Squirrel Hill Magazine Summer 2017

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A Publication of the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition





SQUIRREL HILL URBAN COALITION OFFICERS PRESIDENT Richard Feder CO-VICE PRESIDENT Marshall Hershberg CO-VICE PRESIDENT Erika Strassburger CO-VICE PRESIDENT Chris Zurawsky SECRETARY Barbara Grover ASST. SECRETARY Cynthia Morelock TREASURER Gina Levine ASST. TREASURER James Burnham IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Raymond Baum BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rita Botts, Vivian Didomenico, Andy Dlinn, Lori Fitzgerald, Steve Hawkins, Michael D. Henderson, Martha Isler, Steven Ari Letwin, Lois Liberman, Lisa Crooks Murphy, Joshua Sayles, Mary Shaw, Ceci Sommers (Director Emerita), Sidney Stark, (Director Emeritus), Erik Wagner EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marian Lien BUSINESS INTERN Hui Wen Kong MAGAZINE EDITOR Britt Reints MAGAZINE INTERN Gabriel Naccarato CONTRIBUTORS Raymond Baum, Rosemary Bernth, Camile Chidsey, Jodie Free, Jody Handley, Marian Lien, Carolyn Ludwig, Kimberly McElhatten, Gabriel Naccarato, Britt Reints, Shayna Ross, Kimberly Saunders, Helen Wilson Squirrel Hill Magazine, Vol. 15, Issue 2, is published by the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition, 5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. Four issues per year are delivered free to the residents in zip code 15217. Subscriptions are available for $25/year. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. Printed by Knepper Press. For advertising inquiries, contact marketing@shuc.org. All other communications can be directed to info@shuc.org or (412)422-7666. The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community organization dedicated to preserving, improving, and celebrating the quality of life in the 14th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh.

Editor’s Note Britt Reints breints@shuc.org


he word summer brings to mind beaches, amusement parks, camping trips and long family vacations. But for most of us, reality includes more work days than vacations and more time spent close to home than near a shoreline. Fortunately, living in a vibrant neighborhood in the beautiful city of Pittsburgh means there are plenty of ways to enjoy our free nights and weekends—especially in the summer. One of my favorite things about Squirrel Hill is how closely linked urban living is with the great outdoors. From tree-lined streets to lush parks that blot out the sights and sounds of the city, there are ample ways to unwind in nature close to home. In this issue, we take a look at all the opportunities we have to enjoy summer in our own neighborhood. Regardless of how far off your next “real vacation” may be, we want to encourage you to find ways to make memories with your friends and family whenever possible. And there’s no better time to start than summer. Warm Regards, A Publication of the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition

On the Cover: “Breath of Fire” by ff137 (flickr)

summer 2017 | 3

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In Every Issue

16 Park It By Kimberly Saunders


18 Parks Plus By Jodie Free 20 Making of a Night Market By Camille Chidsey, Marian Lien, Britt Reints 22 Date Night in Squirrel Hill By Rosemary Bernth

President’s Message SHUC Resolution on Bus Rapid Transit Project

10 Familiar Faces Heather Graham Mary Shaw By Raymond Baum 12 SHUC Snapshots 24 Neighborhood Notes

28 Senior Summers By Kimberly McElhatten

26 What’s New From Our Advertisers

30 Summer Reading at the Library By Shayna Ross

32 Good News from Our Schools 35 Squirrel Hill History Time Machine to Squirrel Hill’s Lively Pastimes By Helen Wilson 38 Events & Happenings


Murray the Squirrel is available for local events. Call (412)422-6777 or email marketing@shuc.org to request a visit.

summer 2017 | 5

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shuc president’s message Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition’s Position on Proposed Bus Rapid Transit Project In 2011, Port Authority of Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh began a study of potential improvements to the transit system. One possible improvement identified by the study was a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) that would address transit between Downtown and Oakland, and possibly extend to other East End neighborhoods. On April 3, your Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition (SHUC) hosted a public meeting with City Planning and Port Authority to update the community on the status of the BRT plan. Attendees viewed a slide presentation that explained the potential benefits of a BRT. Planners shared four routes being considered, including two options that would connect Squirrel Hill to the BRT system and two that would not. On April 26, based on the public meeting and on publicly available information, the Board of Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition adopted a position regarding the BRT project that encompasses the following points: 1. The Board of Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition (SHUC) supports the “Core BRT + 1 Branch” option and “Core BRT + 2 Branches” option for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) put forth by Port Authority of Allegheny County and City of Pittsburgh, because these options bring the BRT project to and through Squirrel Hill. 2. SHUC would like Port Authority and the City to work with us and with the general public on the design of the stations. 3. SHUC is interested in the potential for economic development at BRT stations and would like to work

Richard Feder, President, Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition

with Port Authority and the City on advancing appropriate development in the station areas in accordance with established neighborhood plans and planning processes. 4. Two proposed BRT stations would be located in Squirrel Hill’s Gateway Development District, and SHUC is interested in transit-oriented development (TOD) occurring in this area. 5. Such TOD shall encompass mixed-use economic development integrated with the transit improvements and accommodation of pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as automobiles (traffic and parking accommodation). 6. Multimodal improvements to the Forward-MurrayPocusset intersection must be part of the implementation of the BRT station; such improvements shall include pedestrian and bicycle accommodations at the intersection and vicinity. 7. SHUC recommends that as part of the ongoing BRT public process, Port Authority and City of Pittsburgh should continue and expand efforts to inform the public of the planned transit service changes so that the public understands what can be expected to occur as a result of the BRT project. The information should be available during the various phases of planning and summer 2017 | 7

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shuc president’s message

Drawing courtesy of Port Authority

implementation and should cover all aspects of the project, including service levels and routes, travel time, reliability, stops, fare policies and procedures, facilities, amenities, information, environmental, energy, etc. 8. In addition to supporting the “Core BRT + 1 Branch” option and “Core BRT + 2 Branches” option, SHUC would like Port Authority and the City to consider extending the BRT to the following two locations, either as the initial phase of the BRT or as a subsequent phase: •  To The Waterfront as an extension of the 61D BRT route currently proposed •  Along the 61A alignment from Squirrel Hill to Wilkinsburg or Edgewood 9. Mitigation of parking impacts in the neighborhoods, including Squirrel Hill, should be addressed as part of the BRT project More information about the BRT project, including a description of the route options, can be found at shuc.org.

With Sympathy... We note the passing of former SHUC Board member Johnson Martin, who distinguished himself on behalf of the Pittsburgh Public Schools system as well as a SHUC board member. Or sympathies to Johnson’s wife, Sally. We were also saddened at the passing of Jim Abraham, husband of former SHUC Board member Francine Abraham. We appreciated that Jim participated at a number of SHUC activities over the years. Our sympathies to Francine.

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Two Women Making a Difference in Squirrel Hill By Raymond Baum

The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition and our community are fortunate enough to have so many generous people who are dedicated to the wellbeing of Squirrel Hill. Here are two people we all should thank. Heather Graham is a member of the board of directors of Uncover Squirrel Hill (USH), which is Squirrel Hill’s chamber of commerce and the Coalition’s partner in preserving, improving and celebrating Squirrel Hill. Heather has played a key role on the USH board and has been an invaluable part of planning and carrying out major community events, including the Squirrel Hill Night Markets and Wine Walks. She is motivated to promote our business and professional community. Heather has been in the spa business for over 13 years. She moved to Pittsburgh in 2013 and soon opened the European Wax Center at 5854 Forbes Avenue. The spa has become her calling: “I love what I do because it allows me to meet new people constantly as well as support local economy. I love hiring and employing local people who can create a career for themselves. Knowing that I can provide a quality work environment that lets people be self-sufficient is really rewarding. I also love helping people feel good and take a few moments out of their day to be focused on themselves. I think that sometimes, women have a tendency to not put themselves first - me included and I like that I can be a part of something that forces you to put you first. We all deserve 'me' time. Even 10 | shuc.org

if it is for your eyebrow wax! That is important. You have to feel good about yourself!” Heather is also smitten with Squirrel Hill’s culture and quality of life, “I find all walks of life in this neighborhood. I love that you can walk on the street and be greeted with a smile multiple times. This area makes me feel alive. I do love all the events we have helped sustain and create, and I am proud to be a part of that.”

Mary Shaw has been an active member of the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition since May 2016. Mary earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1971 and now works there as the Alan J. Perlis University Professor of Computer Science in the Institute for Software Research. She is an elected Life Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2014, President Barack Obama awarded Mary the United States’ National Medal of Technology and Innovation. Most recently, she received CMU’s highest education honor, the Robert E. Doherty Award for Sustained Contributions to Excellence in Education In her community, Mary has focused on improving the area’s bicycle infrastructure as a member of

familiar faces

SHUC’s Pedestrian-Bicycle Committee and the Oakland Planning and Development Corporation’s Green Team. She is also a board member for the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Alliance and Pittsburgh Urban Cycling Committee and is a regular participant in SPC Active Transportation Committee. In addition, she is involved with the Trail Volunteer Fund at The Pittsburgh Foundation and the Canoe Access Development Fund of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Mary and her husband, Roy Weil, have lived in Squirrel Hill since 1972. Smart, dedicated and active, Mary is an invaluable member of the neighborhood.


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Magazine Welcomes New Intern Gabriel Naccarato is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh studying English Writing, English Literature and Administration of Justice. He has previously written for The Pitt News, and while he enjoys writing hard news and investigative journalism, he also enjoys writing stories about the communities that surround him. Gabriel will be working as an intern for the Squirrel Hill Magazine throughout the summer, helping to write and edit stories, take photographs, and update the Coalition website. We look forward to having him in the office!

shuc snapshots

News from your Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition committees


Ped-Bike Committee By Marshall Hershberg

In the past few months, the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition’s Pedestrian-Bicycle Committee has furthered their connection with Healthy Ride and Pittsburgh Bike Share, working towards the introduction of shared-ride stations at key points in Squirrel Hill. The Ped-Bike Committee has collaborated with Healthy Ride on outreach to Squirrel Hill residents and businesses. They are discussing how bringing stations to our neighborhood strengthens the Healthy Ride network and their connection to adjacent neighborhoods, Downtown Pittsburgh and bicycle trails throughout the region. Further developments are anticipated beginning in Fall 2017. The Committee, along with the SHUC Board of Directors, supports and advocates for implementation of the City of Pittsburgh’s Complete Streets Policy, working to ensure safe transportation networks 12 | shuc.org

for all residents of Pittsburgh. They are working closely with the Department of City Planning as the All-Neighborhood Bike Plan emerges. Ped-Bike is submitting requests to the Capital Budgeting process for improvements in the neighborhood’s bicycle infrastructure, while formally expressing SHUC’s support for the Port Authority’s and the city’s proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System (details on pg. 7). Both the Committee and the Board look forward to further cooperation on outreach, planning and implementation of these initiatives. The Committee wishes to remind Squirrel Hill Magazine readers, neighborhood residents and friends that “pedestrian” has equal weight in the Committee’s name and in its commitment to the community. Pedestrian issues command a full place on the agenda of each committee meeting, which take place at 6:30pm on the second Thursday of every month at the Squirrel Hill Jewish Community Center. Residents with pedestrian concerns and interests are invited to contact the committee and to attend these meetings.

Gateway Committee By Martha Isler

A date has been set with the Municipal Traffic Engineer to study the difficult five-point intersection of Pocusset, Forward and Murray Avenues. Proposals to improve pedestrian safety will be considered and recommendations made to the Pittsburgh Department of Public Works.

The entrance to Squirrel Hill will get a partial facelift when Action Housing breaks ground in June on Squirrel Hill Gateway Lofts, a new building that will put 33 afFuture site of Squirrel Hill Gateway Lofts fordable housing units on the old Developing the long vacant Buncher Poli’s site. The building will also lease property at the parkway entrance two floors of commercial space to Jewish Residential is another priority of the Gateway Committee. A Services for an expanded Howard Levin Club House proposal has come to the Squirrel Hill and Greenfield and administrative offices. Because sidewalks will communities to develop that site as a medical mariremain open during construction, SHUC negotiated juana dispensary, pending state licensing of Keystone with the city to purchase and install five streetlights Relief Centers and zoning use approval. A public fronting the Action Housing site, with preparation meeting regarding this project was held on May 17, and set up to be constructed by Action Housing. The and your Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition is working to Gateway Project has a goal of extending streetlights keep developers informed of community input. The up Forward to Shady and up Murray to Morrowfield Board’s official position, as well as more information for complete coverage of our business corridor, and on the project, can be found at shuc.org. this opportunity is a step towards meeting that goal.

2017 SHUC Video Competition: Every Litter Bit Matters By Rita Botts

The Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol invites creative filmmakers to submit a 2-5 minute video about the impact of litter on the environment and health, as well as litter’s relationship to storm water control. PRIZE: $100 for the winners in each of 3 categories - Pre-teen (younger than 13 prior to July 10, 2017), teen (between 13 and 17 prior to July 10, 2017), adult (18 or older by July 10, 2017). Winning films will be shown at the Sept. 23 Squirrel Hill Night Market. HOW TO GET STARTED: Read and review the Submission Process and Rules and Disclosures on shuc.org. Upload your video to YouTube and complete the online entry form by midnight on July 10, 2017. Winners will be notified by Sept. 1, 2017. This competition is sponsored by the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition’s Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol through a Love Your [Resilient] Block Grant from the City of Pittsburgh.

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hanks to more than 100 volunteers— including Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts, Community Day School students, members of Sixth Presbyterian Church, Carnegie Mellon University students and AmeriCorps members–Squirrel Hill streets looked much cleaner in April. During the annual Squirrel Hill Cleanup, volunteers collected more than 150 bags of litter and 20 bags of recyclables between Shady Ave. and Wightman St. from Forbes Ave. to Forward Ave. and on Beeler St. between Wilkins Ave. and Forbes Ave. The cleanup was organized by the Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol, a committee of the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition. The Litter Patrol is grateful to the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Works and Beautify Our ’Burgh initiative, Allegheny Cleanways, Cold Stone Creamery, Dunkin’ Donuts, European Wax Center, Giant Eagle, JAA Center for Rehabilitation, Squirrel Hill Wine & Spirits and Starbucks for sponsoring and assisting with the cleanup.

14 | shuc.org

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SQUIRREL HILL 412.422.9457 1711 Murray Ave. • Pittsburgh, PA 15217 SHADYSIDE 412.683.1003 5527 Walnut St. • Pittsburgh, PA 15232 MILLVALE 412.821.4655 232 North Ave. • Pittsburgh, PA 15209 OAKLAND 412.683.4066 3703 Forbes Ave. • Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MT. LEBANON 412.343.3344 427 Washington Rd. • Pittsburgh, PA 15228

You don’t need to wait until next spring’s cleanup to start picking up in your neighborhood. Adopt a block to clean at your convenience, and the Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol will provide you with gloves, bags and other supplies. More than two dozen Squirrel Hill families have adopted blocks around their homes or businesses, picking up litter as they walk the dog, stroll to the store or return home from the bus stop. Volunteers are also needed to collect litter before and after the Squirrel Hill Night Markets on the following Saturdays in 2017: June 17, Aug. 26 and Sept. 16. We’ll clean Murray Ave. between Forbes Ave. and Bartlett St. from 4-6pm and 10-11pm. Bags, gloves and safety vests provided. If you wish to adopt a block, contact Dave Grover at AdoptABlock@gmail.com or call 412-521-9526. To volunteer for Night Market litter collection, please contact Barb Grover (barbgrover1@gmail.com; 412-521-9526) or Rita Botts (ritabotts@yahoo.com). summer 2017 | 15

Park It: Pick a park for a day of summer fun close to home.

squirrel hill feature

Photo by Sean Kelly

By Kimberly Saunders


ittsburgh is often called the “city of bridges,” but we can also lay claim to being the “city of parks.” In fact, our recreational greenspace accounts for nearly one third of all the city land. The area’s parks feature playgrounds, trails, pavilions, ball fields and grassy hillsides that offer an abundance of outdoor opportunities—most of them free—virtually every day of the year. As summer begins, there’s no better time to explore the offerings right in our own community. Frick Park sits between Squirrel Hill and Regent Square and is one of the best-known city parks. According to Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Frick is the city’s largest park at 644 acres and also its youngest, established by Henry Clay Frick in 1927. Home to the popular “blue slide” playground, Frick Park also boasts many amenities for teens and adults, including tennis courts, basketball courts and baseball fields. Birds of all kinds flock to Clayton Hill, and dogs are welcome to roam in the designated off-leash area. Runners and walkers alike can enjoy the numerous trails that crisscross the wooded landscape or take advantage of the fitness stations along the way. If lawn bowling is more your style, Frick is the place to go—in fact, it is the only public lawn bowling green in the entire state! The sport, begun

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in England, is centuries old and was pioneered here in 1938 by the Frick Park Lawn Bowling Club. The club is still going strong, providing free lessons on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and hosting a full schedule of leagues, tournaments and social events throughout the season. The bowling greens are located at the northern edge of Frick Park in Point Breeze. To learn more, visit lawnbowlingpittsburgh.org. The flagship amenity of Frick Park is the newly refurbished Frick Environmental Center. Described as a “living laboratory,” the Center offers hands-on environmental education programs for the public and school-based populations, as well as summer camps. The Center is open daily to the public and is free of charge. You can find details at pittsburghparks.org/ frick-environmental-center. Squirrel Hill residents also have easy access to neighboring Schenley Park. While considered an Oakland landmark, the park’s eastern borders abut Squirrel Hill South. In addition to wooded trails, playgrounds and picnic spots, Schenley Park boasts numerous attractions for various sports and recreational activities. The sports complex features a running track, soccer field and ice skating rink, as well as tennis courts. You can also take advantage of a public swimming pool, golf course and the city’s first permanent 18-hole disc golf course. Schenley also hosts unique events, such as the annual Mother’s Day Susan Komen Race for the Cure, the July Vintage Grand Prix, and Movies in the Park on Flagstaff Hill. Parents, tots and teens can enjoy the neighborhood’s local playgrounds. Davis Parklet, Hobart Street at Wightman, offers hockey, tennis and basketball courts, and a ball field can be found at Wightman Playground, Wightman and Solway. From birdwatching to mountain biking, swing sets to soccer fields, your neighborhood parks and playgrounds offer something for everyone. Visit pittsburghpa.gov/citiparks/park-facilities to find the one nearest you.

Looking for that perfect spot for a family reunion, birthday bash or graduation party this summer? Check out one of the city’s many park shelters. Citiparks rents park shelters and pavilions that can accommodate crowds from 24-170, some with electricity, outdoor grills and indoor kitchens. While weekends are the most popular time, you can rent a Citiparks shelter just about any day of the week from May through September. Reservations are secured on a first come, first serve basis and can be made up to a full year in advance. The rental fee varies by type and size of the facility and there is an additional charge for alcohol permits (where alcohol is allowed). Reserve your rental with the Pittsburgh Public Works Permit Office at 611 Second Avenue or by phone at 412-255-2370, weekdays, 7am–3pm. You can also reserve a space online at registerparks.pittsburghpa.gov

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Parks Plus: How to Make the Most of Your Local Parks

By Jodie Free

Looking for something new to do this summer? Long weekends and days off present the perfect opportunities to head to the parks, and there’s more than a game of frisbee and picnic lunch waiting for you. Find out how to make your parks an integral part of your summer plans.

Become A Volunteer

Give back to your community—and learn more about how to take care of your parks—by volunteering with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. The Urban EcoStewards program offers quarterly training for volunteers to learn how to identify and remove invasive plants. If you enjoy gardening, join the field staff in the gardens of Frick and Highland Park for Weeding Wednesdays. Opportunities are also available for you to share your passion

with other park enthusiasts; the Frick Environmental Center is looking for volunteer Docents and Naturalists to welcome visitors and lead site tours and public hikes. For more information about these and other park volunteer positions, contact volunteer@pittsburghparks.org.

Sign Up For Summer Camp

Are your children outdoor enthusiasts? They will be once they experience one of Frick Park’s summer camps. Camps are available for children from kindergarten through 7th grade and include such activities as outdoor games, hikes, art and campfires. The Survival Camp for 6th and 7th graders teaches children how to be prepared in the outdoors by learning how to find shelter, build a fire and find food and water in the wilderness. Camps are priced from $80 to $160; assistance is available for income-eligible families.

Discover Leaves, Berries, Flowers, and Animal Tracks

18 | shuc.org

r e l fo n s te e s o R ncy nee er va y Re C ons os b t s o k r h P h Pa b u rg Pi t t s

Pittsburgh Parks Prescription, an initiative launched in 2015 by the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Lawrenceville United and other local organizations, offers free activity guides for enjoying local greenspaces. Learn about the history and features of many neighborhood parks—including Arsenal Park, Frick Park, Bloomfield Park, Fort Pitt Park, Kite Hill Park, Nelson Mandela Peace Park and Leslie Park—and read up on different ways to explore. Use the guides

to find and identify seasonal leaves, berries; find some damp soil and see if you can spot the paw prints of rabbits, otters or beavers. For more inspiration, download the free guides at pittsburghparks.org/rx.

Catch a Show

There are many ways to be entertained in Pittsburgh’s parks this summer. Starting June 18, music fans will want to bring a blanket and a picnic basket for Bach, Beethoven and Brunch in Mellon Park on Sundays, 10:30am-noon. On Wednesday nights, beginning June 7, catch a free, family-friendly movie at dusk on Flagstaff Hill in Schenley Park. A concert follows each movie. For a complete schedule of performances and movies visit pittsburghpa.gov/citiparks.

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squirrel hill feature



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summer 2017 | 19

Making of a Night Market By Camille Chidsey, Marian Lien, Britt Reints


or the third summer, the Squirrel Hill Night Market will be bringing people together under the night sky for a celebration of diversity, culture, cuisine and community. Modeled after the open-air nighttime street festivals commonly found in cities across Asia and Europe, each event is designed to have a distinct “pop-up” feel: a dazzling display of vendors, entertainment and twinkly lights appears at six and vanishes without a trace just after 10pm, as if by magic. But it isn’t magic that creates these 12 hours of revelry within a disappearing venue; each Night Market is the culmination of months of planning and hard work from dedicated volunteers and staff of community organizations. In 2015, months before the first string of lights crossed Murray Avenue, organizers began meeting to determine what resources would be needed and who could be counted on to provide them. Long talks with business owners and city officials were also required to ensure the production of a safe event and secure support from neighborhood stakeholders. Once the big picture was established, the real legwork began – and has continued each year since. 20 | shuc.org

The bulk of the preparations takes place behind the scenes and includes tasks most people would never think of; someone has to apply for permits, schedule extra trash pick ups and make the drive to the City-County Building to procure dozens of No Parking signs. Those signs then need to be hung, and neighbors have to be notified of street closures. There are countless phone calls to be made and tasks to coordinate, any one of which can derail the project if it’s missed. Of course, it’s not just time and careful management that makes a neighborhood festival happen. “Funding is needed to rent the pop-up tents, tables, PA systems and other equipment,” says Natalie Kovacic, events consultant for Uncover Squirrel Hill, one of the organizers. According to Kovacic, other costs for this type of public event include, “insurance, marketing the event, vendor space, lighting, and don’t forget access and use of electricity!” With no admission fees, much of these costs must be covered by event sponsors, which this year include Ten Thousand Villages, Eyetique, Gaby et Jules, Little’s Shoes, Dollar Bank, European Wax Center, Pamela’s Diner and Squirrel

squirrel hill feature Hill Center for Rehabilitation and Healing. The Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh provides tents to the events each year. On the day of each market, Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition coordinates volunteers to put up street barriers that both signal the start of the event as well as block vehicles from entering the space. They set up and wire the tents for electricity and tear everything down shortly after the close of the market. SHUC Litter Patrol ensures a clean street by the end of the night and coordinates city garbage pickup for the following morning. Both Uncover Squirrel Hill and Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition, the primary event organizers, are nonprofits working with limited resources to achieve many goals for the neighborhood. What, then, makes the tremendous effort required to produce the Squirrel Hill Night Markets each year worthwhile?

forward to Night Markets that will feature more than 80 tents showcasing crafters from I Made It! Market, local independent vendors and non-profit service organizations. Nine food trucks will also line the street. Noticeable changes from 2016 include the addition of thematic events: June has an Americana theme, featuring music from The Squirrel Hillbillies and Buffalo Rose; August has a Backyard BBQ theme with classic rock performances from The Relics; September features a Hawaiian Luau theme, musical performances from the Steel City Ukuleles and the return of popular Samoan Fire Knife Dancers. With over 10,000 visitors expected this year, extra volunteers are needed to help with litter, lighting, and tent set-up and tear-down. If you’d like to be part of the effort that brings the Squirrel Hill Night Market to life, please contact info@shuc.org for vendor and volunteer opportunities.

Contemporary Night Markets and pop-up street bazaars are welcome tools for revitalizing a business district. Bringing in experienced, well-liked vendors that compliment the neighborhood’s offerings can attract new customers to the area. Short-term events can also act as business incubators for aspiring entrepreneurs: a minimal investment means low risk of failure with an opportunity to earn a hefty income. In addition to an economic impact, the Night Market experience also promotes a communal, social dynamism. Says Marian Lien, Executive Director of the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition, “Residents as well as visitors from our neighboring communities come out to the Night Market to enjoy the good eats and lively entertainment. What they also do, and with great enthusiasm I have observed, is leisurely visit and interact with neighbors, friends and family members that they may have missed during the hectic work week.” This year, on June 17, Aug. 26 and Sept. 23, those neighbors, friends and family members can look summer 2017 | 21

Date Night in Squirrel Hill


ummertime is the perfect time for dating – school’s out for the semester, the weather is warmer and the days seem longer. Squirrel Hill has a lot to offer couples of all ages and types, from young college students looking to find a place for their first date, to married folks who want to have a fun night without the kids. Although there are plenty of options for restaurants and food joints in the neighborhood, there are also perfect places to mingle while having some fun. Got a creative spirit or want to make a personal memento for your significant other? Color Me Mine, a pottery painting studio located on Forbes Avenue, offers a great experience for a variety of dates, from first dates to celebrating anniversaries. The cost is $9 for the studio fee to paint plus the price of the pottery, placing the average total around $20. Color Me Mine hosts different events each month and weekly specials, like discounts for college students and groups if you come visit within the last three hours. The studio is BYOB, and you are also allowed to bring food. 22 | shuc.org

Are you and your friends the competitive types? Go on a group date to Forward Lanes to see who among you is the better bowler. Located between Shady and Murray, the bowling alley offers late lane hours at prices as low as $5 a game. A small snack bar that includes beer is available for munchies while you play. Be sure to check out the daily specials at forwardlanes.net, like an all-you-can-bowl deal that includes shoe rental for $13. If you like adventure and puzzle-solving, you and your friends can put your relationships to the test at Mystery Key Escape Room at 2701 Murray Ave. The basic premise of an escape room is to find hidden objects and figure out clues in order to exit a locked room within a time limit (usually an hour). At Mystery Key Escape Room, there are two puzzle-themed rooms: The Ultimate Checkmate, where the goal is to find the hidden loot of a chess master; and Mission Impossible, which places players in the fictional scenario of figuring out how to disarm a bomb, just like in the spy thriller movies. The cost is $25 per person, but if you book the entire room, you receive a 5% discount. The Ultimate Checkmate has a

Photo by Stephan Geyer

By Rosemary Bernth

squirrel hill feature

maximum of eight people, while Mission Impossible only needs a max of six. Just the two of you? Since each room needs a minimum of three people, you and your significant other may be added to a group. It’s a great way to make new friends.

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There’s nothing wrong with the classic movie date, and the Manor Theatre has put a new spin on an old tradition. You can see foreign and indie films, as well as some of the best mainstream comedies and dramas in Sony 4k digital projection and sound, with 3D being an option. Craving more than just popcorn? Check out the M Bar, the theatre’s modern concessions where you can get signature cocktails like The Godfather or The Dude Abides, or munch on some upscale bites like pork and cabbage pot stickers or zucchini fries. They also have plenty of beer, wine, and other beverage options. Don’t worry; you can still get the classic hot dog, box of candy, and bag of popcorn. No matter what option you choose, you can take them all into the theatre to enjoy your show. General admission tickets are $9.25 after 6pm and matinee tickets are $6.50. Student and senior discount tickets prices are available, as well as promotional nights like Bargain Wednesday. Looking for a place with some unique atmosphere, maybe of a tropical island getaway? You don’t have to travel far – located on Shady Avenue is Hidden Harbor, a small bar with a Polynesian flair. This isn’t your average tiki hut lounge. Hidden Harbor offers a variety of house cocktails and tropical bites with a modern twist. Some specialties include the Kokomo, the Rum Cannonball, and the Jaguar Shark, made to serve two. Be sure to check out the drink specials like Half-off Happy Hour and Weird Science Wednesdays. Thursdays have guest DJ MB playing a mix of funk and party beats to jump-start your weekend.

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summer 2017 | 23

neighborhood notes

Chinese School Celebrating 40 Years The Pittsburgh Chinese School, the city’s largest Chinese school, marked its 40th anniversary with a celebration on May 21. The event took place at Taylor Allderdice High School, where the school has operated for the last 12 years. The Pittsburgh Chinese School is a community effort, with many students and parents from the local Chinese community volunteering to be teachers or to help run the school. The school teaches Chinese language and culture to Chinese heritage students as well as other English speakers.

The school year is split into two semesters, January to May and September to January, and tuition is about $200 per semester. Classes are held on Sunday afternoons and include two hours of language instruction and an hour cultural lesson. For more information, visit pittsburgh-chinese-school.org.

New Book on Squirrel Hill History Squirrel Hill: A Neighborhood History is a new book by SHHS members Helen Wilson, Michael Ehrmann, Wayne Bossinger, Betty Connelly and Dr. Barbara Burstin, published by The History Press. It tells the story of a community that began in the frontier wilderness of western Pennsylvania 250 years ago and developed into a vibrant city neighborhood. Within its pages are tales of early settler John Turner and his renegade half-brother, distinguished jurists Walter Forward and William Wilkins and wealthy landowners Henry Clay Frick and Mary Schenley.

Readers will also learn about Hyman Little, Herman Kamin and countless other Jews who moved to Squirrel Hill and made it Pittsburgh’s premier Jewish community, with a tight-knit cluster of synagogues, temples and thriving businesses. The book is scheduled to be released in mid-June and will be available from the Squirrel Hill Historical Society, local bookstores and online.

Like us on Facebook to keep up with the latest news from the neighborhood! facebook.com/squirrelhillmagazine

24 | shuc.org

Thank you! We are grateful to our most recent donors below. It is the generous support of our members that makes it possible for all of us here at the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition to continue our work of serving you and making our neighborhood an even more vibrant place to live, work and play. Membership and donor contributions make up over half of our annual operating budget. $1,000+ Steward

$100-$199 Friend

$25-49 Individual

The Grable Foundation Brandywine Agency Inc. Eyetique

Marcia and Louis Swartz Cecilia Sommers Linda and Timothy Burke Rosanne and Clifford Levine Charles Stewart Karen and Richard Brean Louisa and James Rudolph Myrna and Lee Silverman

Gloria Janavitz Judi R. Pearlman Johanna Roszner Michele Rice Roger Rafson Phyliss Caplan Ari Letwin Hannah and Andrew Sahud

$500-$999 Advocate Anne and James Burnham Harriet and Ray Baum Helen and Richard Feder Vivian and Rocco Didomenico Barbara and Dave Grover Cindy Morelock

$200-$499 Neighbor Eleanor and Marshall Hershberg University Of Pittsburgh Rita Botts Patricia and Thomas Canfield

$50-$99 Family Ignacio Grossmann Chris and Duane Seppi Blair Jacobson Steven Sarfin David Harenstein Shirley and Stephen Tannenbaum Mary Denison and Christopher Mark

Rescued Pets Looking for Forever Homes ASAP at East End Petland

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By Britt Reints

Animal lovers looking for a pet of their own are consistently given one piece of advice: adopt, don’t shop. For most people, that means skipping the pet store and heading straight to local animal shelters or scouring online rescue sites. But for Pittsburgh pet seekers, there’s an additional option: head right back to the community pet store! Since 2010, Petland Pittsburgh Village of East Side has helped over 1500 rescued animals find forever homes through ASAP, their Animal Shelter Adoption Program. The mission of the program—and the entire store—is to “match the right person with the era m a C y right pet, and meet the needs y Cit raph b Photog of both,” says co-owner Marci Caplan. To that end, a highly trained staff with an average of 9 years experience in the industry is on hand to provide insight to prospective owners and first-rate care to waiting pets. After adopting a pet through ASAP, new owners receive a 20% discount on all of the supplies they’ll need to get their home animal ready, as well as a complimentary visit to Point Breeze Veterinary Clinic.

26 | shuc.org

The adorable dogs and cats that can be seen frolicking in store windows come from several rescue organizations in the area, including Raleigh County Humane Society and Operation Underdog. Co-owner Eric Caplan personally makes the drive to pick up rescued animals from shelters in West Virginia a few times a month. Once the animals come to Petland, they are seen by a vet, microchipped, vaccinated, and spayed or neutered if old enough. If you’re looking to adopt, you can stop into the store at 6401 Penn Ave. or check out the adoptable animals at petlandvillageofeastside.com. On the day of adoption, you’ll need a valid ID and proof of home ownership or permission to have pets from your current landlord. It’s also a good idea to bring any current pets and all family members to meet any potential new addition. Fair warning: a trip “just to look” may lead to a connection you can’t ignore and an inevitable adoption, as this writer learned while researching this article! Ma x R


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what’s new

from our advertisers

New Italian Immersion Preschool Opens on Shady Ave

By Gabriel Naccarato

L’Asilo, a new multi-lingual early learning center at 401 Shady Ave, isn’t your average preschool. Instead, it is one part of a larger community center, La Scuola d’Italia Galileo Galilei, focused on Italian culture and history. Along with full time daycare and preschool, the non-profit community center also provides dedicated Italian language classes for children and adults, as well as family learning classes where parents and children attend together. Angela Hertz, one of the three co-founders of La Scuola d’Italia Galileo Galilei, raised her own son in a bi-lingual household and says, “Immersion is key.” Hertz explains the language method employed at the preschool: “When a teacher speaks to a child in Italian, they only speak to them in Italian. When another staff member speaks to them in English, they only speak English to the child. By fully immersing children in both languages, they learn how to become fluent in both languages.” Hertz utilizes the strengths of each member of her team. “If we have a teacher who can dance, we’ll incorporate dance into the learning process,” says Hertz. “Every person can provide their own unique perspective; and here, we allow both the staff and the students to be themselves.”

When asked what motivated her most to start the community center, Hertz says, “I’ve heard countless stories of people who are second or third generation Italian who never learned the language. When Italian people came to America, they never passed down their language and culture to their children. We have Little Italy Days and a strong Italian community, but ask them to speak Italian, and they can’t.” Hertz’ passion and drive is what keeps her community center growing. “If I didn’t have the optimism and others backing me up, then we wouldn’t be here,” says Hertz. “We want to build as far reaching of a community as we can.” For more information on immersion and community programs at L’Asilo visit asilogalileo.org.

Let Us Tell Your Story! When you advertise in Squirrel Hill Magazine, the story behind your business can reach over 15,000 people living and working in Pittsburgh’s East End. Contact Shannon at marketing@shuc.org for rates.

summer 2017 | 27

Senior Summers By Kimberly McElhatten


quirrel Hill seniors looking to stay cool and active this summer have plenty of local options. From classes, to games, to lectures or lunches, we are fortunate to live in a thriving senior community.

Featured Activities at AgeWell at the JCC

AgeWell at the Jewish Community Center at 5738 Forbes Ave. is an accredited senior center and offers a range of activities, including chess classes, T’ai Chi lessons and Yiddish conversation groups. The JCC building also serves as a cooling center when an extreme heat and humidity health alert is issued by the Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging. As a designated cooling center, the JCC opens its doors to seniors Monday through Thursday, 5:30am-10pm, and Friday, 5:30am-6pm. No registration fee or membership is required to access the cooling center. Kosher Lunch at the J Cafe is served Monday through Friday from 11am-1pm. Pick up a menu at the programming office in room 201 or online at jccpgh. org. Special pricing is available for Allegheny County seniors and are registered with AgeWell. Reservations are preferred 24 hours in advance. Call 412-567-1715. Mind-Full Monday Lectures, featuring guest speakers, meets on Mondays at 1:15pm in Levinson B. Wednesday Afternoon at the Cinema is held on Wednesdays at 1:15pm in Room 202. Watch newly released or classic movies. No registration fee. 28 | shuc.org

PALS Book Club meets the last Thursday of the month at 1:15pm in Room 204. Books are supplied at the beginning of the month. No registration fee. To learn more about AgeWell at the JCC, call 412-422-0400 or visit them online at jccpgh.org.

Featured Activities at the Vintage Center for Active Adults

The Vintage Center for Active Adults, located at 421 Highland Ave., has a full calendar of fitness and personal interest classes, with many classes free to members, Silver Sneakers and UPMC. Silver and Fit participants. An annual membership at Vintage is $25 per individual or $45 for a couple. The Fitness Studio is open Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. The studio is equipped with three treadmills, two recumbent bikes, an elliptical machine, a three-station multi-gym and a six-pack trainer. No fee for members, Silver Sneakers, or Silver and Fit. Preregister in the Information & Referral Office or at 412-361-5003. Bingo is held every Monday and Friday at 12:30pm in the East Liberty Dining Room. The playing fee is $1, plus 10 cents/card (three games per card). Specials and super specials for 25 cents and 50 cents. The Water Color Painting class series meets Thursdays, 12:45-2:45pm in the East Liberty Dining Room. Each series is five-weeks. $10 fee for members and $15 for non-members.

squirrel hill feature For a complete schedule of classes and field trips at the Vintage Center for Active Adults, visit vintageseniorservices.org.

Activities Across Pittsburgh

Lively Adventure, co-sponsored by Lively Pittsburgh and Venture Outdoors, will be held July 8 and meet at North Park at 9am. The day’s events are guided and include a morning kayak paddle, lunch, and a brief hike. Register at ventureoutdoors.org or by phone at 412-255-0564. The Walkability Project needs your help to improve the walking conditions of Pittsburgh’s streets. While you explore the streets of Squirrel Hill, use the pathVu app to take pictures of and identify street hazards. The app is free and is compatible with iPhone or Android. No registration fee. Schedule your walking time with Jason at 412-445-0009.

Discover St. Edmund’S AcAdEmy PreSchool through 8th grade coeducational indePendent School 5705 darlington road, Pittsburgh, Pa 15217 | 412.521.1907 | www.stedmunds.net

By Shayna Ross


f you haven’t been to the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for the annual Summer Reading event, make this the year to visit. All of us at the Carnegie Library are excited to get involved with literacy and learning in the community. To get started, check out our annual kick-off event, the Summer Reading Extravaganza, taking place at 4400 Forbes Ave., the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in Oakland, on Sunday, June 11 noon-5pm. It is a free, family-friendly event to celebrate libraries and reading. Our theme for this year is “Build a Better World” for all ages. There will be programming for children, teens, and adults throughout the summer. At CLP-Squirrel Hill we will have: ☼☼ Family Fun Storytime for children up to five years old and their caregivers. Mondays at 4:15pm and Saturdays at 11am ☼☼ Toddler and Preschool Tales for children 18 months to five years old and their caregivers. Tuesdays at 10:30am and 11:30am ☼☼ Baby & Me Storytime for children up to 18 months and their caregivers, Thursdays at 10:30am and 11:30am ☼☼ School-age programs for students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. Wednesdays at 4:15pm. Will have thematic, hands-on learning experiences. ☼☼ Teen Time for students for grades six through twelve on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3-5pm. Will have art projects, games, movies, music and more. ☼☼ Language learning classes for Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish for adults. ☼☼ Book discussion meetings for adults. You can sign up for Summer Reading at the Extravaganza or at any of your local CLP branches starting on June 12 and all the way until August 31. All ages are encouraged to read or listen to the books that excite them and return back to the library for prizes. At sign-up, you will have an online account that will enable you to track your books, receive alerts for prizes, and discover new reads with book lists. Once you are registered, you will be a participant in our city-wide goal of reading 180,000 books by the end of summer! To learn more or get a head start on reading, visit carnegielibrary.org/summer. 30 | shuc.org

Photo by Josue Goge

Summer Reading at the Library

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good news from our schools

Minadeo Students Celebrate Their Neighborhoods

Big Changes Coming as Colfax Continues to Grow

By Jody Handley

Minadeo Elementary’s school year closed with its annual Family Fun Night, a celebration of Minadeo’s community and students. With games, lion dancers, hip-hop dancers and a silent auction, the carnival traditionally raises over $800 for the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), which pays for the Back-toSchool Picnic on September 14. Other funds from Family Fun Night go to support the upper playground, which is maintained solely by the PTO. In a recent community meeting, the PTO celebrated Minadeo’s many neighborhoods (Hazelwood, Homewood, Squirrel Hill and Regent Square), providing food from restaurants in several neighborhoods. Students drew pictures of what made their neighborhoods special. The picture below was done by a Minadeo second grader.

By Carolyn Ludwig

As the 2016-2017 school year comes to a close, students and staff at Colfax bid farewell to retiring music teacher Victoria Moule. Her indelible spirit will be missed. Colfax finished the year with many stellar performances. Madagascar Jr. was the middle-level musical this year, performed May 13 and 14. The boys’ wrestling team advanced to the City Championship, and the girls’ and boys’ soccer teams had a fantastic season. At the Carnegie Library’s Battle of the Books, Colfax brought home a 1st place trophy for the 6th grade and 7th-8th grade teams. Colfax also participated in the PA Junior Academy of Science Regional Competition and the Math Kangaroo International Competition again this year. Students should be commended for their efforts during the Pennies for Patients Drive. They raised $3,768.48 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Colfax will be undergoing some facility changes over the next two years to accommodate the continuing growth of the school. This summer brings a conversion of the current music, art and library spaces, as well as the former gym. The building of three new classrooms will also begin in the basement.

32 | shuc.org

Allderdice Unified Track and Field Team Takes City Championship By Melissa Friez

Since 2015, Unified Track and Field at Allderdice High School has been promoting social inclusion through shared sports training and competition experiences. Unified Sports brings in students both with and without intellectual disabilities to be on the same team. This year, Unified Sports celebrated their first Unified Track and Field City Championship. In addition to this, they participated in their first State Championship at Shippensburg University on May 26th.

Principal Change at Allderdice By Britt Reints

Melissa Friez, a former Taylor Allderdice High School graduate and teacher, took the helm as principal of the school in 2009. Since 2014, she has also been an assistant superintendent, overseeing several principals in the Pittsburgh Public School District. As of this summer, Friez will serve as assistant superintendent full-time, and a new principal will replace her as the lead administrator at Allderdice. The change was announced to parents in March and discussed at an April PTO meeting. Candidates are currently being interviewed, and the district expects to have a new principal in place in July.

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Time Machine to Squirrel Hill’s Lively Pastimes By Helen Wilson


n the late 1960s, before desktop computers came along, I read a science fiction story about a man who invented a time machine. Not one that took you physically back in time—instead, it sat on your desk and allowed you to view scenes from the past. With the advent of the Internet, fiction became reality, but it wasn’t until newspaper archives were put online that people could explore the microcosm of their local area down to their very own home, as I discovered when I read about a government moonshine raid in my house in 1938. Back in the Roaring Twenties, the newspapers touted Squirrel Hill as a place to see and be seen. The Morrowfield Apartment Hotel was a focal point for entertainment after it was built in the early 1920s. In an article about the hotel, Joanne B. Moore writes, “The Morrowfield captured the spirit of the ‘Roaring Twenties,' the era known for its zest for life, flapper styles, cotillions, card parties, and bathtub gin. The building was alive with activities at all times.” It helped that the hotel’s builder, Thomas Watkins, had the vision to provide a five-story indoor parking garage as an amenity, a novel concept at the time. Pittsburgh newspapers constantly reported the goings-on at the Morrowfield. On October 18, 1926, Pittsburgh Daily Post announced that a vaudeville performance would be broadcast from the hotel by Westinghouse radio. On April 15 and several other dates in 1926, Art Giles and his Everglade Orchestra performed there in the Terrace Grotto. The same newspaper reported that on January 13, 1927, dance numbers played by the Peacock Alley Orchestra would be broadcast from the hotel. Dancing and bowling were big. Moore’s article stated that a dance hall and bowling alley were located in a

building within easy walking distance of the Morrowfield, and several other bowling alleys were up the street. One place that people might still remember is Funland, at 1916 Murray Avenue, where Murray Avenue Kosher is now and Heads Together once catered to a very different clientele in the basement. The Y-JCC newsletter reported that a bowling party would take place at Funland on Sunday, March 7, 1965, and meet at Weinstein’s Cypress Room for a late snack afterwards. Finding nuggets of Squirrel Hill’s past in old Pittsburgh newspapers isn’t easy, however, because they necessarily reported on things happening all over the city. Soon a much better tool for discovering neighborhood history will be available. Some years ago, the Squirrel Hill Historical Society received a six-foot stack of bound volumes of Squirrel Hill News from 1935-1970. Occasionally, a researcher took a musty, yellowed volume home to leaf through, but otherwise they sat ignored in storage. In 2016, the SHHS board decided to work with the Carnegie Library in Oakland’s Pennsylvania Department to have the newspapers digitized. The goal was to make them available to everyone. The first efforts last year resulted in every single page of the newspapers being put onto DVDs—more than 35 gigabytes’ worth—and then put on microfiche. You can go to the Pennsylvania Department to browse them. The actual newspapers are now in storage at the Heinz History Center library. summer 2017 | 35

squirrel hill history The problem is that the newspapers, jpegs, and microfiche are not searchable, so the next step is to put the newspapers online in a searchable format. The SHHS is working with the University of Pittsburgh’s Historic Pittsburgh project to accomplish this major step forward by hiring students to undertake the laborious task, hopefully this summer. The SHHS is looking for $2,500 in funding to pay for having it done. All donations are welcome and are tax deductible. The SHHS’s address is PO Box 8157, Pittsburgh, PA 15217.

located on the slopes beyond the blue slide playground. Gala events took place in the large clubhouse, near an anti-aircraft battery.

The newspapers reveal a lively social whirl in Squirrel Hill. People didn’t have to go outside the neighborhood to find things to do. The papers reported on everything from uplifting lectures at places of worship to dance-the-night-away band gigs in local clubs. Ads for movies at the Manor and other Squirrel Hill theaters appeared in every paper. Clothing store ads featured the latest in high fashion.

Anyone interested in learning more about Squirrel Hill history is invited to attend the meetings of the Squirrel Hill Historical Society, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm at the Church of the Redeemer, 5700 Forbes Ave. Go to squirrelhillhistory. org to view upcoming lectures and events. Events are also posted in the calendar in this magazine. Please consider joining the SHHS. Membership is only $15 per year ($25 for families). There is no charge for attending the meetings.

When Squirrel Hill News goes online, people will be able to log onto their computers and read about David Copperfield appearing at the Manor Theatre the week of March 7, 1935, and, for the week of October 31, 1936, the added attraction of “The Dionne Quintuplets Showing Their Daily Routine.” The March 21 issue of the same year announced that plans had been completed for the annual production of the Beth Shalom Sisterhood dancing classes, “Springtime Revue.” The show would take place in the auditorium of Taylor Allderdice High School under the direction of Gene Kelly. And on September 1, 1938, “Wrong Way” Corrigan rode in a triumphal parade through the streets of Squirrel Hill. The Squirrel Hill Board of Trade requested stores and homes fly flags in honor of the occasion. Then there was the riding school for children announced on July 3, 1936, “situated directly off Beechwood Boulevard, adjoining the land belonging to the Pittsburgh Country Club.” This club was not The Pittsburgh Golf Club, which still exists adjacent to Schenley Park. The Pittsburgh Country Club had a nine-hole golf course in what is now Frick Park, 36 | shuc.org

Returning to the man and his desktop time machine, the problem, he discovered, was that people began to spend hours at the machines, reliving their own pasts. To some extent the story is prophetic. I myself spend way too much time browsing the Squirrel Hill News DVDs. Just wait until they go online.

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events & happenings Squirrel Hill Night Markets June 17, Aug. 26, Sept. 23, 6-10pm

Enjoy food trucks, vendors, firebreathers, crafters and more at this pop-up street festival on Murray Avenue.

Squirrel Hill Historical Society The Church of the Redeemer 5700 Forbes Avenue Events are FREE and at 7:30pm

June 13: “History of Giant Eagle” Speaker: Josh Shapira, Member of One of the Giant Eagle Founding Families, Manager, City of Pittsburgh Stores July 11: “Her Deeds Sing Her Praises: Profiles of Pittsburgh Jewish Women” Speakers: Eileen Lane, Eric Lidji, Lois Michaels

Carnegie Library, Squirrel Hill Branch Genre Book Club June 21, 6:30–7:30pm Underground Airlines by Ben Winter

Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Forbes Avenue of Speed Parade & Car Show July 14, 6:35-9pm Checkout the race cars parked along Forbes Avenue.

Vintage Grand Prix Races & Car Show July 15 & 16, 8:30am-5pm Schenley Park Come see classic, antique and exotic British, American, German, Asian and Italian cars, and watch vintage cars race along Schenley Park roads.

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