Creating Space for Yourself to Recharge
aking time for yourself may seem impossible, but try carving out 5 minutes in your day to press pause. It can make a world of difference. Consider turning your phone on silent mode and stepping away to:
GET FRESH AIR. Open your windows or simply step outside to take in a new environment. A fresh atmosphere is excellent for resetting your mind and body, which can help you feel calmer. If you have the time, go for a walk or run to boost endorphins. MAKE A GRATITUDE LIST. Write down 10 things you’re thankful for. Shifting your mind to appreciation and finding the positive in your day cultivates a new perspective. The 10 items can be relatively small or large. Try to be as specific as possible and give thought to the reason you’re grateful for each of them. For example, you may be grateful you were able to pick up dinner for your mom because you received a huge smile from her. Or you could be thankful for your bed, pet, laughter, alarm clock, etc. In the words of Oprah Winfrey, “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”