Funny experiences in hr screening calls applicant tracking system blog

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Funny Experiences in HR Screening Calls | Applicant Tracking System | Blog


Few months back we released a list of Funny Interview Answers by Candidates and got a phenomenal response from our readers. This time we got hold of HRs and recruiters from various companies and compiled a list of funny and witty HR Screening call scenarios. Here is our list to cheer you up for the day!

1. That’s it ? HR: Could you please introduce yourself? Candidate: I am Raj. (Long silence. HR is waiting to hear more)

2. Do you really think this is required! HR: Could you please say more about yourself? Candidate 1: I am Raj, I love food, esp. Chicken Biryani and blue is my favorite color… One more… Candidate 2: My name is Jai. I have two kids and both are sons…

3. Yes, that makes you the best fit for the job HR: What makes you a good fit for this position? Candidates: I am a hard­working, confident, motivated and a very proactive person. Also I am a quick learner. HR: And? (Long silence. HR is waiting to hear more)




Funny Experiences in HR Screening Calls | Applicant Tracking System | Blog

4. Wow! Career without a goal! HR: What are your career goals? Candidate:I want to be a good father! HR: Rather I want to know where do you like to see yourself in career perspective after next five years? Candidate: I see myself…. ahh! May be in your position. HR: Oh, the position we are talking about is actually above mine and this call is only for initial screening. Anyways, it was fun talking to you, Bye.

5. Don’t experiment your skills with your employer at stake. HR: Why do you want to work as call­center executive? Candidate: I want to work as call center executive because I want to improve my English speaking

6. So, you think you are the smartest! HR: What are you currently earning? Candidate: Sorry, I do not want to disclose my personal information. HR: What are your salary expectations in your new job ? Candidate: Hmm..! May I know what are you offering for this job ? HR: Sorry, I do not want to disclose my company information.

7. Don’t be a “I didn’t think” guy. HR: Are you willing to relocate? Candidate: I am not sure, I will tell you after joining the job. HR: Given that you have got this job, when will you be able to start? Candidate: Ahh.. Gosh..! I have to think about. May be, I will let you know after getting the offer letter. So when can I appear for the interview? HR: Ahh…we didn’t think about it. OK, Bye.

8. You can handle pretty much everything HR: Are you legally eligible to work in this country? Candidate: Actually, I am not. But I can handle it. HR: Oh, are you at work now? Candidate: Yes. HR: Great, soon a police officer would see you.

9. Isn’t it dumb of you to say so ! HR: Why do you think we should hire you? Candidate: Because I am awesome and it would be really dumb of you to not hiring me.




Funny Experiences in HR Screening Calls | Applicant Tracking System | Blog

HR: Really! Then I prefer to be dumb.

10. You are really strong. Yeah, that’s a lovable weakness. HR: What are your significant strengths? Candidate: My biggest strength is kick­boxing. I used to be heavy 3 years ago but I have cut down since then. HR: I did not mean about your physical strengths, I would rather like to know more related to your interpersonal skills. Now tell me, what are your considerable weaknesses? Candidate: Oh! OK. Hmm.. Personal! Then my wife is my biggest weakness. (Giggles from the HR) For a more cheerful day, manage your recruitment process through free applicant tracking software. This tool can help you automate your hiring process through free job posting services, bulk email to talent pool, online applicant tracking reports, managing team reports and much more.

You might also be interested in reading: What Candidates say and What they mean



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