Are Equity Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Schemes a Good Investment Avenue?

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Are Equity Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Schemes a Good Investment Avenue?

Franklin Templeton, an American investment company, is one of the top performing mutual fund companies operating in India. Templeton mutual fund schemes has generated good returns over the years. It can be an ideal investment option if you are looking for investing in any mutual fund scheme be it, debt, equity or hybrid schemes. Before we dive deep into specifically which equity ​Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Schemes offers high returns, first, let’s understand which type of mutual fund is growth-oriented. Equity schemes are risky instruments but they have proved in the past that the risk is worth it. So if you have a long term investment horizon, equity schemes may bring you better returns than other schemes. On the other hand, a scheme which invests primarily in debt gives you moderate returns and high liquidity options. Besides this, there are hybrid funds that invest in both equity and debt. However, their percentage may differ based on whether it is an equity oriented or debt oriented scheme. Since the question of the hour is for best returns, let’s discuss some of the equity schemes by Templeton schemes which provides good returns. Franklin India Bluechip Fund: ​This is one of the best ​Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Schemes​, which was set up with a primary objective to generate capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity related securities of large cap companies. The companies that fall under 1-100 in terms of market capitalization as disclosed by AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds of India) are known as large cap companies. This scheme is managed by highly efficient managers - Anand Radhakrishnan, Roshi Jain & Pyari Menon. The fund has shown phenomenal rate of return since inception. The 5 year rate of return is 6.16%. Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund: ​All the people looking for capital appreciation, this fund will surely delight you. The scheme was conceived with an objective to generate long term capital appreciation for investors by investing in a portfolio of equity and equity related securities of companies that have small market capitalization. 80% of the portfolio consists of investment in equity. Whereas the remaining 20% is invested in debt to balance the risk factor. The fund has shown extraordinary returns in terms of rate of return. The 5 year rate of return is 12.31%

(which is exceptionally good). The fund is managed by a very skillful managers, Janakiraman Rengaraju, Pyari Menon & Hari Shyamsunder, backed by many accolades to his name in the finance sector. Franklin India Tax Shield (ELSS) Fund:​ If you are looking for capital growth and at the same time want to earn tax benefits, this scheme is meant for you. This Franklin India TaxShield​ ​Fund was set up with an objective to provide investors with long term capital growth and also provide tax benefit under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The fund has shown an upward trajectory in terms of returns. The five year CAGR on this scheme is 8.57%. Fund is managed by Mr. Lakshmikanth Reddy & Janakiraman Rengaraju. Are there Ways for retrieving Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Statement Online for Investors? The moment you log in to the website of Franklin ​Mutual Fund​. On the right of the page, you’ll see the “Get your Account Statement”. Click on that and you’ll be directed to a page, where you’ll be asked for a Folio number and the time period of the statement that you require. Just click on the download button and you’ll get to have a look at your ​Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Statement Online​. There is one more way to retrieve Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Statement Online - through the website of some financial technology companies. Note:​ The return data mentioned in this article is as of today. It is dynamic in nature, changes according to market movements. Disclaimer:​ Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, kindly read all scheme related documents carefully before investing.

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