Is Indiabulls Personal Loan interest rate suitable to meet your financial needs? When you are in an urgent need of money and do not have any sources to fulfill them in this situation you can apply for the Indiabulls personal loan. It is an unsecured loan and you don’t have to pay higher interest rates on your loan amount, as Indiabulls personal loan interest rates are affordable for every customer. Read this article to know about the Indiabulls personal loan and its features. What are the advantages of Indiabulls personal loan? From Indiabulls, you can avail a loan amount up to INR 15 lakh depending on your loan eligibility. You can repay the borrowed loan amount in equated monthly installments (EMI) with a flexible loan tenure of 12 to 36 months. And, with an attractive Indiabulls personal loan interest rate which is starting from 11.99% per annum. You must be thinking it is the idol personal loan for you, but before applying for the loan you should meet the loan eligibility criteria for the approval. Because personal loans are collateral-free and financial companies like Indiabulls can’t recover their loan amount, if an applicant doesn’t pay the EMIs. Indiabulls personal loan eligibility for the loan approval Indiabulls provide you a personal loan if your minimum age during the loan application procedure is 21 years and you have a regular flow of income. Any Indian citizen can avail the Indiabulls personal loan whether he/she is salaried, self-employed professional or self-employed non-professional. Self-employed applicants need to submit their Income Tax Return (ITR)report of the last 3 years for the loan approval. Otherwise, salaried applicants should have a stable job and net monthly income of INR 20,000 to avail Indiabulls personal loan. So, if you fit in these eligibility criteria then you can apply for a personal loan from Indiabulls. But it is not an easy task to get a personal loan, you have to pay a mandatory fee and charge on your loan which doesn't include the Indiabulls personal loan interest rate. Compulsory fee and charges on your Indiabulls personal loan You have to pay a processing fee for your personal loan which is 3% to 5% of your borrowed amount. Also, you can reduce the burden of EMIs through prepayment of the loan after paying the 6 month EMI of your Indiabulls personal loan. The prepayment and foreclosure charge is 5% of your outstanding loan amount such as if you have an outstanding amount of INR 90,000 then your prepayment charge would be INR 4,500. Get Indiabulls personal loan and fulfill your requirements Now satisfy your urgent need of money with Indiabulls personal loan and use the amount for education funding, marriage expenses, medical emergencies and other personal usage.
Because you can apply for the Indiabulls personal loan via online for a trouble-free loan sanction and disbursal. And you can also apply for the loan with the help of Indiabulls Dhani Personal Loans app. Simply apply for the loan by going to the Indiabulls website or through the mobile app login by entering your mobile number an OTP will be sent on your number enter it. After that choose your desired loan amount and submit your PAN details and address proof. Then you’ll get the notification on your number if the loan is approved.