How Can an RBL Blockbuster Credit Card Help You Enjoy Exclusive Offers? Since the launch of the credit card in India, it has come a long way from being a piece of plastic to being the most important part of a person’s wallet. It would be very difficult for many people to think of their daily life without their credit card, it has become such an inseparable part of their lives. Nowadays, any person who has got a regular income in his hands can choose from a wide range of c redit cards made available by various banks and financial companies. RBL Bank is one of the leading Indian private banks that also provide the credit card facility. Out of many amazing credit cards that it provides, the RBL Blockbuster credit card is the one with the features that will make you fall in love with this card. Loaded with amazing benefits, rewards, and many other offers on dining, shopping, and entertainment, this card will be the perfect one for you to choose if you’re looking to live a blockbuster life ahead. As stated on the website of RBL bank, you can save upto INR 29,950 by the RBL Blockbuster credit card. In this article, we will be telling you about the amazing features of this credit card and also about the application process so that you don’t have any kind of doubt in your mind regarding this credit card. What are the several prominent features of the RBL Blockbuster Credit Card that make it stand out? You can have a look at some of the amazing benefits and welcome offers that this card lets you enjoy. Welcome Benefits: ● As the RBL Blockbuster credit card is backed by BookMyShow, you can enjoy movies and events worth of INR 1,000 or 4 free movie tickets on ticket bookings. ● Apart from this, you will also get 8,000 reward points. ● You can earn all these welcome benefits in simple steps. First, you need to download the RBL MyCard Mobile Application. After this, you just need to make the first transaction within 30 days of card issuance. Then, you just have to pay the joining fee by the due date of your statement. RBL Reward Program: ● Except for the transaction made on fuel, you wil get 2 reward points on spending every INR 100 on anything. ● RBL takes care of your dining on weekends by giving you accelerated 20 reward points on spending per INR 100 in order to make payment of your dining bills. You can earn a maximum of 2,000 reward points in a billing cycle. ● You can earn 10,000 reward points by spending INR 3.5 lakhs in a year. ● Besides this, you can earn additional 15,000 reward points by spending INR 5 lakhs in a year. Entertainment Rewards: ● If you spend INR 20,000 in a month, you can get two free tickets on any bookings of movies or events at BookMyShow. ● Also, you will get a flat 10% off on a maximum of 15 transactions in a year on booking at BookMyShow. Additional Offers:
● If you’re a frequent flyer, then you’ll be amazed by the four complimentary visits to domestic airport lounges in a year. ● You can get a fuel surcharge waiver of INR 150 in a month on the fuel transactions between INR 500 to INR 4,000. Fees and Charges: RBL Bank has fixed both joining and annual fees on the RBL Blockbuster credit card as INR 3,000. But you need to understand that in return of mere 3,000, you will be getting total benefits of approximately INR 30,000. How can you apply for the RBL Blockbuster Credit Card? You can apply for this RBL credit card by just submitting an application form available on the official website of RBL Bank. You will just have to fill a few basic details such as name, DOB, residing city, annual income, PAN Card number, etc. The representatives from the RBL bank will contact you back regarding your application.