Selected Works | Srina Desai
Srina Desai
Email : srina2@illinois.edu
Phone : +1 773 993 3600
Website www.srina.in
About me
I’m a creatively curious person, who loves to understand the built environment. I am passionate about exploring spaces that are people centric, and firmly believe in designing with balance for people and nature. I am an avid learner, strong observer and an adaptable team player.
Software Skills Hands on Skills Interests
Model Making
Wall Murals
Twinmotion Lumion
Workshops and Publications
Research Thesis
Understanding Shift of Wood Carving, Ahmedabad
Build with Earth
Exploring Rammed Earth as a material
Ahmedabad Heritage League
Mapping Urban Context of Heritage city
Aesthetics in Architecture
Decoding meaning of Culture in life and Architecture through various theories
Constructing Arches
Exploring Brick arches construction techniques
Sketchup School Certified Sketchup course with sketchupschool.com
Swimming Trekking Cycling Blogging
Rangoli (Sand art)
Documentation Work
Wooden Vernacular Houses
Bir, Himachal Pradesh, India
Aranya Housing by B.V Doshi
Low cost housing at Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Shilaj Community Housing
Shilaj, Ahmedabad, India
Dariyapur Textile Mills and housing
Dariyapur, Ahmedabad, India
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Masters of Landscape Architecture (ongoing) EcoArt Quad Reimagining college quad at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Illinois. Novartis Campus Park
and analysis of campus
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Architects. Bachelors of Architecture Urban Design - Marg A Community Center designed for a Low cost Housing.
Housing: In Context of Rising Urbanization
Community housing for Dariyapur mills and textiles.
Urban Mapping - Ahmedabad Heritage League
Urban maps generated for World Heritage City, Ahmedabad. Documentation Work Hand drafted drawings of documentated places.
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Compilation of in depth case studies for spatial and material studies Professional Works
Architecture, Interior and Landscape work during internship and freelance work period. Other works Exhibition work, Sketches, Paintings
EcoArt Quad
Location: South Quad, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Indiviual Project
The “EcoArt” quad project takes inspiration from the concepts of Patricia Johanson and her conjucture of Environmental planning and Art, for landscape architecture. The Quad is re-designed to ease movement in the existing site which focuses on pockets of spaces that are designed to be both ecological and social. The background grid is imaged as combination patches of green spaces that are combination of patches that focus on bio retention areas for the site, enhancing plant pockets that are also pollinator gardens, and lawn areas that are flexible spaces for the people to use. The idea remains to propose to a site that is social and environmentally balanced.
Novartis Campus Park
Location: Novartis Campus, Zurich, Switzerland
Indiviual Project
The project involved dissecting and understanding of Novartis Campus Park located inside the Novartis headquarters in Switzer land designed by Van Gogt Landscape Architects. The park’s design echoes the Rhine’s geomorphic and vegetative phenomena. The design references its surroundings, geologically and botanically, working mainly with natural vegetation. One of the main features of this park is it’s Hohlweg, which are narrow track cut into rammed earth walls, which are overgrown with vegetation. The study involved studying the park from it’s different layers and making a scale model to understand it’s materiality and fea tures.
Aranya Community Housing – BV Doshi
Aranya Community Housing – BV Doshi
Aranya Community Housing – BV Doshi
Location: Indore, India
Location: Indore, India
Indiviual Project
Indiviual Project
Hindi. It is an apt name for this incremental mixed-income housing project by Balkrishna Doshi in Indore It project should grow slowly, from the bottom up- in terms of economy as well as architecture. ‘The provides a setting for the continuation of the fundamental values of society’.
community of Aranya in Indore, India. Aranya Low cost housing is a commubeing an incremental housing. My design was focused on desigining a community center in the The intent of design was to design a “Marg” which means a street, using the existing typology of design was inserted as a diagonal street to the existing sectors, thus acting as a street itself, connectexisting Urban context, while responding to the community and being incremental in nature.
It is an apt name for this incremental mixed-income housing project by Balkrishna Doshi in Indore. It the project should grow slowly, from the bottom up- in terms of economy as well as architecture. ‘The provides a setting for the continuation of the fundamental values of society’
center, for the housing community of Aranya in Indore, India. Aranya Low cost housing is a commubeing an incremental housing. My design was focused on desigining a community center in the The intent of design was to design a “Marg” which means a street, using the existing typology of design was inserted as a diagonal street to the existing sectors, thus acting as a street itself, connectexisting Urban context, while responding to the community and being incremental in nature.
Hindi. It is an apt name for this incremental mixed-income housing project by Balkrishna Doshi in Indore. It the project should grow slowly, from the bottom up- in terms of economy as well as architecture. ‘The continuation of the fundamental
center, for the housing community of Aranya in Indore, India. Aranya Low cost housing is a commubeing an incremental housing. My design was focused on desigining a community center in the The intent of design was to design a “Marg” which means a street, using the existing typology of design was inserted as a diagonal street to the existing sectors, thus acting as a street itself, connectexisting Urban context, while responding to the community and being incremental in nature.
The studio focused on designing an Urban center, for the housing community of Aranya in Indore, India. Aranya Low cost housing is a commu nity designed by B.V Doshi, with the intent of it being an incremental housing. My design was focused on desigining a communit housing following it’s exisiting street patterns. The intent of design was to design a “Marg” which means a street, using the existing typology of the sectors designed in the housing. The design was inserted as a diagonal street to the existing sectors, thus acting as a street itself, connect ing the movement and the activities to it’s existing Urban context, while responding to the community and being incremental in nature. Aranya Community Housing
Aranya Community Housing
The studio focused on designing an Urban center, for the housing community of Aranya in Indore, India. Aranya Low cost housing is a commu nity designed by B.V Doshi, with the intent of it being an incremental housing. My design was focused on desigining a communit housing following it’s exisiting street patterns. The intent of design was to design a “Marg” which means a street, using the existing typology of the sectors designed in the housing. The design was inserted as a diagonal street to the existing sectors, thus acting as a street itself, connect ing the movement and the activities to it’s existing Urban context, while responding to the community and being incremental in nature.
Location: Indore, India
Indiviual Project
a setting for the continuation
The studio focused on designing an Urban center, for the housing community of Aranya in Indore, India. Aranya Low cost housing is a commu nity designed by B.V Doshi, with the intent of it being an incremental housing. My design was focused on desigining a communit housing following it’s exisiting street patterns. The intent of design was to design a “Marg” which means a street, using the existing typology of the sectors designed in the housing. The design was inserted as a diagonal street to the existing sectors, thus acting as a street itself, connect ing the movement and the activities to it’s existing Urban context, while responding to the community and being incremental in nature. Aranya Community Housing
The word Balkrishna Doshi reveals well as architecture indigenous
The studio focused on designing an Urban center, for the housing community of Aranya in Indore, India. Aranya Low cost hous ing is a community designed by B.V Doshi, with the intent of it being an incremental housing. My design was focused on desigin ing a community center in the housing following it’s exisiting street patterns. The intent of design was to design a “Marg” which means a street, using the existing typology ofthe sectors designed in the housing. The design was inserted as a diagonal street to the existing sectors, thus acting as a street itself, connecting the movement and the activities to it’s existing Urban context, while responding to the community and being incremental in nature.
Study of Street patterns in Aranya Low Cost Housing - identifying
Housing: In Context of Rising Urbanization
Location: Indore, India
The studio aimed at designing a housing in an environment conductive for co existence to what the site offers in terms of it’s resources, economic situations, historic context and existing typology. My design concept was to inhabit the community spaces in relation to my unit design and my site placement. The process that I took forward focused on responding to ‘part to whole’ and ‘whole to part’. Addressing the existing pre-historical context of Dariyapur. Developing the housing in relation to the past, present and the future. The units were designed to be flexible, as for future upscale for the project.
The studio aimed at designing a housing in an environment conductive for co existence to what the site offers in terms of it’s resources, economic situations, historic context and existing typology. My design concept was to inhabit the community spaces in relation to my unit design and my site placement. The process that I took forward focused on responding to ‘part to whole’ and ‘whole to part’. Addressing the existing pre-historical context of Dariyapur. Developing the housing in relation to the past, present and the future. The units were designed to be flexible.
The workshop aimed at mapping a part of the old city through documentation with maps, photos,
The city was thoroughly understood in aspects like heights, age of the buildings, drainage slopes,
Location: Ahmedabad, India The
Urban Mapping - Ahmedabad Heritage League
Location: Ahmedabad Indiviual work and Team work
The workshop aimed at mapping a part of the old city through documentation with maps, photos, videos, sketches and proposals. The city was thoroughly understood in aspects like heights, age of the buildings, drainage slopes, parking, waste managment, destroyed and ruined buildings and vegetation. The set of maps were then used to give different proposals to the city for arising problems in field of environment, planning, architecture, social issues etc.
Location: Indore, India
workshop aimed at documenting Aranyanagar Housing, understanding the utility of spaces, in terms of part to whole and whole to part. The study covered understanding the housing in terms of mapping, measuring and observing.
Location: Bir, Himachal Pradesh
Project Type: Groupwork Project type: Group work
The documentation involved mapping the activities, people, houses, typology etc. This gave us an insight into their practices as well as their lifestyles, commuting ways and their inhibition of climatic conditions.
The workshop aimed at documenting Aranyanagar Housing, understanding the utility of spaces, in terms of part to whole and whole to part. The study covered understanding the housing in terms of mapping, measuring and observing.
view of documented house
The documentation involved mapping the activities, people, houses, typology etc. This gave us an insight into their practices as well as their lifestyles, commuting ways and their inhibition of climatic conditions.
Instituitional Case Study
Location: None
Indiviual work
The exercise required analysis of selected instituition study, the analysis included volumetric, spatial, material study. The analysis required usto redraw the drawings and make 1.100 scale hand model of the instituition. Learnings from this case study were then implemented in our own instituition designs during our studio module.
Location: Gandhinagar, India
Project type: Freelance work
Location: Gandhinagar, India
Project type: Freelance work
The project consisted of designing a farmhouse for a family, that wanted a space that was well connected to it’s landscape. Here I had the oppurtunity to explore architectural, interior and landscape works. We were able to design an excellent outdoor space with deck and swimming pool area
Site plan - 1.200 scale
The project consisted of designing a farmhouse for a family, that wanted a space that was well connected to it’s landscape. Here I had the oppurtunity to explore architectural, interior and landscape works. We were able to design an excellent outdoor space with deck and swimming pool area along with house.
Location: Gandhinagar, India
Project type: Freelance work
The project consisted of designing a farmhouse for a family, that wanted a space that was well connected to it’s landscape. Here I had the oppurtunity to explore architectural, interior and landscape works. We were able to design an excellent outdoor space with deck and swimming pool area along with house.
The project involved designing a weekend farm house for the client, with requirements of a bungalow, outdoor swimming pool and deck area along with home garden facility. The plot was redesigned with green lawn spaces, that were flexible to use for various activities, and a two bedroom courtyard house was designed to host the people. The project became an interesting combination of architecture and landscape design, in a way where landscape became
Location: Gandhinagar, India
Project type: Freelance work
The project consisted of designing a farmhouse for a family, that wanted a space that was well connected to it’s landscape. Here I had the oppurtunity to explore architectural, interior and landscape works. We were able to design an excellent outdoor space with deck and swimming pool area along with house.
Site Plan for Sushir Farm
Constructed Site Photos
Other works
Location: India
Indiviual work
Combination of sketches, painting, wall murals, rangoli (sand art), exihibition of visual narratives that I have done.
The exhibition displayed historical research identities of the Old city of Ahmedabad, in the language of visual narratives. The exihibit explores key questions of commodity, age, power, market, authenticity, appropriation, politics, religion, beauty and identity and the roles they play in construction of the grand narrative of the city.
The exhibition displayed historical research identities of the Old city of Ahmedabad, in the language of visual narratives. The exihibit explores key questions of commodity, age, power, market, authenticity, appropriation, politics, religion, beauty and identity and the roles they play in construction of the grand narrative of the city.
The exhibition displayed historical research identities of the Old city of Ahmedabad, in the language of visual narratives. The exihibit explores key questions of commodity, age, power, market, authenticity, appropriation, politics, religion, beauty and identity and the roles they play in construction of the grand narrative of the city.