How can you get a Personal Loan without Income Proof in an easy way? Personal financial needs always come without any prior information. They don’t consider your type of employment. Whether you are a salaried or self-employed individual, they treat you with equal measure. For such uninformed financial needs, there are several banks and NBFCs provide personal loan facilities to needy customers in a hassle-free and easy way. As personal loans are unsecured loans, which means that you don’t have to pledge any kind of security against them, lenders always check your income proof to check your repayment capability and cancel their risk factor attached to the loan. For salaried individuals, it is easier to show the income proof in order to get a personal loan, but it’s a bit difficult for self-employed. But what I tell you that you can get a personal loan without income proof? Well, you must be jumping out with joy if you are a self-employed individual. Well, it is possible with a Fullerton India personal loan, especially for self-employed professionals. In this article, we will be telling you everything about this loan facility which will cover features of it, eligibility, required documents, and many more things. So keep reading to know more! What are the features of Fullerton India Personal Loan for Self-employed? First, we would like to tell you that if you are a self-employed individual and want to avail of a Fullerton India personal loan without income proof, then the first condition would be to apply for the loan with someone who has a solid income proof. And in such cases, the individual who is submitting the income proof would share the higher responsibility in repaying the loan. Now, let’s look at some exciting features of Fullerton India’s personal loan. ● With this loan scheme from Fullerton India, self-employed individuals can get upto a loan amount of INR 10 lakhs. But in certain cases where the overall profile of a candidate is creditworthy, then it could get upto an amount of INR 30 lakhs. ● You can repay the loan amount easily in the period ranging from 12 months to a maximum of 60 months. ● Fullerton India also offers pretty affordable interest rates ranging from 12.99% to a maximum of 36% per annum. This also depends on a number of factors such as residing city, employment stability, existing monthly obligations, CIBIL score, etc. ● The documentation and approval process for this personal loan without income proof is also free from any stress. You won’t need to break any sweat. ● Also, the existing customers of Fullerton India can get special benefits on this personal loan scheme. ● If you are a self-employed professional, then you could apply for this loan facility by visiting the official website of the Fullerton India. Apart from this, you could also apply through the Mobile Application or you could visit to the nearest branch. Let’s know about the Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility will depend on the factors mentioned below. ● Your Yearly Profit after Tax Deduction ● Existing Obligations including the Credit Card debt ● Financial Position according to your Bank Statement of the last 6 months ● Your CIBIL score ● Residing City ● Your Age Fullerton India will consider all these factors before sanctioning you the loan amount.