Use Canara Bank Home Loan Calculator To Know Your EMIs To estimate your monthly loan installments you must use an EMI calculator for the approx. calculations of your borrowed loan amount. Canara Bank provides you home loan services at an attractive rate of interest to buy a house, property, etc. You can easily determine the home loan installments using the Canara Bank home loan calculator that gives you the calculated EMI of your home loan in just a few seconds. In the given article, you’ll know how to use an EMI calculator and the benefits of using it. How to use a home loan EMI calculator? It is a simple device you can find your loan EMI by just entering your loan details inside the Canara Bank home loan calculator. The home loan EMI calculator works on the formula [P x R x (1+R)^N]/[(1+R)^N-1], P is your borrowed principal loan amount, R is the applicable home loan interest and N is your loan repayment duration. By taking all this into account the EMI calculator makes the calculations and provides approximate EMI of your loan amount. Suppose, someone is borrowing a loan amount of Rs. 30 lakh from Canara Bank to buy a property at an interest rate of 8.75% on a loan repayment duration of 30 years. To calculate the monthly loan installment of the home loan he/she uses the Canara Bank home loan calculator, which provides EMI of your home loan instantly that would be Rs. 25,691.11. Advantages of using Canara Bank home loan calculator When you use a home loan EMI calculator then it will provide you benefits like. Fast & Accurate Result: The EMI calculator generates your monthly loan installments in milliseconds which is quite quick. Without making any miscalculation you’ll get estimated EMI of your loan amount. Easy Management of Home Loan: You can decide your loan tenure according to the estimated EMI, you can pay high EMIs on your home loan for a short period to easily pay off the loan amount. Instead, you can also choose a longer tenure and easily pay off the loan EMI Canara Bank home loan calculator makes it easier for you to plan your home loan. Canara Bank Home Loan Features Canara Bank provides you a home loan at a flexible tenure up to 30 years with a minimum EMI of INR 787 on Rs. 1 lac amount. To make it affordable for the customers, the bank offers you housing loans at an attractive rate of interest starting from 8.75%. Compute your monthly loan installments using the Canara Bank home loan calculator, which provides you the total payable
amount of your home loan. The home loan EMI calculator present your EMI in the form of a pie-chart. Now, easily plan your ​home loan​ with Canara Bank by using the home loan calculator that provides you the calculated monthly installments of your home loan. It is a simple device you just need to enter your home loan details like principal amount, interest rate and loan duration and it will provide you the EMI in just a few seconds.