frequent mistakes when completing tasks like cooking or cleaning, struggle to concentrate for very long, and get confused more often. If your loved one finds it difficult to comprehend finances or gauge the severity of everyday risk, these may be signs of a more serious issue.
3. LANGUAGE Struggling to remember the right word or keep up with a conversation where many people are talking at once is pretty normal for people of all ages, especially those who are older. Though if any of these things happen on a frequent basis, it could be a sign of dementia. Regularly referring to items using words like “that” or “this” may signal to you that something more serious is at play.
4. ORIENTATION If your loved one occasionally needs to be reminded of the date or day of the week, this isn’t necessarily cause for worry. But if they struggle to recall what the season is or need daily reminders about the date, it may be time to address these issues. Another common characteristic of those impacted by dementia is feeling unsure of their surroundings when in an otherwise familiar place—like at home. 5. VISION & PERCEPTUAL SKILLS A common complaint among older adults is they have difficulty seeing as well as they used to, often impacted by cloudy vision or worsened eyesight. But struggling with depth perception when doing things like reaching for a door handle or climbing the stairs should be addressed by a doctor as these challenges go beyond the boundaries of worsened eyesight.