Lowest Muthoot Finance Home Loan Interest Rate To Support Your Housing Loan When you are looking for a financer for your purchase of a house or property the prominent thing you are looking for is the lowest rate of interest, your wish came true with affordable Muthoot finance home loan interest rate. Muthoot Finance is a non banking financial company (NBFC) which provides home loans to the customers so that they can buy a house or property. To know more about the Muthoot Finance home loans you must read the given article. Muthoot finance housing loan details It provides you a wide range of home loan products like loan for purchase of a new house, property, Home loan Top-ups for extension and renovation and loan for an under construction house. Muthoot Finance offers you a flexible loan repayment duration on home loans and the tenure may vary depending on the scheme. For example, if you take a home loan to buy a new house or property the maximum loan duration is up to 25 years whereas maximum loan tenure for home loan top-ups is 15 years. The Muthoot Finance home loan interest rate is depended on the bank marginal cost fund based lending rate (MCLR). How you can choose an appropriate home loan interest rate? Your home loan interest rate can be fixed and don’t change during the loan tenure if you choose a fixed interest rate on your Muthoot finance home loan. Otherwise, you can take a flexible interest rate on your home loan to get changeable interest rates on your borrowed outstanding amount. Muthoot Finance home loan interest rate (flexible) depends on the base lending rate and revised annually or quarterly, which helps in reducing your loan EMIs. You can use the Muthoot Finance home loan EMI calculator to estimate your loan EMIs by which you can determine the EMI benefits of taking a flexible or fixed interest rates on the borrowed principal amount. Hassle free housing services with Muthoot finance home loan With Muthoot finance, effortless housing services you can finance your house, property or renovate your home. Because Muthoot finance home loan interest rate (floating) is starting from 12.5% per annum and you can avail a home loan up to INR 50 lakh. It provides home loans to salaried, self-employed, NRI and PIO. You can repay the borrowed loan amount in equated monthly loan installments (EMI) and calculate the EMIs using Muthoot Finance home loan EMI calculator. It is a device that takes into account your home loan details and generates an approximate loan EMI.
So by the above mentioned information on Muthoot Finance home loan, you can estimate its benefits it is providing to you when you take a home loan from it. All in all, Muthoot Finance is a perfect companion for your housing services whether you are taking loan for purchase of a ready built house or home renovation. With its affordable rate of interest and easy payment options of ECS, PDC and auto-debit you will never face any trouble regarding the home loan services.