The Land of Flowing Water

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Return of the Owl Land of Seven Springs

Adventures of the


Cabin-Log Kids Book II

Return of the Owl The Cabin Log kid’s cabin was near the edge of Walnut Forest. The family had just arrived for the summer. They finished unloading their car. Matthew looked around. He saw fireflies buzzing about and lots of stars in the night sky. In fact there were so many stars that it seemed the dark had been pierced by a thousand arrows and light was leaking through from beyond the sky. Last year on summer vacation Matthew looked out of his window on the second floor and saw an owl. Owls are only seen at night but this owl was wide-awake in the middle of the morning. Owls are usually hard to find because they fly so quietly. Matthew knew that if you wanted to see an owl you had to go out at night, listen for tree


branches shaking and keeps your ears open for the owl’s call. The owl Matthew saw last summer was even stranger than that – Matthew ran up the stairs of the cabin made of Pine and Cyprus tree logs. He wanted to get the same room he had last year before his brother Joe did. Joe didn’t mind. He was one year older and his concerns were bigger than just the room he would sleep in. Matt ran to look out the window. In the distance Matthew saw Whinny the white horse running around the coral. Further out he noticed the trees of Walnut Forest. He could barely make out the arch of the vine and branches discovered last year – with the help of that unusual owl. This owl slept at night and was awake at the forest entrance during the day.


It had the most unusual habit of wearing a hat. Matt heard the owl speak – more than once. The owl explained “You only hear me I am not speaking – owls don’t speak silly.” It was then that Matthew discovered the arch of vine and branches - a passageway to a place in the forest where he could understand animals and insects. It was by entering through this passage, along with his brothers, sisters and cousins- Joe, Anna, Jaclyn, Benjamin, Nicole and Renée, that he met the Shepherd. They had been looking for the shepherd because Joe lost something and they were told that only the Shepherd could help them find it. Matthew couldn’t wait until morning. He wanted to spend a whole day in the forest of the vine and branches. He took the sheets out of his closet to make his bed. Then he made sure his lamp worked on his nightstand. He unpacked his books and bible. He put his clothes in the dresser


near the door. The floor creaked a bit as Matthew set up his room. His sister Renée peaked in through the door: “I am right next to you,” she informed him. “Please don’t sleep-walk, because your floor creaks.” Then she ran downstairs for supper. Matthew could smell the fried chicken and home-fries as his mom opened up the boxes and put it on paper plates. He took another look out of the window, shut off his light and ran down the stairs. That evening the kids played card games and charades. Matthew knew some card tricks. Benjamin picked out the Ace of Spades when Matthew asked him to “pick a card, any card.” Matthew then successfully told Ben “You picked the Ace of Spades.” Jaclyn picked out the Queen of Spades. Once again Matthew guessed. Eventually someone caught onto the trick. “Matthew, I


know your trick,” said Anna. “The Ace of Spades and the Queen of Spades are marked on the back and bent at the corner!” Matthew just smiled and put away the deck. For charades someone suggested acting out “something from nature.” Anna was the best. She spread her arms out and twirled in circles accidentally knocking over Joe’s chess game – the one that he was winning – almost fell onto the couch and did fall on top of her mom who was trying to read a really good book. During this time she recited a poem: “I live on land but a moment, my power heed…all flee and let my life be spent!” “Tornado” yelled Benjamin who had been a hurricane. For the hurricane Ben had grabbed a handful of socks, puckered his lips and blew very hard while tossing the socks directly in front of him. Renee had guessed what he was. Dad suggested that they were remembering the awful hurricanes and tornadoes that had


hit the coast of Florida two years ago. Hurricane Ivan had actually damaged the home of their grandparents who now lived in a “hobbit-like” house on the Peninsula. The kids looked forward to their time at Grandma Angel and Grandpa Joe’s hideaway-home even though they really missed their grandparent’s house on the beach. Granddad made up for that by getting a camper so they could stay on the beach overnight sometimes. For the last act of the game Renee acted like a horse galloping around the room while Matthew attempted to jump from the counter like a monkey – only he couldn’t get down. Someone had let the dog in. The dog really believed Matthew was a monkey. This is explained by the fact that Matthew refused to stop chattering and throwing his arms


about. Dad had to tell him again to “get off the counter.” The dog, whose name was Cabin or Cab for short (since he was born in the back yard of the cabin), chased Matthew who had finally jumped off the counter. Renée held the door for both of them to run outside. “Go Cab, go” Joe shouted from behind. Later that evening the house was quite. Only a distance hoot of an owl and neighing of a horse could be heard mixed with crickets. Matthew fell asleep during the family rosary and had to be walked upstairs He was already dreaming of a walk through the forest.


Scooters - Batteries Included After breakfast the next morning Matthew asked who wanted to go with him to the forest entrance. Everyone did. Anna called Jaclyn and Nicole to ask if they wanted to meet them at Grandma Angel’s. They said “yes, of course.” Uncle Greg had bought two electric scooters from the local grocery store a few months ago. Matt, Joe and Anna unplugged these for the trip. The scooters were bright red with a horn and lights. They could go up to twenty miles per hour. Everyone else took bikes and followed the trail to Grandma Angel and Grandpa Joe’s house. They could peddle their bikes twenty miles per hour too. Once they had peddled their bikes on the barrier island of Santa Rosa for eighteen miles along the beach. It took two hours to follow the beach road. This of course included stopping to


drink, walking the bikes over soft sandy areas, swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, plus time to sit down for a rest. Grandma and grandpa’s house was only ten miles away. They all arrived before a halfhour was up. Jaclyn and Nicole were there on the porch waiting while drinking JuicyJuice. Grandma packed some food and water for their adventure and reminded Joe and Matt that they were the oldest and would they watch out for everyone. She asked Anna if her phone was on while turning her own cell phone on. “Did you ever find that Shepherd last summer?” asked Granddad. “Yes,” spoke Renee – “and he had a real lamb with him plus he helped us find Joe’s sword.” “That wasn’t a sword, Renée that was a machete to cut down weeds.”


“Well it was dangerous like a sword – the groundhog said so.” Everyone froze when Renée said “The groundhog said so” because no one had told anyone that they heard insects and animals talk. “Ok, good then,” granddad broke the silence. “I want you to be just as careful. Don’t go looking for animals either,” he warned. They aren’t all safe you know and they are also protecting their little ones – so be careful.” “Renée, you said the groundhog spoke,” chuckled Jaclyn. “Well you heard it too!” Renée had her hands on her hips as she said this. “Yeah, but we haven’t told anyone yet, have we. They might think we are making it up.” “Maybe we are then,” said Renee – “After all that was last summer and we are all


bigger now…maybe we were just making it up.” “I will remember that one!” whistled Matthew, “when I meet the owl again.” “Everything will be as it should be then,” sang Renee, running ahead to get on her bike. “Do we need to get a branch from the vine?” asked Nicole. “I think we can get a fresh one,” Joe responded. “My branch is really dried up now. We need something that has been attached to vine recently.” Bikes and scooters were parked on the side of the cabin as they returned. Joe went in to get binoculars. Matthew thought of getting something but couldn’t remember what he wanted. Benjamin knew that he wanted a flashlight this time. He went inside to ask dad if he could borrow a small one. Anna had her cell phone out and was talking to


Grandma Angel to tell that they were back at the cabin. “What about tents?” asked Matt. “Maybe another night” – said Joe. “Let’s check out the forest first.” Dad and mom came out to greet everyone and reminded them to be home by supper. “Call when you get a chance,” mom told Anna “Do you have water? We want to make sure you are safe. What about some food for lunch?” Then a line formed with Joe and Matthew leading everyone to the arch of the vine and branches. Benjamin flicked his flashlight off and on to make sure it worked. Joe looked through the binoculars adjusting them for the distance that he wanted. Suddenly they were there – past the horse in the corral, stepping over small bumps from tree roots sticking out of the dirt road. They paused at the tree where the owl had been. The arch


was filled with tiny flowers that had sprouted around the vines. “Shish” Matt had his finger over his lips. No one heard anything. “No owl?” “Going back, going through,” a small voice whispered back. “Stop that Renée!” said Matt. “I really thought you were the owl.” “Well it could hhaave been the oowl,” sang a voice in the tree. “Only I can’t speeak woorth a hooot. Ohoo, and I do I do have a name besides ‘the owl’ y-hou know.” Everyone looked up in the tree near the vine and branches trying to find ‘the owl’. Joe used his binoculars and Ben shown his flashlight in the tree branches. “I feel like a celebrity, in a tree!” with a swoop ‘the owl’ landed onto the vine. “Hello!” they said at once. “What is your


‘real’ name? Asked Matt – “You wouldn’t tell me last summer.” “Well we just got to knooow each who-ther didn’t whe?” rasped owl. “My real name is…” but just then a cat appeared out of no where and the owl took off – “Whooo am I – I will be baach shoon,” it shouted. “Go away cat” swiped Jaclyn who was really disappointed to not know ‘the owl’s’ name. “Go back home cat – you can’t follow us now.” The cat looked at her, licked its paw and sat down. “Maybe we will run into ‘the owl’ later – let’s go now so we can get back in time for supper,” Nicole reasoned. “Let’s name the owl!” clapped Renee. “Oliver, Overture, Ollie…” “I don’t think so…” answered Anna while rolling her eyes. They all started going though the arch of the vine and breaking off


branches to carry on them inside of the forest.

A Same and Different Path “It does look different,” agreed Benjamin when Joe suggested that it wasn’t the same forest. Matthew offered solutions: “Was the water on the left of the path this side, or is the clearing closer this time? Did it take longer to reach this clearing last summer? I think the sunflowers were growing near where we set up our tents.” “We went in the same way though… but it has been a year. None of us took photos to


prove it anyway,” said Joe. “Let’s enjoy the adventure.” “Maybe it is another path,” Anna suggested. “Maybe – but we can explore new paths too!” “Maybe,” and this was the most illogical answer of all – but everyone liked it – “Maybe,” said Jaclyn, “it is the same way but a different way to see it.” “Cool.” Benjamin agreed. The forest was shady now. A slight fog was coming off of leaves as the sun’s light dried up their dew. Between the trees sunlight made stripes on the path. Nicole jumped over them one at a time. Breezes blew acorns to the ground. Tiny chipmunks and larger squirrels scampered over the path gathering them up. Pine needles swirled before they fell to the ground creating a large game of pick-up-sticks. Sticky ground-vines grabbed their socks. In turn everyone had to stop to


pull them off. “Look at the tiny flowers hidden on their stems,” noted Renee the third time she pulled them off. Jaclyn said that was probably why the vines were grabbing them – to look at their flowers. There was a lot of chattering and chirping around them but nothing that sounded like speech. They kept walking, swatting away flies – that may have been trying to say something but didn’t get a chance - and mosquitoes who were trying to land on their arms for a snack. Nicole took out her herbal bug spray so that she wouldn’t smell good to biting bugs. Everyone else wanted to borrow it. Soon the whole troop smelled like walking citronella plants. Any bug attempting to speak with them would now be very frustrated. Except one little lithe lizard following them down the path. Benjamin noticed since he used his flashlight to brighten up areas of the pathway.


The agile lizard noticed the flashlight. “You have your own private sun then.” It spoke… or rather Benjamin heard it. “Yikes, talking lizard,” jumped Ben. Ben leaned over to get closer to the lizard who was staring at him quite determined to say something. “Yikes, to you, young sir. You understand me don’t you?” “Yes,” Ben agreed. “Well then my first request is that you turn off your private sun – I’m frying in the heat! It isn’t as if I can’t see or nothing – and there is a better sun that I like – the big one that you can reach if you climb a tree – but it’s gentler than yours I can say – after all it don’t follow you into cracks and such so that you don’t get a moment


rest – and I got to keep up with you like I’ve been asked….” “Whoa, slow down,” Ben invited. “I am turning off the flash – I mean sun - right now. Is that better?” “Heck of a lot better in a bit – I’m still cooling off and with no water on any leaves now in mid-morning it will take me a while so I will go under this trunk for a minute….be back though – don’t go off now…” the lizard scampered under a log. “Hey, guys!” yelled Benjamin, for now everyone was way ahead of him – even when they had called him and said “C’mon Ben!” he hadn’t heard. “Guys! A leaping lizard! I mean a talking lizard – I mean I can hear this lizard! Come back! It is following us for a reason.” “Right you are,” Lizard poked out from the log. “Lissome lizard at your service. I can wait till they all come. Reason, season. I have been following you for what seems a season, been talking all that time too, but you didn’t hear – and I had to stand back


always, what with your sun and all – and me being too hot – and you all smell funny - but it is a nice day now isn’t it and we can all have a meeting on how I can show you what it is I was sent to show you and tell you by the way – now that you can understand me – ‘cause I don’t talk like you but you are good listeners - so I’m told….” Lizard would have kept going on if Benjamin hadn’t started to ignore him and talk to Joe who had just arrived. “So where is the lizard, did it run off?”

“Run off, I’ll have you know when I am given a job I don’t just run off – sometimes I


lose my tail and all if something is after me you know – like a cat – but I grow another tail – and I have tails lots of tails so that they tell me I am a regular storybook! Do you get it? I have tails as in tales – so I can tell stories….” At this point Anna, Renee, Matt, Nicole and Jaclyn were all looking down at the lizard. It paused to look up. Benjamin explained that the lizard was following them on purpose and had some story, tale or message for them. Ben also reminded everyone that the lizard couldn’t actually speak – but if they listened they might hear the message. Now Lissome lizard started joking around and stood on his tail while pointing his clawed “hands” in the distance. Then he ran up and down a tree. Stopped, stared up at them and laughed so hard that he rolled over on his belly and back twice. “What are doing?” asked Benjamin. “Pantomime” – said Lissome. “Oh, I do that too!” shrieked Renee – and then remembered where they were and what she was talking to.


“Ok, ok – I like to entertain – that is why I was sent – I catch bugs too but you don’t seem to attract bugs – must be the smell - so I am not going to eat today am I! The reason I am following you is because I can’t seem to get ahead of you to lead you – ha ha!” Lissome started rolling on the ground again at the joke. “But if you let me lead we can get there before lunch – and lunch is a good time to arrive I hear – so this is what you have to do.” Lissome held a meeting then and there with the kids.


Lizard Surfing “Find a waterfall?” someone finally asked. Lizard shook its head up and down as if to say “yes.” “Tell us the clues again?” “A large hill like a mountain, rock that turns into a pool and springs of water that comes down into a cascade. Look for water that changes color. You will see one color at a time. Remember these seven words. They will help you to see the colors: 1. stopping 2. awareness 3. calm 4. peace 5. stillness 6. wisdom 7. trust “Each word will reveal a color. The opposite of these words is greed, anxiety, laziness, pride, envy, anger, fear. Not in that order.”


“So the seven words don’t match their opposites?” “Not in the order I gave them. You have to figure that out. I will take you to the crossroad where you will find the way.” Lissome moved up to the front of everyone and scampered away as they ran to catch up. Benjamin assumed that Lissome was talking the whole time. He couldn’t really tell since the lizard was running so far ahead of them. “Here it is! Nice chatting. Go to the left, don’t walk off the path, and don’t forget the colors and the words! Enjoy your day. Ta ta…..” off Lissome went. Tired of running everyone either sat down on the path or leaned against a tree. “Here is some water,” Anna said as she passed around the water bottles in her knapsack. “I think I hear running water. Listen.” said Nicole. They all stopped to listen.


It was running water! They started walking toward the waterfall. Nicole had memorized the seven words to see the colors. RenÊe and Ben kept reciting the opposite words in case they needed to remember those too. This path had fruit trees lining it along with palm trees. Some of the trees had flowers with tiny new fruit beginning to grow. There were blueberry bushes and fig trees as well. Nicole recognized the blueberry bushes since they looked like the ones from grandma and granddad’s house. Anna recognized the fig tree. There were apple trees, a banana tree, almond trees and a pecan tree. They had never seen so many fruit trees in one place. They also noticed that there was a stream running along side of the trees and as they approached the stream became louder and much bigger. The bigger the stream became that many more trees and bushes grew near its banks.


Anna thought she saw Lissome riding a on leaf down the stream. “Lizard surfing!” she pointed as she yelled. “I hear a waterfall,” Nicole turned to tell the others, “but I don’t see a waterfall. Do you suppose it is hidden behind that large rock?” “What was the first word,” Joe asked. “Stopping,” Nicole reminded him. “Then let’s stop.” They did. Jaclyn, Anna and Renée sat down on rocks. Benjamin stood looking rather funny with one foot sticking out and the other one behind him – as if here were frozen while walking in place. Slowly an emerald mist came up from the pool a


distance away. Quietly they approached and stood looking into the pool. The emerald spray seemed to flow down from the hill top and up from the pool at the same time. “I think we are now aware of the waterfall! That is the second word,” noted Anna. Nicole recited the next words: “Calm and stillness or calm and peace. Now we have to just be calm and wait.” “How long?” asked Matt. “Don’t be anxious.” Ben and Renée blurted out – “that is an opposite word!”


Matt sat down and put his face in his hands – waiting. The emerald mist was mesmerizing. Matt began to feel sleepy. “I think that the second word was peace. How is that different than stillness?” asked Anna. “Peace is in your heart and is toward others. Stillness is quieting anxiety,” Joe offered. “Maybe we can have peace and stillness and the other words now!” Matt was still impatient. “That would be greedy and anxious,” spoke Renée, “Both opposite words.” Now Matt was upset “Why does Nicole get to remember the words! He kicked a rock. “Matt, that is no good,” Renée reminded him. “You are remembering the opposite words – anger and jealousy.” Benjamin agreed “Matt, we need you to join us in this quest for peace and stillness.”


Matt tried to calm down by lying on his back and looking at the passing clouds. He started to feel sleepy again. “Anything yet?” he asked from that position. “Matt!” they all cried at once. “Ok, ok, I will be peaceful.” “Try thinking of something peaceful,” said Joe. “Ohh, emerald first and now blue – a very peaceful blue,” emphasized Jaclyn. “Do you see the sparkling colors too?” asked Anna. “It is starlight reflecting on water – but there are no stars out yet.” “It is a drifting cloudblue” Renée spoke poetically. She really loved colors. “Wisdom is another word. Now we need to become wise.” Nicole was counting by holding her fingers up one at a time: “We remembered stopping - one, peace - two, calm and stillness – three and four. Oh yes, we became aware of the waterfall. That is five. Six is wisdom.” “Wisdom is a big word,” said Ben. “What exactly does it mean?” “Being wise,” offered Jaclyn.


“How are you wise?” asked Anna, scrunching up her face like a question. “I think we were wise when we remembered

the words,” offered Joe. “And the opposite words!” Renée added. “So now we can be wise by following instructions – what is the seventh word?” Ben remembered something. “The seventh word is trust,” Nicole concluded.


“Can we trust that wisdom is a gift we will receive?” Ben thought aloud. Purple water gushed from the top of the hill and a misting yellow fog opened up right in the middle of the cloud blue, emerald, star sparkling, and real-blue water. The misty yellow was shaped like a doorway leading into a lit home. As the waterfall revealed its true reality everyone backed up away from it to see it better. “It is like a castle!” Matt went ahead through the yellow mist. Everyone else waited to see if Matt would come back out. He didn’t. “Was that wise?” asked Ben. “He may have been a bit anxious,” said Renee.


“At least he wasn’t acting out of anger,” Joe offered. That will help him out in case his decision was not smart. I will go in to look for him. You wait here and I will wave from the window – where that diamond like light is shining; that will mean everything is OK. Anna, call mom to let her know where we are.” Anna proceeded to dial the cell phone while looking for Joe’s signal. Just as mom answered the phone Joe popped out of the window and waved. “A – OK! C’mon in!” Jaclyn started reciting a poem1 she knew: “An angel showed me a river of life giving water, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the …” I don’t remember the rest she told Anna, but this place reminds me of the poem.


Revelation 22: 1-7


Renée back up to see the castle. It was like an impressionist painting. If you stood too close you could only see colors. If you backed up you could actually see a pattern that looked like a castle. From this vantage point the castle had purple banners hanging from the ramparts. The windows seemed to be cut so that starlight shown through. The stone walls were the color of cloud and the water surrounding the castle dark blue. “I just want to make sure it is still there!” she


explained to Ben who was staring at her as she walked backward. “Let’s go!” and she grabbed Ben’s hand as they ran toward the double door. As they entered the castle there was a steward pointing out a large chair to Matthew. The steward wore a red coat trimmed in gold and on the chain around his neck it read: Steward. “Steward?” Benjamin wondered. “A steward is like a park ranger but instead of a park they watch over the house and make sure that family and guests have everything they need,” explained Anna. The steward was telling Matthew “this chair was made for a great King to sit on. It was carefully made. We believe a King will sit on it one day.” “You mean this castle doesn’t have a king?” asked Matthew disappointed. “Of course this castle has a king. This castle was made for a great king – and someday a great king will live here.” “You mean that this castle is for sale and a king will buy it?” “Buy this castle! Preposterous, ho, unthinkable – it was already bought with a


great price – more than anyone could have paid – or can pay for that matter. You haven’t heard of the dead and living king, then? The one who came and is to come? The king who does live here?” “This is confusing, sir.” Matthew said “sir” since he was in a castle and thought that was polite. “Come on then,” invited the steward. “There is a meal prepared for you, yes you were expected, and we can continue the story in the great hall.”

Agnus qui vivit semper occisus

The Great Hall


Soon everyone was gathered in the great hall. A fireplace blazed without wood and spit sparks onto what looked like a marble floor where they sputtered out. Joe stared at it wondering why he couldn’t feel the heat of it. Above the fireplace was a plaque that read

“Agnus qui vivit semper occisus.” “The saying is from the Bible - book of Revelation chapter fifty-six. Translated from Latin it says: “Here lives forever the dead and risen lamb,” explained the steward who noticed Joe staring at it, “If you want to look it up.” Matt took out a pencil and wrote that down on a white napkin. Then he remembered what he wanted to bring with him, a pad of paper to take notes on. “This is the land of the Shepherd-King,” he explained. “It is a land destined to become the land of the King of Peace.”


“All of these chairs,” the steward pointed out, “were made for a king, queen, prince or angel to sit on. I am so looking forward to the King’s return,” he smiled. “Come, sit down and be comfortable. We can begin the meal. Are you hungry?” Bowls of walnuts, almonds, figs, olives, pomegranates and sunflower seeds arrived at the table along with a loaf of warm bread. The steward took the warm bread and held it up “Blessed are you Lord God of all creation. You gave us wheat from the fields, many grains to bake one bread.” He set the bread back down and stretched his hands out toward them in invitation. “Please eat. You are hungry, aren’t you?” he asked again. “This food can only be eaten by those who are hungry.


“There are sunflower seeds here too!” exclaimed Renée. “Yes,” Joe answered for everyone, “We really are hungry, thank you.” Then they recounted to the steward the story of how they found the sunflowers after a bee tried to talk to Matthew. They all laughed as they remembered the bird nest on Joe’s head and Joe showed the steward how he stood like St Francis while the bird built the nest. There were so many good things to remember. They told him about Joe loosing the machete – and how they found it but how dangerous it was to the woodchuck family. “We are lucky they didn’t get hurt with it,” said Matt. Then they recounted the meal that awaited them in the forest that was set out for them in the morning. The steward enjoyed all of the stories. Fresh honey was set on the table to spread over the bread. The steward apologized that the grapes were still coming and that the story he would tell about the castle would wait until then.


A few minutes later the grapes arrived and were passed around. “As you know,” the steward began; the King of this castle fought to avoid violence in battle – and it seemed that he lost. His death was the cost paid.” He looked at Matthew who sat up straight to listen to this story. “Only by knowing this King could anyone in the kingdom hope to satisfy a hunger deeper than that for food. This Kingship was so different. No one expected it. When he died it seemed this castle would fall apart. It was said that only he could rebuild the castle if it was destroyed. That is when the rumors of a ‘door to nowhere’ began.” “The door to


nowhere – I didn’t hear about it. What is it?” asked Joseph. “Not everyone who was with him stayed at his side. It was a difficult time. Did he choose the wrong followers? No, he was known for listening and revealing things that are hidden. He knew a deeper mystery2 – that fighting and violence were the opposite of the kingdom he was building. Some followed this vision and then left. Others forgot which side they were on. When things looked really bad the King actually….” at this point the steward couldn’t continue. He cleared his throat. “It is the grapes you know. The grapes and bread. This was the type of meal he shared with us before he laid his crown – right here on the table - to join those left in peril.” There was a moment of silence. “Peril from what?” Ben was thoughtful. “But he is coming back you said,” Nicole broke the silence. “Yes, yes he is – the wait is long but there are times that messengers 2

Matthew 5


tell us here in the castle that they have seen the Shepherd-King - that he is in the Kingdom – and I do talk to him ‘God is within the castle.3’ To be sure we are always watching for him to come. He has a key to the door made of wood from the root of Jesse. This is door that some say ‘leads to no where’. Those are those who don’t believe that he is returning talk this way about the ‘door to nowhere’. “The steward paused and looked at the sign above the fireplace. “I think I have to tell you this story in full soon. Please do remember to ask me when you return and remember what I have already told you.” Renée was sure there was much, much more to the story. “We will,” she said. “I do look forward to each of you meeting him. You said you did meet a shepherd in the forest. That is a sign, yes a good sign.” After giving thanks for the food they all sat quietly thinking of meeting the ShepherdKing. “This King is on a quest,” shared the 3

Psalm 48


steward. “He will be relentless until he storms back into this land – even if he has to break his own heart again to reach us.” Suddenly the rest of the poem came to Jaclyn. She stood up and completed it: “… the river of life sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the street!” she exclaimed. Then Jaclyn looked through a door on the left of the fireplace wondering who had prepared the food.


“Dishes!” said the steward when he saw Jaclyn looking through the door. “Let’s help with the dishes, shall we.” This wasn’t what

Jaclyn had in mind but she did want to see who was preparing the food. “The food is from the King,” said the steward – it is a gift for you. You are in his kingdom you know. I am a steward – he has made us all stewards of his many gifts.


Matthew was grumbling about how this really can’t be a castle if you have to clean dishes, can it. Benjamin, on the other hand, stopped to look around in the kitchen. He pulled up a chair-made-for-a-prince-to-sit-in to the sink and turned on the water. Ben was fascinated when he found out that the sink became a fountain and the water bubbled up from the drain instead of down from the faucets. Now this interested Matt who wanted to take Ben’s place. Every time he went near the sink the water splashed him. “Stop that Ben!” “It isn’t me, really,” stated Ben. The steward told Matt that grumbling usually forfeits a job and you can’t get it back easily. “You usually have to choose another job. However you must be aware of what you doing and enjoy it.” Matt thought about taking out the garbage. Not enjoyable – but doable.


Once Anna and Jaclyn cleared the table the table cloth shook itself out. “Did you see that!” cried Jaclyn. “Just the ants, they love the crumbs,” explained the steward. Tiny ants were shaking out the cloth and then scampered onto the ground to eat the crumbs before the broom would arrive. Renée was sweeping – but it was like dancing since the broom insisted on going in circles no matter how much she tried to sweep back and forth. This gave the ants time to gather up all the crumbs. Joe was picking up the sparks from that had popped out of the fireplace with dust pan. When he accidentally touched them they floated up instead of lying in his hands. The water in Ben’s sink kept changing colors depending on the bowl that he put in. Meanwhile Matthew was racing with the trash can which had taken off on its own and was now returning to the kitchen. He looked underneath to see eight tiny


chipmunks arguing over who would put the can down first. “Let me help,” Matt smiled taking the can from them as they scampered away out of the door. When all was done the steward thanked each of them for helping him keep the castle prepared for the King’s return. They sat down to rest. “Do you know why this castle is so elegant and beautiful,” he asked them. Without waiting for an answer he continued, “because of where it is built. To put a lot of effort and time into building anywhere else just wouldn’t have done. A castle would collapse anywhere else and you certainly would not be able to come inside. This castle was built on solid rock – on rock in the kingdom. Hope is expressed in these stones. You can help build it by adding stones.” “Why does it look like water and colors then,” asked Renee who was interested in the effect; “It is like a piece of art.” “Living water, that is why. Jaclyn’s poem said it all. This is the land of living water.”


the steward sat back in a chair near the fireplace. “This land flows with seven living waters and this spot – as a lot of spots here – is a solid rock as well. This is the place where hearts can be washed and castles can be built ‘by those with clean hands and pure heart.” 4 “How do plants and trees grow on solid rock?” asked Ben. “Bright young people you are,” the steward beamed. “The soil here is very rich for growing seed. There are fruit trees and bushes growing here since water from the castle here flows into the river.” “Now you want to know ‘how big is the kingdom’ I imagine. It is so very small that even the tiniest live in it and so very large that the universe cannot encompass it. It is here and there at the same time. Wherever you look and see something made for a king you know you are there. Wherever you go the kingdom will go with you. This is the 4

Psalm 24


house of Wisdom – the attendant of God’s throne. Wisdom will be with you and safeguard you. You can pray about this with the book of Wisdom chapter nine starting with verse six. It is called a canticle, a songprayer. Jaclyn already prayed a poemcanticle for us. She recited a prayer from the book of Revelation. When you pray you don’t have to think hard. Just remember “God is within the castle.” This was all a lot to listen to. Joe stared into the fire wanting so much to ask why it wasn’t giving off heat and why the sparks floated away when he picked them up. He would ask about that later. Maybe on their next visit. He thought he had better gather everyone up and head back to the Log Cabin. I look forward to your next visit. There are other stewards you know – you are also stewards. You have already met a shepherd. We have much to talk about. Remember the stories that we shared. They will happen


again when you do – only in a different way. You will find out. Go now. Go in peace.” The steward rose from his chair. Walking toward the double doors he pushed them wide open for them to walk through. As they left he waved goodbye and shouted out to them: “Remember the seven words so that you can find the castle again. Safe journey! Follow the gate of morning to find the root of Jesse! May the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal promise, give you all that is good, all that brings you into His castle.”5 Benjamin wished he had asked about the owl with the long tail that wore hats. Was the gate of morning the same as the arch of vine and branches? Did the root of Jesse have something to do with the forest? What about the door that the Shepherd-King 5

Hebrews 13


would enter? Where was the ‘door to nowhere?’” The journey back would be a time to share the day’s adventure. Tomorrow they would go back into Walnut Forest to hear more about the great Shepherd - King. Each of them walked carefully along the flowing stream.


“I teach you the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17

Glossary Citronella – lemon-scented grass Lithe – agile Lissome - nimble Cascade - waterfall


Š Margaret Kerry 2006


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