1 minute read

 CPULs explained

landscape to re-introduce it to the present lifestyle of the urban dwellers. One of which being Continuous Productive urban landscapes (CPUL)

The theory of Continuous Productive urban landscapes (CPUL), promotes the integration of agriculture into our public spaces and streets. At its essence, the theory is just an improved version or an extension of Ebenezer Howard‘s Garden city model. Unlike urban agriculture which just involves pop-up farms and gardens within the city that serves the community, CPULs integrates city planning with agriculture by identifying existing landscapes and modifying them into productive landscapes like boulevards and gardens that help to grow healthier food. Alongside food growth, CPULs aim to bring out a transformative idea on how landscape is perceived and at the same time helps in reducing the environmental impacts that the food industry causes


Overlaying the sustainable concept of Productive Urban Landscapes with the spatial concept of Continuous Landscapes proposes a new urban design strategy which would change the appearance of contemporary cities towards an unprecedented naturalism.9

 CPULs explained: - The CPULs are usually out in the open and not indoor landscapes. - CPULs are hugely productive along economic, social and environmental aspects and sustainable, offering the city a large number of positive lifestyle changes and no, if not, very few un-sustainable limitations. - CPUL‘s are green, natural spaces which may or may not be topographical in form.

- These continuous landscapes run all through the city connecting landscaped urban space, traversing through open landscapes in the centre of the city, such as, cultivated empty lots to gardens, parks to recreation

9http://library.uniteddiversity.coop/Food/Continuous_Productive_Urban_Landscapes.pdf 32

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