Axis Mutual Fund SIP Method Gives Consistent Returns With Low-risk rate Mutual funds are known for high returns but also everyone is aware of its associated risks. But, when you invest in Axis Mutual Fund schemes it will provide you the desired return. You must be thinking how it is possible? Using the Axis Mutual Fund SIP method you can get the benefit of suitable returns. SIP which is also known as the Systematic Investment Plan is considered to be the most beneficial way of mutual fund investment to know its benefits read the given article. Which are the Top Axis Mutual Fund Schemes? You can invest in the desired mutual fund scheme by checking its current net asset value and estimated return. Before you know about the SIP investment method first look at some of the Top-performing schemes by the Axis Mutual Fund Ltd. which is as follows: Axis Equity Saver Fund: This Axis mutual fund scheme provides a higher return to the investor by investing in equity and equity-related instruments to generate a long-term capital appreciation. The investor also gets a tax savings benefit under this scheme. Current Axis Mutual fund NAV of the scheme is INR 13.44 according to Value Research report. Axis Treasury Advantage Fund: Investor would get consistent returns at low risk if they invest in this scheme. Axis Mutual Fund NAV of the scheme is INR 2,213 and invest the assets in debt and money market instruments. Axis Banking & PSU Debt Fund: For stable returns from your mutual fund investments invest in this Axis Mutual Fund Scheme. It allocates the assets in debt and money market instruments of banks and public sector companies or their fund units. The net asset value of the fund of this scheme is INR 1,873. Axis Long Term Equity Fund: By investing in this ELSS or equity-linked saving scheme the investor can generate a regular capital growth by investing in large-cap companies. It invests using a diversified portfolio of equity and equity-related securities’ current Axis Mutual Fund NAV of the scheme is INR 22. Why Axis Mutual Fund SIP is a better investment method? As you must have known if you are a regular investor that you can invest in the axis mutual fund scheme by two methods lump sum and SIP. And it is some times becomes difficult to choose the right investment method for the desired Axis Mutual fund scheme. In that situation, you can take the help of a financial advisor to get the right investment method. But for low risk management, the advisor would suggest the Axis Mutual Fund SIP method. Because in an SIP
a fixed amount is invested in the desired mutual fund scheme on a monthly, quarterly, annually or yearly basis. The benefit of the Axis mutual fund SIP is that with the help of this you can track the status of your fund via account statement and can estimate its return benefit. Although you can also use the Axis Mutual Fund SIP calculator to know the benefits you will get from the desired mutual fund scheme. So, if you want to invest in mutual funds then always use the Axis SIP method for your investment.