Summitbooklet2013 final

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November 7, 2013

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Welcome Welcome to the 7th Annual

Strategy | Solutions | Sustainability We are so pleased that you are here. We’re excited about the continued partnership between The Nonprofit Association of the Midlands (“NAM”) and SMITH HAYES Advisers, Inc. (“SHAI”). This combination of talent, expertise and resources allows us to offer an even wider depth and breadth of topics for you. Strategy | Solutions | Sustainability is the theme of our conference—and it was planned just for you! It’s a day filled with outstanding speakers, interesting breakout sessions, and lots of opportunities to network. Today brings together local and national thought leaders, nonprofit staff, board members, and volunteers for a one-of-a- kind conference.

timely update on Nonprofit Advocacy & the State of Public Policy. We are excited about both our morning and afternoon breakout sessions which feature local experts sharing both their professional and real life experiences. We are thrilled to present the Catalyst Award and announce Class 8 of the Nonprofit Executive Institute. Thank you for spending the day with us. We know how hard you work and appreciate all you do to make our communities amazing.


Anne Hindery Chief Executive Officer

Bryan M. Schneider Senior Vice President

We are very proud of our agenda. The plenaries feature three national speakers presenting on topics ranging from How to Build Better Partnerships to Influencing Through Storytelling. Additionally we will have a very

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SMITH HAYES Advisers, Inc. and Nonprofit Association of the Midlands are not affiliated.


Schedule 8:00a Registration And Breakfast 8:45a Introduction And Morning Plenary Maintaining Nonprofit Momentum David Thompson – VP of Public Policy for The National Council of Nonprofits 10:00a Break 10:15a Morning Breakout Sessions (Choose 1) The Art of Conversation - The Dapper l Stuart Chittendon – Chief Curiosity Officer, david day | associates The Journey to a Data-Driven Culture - The Dapper l l Anne Herman – Senior VP of Analytics & Performance, United Way of the Midlands Erin Bock – Director of Research and Evaluation, The Sherwood Foundation 11:35a Lunch 11:50a Keynote Lunch Presentation Igniting the Economic and Social Impact through Cross-Sector Partnerships Bruce Burtch – CEO, Bruce W. Burtch, Inc. and Executive Director, 10,000 Partnerships 12:50p Catalyst Award Presentation | Nonprofit Executive Institute Class 8 1:10p Break 1:25p Afternoon Breakout Sessions (Choose 1) Facilitation 101: Making Friends with the Elephant in the Room - The Dapper l Deb Burnight – President, Facilitated Resources Shoot the Breeze with the Next Generation of Leaders - The Dapper l l A facilitated conversation with Anne Hindery – CEO, Nonprofit Association of the Midlands Emiliano Lerda – Executive Director, Justice for Our Neighbors Anne Meysenburg – Executive Director, Live Well Omaha Robert Patterson – Executive Director, Kids Can Michelle Zych – Executive Director, Women’s Fund of Omaha 2:45p Break 3:00p Afternoon Plenary The Importance of Digital Storytelling Grace-Anne Alfiero – President & CEO, Arts in Action Consulting 4:00p Closing Comments 4:30p Nonprofit Networking Happy Hour | Hosted by SMITH HAYES Advisers, Inc. Lucky Bucket Brewery

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Morning Keynote: Maintaining Nonprofit Momentum

David Thompson – VP of Public Policy for the National Council of Nonprofits Over the course of 2013, nonprofits have faced significant policy challenges at the federal level and in states across the country. Nonprofits won many, lost a few, and mostly came out stronger as a result of using their voices. David L. Thompson, VP of Public Policy for the National Council of Nonprofits, will share real-world experiences of nonprofits using advocacy to improve legislation and regulations, fulfill their missions, and solve problems in their communities.

The Art of Conversation

Stuart Chittendon – Chief Curiosity Officer, david day | associates This workshop is not about casual cocktail chit chat, snappy electronic dialogue or techniques of networking; instead, you will investigate the meaningful art of conversation. We shall consider conversation’s legacy and the current condition of the conversational environment, the benefits of conversation, what attitudes and approaches help or hinder it and, of course, we’ll put the ideas we explore into practice during this interactive session.

The Journey to a Data-Driven Culture

Anne Herman – Senior VP of Analytics & Performance, United Way of the Midlands Erin Bock – Director of Research and Evaluation, The Sherwood Foundation Organizations that have embraced data-driven cultures are able to make programming decisions using data, demonstrate effectiveness and impact, influence staff morale, and secure funding. Transitioning to a datadriven culture comes with challenges, but the investment of time, money and staff will pay off in multiples. Most importantly, it will allow organizations to have the greatest influence possible on the clients they serve. In this session, many of the lessons learned from a multi-agency effort to move to using data as the norm will be shared along with suggestions for other organizations who are interested in taking the journey.

Keynote: Igniting the Economic and Social Impact through Cross-Sector Partnerships

Bruce Burtch – CEO, Bruce W. Burtch, Inc. and Executive Director, 10,000 Partnerships All across the country there is a sea change occurring in nonprofit/for-profit relationships, and if a nonprofit only has their hand out, they may be left out. Corporations and foundations are narrowing their funding focus and seeking multifaceted partnerships. With over 35 years of experience in developing highly successful crosssector partnerships at all levels, in all sectors, Bruce will provide a proven process on delivering a business value proposition to potential partners. He stresses that only by addressing the business and marketing objectives of a for-profit partner will you stand first in-line for the most valuable relationships. Page 4 #nonprofitsummit2013

Afternoon Catalyst Award | Nonprofit Executive Institute Class 8

The Catalyst Award is designed to recognize leadership skills needed to make a difference in our community. It is awarded annually and based on the theme of the conference, which this year is “Strategy | Solutions | Sustainability”.

Facilitation 101: Making Friends with the Elephant in the Room

Deb Burnight – President, Facilitated Resources Nothing is more de-motivating than unproductive meetings. Are you tired of being in charge of some of those meetings that seem to drift from one idea to another with no real focus? There are some simple things that you can do to streamline meetings and turn conflict into creativity. “Facilitation 101” will provide you with practical tools you can use as a facilitative leader before, during and after meetings to help you and your team focus conversation, achieve consensus and plan action in ways that can energize the team and maximize their collective strengths.

Shoot the Breeze with the Next Generation of Leaders

A facilitated conversation with Anne Hindery – CEO, Nonprofit Association of the Midlands Emiliano Lerda – Executive Director, Justice for Our Neighbors Anne Meysenburg – Executive Director, Live Well Omaha Robert Patterson – Executive Director, Kids Can Michelle Zych – Executive Director, Women’s Fund of Omaha Change is in the air! The face of the sectors and the leadership styles are changing. Join us for a conversation with some of the up and coming nonprofit thought leaders.

Keynote: The Importance of Digital Storytelling

Grace Alfiero – President & CEO, Arts in Action Consulting “Storytelling isn’t just for campfires anymore. Good stories compel people to change. A good story demands an emotional investment, and people will adjust the way they think, feel, act, and behave in reaction to a good story.” Attendees will learn how to use agency and program histories to educate the public, grantors and benefactors about your programming and how to use the most effective digital presentation processes. Attendees will learn what is needed to make promotional videos, what items are needed from collaborators and staff members, and how the participants can help support and spread knowledge through this effective communication tool.

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Keynote Speakers David Thompson

Vice President of Public Policy, National Council of Nonprofits David L. Thompson is Vice President of Public Policy for the National Council of Nonprofits, the nation’s largest network of nonprofits. Active at the local, state, and federal levels through its member State Associations and nonprofit allies, the National Council amplifies the voices of America’s local community-based nonprofit organizations, helping them engage in critical policy issues affecting the sector, manage and lead more effectively, collaborate and exchange solutions, and achieve greater impact in their communities.

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Prior to joining the National Council in February 2010, Thompson served as Director of Government Affairs at Independent Sector. He served in the public sector from 2001 to 2007 as a Senior Counsel and as Policy Director to the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, notably as Counsel to the Pension Protection Act conference committee. Before working on Capitol Hill, Thompson directed federal policy for a consulting firm and practiced law for 17 years specializing in labor relations, employment law, government contracting, as well as government relations at the federal and state levels. David Thompson holds a bachelor’s degree from Emory University and a law degree from the University of Georgia Law School.


Keynote Speakers Bruce Burtch

CEO, Bruce W. Burtch, Inc. and Executive Director, 10,000 Partnerships Bruce is an internationallyrespected cross-sector partnership and cause marketing expert. He designs and directs winwin partnerships between the for-profit, nonprofit, education and government sectors which maximize their strategic marketing and financial success. Bruce was called the “Father of Cause Marketing” by the Cause Marketing Forum for creating what is considered the first cause marketing campaign in history. This was a partnership between the March of Dimes and Marriott Corporation in 1976 which raised $2.5 million - 40% more than had ever been raised by March of Dimes’ Chapters West. Among the many partnerships Bruce has created, he designed the most successful cause marketing

campaign on emergency preparedness in the country a partnership between Pacific Gas & Electric Company and the American Red Cross. This highly innovative campaign raised $1Million, received over $3Million in free publicity, and resulted in an unprecedented 1,000,000 people being trained in emergency preparedness. Bruce has served as public affairs manager for Marriott Corporation, public relations director of the United States Olympic Committee, director of marketing & communications for the American Red Cross Bay Area chapter and has founded three companies and two nonprofit organizations. Bruce has served on numerous nonprofit Boards and was awarded the Distinguished Leadership Award, presented by the National Association of Community Leadership, for spearheading the development of the Tenderloin After-School Program, in San Francisco’s crime-ridden Tenderloin district.

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Keynote Speakers Grace-Anne Alfiero

President & CEO, Arts in Action Consulting Considered an expert in the nonprofit industry, Grace-Anne Alfiero, MFA, is uniquely qualified to consult with tax-exempt businesses and corporations. Alfiero has logged over 25 years of advocacy and leadership work in the field of services for persons with disabilities, marginalized populations and in the cultural arts industry. As the past Executive Director and founder of Creative Clay, Cultural Arts Center, Alfiero developed nine innovative and successful programs for persons with disabilities including the self-determination/self-advocacy and employment programs of ARTLINK and ARTWORKS. Now as a consultant, Alfiero works as a public speaker and keynote speaker, professor and as an advisor with academic institutions, nonprofit agencies, cities and civic groups to manage projects and present on techniques involving digital storytelling, public relations, communications, leadership mentoring, social media, program development, grant writing, public awareness and employment initiatives.

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Alfiero has published 18 academic offerings related to research, development and the implementation of innovative options for persons with disabilities in formats including print, blogs, websites, DVD’s and e-journals, including publications translated to Japanese and Korean languages. Alfiero has penned more than 450 grant applications and has been awarded over 7 million dollars in grant funds in her tenure as a grant writer for several clients throughout America. In addition to her leadership and grant writing experience, Grace-Anne is an award winning photographer, videographer, graphic designer and artist who just completed a Department of Education video project where persons with developmental disabilities were paid as actors and support staff throughout the entire production. In addition, Alfiero led three projects and a curriculum based manual developed specifically for students with disabilities for the Department of Education on 1.) Self-Advocacy 2.) Mentorship and 3.) Directing One’s Own IEP Meeting.


Presenters Stuart Chittendon

Chief Curiosity Officer, david day | associates Not satisfied with a career as a lawyer in London, and after a stint as a journalist, he earned a Masters in Organizational Learning & Development. Now, as well as being a partner at the branding consultancy, david day associates, where he indulges in existential discussions with clients, Stuart has conceived a conversation consultancy, Squishtalks. Stuart produces and curates conversation experiences, including programs with the Omaha Chamber’s Young Professionals Council, Woodmen of the World, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska, and First National Bank, as well as various community organizations such as Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha Creative Institute, Film Streams, The Kent Bellows Studio, and Girl Scouts of Nebraska.

Anne Herman

Senior VP of Analytics & Performance, United Way of the Midlands Her role is to work in partnership with The Sherwood Foundation, Building Bright Futures, and Avenue Scholars to architect and manage a new approach to making large-scale sustainable change in Omaha.

organizational assessment and change, organizational strategy, program evaluation, leadership, creativity and innovation. Dr. Herman is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Academy of Management, American Psychological Association and the Organization Development Network.

Erin Bock

Director of Research and Evaluation, The Sherwood Foundation At Sherwood, Erin finds ways to systematically use data and collaborative inquiry in ways that support the foundation’s grant-making efforts. Erin also serves as the lead for Sherwood’s work on the Omaha Data Collaborative which seeks to build a shared measurement system for student supports in Omaha. Prior to working at The Sherwood Foundation, Erin was the Assistant Director at Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (MACCH) where she helped to convene community stakeholders to end homelessness. Erin is passionate about systems change and using tools like data and continuous improvement practices to improve the lives of Omaha’s most vulnerable citizens.

Dr. Herman is an industrial organizational psychologist who has extensive experience in statistics, methodology, performance management, Page 9

Presenters Deb Burnight

President, Facilitated Resources Deb Burnight, President of Facilitated Resources, is a certified professional facilitator with over twenty-five years’ experience in community collaboration, board and corporate training, and facilitation. A graduate of the University of Iowa and a former elementary and middle school teacher, Deb blends a rich background from her work with educational, private, government and not-for-profit sectors with solid facilitation skills to help groups communicate and work together effectively. Deb is professionally affiliated with the International Association of Facilitators and the ToP® (Technology of Participation) Trainers Network. She is a principal of Prairie River Partners and serves as a regional training registrar and national Mentor Trainer for the Institute of Cultural Affairs-USA.

Anne Meysenburg

Executive Director, Live Well Omaha Meysenburg graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha with a bachelor’s of arts in communications and public relations; and from the University of Missouri-Columbia’s Truman School of Public Affairs with a master’s of public affairs in nonprofit management and public policy analysis. During graduate school, Meysenburg helped facilitate two grant-funded initiatives aimed at improving the health and lifestyles of college students. Page 10

Meysenburg successfully completed the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands’ (NAM) Nonprofit Executive Institute and Nonprofit Capacity Building Program. She is also a graduate of Leadership Omaha Class 34. Meysenburg recently became the Executive Director of Live Well Omaha after being the founding Executive Director at The Kent Bellows Studio & Center for Visual Arts for 5 years.

Michelle Zych

Executive Director, Women’s Fund of Omaha As executive director of the Women’s Fund of Omaha, Michelle Zych leads the nonprofit organization as it identifies the most critical issues affecting Omaha’s women and girls, funds innovative solutions and leads dynamic change. Her past experience includes serving as regional development director for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland and director of strategic development for Camp Fire USA – Midlands Council (now known as Completely Kids). Michelle holds a master’s degree in public administration – nonprofit management from the University of Nebraska – Omaha and a bachelor of art’s degree in women’s studies and sociology from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.


Presenters Emiliano Lerda

Executive Director, Justice For Our Neighbors-Nebraska Originally from Argentina, Emiliano Lerda knows the immigrant experience first-hand. Now a U.S. citizen, he was drawn to America’s Midwest because its agricultural environment reminded him of his native Cordoba province. At the University of Northern Iowa, where he received a B.A. in Communication Studies, he became the first international student elected student body president. Prior to attending law school, Emiliano worked for the State of Iowa Board of Regents as the student relations officer. Emiliano attended Drake University Law School where he graduated with a Juris Doctorate (J.D.), and certificates in Public Service Law, Food & Agriculture Law, and International Comparative & Human Rights Law. After obtaining his law degree he worked as government relations manager for the Iowa Corn Growers Association.

Robert Patterson

Executive Director, Kids Can Robert Patterson has been with Kids Can Community Center (formerly Social Settlement) for 15 years and the organization’s CEO since 2010. Robert is active with a number of community groups including Nonprofit Association of the Midlands, South Omaha Community Care Council, Film Streams, Friends of Planned Parenthood and the South Omaha Optimist Club. A graduate of Leadership Omaha and the Nonprofit Executive Institute, Robert was also named as one of the 40 Under 40 Winners by Midlands Business Journal in 2007 and one of Ten Outstanding Young Omahans in 2005. Robert holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Masters in Management Degree from Bellevue University and holds a Certificate for Fundraising Executives (CFRE).

He has always been passionate about public service and has worked with nonprofit organizations both as a staff member and as a board member since 2002. Emiliano is a licensed attorney and has an LL.M. (Masters of Laws) degree from the University of Arkansas School of Law. He joined Justice For Our Neighbors-Nebraska (JFON-NE) as Executive Director in January of 2011. During his first two years at JFON-NE Emiliano has led the organization through a significant time of growth and development. He is fluent in English and Spanish. Page 11

Sponsors & NAM Board Members Brought To You By Nonprofit Association of the Midlands SMITH HAYES Advisers, Inc.

Sponsors GOLD Blue Cross Blue Shield Harry A Koch Company SILVER ConAgra Foods Foundation Oppenheimer Funds Seim, Johnson, Sestak & Quist, LLP BRONZE American National Bank Anonymous Donor Beta Bookkeeping DS Resources Inc Emspace Group Firespring Foundation Hayes and Associates Kids Can Legal Aid of Nebraska Lukas Partners Omaha Home for Boys P&L Technology Strawhecker and Associates Visiting Nurse Association

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NAM Board Members Dave Pantos - President Legal Aid of Nebraska

Anne Meysenburg - President Elect Live Well Omaha Robert Patterson - Secretary Kids Can! Community Center Tracy Shutt - Treasurer Completely KIDS Kara Henner Eastman Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance Becky Gould Nebraska Appleseed John Levy Heart Ministry Center Joan Lukas Lukas Partners Jeff Moran Omaha Home for Boys Paul Sather UNO Service Learning Academy Lynda Shafter Greater Omaha Chamber Jamie Summerfelt Visiting Nurse Association Thomas Warren Urban League of Nebraska


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