Barren to Green- A iourney through an organic farm of UAE

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What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery


A journey through an organic farm of United Arab Emirates

Srijita Chattopadhyay Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: 02 6267507 Mob: o5o 4108483 Fax: 02 6267507 e-mail: First Printed in 2013 Š Srijita Chattopadhyay 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form without the written permission of the copyright holder. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be forwarded to the above address. In accordance to the International Copyright Act 1956 or the UAE Federal Copyright Law No. 40 of 1992, any person acting in contravention of this copyright will be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

Cover by: Srijita Chattopadhyay & Vishu Shekhar Written and Designed by: Srijita Chattopadhyay Special thanks to my parents, Jayanta Chattopadhyay, Soma Chattopadhyay and my beloved sister Sarnili Chattopadhyay, for always loving and being there for me. My heartfelt gratitude to all those who have constantly wished well and supported me. Finally a big thank you to the ones without whom making this book was impossible: R.N. Shukul Joseph John Nalloor Sabir Haque Megna Kalvani Sambharam Pattanayak Jayanth Sharma Kunal Garg Karan Kumar Anzuma Akther Syeda Nawab Fathima

Introduction to

Sustainable Agriculture


ustainable agriculture is a kind farming practice that aims to preserve and protect the future productivity and health of the environment. Sustainable agriculture is, however, a wider topic than organic farming.


The way food is processed, packaged and transported may pose a threat to the environment, even when the food was cultivated organically. For example, pretzels may be organic-meaning 95% of their ingredients are organically grown-but have been produced from highly refined flour processed using energy-wasting machinery, packaged in non-recyclable plastic, and shipped around the world using large amounts of fossil fuel. Growing foods organically is, therefore, only the first step in achieving sustainable agriculture. Most of the environmentalists and ecologists and many other individuals involved in the production of organic food, believe that sustainable agriculture is necessary if we want to

be able to reach the long-term goals of personal health and ecological balance. In 1988 the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization adopted the following official definition of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: ‘Sustainable development (in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors) should conserve land, water, plant and animal genetic resources, is environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable.’ In the 1990 Farm Bill, the U.S. Congress defined sustainable agriculture as an integrated system of plant and animal production practices that: • Satisfy human food and fiber needs. • Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource, upon which the agricultural economy depends. • Pave a path to sustainable development and a better future.

• Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole. • Sustain the economic viability of farm operations. • Protect the natural habitats. • Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and onfarm resources. And integrates, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls. In 1992, during the UN Conference on Environment and Development, a number of non-governmental organizations (NGO) drafted their own Sustainable Agriculture Treaty which states: ‘Sustainable Agriculture is a model of social and economic organization based on equitable and participatory vision of development, which recognizes the environment and natural resources as the foundation of economic activity.’ Agriculture is sustainable when it is ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just, culturally apt and

based on a total holistic scientific approach, without the use of any sort of chemicals. Sustainable Agriculture preserves biodiversity, maintains soil, fertility and water purity, conserves and improves the chemical, physical and biological qualities of the soil, recycles natural resources and preserves energy. Sustainable Agriculture uses locally available renewable resources, appropriate and affordable technologies, and minimizes the use of external and purchased inputs, thereby increasing local independence and self sufficiency and insuring a source of stable income for peasants family, small farmers and rural communities, and integrates humans with their environment. Sustainable Agriculture respects the ecological principles of diversity and interdependence and uses the insights of modern science to improve rather than displace the traditional wisdom accumulated over centuries by innumerable farmers around the world.



Organic Farming

What really farming? Organic refers to an “earth friendly” and health-supportive method of farming and processing foods. Weeds and pests are controlled using environmentally sound practices that sustain our personal health and the health of our planet. The term “organic” applies to both animal and plant foods.




environmentally harmful manner. They utilize a blend of old and new technologies and scientific research to balance the earth’s natural ecosystem. Organic farming produces nutrient-rich, fertile soil which nourishes the plants, and it keeps chemicals off the land to protect water quality and wild life.

Organic farming also gives us Organic farmers do not food that is safer to eat and use chemicals (pesticides, much more likely to keep us fungicides or fertilizers) in an healthy and fit in the long run.

What’s ‘organic’ means on food labels? Many people are not completely sure about the precise meaning of the word “organic” or “organically grown” on food labels. One of their concerns is whether or not they can trust that the words which ensure that, the foods were grown or produced without the use of potentially hazardous chemicals. In short organically grown and harvested. The first thing to keep in mind is

that the term “organic” can be applied to a variety of different kinds of foods. The term can be used on agricultural products, and on meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. And it also applies to the methods used to process organically grown foods in preparing them for market or to retard spoilage. Hence it’s imperitive to read and understand the labels.

Does organic food taste better? Although no formal research has been conducted as such, but some people, including many chefs, believe that organic foods have better taste, color and flavor.

organic food crops results in nitrate binding to water, which makes these crops look better but lessens their flavor.

The superior taste of organic foods, leads many chefs to They speculate that organic choose them for their kitchens. food are better tasting because, it starts with the nourishment of A survey conducted by the the soil, leads to the nourishment National Restaurant Association of the plants and ultimately to our found that 50% of restaurants taste buds. with a per-person dinner check of $25 or more now offer organic In comparison, the use of items on their menus. synthetic nitrate fertilizers in non-

Can organic food improve health? Organically grown food is your best way of reducing exposure to toxins used in conventional agricultural practices. These toxins not only include pesticides, but also heavy metals such as lead and mercury, and solvents like benzene and toluene.

various diseases, like such as multiple sclerosis and lowering IQ, and also block hemoglobin production, causing anemia.

In addition to the fact that organic food significantly lessen your exposure to these health-robbing substances, they also have been shown to contain substantially Minimizing exposure to these higher levels of nutrients such toxins is of major benefit to your as protein, vitamin C and many health. Heavy metals damage minerals. nerve function, contributing to


The Story Just a short drive outside of the hustle and bustle of Abu Dhabi, will lead you to a plethora of organic farms which have been catering to the local populations for quiet some time now.


But when the land was bought by the new owner, he was appointed to be the farmer.

For a year now Hussain and his dog ‘Mittu’, work tirelessly to make sure Among the vast stretches of farms that the farm reaps healthy and good in the Shahama area of Abu Dhabi, yield. He says: farm no. 21 stuck me the most. This farm was nothing fancy, it was “I think I really love farming, it’s just a regular farm, with two huge extremely tiring, but I enjoy it. From greenhouses right in the center. Yet morning 8am I start my day, I first there was something special, so I open the water taps and make sure walked in. that each nozzle is getting water. Because, if even one plant doesn’t get On meeting with the sole caretaker / water for a little while, it dies the next farmer / electrician / resident of farm day, so it is very important. Then I mix no. 21, I realized that, there indeed the vitamins to the main water supply, was a great story behind this farm. as no chemicals are to be used in the farm. Then I have to individually Ali Hussain, aged 54, from take care of each plant growing in the Bangladesh, to work on the farm farm. Which takes a really long time. owned by the Minister for Foreign Then after a short break, I pluck out Trade - HE Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid the ripe fruits and put them in boxes, bin Sultan Al Qasimi. so that the collector can pick them up the next day. About a year back the former owner And this in short, is how I spend my of the land went bankrupt, and put day!” the land up for sale. And that was when Sheikha Lubna bought the So now that you have met the man land and turned it into an organic of the farm, let us navigate ourselves farm. Hussain at that time used to through the farm. be an electrician for the household.



Outdoor Farming



Agriculture in the United Arab Emirates, including fishing, was a minor part of the UAE economy in the early 1990s. Since the formation of the UAE, the availability of capital and the demand for fresh produce have encouraged agricultural development. Most of the UAE’s cultivated land is taken up by date palms, which in the early 1990s numbered about 4 million. They were and still are being cultivated in the arc of small oases that constitute the Al Liwa Oasis. The advent of modern agricultural practices came up around 1983 due to the intervention of His Highness Sheikh Zayad Bin Sultan Al Nahiyan. And from then on agricultural practices was not restricted to just grown date palms and fishing but the nation was ready to yield green from the sand. As you see in the pictures above, UAE today is growing and providing its residents with locally grown fruits, vegetables, poultry, honey...etc. Above to the left a Pomegranate plant yields its fruit. Above to the right is a Chikoo sapling. To the left is a patch of Banana plantation.




“The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life.� -Arthur Keith

To the left we have lush green Parsley. Above to the right we have a Pumpkin patch. Below, A solitary Snake Gourd blooms in the desert.



At a corner of the huge farm, grows a Lemon tee, stopping over as it bears branches full of its fruit



“Let the trees grow, get a better environment.” -Anonymous

Above, a bunch of green Sugarcane plants grow. Extreme left, a giant Lemon tree, stand to provide you shade and lemons. Immediate left, a small patch of Onion’s are grown.


There are nearly 40 different kinds of crops that are grown on this farm. And each plant is grown in abundance. One would be surprised to find the kind of plants that are being cultivated in this region, given the fact that most of the year it is hot and humid and doesn’t rain much. On the left, you see the raw dates hanging from the tree. These dates are called the ‘Lulu’ Dates. There are four other different types of dates that are harvested. Above, you see a ripe Citrus Lemon Long Fruit, ready to be plucked. In total there are 4 other variants of lemon / lime that are grown. Above to the right, we see an almost ripe Pakistani Mango. Yes, UAE also cultivates mango. And not just one kind, they cultivate four different kinds, namely; Pina Colada, Thailand mango, Taimoor mango and Pakistani mango. To the right, grows an Arabic fruit / tea leaves called Gava.




A beautiful Sunflower blossoms in the bright day light


Greenhouse Farming




Farming in the UAE is a particularly challenging task due to the soil in the region. Good soil ideally consists of particles of sand, clay and silt. This process promotes aeration and water drainage. The shapes of these aggregates determine the soil structure; the ideal soil has a granular, or a crumb, structure. Sandy soils here have a poor structure. The only way to combat this is to add organic matter to the sweet sand in the form of compost and manure. Water conservation is also an important topic in the UAE. Most of the water used to irrigate plants grown in sand evaporates before it reaches the root. The higher the organic matter content the more moisture a soil can absorb and retain. All the crops are watered using ‘drip irrigation’ making it easier to provide the precise amount of water necessary for each crop.


But why is Green House Farming encouraged in UAE? Its because, farming in greenhouses helps save water by reducing evaporation in hot temperatures and also gives organic farming a boost as crops can be better monitored. One way of growing saplings without wasting water or using any sort of external aide, is through ‘Sponge Cultivation’. During photosynthesis green plants make their own food and release oxygen. For photosynthesis to take place three components are imoprtant, air, water and sunlight. Hence,

what happens in spong cultivations is that the seeds are first grown in the sponges. When they turn into saplings, they are sown into the chemical free soil. This is called Hydroponic Framing. Hydroponics uses less water than traditional soil methods. This is because the water is re-circulated and none is lost to runoff. Hydroponics is also more space efficient, because plants can grow together more densely than in soil. Therefore using this method in UAE has its benefits.




Taking care of the growing plants is not a very easy task. It requires daily maintenance and care


Maintaining these plants daily requires around 12 hours. From trimming the old leaves to checking if the water is reaching every plant, to mixing the essential vitamins, to grooming and plucking the riping fruits, everything has to be attended to.


Sweet Corn



A bunch of red Cherry Tomato’s hang from the plant


Green Chili

Cucumbers Apart from staying fresh longer, fruit and vegetables grown in organic farms are found to have more antioxidants. Here in the UAE, organic farms are springing up all over the country as demand grows for fresh locally grown chemical free produce. There are many benefits of an organic diet especially for young children as their organs are developing. On average, organic food has high levels of vitamins, high levels of trace minerals and increased levels of antioxidants, which are cancer fighting compounds. Another reason why an organic diet is much prefered is due to education and how we as a community become aware to reduce our carbon footprint. These days many residents are quite protective about the environment and their obligation to minimize pollution from air, soil and water.

Arabic Salad leaf




“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.� - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Summer Squash 42

Green Pepper


Seeds of Future




“Even after a bad harvest there must be sowing.� -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Seeds that are sown here are hand picked by the Sheikha herself, to make sure that the seeds produce the best harvest. Above to the left we have packets of seeds brought from places like America, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia...etc. Where as the Fennel seeds (above to right) are from India and the seeds in the packets (below left) are extracted from the regular harvest.


Packing the Health Capsules




After the fruits and vegetables are harvested, they are then packaged and sent to various shops around the Emirates, like in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Dubai, and Mussafa (among the many). These produce are not taken to shop like Carrefour, Geant, Spinney’s... rather they are taken to local shops, where the produce is available to the residents at much cheaper price.


Choosing a Better Tomorrow



“Save the Planet... Buy Organic” ― -Nancy Philips

Every weekend citizens in different parts of the Emirates, flood these shops to buy 54 their weekly grocery which are fresh and can be availed at a good price. On asking various customers as to why they choose to do there weekly groceries from these local shops, they said: “It is easier for me to come to these shops because it is close to my house.” - Soma Chattopadhyay

“These shops sell fresh produce at a good price. And it is important to eat healthy!”

- Ajit Verma

“I hear that the products sold in the big shops are exposed to a lot of chemicals. Hence, to stay on the safer side I buy from these shops. And it is cheap.” - Aan Vas So, Stay Healthy. Eat Healthy. Go Organic.

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