Durga Puja Expenses 2017

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       - 2017  , , ,            .        .      ,  ,       ,          .       /    ()


 


 


 


  

28,700 16,000





 (4 )  

1,89,000 

9,700 3, 57, 200

‘‘         ;       .’’ -     P.T.O.

Sri Sri Durga Puja & Sri Sri Lakshmi Puja-2017 Dear Devotees and Friends, Namaste! Sri Sri Durga Puja and Sri Sri Lakshmi Puja will be celebrated at the Math. We shall be glad to have the pleasure of your company and your friends on the occasion. The devotees are requested to take part in these Puja and also contribute their mite towards the estimated expenses as part or as a whole and receive the blessings of The Holy Trinity, Sri Sri Durga Devi and Sri Sri Lakshmi Devi. PUJA AND OTHER EXPENSES Image base table


Kumkum and Other Puja Items


Sweets for Durga Puja Other offering Items for Durga Puja


Flowers for Durga Puja


Fruits for Durga Puja


Invitation Printing Charges


Postal Charges Banners

16,000 10,000


Prasad expenses for 4 Days and Food expenses on Duraga Puja Days Ayudha Puja expenses

1,89,000 9,700


3, 57, 200

"The rich should serve God and His devotees with money, and the poor worship God by repeating His Name" - Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi P.T.O.

Sri Sri Durga Puja & Sri Sri Lakshmi Puja-2017

Contribution Form Name : Address :

Pincode : Email

Mobile :


Offering for: ........................................................... ` .......................... Cheque


Date:................... Signature * Donations are eligible for tax exemption under Section 80(G) of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. * Our Pan is AAATR3497G * Bank Details * All Donations to be made in the name of 'Sri Ramakrishna Math' Bank & Branch : United Bank of India Mylapore, Chennai - 600004 Account Number : 1511010123990 Bank code No : 600027009 IFSC : UTBI0SRM842 "0" to be taken as 'zero' Sri Ramakrishna Math, 31, Sri Ramakrishna Math Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. & : 2462 1110. e-mail : mail@chennaimath.org, donations.chennaimath.org P.T.O.

       2017  





: :   :     .....................................   ........................... 


: ..................


*           80G-   . *  Pan: AAATR3497G  ' '    . : UNITED BANK OF INDIA,   *     : 1511010123990 Bank code No. : 600027009 IFSC : UTBI0SRM842 "0" to be taken as 'zero'  , 31,   , ,  - 600 004. & : 2462 1110. email : mail@chennaimath.org, donations.chennaimath.org P.T.O.

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