EROS-ION CITY Re-Metabolising Urban Water Waste.
Thesis- M.Arch(Urban Design) 2015-16 Tutors: Claudia Pasquero, Maj Plemenatis
United Kingdom has been affected by the serious threat of floods. It is expected to experience floods once in every 60 years. These floods have deformed the boundaries over periods led to geographical morphologic changes.Coastal erosion is one severe global issue, eating up the coastal boundaries creating a phenomenal hazard to the surrounding context.This situation is inescapable due to the so-called Urban sphere, the universal apparatus of modern-day urbanity, a condensed network of informational, material and vigorous infrastructure that sustains our increasingly demanding metabolism. There lies a void for idealistic future models of urban growth that will relate to the philosophies of biologic self-organization and operate by entrenching computational lucidities onto material substrata, the exemplified algorithms of the potential bio-city.It’s time to introduce a non-anthropocentric understanding of the urban landscape of the city, anticipated as a territory of self-organization and co-evolution of multiple dynamical systems, including ecological systems, infrastructural and technological systems, socio and political systems. London Thames estuary has the tendency to experience frequent floods, which lead to the change in coastal dynamics over period of time. Canvey Island located on the Thames is at the critical location of this domain with huge industrial base draining out pollutants into the coastal arena.So this project is mainly focused on dealing with urban water waste as a nutrient for the growth of Coastal landscapes. Bio-rock is a chemical material,produced by the process of electrolyis due to the electro chemical resction through the exchange of ions. This have the potential to grow from the pollutants, bound strong over period of time, holding a very high compressive strength. We deployed this in the parametric evolution of the components generating a new type of coastal landscape to create the interaction between the urban grid and marine habitats.In the scene that the work flow sets up as a feed back of different scales which evolve in temporal and spatial context. Since all the components of environment are in continuous flux, there is a serious urge to understand its nature and then acclimatize accordingly. The notion of collective intelligence as found in nature to envision resilient and adaptive urban models are confronted in this scenario. The project is titled as Eros/ion City, in the sense that Eros refers to the Greek God of love, Ion refers to the process of electrolysis through ion exchange to define the new Urban fabric.
Waste Water pump out Simulations
Extreme wind spread on the boundary- Wind Distribution Map
Centralised flow- Water Distribution Map
The coastal boundaries experience extreme wind turbulances because of the huge retaining barrier wall, which accomodates the wind with a very high speed up to 5.8m/s. This creates a mayhem for the people to visit the coast, especially in the winters and spring, giving an impression of dead ambience with out any activity.
Waste water pump flushing the industrial waste
Sea levels in the North Sea are modeled to rise 6mm a year for the next 50 years. Essex’s alluvial coastline will sink by 150mm in the same period. Much of Canvey Island lies 3m below mean high tide. By 2060 the landscape of Canvey will havechanged completely. A series of rivers, creeks and deltas will reclaim the land, dividing the single island into a marshland archipelago in constant flux. In this new landscape ground floor and the street level will become obsolete, replaced by mud and shallow waters. The seawall has also become more like a prison wall, causing residents to lose their connection with the sea. In addition, very few tourists visit the island because of the disappearing and poorly maintained beach. Moreover the pollutants released in the ocean is killing the marine life. So in order to create a stabilised feedback an interface needs to be created.
5m high flood wall creating barrier between field and grid
BIO-ROCK which was invented by Prof Wolf Hilbertz, which is
produced by the process of electrolysis of nutrient water. When a very low voltage of 2-4volts is applied, due to the strong electrochemic reaction created by the ionic exchange, nutrients present in the water starts to precipitate on the cathode surface. When the circuit is left for 1-2 years a very strong accretion forms on the metal surface, which is similar to the coral reef material. It has a self-healing ability which can improve the marine life by 10 times because of the release of oxygen in the reaction, which is also safe for the swimmers. Factors such as voltage, salt saturation, type of anode, influence the growth of the material growth. We have conducted various experiments to see the growth variations based on different combinations of influencing factors to understand the most potential combination which would influence in the real design application.
Uncertain robot is applied to test the hardness of the soil, which is the premise of different level of erosion on the coastal area. It is controlled by the arduino and collect data by the barrier sensor, the pressure sensor. The output is a LED light. We made a video to mark the position of the harder soil and then we can get a map out of it. According to this we know which part of the soil is relatively soft to place the material structure to make it more rigid.
The Voronoi diagram can be regarded as a structure that subdivides a specific field. The field does not obey the rule that states individual sections belong to the entire structure. It does, however, obey this rule when applied to its neighbouring individual structures. The relationship between the individual and the whole is uncertain in this context, so the different forms of each cell in the Voronoi diagram can represent the structure of a field clearly. When considering the process of forming a field geometrically.This idea is based on the relationship between neighbours and the forms of the entire area. It is worth noting that the principles of field in an urban design area exist to highlight the character of the individuals that arise from a holistic plan. As the site is coastal, wind turbulence is a major factor. Wind simulations were therefore added to the previous erosion and waste outputs and a more complex diagram obtained that included all influencing parameters
Erosion Base
Erosion Morphology
Erosion+ Water+Wind+Human
Using this basic unit, we used different languages to combine and transfer iterations. Units differ in terms of thickness, hierarchies, and surface subdivisions. These units occupy the morphology diagrams obtained from considering various parameters such as erosion, waste water, and wind and responding with varying densities, sizes, and thicknesses depending on these simulation factors.
Every kind of transformation of substratum was used to guide the growth of biorock. However, the material progressed to different extents from points to surface becaus of objective contexts such as the distance to the anode, the voltage changes, and the power of the tide.
Bio-rock growth depends up on the internal substratum, this kind of subdivision can create interesting material growth, not just in terms of material articulation but also improves the structural strength. Coming out from 2D pattern to 3D structure, this kind of subdivision can increase the potential of the design morphology.
different sizes of units combine together to generate the morphology. In order to maxmize the flexibility of the biorock structure, the design features a range of units combined together rather than a single large structure. The prototypes relate to the points of a bounding box that are then combined in different way to create the desired shapes. Another development enhanced by using these basic prototypes is increased surface subdivision, which could help by slowing down flooding to decrease erosion.
REGENT CANAL REHABILITATION Sir Peter Cook Workshop, Bartlett -2015 M.Arch(Urban Design)
Since ages, United Kingdom has been affected by the serious threat of floods. It is expected to experience floods once in every 60 years. These floods have deformed the boundaries over periods led to geographical morphologic changes. Coastal erosion is one severe global issue, eating up the coastal boundaries creating a phenomenal hazard to the surrounding context. Now the challenge is to overcome these global issues introducing the questions of adaptability and ecological community to architecture and find an alternative approach towards designing. Since all the components of nature are in constant flux, there is an urgent need to understand and then adapt accordingly. Use of naturally occurring materials for defining the urban pattern of place will help improve the economic and energy performance of the built-up spaces. One such material is bio-rock, formed by the process of electrolysis of minerals which are dissolved in seawater and its precipitation rate varies largely on the properties of electrolyte and anode use in its production. It is majorly used for improving the aquatic life but due to its high compressive strength and crystalline composition it has a great potential to act as a building material. Rapid global 1technological development in the current architecture practices, continue to be incredibly fascinated by scientific processes. Different design approaches have been using the notions of ‘emergence’ and ‘morphogenesis’, They give the impression to offer the same promise of a novel and unpredictable result, rejecting traditional and deterministic procedures. Generation of complex form was most common approach in search of novelty. However, focus on the current complexity of cities, evoking a better understanding of cities, an understanding of systems where the interaction between the component parts can bring 1 Main Viewing Deck Interdisciplinary approaches open-ended possibilities. 2 Main Canal Steps and the rejection towards the idea of control will allow to 3 Elevated Cycle Platformwhich take into account the identify new urban conditions 4 Terrace Garden Public of the city’s strata that interactions among theSemi sub levels 5 Bank Side Pavement will generate new possible orderings and novel outcomes. 6 Pedastrian Bridge 7 Secondary Bridge 8 Main Suspension Column
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PARLIAMENT_AMARAVATHI Hypothetical Proposal fof a Capitol Complex of newly formed State of Samyakya Andhra Final Thesis- B.Arch(Andhra University) Tutor- Gurunath Rao
The state Andhra got seperated from Telangana. So the new state needs a capital complex that plays a vital role in visionary aspects of the statr body. The new capital is hypothetically proposed at Amaravathi based on various socio, economical, political and geographical analysis. Since Legislative assembly is the most crucial premise of the state where critical decisions are taken, it acts as the vision of the pe ple. Hence, the concept is developed from the concept of eyes. In this context, Lower house or Legislative assembly represents pupil which is supported by the secretariat and Lower house which are the upper and lower eye lids. When in looked into the context of the legislative assembly the pupil of the eye demonstrates the debating chamber. however, the upper and lower eye lid resonates the publiand the official spaces.
Since ages, United Kingdom has been affected by the serious threat of floods. It is expected to experience floods once in every 60 years. These floods have deformed the boundaries over periods led to geographical morphologic changes. Coastal erosion is one severe global issue, eating up the coastal boundaries creating a phenomenal hazard to the surrounding context. Now the challenge is to overcome these global issues introducing the questions of adaptability and ecological community to architecture and find an alternative approach towards designing. Since all the components of nature are in constant flux, there is an urgent need to understand and then adapt accordingly. Use of naturally occurring materials for defining the urban pattern of place will help improve the economic and energy performance of the built-up spaces. One such material is bio-rock, formed by the process of electrolysis of minerals which are dissolved in seawater and its precipitation rate varies largely on the properties of electrolyte and anode use in its production. It is majorly used for improving the aquatic life but due to its high compressive strength and crystalline composition it has a great potential to act as a building material. Rapid global technological development in the current architecture practices, continue to be incredibly fascinated by scientific processes. Different design approaches have been using the notions of ‘emergence’ and ‘morphogenesis’, They give the impression to offer the same promise of a novel and unpredictable result, rejecting traditional and deterministic procedures. Generation of complex form was most common approach in search of novelty. However, focus on the current complexity of cities, evoking a better understanding of cities, an understanding of systems where the interaction between the component parts can bring open-ended possibilities. Interdisciplinary approaches and the rejection towards the idea of control will allow to identify new urban conditions which take into account the interactions among the sub levels of the city’s strata that will generate new possible orderings and novel outcomes.
Since ages, United Kingdom has been affected by the serious threat of floods. It is expected to experience floods once in every 60 years. These floods have deformed the boundaries over periods led to geographical morphologic changes. Coastal erosion is one severe global issue, eating up the coastal boundaries creating a phenomenal hazard to the surrounding context. Now the challenge is to overcome these global issues introducing the questions of adaptability and ecological community to architecture and find an alternative approach towards designing. Since all the components of nature are in constant flux, there is an urgent need to understand and then adapt accordingly. Use of naturally occurring materials for defining the urban pattern of place will help improve the economic and energy performance of the built-up spaces. One such material is bio-rock, formed by the process of electrolysis of minerals which are dissolved in seawater and its precipitation rate varies largely on the properties of electrolyte and anode use in its production. It is majorly used for improving the aquatic life but due to its high compressive strength and crystalline composition it has a great potential to act as a building material. Rapid global technological development in the current architecture practices, continue to be incredibly fascinated by scientific processes. Different design approaches have been using the notions of ‘emergence’ and ‘morphogenesis’, They give the impression to offer the same promise of a novel and unpredictable result, rejecting traditional and deterministic procedures. Generation of complex form was most common approach in search of novelty. However, focus on the current complexity of cities, evoking a better understanding of cities, an understanding of systems where the interaction between the component parts can bring open-ended possibilities. Interdisciplinary approaches and the rejection towards the idea of control will allow to identify new urban conditions which take into account the interactions among the sub levels of the city’s strata that will generate new possible orderings and novel outcomes.
Since ages, United Kingdom has been affected by the serious threat of floods. It is expected to experience floods once in every 60 years. These floods have deformed the boundaries over periods led to geographical morphologic changes. Coastal erosion is one severe global issue, eating up the coastal boundaries creating a phenomenal hazard to the surrounding context. Now the challenge is to overcome these global issues introducing the questions of adaptability and ecological community to architecture and find an alternative approach towards designing. Since all the components of nature are in constant flux, there is an urgent need to understand and then adapt accordingly. Use of naturally occurring materials for defining the urban pattern of place will help improve the economic and energy performance of the built-up spaces. One such material is bio-rock, formed by the process of electrolysis of minerals which are dissolved in seawater and its precipitation rate varies largely on the properties of electrolyte and anode use in its production. It is majorly used for improving the aquatic life but due to its high compressive strength and crystalline composition it has a great potential to act as a building material. Rapid global technological development in the current architecture practices, continue to be incredibly fascinated by scientific processes. Different design approaches have been using the notions of ‘emergence’ and ‘morphogenesis’, They give the impression to offer the same promise of a novel and unpredictable result, rejecting traditional and deterministic procedures. Generation of complex form was most common approach in search of novelty. However, focus on the current complexity of cities, evoking a better understanding of cities, an understanding of systems where the interaction between the component parts can bring open-ended possibilities. Interdisciplinary approaches and the rejection towards the idea of control will allow to identify new urban conditions which take into account the interactions among the sub levels of the city’s strata that will generate new possible orderings and novel outcomes.
Site is Located at HanumanthaWaka,Visakhapatnam- India.This erage rainfall of 100mm. The Major purpose of the project is to a single complex. So the site is divided into tow parts as such rig for entertainment respectively. The noise zones are segregates u
s place experences warm and humid Climate with avo accomodate both entertainment and office zones in ght side would sutle for office spaces and left reserved using landscapes and zoning with propoer traffic flow.
B.Arch - 6th Semester Project, Andhra University
Since ages, United Kingdom has been affected by the serious threat of floods. It is expected to experience floods once in every 60 years. These floods have deformed the boundaries over periods led to geographical morphologic changes. Coastal erosion is one severe global issue, eating up the coastal boundaries creating a phenomenal hazard to the surrounding context. Now the challenge is to overcome these global issues introducing the questions of adaptability and ecological community to architecture and find an alternative approach towards designing. Since all the components of nature are in constant flux, there is an urgent need to understand and then adapt accordingly. Use of naturally occurring materials for defining the urban pattern of place will help improve the economic and energy performance of the built-up spaces. One such material is bio-rock, formed by the process of electrolysis of minerals which are dissolved in seawater and its precipitation rate varies largely on the properties of electrolyte and anode use in its production. It is majorly used for improving the aquatic life but due to its high compressive strength and crystalline composition it has a great potential to act as a building material. Rapid global technological development in the current architecture practices, continue to be incredibly fascinated by scientific processes. Different design approaches have been using the notions of ‘emergence’ and ‘morphogenesis’, They give the impression to offer the same promise of a novel and unpredictable result, rejecting traditional and deterministic procedures. Generation of complex form was most common approach in search of novelty. However, focus on the current complexity of cities, evoking a better understanding of cities, an understanding of systems where the interaction between the component parts can bring open-ended possibilities. Interdisciplinary approaches and the rejection towards the idea of control will allow to identify new urban conditions which take into account the interactions among the sub levels of the city’s strata that will generate new possible orderings and novel outcomes.
Since ages, United Kingdom has been affected by the serious threat of floods. It is expected to experience floods once in every 60 years. These floods have deformed the boundaries over periods led to geographical morphologic changes. Coastal erosion is one severe global issue, eating up the coastal boundaries creating a phenomenal hazard to the surrounding context. Now the challenge is to overcome these global issues introducing the questions of adaptability and ecological community to architecture and find an alternative approach towards designing. Since all the components of nature are in constant flux, there is an urgent need to understand and then adapt accordingly. Use of naturally occurring materials for defining the urVizag experiences SW monsoons and ban pattern of place will help improve the Since economic North East Prevailing wings. The whole and energy performance of the built-up spaces. One space optimisation and zoning is done such material is bio-rock, formed by the process of based on wind and sun paths creating good electrolysis of minerals which are dissolved in seawater ventilation, air flow and shade. Buildings and its precipitation rate varies largely on the properare oriented in such a way most of the natties of electrolyte and anode use in its production. It is ural light is drawn into the buildings leavmajorly used for improving the aquatic life but due to ing shaded sitouts as the climate could be its high compressive strength and crystalline composiextremely harsh in summers especially. tion it has a great potential to act as a building material. Rapid global technological development in the current architecture practices, continue to be incredibly fascinated by scientific processes. Different design approaches have been using the notions of ‘emergence’ and ‘morphogenesis’, They give the impression to offer the same promise of a novel and unpredictable result, rejecting traditional and deterministic procedures. Generation of complex form was most common approach in search of novelty. However, focus on the current complexity of cities, evoking a better understanding of cities, an understanding of systems where the interaction between the component parts can bring open-ended possibilities. Interdisciplinary approaches and the rejection towards the idea of control will allow to identify new urban conditions which take into account the interactions among the sub levels of the city’s strata that will generate new possible orderings and novel outcomes.
HOLIDAY RESORT B.Arch - 3rd Semester Project, Andhra University
Venu Gopal Associates, Udaipur
GOLDEN SAND D+D Architecture, Visakhapatnam
Exhibitted at University of West Minister,