastructure is the common bike lane. These are placed in areas that are wide enough to carve out space and is meant exclusively for people on bikes. Drivers are not allowed to drive or park in them; however, bicyclists are allowed to exit them for a number of reasons, such as making a left turn, avoiding debris, or simply if they don’t feel safe in them. Regular bike lanes can be found on Forbes (from CMU as well as towards Frick Park) as well as Beechwood Blvd, the oldest bike lane in the City. New to the scene is the protected bike lane. Neighboring Squirrel Hill, you will find these in both Greenfield and Oakland. These are bike lanes with a vertical element that physically separates the driving lane from the biking lane. So far in Pittsburgh, this is mostly limited to a plastic bollard, but it could be a number of things like concrete, planters or even parked cars. An important step in beginning to ride a bike is to plan your route ahead of time. The Pittsburgh Bike Map (available at your local bike shop) and Google Maps are a great way to get started. While you will never be able to totally avoid hills in a neighborhood named Squirrel Hill, both of these resources will recommend tried and true bike routes to get you to your destination. After figuring out your route, give it a shot on the weekend, when traffic is lighter. Be sure to time yourself so that you can be sure to leave at an appropriate time. You may even find that it’s faster than driving, and you’ll get some exercise to boot. There are a large number of bicyclists, in Squirrel Hill, and meeting other people to ride with is one of the best ways to get on the saddle and get pedaling. SHM For more information, see bikepgh.org or join up with the newly formed Squirrel Hill Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee.
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squirrel hill review
Baseball by the Numbers By Sarah Scott of Carnegie Library — Squirrel Hill
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o say I am knowledgeable in sports would be an overwhelming overstatement. While I always root for the home team, I am the first to admit that I attend Superbowl parties primarily for the food. With this in mind, I was a bit flummoxed when preparing to select a book for our sports issue. I set it to myself to find a book that would interest me, a self-described sports novice, as well as a more die-hard fan born and raised in the town of Steelers, Penguins, and Pirates. The book I eventually settled on – Big Data Baseball by award-winning Pittsburgh Tribune-Review journalist Travis Sawchik – turned out to be both entertaining and engaging, even for a rookie like myself. Stuck in one of the longest losing streaks in North American professional sports history, the Pittsburgh Pirates chose to drastically change their tactics under the management of Clint Hurdle in 2013. By tracking and interpreting millions of data points (so called “big data”) using software such as PITCHf/x and Trackman, the Pirates’ analysts discovered significant yet previously unrecognized ways the team could adjust their play. Such large data collection was not itself unique in the league at the time; however, in what would prove to be an excellent decision, the management of the Pirates adapted the plays around their findings, and convinced the players to commit to these totally new (and sometimes counter-intuitive) strategies. As locals will remember, the 2013 season saw the team finally end their record length run of twenty losing seasons. Big Data Baseball has been described by some as “Moneyball on steroids.” In addition to being a compelling underdog story, it is also a stimulating tale about sabermeterics, or the empirical analysis of baseball. Granted, “stimulating” and “statistics” are two words rarely used in the same sentence, but Sawchik does an exceptional job of weaving together probabilities and numbercrunching with two-seam fastballs and pitch framing in a way that is accessible and understandable. At its heart, this is a story about the Pirates and the game of baseball, and Sawchik often regales us with entertaining recaps. Yet he doesn’t get bogged down with details, describing the action and the excitement in a succinct and captivating way. This is certainly a must-read for baseball enthusiast, and I would argue it is also a great choice for any amateur sports fan or data nut. If you happen to be a fan of both baseball and mathematics, you should already have this on your shelf. While I may still consider myself a novice when it comes to sports, I can now better appreciate just how much more is in play than the ball, bat, and mitt. When next browsing for a new book to enjoy, I may just consider sending another sports book to the plate. SHM The Sports & Fitness Issue PAGE37
squirrel hill feature
The Rachel Carson Trail Challenge Celebrates Its Twentieth Year— and You Can Too By Michael Jehn
f you’ve been looking for an intense, well-organized, highly rewarding athletic event in the Pittsburgh area that differs somewhat from the many popular timed road races that take place each year, perhaps an experience rooted in a deeper connection with nature and unexpected variations in topography rather than a running tour of the city’s neighborhoods and landmarks, I recommend an endurance hike that pays tribute to one of the region’s well-known historical figures: the Rachel Carson Trail Challenge. The event, now in its twentieth year, is a roughly 34-mile endurance hike that is traditionally scheduled for the Saturday closest to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. As the event’s website notes, the ultimate objective of the Challenge is completion rather than competition—and, as past participants and regulars will attest, finishing within the allotted sunrise-tosunset time limit is no easy feat, a bragworthy accomplishment in its own right. (This isn’t to say that many of us, myself included, don’t thoroughly enjoy barreling headlong down slippery slopes and jogging the easier parts as long as our bodies tolerate it, pushing for the best possible finish time.)
Hikers traversing Burner Hill on the Rachel Carson Trail in Fawn Township during the Challenge. Burner Hill is one of the “named” hills on the trail that has extremely steep terrain.
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The Rachel Carson Trail, in map view with north pointing upward, traces like a wiggly, unsteady V with the west trailhead located in North Park (McCandless Township), east trailhead in Harrison Hills Park (Natrona Heights), and south-most point near the Allegheny River in Springdale. The Rachel Carson Homestead, on the National Register of Historic Places, sits close to the challenge’s midpoint as the trail route—at
Continued on page 40
©2016 Ethan Allen Global, Inc.
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showers before noon. Several years ago, in the east-to-west direction, a massive thunderstorm struck shortly after I had completed the Challenge. The normally unsubstantial hopscotch passage through a small wetland leading to the finish point next to North Park Lake became a deep, fast-moving torrent. I remember helping a number of other hikers throw logs into the muddy rapids to create some semblance of a bridge that drenched participants could safely traverse to their finish. But this, of course, is what it’s all about. It’s the struggle, the variables and unknowns, the self-reflection and determination, the untold experiences and ever-changing terrain that draw us in. Then there are the friendships, the mid-hike conversations, encountering familiar faces, occasional wildlife sightings, and the fantastic barbecue at the end. 2016 will be my eleventh consecutive year participating in the Rachel Carson Trail Challenge, and it isn’t hyperbole or melodrama to say that this event has become a part of who I am. It is the reason why, if I should ever leave Pittsburgh, I am determined to return every June, for years and decades to come. For now, I’m not going anywhere—and I can’t wait for this year’s Challenge. SHM Hikers heading down Rich Hill on the Rachel Carson Trail in Indianola Township.
that point a quiet residential street—appropriately passes Carson’s birthplace. Each year, the direction of the Challenge reverses, providing a welcome variation in the sequence of notable trail segments whose physical characteristics range dramatically from gravel access roads, pleasant wooded trails, residential yards and busy roadside berms to rocky stream crossings, loose dirt slides, and steep cliff climbs devoid of handholds. Hikers, as well as trail, are subject to the weather’s whims on race day, the Challenge commencing stalwartly through steady dry spell or violent storms. The conditions that most of us hope for, if I dare speak for the majority of participants, are lightly overcast skies, dry breezy air, and solid soil underfoot. Those are not, of course, the conditions that we necessarily get—and some of the most memorable Challenges are those residing within the realm of extremes. In 2013, for example, the sunshine was oppressive, the unflinching heat cruel. Despite drinking what seemed like gallons of water and Gatorade throughout the day provided by the Challenge’s four lavishly stocked checkpoints, no amount seemed enough to stay adequately hydrated; by early afternoon, my body was dragging, my resolve weakening with tempting thoughts of collapsing in the shade. (I pushed through, as always.) Last year, the incessant June rains produced some of the most slippery, frustrating, dangerous trail conditions imaginable, feet soaked completely through within the first four miles due to deep stream crossings and clothes saturated by steady PAGE40 www.SHUC.org
Learn more about the event, including the shorter Homestead Challenge and 8-mile Friends & Family Challenge, by visiting www.rachelcarsontrails.org/rct/challenge
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events & happenings
Calendar Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Squirrel Hill Branch 5801 Forbes Avenue, Squirrel Hill (412) 422-9650 or www.carnegielibrary.org Yoga with Phyllis Every Saturday at 10am Wear comfortable clothing, bring a floor covering and enjoy the relaxation and healthy benefits of yoga. Classes lead by Phyllis Berkovitz. Please call ahead to check for class cancelations or schedule changes. Teen Time: Full STEAM Ahead Every third Thursday of the month Build, concoct, explore, and enjoy cooking adventures at a STEAM inspired Teen Time. Every third Thursday of the month, you will find a new experiment in the works. This program is for teens in grades 6-12 or ages 11-19. For more information on these classes, email squirrelhill@carnegielibrary.org
Squirrel Hill Historical Society The Church of the Redeemer, 5700 Forbes Avenue Events are held on the second Tuesday of each month FREE at 7:30 pm April 12th: “White Indians (Captives) on the Western Pennsylvania Frontier"” Speaker: Roland Vendeland: Author, Historical Researcher and SHHS Member May 10th: “The Evolution of Bridges in Pittsburgh” Speaker: Todd Wilson, Engineer and Author June 14th: “Marketing the Presidency” Speaker: Steve Mihaly, Retired Vice-President of the H.J. Heinz Co. and Political Historian
If 34 miles sounds too daunting, we offer two shorter events that same day. The first is the Homestead Challenge, an 18-mile hike from near the Rachel Carson Homestead. The second is an 8-mile Friends & Family Challenge from Hartwood Acres. All events finish in North Park.
DICK’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon Events Downtown Pittsburgh www.thepittsburghmarathon.com April 30, 2016 – 5k Run, Kids Marathon, Pet Walk May 1, 2016 – Marathon Day A huge Pittsburgh tradition... the annual Pittsburgh Marathon has become one of the premier marathons in the country, with more than 100,000 cheering fans that will line the racecourse to encourage the runners. Sunday’s event’s include the full marathon, half marathon, and relay marathon.
GNC Live Well Pittsburgh Health and Fitness Expo David L. Lawrence Convention Center April 29 - 30, 2016 Friday: 11 am - 8 pm Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm The Expo is one of the many exciting events that will be held on race weekend, April 29 - May 1. It's free and open to the public. Registered runners, families running with children in the Kids Marathon, race fans and fitness enthusiasts from throughout the region will attend the Expo. Products, goods, services, entertainment and information will be featured during the two-day event.
Rachel Carson Trail Challenge Harrison Hills Park June 18, 2016 The twentieth annual Rachel Carson Trail Challenge will take place on June 18, 2016, the Saturday nearest the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The Challenge is a 34-mile long, one-day, sunrise to sunset endurance hike on nearly the entire brutal Rachel Carson Trail. Unlike a footrace, the “challenge” is not to win, but to endure, to finish the hike in one day. This time, the Challenge starts in Harrison Hills Park at sunrise, 5:50 am, and ends 34 miles later in North Park. The deadline for finishing is sunset, 8:54 pm or 15 hours 4 minutes.
PAGE42 www.SHUC.org
Continued on page 44
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events & happenings cont.
Pittsburgh Fitness Expo/Kumite Classic Monroeville Expo Center May 25 – 29, 2016 Pittsburgh’s largest and most established fitness, health, wellness, sports, nutrition, and martial arts expo. Health and wellness consultations are available with industry professionals and onsite evaluations are presented by doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, and natural health experts. The Pittsburgh Fitness Expo collaborates with health professionals and educators on comprehensive and sustainable approaches to preventing and reducing serious health problems from both conventional medical and holistic approaches. The expo provides spectators the opportunity to participate in workouts, seminars, certification courses, competitions, and challenges. The general public can meet & greet with celebrities, professional athletes, Olympic champions, and fitness icons. The Expo highlights sports performance athletes, strength competitors, and fitness experts though a multitude of athletic skills competitions and world class sport championships. Tickets are available at the door for $10-$15.
24th Annual Pittsburgh Race for the Cure Schenley Park at Flagstaff Hill May 8, 2016 Now celebrating 24 years in honor of victims and survivors of Breast Cancer, Pittsburgh Race for the Cure has become the largest series of 5k runs and walks in the city, and is one of the top ten races in the national series. In 2015 ... 30,000 people participated, including more than 2,000 survivors. Race Activities will include a 5k run, 5k walk, 1 mile fun walk, and more. Pittsburgh Race for the Cure festivities begin at 8am and the races start at 8:35am. The exciting awards ceremony takes place following the race. Call (412) 342-0500 for event information.
Pittsburgh International Children’s Festival Cultural District – Downtown Pittsburgh May 12 - 15, 2016 The 30th Annual Pittsburgh International Children’s Festival 2015 is one of the largest children’s festivals in the country. Both the young and young-at-heart can explore the world through theater, live music, dance, and puppetry. With great entertainment and scrumptious food ... it’s the perfect excuse to spend time with the family. Spring flowers are blooming, the weather is mild, and Pittsburgh Hotels are offering really affordable rates. Hours for the 2016 Pittsburgh International Children’s Festival: Wednesday 9:30 am - 1 pm; Thursday - Friday 9:30 am - 7 pm; Saturday - Sunday 9:30 am - 6 pm.
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Three Rivers Arts Festival Downtown Pittsburgh www.3riversartsfest.org June 3 - 12, 2016 Three Rivers Arts Festival presents ten days of cultural Pittsburgh festivities, with great food, spectacular entertainment, and the experience of world-renowned visual and performing arts. All of which is conveniently located in the downtown Pittsburgh area... occurring each year during the month of June. Once you’ve arrived, the teasing aromas from an endless supply of food stands will really get your senses going. After a bite... stroll through the Artist’s Market, which changes six times during the festival. Live musical performances will top-off your enjoyable day or evening. Three Rivers Arts Festival hours are Monday through Saturday 11 am - 8 pm; Sunday Noon - 6 pm. All events are free.
The Expo will focus on all aspects of health and wellness for people of all ages. See more at: www.thepittsburghmarathon.com
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