Selected works
Sreenidhi Parasuram
CONTENTS Traffic and Transport Advisory for Bagmane Developers Pvt. Ltd. Frieght management World heritage walled city Knowledge hub Gandhinagar
Urban context studio Ashram Road
Loving community Housing Vastral
Traffic and Transport Advisory for Bagmane Developers Pvt. Ltd. Site Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka Site Area: 13 million sq ft. The following are a few traffic impact analysis done for the various tech parks done by Bagmane Developers. With the rapid expansion of the city of Bengaluru, traffic and congestion is a major problem creating a large rise in pollution in the air. Being the IT capital of India, along with the help of traffic consultants they aim to inch towards a greener and more effecient transport system for their tech parks. Providing last mile connectivity and enhance internal connectivity with the help of feeder buses.
Macro level map of Bengaluru
Macro level study The study for the access to the tech parks starts with an understanding of the various possible connections to the tech park.
Masterplan circulation The following is a proposed masterplan vehicular circulation for one of the tech parks in Bengaluru for the phase-1 of the construction.
Basement circulation
Junction design
Existing junction
Proposed junction
Swept path analysis
Lane marking
Number of people visiting the tech park
Monorail and feeder vehicle service connectivity
Exploring various modes of transport
Conculsion and recommendation of mode of vehicle
PCU distribution for Chennai
Proposed section for 6 lane
Proposed circulation based on PCU count
World Heritage walled cityFrieght management system
Site Location: World heritage walled city, Ahmedabad The project scope included preparing a mobility plan for the walled city of Ahmedabad along with Urban Management Centre, Ahmedabad. I was involved in identifying existing markets and godowns, understanding freight movements in the walled city and to Ahmedabad and developing a plan for freight management. I was also involved in analysis of the peak hour traffic data collected for the various points as shown.
Conventional routes taken by freight vehicles to access walled city Ahmedabad
Accessibility of freight vehicles in the walled city
Location of APMC and other secondary markets
Routes taken by freight vehicles to reach local markets
Map locating all commodities
Peak time in the study area was determined using a combination of Google maps and local knowledge. Congestion points in the study area were identified based on peak times. Based on local knowledge and stakeholder consultation, a few survey locations were identified throughout the study area. This helped to identify congestion points for which mid block surveys were conducted during morning and evening peak hours.
Morning peak passenger congestion time is at 1130 to 1400 hours
Evening peak passenger congestion time is at 1730 to 2030 hours
Comparison of evening and morning peak The midblock surveys at these locations have helped in identifying the composition of freight traffic on the carriageway during peak. It also helps to identify composition of freight, traffic pattern and mode used during supply chain. Although freight vehicles have a negligible impact on evening peak traffic, they account for one-third of total volume during morning peak on peripheral roads 18
Identifying the issues
Parked freight vehicles on carriageway during evening peak
Parked freight vehicles on carriageway during morning peak
Freight vehicles that park near the warehouses block the carriageway and create bottlenecks for traffic.
Mapping of warehouses at Sarangpur and parked freight vehicles.
Extrapolating data
Comparison of traffic composition and freight volume of Prem Darwaja (arterial road) and Relief Road (internal road)
Freight traffic composition at 4 locations within the walled city during evening peak
Location of cloth markets and Ratan Pol, with its access roads
Current route for freight movement for Ratan Pol from Relief Road
Current route for freight movement for Ratan Pol from Gandhi Road 21
Proposed solutions
Location of land parcels outside the city limits
Map showing implementable solutions for freight management 22
Plan showing a freight parking module at Ratan Pol 23
Knowledge Hub- Gandhinagar Site Location: Gandhinagar, Gujarat Site Area: 5.5km stretch The project scope included designing of 5.5km long street network along with cycle friendly streetscape, landscaping, intersection design, and infrastructure upgrade. I was involved in preparing the initial design proposal of the project. The project aims to emphasis on the use of Non- motorised transport along the corridor and help in facilitating intractive learning for the various instituitons around the site.
Exisiting site
80m Right of way proposed design 25
30m Right of Way
18m Right of Way (Option-1) 26
18m Right of Way (Option- 2) 27
Urban Context Studio Site Location: Ashram Road
Ashram road being the central bussiness district of Ahmedabad has presented a lot of opportunity for the growth and development of public spaces in the city. With the idea of having green, breathable space in the heart of the city along with maintaining the purity of the river, the project explores the various ideas of having green urban spaces as a part of the built environment. The project is a studio exploration project which was done as a part of a group. The following drawings are my contribution to the project.
Sketches for design proposal
Design simulation 29
Masterplan 30
Loving Community Housing Site Location: Vastral, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Site Area:12,000 sq m Total Built-up: 7,969 sq m (approx.)
This project aims to enhance the living of migrant leprosy community. The project involved surveying the existing households and mapping of the household to understand the current living conditions and help build a better standard of living for the community without compromising the existing public spaces of the community. The project intends to help in bringing a behavioral change in terms of hygiene and sanitation and also makes sure that the community is also evolving along with the current urban fabric.
Proposed masterplan design 33
How many years have they been staying here?
No. of family members
6% 2%
10% 6%
17% 31%
25% more than 20 years
5-10 years
10-15 years
15-20 years
50.6 50.4 50.2 50 49.8 49.6 49.4 49.2 49
Survey data from the houses on site
How many people have leprosy or any chronic disease?
Exisiting plan
Design process 34
Unit 1
Unit 2
3-D view
Sreenidhi Parasuram Iyer +91-7096284506