How To Check CIBIL Score From Online Credit Bureau? CIBIL score is a three digit number that represents your credit capacity to the bank or non banking financial company. A good CIBIL score makes you eligible for a credit card or loan and you can get easy approval. But how to check free CIBIL score? You can check your CIBIL score from CIBIL Transunion, it is an online credit bureau that provides free CIBIL checks to the customers. To know about the free CIBIL check and its importance read the given article. Free CIBIL score check from CIBIL You can visit the official website of TransUnion CIBIL and check your credit score for free by creating an account. To create a CIBIL account you just have to submit a few details in the online application form such as Email, mobile number, PAN details, name, etc. When your account is created you can check the free CIBIL score. Now you know how to check CIBIL score from CIBIL. The credit score ranges from 300 to 900 and the average score for an easy loan and credit card approval is 700. How to maintain a healthy CIBIL score? To maintain a good score you just have to follow the below mentioned tips. Timely Bill and EMI payments: For a healthy score, you need to make timely bill payments of your credit card bills without any late payment charges. Because if you make late payments of your loan EMI and credit card it affects your CIBIL score. And, if you have made late payments and contain dues of credit bills then at the time of free CIBIL score check your score would be below 700. So, try to avoid late payments on your credit card and loan EMIs. Balance loans: You can also maintain your credit score by applying for an equal number of unsecured and secured loans. Because a large number of unsecured loans can ruin your credit report and score as well. Low credit utilization ratio: If you make payments from your credit card smartly without making any extra credit out of any purpose then your credit utilization ratio will be 40%. And a low credit utilization ratio helps in building a good CIBIL score you can check your free CIBIL score from Transunion CIBIL. What is the advantage of a good CIBIL score? The benefit of a high CIBIL score is that it enhances your loan or card application and if the score is good you can also negotiate for a lower interest rate on your borrowed amount. Several banks and NBFCs check the credit score to know the creditworthiness of the individual. You know how to check CIBIL score so if you are applying for a loan or credit then check a free
CIBIL score from CIBIL Transunion. You can subscribe for the premium plans to get tailored credit card and loan offers according to your score. A minimum CIBIL score is required for credit card, personal loan and home loan so, if you don’t know your score check it for free from CIBIL.