American Express Credit Card - The Best Thing You Can Have in your Wallet Nowadays, everybody is having a credit card in his/her wallet. But when it comes to having a premium credit card in your wallet, you can not compare anything with an American Express credit card because of the exclusive range of credit cards it has at its disposal. It doesn’t matter what your need is. Whether you’re looking for benefits on online shopping or being a frequent traveler, you’re looking for travel benefits or looking for a card that can give you a ton of reward points, there is a fully exclusive American Express credit card just for your needs. ‘ Before learning about the features of them, let me tell you why it’s important to have an A merican Express credit card. Well, first of it helps you in creating the creditworthiness by regularly paying your bills on time and helps you in a financial emergency. You don’t need to ask for funds from your family in such times, instead, you can use your credit card. We will be telling you about some of the top-class American Express (AMEX) credit cards in this article so that you could know more about the features of them. What are some of the most popular American Express Credit Cards among the customers? American Express SmartEarn Credit Card: ● As the name suggests, this American Express Credit card helps you in earning accelerated reward points. If you are a shopaholic and travel via Uber most of the times, then this card will be perfect for you as it gives 10x membership reward points on spending every INR 50 on Flipkart and Uber and 5x reward points on spending every INR 50 on Amazon, Swiggy, BookMyShow, etc. ● You can also get a cashback of INR 500 on spending INR 10,000 before 90 days of card issuance. American Express Platinum Travel Credit Card: ● A perfect choice for the individuals who like to travel frequently as this card gives you travel vouchers more than worth INR 7,700 on spending INR 1.90 lakhs in a year and additional vouchers of more than INR 11,800 on spending 4 lakhs in a year. ● You can also enjoy 4 complimentary visits to the airport lounges across India. American Express Membership Reward Credit Card: ● This card by American Express gives you freedom from having cash every time in your pocket. With this card, you can simply earn 1,000 bonus membership reward points just by using your card to transact INR 1,000 or above for four times every month. ● You can redeem all your reward points from the exclusive 18k and 24k Karat gold collection in which you can get an exciting reward such as Amazon e-voucher, Bose Bluetooth Speaker, Tanishq Vouchers, Statement Credit worth of INR 10,000, etc. American Express Platinum Reserve Credit Card: ● This American Express credit card is just a blessing in disguise for those individuals who love to do online shopping or Movies as every year, this card gives movies or online shopping vouchers worth of INR 6,000. ● With this credit card, you can enjoy the benefits across categories like lounge access, health & wellness, Golf, Fine Dining, Lodging Memberships. ● Apart from the expenses made on fuel, insurance, utilities, and cash transactions, you will get 1 membership reward points on every INR 50 spent.