Nicole's Journeys Near & Far

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Nicole’s Journeys Near and Far


The Secret Door The door swung closed again. From the outside it looked like an ordinary door It was small; half the size of a regular door. The white paint on the wood was pealing. Grey splinters were on the edges where rusty hinges hung. The lock was broken. That is why Nicole opened it in the first place. She didn’t need a key. It swung open easily enough. The worn lock fell onto the grass in front of the door. Expecting to find a dreary and dusty basement behind the door – with broken stairs going down and an old light bulb that would flicker as she turned it on – she encountered something entirely beyond her imagination. Before I continue let me tell you about Nicole. Nicole likes to travel. At least she hopes to travel some day. She dreams of Italy and Spain, Mexico and Brazil, France and Portugal, Boston and Los Angeles – just travel! She isn’t very particular where – as long as it is outside of the State of Florida where she lives. Nicole hasn’t yet decided how long she would like to stay once she arrives somewhere. It was the traveling part – that was it – she often thought – I will enjoy getting places! Nicole thought of all the places she would see and


the people she would meet. She just knew it would change her life to find out what lay beyond the borders that surrounded her. Her borders were Alabama, Georgia and more of Florida. Even a trip to New Orleans would be exotic. Nicole knew that if she were to ever win a travel contest she would travel as far as she could on that ticket. “What would I pack?” she often wondered.

Now back to the secret door. Opening this small door was a miniature adventure for Nicole. Traveling down the stairs would be fun. It wasn’t going to be to another land or even out-ofstate. The door represented travel though to somewhere. Something new was behind it – something to be explored. Something that might have spiders, flickering lights, running roaches, even mice! Nicole didn’t mind – she would scream and run back up the stairs – probably with a lizard she caught by the tail. The first person she met afterwards she would tell about the scary basement Nicole just knew she would build up the story the grand finale - popping a lizard out of her closed fist. Then she would scream throwing it in the air. In her mind this would be Ben or Renee – her cousins. But she would even be happier if it was Aunt Peggy.


Aunt Peggy didn’t like bugs. Once Nicole found out that Aunt Peggy was squeamish around insects she tried to find as many dead bugs as she could. During Aunt Peggy’s visits Nicole would carefully place the bugs in places where Aunt Peggy would sit, stand, or walk. Aunt Peggy would kick or throw the bug – depending on how she found it – while screaming loudly or eeeking out a shriek. Nicole would giggle. She wouldn’t hide. Most of the time Nicole would stand with her hands behind her back – a gesture that meant – “I didn’t do it!” since she was obviously innocent. At the same time she would smile. Nicole had a sweet smile. Aunt Peggy wanted to suspect her but ended up suspecting Nicole’s dad, Mike - Aunt Peggy’s brother. She had a right to. Nicole’s dad taught her everything she knew about bugs. We left off with Nicole opening the door – the creaking noises and the flickering light bulb. Only the light bulb didn’t flicker and it was oddly quiet. Climbing down the stairs Nicole realized that they were a lovely blue. The door creaked as it closed and opened in the breeze. She turned to make sure it wasn’t locking behind her when it slammed closed. Then she noticed something mighty strange! On the other side the door was made of cut glass. When it closed it sounded like a wind chime. The glass panes were cut like diamonds. Light came shimmering through and created prisms of color on


the stairwell wall. There was no handle on this side – and no rusty hinges. How was light getting in? She looked around for something to stick in the door to pry it back open. She found a rusty nail that had fallen off the other side and pushed it into a crack. “There,” she said, brushing her hands. Nicole turned around to continue her climb. As she made her way slow ly down the stairs she noticed someone looking down from the top of another stairway. Why were there two stairways? Where did the other one lead? Back into the house? “Hello!” she shouted. “Olleh” a person shouted back. “Are you in my story?” asked the strange voice.


Elocin and the Gubs Now Nicole could see that the voice belonged to a young boy – about her age – walking down the stairs across from her. “Where is the place you are coming from?” asked Nicole, “Is this an entrance to a basement apartment?” As they walked down the opposite stairways nearing each other Nicole remembered his question. “What do you mean by asking am I in your story?” He explained – as best he could. “Ever since I was little I made up stories. Mostly they were stories about places that I could visit – places like Emor and Sirap. I have heard that these places are wonderful! Today I was dreaming about visiting a place as close as Amabala and the city of Elibom or perhaps Wen Snaelro.” “I have never heard of those places.” Nicole was quizzical. I am sure they must be exotic. “Where are you from?” he finally asked. “Florida,” offered Nicole – Gulf Breeze, Florida.”


“Well I have never heard of that place. I grew up in Adirolf in the city of Flug Ezeerb.” “My gosh! I can’t never even pronounce that place,” sighed Nicole. “Yes, you probably have to grow up there to pronounce it,” he smiled. “What is your name?” “Nicole. And yours?” “Elocin.” “Elocin, I like that! It is a fun name to say.” “So is yours - Nicole.” “By the way, I am not in your story – as you asked. I like to make up stories too. Once I made a time machine that let me visit Italy! It wasn’t real of course – it was a made up story. But I had loads of fun pretending.” Nicole paused wondering what she should talk about next. They were still standing on opposite stairways looking over at each other. She had lots of questions.


“Elocin,” she pointed up the stairway, “Do you live up there?” Elocin looked behind him up to where Nicole pointed. “I guess I do – somewhere up there. I just found this lovely door on the side of my house and opened it – it seemed fun to explore – and then I saw you.” “Me too!” Nicole exclaimed. “I found a door at the back of our garage that looked like a secret door and I opened it – but my door was rusty and chipping – probably not at all as pretty as the door you found.” “What do you suppose it means? That there are two doors that lead to two stairways in two different places? If I went though your rusty door I could see where you live – in Florida. If you went through the door I came through you could visit Adirolf.”


“That sounds like fun, Elocin. I am just not sure I would know how to get back to Florida if I went into A-dir –olf.” “Same here,” agreed Elocin. “We need a plan.” “Usually you need airplanes to get to far away places,” Nicole reasoned. “Or at least a train. I have never heard of taking a stairway.” “It is the ‘stuff of smaerd’ or so I have heard,” Elocin rhymed. “What did you say? The stuff of smeard? We have a saying in Florida that starts like that but it ends with dreams – the ‘stuff of dreams.’” “Interesting,” commented Elocin. “On with the plan!” “What is the plan for again?” “To visit Florida and Adirolf and to get back to our homes afterwards!” “Right!” “First we could visit Adirolf because we


could draw maps at my home. I live very close to the door on my side.” “Well I don’t live far from the door on my side, and I need to let my mom and dad know where I am. We can still get paper and a pen at my house to draw maps. Plus my Aunt Peggy is visiting and she has traveled a lot. She may know even know your city. That would be nice.” “Ok, that is plan Y.” “Plan Y? Don’t you mean plan B?” “Why start at the end of the Alphabet?” asked Elocin. “The end? That is the second letter from the beginning silly. C’mon lets go through the rusty door first and hurry back to your town before it gets dark.” They both ran down the stairs toward the diamond door that was rusty on the other side. Nicole put her hand in the crack where she placed the nail. They both pried the door to open it all the way. They felt the coolness of the door on one side. Nicole got a splinter from the wood on the other side. “ouch!” she exclaimed as she pulled it out. “I think I will like your door better.”


“Well I have gotten glass cuts on my door,” Elocin offered – “So each door has its pains and glory.” As she pulled the door wider Elocin gasped. “It is so light out! It is so green here! It is so lovely.” “Thank you. Now follow me to our house. Wait until you meet Aunt Peggy. She hates bugs. I wish I had found one on the stairs – I bet it would have been an unusual bug!” “What is a bug?” “It is a crawly little thing.” “Is it like a gub?” “A gub! Oh, boy you do have some strange things in whatever you call it.”


Opposites Attract Aunt Peggy was sitting out in the yard reading and drinking iced tea. When she saw Nicole she waved. “Who is your friend?” she leaned forward in the chair and smiled. “Elocin meet Aunt Peggy!” “Elocin – why that is Nicole spelled backwards – I am happy to meet you.” That made Nicole step backwards and sucking in her breath she exclaimed “ Nicole spelled backwards!” “Do you like bugs?” Aunt Peggy asked Elocin. “Do you mean gubs? Hate them,” he responded. “I thought so,” said Aunt Peggy. You are Nicole’s opposite. “Oh my gosh!” Nicole made the connection, “That is – gub is bug backward!”


Now Nicole thought of all the other places Elocin had talked about: Emor was Rome! Sirap was Paris! Amabala was Alabama! And where did Elocin live? In Ezeerb Fulg, Adirolf - Gulf Breeze, Florida! No wonder she couldn’t pronounce it! “Elocin! You live in Gulf Breeze too!” “What do you mean, Nicole?” Aunt Peggy started laughing but picked up her book to read again. Nicole looked over at her. “Is this some kind of joke?” Aunt Peggy just responded “I don’t know what you mean, Nicole. You meet a very nice person who is your opposite and you think it is a joke? If I were you I would find out all of the opposite things that you like to do. You could learn something…especially about bugs!” Nicole sighed and went to the porch to sit down. “Will you show me where you live?” ask Elocin. “This is it,” Nicole said making a sweeping hand across the front of the house. “Very ecin!” Elocin commented. “How do you do that so quickly?” asked Nicole. “Do what?” “Invert the word so that you say it backwards. And why do you do it?” Elocin sat in the chair opposite Nicole. “Maybe when you visit Adirolf your questions will be answered.” “I don’t know if I am ready for


traveling there,” hesitated Nicole. “If you really are my opposite then you won’t like ice-cream or swimming. Besides it is getting late, isn’t it?” “But the sun is just going down!” reasoned Elocin – the day is just starting!” “Well here when the sun goes down it means that the day is ending,” explained Nicole. “That is OK,” said Elocin, “because in my country it is just starting to be day – we will have lots of time there.” “Let me ask my mom.” Nicole stood up and went into the house. She wasn’t ready to introduce Elocin to her mom yet but she knew that her mom would want to meet him. Sure enough her mom stepped out on the front porch a few minutes later. She smiled at Elocin and offered him a freshly baked cookie. “Thank you so much for the eikooc – I love chocolate pihc the best.” “Elocin,” started Nicole’s mom. “Nicole tells me that you are her opposite. Is that true?” “I didn’t know I had an opposite,” stated Elocin, “It is true that we say the same thing but backwards. There are some things that I like that Nicole doesn’t like but there are some things we both like. Our names are reverse of each other. Does that make us opposites?”


“I suppose,” said Nicole’s mother, “Your mother may be my opposite,” she thought aloud. “Does Aunt Peggy have an opposite?” asked Nicole – out of curiosity. “I do have an Aunt who loves gubs,” smiled Elocin – and her name is Ygep. But not everything we say is opposite, if you notice.” stated Elocin. “I have noticed,” Nicole nodded. “Maybe visiting your country, city or whatever it is – will help me understand how we are the same and how we are different.” Nicole’s mom looked at both of them. “You know,” she said, “You are both adventuresome. Elocin came to visit us and you both discovered passageways that could have been full of cobwebs and – yucky bugs. I am glad that the secret stairways were really stairways to friendship and new places to visit.” “Mom, do you want to come?” “I’ll bet Aunt Peggy will go with you,” answered her mom. “She loves to travel – or at least she used to love it. Ask her.” Nicole and Elocin went over to Aunt Peggy. Standing by her chair they said “We want to invite you to Adirolf for a quick tour. Will you come?”


“Are there bugs?” asked Aunt Peggy. “Well, the gubs in Adirolf are actually very clean and pretty. They don’t get in your way. That is why my aunt, your opposite, loves them.” “I do know a thing or two about traveling,” Aunt Peggy told them. “The first thing is that people are people everywhere. The second thing is that people are opposites of people everywhere. The third thing is that is why they become such good friends. Let’s go!” They all opened the rusty door and walked down the stairs toward the door opening to Adirolf. Adirolf, by the way, is really quite a great place to visit. When you open the door the first thing you see is this beautiful…. But that is for another story.


Matthew 5:46-48

Bugged Productions No lizards were harmed in the printing of this book.


For Nicole by © Sr Margaret Kerry “Aunt Peggy” May 2008


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